Level Antonyms

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• Antonyms 1 Level 1

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. down A. evening
B. above B. noon
C. inside C. yesterday

2. GIVE 7. FAT

A. share A. short
B. take B. thick
C. release C. skinny


A. huge A. sell
B. big B. have
C. small C. hold


A. glad A. stop
B. sad B. end
C. calm C. start


A. happiness A. free
B. rage B. loose
C. stupidity C. firm

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word up means toward the sky. When you throw a ball up in the air, you toss it above you. The opposite of up is
toward the ground. Because down means toward the ground, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because above means at a higher level or layer. This is almost the same as up, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because inside means situated within or in the middle of something. This is not the opposite of up.

2) B
The word give means to freely hand over something to someone else. When your friend places a pencil in your hand, he
or she is giving you a pencil. The opposite of giving is receiving something from someone else. Because take means to
gain possession of something, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because share means to give a portion of something to someone else. This is almost the same as give,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because release means to set free or let something go. This is not the opposite of give, since releasing
and giving both involve losing possession of something.

3) C
The word large means of great size. For example, a mountain is a very large object. The opposite of large is of a lesser or
littler size. Because small means little or of a size that is less than normal, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because huge means very big. This is almost the same as large, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because big means of great size. This is the same as large, not the opposite of it.

4) A
The word unhappy means sad or not happy. When one hears bad news, he or she becomes unhappy. The opposite of
unhappy is happy. Because glad means happy or pleased, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because sad means unhappy. This is the same as unhappy, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because calm means relaxed or free from stress. This is not the opposite of unhappy, because being calm
is not the same as being happy.

5) A
The word anger means a strong feeling of annoyance or displeasure. When someone is mad or really upset, he or she is
feeling anger. The opposite of anger is a feeling of pleasure or contentment. Because happiness is the state of being
happy or feeling pleasure, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because rage is violent, uncontrollable anger. This is almost the same as anger, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because stupidity is the state of being unintelligent or dumb. This is not the opposite of anger.

6) B
The word midnight means twelve o’clock at night. Monday turns to Tuesday at midnight, since midnight is the end of one
day and the beginning of another. The opposite of midnight is the mid-point of the day. Because noon is twelve o’clock in
the day and the mid-point of the day, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because evening is the part of the day that lasts from the end of the workday to the time at which people
go to sleep. This is not the opposite of midnight, because both evening and midnight are during the night.

(C) is incorrect because yesterday is the day before today. This is not the opposite of midnight, because midnight is not
the same as today.

7) C
The word fat means having a large amount of flesh or being large in size. For example, most pigs are fat. The opposite of
fat is thin. Because skinny means very thin, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because short means small in height. This is not the opposite of fat, because fat is not the same as tall.

(B) is incorrect because thick means wide in width or depth. This is not the opposite of fat, since someone who is fat is
likely also thick.

8) A

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The word buy means to acquire in exchange for money. Once you buy something, you own it. The opposite of buy is to
give something away for money. Because sell means to give or hand over in exchange for money, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because have means to possess or hold. This is not the opposite of buy, because having something is not
the same as giving something away.

(C) is incorrect because hold means to keep in a specified position. This is not the opposite of buy, since one might keep
something he or she has bought rather than exchange it again for money.

9) C
The word quit means to stop doing an activity. When you stop playing a game, you have quit it. The opposite of quit is to
continue or begin an activity. Because start means to begin to do something, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because stop means to cease doing something. This is the same as quit, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because end means to finish or bring to a final point. This is almost the same as quit, not the opposite of it.

10) B
The word tight means close-fitting. Pants that are tight are likely uncomfortable, as they do not have much extra space.
The opposite of tight is roomy or not fitting tightly or closely. Because loose means not fitting tightly or closely, choice (B)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because free means not physically tied up or restrained. This is not the opposite of tight, because free is
not the same as roomy.

(C) is incorrect because firm means solidly in place. This is not the opposite of tight, since something that is firm might
also be tight.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 1

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. become A. taller
B. exist B. lower
C. die C. smaller


A. different A. healthy
B. same B. ill
C. usual C. poor


A. mean A. normal
B. lovely B. odd
C. ugly C. strange


A. everything A. combine
B. anybody B. separate
C. something C. group


A. aged A. excellent
B. used B. terrible
C. young C. scary

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word live means to be alive or to continue to exist. Anyone who exists in reality and has not yet died lives. The
opposite of live is to cease being alive. Because die means to stop living, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because become means to begin to be. This is not the opposite of live, since becoming is not the same as
stopping life.

(B) is incorrect because exist means to be alive. This is the same as live, not the opposite of it.

2) A
The word alike means similar to each other. Two Siberian huskies probably look alike, since they are of the same breed.
The opposite of alike is dissimilar. Because different means not like each other, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because same means identical. This is almost the same as alike, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because usual means typical or common. This is not the opposite of alike, since two things that are alike
might not be unusual.

3) C
The word pretty means good-looking or attractive. Someone who is pleasant to look at is usually pretty. The opposite of
pretty is unattractive or bad-looking. Because ugly means unpleasant in appearance, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because mean means unkind. This is not the opposite of pretty, since pretty is not the same as nice or

(B) is incorrect because lovely means very beautiful. This is almost the same as pretty, not the opposite of it.

4) A
The word nothing means no single thing. If someone says there is nothing wrong, then not anything is wrong. The
opposite of nothing is all things. Because everything is all things, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because anybody means any single person. This is not the opposite of nothing, since nothing is not the
same as nobody.

(C) is incorrect because something is an unspecified object. This is not the opposite of nothing, because nothing is not the
same as a specific object.

5) C
The word old means advanced in age or years. Your grandfather is likely old. The opposite of old is new or having lived
for a short time. Because young means low in age or having lived for only a short time, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because aged means having lived for a long time. This is the same as old, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because used means having already been used or not new. This is almost the same as old, not the
opposite of it.

6) B
The word higher means farther above ground. For example, a skyscraper’s roof is likely higher than the roof of your
house. The opposite of higher is closer to the ground. Because lower means less high or closer to the ground, choice (B)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because taller means of a greater height. This is almost the same as higher, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because smaller means lesser in size. This is not the opposite of higher, because higher is not the same
as larger. For example, a bird could fly higher in the air than a helicopter, even though the helicopter might be larger than
the bird.

7) A
The word sick means affected by physical or mental illness. When you are sick, you do not feel well. The opposite of sick
is in good health. Because healthy means well or in good health, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because ill means in poor health. This is the same as sick, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because poor means lacking money or wealth. This is not the opposite of sick.

8) A

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The word weird means strange or supernatural. For example, a ghost or vampire would be a weird thing to see. The
opposite of weird is usual, common, or typical. Because normal means usual or typical, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because odd means strange or unusual. This is almost the same as weird, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because strange means unusual or different. This is almost the same as weird, not the opposite of it.

9) B
The word gather means to come together or assemble. When a king gathers his army, he brings all of his troops together.
The opposite of gather is to divide into parts. Because separate means to cause to be apart or divided, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because combine means to unite or merge together to form one thing. This is almost the same as gather,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because group means to put together in a group or groups. This is almost the same as gather, not the
opposite of it.

10) A
The word horrible means very unpleasant or likely to cause terror or horror. A horrible event is one that no one enjoys.
The opposite of horrible is very pleasant or wonderful. Because excellent means extremely good or pleasant, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because terrible means awful or extremely unpleasant. This is almost the same as horrible, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because scary means frightening. This is almost the same as horrible, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 1

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. never A. polite
B. usually B. kind
C. regularly C. awful


A. small A. positive
B. short B. uncertain
C. huge C. definite


A. slice A. leave
B. whole B. welcome
C. piece C. travel


A. wise A. hate
B. dumb B. love
C. sad C. avoid


A. trouble A. none
B. ease B. many
C. enjoyment C. some

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word often means commonly or frequently occurring. Something that happens every day (such as the mail getting
delivered) happens often. The opposite of often is infrequently or not ever happening. Because never means not ever
happening, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because usually means occurring or done frequently. This is almost the same as often, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because regularly means occurring or done frequently. This is almost the same as often, not the opposite
of it.

2) C
The word tiny means very small in size. A mouse is an example of a tiny animal. The opposite of tiny is very large in size.
Because huge means very large in size, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because small means not large in size. This is almost the same as tiny, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because short means small in height. This is not the opposite of tiny, because something that is short
might be tiny.

3) B
The word part means a piece or segment of something. A slice of pizza is a part of the whole pizza. The opposite of part
is all of something. Because the whole is all of something, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a slice is a thin piece or portion of something. This is almost the same as part, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because a piece is a small portion of something. This is almost the same as part, not the opposite of it.

4) A
The word silly means foolish or lacking in common sense. A plan that could not possibly work might be described as silly.
The opposite of silly is sensible or having good judgment and common sense. Because wise means having good
judgment, sense, and knowledge, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because dumb means lacking in intelligence. This is almost the same as silly, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because sad means unhappy. This is not the opposite of silly, since silly is not the same as happy.

5) B
The word difficulty means that something is challenging or hard to do. Someone with bad eyesight might have difficulty
seeing. The opposite of a difficulty is something that is not challenging or hard to do. Because ease is freedom from
difficulty or problems, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because trouble is difficulty or problems. This is the same as difficulty, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because enjoyment is pleasure. This is not the opposite of difficulty, since difficulty is not the same as
displeasure. For example, a game can be both enjoyable and full of difficulties or challenges.

6) A
The word rude means ill-mannered or impolite. Someone who is rude would likely be disrespectful to others. The opposite
of rude is well-mannered. Because polite means well-mannered or having behavior that shows respect for others, choice
(A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because kind means nice or friendly. This is not the opposite of rude, because rude is not the same as

(C) is incorrect because awful means very bad. This is not the opposite of rude.

7) B
The word sure means certain. If you know something for a fact, then you are sure of it. The opposite of sure is unsure or
less than certain. Because uncertain means unsure or unknown, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because positive means clear and definite. This is almost the same as sure, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because definite means clearly stated. This is almost the same as sure, not the opposite of it.

8) A

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The word visit means to stay temporarily at a certain place. When you go on vacation, you might visit another place. The
opposite of visit is to depart a certain place. Because leave means to go away from a certain place, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because welcome means to kindly accept a visitor or guest. This is not the opposite of visit, since visiting
is not the same as dismissing a guest.

(C) is incorrect because travel means to make a journey of some length. This is not the opposite of visit, because you
might travel to someplace to visit it.

9) B
The word dislike means to feel distaste for. If you hate something, you really dislike it. The opposite of dislike is to like
something. Because love means to like very much, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hate means to feel an intense distaste for. This is almost the same as dislike, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because avoid means to keep away from. This is not the opposite of dislike, since one would probably
avoid doing something he or she dislikes.

10) A
The word several means more than two but not many. For example, the director of four or five movies would be said to
have directed several films. The opposite of several is zero. Because none means not one, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because many means a large number of. This is not the opposite of several, since both several and many
mean more than two.

(C) is incorrect because some means an unspecified amount of. This is not the opposite of several, because some could
be many or few.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 2

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. boring A. sometimes
B. uncommon B. never
C. lively C. rarely


A. simple A. ugly
B. complex B. pretty
C. challenging C. gorgeous


A. horrible A. tiny
B. funny B. heavy
C. serious C. tall


A. please A. hard
B. upset B. flexible
C. blame C. frozen


A. raw A. enter
B. flavorless B. welcome
C. tasty C. depart

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word exciting means thrilling or causing great enthusiasm, interest, or eagerness. For example, a game played during
recess might be exciting. The opposite of exciting is dull or unable to cause enthusiasm or excitement. Because boring
means not interesting or exciting, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because uncommon means out of the ordinary or not occurring often. This is not the opposite of exciting,
since something can be both uncommon and exciting. Uncommon things usually are exciting, in fact, because they are
unfamiliar breaks in routines that can otherwise be dull.

(C) is incorrect because lively means full of energy. This is not the opposite of exciting, since someone who is lively might
also be exciting.

2) A
The word difficult means hard to accomplish or needing much effort or work to accomplish or understand. For example,
becoming a doctor is a difficult task, since it means you have to go to school for a very long time and complete lots of hard
work. The opposite of difficult is easy. Because simple means easily understood or done, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because complex means not easy to understand. This is almost the same as difficult, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because challenging means demanding or not easy to accomplish. This is almost the same as difficult, not
the opposite of it.

3) C
The word playful means lighthearted or fond of games and amusement. A kitten that is constantly pawing at balls of yarn
and other toys would be described as playful. The opposite of playful is somber or depressing in manner. Because serious
means somber and thoughtful in manner, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because horrible means shocking or causing horror. This is not the opposite of playful, because it is too
extreme. The opposite of a playful person is not someone who causes horror or fear.

(B) is incorrect because funny means causing laughter or amusement. This is almost the same as playful, not the
opposite of it.

4) B
The word delight means to please someone greatly. A fun trip to the zoo might delight everyone in your family. The
opposite of delight is to cause displeasure. Because upset means to make someone unhappy, angry, or displeased,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because please means to cause someone to feel happy and satisfied. This is almost the same as delight,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because blame means to assign responsibility to someone for a wrong act. This is not the opposite of
delight, because blaming is not the same as displeasing.

5) C
The word bland means flavorless. Pasta without any sauce or cheese is a bland food. The opposite of bland is flavorful.
Because tasty means having a pleasant, distinct flavor, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because raw means uncooked. This is not the opposite of bland, because a food can be both raw and
flavorful. For example, an apple is raw, but it still tastes sweet.

(B) is incorrect because flavorless means having no flavor or taste. This is the same as bland, not the opposite of it.

6) B
The word always means at all times or occasions. For example, the sun always rises in the sky, since it does so every
single day. The opposite of always is at no times or occasions. Because never means at no times or occasions, choice
(B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sometimes means occasionally. This is not the opposite of always, because it is not extreme
enough. Something that happens sometimes happens from time to time, whereas the opposite of something that happens
always is something that happens on no occasions.

(C) is incorrect because rarely means not often. This is not the opposite of always, because it is not extreme enough
Something that happens rarely happens from time to time, whereas the opposite of something that happens always is
something that happens on no occasions.

7) A

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The word handsome means good-looking. Any man that is attractive or pleasant to look at would be described as
handsome. The opposite of handsome is unattractive or unpleasant in appearance. Because ugly means unpleasant in
appearance, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because pretty means good-looking. This is the same as handsome, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because gorgeous means very attractive. This is almost the same as handsome, not the opposite of it.

8) A
The word enormous means very large in size. For example, an elephant is an enormous animal. The opposite of
enormous is very small in size. Because tiny means very small in size, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because heavy means of great weight. This is not the opposite of enormous, since something that is
enormous is likely also heavy.

(C) is incorrect because tall means of great height. This is not the opposite of enormous, because something that is
enormous is likely also tall.

9) B
The word stiff means not easily bent. A brick is stiff, since it is hard to bend or shape it. The opposite of stiff is easily bent.
Because flexible means easily bent without breaking, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hard means not easily bent, broken, or pierced. This is almost the same as stiff, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because frozen means very cold or turned into ice. This is not the opposite of stiff, since something that is
frozen is likewise hard to bend.

10) C
The word arrive means to reach one’s destination after traveling. When your bus gets to school, you have arrived at
school. The opposite of arrive is to leave. Because depart means to leave in order to start a journey, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because enter means to come or go into a place. This is almost the same as arrive, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because welcome means to be glad to receive a visitor. This is not the opposite of arrive, because
welcoming is not the same as leaving.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 2

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. empty A. visitor
B. fastened B. host
C. open C. traveler


A. start A. sell
B. finish B. give
C. avoid C. purchase


A. wonderful A. irritate
B. awful B. confuse
C. beautiful C. calm


A. little A. grand
B. brief B. weighty
C. long C. worthless

5. FIX 10. CATCH

A. break A. drop
B. repair B. capture
C. mend C. receive

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word closed means not open. When your eyes are closed, you cannot see. The opposite of closed is unclosed.
Because open means not closed so as to allow passage or view, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because empty means containing nothing. This is not the opposite of closed, because closed is not the
same as filled or full.

(B) is incorrect because fastened means closed securely. This is almost the same as closed, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word begin means to start. When you begin work on a school project, you have just started working on it. The
opposite of begin is to end or complete. Because finish means to end or complete, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because start means to cause something to begin to happen. This is the same as begin, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because avoid means to keep away from. This is not the opposite of begin.

3) A
The word terrible means extremely bad. A terrible movie is one that is not even close to being good. The opposite of
terrible is extremely good. Because wonderful means extremely good, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because awful means very bad. This is the same as terrible, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because beautiful means very good-looking or attractive. This is not the opposite of terrible, because
terrible is not the same as ugly. Beautiful refers to appearances only.

4) C
The word short means not great in distance from end to end. For example, it is probably a short walk to your neighbor’s
home, since your neighbor lives near you. The opposite of short is great in distance from end to end. Because long means
measuring a great distance from end to end, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because little means small in size. This is almost the same as short, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because brief means not long-lasting. This is not the opposite of short.

5) A
The word fix means to repair or make something that has been damaged better. For example, if your watch breaks and
you get it fixed, your watch will work again. The opposite of fix is to harm or damage. Because break means to damage or
make unable to function, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because repair means to fix something or make something that has been damaged work well. This is the
same as fix, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because mend means to repair or sew up. This is the same as fix, not the opposite of it.

6) B
The word guest means a person who is invited into someone else’s home. When your friend comes over to your house,
he or she is your guest. The opposite of a guest is a person who welcomes others into his or her home. Because a host is
someone who welcomes others into his or her home, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a visitor is a person who is in a place he or she does not live. This is the same as guest, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a traveler is someone who travels or is journeying away from his or her home. This is not the
opposite of guest, because a traveler might also be a guest in someone else’s home.

7) A
The word buy means to acquire or get something by paying money for it. You might buy a candy bar with your allowance
money. The opposite of buy is to get rid of something in exchange for money. Because sell means to give someone
something in exchange for money, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because give means to hand something over to someone else for free. This is not the opposite of buy,
because giving does not involve money.

(C) is incorrect because purchase means to get something by paying for it. This is the same as buy, not the opposite of it.

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8) C
The word annoy means to make someone a little angry. You might get annoyed by a mosquito or fly buzzing in your ear.
The opposite of annoy is to make someone content or not angry. Because calm means to make someone satisfied or not
angry, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because irritate means to make someone angry, annoyed, or impatient. This is almost the same as annoy,
not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because confuse means to make someone feel puzzled or unable to understand something. This is not the
opposite of annoy, since someone who is confused might also be annoyed.

9) C
The word important means of great significance or value. An important event is one that you cannot miss. The opposite of
important is unimportant or of little value or significance. Because worthless means having no real value or use, choice
(C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because grand means magnificent in appearance, size, or style. This is not the opposite of important,
because something that is grand might also be important.

(B) is incorrect because weighty means of great significance or value. This is the same as important, not the opposite of it.

10) A
The word catch means to take control of. If you catch a pass in football, you have taken possession of the ball. The
opposite of catch is to fail to take control of. Because drop means to fail to take control of something and instead let it fall
to the ground, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because capture means to take into possession or control by force. This is almost the same as catch,
since both involve taking something.

(C) is incorrect because receive means to get or be given something. This is not the opposite of catch, since both involve
taking or getting something.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 2

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. suppose A. scared
B. know B. fearless
C. doubt C. peaceful


A. differ A. boredom
B. discuss B. pain
C. attack C. comfort


A. surrender A. heal
B. fail B. harm
C. overcome C. hate


A. meek A. disrupt
B. quiet B. dislike
C. outgoing C. dispute


A. unkind A. fancy
B. limp B. simple
C. firm C. basic

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word trust means to believe in the reliability or truth of something or someone. For example, you should trust what
your teachers tell you, since it is likely the truth. The opposite of trust is to question the reliability or truth of someone or
something. Because doubt means to question or feel uncertain about something, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because suppose means to assume without definite proof that something is the truth. This is not the
opposite of trust, since both supposing and trusting involve believing in something, not questioning it.

(B) is incorrect because know means to be absolutely certain about something. This is almost the same as trust, not the
opposite of it.

2) A
The word agree means to have the same opinion about something. Two people who agree on something are not likely to
argue about it. The opposite of agree is to disagree or to have a different opinion about something. Because differ means
to disagree, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because discuss means to talk about something with another group or people. This is not the opposite of
agree, because discussing is not the same as disagreeing.

(C) is incorrect because attack means to take action against someone. This is not the opposite of agree, since attacking is
not the same as disagreeing.

3) B
The word accomplish means to achieve or to complete successfully. The winner of a game has accomplished the goal of
winning it. The opposite of accomplish is to be unsuccessful at completing something. Because fail means to be
unsuccessful in achieving one’s goals, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because surrender means to quit fighting and submit to another’s authority or rule. This is not the opposite
of accomplish, because it is too limited in meaning. Accomplishments are not limited to winning a fight or war, so the
correct choice is likewise not limited to losing a fight or war.

(C) is incorrect because overcome means to succeed in dealing with a problem. This is almost the same as accomplish,
not the opposite of it.

4) C
The word shy means bashful or easily frightened away. Someone who is shy would not be likely to talk to people he or
she does not already know. The opposite of shy is friendly and socially confident. Because outgoing means friendly and
very sociable, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because meek means quiet, gentle, and easily dominated. This is not the opposite of shy, since a shy
person is also likely meek.

(B) is incorrect because quiet means not loud. This is not the opposite of shy, since one who is shy is typically also quiet.

5) C
The word soft means not firm or hard to the touch. For example, pillows are soft. The opposite of soft is firm or hard to the
touch. Because firm means having a solid, almost hard, surface that is difficult to form or shape, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because unkind means not nice or friendly. This is not the opposite of soft, since soft is not the same as
kind or friendly.

(B) is incorrect because limp means not stiff or hard. This is almost the same as soft, not the opposite of it.

6) B
The word afraid means frightened or feeling fear. You might become afraid while watching a scary movie. The opposite of
afraid is feeling no fear. Because fearless means lacking fear, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because scared means frightened. This is the same as afraid, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because peaceful means free from disturbance. This is not the opposite of afraid, because having no
disturbances is not the same as having no fear.

7) B
The word pleasure means a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. One might feel pleasure while doing an activity
he or she enjoys with people he or she loves. The opposite of pleasure is displeasure or discomfort. Because pain is
physical discomfort or suffering, choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because boredom is the state of feeling uninterested. This is not the opposite of pleasure, because
boredom is not the same as displeasure or discomfort.

(C) is incorrect because comfort is a state of physical ease or freedom from pain. This is almost the same as pleasure, not
the opposite of it.

8) A
The word injure means to do physical harm or damage to someone or something. If you fall off a bicycle and skin your
knee, you have injured your knee. The opposite of injure is to cause someone or something to be healthy again. Because
heal means to cause a wound or person to become healthy again, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because harm means to hurt or damage someone. This is the same as injure, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because hate means to dislike greatly. This is not the opposite of injure.

9) B
The word enjoy means to take pleasure in. Anything you like doing is something you enjoy. The opposite of enjoy is to not
like something. Because dislike means to feel distaste for or not like something, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because disrupt means to interrupt. This is not the opposite of enjoy.

(C) is incorrect because dispute means to argue about something. This is not the opposite of enjoy, since enjoying is not
the same as agreeing.

10) A
The word plain means simple or undecorated. A white wall with no posters or decorations on it would be considered plain.
The opposite of plain is decorated. Because fancy means elaborately decorated, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because simple means without much decoration. This is the same as plain, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because basic means simplest or lowest in level. This is almost the same as plain, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 3

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. detach A. chilly
B. clutch B. tropical
C. hug C. frozen
D. slice D. melted


A. exclude A. prey
B. accept B. buyer
C. unite C. hunter
D. remove D. farmer


A. avoid A. splendid
B. interrupt B. smart
C. stop C. sassy
D. cause D. stupid


A. standard A. think
B. unusual B. ignore
C. scary C. finish
D. super D. study


A. assigned A. depend
B. prepared B. delight
C. unplanned C. disgust
D. late D. disable

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word cling means to hold on tightly. A piece of tape could cling your arm. The opposite of cling is to separate from or
let go. Because detach means to remove or separate from, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because clutch means to hold or grasp eagerly. This is almost the same as cling, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because hug means to hold tightly. This is almost the same as cling, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because slice means to cut into smaller pieces. This is not the opposite of cling, since separating is not the
same as cutting.

2) A
The word contain means to include or have something inside. For example, a box of cereal contains cereal. The opposite
of contain is to keep something outside. Because exclude means to keep something out of a place, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because accept means to agree to receive something. This is almost the same as contain, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because unite means to join as one. This is not the opposite of contain.

(D) is incorrect because remove means to take something away from the position it is in. This is not the opposite of
contain, since something can be removed without ever being contained inside of something.

3) D
The word prevent means to keep something from happening. You wear a helmet when riding a bike to prevent a head
injury. The opposite of prevent is to make something happen. Because cause means to make something happen, choice
(D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because avoid means to stop oneself from doing something. This is almost the same as prevent, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because interrupt means to stop something from continuing. This is almost the same as prevent, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because stop means to cause an action to come to an end. This is almost the same as prevent, not the
opposite of it.

4) B
The word common means ordinary or occurring often. Going to school might be a common activity for you, since you go
to school most days. The opposite of common is unusual, rare, or uncommon. Because unusual means not common or
ordinary, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because standard means typical or ordinary. This is almost the same as common, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because scary means frightening. This is not the opposite of common, since something can be unusual
without being scary.

(D) is incorrect because super means very good. This is not the opposite of common, since common does not mean very

5) C
The word scheduled means planned. If a meeting is scheduled for the afternoon, then that meeting is supposed to happen
in the afternoon. The opposite of scheduled is unscheduled or not planned. Because unplanned means not planned or
scheduled, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because assigned means designed for a specific duty or purpose. This is not the opposite of scheduled.

(B) is incorrect because prepared means made ready for use. This is not the opposite of scheduled.

(D) is incorrect because late means not done on time. This is not the opposite of scheduled, because scheduled is not the
same as on time.

6) B
The word arctic means relating to a very cold climate like that found at the North or South Pole. For example, most of
Alaska has an arctic climate. The opposite of arctic is relating to a warm climate. Because tropical means relating to a hot
and humid climate, choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because chilly means cold. This is almost the same as arctic, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because frozen means turned to ice. This is almost the same as arctic, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because melted means turned to water. This is not the opposite of arctic, because melted is not the same
as hot or warm.

7) A
The word predator means an animal that hunts or preys on other animals. For example, a lion is a predator because it
hunts and eats other animals for food. The opposite of predator is an animal that is hunted. Because prey is an animal
that is hunted and eaten by another animal, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a buyer is someone who purchases something. This is not the opposite of predator, because a
predator is not the same as a seller.

(C) is incorrect because a hunter is a person or animal that chases and kills an animal for food. This is almost the same
as predator, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because a farmer is a person who grows crops or animals for food or money. This is not the opposite of
predator, because a farmer is not hunted.

8) D
The word clever means smart or intelligent. A clever remark is one that is insightful or smart. The opposite of clever is
unintelligent or dumb. Because stupid means unintelligent or dumb, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because splendid means magnificent or very impressive. This is not the opposite of clever.

(B) is incorrect because smart means intelligent. This is the same as clever, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because sassy means sarcastic, cheeky, or saucy. This is not the opposite of clever.

9) B
The word consider means to think about carefully. To make a good decision, one should consider all the possible
consequences of the decision. The opposite of consider is to fail to consider or fail to think about. Because ignore means
to fail to consider or fail to think about, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because think means to actively put one’s mind toward something. This is the same as consider, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because finish means to complete or end something. This is not the opposite of consider.

(D) is incorrect because study means to devote time and attention to gaining knowledge. This is almost the same as
consider, not the opposite of it.

10) C
The word attract means to cause someone to have a liking or interest in something. For example, the smell of a fresh-
baked pie might attract a hungry person to the kitchen. The opposite of attract is to cause someone to dislike something.
Because disgust means to repulse or cause someone to feel disapproval of something, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because depend means to rely on. This is not the opposite of attract.

(B) is incorrect because delight means to please greatly. This is almost the same as attract, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because disable means to incapacitate or make less capable or powerful. This is not the opposite of

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• Antonyms 2 Level 3

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. long A. reason
B. stable B. detour
C. strong C. understanding
D. short D. destination


A. handicap A. convinced
B. vision B. unsure
C. scent C. calm
D. alertness D. false


A. different A. shady
B. reverse B. dim
C. similar C. brilliant
D. separate D. colorful


A. performer A. random
B. friend B. orderly
C. follower C. organized
D. critic D. crazy


A. hopeful A. observer
B. lazy B. enemy
C. aimless C. ally
D. spirited D. rival

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word brief means lasting for a short time. A quick dip in the pool would be a brief swim. The opposite of brief is lasting
a great amount of time. Because long means lasting a great amount of time, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because stable means not likely to change. This is not the opposite of brief, because brief is not the same
as changing or unstable.

(C) is incorrect because strong means having great power or force. This is not the opposite of brief, because brief is not
the same as weak.

(D) is incorrect because short means lasting a small amount of time. This is the same as brief, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word blindness means the inability to see. One who does not have sight is experiencing blindness. The opposite of
blindness is the ability to see. Because vision is the ability to see, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a handicap is a condition that restricts a person’s ability to function. Blindness is a type of
handicap, so handicap is not the opposite of blindness.

(C) is incorrect because scent is the ability to smell. This is not the opposite of blindness, because being able to smell is
not the opposite of being unable to see.

(D) is incorrect because alertness is the quality of being awake or quick to notice something. This is not the opposite of
blindness, because one could be both blind and alert at the same time.

3) C
The word unlike means different from or not similar to. For example, two dogs that look nothing like each other are unlike
each other. The opposite of unlike is alike. Because similar means alike or resembling without being identical, choice (C)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because different means not the same as each other. This is the same as unlike, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because reverse means going in the opposite direction or backwards. This is not the opposite of unlike.

(D) is incorrect because separate means distinct or apart. This is not the opposite of unlike, because unlike does not
mean together or united.

4) D
The word fan means a person who admires or likes something. For example, a baseball fan is someone who enjoys
watching baseball games. The opposite of a fan is a person who dislikes or expresses disapproval for something or
someone. Because a critic is a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something or someone, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because a performer is someone who entertains an audience. This is not the opposite of fan, since a
performer can also be a fan. For example, an actor might also be a fan of a more famous actor.

(B) is incorrect because a friend is a person who supports another person or cause. This is almost the same as fan, not
the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a follower is a person who is devoted to particular cause, activity, or person. This is almost the
same as fan, not the opposite of it.

5) B
The word ambitious means having a strong desire to succeed. A hardworking person who wants to move ahead in life is
ambitious. The opposite of ambitious is unwilling to work or lacking a desire to succeed. Because lazy means unwilling to
work or lacking in motivation, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hopeful means feeling optimism about the future. This is not the opposite of ambitious.

(C) is incorrect because aimless means without purpose. This is not the opposite of ambitious, because ambitious is not
the same as purposeful.

(D) is incorrect because spirited means full of life. This is not the opposite of ambitious.

6) D

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The word origin means the source of something. For instance, the origin of a word is the language in which it is first used.
The opposite of origin is the end of something’s existence or travels. Because a destination is an end goal or final stop,
choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a reason is a cause or explanation for an action. This is not the opposite of origin.

(B) is incorrect because a detour is a long or roundabout route. This is not the opposite of origin.

(C) is incorrect because an understanding is the mental comprehension of something. This is not the opposite of origin.

7) B
The word certain means known for sure. If one is certain about something, then he or she has no doubts about it. The
opposite of certain is uncertain or full of doubt. Because unsure means not certain or known for sure, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because convinced means made to believe in the truth of something. This is almost the same as certain,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because calm means not nervous or angry. This is not the opposite of certain.

(D) is incorrect because false means not true. This is not the opposite of certain, since being untrue is not the same as
knowing for sure.

8) C
The word dark means with little or no light. When it is night, it is dark outside. The opposite of dark is well lit. Because
brilliant means very bright, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because shady means poorly lit or in the shade. This is almost the same as dark, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because dim means not shining brightly or clearly. This is almost the same as dark, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because colorful means having many and varied colors. This is not the opposite of dark, because colorful
is not the same as well lit.

9) A
The word methodical means done by a systematic or established procedure. When someone follows a step-by-step
procedure, he or she is being methodical. The opposite of methodical is done without a method or organization. Because
random means done without a method, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because orderly means neatly arranged. This is almost the same as methodical, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because organized means structured. This is almost the same as methodical, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because crazy means insane or not mentally sound. This is not the opposite of methodical, because
methodical is not the same as sane.

10) C
The word opponent means someone who competes against someone else in a contest or game. The team that plays
against your team in a sport is your opponent. The opposite of an opponent is someone who competes alongside
someone else or someone who helps out someone else. Because an ally is a person or group that helps or cooperates
with another in a particular activity, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because an observer is someone who watches something. This is not the opposite of opponent.

(B) is incorrect because an enemy is a person who is actively hostile or opposed to someone or something. This is the
same as opponent, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because a rival is a person competing against another for the same goal. This is almost the same as
opponent, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 3

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. blessing A. visitor
B. fortune B. owner
C. problem C. company
D. illness D. citizen


A. trouble A. ugly
B. pleasure B. gorgeous
C. suffering C. normal
D. luck D. thrilling


A. doubt A. other
B. result B. unchanged
C. theory C. opposite
D. dilemma D. identical


A. humid A. below
B. cold B. above
C. dry C. beside
D. gassy D. atop


A. drive A. inspect
B. follow B. deny
C. extend C. glance
D. cease D. witness

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word advantage means a benefit or a favorable or desirable circumstance. Being tall is an advantage to playing
basketball. The opposite of advantage is a disadvantage or unfavorable circumstance. Because a problem is an
unwelcome or unfavorable circumstance that needs to be overcome, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a blessing is a beneficial thing. This is the same as advantage, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because fortune is good luck. This is almost the same as advantage, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because illness is a disease or period of sickness. This is not the opposite of advantage, because it is too
specific in meaning. An illness is a type of disadvantage, but there are other types of disadvantages too.

2) B
The word misery means a feeling of great discomfort or distress. When one experiences misery, he or she is not enjoying
something. The opposite of misery is a feeling of great comfort or enjoyment. Because pleasure is a feeling of enjoyment
or happy satisfaction, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because trouble is a difficulty. This is not the opposite of misery, since trouble might cause misery.

(C) is incorrect because suffering is a feeling of discomfort or distress. This is almost the same as misery, not the opposite
of it.

(D) is incorrect because luck is something brought on by chance. This is not the opposite of misery, since luck can be
either good or bad.

3) D
The word solution means the way to solve a problem or deal with a difficult situation. The solution to a math equation is its
answer. The opposite of solution is a problem. Because a dilemma is a difficult situation or problem, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because doubt is a feeling of uncertainty. This is not the opposite of solution, since solution is not the
same as certainty.

(B) is incorrect because a result is an outcome of something. This is not the opposite of solution, since a solution might
lead to a result.

(C) is incorrect because a theory is an idea used to account for a course of action. This is not the opposite of solution.

4) C
The word moist means slightly wet or damp. The ground might be moist after a light rain. The opposite of moist is free
from moisture or wetness. Because dry means free from moisture or liquid, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because humid means containing a high amount of water or water vapor. This is almost the same as
moist, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because cold means having little or no warmth. This is not the opposite of moist, since moist is not the
same as warm.

(D) is incorrect because gassy means full of air or gas. This is not the opposite of moist, since moist is not the same as

5) B
The word steer means to guide or control the movement of something. When a person drives a car, he or she steers it
through traffic. The opposite of steer is to be led or guided. Because follow means to come after a person or be led by a
person, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because drive means to operate and control the direction and speed of a vehicle. This is almost the same
as steer, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because extend means to make longer or wider. This is not the opposite of steer.

(D) is incorrect because cease means to stop. This is not the opposite of steer, because steering is not the same as

6) A
The word resident means a person who lives in a certain place. For example, you are a resident of your home. The
opposite of resident is a guest or person who does not live in a certain place. Because a visitor is someone who is
temporarily in a certain place, choice (A) is correct.

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(B) is incorrect because an owner is someone who owns or has something. This is not the opposite of resident, because a
resident might also be an owner.

(C) is incorrect because company is a number of people gathered together for a particular purpose. This is not the
opposite of resident, because a company of people could include either residents or guests.

(D) is incorrect because a citizen is an inhabitant of a certain town or city. This is almost the same as resident, not the
opposite of it.

7) A
The word magnificent means extremely pretty or impressive. A beautiful painting might be magnificent. The opposite of
magnificent is unattractive or unimpressive. Because ugly means unpleasant or unattractive in appearance, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because gorgeous means very pretty. This is almost the same as magnificent, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because normal means typical or expected. This is not the opposite of magnificent, because magnificent is
not the same as unexpected.

(D) is incorrect because thrilling means exciting. This is not the opposite of magnificent, because magnificent is not the
same as boring.

8) D
The word different means not the same as another. For example, a cat is different from a dog. The opposite of different is
similar. Because identical means similar in every detail or exactly alike, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because other means different from one already mentioned. This is almost the same as different, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because unchanged means not altered or modified. This is not the opposite of different, because different
is not the same as modified.

(C) is incorrect because opposite means completely unlike another. This is almost the same as different, not the opposite
of it.

9) B
The word downstairs means on a lower level. The basement of a house is downstairs from the rest of the house. The
opposite of downstairs is upstairs or on a higher level. Because above means at a higher level or layer, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because below means at a lower level. This is the same as downstairs, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because beside means next to. This is not the opposite of downstairs.

(D) is incorrect because atop means on the top or peak of. This is not the opposite of downstairs, because it is too
extreme. Something can be at a higher level than something else without being at the very top.

10) C
The word observe means to watch carefully. A scientist might observe the behavior of a snake by videotaping its
movements and watching the tapes closely. The opposite of observe is to watch carelessly. Because glance means to
take a brief, hurried, or careless look, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because inspect means to look at closely. This is almost the same as observe, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because deny means to refuse to admit the truth of. This is not the opposite of observe, because observe
does not mean the same thing as confirm.

(D) is incorrect because witness means to see something take place. This is not the opposite of observe, because one
could witness an event carefully or carelessly.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 4

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. early A. develop
B. closing B. showcase
C. ending C. cover
D. primary D. thwart


A. headache A. recover
B. pleasure B. expire
C. luck C. withstand
D. suffering D. flee


A. slavery A. adore
B. permission B. withhold
C. freedom C. injure
D. limitation D. assist


A. honest A. easygoing
B. bright B. worried
C. deceitful C. relaxed
D. scientific D. cautious


A. adjust A. debate
B. remain B. surrender
C. decline C. concur
D. yield D. hassle

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Answers and Explanations
1) D
The word last means coming after all others in time or order. The final test of the year is the last one you take at school.
The opposite of last is first. Because primary means first in order or importance, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because early means happening before the expected time. This is not the opposite of last, because
something that happens early might not happen first over all.

(B) is incorrect because closing means final. This is the same as last, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because ending means final. This is the same as last, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word distress means worry, sorrow, or pain. Someone who has been hurt or injured might feel distress. The opposite
of distress is ease, happiness, or satisfaction. Because pleasure is a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment, choice
(B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a headache is a continuous pain in the head. This is a form of distress, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because luck is success or failure brought on by chance. This is not the opposite of distress, because luck
can be good or bad.

(D) is incorrect because suffering is the state of undergoing pain or hardship. This is almost the same as distress, not the
opposite of it.

3) C
The word captivity means the condition of being imprisoned or confined. A criminal who is in captivity is not free to roam
the streets. The opposite of captivity is the condition of being free or not being imprisoned. Because freedom is the state
of not being imprisoned or enslaved, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because slavery is the state of being the property of another person. This is a form of captivity, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because permission is consent or authorization to do something. This is not the opposite of captivity,
because if one needs permission to do something, he or she is not completely free.

(D) is incorrect because a limitation is a restriction of any kind. This is not the opposite of captivity.

4) A
The word crafty means clever or skilled at achieving one’s aims by indirect or dishonest methods. A person who uses
schemes and lies to get something he or she wants would be described as crafty. The opposite of crafty is forthright,
sincere, or free of deceit. Because honest means forthright or free of deceit, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because bright means well-lit or intelligent. This is not the opposite of crafty, since crafty is not the same
as dark or dumb.

(C) is incorrect because deceitful means guilty of misleading others. This is almost the same as crafty, not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because scientific means characterized by the methods of science or the study of the natural world. This is
not the opposite of crafty.

5) D
The word resist means to struggle against someone or something. If someone resists temptation, he or she is struggling
against a desire to do something bad. The opposite of resist is to give way to pressure or stop struggling against
something. Because yield means to give way to pressure, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because adjust means to alter or move something slightly. This is not the opposite of resist.

(B) is incorrect because remain means to stay in place. This is not the opposite of resist, since resisting is not the same
as moving.

(C) is incorrect because decline means to politely refuse. This is almost the same as resist, not the opposite of it.

6) C
The word reveal means to cause or allow something to be seen. When a mask is taken off someone, his or her face is
revealed. The opposite of reveal is to hide or mask. Because cover means to put something in front of or on top of
something in order to hide or conceal it, choice (C) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because develop means to grow. This is not the opposite of reveal.

(B) is incorrect because showcase means to display or exhibit. This is almost the same as reveal, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because thwart means to prevent someone from accomplishing something. This is not the opposite of
reveal, because revealing is not the same as encouraging or easing.

7) B
The word survive means to continue to live or exist. Someone who has survived a fire has lived through one. The opposite
of survive is to die or cease to exist. Because expire means to come to an end or die, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because recover means to regain full health or strength. This is almost the same as survive, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because withstand means to remain undefeated by something. This is almost the same as survive, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because flee means to leave. This is not the opposite of survive, because surviving is not the same as
staying in one place.

8) A
The word detest means to hate. If one detests green beans, then he or she really dislikes them. The opposite of detest is
to love. Because adore means to love and respect, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because withhold means to hold back or refuse to give something to someone. This is not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because injure means to harm or cause physical pain. This is not the opposite of detest.

(D) is incorrect because assist means to help someone out. This is not the opposite of detest, since detesting is not the
same thing as refusing to help.

9) B
The word carefree means easygoing or free from stress. Someone might be carefree while on a relaxing vacation. The
opposite of carefree is stressed or anxious. Because worried means anxious, troubled, or stressed, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because easygoing means relaxed or calm. This is the same as carefree, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because relaxed means free from tension and anxiety. This is the same as carefree, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because cautious means careful. This is not the opposite of carefree, because carefree is not the same as

10) C
The word bicker means to argue about unimportant matters. Siblings might bicker about unimportant things such as who
gets to sit in which car seat. The opposite of bicker is to have the same opinion about something and avoid arguing.
Because concur means to agree or have the same opinion, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because debate means to argue about something. This is almost the same as bicker, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because surrender means to stop fighting and submit to an opponent. This is not the opposite of bicker,
because surrendering is not the same as agreeing and bickering is not the same as fighting.

(D) is incorrect because hassle means to harass or bother. This is not the opposite of bicker.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 4

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. capture A. unusual
B. extend B. typical
C. release C. general
D. block D. creative


A. allow A. passage
B. outlaw B. escape
C. challenge C. opening
D. recognize D. doorway


A. partially A. entertainer
B. completely B. valet
C. finally C. manager
D. totally D. visitor


A. strict A. ripe
B. bending B. experienced
C. plastic C. juvenile
D. stiff D. idiotic


A. resolved A. lowly
B. harmful B. proud
C. useless C. aggressive
D. worthwhile D. timid

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word arrest means to capture by legal authority. When police officers arrest a criminal, they take the criminal into
custody. The opposite of arrest is to free. Because release means to set free, choice (C) is correct

(A) is incorrect because capture means to take into one’s possession by control or force. This is the same as arrest, not
the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because extend means to prolong or make longer. This is not the opposite of arrest, because arresting is
not the same as decreasing.

(D) is incorrect because block means to make the movement of something impossible or difficult. This is not the opposite
of arrest.

2) B
The word permit means to allow. If bicycling is permitted in a certain area, then one is allowed to a ride a bike there. The
opposite of permit is to ban or not allow. Because outlaw means to ban, prohibit, or make illegal, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because allow means to grant permission or admit something as acceptable. This is the same as permit,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because challenge means to argue against or dispute the truth of something. This is not the opposite of
permit, because permitting is not the same as arguing for something.

(D) is incorrect because recognize means to identify someone from having seen him or her before. This is not the
opposite of permit.

3) A
The word fully means totally or completely. A cake is fully baked when it is done cooking and ready to be eaten. The
opposite of fully is incompletely. Because partially means only in part or incompletely, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because completely means totally. This is the same as fully, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because finally means after a long time or at last. This is not the opposite of fully.

(D) is incorrect because totally means completely or fully. This is the same as fully, not the opposite of it.

4) D
The word limp means not stiff or firm. For example, a wet noodle is limp. The opposite of limp is firm or hard. Because stiff
means rigid, hard, firm, or not easily bent, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because strict means demanding that rules are obeyed and observed. This is not the opposite of limp,
because limp is not the same as relaxed or lenient.

(B) is incorrect because bending means not firm or fixed in shape. This is almost the same as limp, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because plastic means formable or lacking a clear shape. This is almost the same as limp, not the
opposite of it.

5) D
The word pointless means having little or no sense, use, or purpose. An activity is pointless if doing it will not achieve
anything. The opposite of pointless is purposeful, important, or worth the effort. Because worthwhile means worth the
time, money, or effort spent, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because resolved means determined to do something. This is not the opposite of pointless, since pointless
is not the same as uncertain or undecided.

(B) is incorrect because harmful means able or likely to cause harm or injury. This is not the opposite of pointless, since
pointless is not the same as harmless.

(C) is incorrect because useless means not expected to achieve the intended purpose or outcome. This is the same as
pointless, not the opposite of it.

6) A
The word routine means commonplace or done as a regular course of action. Something that you do every day, such as
brushing your teeth, would be a routine event. The opposite of routine is atypical or uncommon. Because unusual means
not commonplace or not habitually done, choice (A) is correct.

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(B) is incorrect because typical means normal or characteristic of a type. This is almost the same as routine, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because general means normal or usual. This is the same as routine, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because creative means involving original ideas or imagination. This is not the opposite of routine, since
creative is not the same as unusual.

7) B
The word entrance means an opening that allows access to a place. The entrance to a house might be its front door. The
opposite of an entrance is an exit or way out. Because an escape is a way out, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a passage is a way that allows access between buildings or rooms. This is not the opposite of
entrance, since a passage could provide entrance to another room or building.

(C) is incorrect because an opening is a gap that allows access. This is not the opposite of entrance, since an opening
could provide entrance to another room or building.

(D) is incorrect because a doorway is an entrance to a room or building through a door. This is the same as entrance, not
the opposite of it.

8) D
The word host means a person who receives or entertains guests. If you invite friends to your house for a birthday party,
you are serving as a host to them. The opposite of a host is a guest. Because a visitor is a guest or person visiting a
place, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because an entertainer is someone whose job is to entertain or provide amusement for others. This is not
the opposite of a host.

(B) is incorrect because a valet is a person employed by a hotel to assist guests. This is almost the same as a host, not
the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a tenant is a person who occupies land or property owned by someone else. This is not the
opposite of a host, because renting is not the same as visiting or being a guest somewhere.

9) C
The word mature means ripe or fully-grown. An adult is mature. The opposite of mature is growing, immature, or unripe.
Because juvenile means immature or childish, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because ripe means fully matured or grown. This is the same as mature, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because experienced means having knowledge or skill gained over a period of time. This is not the
opposite of mature.

(D) is incorrect because idiotic means stupid or unintelligent. This is not the opposite of mature, because mature is not the
same as smart.

10) B
The word humble means modest or not arrogant. Someone who does not brag is likely humble. The opposite of humble is
arrogant or self-important. Because proud means having a high opinion of oneself or one’s importance, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because lowly means modest or low in status. This is almost the same as humble, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because aggressive means ready to attack or fight. This is not the opposite of humble, because humble is
not the same as peaceful or passive.

(D) is incorrect because timid means lacking confidence or courage. This is not the opposite of humble.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 4

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. bore A. lazy
B. perform B. watchful
C. recline C. alert
D. excite D. distracted


A. wonderful A. unified
B. hideous B. flawed
C. beautiful C. perfect
D. average D. incomplete


A. support A. daydream
B. help B. focus
C. prevent C. ignore
D. pamper D. examine


A. protection A. suitable
B. emergency B. false
C. courage C. improper
D. danger D. fitting


A. strict A. gentle
B. relaxed B. cruel
C. kindly C. dishonorable
D. serious D. meek

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word entertain means to provide someone with amusement or enjoyment. An interesting and funny story might
entertain someone. The opposite of entertain is to fail to provide someone with amusement or enjoyment. Because bore
means to be dull or to make someone feel uninterested, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because perform means to present a form of entertainment to an audience. This is a way of entertaining,
not the opposite of entertain.

(C) is incorrect because recline means to lie back in a relaxed position. This is not the opposite of entertain, because
reclining is not the same as failing to provide enjoyment to another.

(D) is incorrect because excite means to arouse enthusiasm or eagerness in someone. This is almost the same as
entertain, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word attractive means appealing to look at. Someone who is pretty would be considered attractive. The opposite of
attractive is ugly or unappealing to look at. Because hideous means very ugly, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because wonderful means extremely good or marvelous. This is not the opposite of attractive.

(C) is incorrect because beautiful means very pretty or full of beauty. This is the same as attractive, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because average means normal or mediocre. This is not the opposite of attractive, because average is not
limited in meaning to looks or appearances.

3) C
The word assist means to help out. When you help someone cook dinner, you are assisting him or her in the kitchen. The
opposite of assist is to block or make someone’s efforts more difficult. Because prevent means to make someone less
able to do something, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because support means to give assistance or help. This is the same as assist, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because help means to make it easier for someone to do something by offering one’s own services or
support. This is the same as assist, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because pamper means to spoil or indulge. This is not the opposite of assist, since spoiling someone is
not the same as making his or her efforts more difficult.

4) A
The word threat means something likely to cause damage or danger. For example, a predator is a threat to its prey. The
opposite of threat is something likely to prevent damage or danger. Because protection is something that prevents
someone from suffering harm or injury, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because an emergency is a serious and unexpected situation that requires immediate action. This is not
the opposite of threat, since a threat could lead to an emergency.

(C) is incorrect because courage is the ability to do something dangerous or frightening. This is not the opposite of threat,
because a threat is not the same as cowardice.

(D) is incorrect because danger is the possibility of suffering harm or injury. This is almost the same as threat, not the
opposite of it.

5) B
The word severe means strict or harsh. A severe punishment for a crime is one that is very intense. The opposite of
severe is easy or less strict. Because relaxed means less strict or harsh, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because strict means rigidly enforced or harsh. This is almost the same as severe, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because kindly means nice. This is not the opposite of severe, since severe is not the same as mean.

(D) is incorrect because serious means careful or earnest in manner. This is not the opposite of severe, since severe is
not the same as careless or joking.

6) D
The word attentive means focused or paying close attention to something. A good student would be attentive in class and
listen carefully to everything the teacher says. The opposite of attentive is inattentive or unfocused. Because distracted
means unfocused because one’s mind is preoccupied, choice (D) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because lazy means unwilling to work or use energy. This is not the opposite of attentive, since attentive is
not the same as hardworking.

(B) is incorrect because watchful means alert or watching something closely. This is the same as attentive, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because alert means quick to notice any unusual circumstances. This is almost the same as attentive, not
the opposite of it.

7) D
The word entire means whole or with no part left out. If someone were to eat every slice of a pizza, then he or she would
have eaten the entire pizza. The opposite of entire is partial. Because incomplete means partial or not having all the
necessary parts, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because unified means made whole or united. This is almost the same as entire, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because flawed means imperfect or damaged. This is not the
opposite of entire, since entire is not the same as perfect or undamaged.

(C) is incorrect because perfect means free from flaw or defect. This is not the opposite of entire.

8) A
The word concentrate means to focus one’s attention or mental efforts on a certain object or activity. A scientist might
concentrate on an experiment instead of letting his or her mind wander. The opposite of concentrate is to let one’s mind
wander. Because daydream means to indulge in a series of thoughts that distract someone’s attention from the present,
choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because focus means to pay attention to something. This is the same as concentrate, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because ignore means to fail to consider or intentionally disregard. This is not the opposite of concentrate,
because one might make a conscious choice to ignore something rather than simply not focusing on it.

(D) is incorrect because examine means to inspect something in close detail. This is not the opposite of concentrate.

9) C
The word appropriate means suitable or proper for a given situation. For example, it is appropriate to wear a bathing suit
to the beach. The opposite of appropriate is inappropriate or unsuitable. Because improper means unsuitable or
inappropriate for a certain situation, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because suitable means right or appropriate for a particular circumstance. This is the same as appropriate,
not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because false means incorrect or not true. This is not the opposite of appropriate, because appropriate is
not the same as correct.

(D) is incorrect because fitting means appropriate or suitable for the circumstances. This is the same as appropriate, not
the opposite of it.

10) C
The word noble means belonging to a higher social class or having honor and dignity. A king and queen, for instance, are
noble people. The opposite of noble is ignoble or lacking in honor and dignity. Because dishonorable means lacking
honor, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because gentle means kind or tender. This is not the opposite of noble, since noble is not the same as

(B) is incorrect because cruel means very mean or willfully causing pain to others. This is not the opposite of noble, since
noble is not the same as kind.

(D) is incorrect because meek means submissive or easily imposed on. This is not the opposite of noble, since noble is
not the same as assertive.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 5

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. agree A. friendly
B. tame B. lonely
C. dispute C. isolated
D. ignore D. together


A. wonder A. elevate
B. peace B. float
C. chaos C. mount
D. warfare D. land


A. scrape A. frail
B. hollow B. muscular
C. bury C. energetic
D. mask D. intelligent


A. batty A. punish
B. sensible B. praise
C. certain C. blame
D. insane D. approve


A. motorist A. exhaust
B. hiker B. manage
C. galloper C. blunder
D. sailor D. cease

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word debate means to argue or discuss. When two people disagree about something, they might debate it. The
opposite of debate is to share the same view or ideas. Because agree means to have the same opinion, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because tame means to make calmer or easier to control. This is not the opposite of debate.

(C) is incorrect because dispute means to challenge or argue. This is almost the same as debate, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because ignore means to not notice or pay attention to. This is not the opposite of debate, since arguing
about something is not the same thing as paying attention to it.

2) B
The word havoc means widespread destruction or confusion. A great tragedy might lead to havoc. The opposite of havoc
is calmness. Because peace is a calmness or freedom from disturbance, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because wonder is a feeling of surprise. This is not the opposite of havoc.

(C) is incorrect because chaos is complete disorder and confusion. This is the same as havoc, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because warfare is violent conflict. This is not the opposite of havoc.

3) C
The word excavate means to dig out. A dog might retrieve a bone from the backyard by excavating it. The opposite of
excavate is to put into the ground. Because bury means to put or hide underground, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because scrape means to rub a sharp object across something, such as the skin. This is not the opposite
of excavate.

(B) is incorrect because hollow means to make a hole and remove the inner contents of something. This is not the
opposite of excavate.

(D) is incorrect because mask means to cover up or disguise. This is not the opposite of excavate, because excavating is
not the same as uncovering or revealing.

4) B
The word absurd means foolish, unreasonable, or unrealistic. An absurd idea is one that is completely ridiculous. The
opposite of absurd is smart, reasonable, or realistic. Because sensible means wise and reasonable, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because batty means crazy or insane. This is almost the same as absurd, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because certain means sure or known. This is not the opposite of absurd, since absurd is not the same as

(D) is incorrect because insane means crazy. This is almost the same thing as absurd, not the opposite of it.

5) A
The word pedestrian means a person walking along a road. Anyone on foot in a city or town is a pedestrian. The opposite
of a pedestrian is someone driving a car on a road. Because a motorist is someone driving a vehicle, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a hiker is someone who walks long distances. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a
pedestrian does not only walk for short distances.

(C) is incorrect because a galloper is someone who walks at a very fast pace. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, since
a pedestrian does not only walk slowly.

(D) is incorrect because a sailor is a person who works on a ship. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a sailor
might not necessarily operate a motor-powered boat. For example, there are rowboats and sailboats.

6) D
The word solitary means done or existing alone. In prison, if one is put in solitary confinement, he or she is completely
alone in a prison cell. The opposite of solitary is with other people. Because together means with another person or
people, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because friendly means nice or sociable. This is not the opposite of solitary, since being alone is not the
same as being mean or unfriendly.

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(B) is incorrect because lonely means without companions. This is the same as solitary, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because isolated means having little contact with others. This is almost the same as solitary, not the
opposite of it.

7) D
The word soar means to fly high in the air. For example, jumbo jets soar from airport to airport. The opposite of soar is to
be on the ground. Because land means to come down from the air and touch the ground, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because elevate means to rise higher. This is not the opposite of soar.

(B) is incorrect because float means to hover or fly just above the surface. This is not the opposite of soar, since both
floating and soaring are ways of flying.

(C) is incorrect because mount means to climb. This is not the opposite of soar.

8) A
The word athletic means physically strong, fit, and active. Someone who is in good physical shape would be considered
athletic. The opposite of athletic is weak or lazy. Because frail means weak and delicate, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because muscular means strong or fit. This is almost the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because energetic means active or full of energy. This is nearly the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because intelligent means smart. This is not the opposite of athletic, since being athletic is not the same as
being dumb.

9) B
The word criticize means to indicate one’s faults in a negative way. One might criticize someone else for being lazy, for
instance. The opposite of criticize is to indicate one’s good qualities in a positive way. Because praise means to express
approval or admiration, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because punish means to penalize someone for doing something bad. This is not the opposite of criticize.

(C) is incorrect because blame means to assign responsibility for a fault or wrongdoing. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because approve means to believe that something is good or satisfactory. This is not the opposite of
criticize, because one could approve of something without mentioning it publicly.

10) C
The word bicker means to argue about unimportant matters. Siblings might bicker about unimportant things such as who
The word accomplish means to achieve or complete something successfully. For example, if you have reached a goal,
you have accomplished something. The opposite of accomplish is to fail. Because blunder means to fail or make a foolish
mistake, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because exhaust means to tire out. This is not the opposite of accomplish, since accomplish does not
mean to energize.

(B) is incorrect because manage means to oversee. This is not the opposite of accomplish.

(D) is incorrect because cease means to come to an end or stop. This is not the opposite of accomplish, because
stopping something is not the same as failing at something.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 5

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. agree A. friendly
B. tame B. lonely
C. dispute C. isolated
D. ignore D. together


A. wonder A. elevate
B. peace B. float
C. chaos C. mount
D. warfare D. land


A. scrape A. frail
B. hollow B. muscular
C. bury C. energetic
D. mask D. intelligent


A. batty A. punish
B. sensible B. praise
C. certain C. blame
D. insane D. approve


A. motorist A. exhaust
B. hiker B. manage
C. galloper C. blunder
D. sailor D. cease

© Copyright Read Theory LLC, 2012. All rights reserved. 1

Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word debate means to argue or discuss. When two people disagree about something, they might debate it. The
opposite of debate is to share the same view or ideas. Because agree means to have the same opinion, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because tame means to make calmer or easier to control. This is not the opposite of debate.

(C) is incorrect because dispute means to challenge or argue. This is almost the same as debate, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because ignore means to not notice or pay attention to. This is not the opposite of debate, since arguing
about something is not the same thing as paying attention to it.

2) B
The word havoc means widespread destruction or confusion. A great tragedy might lead to havoc. The opposite of havoc
is calmness. Because peace is a calmness or freedom from disturbance, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because wonder is a feeling of surprise. This is not the opposite of havoc.

(C) is incorrect because chaos is complete disorder and confusion. This is the same as havoc, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because warfare is violent conflict. This is not the opposite of havoc.

3) C
The word excavate means to dig out. A dog might retrieve a bone from the backyard by excavating it. The opposite of
excavate is to put into the ground. Because bury means to put or hide underground, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because scrape means to rub a sharp object across something, such as the skin. This is not the opposite
of excavate.

(B) is incorrect because hollow means to make a hole and remove the inner contents of something. This is not the
opposite of excavate.

(D) is incorrect because mask means to cover up or disguise. This is not the opposite of excavate, because excavating is
not the same as uncovering or revealing.

4) B
The word absurd means foolish, unreasonable, or unrealistic. An absurd idea is one that is completely ridiculous. The
opposite of absurd is smart, reasonable, or realistic. Because sensible means wise and reasonable, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because batty means crazy or insane. This is almost the same as absurd, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because certain means sure or known. This is not the opposite of absurd, since absurd is not the same as

(D) is incorrect because insane means crazy. This is almost the same thing as absurd, not the opposite of it.

5) A
The word pedestrian means a person walking along a road. Anyone on foot in a city or town is a pedestrian. The opposite
of a pedestrian is someone driving a car on a road. Because a motorist is someone driving a vehicle, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a hiker is someone who walks long distances. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a
pedestrian does not only walk for short distances.

(C) is incorrect because a galloper is someone who walks at a very fast pace. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, since
a pedestrian does not only walk slowly.

(D) is incorrect because a sailor is a person who works on a ship. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a sailor
might not necessarily operate a motor-powered boat. For example, there are rowboats and sailboats.

6) D
The word solitary means done or existing alone. In prison, if one is put in solitary confinement, he or she is completely
alone in a prison cell. The opposite of solitary is with other people. Because together means with another person or
people, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because friendly means nice or sociable. This is not the opposite of solitary, since being alone is not the
same as being mean or unfriendly.

© Copyright Read Theory LLC, 2012. All rights reserved. 2

(B) is incorrect because lonely means without companions. This is the same as solitary, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because isolated means having little contact with others. This is almost the same as solitary, not the
opposite of it.

7) D
The word soar means to fly high in the air. For example, jumbo jets soar from airport to airport. The opposite of soar is to
be on the ground. Because land means to come down from the air and touch the ground, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because elevate means to rise higher. This is not the opposite of soar.

(B) is incorrect because float means to hover or fly just above the surface. This is not the opposite of soar, since both
floating and soaring are ways of flying.

(C) is incorrect because mount means to climb. This is not the opposite of soar.

8) A
The word athletic means physically strong, fit, and active. Someone who is in good physical shape would be considered
athletic. The opposite of athletic is weak or lazy. Because frail means weak and delicate, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because muscular means strong or fit. This is almost the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because energetic means active or full of energy. This is nearly the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because intelligent means smart. This is not the opposite of athletic, since being athletic is not the same as
being dumb.

9) B
The word criticize means to indicate one’s faults in a negative way. One might criticize someone else for being lazy, for
instance. The opposite of criticize is to indicate one’s good qualities in a positive way. Because praise means to express
approval or admiration, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because punish means to penalize someone for doing something bad. This is not the opposite of criticize.

(C) is incorrect because blame means to assign responsibility for a fault or wrongdoing. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because approve means to believe that something is good or satisfactory. This is not the opposite of
criticize, because one could approve of something without mentioning it publicly.

10) C
The word bicker means to argue about unimportant matters. Siblings might bicker about unimportant things such as who
The word accomplish means to achieve or complete something successfully. For example, if you have reached a goal,
you have accomplished something. The opposite of accomplish is to fail. Because blunder means to fail or make a foolish
mistake, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because exhaust means to tire out. This is not the opposite of accomplish, since accomplish does not
mean to energize.

(B) is incorrect because manage means to oversee. This is not the opposite of accomplish.

(D) is incorrect because cease means to come to an end or stop. This is not the opposite of accomplish, because
stopping something is not the same as failing at something.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 5

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. spurt
A. liveliness
B. expand
B. exhaustion
C. hydrate
C. weakness
D. squeeze
D. excitement

A. bottom
A. conceal
B. boundary
B. uncover
C. endpoint
C. distort
D. peak
D. display

A. ridicule
A. story
B. gratify
B. epic
C. abuse
C. invention
D. compliment
D. truth

A. crumble
A. dull
B. revive
B. insignificant
C. construct
C. towering
D. destroy
D. majestic

A. tireless
A. acceptable
B. eager
B. accessible
C. idle
C. absent
D. awkward
D. attainable

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word fatigue means extreme tiredness. Someone might experience fatigue after working hard for a long time. The
opposite of fatigue is energy. Because liveliness is energy, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because exhaustion is extreme tiredness. This is the same as fatigue, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because weakness is a lack of strength. This is not the opposite of fatigue.

(D) is incorrect because excitement is a feeling of enthusiasm. This is not the opposite of fatigue, because fatigue is not
the same as boredom.

2) A
The word exhibit means to showcase or display. When a museum exhibits a work of art, it displays it for museum visitors
to see. The opposite of exhibit is to hide. Because conceal means to hide or prevent from being seen, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because uncover means to remove a cover or mask from something so that it can be seen. This is almost
the same as exhibit, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because distort means to twist out of shape. This is not the opposite of exhibit, because distorting
something does not make it invisible.

(D) is incorrect because display means to show. This is the same as exhibit, not the opposite of it.

3) D
The word myth means a widely held but false belief. A myth is a story that is not factual. The opposite of myth is a fact.
Because a truth is a fact, (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a story is an account told for entertainment. This is not the opposite of myth, because a story can
be either factual or fictional.

(B) is incorrect because an epic is a very long story. This is not the opposite of myth, because an epic can be either
factual or fictional.

(C) is incorrect because an invention is something that is created. This is not the opposite of myth, because an invention
is not the same as a fact.

4) B
The word impressive means grand, imposing, or awesome. Something is impressive if it causes someone to be in awe.
The opposite of impressive is unimportant or unremarkable. Because insignificant means unimportant, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because dull means boring. This is not the opposite of impressive, because impressive is not the same as

(C) is incorrect because towering means extremely tall. This is almost the same as impressive, since a towering structure
could be impressive.

(D) is incorrect because majestic means grand or extremely beautiful. This is almost the same as impressive, not the
opposite of it.

5) C
The word available means able to be used or obtained. For instance, food is usually available at a restaurant. The
opposite of available is not present or unable to be used or obtained easily. Because absent means not present or not
available, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because acceptable means able to be agreed on. This is not the opposite of available.

(B) is incorrect because accessible means able to be easily obtained or used. This is the same as available, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because attainable means able to be reached or achieved. This is not the opposite of available.

6) B
The word squash means to crush or squeeze something so that it becomes flatter or smaller. One might kill a spider by
squashing it with a magazine. The opposite of squash is to increase in size. Because expand means to grow or increase
in size, choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because spurt means to gush out in a stream. This is not the opposite of squash.

(C) is incorrect because hydrate means to cause to absorb water. This is not the opposite of squash.

(D) is incorrect because squeeze means to firmly press something. This is almost the same as squash, not the opposite of

7) A
The word summit means the top or peak of something. The highest point of a mountain is called its summit. The opposite
of summit is the low point of something. Because a bottom is the lowest point or part of something, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area. This is not the opposite of summit, because
a boundary can be the lowest or highest point of something.

(C) is incorrect because an endpoint is the final stage of a process. This is not the opposite of summit, because a summit
is not the beginning of something.

(D) is incorrect because a peak is the top of something. This is the same as summit, not the opposite of it.

8) D
The word taunt means to provoke or challenge someone with an insult. When a child makes fun of someone else in order
to start a fight, the child is taunting him or her. The opposite of taunt is to praise. Because compliment means to flatter,
praise, or congratulate, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because ridicule means to mock or insult someone. This is almost the same as taunt, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because gratify means to give someone pleasure. This is not the opposite of taunt, since gratifying is not
the same as praising.

(C) is incorrect because abuse means to treat with cruelty. This is almost the same as taunt, not the opposite of it.

9) B
The word perish means to suffer ruin or destruction. A person who dies in a shipwreck has perished in the wreck. The
opposite of perish is to save or recover from ruin. Because revive means to restore to life or give new strength or energy,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because crumble means to break apart into small fragments. This is not the opposite of perish.

(C) is incorrect because construct means to build or erect. This is not the opposite of perish, because perishing is not the
same as destroying.

(D) is incorrect because destroy means to cause the ruin of something. This is not the opposite of perish.

10) C
The word industrious means hardworking. Somebody who works without tiring would be described as industrious. The
opposite of industrious is lazy. Because idle means lazy or not working, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because tireless means showing great effort or work. This is the same as industrious, not the opposite of

(B) is incorrect because eager means wanting to do something very much. This is not the opposite of industrious.

(D) is incorrect because awkward means causing difficulty or discomfort. This is not the opposite of industrious.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 6

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. cherish A. cruel
B. detest B. steadfast
C. prize C. careless
D. reject D. fickle
E. caress E. loyal

A. blossom A. activate
B. fizzle B. cede
C. dishonor C. hasten
D. flourish D. reduce
E. omit E. retreat

A. discard A. daring
B. surrender B. peaceful
C. oppose C. hopeful
D. approve D. violent
E. sanction E. useless

A. elementary A. disqualified
B. modern B. undesirable
C. juvenile C. proper
D. withering D. clumsy
E. infant E. suitable


A. invoke A. vivid
B. insult B. convenient
C. aggravate C. dangerous
D. encourage D. secure
E. soothe E. risky

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word loathe means to hate. If you loathe another person, you despise him or her. The opposite of loathe is to love.
Because cherish means to hold something dear or to think of lovingly, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because detest means to dislike intensely. This is synonymous with loathe, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because prize means to value extremely highly. This is not the opposite of loathe, because valuing
something highly is not the same thing as loving it.

(D) is incorrect because reject means to dismiss something for not being good enough. This is not the opposite of loathe.

(E) is incorrect because caress means to touch in a caring manner. This is not the opposite of loathe, because one could
caress something without necessarily loving it.

2) B
The word prosper means to succeed financially or in material terms. If a business prospers, it is turning a large profit. The
opposite of prosper is to fail. Because fizzle means to fail in a disappointing way, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because blossom means to mature in a promising way. This is not the opposite of prosper.

(C) is incorrect because dishonor means to bring shame upon something or someone. This is not the opposite of prosper,
since prosper is not synonymous with honor.

(D) is incorrect because flourish means to develop rapidly and successfully. This is practically synonymous with prosper,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because omit means to leave out or exclude. This is not the opposite of prosper.

3) C
The word consent means to give permission for something. A parental permission slip gives consent for a student to go
on a field trip. The opposite of consent is to refuse permission. Because oppose means to disallow or express disapproval
for something, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because discard means to get rid of something that is no longer useful. This is not the opposite of consent,
since consent is not synonymous with acquire.

(B) is incorrect because surrender means to stop fighting an enemy and submit to the enemy’s authority. This is not the
opposite of consent.

(D) is incorrect because approve means to officially agree to or accept as satisfactory. This is practically synonymous with
consent, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because sanction means to give official permission for. This is synonymous with consent, not the opposite
of it.

4) B
The word primitive means relating to something from an earlier stage of development or evolution. For example, a rotary
dial phone is a more primitive telephone than the mobile cell phone. The opposite of primitive is advanced, more evolved,
or relating to the present or future. Because modern means characterized by using the most advanced and up-to-date
equipment or ideas, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because elementary means simple or basic. This is not the opposite of primitive.

(C) is incorrect because juvenile means childish or immature. This is not the opposite of primitive.

(D) is incorrect because withering means declining or becoming dry and shriveled. This is not the opposite of primitive,
because primitive is not synonymous with growing.

(E) is incorrect because infant means relating to the earliest stage of something. This is similar in meaning to primitive, not
the opposite of it.

5) E
The word provoke means to annoy or anger someone deliberately. Someone might provoke another by saying something
offensive to him or her. The opposite of provoke is to calm someone down. Because soothe means to gently calm
someone’s feelings, choice (E) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because invoke means to appeal to someone as an authority on a subject. This is not the opposite of

(B) is incorrect because insult means to speak to someone disrespectfully. This can be practically synonymous with
provoke, since insulting someone might annoy or anger that person.

(C) is incorrect because aggravate means to make a problem more serious. This is not the opposite of provoke.

(D) is incorrect because encourage means to give support or hope to someone. This is not the opposite of provoke,
because provoke is not synonymous with discourage.

6) D
The word resolute means determined and unwavering. Someone who works tirelessly to achieve a goal is resolute. The
opposite of resolute is wavering or uncertain. Because fickle means frequently changing in loyalty, interests, or affection,
choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because cruel means very mean or evil. This is not the opposite of resolute.

(B) is incorrect because steadfast means unwavering or resolutely firm. This is synonymous with resolute, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because careless means not caring or concerned. This is not the opposite of resolute, since resolute is not
synonymous with careful.

(E) is incorrect because loyal means showing firm and constant support to a person or cause. This is practically
synonymous with resolute, not the opposite of it.

7) E
The word propel means to drive or push forward. For instance, when one rows a boat, he or she propels the boat forward.
The opposite of propel is to push or move backward. Because retreat means to move back or withdraw from a given area,
choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because activate means to make operative. This is not the opposite of propel.

(B) is incorrect because cede means to give up territory. This is not the opposite of propel, because propelling is not
synonymous with gaining territory or land.

(C) is incorrect because hasten means to hurry. This is not the opposite of propel.

(D) is incorrect because reduce means to decrease in size. This is not the opposite of propel, since propel is not
synonymous with increase.

8) C
The word desperate means feeling hopeless or despairing. For instance, one might feel desperate if he or she were
stranded on a desert island with no chance of rescue. The opposite of desperate is optimistic. Because hopeful means
feeling optimistic about the future, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because daring means adventurous or bold. This is not the opposite of desperate.

(B) is incorrect because peaceful means calm or free from disturbance. This is not the opposite of desperate, since
desperate is not synonymous with disturbed or agitated.

(D) is incorrect because violent means involving physical force intended to hurt or kill someone. This is not the opposite of

(E) is incorrect because useless means serving no purpose. This is not the opposite of desperate.

9) A
The word eligible means satisfying the appropriate conditions. For instance, if only adults were eligible for a contest, then
only those over the age of 18 would be allowed to enter the contest. The opposite of eligible is ineligible or failing to satisfy
the appropriate conditions. Because disqualified means unsuitable for an activity, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because undesirable means not wanted. This is not the opposite of eligible, because eligible is not
synonymous with wanted or desired.

(C) is incorrect because proper means suitable or appropriate. This is synonymous with eligible, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because clumsy means awkward in movement. This is not the opposite of eligible.

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(E) is incorrect because suitable means appropriate or satisfying the appropriate conditions. This is synonymous with
eligible, not the opposite of it.

10) D
The word hazardous means risky or dangerous. For example, playing with fire might be hazardous to one’s health. The
opposite of hazardous is safe. Because secure means safe or not subject to threat or harm, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because vivid means clear or focused. This is not the opposite of hazardous.

(B) is incorrect because convenient means involving little trouble or effort. This is not the opposite of hazardous, since
hazardous is not synonymous with inconvenient.

(C) is incorrect because dangerous means harmful or unsafe. This is synonymous with hazardous, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because risky means dangerous or unsafe. This is synonymous with hazardous, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 6

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. beginner A. mighty
B. expert B. puny
C. amateur C. fine
D. competitor D. invisible
E. executive E. immense

A. sufficient A. oversee
B. largest B. debate
C. merest C. rile
D. limited D. submit
E. greatest E. trounce

A. corrode A. unproductive
B. upgrade B. slipshod
C. decorate C. systematic
D. debilitate D. proficient
E. amplify E. capable

A. lax A. cancel
B. loving B. lapse
C. brutal C. restrict
D. strict D. initiate
E. polite E. continue


A. support A. sever
B. stash B. develop
C. sustain C. demolish
D. squander D. multiply
E. suspend E. humiliate

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Answers and Explanations
1) B
The word novice means a beginner or person who is new at something. For example, someone who has only played
chess a few times would be considered a novice at chess. The opposite of novice is a person who is highly skilled at
something. Because an expert is a person who has special skills or knowledge in a field or activity, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a beginner is someone who is new to an activity. This is synonymous with novice, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because an amateur is a person who is not a professional at a certain activity. This is almost synonymous
with novice, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because a competitor is someone who competes or challenges another in a game or contest. This is not
the opposite of novice, because a competitor is not necessarily skilled at something.

(E) is incorrect because an executive is a person who has administrative powers in a company or organization. This is not
the opposite of novice, because an executive may not be highly skilled at something.

2) C
The word maximum means the greatest amount possible. For example, a bus might have a maximum occupancy, which
means there can only be so many riders aboard the bus. The opposite of maximum is minimum or the lowest amount
possible. Because merest means the smallest or slightest in size, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sufficient means enough. This is not the opposite of maximum, because enough is not
synonymous with the lowest amount possible.

(B) is incorrect because largest means the greatest in size. This is practically synonymous with maximum, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because limited means restricted in size. This is not the opposite of maximum, because something can be
both great in size and limited at once.

(E) is incorrect because greatest means larger in size or more important. This is practically synonymous with maximum,
not the opposite of it.

3) B
The word deteriorate means to become progressively worse. For example, if one never fixes up an old building, the
building will continue to deteriorate over time. The opposite of deteriorate is to improve or become better. Because
upgrade means to improve or raise to a higher standard, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because corrode means to destroy or damage by a chemical process. This can be practically synonymous
with deteriorate, since chemical damage is a type of deterioration.

(C) is incorrect because decorate means to add an ornament to something so as to make it look more attractive. This is
not the opposite of deteriorate, because decorating something does not necessarily improve it or prevent it from
worsening over time.

(D) is incorrect because debilitate means to weaken or make infirm. This is practically synonymous with deteriorate, not
the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because amplify means to heighten or enlarge. This is not the opposite of deteriorate, since heighten is not
synonymous with improve.

4) A
The word drastic means extremely severe or extensive. A drastic cut in a budget would be one that severely reduces the
size of the budget. The opposite of drastic is limited in scope or relaxed. Because lax means relaxed or not severe, choice
(A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because loving means strongly liking or adoring. This is not the opposite of drastic, since drastic is not
synonymous with cruel or hating.

(C) is incorrect because brutal means savagely violent or hard. This is not the opposite of drastic.

(D) is incorrect because strict means demanding proper behavior or total obedience. This is not the opposite of drastic.

(E) is incorrect because polite means considerate and respectful of others. This is not the opposite of drastic, because
drastic is not synonymous with rude.

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5) D
The word conserve means to save or prevent the overuse of. For example, many citizens are encouraged to conserve
water and not use more than is absolutely necessary. The opposite of conserve is to overuse or waste. Because
squander means to waste something in a foolish manner, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because support means to hold up or give assistance to. This is not the opposite of conserve.

(B) is incorrect because stash means to store away for safekeeping. This is practically synonymous with conserve, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because sustain means to strengthen or support. This is not the opposite of conserve.

(E) is incorrect because suspend means to temporarily halt. This is not the opposite of conserve.

6) E
The word minute means very small. For example, a millimeter is a minute section of a meter. The opposite of minute is
very large. Because immense means very large in size choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because mighty means very strong. This is not the opposite of minute, because small is not synonymous
with weak.

(B) is incorrect because puny means small and weak. This is practically synonymous with minute, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because fine means thin or consisting of small particles. This is practically synonymous with minute, not
the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because invisible means not able to be seen. This is not the opposite of minute.

7) D
The word dominate means to exercise control over. A king dominates the citizens of his kingdom. The opposite of
dominate is to be ruled or to be under someone else’s power or control. Because submit means to give in to another’s
authority or control, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because oversee means to supervise. This is practically synonymous with dominate, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because debate means to argue about something in a formal way. This is not the opposite of dominate.

(C) is incorrect because rile means to annoy or irritate. This is not the opposite of dominate, because rile is not
synonymous with surrender or yield.

(E) is incorrect because trounce means to defeat heavily in a contest. This is not the opposite of dominate.

8) A
The word efficient means achieving maximum productivity with the least amount of effort. For example, an assembly line
is an efficient way of producing cars, since it can create many cars without requiring much work from individual workers.
The opposite of efficient is inefficient. Because unproductive means inefficient or unable to produce large amounts, choice
(A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because slipshod means careless or poorly done. This is not the opposite of efficient, since efficient is not
synonymous with careful.

(C) is incorrect because systematic means done by a fixed plan or method. This is not the opposite of efficient.

(D) is incorrect because proficient means skilled or able to do something. This is not the opposite of efficient.

(E) is incorrect because capable means able to do something. This is not the opposite of efficient.

9) D
The word terminate means to end. If one terminates his or her cable service, he or she cancels the service. The opposite
of terminate is to start. Because initiate means to start or begin, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because cancel means to revoke something or decide that something will not take place. This is practically
synonymous with terminate, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because lapse means to fail to maintain or keep using something. This is not the opposite of terminate.

(C) is incorrect because restrict means to limit. This is not the opposite of terminate.

(E) is incorrect because continue means to remain in operation or existence. This is not the opposite of terminate,
because continue is not synonymous with begin or start.

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10) C
The word generate means to produce or cause something to come about. For example, a tomato plant might generate
tomatoes. The opposite of generate is to destroy something. Because demolish means to destroy or ruin something,
choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sever means to cut off. This is not the opposite of generate, since severing is not necessarily the
same thing as destroying.

(B) is incorrect because develop means to grow or to become more mature. This is synonymous with generate, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because multiply means to increase or cause to increase in great numbers. This is practically synonymous
with generate, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because humiliate means to make someone feel ashamed or embarrassed. This is not the opposite of

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• Antonyms 3 Level 6

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. compliment A. smug
B. reward B. shy
C. punish C. confident
D. criticize D. modest
E. condemn E. unsure

A. reluctant A. sell
B. nervous B. withdraw
C. rowdy C. collect
D. organized D. invest
E. quiet E. uncover

A. scheduled A. huge
B. fated B. miniature
C. unintended C. unimportant
D. avoidable D. hulking
E. assured E. sickly

A. outset A. disloyal
B. birth B. habitual
C. assault C. unstable
D. recess D. steady
E. conclusion E. active


A. gabby A. regular
B. lean B. bizarre
C. wordy C. boring
D. brief D. abnormal
E. dense E. upbeat

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word chide means to scold or verbally express disapproval of. A parent might chide his or her child if the child
misbehaves. The opposite of chide is to express approval of. Because compliment means to praise someone or express
approval of something about him or her, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because reward means to make a gift of something to recognize someone for his or her services or
achievements. This is not the opposite of chide, because a reward is not necessarily verbal.

(C) is incorrect because punish means to penalize someone for doing something bad. This is practically synonymous with
chide, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because criticize means to indicate the bad aspects of someone in a disapproving way. This is not the
opposite of chide.

(E) is incorrect because condemn means to express disapproval. This is synonymous with chide, not the opposite of it.

2) E
The word boisterous means noisy, energetic, and cheerful. For example, the crowd at a rock concert might be boisterous.
The opposite of boisterous is hushed in noise or energy. Because quiet means making little or no noise, choice (E) is

(A) is incorrect because reluctant means hesitant or uncertain. This is not the opposite of boisterous.

(B) is incorrect because nervous means anxious or easily agitated. This is not the opposite of boisterous.

(C) is incorrect because rowdy means noisy and disorderly. This is practically synonymous with boisterous, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because organized means arranged in a systematic way. This is not the opposite of boisterous.

3) D
The word inevitable means certain to happen. For example, it is inevitable that a new day will start tomorrow. The
opposite of inevitable is unlikely to happen or possible not to happen. Because avoidable means able to be prevented,
choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because scheduled means planned to take place at a certain time. This is not the opposite of inevitable.

(B) is incorrect because fated means destined to happen. This is practically synonymous with inevitable, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because unintended means not planned. This is not the opposite of inevitable, because inevitable is not
synonymous with planned or intended.

(E) is incorrect because assured means confident. This is not the opposite of inevitable.

4) E
The word onset means the beginning of something. For instance, the first snowfall of the year might be seen as the onset
of winter. The opposite of onset is the end of something. Because a conclusion is the end of something, choice (E) is

(A) is incorrect because the outset is the start or beginning of something. This is synonymous with onset, not the opposite
of it.

(B) is incorrect because the birth is the beginning of something. This is synonymous with onset, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because an assault is a physical attack. This is not the opposite of onset.

(D) is incorrect because a recess is a brief pause or break. This is not the opposite of onset, because recess is not
synonymous with beginning.

5) C
The word concise means giving a lot of information in few words. For example, a one-paragraph-long summary of a book
would be considered concise. The opposite of concise is using too many words. Because wordy means using or
expressed in too many words, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because gabby means excessively talkative. This is not the opposite of concise, because concise is not
synonymous with shy or reserved.

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(B) is incorrect because lean means thin or containing little fat. This is not the opposite of concise.

(D) is incorrect because brief means using few words. This is synonymous with concise, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because dense means closely compacted in substance. This is not the opposite of concise.

6) D
The word arrogant means having an inflated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. Someone who brags about
himself or herself would be arrogant. The opposite of arrogant is humble. Because modest means humble or unassuming
in the estimations of one’s abilities, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because smug means having an excessive pride in oneself. This is synonymous with arrogant, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because shy means being nervous or timid in the company of others. This is not the opposite of arrogant,
because arrogant is not synonymous with sociable or outgoing.

(C) is incorrect because confident means self-assured. This is practically synonymous with arrogant, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because unsure means not certain. This is not the opposite of arrogant.

7) B
The word deposit means to store with someone or something for safekeeping. When one deposits money into a bank
account, he or she leaves it at the bank for safekeeping. The opposite of deposit is to take out of somewhere. Because
withdraw means to remove from a particular place or position, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sell means to give in exchange for money. This is not the opposite of deposit, because deposit is
not synonymous with purchase.

(C) is incorrect because collect means to gather together. This is not the opposite of deposit.

(D) is incorrect because invest means to put money into something with the hope of receiving a future profit. This is not
the opposite of deposit.

(E) is incorrect because uncover means to remove a mask or cover from something. This is not the opposite of deposit.

8) B
The word massive means gigantic or huge. For example, a battleship is a massive ship. The opposite of massive is very
small. Because miniature means very small, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because huge means very large. This is synonymous with massive, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because unimportant means lacking in importance or significance. This is not the opposite of massive,
because massive is not synonymous with important.

(D) is incorrect because hulking means large or heavy. This is practically synonymous with massive, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because sickly means ill or weak. This is not the opposite of massive, because massive is not synonymous
with healthy or strong.

9) C
The word constant means occurring continuously or staying the same for a period of time. For instance, during summers
in the desert, the weather remains constant, since it is always incredibly hot and dry. The opposite of constant is changing
or fluctuating. Because unstable means prone to change, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because disloyal means traitorous or not loyal. This is not the opposite of constant, since constant is not
synonymous with loyal.

(B) is incorrect because habitual means done constantly or as a habit. This is practically synonymous with constant, not
the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because steady means firmly fixed or not changing. This is practically synonymous with constant, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because active means frequently moving. This is not the opposite of constant, since something can be
both constant and active. For example, sharks have to move at all times to stay alive, so they are constantly active.

10) A

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The word offbeat means odd or unusual. Someone who is quirky or strange might be considered offbeat. The opposite of
offbeat is normal or usual. Because regular means usual or normal, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because bizarre means strange or unusual. This is synonymous with offbeat, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because boring means unexciting. This is not the opposite of boring, because offbeat is not synonymous
with exciting.

(D) is incorrect because abnormal means strange or atypical. This is synonymous with offbeat, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because upbeat means cheerful or optimistic. This is not the opposite of offbeat.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 7

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. unmarked A. useless
B. assumed B. futile
C. fraudulent C. purposeful
D. genuine D. mirthful
E. specific E. profitable

A. hurried A. luminous
B. impulsive B. charitable
C. methodical C. smoky
D. reluctant D. miserable
E. gradual E. upright

A. participant A. remotest
B. detective B. minimal
C. colleague C. supreme
D. pedestrian D. limitless
E. witness E. mediocre

A. sincere A. condense
B. glorious B. chill
C. notorious C. comfort
D. outrageous D. startle
E. innocent E. elate


A. meek A. unsightly
B. grave B. petite
C. lighthearted C. awful
D. hopeful D. economical
E. passionate E. grand

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Answers and Explanations
1) D
The word counterfeit means forged or not genuine. Counterfeit money is fake currency that is designed to look exactly like
real money. The opposite of counterfeit is real or authentic. Because genuine means real or authentic, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because unmarked means not noticeable or not having a visible mark. This is not the opposite of
counterfeit, since counterfeit is not synonymous with marked.

(B) is incorrect because assumed means pretended or fictitious. This is practically synonymous with counterfeit, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because fraudulent means marked by deception or fraud. This is practically synonymous with counterfeit,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because specific means clearly defined or identified. This is not the opposite of counterfeit.

2) E
The word abrupt means sudden and unexpected. A boxing match might come to an abrupt end if one boxer knocks out
the other boxer in the first round. The opposite of abrupt is slow or expected. Because gradual means progressing slowly
or by degrees, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hurried means rushed. This is not the opposite of abrupt.

(B) is incorrect because impulsive means acting or done without forethought. This is not the opposite of abrupt.

(C) is incorrect because methodical means done according to a systematic procedure. This is not the opposite of abrupt,
because methodical is not synonymous with slow.

(D) is incorrect because reluctant means hesitant. This is not the opposite of abrupt.

3) A
The word bystander means a person who is at an event but does not take part in it. For instance, someone who witnesses
a traffic accident but is not a driver of any of the vehicles involved in the accident is a bystander. The opposite of
bystander is someone who takes part in an event or incident. Because a participant is a person who takes part in
something, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a detective is a person who investigates and solves crimes. This is not the opposite of bystander.

(C) is incorrect because a colleague is a coworker. This is not the opposite of a bystander, since a coworker does not
necessarily partake in an event or incident outside of work.

(D) is incorrect because a pedestrian is a person walking a road in a developed area. This is not the opposite of
bystander, since a pedestrian does not necessarily take part in an event or incident, unless the incident involves walking.

(E) is incorrect because a witness is someone who sees an event or incident take place. This is practically synonymous
with bystander, not the opposite of it.

4) B
The word infamous means well known for a bad quality or deed. For example, Bonnie and Clyde were infamous for
robbing banks. The opposite of infamous is famous for a good deed. Because glorious means worthy of admiration and
fame, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sincere means genuine. This is not the opposite of infamous.

(C) is incorrect because notorious means famous for a bad quality or deed. This is synonymous with infamous, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because outrageous means shockingly bad. This is practically synonymous with infamous, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because innocent means not guilty of a crime or offense. This is not the opposite of infamous, because
one who is innocent is not necessarily well known.

5) C
The word grim means having a somber, gloomy, or morbid air. Someone at a funeral would likely have a grim expression.
The opposite of grim is cheery or joyous. Because lighthearted means cheerful and carefree, choice (C) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because meek means quiet and submissive. This is not the opposite of grim.

(B) is incorrect because grave means serious or alarming. This is not the opposite of grim.

(D) is incorrect because hopeful means feeling optimism about the future. This is not the opposite of grim, because grim is
not synonymous with pessimistic.

(E) is incorrect because passionate means having strong feeling or emotion. This is not the opposite of grim.

6) E
The word fruitless means unproductive or useless. If one fails to achieve a goal, then his or her efforts to achieve the goal
are fruitless. The opposite of fruitless is fruitful, useful, or productive. Because profitable means beneficial or useful,
choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because useless means not achieving the desired outcome. This is synonymous with fruitless, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because futile means useless or pointless. This is synonymous with fruitless, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because purposeful means having a reason to do something. This is not the opposite of fruitless, because
having a purpose and fulfilling a purpose are not the same thing.

(D) is incorrect because mirthful means merry or amusing. This is not the opposite of fruitless.

7) A
The word murky means dark and not clear. The water of a polluted river would be described as murky, since one cannot
see through it. The opposite of murky is bright or clear. Because luminous means bright or shining, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because charitable means generous. This is not the opposite of murky.

(C) is incorrect because smoky means full of smoke or haze. This is not the opposite of murky.

(D) is incorrect because miserable means very sad or depressed. This is not the opposite of murky.

(E) is incorrect because upright means strictly moral or honest. This is not the opposite of murky, since murky is not
synonymous with immoral.

8) B
The word utmost means most extreme or greatest. If one takes the utmost care of something, then he or she is taking the
most care possible. The opposite of utmost is least. Because minimal means the lowest amount possible, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because remotest means most isolated. This is not the opposite of utmost.

(C) is incorrect because supreme means very great or intense. This is practically synonymous with utmost, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because limitless means having no extremes or boundaries. This is not the opposite of utmost, since being
at the extreme is not the opposite of lacking an extreme.

(E) is incorrect because mediocre means average or of moderate quality. This is not the opposite of utmost, since
mediocre is not synonymous with least.

9) C
The word cow means to frighten with threats. When one intimidates another, he or she cows the other person. The
opposite of cow is to calm or make someone not be frightened. Because comfort means to make someone feel at ease,
choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because condense means to make more compact or denser. This is not the opposite of cow.

(B) is incorrect because chill means to make cold or chilly. This is not the opposite of cow.

(D) is incorrect because startle means to frighten or shock. This is nearly synonymous with cow, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because elate means to make someone very happy. This is not the opposite of cow, since frighten is not
synonymous with depress or sadden.

10) D

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The word lavish means luxurious and extravagant. A lavish dinner party would cost a lot of money and serve many fancy,
expensive foods. The opposite of lavish is affordable or lacking in luxury. Because economical means not extravagant,
choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because unsightly means unattractive. This is not the opposite of lavish, because lavish is not
synonymous with attractive.

(B) is incorrect because petite means small. This is not the opposite of lavish, because lavish is not synonymous with

(C) is incorrect because awful means terrible or very bad. This is not the opposite of lavish, because lavish is not
synonymous with very good.

(E) is incorrect because grand means magnificent in appearance or luxury. This is practically synonymous with lavish, not
the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 7

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. rash A. wane
B. conscientious B. advance
C. daring C. exaggerate
D. thrifty D. taper
E. indiscreet E. stockpile

A. bitter A. wicked
B. riled B. dishonest
C. courteous C. sanitary
D. content D. principled
E. annoyed E. reliable

A. impoverished A. miracle
B. affluent B. blunder
C. insignificant C. triumph
D. suffering D. catastrophe
E. abundant E. flop

A. stifle A. collected
B. soak B. comfortable
C. disappoint C. distracted
D. allay D. unemotional
E. parch E. anxious


A. neglect A. morose
B. underestimate B. patient
C. mother C. flattering
D. treasure D. crusty
E. detest E. excitable

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word wary means cautious. Someone who is wary thinks about the consequences of an action before doing it. The
opposite of wary is reckless or incautious. Because rash means displaying a lack of careful consideration of the possible
consequences of an action, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because conscientious means meticulous or careful. This is nearly synonymous with wary, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because daring means brave. This is not the opposite of wary, because one can be both brave and

(D) is incorrect because thrifty means using money carefully. This is not the opposite of wary.

(E) is incorrect because indiscreet means having too great a readiness to reveal private information. This is not the
opposite of wary.

2) D
The word irate means extremely angry. When something aggravates someone who is already mad, that person might
become irate. The opposite of irate is calm. Because content means in a state of peaceful happiness, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because bitter means angry or hurt. This is practically synonymous with irate, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because riled means irritated. This is practically synonymous with irate, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because courteous means polite. This is not the opposite of irate, since irate is not synonymous with

(E) is incorrect because annoyed means irritated. This is practically synonymous with irate, not the opposite of it.

3) C
The word substantial means of considerable import, size, or worth. A substantial donation to a hospital would fairly large.
The opposite of substantial is unimportant or small in size. Because insignificant means too small or unimportant to be
worth consideration, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because impoverished means poor or lacking in money. This is not the opposite of substantial, because it
is too limited in meaning. Substantial does not only refer to money.

(B) is incorrect because affluent means wealthy. This is not the opposite of substantial.

(D) is incorrect because suffering means experiencing pain or discomfort. This is not the opposite of substantial.

(E) is incorrect because abundant means plentiful. This is not the opposite of substantial.

4) E
The word quench means to satisfy thirst by drinking. When you have a drink of water, you are quenching your thirst. The
opposite of quench is to make thirsty. Because parch means to make dry or thirsty, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because stifle means to quell or end by force. This is not the opposite of quench.

(B) is incorrect because soak means to thoroughly wet. This is similar in meaning to quench, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because disappoint means to fail to fulfill the hopes of someone. This is not the opposite of quench,
because quench is not synonymous with please.

(D) is incorrect because allay means to relieve or alleviate. This is not the opposite of quench.

5) A
The word nurture means to care for and aid in development. If one feeds a cat, he or she is nurturing it. The opposite of
nurture is to disregard or ignore. Because neglect means to ignore, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because underestimate means to regard someone as less capable than he or she really is. This is not the
opposite of nurture.

(C) is incorrect because mother means to look after kindly and protectively. This is practically synonymous with nurture,
not the opposite of it.

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(D) is incorrect because treasure means to value highly. This is not the opposite of nurture.

(E) is incorrect because detest means to hate. This is not the opposite of nurture, because nurture is not synonymous with

6) B
The word recede means to move back or further away from a previous position. If an army retreats, it recedes from its
current position. The opposite of recede is to move forward. Because advance means to move forward, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because wane means to decrease in strength or power. This is not the opposite of recede.

(C) is incorrect because exaggerate means to represent something as being larger than it really is. This is not the
opposite of recede.

(D) is incorrect because taper means to diminish at one end. This is practically synonymous with recede, not the opposite
of it.

(E) is incorrect because stockpile means to accumulate a large supply of something. This is not the opposite of recede,
since stockpile is not synonymous with advance.

7) D
The word corrupt means evil or morally depraved. A politician who gives bribes in exchange for votes is corrupt. The
opposite of corrupt is moral. Because principled means acting in accordance with morality, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because wicked means evil. This is synonymous with corrupt, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because dishonest means untruthful. This is not the opposite of corrupt.

(C) is incorrect because sanitary means hygienic and clean. This is not the opposite of corrupt, since being moral and
being clean are not synonymous.

(E) is incorrect because reliable means dependable. This is not the opposite of corrupt, since corrupt is not synonymous
with undependable.

8) C
The word fiasco means something that is a complete failure, especially in a humiliating way. For example, if one threw a
party and none of the guests came, it would be a fiasco. The opposite of fiasco is a success. Because a triumph is a great
success or victory, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a miracle is a surprising and welcome event that cannot be explained by science. This is not the
opposite of fiasco, because it is too limited in meaning.

(B) is incorrect because a blunder is a stupid or careless mistake. This is not the opposite of fiasco.

(D) is incorrect because a catastrophe is a disaster or total failure. This is synonymous with fiasco, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because a flop is a total failure. This is synonymous with fiasco, not the opposite of it.

9) E
The word poised means composed and self-assured. Someone who does not get nervous under pressure would be
described as poised. The opposite of poised is rattled, upset, or nervous. Because anxious means nervous or worried,
choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because collected means not perturbed or distracted. This is practically synonymous with poised, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because comfortable means free from discomfort, tension, or stress. This is practically synonymous with
poised, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because distracted means unfocused. This is not the opposite of poised, because focused is not
synonymous with self-assured.

(D) is incorrect because unemotional means not showing strong feelings. This is not the opposite of poised.

10) B
The word peevish means easily irritated. Someone who is peevish gets angered or annoyed by even incredibly trivial
things. The opposite of peevish is pleasant, relaxed, or unlikely to become irritated. Because patient means able to accept
problems without becoming annoyed or irritated, choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because morose means sullen and ill-tempered. This is practically synonymous with peevish, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because flattering means full of praise and compliments. This is not the opposite of peevish, because
someone who is not full of praise is not necessarily irritable.

(D) is incorrect because crusty means irritable. This is synonymous with peevish, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because excitable means responding too readily to something new or stimulating. This is not the opposite
of peevish.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 7

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. foundation A. awestruck
B. finale B. concluded
C. upgrade C. airtight
D. highlight D. unsealed
E. letdown E. open

A. blend A. outdated
B. isolate B. fashionable
C. merge C. graceful
D. link D. blameless
E. separate E. unkempt

A. customary A. impressionable
B. organic B. certain
C. deviant C. clear
D. impaired D. indecisive
E. flawless E. irregular

A. cordial A. repetitive
B. sinful B. boring
C. dandy C. unskilled
D. passive D. brainy
E. impolite E. ignorant


A. endure A. hostile
B. quit B. malicious
C. remain C. upbeat
D. vacate D. lenient
E. cherish E. mellow

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word climax means the most intense or exciting point of something. For example, the climax of an action movie is
usually the showdown between the hero and the villain. The opposite of climax is an unexciting or disappointing point of
something. Because a letdown is a disappointment, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a foundation is an underlying basis or frame for something. This is not the opposite of climax.

(B) is incorrect because a finale is the last part of something and is usually exciting or dramatic. This is practically
synonymous with climax, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because an upgrade is an improved or modernized version of something. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because a highlight is an outstanding part of an event. This is practically synonymous with climax, not the
opposite of it.

2) D
The word detach means to remove or separate something from something to which it is attached. For example, if you
remove a cellular phone from its case, you detach it from the case. The opposite of detach is to attach or fasten. Because
link means to fasten or join, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because blend means to mix and combine. This is not the opposite of detach, because mixing is not the
same thing as fastening or attaching.

(B) is incorrect because isolate means to cause something to remain apart from others. This is not the opposite of detach.

(C) is incorrect because merge means to combine into a single entity. This is not the opposite of detach, because
combine is not synonymous with attach.

(E) is incorrect because separate means to cause to move apart. This is practically synonymous with detach, not the
opposite of it.

3) A
The word abnormal means unusual. An abnormal occurrence is something that does not typically happen. The opposite of
abnormal is normal or typical. Because customary means according to the customs or usual practices, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because organic means natural or derived from living matter. This is not the opposite of abnormal,
because normal is not synonymous with natural.

(C) is incorrect because deviant means departing from usual standards. This is practically synonymous with abnormal, not
the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because impaired means disabled. This is not the opposite of abnormal.

(E) is incorrect because flawless means perfect. This is not the opposite of abnormal.

4) A
The word vicious means deliberately cruel or violent. A vicious dog is one that frequently attacks humans. The opposite of
vicious is kind or peaceful. Because cordial means warm and friendly, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because sinful means wicked and immoral. This is practically synonymous with vicious, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because dandy means neat and stylish in dress. This is not the opposite of vicious.

(D) is incorrect because passive means accepting of what happens without active resistance. This is not the opposite of
vicious, because passive is not synonymous with kind and peaceful.

(E) is incorrect because impolite means rude or unmannerly. This is not the opposite of vicious.

5) B
The word persist means to continue firmly in an opinion or direction despite difficulty or opposition. For example, leaders
of the Civil Rights movement persisted in their struggle against racism in the 1950s and 1960s. The opposite of persist is
to stop in the face of opposition. Because quit means to give up or resign, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because endure means to suffer patiently. This is synonymous with persist, not the opposite of it.

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(C) is incorrect because remain means to continue to exist. This is practically synonymous with persist, not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because vacate means to leave a place unoccupied. This is not the opposite of persist.

(E) is incorrect because cherish means to hold something dear. This is not the opposite of persist.

6) C
The word ajar means slightly open. A door that is not fully closed would be described as ajar. The opposite of ajar is
sealed shut. Because airtight means having no openings, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because awestruck means filled with astonishment. This is not the opposite of ajar.

(B) is incorrect because concluded means finished or ended. This is not the opposite of ajar, since slightly open is not
synonymous with starting.

(D) is incorrect because unsealed means not closed with a seal or lock. This is not the opposite of ajar, as something that
is unsealed could be slightly open.

(E) is incorrect because open means not closed. This is synonymous with ajar, not the opposite of it.

7) B
The word dowdy means unfashionable and without style. A dowdy person does not dress well. The opposite of dowdy is
stylish. Because fashionable means stylish or observant of the current popular fashions, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because outdated means out of date or obsolete. This is not the opposite of dowdy.

(C) is incorrect because graceful means having simple elegance or refinement of movement. This is not the opposite of
dowdy, because someone who is graceful is not necessarily stylish or well-dressed.

(D) is incorrect because blameless means innocent of wrongdoing. This is not the opposite of dowdy.

(E) is incorrect because unkempt means having an untidy appearance. This is not the opposite of dowdy.

8) D
The word resolute means admirably purposeful and unwavering. If one is resolute about something, then he or she does
not change his or her mind about it. The opposite of resolute is wavering or uncertain. Because indecisive means
wavering or unable to make decisions, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because impressionable means easily influenced. This is not the opposite of resolute, because being
easily influenced is not synonymous with being uncertain about something.

(B) is incorrect because certain means having complete conviction about something. This is synonymous with resolute,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because clear means having no doubt or confusion. This is synonymous with resolute, not the opposite of

(E) is incorrect because irregular means atypical or contrary to the norm. This is not the opposite of resolute.

9) E
The word astute means clever or ingenious. A shrewd businessperson is an astute one. The opposite of astute is stupid
or lacking in insight. Because ignorant means lacking in knowledge or awareness, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because repetitive means characterized by the tiresome repeating of something that has already been
said. This is not the opposite of astute.

(B) is incorrect because boring means dull or unexciting. This is not the opposite of astute, because astute is not
synonymous with exciting or interesting.

(C) is incorrect because unskilled means lacking in ability. This is not the opposite of astute, because astute is not
synonymous with skilled.

(D) is incorrect because brainy means smart or intelligent. This is synonymous with astute, not the opposite of it.

10) C
The word sullen means sulky and gloomy. After receiving sad news, someone might appear sullen. The opposite of sullen
is cheery or happy. Because upbeat means happy or cheerful choice (C) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because hostile means unfriendly. This is not the opposite of sullen.

(B) is incorrect because malicious means intending to do harm. This is not the opposite of sullen.

(D) is incorrect because lenient means permissive or merciful. This is not the opposite of sullen, because one who is
sullen is not necessarily strict or not lenient.

(E) is incorrect because mellow means relaxed and free from harshness. This is not the opposite of sulky, because sulky
is not synonymous with stressed.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 8

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. comfort A. grasp
B. anguish B. analyze
C. success C. nurture
D. grief D. instruct
E. security E. reminisce

A. mass A. consequential
B. scarcity B. illogical
C. void C. later
D. excess D. former
E. pyramid E. consistent

A. puncture A. improved
B. coddle B. antiquated
C. disappoint C. standard
D. fatigue D. industrialized
E. thrill E. automated

A. labor A. explain
B. neglect B. rationalize
C. renounce C. apologize
D. further D. pardon
E. cede E. invalidate


A. bisect A. profit
B. accumulate B. purgatory
C. lessen C. penalty
D. deliver D. bounty
E. add E. abuse

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Answers and Explanations
1) A
The word agony means extreme physical or mental suffering. Someone who is in a great deal of pain is experiencing
agony. The opposite of agony is being free of mental or physical pain. Because comfort is a state of being free of pain,
choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because anguish is severe mental or physical pain. This is synonymous with agony, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because success is the achievement of a goal. This is not the opposite of agony.

(D) is incorrect because grief is sorrow. This is not the opposite of agony.

(E) is incorrect because security is the state of being free from threat. This is not the opposite of agony.

2) B
The word myriad means an extremely great number. If there is a myriad of reasons not to do something, then there are a
great number of reasons to not do it. The opposite of myriad is small in number. Because scarcity means a small quantity
or the state of not having enough of something, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a mass is a large amount. This is synonymous with myriad, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a void is a completely empty space. This is not the opposite of myriad, because its meaning is too
limited and extreme.

(D) is incorrect because excess is an amount of something that is more than necessary. This is practically synonymous
with myriad, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because a pyramid is a monumental structure with a square base and sides that slant to meet at a point at
the top. This is not the opposite of myriad.

3) C
The word gratify means to give pleasure or satisfaction. Anything that provides comfort can gratify someone. The opposite
of gratify is to cause pain or not give pleasure. Because disappoint means to fail to fulfill someone’s hopes or to not
please someone, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because puncture means to make a hole in something. This is not the opposite of gratify.

(B) is incorrect because coddle means to treat in an overprotective way. This is not the opposite of gratify.

(D) is incorrect because fatigue means to tire out or exhaust. This is not the opposite of gratify, because something that
brings someone pleasure might also exhaust him or her.

(E) is incorrect because thrill means to excite. This is not the opposite of gratify.

4) B
The word cultivate means to grow or nurture for growth. When one plants and cares for the crops he or she planted, he or
she is cultivating said crops. The opposite of cultivate is to harm or not nurture into growing. Because neglect means to
fail to care for properly, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because labor means to work. This is not the opposite of cultivate.

(C) is incorrect because renounce means to formally declare one’s abandonment of a principle or belief. This is not the
opposite of cultivate.

(D) is incorrect because further means to advance or help the growth of. This is practically synonymous with cultivate, not
the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because cede means to give up territory. This is not the opposite of cultivate.

5) C
The word multiply means to greatly increase in quantity. When one’s problems multiply, one acquires many more troubles.
The opposite of multiply is to reduce in quantity. Because lessen means to decrease in number or size, choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because bisect means to split into two equal parts. This is not the opposite of multiply, because splitting
something into two pieces does not decrease its overall size.

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(B) is incorrect because accumulate means to gradually gather or increase in quantity. This is practically synonymous with
multiply, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because deliver means to hand over something. This is not the opposite of multiply.

(E) is incorrect because add means to increase in size. This is similar in meaning to multiply, not the opposite of it.

6) A
The word misunderstand means to fail to correctly interpret. When one misinterprets something someone else says, he or
she misunderstands it. The opposite of misunderstand is to understand. Because grasp means to comprehend firmly,
choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because analyze means to examine methodically and in detail. This is not the opposite of misunderstand,
because one can analyze something and still not correctly interpret it.

(C) is incorrect because nurture means to care for and encourage the growth of. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because instruct means to teach. This is not the opposite of misunderstand.

(E) is incorrect because reminisce means to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events. This is not the opposite of

7) D
The word subsequent means occurring afterward. New Year’s Day is the holiday that occurs subsequently after New
Year’s Eve. The opposite of subsequent is occurring first or before. Because former means occurring previously in time,
choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because consequential means following as a result or effect. This is practically synonymous with
subsequent, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because illogical means lacking sense. This is not the opposite of subsequent.

(C) is incorrect because later means occurring afterward. This is synonymous with subsequent, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because consistent means unchanging over time. This is not the opposite of subsequent.

8) E
The word manual means done with the hands or not automatic. For example, a task such as chopping wood with an axe
is manual labor. The opposite of manual is automatic. Because automated means controlled by automation, choice (E) is

(A) is incorrect because improved means to make better. This is not the opposite of manual.

(B) is incorrect because antiquated means old-fashioned or no longer used. This is not the opposite of manual.

(C) is incorrect because standard means accepted as normal or average. This is not the opposite of manual.

(D) is incorrect because industrialized means having industry or manufacturing on a wide level. This is not the opposite of
manual, because having industry is not synonymous with being automated or automatic.

9) E
The word justify means to prove to be right or reasonable. For example, one might justify a decision by proving the logic
behind it. The opposite of justify is to prove not right or unreasonable. Because invalidate means to make something
erroneous or prove something to be unsound, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because explain means to clarify or make clearer by describing something in more detail. This is not the
opposite of justify.

(B) is incorrect because rationalize means to attempt to explain something using logical reasons. This is practically
synonymous with justify, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because apologize means to express regret for something one has done wrong. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because pardon means to forgive. This is not the opposite of justify.

10) D

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The word punishment means the infliction of a penalty as a result of an offense committed. For example, a prison term is
a punishment for many crimes. The opposite of punishment is a reward. Because a bounty is a gift or reward, choice (D)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a profit is a financial gain earned through a business. This is not the opposite of punishment,
because money earned through a business is not synonymous with a reward.

(B) is incorrect because purgatory is mental anguish or suffering. This is not the opposite of punishment.

(C) is incorrect because a penalty is a punishment inflicted for committing a crime. This is synonymous with punishment,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because abuse is cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal. This is not the opposite of punishment.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 8

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. dismissal A. unsurprising
B. pardon B. astounding
C. forgiveness C. unexpected
D. doom D. astonishing
E. blame E. commonplace

A. annoyance A. uppity
B. unity B. humble
C. harmony C. plain
D. relief D. grandiose
E. torment E. intricate

A. liberal A. uniform
B. obsolete B. multicolored
C. conservative C. various
D. progressive D. similar
E. typical E. drab

A. corruption A. overflow
B. generosity B. seep
C. gift C. dwindle
D. theft D. deprecate
E. vice E. sap


A. sweltering A. fascism
B. chilly B. democracy
C. lukewarm C. totalitarianism
D. humid D. theocracy
E. nippy E. despotism

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word amnesty means forgiveness or pardon. If a group of political prisoners receives amnesty, they are officially
cleared of blame or guilt in the eyes of the law. The opposite of amnesty is accusations or assignments of guilt. Because
blame means responsibility or guilt for a fault or wrong, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because dismissal means permission to leave. This is not the opposite of amnesty.

(B) is incorrect because pardon means forgiveness or excusal. This is synonymous with amnesty, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because forgiveness means is the quality of not feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense.
This is practically synonymous with amnesty, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because doom means condemnation to death. This is not the opposite of amnesty, as it is too extreme in

2) D
The word anxiety means worry or nervousness. Going to the dentist may cause anxiety if you are afraid that he or she will
drill your teeth and cause you pain. The opposite of anxiety is comfort. Because relief is a feeling of reassurance following
release from anxiety, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because an annoyance is a thing that irks or annoys someone. This is practically synonymous with
anxiety, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because unity is the state of togetherness or being joined as a whole. This is not the opposite of anxiety.

(C) is incorrect because harmony is agreement or concord. This is not the opposite of anxiety, because an agreement
does not necessarily prevent anxiety.

(E) is incorrect because torment is severe mental or physical suffering. This is not the opposite of anxiety.

3) C
The word radical means advocating extensive change or reform. A radical political activist is one who works to alter the
political system, especially through revolution. The opposite of radical is not advocating change. Because conservative
means advocating traditional values and beliefs, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because liberal means open to new behavior. This is nearly synonymous with radical, not the opposite of

(B) is incorrect because obsolete means out of date or no longer used. This is not the opposite of radical.

(D) is incorrect because progressive means favoring social change or reform. This is nearly synonymous with radical, not
the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because typical means characteristic of a particular person or thing. This is not the opposite of radical.

4) D
The word charity means the voluntary giving of money to those in need. When one donates a quarter to a homeless
person, he or she is practicing charity. The opposite of charity is taking money. Because theft is stealing or taking what is
not one’s own property, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because corruption is dishonest conduct by those in power. This is not the opposite of charity.

(B) is incorrect because generosity is the quality of being kind and generous. This is practically synonymous with charity,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a gift is something given willingly without payment. This is practically synonymous with charity,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because vice is immoral behavior. This is not the opposite of charity, because charity is not synonymous
with moral behavior.

5) A
The word frosty means cold and covered in frost. Winters tend to be frosty. The opposite of frosty is hot. Because
sweltering means uncomfortably hot, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because chilly means cold. This is nearly synonymous with frosty, not the opposite of it.

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(C) is incorrect because lukewarm means tepid or only moderately warm. This is not the opposite of frosty, because its
meaning is not extreme enough.

(D) is incorrect because humid means moist or marked by a high level of water vapor in the atmosphere. This is not the
opposite of frosty.

(E) is incorrect because nippy means rather cold. This is synonymous with frosty, not the opposite of it.

6) E
The word wondrous means amazing or marvelous. A spectacular sight such as a breathtaking mountain panorama would
be described as wondrous. The opposite of wondrous is dull or not amazing. Because commonplace means ordinary or
not unusual, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because unsurprising means not unexpected. This is not the opposite of wondrous, because something
surprising is not necessarily amazing or wondrous.

(B) is incorrect because astounding means notable or impressive. This is practically synonymous with wondrous, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because unexpected means not regarded as likely to happen. This is not the opposite of wondrous.

(D) is incorrect because astonishing means amazing. This is synonymous with wondrous, not the opposite of it.

7) B
The word pompous means affectedly self-important or arrogant. Someone who tries to affect an image of being high class
might be pompous. The opposite of pompous is modest or unassuming. Because humble means modest, choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because uppity means self-important or arrogant. This is synonymous with pompous, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because plain means unadorned. This is not the opposite of pompous, because being adorned and being
arrogant are not synonymous.

(D) is incorrect because grandiose means impressively magnificent in style. This is not the opposite of pompous.

(E) is incorrect because intricate means complex. This is not the opposite of pompous.

8) A
The word motley means made up of disparate or mismatched parts. A group of soldiers wearing completely different
uniforms from one another would be a motley crew. The opposite of motley is homogeneous or the same throughout.
Because uniform means identical or of a similar form throughout, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because multicolored means of several colors. This is practically synonymous with motley, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because various means different from one another. This is synonymous with motley, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because similar means alike but not identical. This is not the opposite of motley, because being alike is not
synonymous with being identical throughout.

(E) is incorrect because drab means dull or cheerless. This is not the opposite of motley.

9) C
The word flourish means to prosper or develop rapidly and successfully. If a new species of plant flourishes somewhere, it
is quickly spreading throughout the area. The opposite of flourish is not to prosper or grow. Because dwindle means to
diminish gradually in size or strength, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because overflow means to be in excess. This is not the opposite of flourish.

(B) is incorrect because seep means to flow or leak slowly through a porous material. This is not the opposite of flourish.

(D) is incorrect because deprecate means to express disapproval. This is not the opposite of flourish.

(E) is incorrect because sap means to weaken. This is not the opposite of flourish, because to weaken and is not the
same thing as to decrease in size.

10) B
The word tyranny means a cruel and oppressive government or rule. The citizens of a tyrannical government have very
few rights. The opposite of tyranny is a government that is not cruel or oppressive. Because democracy is a government
by the people in which citizens have many rights, choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because fascism is a governmental system marked by complete devotion to the nation-state and a dictator
who controls everything. This is practically synonymous with tyranny, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because totalitarianism is a centralized government in which the people are subservient to the state. This
is practically synonymous with tyranny, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God. This is not the
opposite of tyranny.

(E) is incorrect because despotism is the cruel and oppressive exercise of absolute power. This is practically synonymous
with tyranny, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 8

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. convenience A. expose
B. agitation B. shroud
C. inactivity C. recall
D. comfort D. harbor
E. commotion E. obscure

A. principal A. arid
B. associate B. fruitful
C. servant C. undeveloped
D. partner D. greasy
E. delegate E. disheveled

A. sassy A. emigrate
B. relaxed B. endure
C. enthusiastic C. abide
D. indifferent D. vanish
E. possessed E. retreat

A. sliver A. purify
B. plethora B. adulterate
C. evidence C. straighten
D. fragment D. arc
E. panorama E. droop


A. ask A. insolent
B. interrogate B. soulless
C. demand C. flexible
D. inquire D. tough
E. request E. compassionate

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word bustle means excited activity or movement. Crowded city streets might be full of bustle. The opposite of bustle
is unexcited movement or a lack of action. Because inactivity means a lack of activity, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because convenience is the state of being able to proceed with something without much difficulty. This is
not the opposite of bustle.

(B) is incorrect because agitation is a state of anxiety. This is not the opposite of bustle.

(D) is incorrect because comfort is a state of physical ease. This is not the opposite of bustle, because being exciting is
not synonymous with being difficult.

(E) is incorrect because commotion is a state of confused and noisy disturbance. This is practically synonymous with
bustle, not the opposite of it.

2) A
The word adjunct means a person associated with secondary status or rank. An assistant might be someone else’s
adjunct. The opposite of adjunct is a person associated with a higher status or rank. Because a principal is a chief or
head, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because an associate is a person who actively shares in a business or enterprise. This is not the opposite
of adjunct, because an associate can be of equal or lesser rank to another person.

(C) is incorrect because a servant is a person who performs duties for others. This is not the opposite of adjunct.

(D) is incorrect because a partner is a person who takes part in an undertaking with others. This is not the opposite of
adjunct, because partners can be of equal, higher, or lower rank than each other.

(E) is incorrect because a delegate is a person sent or authorized to represent others at a conference. This is not the
opposite of adjunct.

3) D
The word zealous means passionate. A zealous supporter of a candidate would be very excited about the candidate and
devoted to him or her. The opposite of zealous is passionless or uncaring. Because indifferent means lacking in interest or
care, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sassy means lively or bold. This is not the opposite of zealous.

(B) is incorrect because relaxed means free from tension. This is not the opposite of zealous, as passion and tension
have no direct relationship.

(C) is incorrect because enthusiastic means excited. This is synonymous with zealous, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because possessed means controlled by an evil spirit. This is not the opposite of zealous.

4) B
The word vestige means a trace amount of something that has disappeared. A vestige of hope would be the scant bit of
hope that remains in a worsening situation. The opposite of vestige is an abundance of something. Because a plethora is
a large amount, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a sliver is a small piece of something. This is practically synonymous with vestige, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because evidence is a sign or indication of something. This is not the opposite of vestige.

(D) is incorrect because a fragment is a tiny piece of something. This is practically synonymous with vestige, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because a panorama is a wide or complete view or presentation of something. This is not the opposite of
vestige, because it is too specific in meaning.

5) E
The word dictate means to lay down authoritatively. When one dictates something, he or she is demanding it. The
opposite of dictate is to ask for in an undemanding way. Because request means to politely or formally ask for something,
choice (E) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because ask means to question. This is not the opposite of dictate, because asking is not necessarily

(B) is incorrect because interrogate means to aggressively question someone for information. This is not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because demand means to ask authoritatively or require. This is synonymous with dictate, not the opposite
of it.

(D) is incorrect because inquire means to seek information by questioning. This is not the opposite of dictate, because
inquiring is not necessarily polite.

6) A
The word conceal means to cover up or hide. One might use makeup to conceal a blemish on his or her face. The
opposite of conceal is to uncover or leave uncovered. Because expose means to uncover or make something visible,
choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because shroud means to cover up. This is synonymous with conceal, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because recall means to bring back into one’s mind. This is not the opposite of conceal.

(D) is incorrect because harbor means to secretly keep in one’s mind. This is not the opposite of conceal.

(E) is incorrect because obscure means to hide or keep from being seen. This is synonymous with conceal, not the
opposite of it.

7) B
The word sterile means barren or unable to produce offspring. When a dog is spayed or neutered, it becomes sterile,
since it can no longer create puppies. The opposite of sterile is able to produce offspring. Because fertile means
productive or capable of producing offspring, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because arid means extremely dry. This is not the opposite of sterile.

(C) is incorrect because undeveloped means immature or not fully grown. This is not the opposite of sterile.

(D) is incorrect because greasy means covered with an oily substance. This is not the opposite of sterile.

(E) is incorrect because disheveled means disordered. This is not the opposite of sterile.

8) D
The word remain means to stay or continue to exist. If a species remains alive in a certain area, then that means there are
at least a few living members of that species in the area. The opposite of remain is to leave or disappear. Because vanish
means to disappear without a trace, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because emigrate means to leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another. This is not
the opposite of remain, because it is too specific in meaning.

(B) is incorrect because endure means to continue or survive. This is practically synonymous with remain, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because abide means to continue without fading or being lost. This is practically synonymous with remain,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because retreat means to move back or withdraw, especially from an invading army. This is not the
opposite of remain, because it is too specific in meaning.

9) C
The word buckle means to bend and give way under pressure. For example, if a bridge were past capacity, it might
buckle, resulting in collapse. The opposite of buckle is to become straighter or not bend. Because straighten means to
make straight, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because purify means to remove contaminants from or make clean. This is not the opposite of buckle.

(B) is incorrect because adulterate means to make impure. This is not the opposite of buckle.

(D) is incorrect because arc means to curve. This is practically synonymous with buckle, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because droop means to sag or bend. This is practically synonymous with buckle, not the opposite of it.

10) E

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The word callous means insensitive or possessing disregard for others. Someone who is callous does not care at all
about other people’s feelings. The opposite of callous is sensitive or sympathetic of others. Because compassionate
means showing sympathy and concern for others, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because insolent means rude or disrespectful. This is not the opposite of callous.

(B) is incorrect because soulless means lacking human feelings or qualities. This is practically synonymous with callous,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because flexible means not rigid. This is not the opposite of callous.

(D) is incorrect because tough means able to endure hardship or pain. This is not the opposite of callous.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 9

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. abandon A. serene
B. charter B. hearty
C. sever C. gruesome
D. occupy D. jaunty
E. discharge E. dreary

A. disperse A. pale
B. meld B. drab
C. muster C. anemic
D. compile D. glowing
E. infuse E. kaleidoscopic

A. entice A. despise
B. enlighten B. revere
C. loathe C. indulge
D. subdue D. abstain
E. fascinate E. waive

A. acclaim A. fragile
B. obscurity B. waterproof
C. villainy C. consolidated
D. infamy D. dense
E. prestige E. spongy


A. magnify A. stash
B. intensify B. dispatch
C. allay C. splurge
D. withdraw D. exhaust
E. lessen E. smother

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Answers and Explanations
1) D
The word vacate means to leave a place that was previously occupied. When you check out of a hotel room, you vacate
it. The opposite of vacate is to fill or stay in a space. Because occupy means to reside, take over, or fill, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because abandon means to leave empty or uninhabited. This is synonymous with vacate, not the opposite
of it.

(B) is incorrect because charter means to reserve for private use. This is not the opposite of vacate.

(C) is incorrect because sever means to put an end to or divide by cutting. This is not the opposite of vacate.

(E) is incorrect because discharge means to dismiss someone from duty. This is not the opposite of vacate.

2) A
The word amass means to gather together or accumulate over time. For instance, a stamp collector would amass postage
stamps. The opposite of amass is to divide or donate. Because disperse means to distribute or spread, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because meld means to blend or combine. This is not the opposite of amass.

(C) is incorrect because muster means to collect or assemble. This is synonymous with amass, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because compile means to collect in order to produce something. This is practically synonymous with
amass, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because infuse means to fill, soak, or pervade. This is not the opposite of amass.

3) C
The word enamor means to be filled with love for something or someone. Someone might be enamored of a certain city if
he or she were infatuated with the city or simply loved being there. The opposite of enamor is to not love. Because loathe
means to feel intense dislike for, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because entice means to captivate or attract. This is not the opposite of enamor.

(B) is incorrect because enlighten means to give greater knowledge. This is not the opposite of enamor.

(D) is incorrect because subdue means to bring under control. This is not the opposite of enamor.

(E) is incorrect because fascinate means to captivate or draw intense attention. This is not the opposite of enamor.

4) B
The word renown means fame or being known. A movie star would have great renown. The opposite of renown is being
unknown. Because obscurity is the state of being unknown or unimportant, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because acclaim is enthusiastic public praise. This is not the opposite of renown.

(C) is incorrect because villainy is criminal behavior. This is not the opposite of renown, since a criminal could be very well

(D) is incorrect because infamy is the state of being well known for something bad. This is not the opposite of renown,
since both words mean being well known.

(E) is incorrect because prestige is widespread respect and admiration for someone. This is not the opposite of renown.

5) E
The word amplify means to increase in size or effect. If one turns up the volume on a stereo, he or she is amplifying it.
The opposite of amplify is to decrease in size or effect. Because lessen means to decrease, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because magnify means to make something appear larger than it actually is. This is not the opposite of

(B) is incorrect because intensify means to increase in degree or strength. This is practically synonymous with amplify, not
the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because withdraw means to take back or remove. This is not the opposite of amplify, since it does not
necessarily refer to a decrease in size or effect.

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(D) is incorrect because petrify means to scare someone so much that he or she is unable to move. This is not the
opposite of amplify.

6) E
The word festive means cheerful or celebratory. A fun party would have a festive atmosphere. The opposite of festive is
not cheerful. Because dreary means depressing or lifeless, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because serene means calm or peaceful. This is not the opposite of festive.

(B) is incorrect because hearty means vigorous and cheerful. This is practically synonymous with festive, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because gruesome means causing repulsion or horror. This is not the opposite of festive, because it is too
extreme in meaning.

(D) is incorrect because jaunty means having a lively and cheerful manner. This is practically synonymous with festive,
not the opposite of it.

7) D
The word wan means pale and weak. A sickly individual would likely appear wan. The opposite of wan is flush and
healthy. Because glowing means showing the radiance of health, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because pale means muted in color. This is synonymous with wan, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because drab means dull or cheerless. This is not the opposite of wan.

(C) is incorrect because anemic means lacking power or colorfulness. This is synonymous with wan, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because kaleidoscopic means multicolored or having complex patterns of color. This is not the opposite of
wan, since being pale is not the opposite of being multicolored.

8) C
The word forgo means to omit or decline to take. If one skips breakfast, he or she is forgoing a morning meal. The
opposite of forgo is to choose to take. Because indulge means to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of, choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because despise means to hate or loathe. This is not the opposite of forgo.

(B) is incorrect because revere means to admire or feel deep respect. This is not the opposite of forgo.

(D) is incorrect because abstain means to restrain oneself from taking or doing something. This is practically synonymous
with forgo, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because waive means to refrain from using. This is synonymous with forgo, not the opposite of it.

9) B
The word porous means having holes through which liquid or air may pass. For example, sponges are porous. The
opposite of porous is impervious or lacking in holes for air or water. Because waterproof means impervious to water,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because fragile means breakable or not stable. This is not the opposite of porous.

(C) is incorrect because consolidated means stronger or more solid. This is not the opposite of porous, since being porous
and being weak are not synonymous.

(D) is incorrect because dense means closely compacted in substance. This is not the opposite of porous.

(E) is incorrect because spongy means having an open, porous structure. This is synonymous with porous, not the
opposite of it.

10) A
The word expend means to spend or use up. When you exercise, you expend energy. The opposite of expend is to save
up or store. Because stash means to store safely in a specified place, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because dispatch means to send off to a destination for a purpose. This is not the opposite of any word,
including expend.

(C) is incorrect because splurge means to spend money freely or extravagantly. This is not the opposite of expend.

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(D) is incorrect because exhaust means to tire out. This is practically synonymous with expend, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because smother means to suppress, extinguish, or kill. This is not the opposite of expend.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 9

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. notice A. moist
B. admonish B. parched
C. laud C. sterile
D. scold D. dewy
E. allow E. fertile

A. corroborate A. mollify
B. commend B. acknowledge
C. renounce C. appreciate
D. verbalize D. peeve
E. muffle E. vex

A. abide A. invite
B. preclude B. revolt
C. divert C. ravage
D. gaze D. inflict
E. skipper E. allure

A. deface A. crafty
B. adapt B. inane
C. augment C. incompetent
D. mar D. inventive
E. mend E. skillful


A. brilliant A. justify
B. mournful B. equivocate
C. pessimistic C. invalidate
D. gloomy D. corroborate
E. radiant E. approximate

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word chide means to scold or rebuke. A father might chide his daughter if she misbehaves. The opposite of chide is
to praise. Because laud means to praise, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because notice means to become aware of or see. This is not the opposite of chide.

(B) is incorrect because admonish means to warn or reprimand someone firmly. This is practically synonymous with
chide, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because scold means to rebuke. This is synonymous with chide, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because allow means to admit as acceptable or legal. This is not the opposite of chide.

2) A
The word deny means to refuse to admit the truth or existence of something. Someone accused of a crime he or she did
not commit might deny any involvement in the crime. The opposite of deny is to affirm as the truth. Because corroborate
means to make certain or confirm, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because commend means to praise formally. This is not the opposite of deny.

(C) is incorrect because renounce means to formally declare one’s abandonment of a belief. This is nearly synonymous
with deny, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because verbalize means to express in words. This is not the opposite of deny.

(E) is incorrect because muffle means to make quieter or less distinct. This is not the opposite of deny.

3) D
The word avert means to turn one’s eyes away. For example, one should avert his or her eyes from an eclipse, since
staring at an eclipse can cause blindness. The opposite of avert is to face head on or not turn away. Because gaze means
to look steadily and intently, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because abide means to accept or act in accordance. This is not the opposite of avert.

(B) is incorrect because preclude means to make impossible. This is not the opposite of avert.

(C) is incorrect because divert means to cause to change course or direction. This is practically synonymous with avert,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because skipper means to act as captain. This is not the opposite of avert.

4) E
The word mutilate means to disfigure violently. Severely cutting someone’s face would mutilate him or her. The opposite
of mutilate is to repair or improve one’s appearance. Because mend means to repair something broken or damaged,
choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because deface means to spoil the appearance of something. This is practically synonymous with mutilate,
not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because adapt means to modify. This is not the opposite of mutilate.

(C) is incorrect because augment means to increase in size. This is not the opposite of mutilate.

(D) is incorrect because mar means to disfigure. This is practically synonymous with mutilate, not the opposite of it.

5) D
The word luminous means full of light. A room with lots of windows would be luminous on a sunny day. The opposite of
luminous is dark or unlit. Because gloomy means dark or poorly lit, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because brilliant means very bright. This is synonymous with luminous, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because mournful means causing sadness or grief. This is not the opposite of luminous, since a sad
atmosphere is not necessarily poorly lit.

(C) is incorrect because pessimistic means tending to see the worst aspects of things. This is not the opposite of

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(E) is incorrect because radiant means shining or glowing brightly. This is synonymous with luminous, not the opposite of

6) E
The word barren means unable to produce offspring or vegetation. A wasteland is barren. The opposite of barren is able
to produce offspring or vegetation. Because fertile means capable of producing abundant vegetation or offspring, choice
(E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because moist means wet or damp. This is not the opposite of barren.

(B) is incorrect because parched means thirsty or dry. This is not the opposite of barren.

(C) is incorrect because sterile means not able to produce offspring or seeds. This is synonymous with barren, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because dewy means wet with dew. This is not the opposite of barren.

7) A
The word irritate means to bother or annoy. Someone who nags might irritate another person. The opposite of irritate is to
soothe or calm. Because mollify means to appease the anger of someone, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because acknowledge means to accept or admit the existence of something. This is not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because appreciate means to recognize the full worth of something. This is not the opposite of irritate.

(D) is incorrect because peeve means to annoy. This is synonymous with irritate, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because vex means to cause someone to get annoyed. This is not the opposite of irritate.

8) B
The word bewitch means to enchant and delight. In The Odyssey, the song of the sirens had the power to bewitch the
men on Odysseus’s ship. The opposite of bewitch is to repulse or repel. Because revolt means to cause to feel disgust,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because invite means to make a polite request to someone. This is not the opposite of bewitch.

(C) is incorrect because ravage means to cause severe damage. This is not the opposite of bewitch.

(D) is incorrect because inflict means to impose something unwelcome. This is not the opposite of bewitch, since
bewitching someone does not necessarily impose something welcome on him or her.

(E) is incorrect because allure means to powerfully attract or charm. This is synonymous with bewitch, not the opposite of

9) B
The word ingenious means clever, intelligent, or inventive. An ingenious idea is one that is very original and smart. The
opposite of ingenious is not clever or intelligent. Because inane means stupid or silly, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because crafty means clever at achieving one’s aims through deceitful methods. This is not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because incompetent means not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. This is not the
opposite of ingenious, since being intelligent and being skilled are not synonymous.

(D) is incorrect because inventive means having the ability to think originally. This is synonymous with ingenious, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because skillful means having skill or ability. This is not the opposite of ingenious.

10) C
The word verify means to make sure that something is true or accurate. When you show someone your ID card, you are
verifying that you are who you say you are. The opposite of verify is to prove that something is not true or accurate.
Because invalidate means to discredit or render something inaccurate or erroneous, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because justify means to show to be right. This is practically synonymous with verify, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because equivocate means to use ambiguous language to conceal the truth of something. This is not the
opposite of verify, because equivocating does not disprove something or demonstrate that something is not true.

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(D) is incorrect because corroborate means to confirm or give support to something. This is practically synonymous with
verify, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because approximate means to estimate or calculate. This is not the opposite of verify.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 9

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. exonerate A. truce
B. deduct B. industry
C. suppress C. moratorium
D. maintain D. continuation
E. facilitate E. reprieve

A. passable A. visible
B. obstructed B. superfluous
C. laborious C. definite
D. upstream D. plastic
E. remote E. abstract

A. ridicule A. wistful
B. worship B. unreflective
C. deride C. numbed
D. commend D. aroused
E. rally E. nostalgic

A. hasten A. bearish
B. tinker B. altruistic
C. linger C. amiable
D. tire D. irritable
E. idle E. considerate


A. snooty A. fixed
B. tyrannical B. malleable
C. unassertive C. dissimilar
D. affectionate D. mature
E. underhanded E. modifiable

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word hinder means to prevent or cause delay. A storm may hinder one's progress. The opposite of hinder is to free or
promote. Because facilitate means to assist or make easier, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because exonerate means to clear someone from blame or fault. This is not the opposite of hinder, since it
is too limited in meaning.

(B) is incorrect because deduct means to subtract or take away from a total. This is not the opposite of hinder.

(C) is incorrect because suppress means to subdue or restrain. This is not the opposite of hinder.

(D) is incorrect because maintain means to keep something at the same rate. This is not the opposite of hinder.

2) B
The word navigable means maneuverable or able to be passed through. A waterway is navigable if a ship can easily sail
through it. The opposite of navigable is unable to be passed through. Because obstructed means blocked or opposing the
ease of passage, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because passable means clear of obstacles and able to be traveled on. This is synonymous with
navigable, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because laborious means requiring considerable effort. This is not the opposite of navigable.

(D) is incorrect because upstream means moving in the opposite direction from that in which a stream or river flows. This
is not the opposite of navigable, since a ship might still travel upstream on navigable waters.

(E) is incorrect because remote means distant. This is not the opposite of navigable.

3) D
The word scoff means to speak to express mockery or contempt. When someone is making fun of something, he or she is
scoffing at it. The opposite of scoff is to praise something. Because commend means to praise formally, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because ridicule means to subject someone to mockery. This is practically synonymous with scoff, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because worship means to treat someone with the reverence of a holy deity. This is not the opposite of
scoff, because it is too extreme in meaning.

(C) is incorrect because deride means to ridicule or express contempt. This is practically synonymous with scoff, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because rally means to bring people together in support of a person or cause. This is not the opposite of

4) A
The word dally means to move slowly. When one dallies, he or she does not bother to hurry. The opposite of dally is to
hurry. Because hasten means to be quick to do something, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because tinker means to attempt to repair something in a casual or experimental way. This is not the
opposite of dally.

(C) is incorrect because linger means to stay in place longer than is necessary. This is practically synonymous with dally,
not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because tire means to exhaust or cause to feel in need of rest. This is not the opposite of dally.

(E) is incorrect because idle means to spend time doing nothing. This is not the opposite of dally.

5) C
The word overbearing means unpleasantly domineering. A very forceful individual might be considered overbearing. The
opposite of overbearing is submissive or not domineering. Because unassertive means not having a forceful personality,
choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because snooty means showing disapproval or contempt toward others. This is not the opposite of

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(B) is incorrect because tyrannical means oppressively controlling. This is practically synonymous with overbearing, not
the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because affectionate means showing fondness or tenderness. This is not the opposite of overbearing,
since someone who is affectionate could also be forceful.

(E) is incorrect because underhanded means acting in a dishonest way. This is not the opposite of overbearing.

6) D
The word respite means a short pause or break. For example, a coffee break is a respite from the workday. The opposite
of a respite is not taking a break. Because a continuation is the state of remaining in a particular position or carrying on
with an activity, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a truce is an agreement between enemies to stop fighting for a certain amount of time. This is not
the opposite of respite.

(B) is incorrect because industry is hard work. This is not the opposite of respite.

(C) is incorrect because a moratorium is a temporary prohibition of an activity. This is nearly synonymous with respite, not
the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because a reprieve is a cancellation or postponement of a punishment. This is not the opposite of respite.

7) E
The word tangible means real and able to be touched. Something tangible is something that exists in reality. The opposite
of tangible is something unreal or fanciful. Because abstract means existing in thought only, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because visible means able to be seen. This is not the opposite of tangible.

(B) is incorrect because superfluous means unnecessary. This is not the opposite of tangible.

(C) is incorrect because definite means clearly stated or defined. This is not the opposite of tangible.

(D) is incorrect because plastic means easily molded or shaped. This is not the opposite of tangible.

8) B
The word contemplative means involving prolonged thought. A contemplative individual would often be lost in deep
thoughts. The opposite of contemplative is not thinking. Because unreflective means not engaging in thought, choice (B)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because wistful means contemplative or having a feeling of regretful longing. This is nearly synonymous
with contemplative, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because numbed means deprived of the power of sensation. This is not the opposite of contemplative.

(D) is incorrect because aroused means excited. This is not the opposite of contemplative.

(E) is incorrect because nostalgic means exhibiting a sentimental longing for the past. This is not the opposite of

9) C
The word cranky means ill-tempered or irritable. Someone who gets angry very easily would be described as cranky. The
opposite of cranky is pleasant in demeanor or not irritable. Because amiable means having a friendly and pleasant
manner, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because bearish means rough or surly. This is nearly synonymous with cranky, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because altruistic means unselfish. This is not the opposite of cranky.

(D) is incorrect because irritable means having a tendency to be easily angered. This is synonymous with cranky, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because considerate means careful not to hurt others. This is not the opposite of cranky.

10) A
The word convertible means able to be changed in form or function. A convertible sofa is one that can be unfolded or
changed into a bed. The opposite of convertible is not changeable. Because fixed means predetermined and not able to
be changed, choice (A) is correct.

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(B) is incorrect because malleable means changeable or adaptable. This is synonymous with convertible, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because dissimilar means not alike. This is not the opposite of convertible.

(D) is incorrect because mature means fully developed or grown. This is not the opposite of convertible.

(E) is incorrect because modifiable means changeable. This is synonymous with convertible, not the opposite of it.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 10

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. casual A. momentous
B. impenetrable B. stately
C. unclear C. proper
D. withdrawn D. informal
E. accessible E. offensive

A. adhere A. celebrated
B. admit B. secret
C. extract C. exotic
D. boost D. successful
E. embed E. irrelevant

A. eerie A. valley
B. unruly B. median
C. routine C. apex
D. tedious D. mean
E. familiar E. floor

A. raze A. dispute
B. impair B. alarm
C. generate C. support
D. elevate D. sap
E. endorse E. intensify


A. vague A. inclined
B. indeterminate B. disastrous
C. straightforward C. neutral
D. accurate D. unfair
E. conclusive E. injurious

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word unapproachable means unreachable or impossible to get near. A person can be unapproachable if he or she is
distant, cold, or standoffish. The opposite of unapproachable is approachable. Because accessible means easy to
approach, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because casual means informal. This is not the opposite of unapproachable.

(B) is incorrect because impenetrable means inaccessible or impossible to enter. This is practically synonymous with
unapproachable, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because unclear means vague or uneasily understood. This is not the opposite of unapproachable.

(D) is incorrect because withdrawn means shy. This is not the opposite of unapproachable.

2) C
The word insert means to put or place inside. If one inserts a letter into an envelope, he or she is adding that letter to the
envelope. The opposite of insert is to take out or remove. Because extract means to take out or remove, choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because adhere means to stay attached. This is not the opposite of insert.

(B) is incorrect because admit means to allow in. This is nearly synonymous with insert, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because boost means to advance or promote. This is not the opposite of insert.

(E) is incorrect because embed means to fix into a surrounding area or mass. This is not the opposite of insert.

3) A
The word everyday means ordinary or commonplace. An everyday occurrence is something that happens regularly. The
opposite of everyday is uncommon or strange. Because eerie means weird or unusual, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because unruly means disobedient. This is not the opposite of everyday.

(C) is incorrect because routine means commonplace. This is synonymous with everyday, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because tedious means boring or tiring. This is not the opposite of everyday.

(E) is incorrect because familiar means commonly known or seen. This is not the opposite of everyday.

4) C
The word demolish means destroy or ruin. When someone demolishes a building, he or she eliminates it. The opposite of
demolish is produce or build. Because generate means bring into existence or create, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because raze means destroy completely or tear down. This is synonymous with demolish, not the opposite
of it.

(B) is incorrect because impair means make something worse or weaken its power. This is not the opposite of demolish.

(D) is incorrect because elevate means raise to a higher position. This is not the opposite of demolish.

(E) is incorrect because endorse means approve or support. This is not the opposite of demolish.

5) E
The word unsettled means undetermined or undecided. For example, an unsettled dispute would be one that is ongoing
or that cannot be decided. The opposite of unsettled is settled or decided. Because conclusive means decisive or
convincing, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because vague means not clearly expressed. This is practically synonymous with unsettled, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because indeterminate means indefinite or uncertain. This is synonymous with unsettled, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because straightforward means direct. This is not the opposite of unsettled.

(D) is incorrect because accurate means precise or exact. This is not the opposite of unsettled.

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6) D
The word ceremonious means formal or elaborately polite. For example, a ceremonious occasion would be one that
strictly follows the rules of polite society. The opposite of ceremonious is not formal. Because informal means casual or
not formal, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because momentous means of great significance. This is not the opposite of ceremonious.

(B) is incorrect because stately means majestic or extremely elegant. This is not the opposite of ceremonious.

(C) is incorrect because proper means conforming to standard behavior or politeness. This is synonymous with
ceremonious, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because offensive means insulting. This is not the opposite of ceremonious.

7) A
The word unknown means not famous or not widely known. For example, an unknown singer would be someone who has
not yet been discovered by a talent agent or who has not reached a wide audience. The opposite of unknown is famous.
Because celebrated means famous or well known, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because secret means hidden or obscure. This is practically synonymous with unknown, not the opposite
of it.

(C) is incorrect because exotic means unusual or strange in appearance or effect. This is not the opposite of unknown.

(D) is incorrect because successful means having obtained wealth or position. This is not the opposite of unknown.

(E) is incorrect because irrelevant means not applicable or important to the matter at hand. This is not the opposite of

8) C
The word minimum means the least amount possible. The minimum is the low point of something. The opposite of
minimum is maximum. Because an apex is the top point of a mountain or the maximum point of anything, choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because a valley is any low point. This is synonymous with minimum, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because a median is the middle point of something. This is not the opposite of minimum.

(D) is incorrect because a mean is the mathematical average or something that is midway between two extremes. This is
not the opposite of minimum.

(E) is incorrect because a floor is the base or foundation of something. This is not the opposite of minimum.

9) D
The word fortify means strengthen or protect. For example, to fortify a castle’s defenses, one might add an outer wall or
moat. The opposite of fortify is weaken. Because sap means weaken or undermine, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because dispute means argue. This is not the opposite of fortify.

(B) is incorrect because alarm means make fearful or cause distress. This is not the opposite of fortify.

(C) is incorrect because support means aid or help. This is practically synonymous with fortify, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because intensify means heighten in power. This is practically synonymous with fortify, not the opposite of

10) C
The word biased means prejudiced or having a tendency to favor one thing over another. A biased judge, for example, is
someone who cannot make a fair decision based on facts alone because he or she is partial to one side before hearing
the facts. The opposite of biased is unbiased or impartial. Because neutral means not aligned with any particular side or
opinion, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because inclined means of a mind or having a tendency toward something. This is not the opposite of

(B) is incorrect because disastrous means causing great harm. This is not the opposite of biased.

(D) is incorrect because unfair means not fair or unjust. This is not the opposite of biased.

(E) is incorrect because injurious means harmful. This is not the opposite of biased.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 10

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. condition A. imitate
B. consensus B. praise
C. dispute C. condemn
D. discussion D. taunt
E. compromise E. penalize

A. grotesque A. efficient
B. demented B. inordinate
C. arrogant C. powerful
D. rational D. ineffectual
E. cryptic E. informative

A. festive A. fluke
B. dreary B. catastrophe
C. generic C. omen
D. haphazard D. coincidence
E. defiant E. disease

A. summary A. fanciful
B. outcome B. bygone
C. incidence C. habitual
D. incursion D. showy
E. inception E. contemporary


A. refute A. obedient
B. refrain B. courteous
C. research C. offensive
D. affirm D. civil
E. substantiate E. devious

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Answers and Explanations
1) B
The word disharmony means discord or disagreement. If two people do not see eye to eye on something, they are in
disharmony with each other. The opposite of disharmony is harmony or agreement. Because consensus is harmony or
general agreement, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a condition is a state, mode, or particular position. This word is not the opposite of disharmony.

(C) is incorrect because a dispute is a difference of opinion. This is synonymous with disharmony, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because a discussion is an informal debate or conversation about an issue. It is something done when
there is disharmony, but it is not the opposite of disharmony.

(E) is incorrect because compromise is the settlement of disputes by making concessions. It is something done when
there is disharmony, but it is not the opposite of disharmony.

2) B
The word sane means having a sound mind. One is sane if he or she is free of mental illness. The opposite of sane is
insane, or lacking a sound mind. Because demented means insane, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because grotesque means comically hideous. This is not the opposite of sane.

(C) is incorrect because arrogant means proud or haughty. This is not the opposite of sane.

(D) is incorrect because rational means reasonable. This is practically synonymous with sane, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because cryptic means mysterious. This is not the opposite of sane.

3) A
The word gloomy means dismal or depressing. For example, the atmosphere of a funeral would be gloomy. The opposite
of gloomy is lively or uplifting. Because festive means joyous or celebratory, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because dreary means causing sadness or despair. This is synonymous with gloomy, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because generic means characteristic of an entire classification or group. This is not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because haphazard means random or aimless. This is not the opposite of gloomy.

(E) is incorrect because defiant means refusing to yield or showing resistance. This is not the opposite of gloomy.

4) E
The word conclusion means ending. For example, the conclusion of a story is how the conflict is resolved and how the
story ends. The opposite of a conclusion is a beginning. Because an inception is a start or beginning, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a summary is a brief but comprehensive restatement of facts previously stated. This is not the
opposite of conclusion.

(B) is incorrect because an outcome is the final result. This is synonymous with conclusion, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because incidence is the rate of occurrence. This is not the opposite of conclusion.

(D) is incorrect because an incursion is a temporary invasion. This is not the opposite of conclusion.

5) A
The word corroborate means support a point or idea. When one corroborates something, he or she is confirming or
proving that thing. The opposite of affirm is disagree or argue against. Because refute means disprove, choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because refrain means abstain from or resist. This is not the opposite of corroborate.

(C) is incorrect because research means investigate or study. This is not the opposite of corroborate.

(D) is incorrect because affirm means confirm or support. This is synonymous with corroborate, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because substantiate means establish by evidence or verify by support. This is not the opposite of
corroborate, as both words imply that someone is agreeing with a point.

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6) B
The word mock means attack with ridicule, often by mimicry. To mock someone is to make fun of someone. The opposite
of mock is to express approval. Because praise means commend or express approval, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because imitate means to mimic or impersonate. This is not the opposite of mock.

(C) is incorrect because condemn means express disapproval. This is practically synonymous with mock, not the opposite
of it.

(D) is incorrect because taunt means treat with ridicule in a sarcastic manner. This is practically synonymous with mock,
not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because penalize means punish. This is not the opposite of mock.

7) D
The word potent means powerful or greatly effective. For example, a potent medicine would quickly improve one’s health.
The opposite of potent is weak or not effective. Because ineffectual means not effective, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because efficient means producing an effect in the best possible or least wasteful manner. This is
practically synonymous with potent, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because inordinate means excessive. This is not the opposite of potent, as it would instead be used to
describe something unnecessarily strong.

(C) is incorrect because powerful means strong. This is synonymous with potent, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because informative means instructive. This is not the opposite of potent.

8) A
The word calamity is a great misfortune or disaster. A tornado that destroys an entire town would be a calamity. The
opposite of calamity would be good luck or a blessing. Because a fluke is a stroke of good luck, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because a catastrophe is a sudden and widespread disaster. This is synonymous with calamity, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because an omen is a sign indicating a future event. This is not necessarily the opposite of calamity,
because an omen can refer to both good and bad fates.

(D) is incorrect because coincidence is a chance occurrence. This is not the opposite of calamity, since it does not
necessarily refer to good luck only. A coincidence could be either good or bad.

(E) is incorrect because disease is illness. This is not the opposite of calamity, though catching a disease could be an
example of calamity.

9) E
The word antiquated means old-fashioned. For example, a rotary dial phone is an antiquated piece of technology. The
opposite of antiquated is new or modern. Because contemporary means of the same time or of the present time, choice
(E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because fanciful means whimsical or not realistic. This is not the opposite of antiquated.

(B) is incorrect because bygone means past or earlier. This is practically synonymous with antiquated, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because habitual means done by routine, usually involuntarily. This is not the opposite of antiquated.

(D) is incorrect because showy means making an elaborate or imposing display. This is not the opposite of antiquated.

10) C
The word respectful means showing politeness or acting nicely toward others. For example, a respectful person would say
“please” or “thank you.” The opposite of respectful is disrespectful or showing a lack of politeness. Because offensive
means unpleasant, insulting, or disagreeable, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because obedient means complying with or submissive to authority. This is not the opposite of respectful.

(B) is incorrect because courteous means polite. This is synonymous with respectful, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because civil means polite. This is synonymous with respectful, not the opposite of it.

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(E) is incorrect because devious means indirect or circuitous. This is not the opposite of respectful.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 10

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. meander A. obscured
B. flounder B. publicized
C. hamper C. lessened
D. scuttle D. illuminated
E. assist E. eroded

A. hopeful A. scribe
B. cynical B. author
C. naive C. bandit
D. pathetic D. hero
E. wicked E. rival

A. laxity A. sterile
B. attraction B. wintry
C. splendor C. balmy
D. dispassion D. fertile
E. obsession E. arid

A. scanty A. intelligible
B. dire B. concise
C. trivial C. wordy
D. momentous D. hospitable
E. paltry E. elegant


A. ruined A. melancholy
B. undermined B. unfortunate
C. strengthened C. merry
D. enhanced D. confident
E. shuffled E. imbecilic

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word aid means help or provide support. Someone aids another by making things easier for the other person. The
opposite of aid is to make things harder for someone else. Because hamper means hold back or hinder, choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because meander means wander or ramble. This is not the opposite of aid.

(B) is incorrect because flounder means struggle clumsily. This is not the opposite of aid.

(D) is incorrect because scuttle means deliberately sink, as in a ship. This is not the opposite of aid.

(E) is incorrect because assist means help or give support. This is synonymous with aid, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word optimistic means tending to expect favorable outcomes. One is optimistic if he or she assumes things will work
out well. The opposite of optimistic is pessimistic or expecting unfavorable outcomes. Because cynical means bitterly
distrusting or pessimistic, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hopeful means full of the feeling that things will turn out for the best. This is synonymous with
optimistic, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because naïve means unsophisticated or unworldly. This is not the opposite of optimistic.

(D) is incorrect because pathetic means pitiable or weak. This is not the opposite of optimistic.

(E) is incorrect because wicked means evil or morally bad. This is not the opposite of optimistic.

3) E
The word indifference means a lack of interest or concern. Someone shows indifference if he or she does not express any
care about something. The opposite of indifference is interest. Because obsession is the act of dwelling or fixating on a
particular subject or idea, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because laxity is a looseness or lack of severity. This is not the opposite of indifference.

(B) is incorrect because attraction is allure or the power to draw one to another. This is not the opposite of indifference.

(C) is incorrect because splendor is magnificence. This is not the opposite of indifference.

(D) is incorrect because dispassion is the state or quality of being unemotionally involved. This is practically synonymous
with indifference, not the opposite of it.

4) C
The word consequential means of importance. Something is consequential if it has an impact. The opposite of
consequential is unimportant. Because trivial means of very little importance, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because scanty means meager or small in amount. This is not the opposite of consequential.

(B) is incorrect because dire means dreadful or terrible. This is not the opposite of consequential.

(D) is incorrect because momentous means of huge significance. This is synonymous with consequential, not the opposite
of it.

(E) is incorrect because paltry means meager or small in amount. This is not the opposite of consequential.

5) B
The word reinforced means strengthened or made more effective. A building has been reinforced if something has been
added to it that improves its structure. The opposite of reinforced is weakened. Because undermined means weakened by
removing underlying support, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because ruined means completely destroyed. This is not the opposite of reinforced because it is too
extreme in meaning.

(C) is incorrect because strengthened means improved in power. This is synonymous with reinforced, not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because enhanced means intensified or magnified. This is practically synonymous with reinforced, not the
opposite of it.

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(E) is incorrect because shuffled means walked without lifting one’s feet. This is not the opposite of reinforced.

6) A
The word revealed means made known or visible. Something is revealed if it was once hidden but now is not hidden. The
opposite of revealed is hidden or not open to view. Because obscured means concealed or hidden, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because publicized means advertised or brought notice to. This is practically synonymous with revealed,
not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because lessened means reduced. This is not the opposite of revealed.

(D) is incorrect because illuminated means lit up. This is nearly synonymous with revealed, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because eroded means eaten up. This is not the opposite of revealed.

7) D
The word antagonist means a person who competes with another, especially the protagonist or main character in a story.
For instance, the antagonist of a horror movie would be the monster. The opposite of antagonist is, then, the main
character or protagonist. Because a hero is the main male character of a story and, generally, a person celebrated for
bravery, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a scribe is a writer. This is not the opposite of antagonist.

(B) is incorrect because an author is a writer. This is not the opposite of antagonist.

(C) is incorrect because a bandit is a robber or outlaw. This is not the opposite of antagonist.

(E) is incorrect because a rival is a person who competes with another for the same prize. This is practically synonymous
with antagonist, not the opposite of it.

8) D
The word barren means unproductive or incapable of creating offspring. Land is barren if it cannot produce fruit or
vegetation. The opposite of barren is being able to create life. Because fertile means capable of producing vegetation or
offspring, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because sterile means unproductive or incapable of creating offspring. This is synonymous with barren,
not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because wintry means cold or frosty. This is not the opposite of barren.

(C) is incorrect because balmy means soft and soothing. This is not the opposite of barren.

(E) is incorrect because arid means incredibly dry. This is not the opposite of barren.

9) C
The word succinct means expressed in few words. A statement is succinct if it short in length. The opposite of succinct is
expressed in a lot of words. Because wordy means characterized by the use of too many words, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because intelligible means capable of being understood. This is not the opposite of succinct.

(B) is incorrect because concise means expressed in few words. This is synonymous with succinct, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because hospitable means welcoming or inviting. This is not the opposite of succinct.

(E) is incorrect because elegant means gracefully refined or dignified. This is not the opposite of succinct.

10) A
The word cheery means gay in spirits or happy in disposition. Someone is cheery if he or she shows that he or she is
enjoying him or herself or encouraging others to be happy. The opposite of cheery is something negative such as
depressed or saddened. Because melancholy means sad or gloomy, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because unfortunate means unlucky. This is not the opposite of cheery.

(C) is incorrect because merry means joyous or gay. This is synonymous with cheery, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because confident means self-assured. This is not the opposite of cheery.

(E) is incorrect because imbecilic means silly or stupid. This is not the opposite of cheery.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 11

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. suave A. gargantuan
B. indolent B. nondescript
C. cultured C. navigable
D. boorish D. microscopic
E. bland E. formidable

A. lackadaisically A. perpetrate
B. rashly B. champion
C. stubbornly C. jeopardize
D. warily D. arrest
E. oafishly E. harbor

A. mirthful A. extrude
B. nautical B. gall
C. levelheaded C. fatigue
D. profound D. activate
E. morose E. galvanize

A. innuendo A. ethnic
B. decadence B. rustic
C. injustice C. municipal
D. forthrightness D. cosmopolitan
E. stratagem E. unassuming


A. atypical A. combustible
B. nocturnal B. mercurial
C. commonplace C. evolving
D. occult D. sedentary
E. mystical E. stable

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Answers and Explanations
1) D
The word refined means well-mannered or free of vulgarity or coarseness. A person who is refined might also be called
well-bred and would behave in a polite manner. The opposite of refined is coarse, vulgar, or lacking in manners. Because
boorish means rude or unmannered, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because suave means polite or smoothly agreeable. This is practically synonymous with refined, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because indolent means lazy. This is not the opposite of refined.

(C) is incorrect because cultured means enlightened or well-mannered. This is synonymous with refined, not the opposite
of it.

(E) is incorrect because bland means soothing or mild. This is not the opposite of refined.

2) B
The word gingerly means very carefully. A cat burglar would move gingerly so as to avoid making a sound or being
detected. The opposite of gingerly is carelessly. Because rashly means impetuously or done without consideration or
thought, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because lackadaisically means listlessly or lethargically. This is not the opposite of gingerly.

(C) is incorrect because stubbornly means resolutely or obstinately. This is not the opposite of gingerly.

(D) is incorrect because warily means very carefully. This is synonymous with gingerly, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because oafishly means stupidly. This is not the opposite of gingerly.

3) E
The word buoyant means cheerful and optimistic. Someone who is buoyant is usually in good spirits. The opposite of
buoyant is unhappy or pessimistic. Because morose means ill-humored or melancholy, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because mirthful means merry or full of laughter. This is synonymous with buoyant, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because nautical means pertaining to ships or navigation. This is not the opposite of buoyant.

(C) is incorrect because levelheaded means sensible. This is not the opposite of buoyant.

(D) is incorrect because profound means of deep meaning. This is not the opposite of buoyant.

4) D
The word artifice means deception or trickery. One of the most famous examples of artifice is the Trojan horse, a
supposed gift that actually tricked the Trojans into opening their gates to the invading Greek army. The opposite of artifice
is honesty or a lack of deception. Because forthrightness is straightforwardness or directness, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because an innuendo is a hint or insinuation. This is not the opposite of artifice.

(B) is incorrect because decadence is decay. This is not the opposite of artifice.

(C) is incorrect because an injustice is a violation of one’s rights. This is not the opposite of artifice.

(E) is incorrect because a stratagem is a deceptive trick. This is synonymous with artifice, not the opposite of it.

5) A
The word usual means normal, routine, or customary. A usual occurrence is something that happens every day. The
opposite of usual is unusual or not normal. Because atypical means irregular or not normal, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because nocturnal means done at night. This is not the opposite of usual.

(C) is incorrect because commonplace means ordinary or uninteresting. This is practically synonymous with usual, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because occult means pertaining to magic or supernatural powers. This is not the opposite of usual.

(E) is incorrect because mystical means pertaining to magic or spiritual powers. This is not the opposite of usual.

6) A

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The word minuscule means very small. For example, a single speck of dust is miniscule in size. The opposite of
minuscule is huge. Because gargantuan means huge or enormous, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because nondescript means ordinary or not distinctive. This is not the opposite of minuscule.

(C) is incorrect because navigable means wide and deep enough for a ship to pass through. Though this does imply size,
it is not the direct opposite of minuscule, since the meaning of navigable is limited specifically to size in water.

(D) is incorrect because microscopic means very small or tiny. This is synonymous with minuscule, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because formidable means difficult or fear-inspiring. This is not the opposite of minuscule.

7) C
The word protect means to defend or guard. For example, a goalie in hockey protects the goal from opposing players’
shots. The opposite of protect is to endanger. Because jeopardize means to endanger or put at risk, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because perpetrate means to commit an offense. This is not the opposite of protect.

(B) is incorrect because champion means to support militantly. This is not the opposite of protect.

(D) is incorrect because arrest means to stop or slow down. This is not the opposite of protect.

(E) is incorrect because harbor means to give shelter to. This is practically synonymous with protect, not the opposite of it.

8) C
The word invigorate means to energize or stimulate. For example, the caffeine in coffee invigorates a coffee drinker. The
opposite of invigorate is to weaken in energy or tire out. Because fatigue means to exhaust, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because extrude means to force or push out. This is not the opposite of invigorate.

(B) is incorrect because gall means to annoy. This is not the opposite of invigorate.

(D) is incorrect because activate means to cause to function. This is not the opposite of invigorate.

(E) is incorrect because galvanize means to stimulate by shock or revitalize. This is practically synonymous with
invigorate, not the opposite of it.

9) B
The word urban means pertaining to a city. For example, a large city such as Chicago would be called an urban area. The
opposite of urban is rural. Because rustic means pertaining to rural areas or people, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because ethnic means relating to races. This is not the opposite of urban.

(C) is incorrect because municipal means pertaining to a city or its government. This is practically synonymous with urban,
not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because cosmopolitan means worldly. This is not the opposite of urban.

(E) is incorrect because unassuming means modest. This is not the opposite of urban.

10) E
The word volatile means changeable or explosive. A situation is volatile if it is unstable or could change any second. The
opposite of volatile is nonvolatile or unchanging. Because stable means steady or resistant to sudden change, choice (E)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because combustible means easily burned. This is not the opposite of volatile.

(B) is incorrect because mercurial means changing. This is synonymous with volatile, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because evolving means developing into being over time. This is not the opposite of volatile.

(D) is incorrect because sedentary means motionless or requiring sitting. This is not the opposite of volatile, since being in
motion and being changeable are not synonymous.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 11

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. countenance A. burgeon
B. modicum B. flop
C. excess C. entrance
D. quorum D. excoriate
E. pitfall E. fabricate

A. frantic A. pacifistic
B. dilatory B. irreconcilable
C. presumptuous C. petty
D. restive D. ruthless
E. expeditious E. belligerent

A. gamely A. ineffable
B. impartial B. incriminated
C. obsequious C. innocent
D. blasé D. indignant
E. enthralled E. inordinate

A. dubious A. hallucination
B. rigid B. prodigy
C. supple C. advantage
D. tentative D. hindrance
E. substantial E. annihilation


A. manifest A. parsimonious
B. minute B. magnanimous
C. ephemeral C. indigent
D. faint D. impoverished
E. iridescent E. pristine

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word dearth means scarcity. For example, during a drought there is a dearth of water. The opposite of dearth is
abundance. Because excess is overabundance or having more than what is needed, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a countenance is a face. This is not the opposite of dearth.

(B) is incorrect because a modicum is a limited quantity. This is nearly synonymous with dearth, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because a quorum is the number of members necessary to start a meeting. This is not the opposite of

(E) is incorrect because a pitfall is a hidden danger. This is not the opposite of dearth.

2) E
The word laggard means slow or sluggish. For example, a snail would be described as laggard. The opposite of laggard is
quick-moving. Because expeditious means quick or prompt, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because frantic means desperate or wild with excitement. This is not the opposite of laggard, since it does
not necessarily reference speed.

(B) is incorrect because dilatory means delaying. This is practically synonymous with laggard, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because presumptuous means overconfident. This is not the opposite of laggard.

(D) is incorrect because restive means restlessly impatient. This is not the opposite of laggard.

3) D
The word rapt means absorbed or enchanted. For example, an audience is described as rapt if the audience is extremely
attentive and enthralled by the performance or speaker. The opposite of rapt is bored. Because blasé means unmoved or
bored, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because gamely means with spirit. This is not the opposite of rapt.

(B) is incorrect because impartial means not biased. This is not the opposite of rapt.

(C) is incorrect because obsequious means slavishly attentive. This is practically synonymous with rapt, not the opposite
of it.

(E) is incorrect because enthralled means captivated. This is practically synonymous with rapt, not the opposite of it.

4) E
The word tenuous means thin or slim. A tenuous claim is one that is not well supported. The opposite of tenuous is well
supported or thick. Because substantial means strong or of ample or considerable size, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because dubious means questionable or flimsy. This is nearly synonymous with tenuous, not the opposite
of it.

(B) is incorrect because rigid means strict or unyielding. This is not the opposite of tenuous.

(C) is incorrect because supple means flexible. This is not the opposite of tenuous.

(D) is incorrect because tentative means hesitant. This is not the opposite of tenuous.

5) A
The word imperceptible means unnoticeable or undetectable. Camouflage is used to attempt to make something
imperceptible. The opposite of imperceptible is apparent or visible. Because manifest means evident, visible, or obvious,
choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because minute means small in stature. This is not the opposite of imperceptible.

(C) is incorrect because ephemeral means short-lived or fleeting. This is not the opposite of imperceptible.

(D) is incorrect because faint means lacking clearness or visibility. This is practically synonymous with imperceptible, not
the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because iridescent means exhibiting rainbow-like colors. Even though this implies visibility, this is not the
opposite of imperceptible, since its meaning is too specific and limited.

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6) B
The word thrive means to prosper or flourish. A successful business would be one that thrives. The opposite of thrive is to
fail or not succeed. Because flop means to fail completely, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because burgeon means to growth forth. This is practically synonymous with thrive, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because entrance means to put under a spell. This is not the opposite of thrive.

(D) is incorrect because excoriate means to harshly scold. This is not the opposite of thrive.

(E) is incorrect because fabricate means to build or to tell a lie. This is not the opposite of thrive.

7) A
The word bellicose means warlike or inclined to fight. For example, pit bulls and other dogs with a reputation for violence
might be described as bellicose. The opposite of bellicose is peaceful. Because pacifistic means opposed to war or
fighting, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because irreconcilable means not able to be resolved. This is not the opposite of bellicose.

(C) is incorrect because petty means trivial or unimportant. This is not the opposite of bellicose.

(D) is incorrect because ruthless means cruel. This is not the opposite of bellicose.

(E) is incorrect because belligerent means quarrelsome. This is synonymous with bellicose, not the opposite of it.

8) C
The word culpable means deserving of blame. A thief is culpable for the crime of robbery or theft. The opposite of
culpable is blameless or not deserving of blame. Because innocent means guiltless or not deserving of blame, choice (C)
is correct.

(A) is incorrect because ineffable means unutterable or inexpressible. This is not the opposite of culpable.

(B) is incorrect because incriminated means accused. This is not the opposite of culpable.

(D) is incorrect because indignant means angry at a perceived injustice. This is not the opposite of culpable.

(E) is incorrect because inordinate means excessive. This is not the opposite of culpable.

9) D
The word boon means a blessing or benefit. Something is a boon if it makes completing a task easier. The opposite of a
boon is a burden. Because a hindrance is a block or obstacle, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a hallucination is a delusion. This is not the opposite of boon.

(B) is incorrect because a prodigy is a marvel or a highly gifted child. This is not the opposite of boon.

(C) is incorrect because an advantage is a benefit or gain. This is synonymous with boon, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because annihilation is extinction or destruction. This is not the opposite of boon, since it is too extreme in

10) B
The word stingy means not willing to give or spend money. A stingy person would not be willing to share with others. The
opposite of stingy is generous. Because magnanimous means generous, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because parsimonious means frugal or not generous. This is synonymous with stingy, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because indigent means needy or poor. This is not the opposite of stingy.

(D) is incorrect because impoverished means poor. This is not the opposite of stingy.

(E) is incorrect because pristine means unspoiled. This is not the opposite of stingy.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 11

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. dishearten A. impassive
B. aggrandize B. iniquitous
C. heighten C. ingenuous
D. disband D. impeccable
E. diminish E. insolvent

A. grandiose A. muffled
B. copious B. murky
C. paltry C. muddled
D. majestic D. monastic
E. slipshod E. multiform

A. obstinate A. august
B. allegiant B. puerile
C. florid C. drab
D. perfidious D. garish
E. problematic E. explicit

A. vex A. disparage
B. nourish B. chastise
C. pique C. malign
D. haggle D. propagate
E. allay E. commend


A. baleful A. simple
B. maudlin B. utilitarian
C. pungent C. serpentine
D. vapid D. laborious
E. insipid E. tortuous

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word augment means to increase or add to. For example, a salary may be augmented by a pay raise. The opposite of
augment is to decrease or subtract from. Because diminish means to make smaller, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because dishearten means to discourage or cause to lose hope. This is not the opposite of augment.

(B) is incorrect because aggrandize means to increase or intensify. This is synonymous with augment, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because heighten means to increase in degree or amount. This is synonymous with augment, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because disband means to disperse. This is not the opposite of augment.

2) B
The word meager means scanty or inadequate. For example, a meager meal would be one that is too small to satisfy
one’s appetite. The opposite of meager is adequate or plentiful. Because copious means plentiful, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because grandiose means impressive or exaggerated. This is not the opposite of meager.

(C) is incorrect because paltry means insignificant. This is synonymous with meager, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because majestic means stately or grand. This is not the opposite of meager.

(E) is incorrect because slipshod means untidy. This is not the opposite of meager.

3) D
The word loyal means faithful. One is considered a loyal fan of a sports team if he or she never waivers in support of the
team, regardless of the team’s success. The opposite of loyal is disloyal or traitorous. Because perfidious means
treacherous or disloyal, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because obstinate means stubborn. This is not the opposite of loyal.

(B) is incorrect because allegiant means devoted or loyal. This is synonymous with loyal.

(C) is incorrect because florid means ruddy or reddish. This is not the opposite of loyal.

(E) is incorrect because problematic means questionable. This is not the opposite of loyal.

4) E
The word aggravate means to make worse or more severe. For example, putting salt on an open wound aggravates the
pain of the wound. The opposite of aggravate is to lessen in severity. Because allay means to calm or pacify, choice (E) is

(A) is incorrect because vex means to annoy. This is not the opposite of aggravate.

(B) is incorrect because nourish means to strengthen or build up. Despite its positive meaning, this is not the opposite of
aggravate, since nourish does not necessarily mean to weaken in severity.

(C) is incorrect because pique means to provoke or annoy. This is not the opposite of aggravate.

(D) is incorrect because haggle means to argue about prices. This is not the opposite of any word, including aggravate.

5) C
The word flavorless means lacking in taste or flavor. A bland meal would be called flavorless. The opposite of flavorless is
strong in flavor or taste. Because pungent means sharp in taste or smell, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because baleful means deadly. This is not the opposite of flavorless.

(B) is incorrect because maudlin means overly sentimental. This is not the opposite of flavorless.

(D) is incorrect because vapid means dull or bland. This is synonymous with flavorless, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because insipid means lacking in flavor. This is synonymous with flavorless, not the opposite of it.

6) B

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The word infallible means unerring or absolutely trustworthy. Catholics consider the Pope to be infallible. The opposite of
infallible would be erring or untrustworthy. Because iniquitous means wicked or immoral, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because impassive means without feeling. This is not the opposite of infallible.

(C) is incorrect because ingenuous means naïve or trusting. This is not the opposite of infallible.

(D) is incorrect because impeccable means faultless or flawless. This is practically synonymous with infallible, not the
opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because insolvent means bankrupt. This is not the opposite of infallible.

7) A
The word strident means harshly loud. For example, a police siren is strident. The opposite of strident is muted in sound
or quiet. Because muffled means wrapped to prevent sound, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because murky means dark or gloomy. This is not the opposite of strident.

(C) is incorrect because muddled means confused or mixed up. This is not the opposite of strident.

(D) is incorrect because monastic means related to monasteries and removed from worldly concerns. This is not the
opposite of strident.

(E) is incorrect because multiform means having many forms. This is not the opposite of strident.

8) C
The word gaudy means flashy or showy. For example, the peacock is a very gaudy animal. The opposite of gaudy is
subdued or muted. Because drab means dull or lacking in color, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because august means impressive. This is not the opposite of gaudy.

(B) is incorrect because puerile means childish. This is not the opposite of gaudy.

(D) is incorrect because garish means overly bright in color. This is synonymous with gaudy, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because explicit means totally clear or unambiguous. This is not the opposite of gaudy.

9) E
The word deprecate means to belittle or express disapproval. If the public did not agree with the decision of a president,
the public might deprecate the decision. The opposite of deprecate is to praise or express approval of. Because commend
means to express praise, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because disparage means to belittle. This is synonymous with deprecate, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because chastise means to punish. This is not the opposite of deprecate.

(C) is incorrect because malign means to speak evil of or defame. This is practically synonymous with deprecate, not the
opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because propagate means to multiply. This is not the opposite of deprecate.

10) A
The word convoluted means intricate or complex. The plot of a movie is considered convoluted if it is too complicated for
audiences to follow. The opposite of convoluted is not complex. Because simple means easy to understand or not
elaborate, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because utilitarian means being useful or having a purpose. This is not the opposite of convoluted.

(C) is incorrect because serpentine means winding or twisting. This is not the opposite of convoluted.

(D) is incorrect because laborious means demanding much work. This is not the opposite of convoluted.

(E) is incorrect because tortuous means winding or curving. This is not the opposite of convoluted.

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• Antonyms 1 Level 12

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. mitigate A. gauche
B. inflame B. lumbering
C. inhibit C. amateurish
D. conciliate D. adept
E. aver E. uncouth

A. frivolous A. mar
B. pensive B. fell
C. earthy C. pervert
D. tacit D. split
E. scathing E. conjoin

A. hospitable A. tawdry
B. equestrian B. keen
C. tremulous C. vacuous
D. robust D. innocuous
E. anemic E. pellucid

A. recurrence A. abstain
B. aberration B. quaff
C. recapitulation C. regress
D. felicity D. absolve
E. consistency E. imbibe


A. exuberant A. repugnance
B. composed B. aversion
C. lugubrious C. destitution
D. fetid D. petulance
E. esteemed E. attraction

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Answers and Explanations
1) B
The word assuage means to ease or make less severe. A massage can assuage pain in one’s muscles. The opposite of
assuage is to worsen or agitate. Because inflame means to make more heated or violent, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because mitigate means to soften. This is practically synonymous with assuage, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because inhibit means to hold back. This is not the opposite of assuage.

(D) is incorrect because conciliate means to placate. This is not the opposite of assuage.

(E) is incorrect because aver means to declare to be true. This is not the opposite of assuage.

2) C
The word romantic means fanciful or unrealistic. For example, most utopian ideas are considered romantic, since they are
idealized and practically impossible to carry out fully. The opposite of romantic is practical or realistic. Because earthy
means realistic or practical, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because frivolous means petty or trivial. This is not the opposite of romantic.

(B) is incorrect because pensive means dreamily thoughtful. This is nearly synonymous with romantic, not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because tacit means silently understood or implied. This is not the opposite of romantic.

(E) is incorrect because scathing means harshly critical. This is not the opposite of romantic.

3) D
The word infirm means feeble or weak in body or health. A very old dog would likely be infirm. The opposite of infirm is
strong in health. Because robust means strong and healthy, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hospitable means receptive or open. This is not the opposite of infirm.

(B) is incorrect because equestrian means mounted on horseback. This is not the opposite of infirm.

(C) is incorrect because tremulous means quivering or fearful. This is not the opposite of infirm.

(E) is incorrect because anemic means listless or weak. This is synonymous with infirm, not the opposite of it.

4) E
The word anomaly means irregularity or deviation from the norm. For example, snow in July would be a weather anomaly
in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The opposite of an anomaly is something that happens routinely. Because
consistency is a steadfast adherence to routine or form, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a recurrence is something that has occurred more than once. This is not the opposite of anomaly,
since the fact that something has occurred more than once does not mean it happens routinely.

(B) is incorrect because an aberration is something different from the usual. This is synonymous with anomaly, not the
opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because a recapitulation is a brief summary that restates the main points of an argument. This is not the
opposite of anomaly.

(D) is incorrect because felicity is feeling great happiness. This is not the opposite of anomaly.

5) A
The word melancholy means sad or depressed. The opposite of depressed is cheery. Because exuberant means happy
or having high spirits, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because composed means acting sober or calm. This is not the opposite of melancholy.

(C) is incorrect because lugubrious means sorrowful. This is practically synonymous with melancholy, not the opposite of

(D) is incorrect because fetid means foul-smelling. This is not the opposite of melancholy.

(E) is incorrect because esteemed means highly valued or regarded. This is not the opposite of melancholy.

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6) C
The word adroit means skillful. An expert carpenter would be described as an adroit carpenter. The opposite of adroit is
unskilled or maladroit. Because amateurish means inept or having the faults of a beginner, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because gauche means crude or socially awkward. This is not the opposite of adroit.

(B) is incorrect because lumbering means moving clumsily. This is not the opposite of adroit, since it is too limited in
meaning. One can be skillful at tasks that do not require motion.

(D) is incorrect because adept means very skilled. This is synonymous with adroit, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because uncouth means unmannerly or socially awkward. This is not the opposite of adroit.

7) D
The word yoke means to unite or join together. Two oxen are yoked if they are tied together to pull a wagon. The opposite
of yoke is separate. Because split means to divide or separate, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because mar means to damage. This is not the opposite of yoke.

(B) is incorrect because fell means to chop down. This is not the opposite of yoke.

(C) is incorrect because pervert means to misuse. This is not the opposite of yoke.

(E) is incorrect because conjoin means to join together. This is synonymous with yoke, not the opposite of it.

8) B
The word inane means foolish or silly. An idiot might make an inane comment. The opposite of inane is insightful or
intelligent. Because keen means smart or insightful, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because tawdry means gaudy or cheap. This is not the opposite of inane.

(C) is incorrect because vacuous means lacking in intelligence. This is synonymous with inane, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because innocuous means harmless. This is not the opposite of inane.

(E) is incorrect because pellucid means clear in meaning. This is not the opposite of inane, because clarity in meaning
does not necessarily imply intelligence.

9) A
The word indulge means to give in to a craving or desire. To indulge is to willingly give in to a temptation. The opposite of
indulge is to refrain from a desire. Because abstain means to refrain deliberately from something, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because quaff means to drink deeply or with pleasure. This is not the opposite of indulge.

(C) is incorrect because regress means to move backward. This is not the opposite of indulge.

(D) is incorrect because absolve means to clear from blame. This is not the opposite of indulge.

(E) is incorrect because imbibe means to consume. This is practically synonymous with indulge, not the opposite of it.

10) E
The word repulsion means the state of wanting to repel or reject something. For example, one might feel repulsion
towards eating insects. The opposite of repulsion is to be drawn to something or to desire something. Because attraction
is the state of drawing one in or being alluring, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because repugnance is a strong distaste. This is synonymous with repulsion, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because aversion is a strong feeling of dislike. This is synonymous with repulsion, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because destitution is deprivation or poverty. This is not the opposite of repulsion.

(D) is incorrect because petulance is rudeness. This is not the opposite of repulsion.

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• Antonyms 2 Level 12

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. nuance A. malevolence
B. veracity B. churlishness
C. diplomacy C. largess
D. sincerity D. bombast
E. guile E. kismet

A. enigmatic A. tonic
B. translucent B. sallow
C. scholarly C. inevitable
D. esoteric D. fickle
E. capacious E. pernicious

A. evanescence A. pretext
B. vacillation B. cessation
C. impertinence C. continuance
D. longevity D. moratorium
E. truculence E. windfall

A. stupefy A. sagacious
B. lambaste B. banal
C. commend C. estimable
D. implicate D. seminal
E. moderate E. insipid


A. beseech A. lanky
B. supplant B. lithe
C. feign C. brawny
D. necessitate D. rangy
E. rail E. pliant

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Answers and Explanations
1) E
The word candor means frankness. When one speaks with candor, he or she is completely honest. The opposite of
candor is dishonesty. Because guile is trickery or deception, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because nuance is a subtle distinction in meaning. This is not the opposite of candor.

(B) is incorrect because veracity is accuracy or truth. This is practically synonymous with candor, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because diplomacy is tact. This is not the opposite of candor.

(D) is incorrect because sincerity is truth or honesty. This is synonymous candor, not the opposite of it.

2) B
The word opaque means not clear, obscure, or difficult to understand. Astrophysics is a field that is opaque to most
students. The opposite of opaque is clear or easy to understand. Because translucent means clear or easy to understand,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because enigmatic means puzzling. This is not the opposite of opaque.

(C) is incorrect because scholarly means concerned with academic learning. This is not the opposite of opaque.

(D) is incorrect because esoteric means understood only by a learned few. This is not the opposite of opaque.

(E) is incorrect because capacious means extensive or large. This is not the opposite of opaque.

3) D
The word transitoriness means the state of lasting for only a short time. For example, the mayfly is noted for its
transitoriness, since it lives for just one day. The opposite of transitoriness is the state of lasting a long time. Because
longevity is a lengthy or great duration of individual life, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because evanescence is the state of fading away or vanishing gradually. This is practically synonymous
with transitoriness, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because vacillation is a state of indecision. This is not the opposite of transitoriness.

(C) is incorrect because impertinence is rudeness. This is not the opposite of transitoriness.

(E) is incorrect because truculence is fierceness or readiness to fight. This is not the opposite of transitoriness.

4) B
The word adulate means to praise highly. An honoree at an award show is usually adulated by the host. The opposite of
adulate is to denounce or criticize. Because lambaste means to disapprove angrily, choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because stupefy means to stun or astonish. This is not the opposite of adulate.

(C) is incorrect because commend means to praise. This is synonymous with adulate, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because implicate means to involve in a crime. This is not the opposite of adulate.

(E) is incorrect because moderate means to make less excessive. This is not the opposite of adulate.

5) D
The word obviate means to make unnecessary. For example, preventive medicine might obviate the need for future
medical procedures. The opposite of obviate is to make something required. Because necessitate means to make
necessary or unavoidable, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because beseech means to beg or implore. This is not the opposite of obviate.

(B) is incorrect because supplant means to substitute. This is not the opposite of obviate.

(C) is incorrect because feign means to pretend. This is not the opposite of obviate.

(E) is incorrect because rail means to scold with abusive language. This is not the opposite of obviate.

6) A

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The word altruism means unselfish concern for the wellbeing of others. Donating money to a charity for the sole purpose
of helping the charity out would be an act of altruism. The opposite of altruism is selfishness. Because malevolence
means wishing evil or harm to others, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because churlishness is rudeness or boorishness. This is not the opposite of altruism.

(C) is incorrect because largess is generosity. This is practically synonymous with altruism, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because bombast is speech too pompous for an occasion. This is not the opposite of altruism.

(E) is incorrect because kismet is fate. This is not the opposite of altruism.

7) E
The word restorative means having the power to revitalize. For example, the mythical Fountain of Youth has restorative
powers, since it can make an older person instantly youthful. The opposite of restorative is harmful or having the power to
cause degeneration. Because pernicious means extremely harmful, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because tonic means invigorating or refreshing. This is practically synonymous with restorative, not the
opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because sallow means sickly yellow in color. This is not the opposite of restorative.

(C) is incorrect because inevitable means unavoidable. This is not the opposite of restorative.

(D) is incorrect because fickle means unreliable or erratic. This is not the opposite of restorative.

8) C
The word respite means a short break or interval of relief. A timeout during a basketball game would be an example of a
respite. The opposite of a respite is not taking a break. Because a continuance is the act of going on without stopping,
choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a pretext is an excuse. This is not the opposite of respite.

(B) is incorrect because a cessation is a temporary stopping or pause. This is synonymous with respite, not the opposite
of it.

(D) is incorrect because a moratorium is a suspension of activity. This is synonymous with respite, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because a windfall is a sudden, unexpected bit of good fortune. This is not the opposite of respite.

9) A
The word obtuse means stupid. An obtuse comment is one that lacks intelligence. The opposite of obtuse is intelligent.
Because sagacious means keen or shrewd, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because banal means trite and overly common. This is not the opposite of obtuse.

(C) is incorrect because estimable means admirable. This is not the opposite of obtuse.

(D) is incorrect because seminal means relating to the beginning of something. This is not the opposite of obtuse.

(E) is incorrect because insipid means bland or lacking flavor. This is not the opposite of obtuse.

10) C
The word gaunt means thin and bony. One might appear gaunt after not eating for a long period of time. The opposite of
gaunt is thick or muscular. Because brawny means muscular or strong, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because lanky means bony or thin. This is synonymous with gaunt, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because lithe means graceful. This is not the opposite of gaunt.

(D) is incorrect because rangy means slender or long-limbed. This is practically synonymous with gaunt, not the opposite
of it.

(E) is incorrect because pliant means pliable or yielding. This is not the opposite of gaunt.

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• Antonyms 3 Level 12

Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

A. quell A. abhorrent
B. suppress B. palatable
C. subjugate C. infamous
D. liberate D. munificent
E. resuscitate E. nefarious

A. alacrity A. amass
B. sloth B. dispute
C. dormancy C. mete
D. chagrin D. canvass
E. anguish E. inundate

A. cadent A. hale
B. nuptial B. tenacious
C. phlegmatic C. rickety
D. mettlesome D. obedient
E. zippy E. coquettish

A. poignant A. cordial
B. astringent B. conceited
C. emollient C. sordid
D. saccharine D. pompous
E. placid E. surly


A. winsome A. exculpate
B. exultant B. lacerate
C. morbid C. bemuse
D. doctrinaire D. forge
E. livid E. extirpate

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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word enfranchise means to set free or grant citizenship. For example, the Thirteenth Amendment enfranchised former
slaves. The opposite of enfranchise is to enslave or make not free. Because subjugate means to conquer or enslave,
choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because quell means to subdue or crush. This is not the opposite of enfranchise.

(B) is incorrect because suppress means to end, inhibit, or subdue. This is not the opposite of enfranchise.

(D) is incorrect because liberate means to free or emancipate. This is synonymous with enfranchise, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because resuscitate means to bring back to life or revive. This is not the opposite of enfranchise.

2) A
The word torpor means lethargic indifference or apathy. When one procrastinates or works slowly and carelessly, he or
she is demonstrating torpor. The opposite of torpor is showing excitement and eagerness. Because alacrity is a cheerful
willingness, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because sloth is laziness. This is practically synonymous with torpor, not the opposite of it.

(C) is incorrect because dormancy is inactivity. This is practically synonymous with torpor, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because chagrin is a feeling of vexation. This is not the opposite of torpor.

(E) is incorrect because anguish is excruciating pain. This is not the opposite of torpor.

3) C
The word effervescent means lively. An effervescent song would be jaunty and up-tempo. The opposite of effervescent is
slow or not spirited. Because phlegmatic means sluggish, choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because cadent means having a rhythmic beat. This is not the opposite of effervescent.

(B) is incorrect because nuptial means relating to marriage. This is not the opposite of effervescent.

(D) is incorrect because mettlesome means courageous. This is not the opposite of effervescent.

(E) is incorrect because zippy means lively. This is synonymous with effervescent, not the opposite of it.

4) D
The word acrid means harsh or bitter. Dark, leafy vegetables such as kale are acrid in taste, while a hurtful and blunt
comment could be acrid in tone. The opposite of acrid is sweet. Because saccharine means very sweet, choice (D) is

(A) is incorrect because poignant means emotionally moving. This is not the opposite of acrid.

(B) is incorrect because astringent means harsh or severe. This is practically synonymous with acrid, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because emollient means having soothing qualities. This is not the opposite of acrid.

(E) is incorrect because placid means calm or still. This is not the opposite of acrid.

5) E
The word cheerful means happy. A cheerful person is in good spirits. The opposite of cheerful is upset. Because livid
means extremely angry, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because winsome means charming. This is not the opposite of cheerful.

(B) is incorrect because exultant means extremely happy. This is practically synonymous with cheerful, not the opposite of

(C) is incorrect because mordant means sarcastic. This is not the opposite of cheerful.

(D) is incorrect because doctrinaire means rigidly devoted to theories. This is not the opposite of cheerful.

6) B

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The word odious means repugnant or deserving hate. For example, most people would agree that child abuse is an
odious crime. The opposite of odious is undeserving of hate. Because palatable means acceptable or agreeable, choice
(B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because abhorrent means detestable. This is synonymous with odious, not the opposite of it

(C) is incorrect because infamous means having a bad reputation. This is not the opposite of odious.

(D) is incorrect because munificent means generous. This is not the opposite of odious, since generosity is not the
opposite of repugnance.

(E) is incorrect because nefarious means evil. This is not the opposite of odious.

7) A
The word dole means to distribute or give out. When one makes a donation to charity, he or she doles out money to that
charity. The opposite of dole is to take or accrue. Because amass means to acquire for oneself, choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because dispute means to debate or quarrel. This is not the opposite of dole.

(C) is incorrect because mete means to distribute. This is synonymous with dole, not the opposite of it.

(D) is incorrect because canvass means to examine thoroughly. This is not the opposite of dole.

(E) is incorrect because inundate means to overwhelm. This is not the opposite of dole.

8) B
The word tractable means obedient or yielding. A tractable dog, for instance, would be one that follows all of its owner’s
commands. The opposite of tractable is intractable or unyielding. Because tenacious means stubborn or unyielding,
choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because hale means robust or vigorous. This is not the opposite of tractable.

(C) is incorrect because rickety means shaky or likely to fall. This is not the opposite of tractable.

(D) is incorrect because obedient means yielding or complaisant. This is synonymous with tractable, not the opposite of it.

(E) is incorrect because coquettish means flirtatious. This is not the opposite of tractable.

9) E
The word affable means friendly. An affable person is someone who is kind and easy to approach. The opposite of affable
is unfriendly or mean. Because surly means unfriendly or rude, choice (E) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because cordial means courteous. This is practically synonymous with affable, not the opposite of it.

(B) is incorrect because conceited means arrogant or impressed with oneself. This is not the opposite of affable.

(C) is incorrect because sordid means filthy. This is not the opposite of affable.

(D) is incorrect because pompous means self-important. This is not the opposite of affable.

10) D
The word obliterate means to destroy completely. For example, dynamite is used to obliterate structures or rocks. The
opposite of obliterate is to create. Because forge means to form or make, choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because exculpate means to clear of blame. This is not the opposite of obliterate.

(B) is incorrect because lacerate means to cut or wound. This is not the opposite of obliterate.

(C) is incorrect because bemuse means to confuse. This is not the opposite of obliterate.

(E) is incorrect because extirpate means to remove or destroy totally. This is synonymous with obliterate, not the opposite
of it.

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