Missions Trip Lesson

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How to be a Witness

Verse - Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may
see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

● The past 2 days we talked about the what and why to being a witness, but how do we
apply this, how can you be a witness for Christ
● Read Titus 3:3-7 - Sounds familiar because those verses outline a Christian testimony
and everyone has a unique testimony - everyone needs something different to reach
them so use your testimony it is one of a kind and may be what that person needs to
come to Christ

Three types of testimonies

● Prosecutorial testimonies and defensive testimonies both deal with tough questions;
prosecutorial, being questions for the non-believer (How would you describe your
spiritual condition - What would happen if God exists and would believing and being
wrong be worse…) (make sure to remain respectful some people may not be Christians
due to a bad experience with the church) Defensive testimonies deal will tough
questions about Christianity (free will, evolution, why bad things happen…) read 1 Peter
3:15 - tough questions are double edged, they are hard to answer but if answered well
can lead someone to Christ so be prepared!
● The final testimony is arguably the most powerful, a personal testimony - this can
answer the why questions (why become a believer) non-believers have by showing what
God has done in your life - also hard to refute as it’s your personal story and again
everyone has a story whether it be growing up in a Christian household or becoming a
Christian by reading a Bible you stole while robbing a house everyone’s story is unique
and powerful and God won’t discriminate he accepts and forgives everyone no matter
their past

Outside formal testimonies

● Sometimes just starting a conversation about your faith with someone can lead to a lot of
unexpected places and may help bring them closer to Christ
● It’s also important to “walk the talk” live the life your faith and words say you should -
important for 2 main reasons - “can’t get the dust out of someone’s eye if there’s a plank
in yours” Jesus addresses this himself in the gospels, in Luke 6:43-44 he says “No good
tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its
own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.” everybody
sins but if you don’t address/confess yours and don’t live a Christian life, people notice
and your testimony won’t come across as powerful or sincere (if anyone has a better
word here please tell me I had to go eat and lost my train of thought 😂) - Second is
simply living a life like Jesus, we all sin but we can still show love like he did, anything
from sharing your lunch to large service projects have an impact and can be a way of
showing God's Love to everyone without even talking to them and could answer some
questions from earlier/show them why they should become a Christian
A testimony is a tool we all have that can help bring people to Christ and knowing how to use
that tool is integral to being a witness for Christ. We have all been called to spread the word of
God (Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men Matthew 4:19) and now knowing the what
the why and the how I’ll bring us back to the first day, Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when
the hilt spirit comes on you;and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth!

Discussion Questions
● Why are strong testimonies important?
● How can you “walk the talk” or live a life of a disciple and not simply a follower?
● Brainstorm/discuss answers to some of hard questions people may ask

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