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Volume 75 • Number 2

State of the Art Review

Cigarette Smoking and the Periodontal Patient
Georgia K. Johnson* and Margaret Hill†

Evidence from cross-sectional and case-control studies in various pop-

ulations demonstrates that adult smokers are approximately three times
as likely as non-smokers to have periodontitis. The association between
smoking and attachment loss is even stronger when the definition of
periodontitis is restricted to the most severely affected subjects. Smok-

orty years have passed since
ers have a diminished response to periodontal therapy and show approx- the landmark U.S. Surgeon
imately half as much improvement in probing depths and clinical General’s report in 1964 warned
attachment levels following non-surgical and various surgical modali- that smoking played a causative role
ties of therapy. Implant failures in smokers are twice those of non- in lung cancer and was associated
smokers, with a higher failure rate in the maxillary arch accounting for with cardiovascular disease.1 Since
the majority of the difference. Tobacco-induced alterations in microbial then, the list of smoking-related
and host factors contribute to these deleterious effects of smoking on health effects has grown and
the periodontium. In longitudinal studies, the rate of periodontal disease includes lung cancer, as well as
progression is increased in smokers, but decreases to that of a non- other cancers, chronic obstructive
smoker following tobacco cessation. Likewise, recent non-smokers lung disease, cardiovascular disease,
respond to periodontal therapy in a manner similar to patients who pregnancy complications,2 osteo-
have never smoked. Data regarding the impact of smoking on peri- porosis,3 and several other adverse
odontal status included in this review will be helpful to dental health pro- health consequences. For dental
fessionals as they counsel their patients regarding tobacco use. The health professionals, the knowledge
role of dental health professionals in tobacco cessation is discussed, that oral cancer4 and periodontal
including the use of the five A’s: ask – identify tobacco users; advise – disease5,6 are adverse health effects
advise them to quit; assess – evaluate the patient’s readiness to quit; of smoking is particularly significant.
assist – offer assistance in cessation; and arrange – follow up on the This review will focus on the fol-
patient’s cessation efforts. The addition of pharmacotherapy to behav- lowing questions: 1) What is the evi-
dence for smoking as a risk factor
ioral therapy, including nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion, can
for periodontitis? 2) How does
increase cessation rates. The most popular form of nicotine replace-
smoking impact the response to
ment therapy is the patch, and its use has been shown to double ces-
periodontal therapy? 3) What are
sation rates compared to behavioral therapy alone. Use of bupropion
potential etiologic mechanisms for
in combination with nicotine replacement therapy may be particularly the effect of smoking on periodon-
helpful for heavy smokers or smokers who have experienced multiple tal status and treatment response?
failed attempts at cessation. The American Academy of Periodontol- 4) What is the role of dental health
ogy Parameters of Care include tobacco cessation as a part of peri- professionals in tobacco cessation?
odontal therapy, and the 2000 Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health 5) What are suggested cessation
in America encourages dental professionals to become more active in methodologies that are recom-
tobacco cessation counseling. Doing so will have far-reaching positive mended by dental professionals? 6)
effects on our patients’ oral and general health. J Periodontol How are behavioral and chemo-
2004;75:196-209. therapeutic cessation techniques
KEY WORDS best used in the dental setting?
Dental implants; follow-up studies; periodontal diseases/etiology; METHODS
periodontal diseases/therapy; smoking/adverse effects; smoking To identify literature regarding the
cessation; tobacco use cessation. role of smoking as a risk factor for
periodontitis, a MEDLINE literature
search was conducted using the key
* Department of Periodontics and Dows Institute for Dental Research, University of Iowa College of
Dentistry, Iowa City, IA. words smoking, tobacco, and smok-
† Department of Periodontics, Endodontics, and Dental Hygiene, University of Louisville, Louisville, ing cessation in combination with
periodontitis or periodontal disease.

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J Periodontol • February 2004 Johnson, Hill

MEDLINE searches were conducted to gather literature Table 1.

regarding the effects of smoking on various treatment
outcomes using combinations of the key words
Evidence for Smoking as an Etiologic
smoking, tobacco, or smoking cessation with peri- Factor in Periodontitis
odontal therapy, scaling/root planing, local delivery,
metronidazole, amoxicillin, doxycycline, gingival grafts, Criterion* Evidence
gingival recession, guided tissue regeneration, bone Strength of Cross-sectional and case-control studies demon-
grafts, dental implants, and sinus grafting. Prospective association strate a moderate to strong association
and retrospective studies that had at least five smok- between smoking and periodontitis.
ers among the patients treated were included, and
studies in which the number of smokers was not enu- Consistency Multiple studies of various designs (cross-
merated were excluded. The MEDLINE literature search sectional, case-control, and longitudinal) and
for cessation was conducted using the key words smok- in various populations have demonstrated an
ing, smoking cessation, and tobacco cessation. association between smoking and periodontal
Searches were limited to the English language, and the attachment loss.
primary focus was on current literature (1996 to 2002). Specificity Disease progression slows in patients who quit
smoking as compared to those who continue
Smoking and Periodontitis in Adults
As proposed by Gelskey,7 smoking meets the major- Temporality Longitudinal studies show that smokers do not
ity of nine criteria for causation according to Hill8 to respond as well to periodontal therapy as
varying degrees (Table 1). Abundant cross-sectional non-smokers.
data support the relationship between smoking and Biologic There is a dose-response effect in that heavy
periodontitis,9-22 the strength of which varies, depend- gradient smokers have increased disease severity
ing upon the criteria used to identify periodontitis and compared to light smokers.
whether the effects of plaque and confounding vari-
ables are addressed. A meta-analysis of six studies Biologic The biologic plausibility of the explanation of
concluded that smokers are almost three times as likely plausibility the relationship between smoking and
periodontitis is supported by tobacco’s
to have severe periodontitis compared to non-smok-
adverse impact on microbial and host
ers.23 In general, in studies where plaque accumulation
response parameters.
was similar in smokers and non-smokers or was
adjusted, current smokers had deeper probing Coherence The effects of smoking on periodontitis are
depths,9,20,22,24-26 greater attachment loss,12,15,20,25,26 consistent with our knowledge of the natural
more bone loss,13,27-29 and fewer teeth.15,25 Smokers history of periodontal disease.
also exhibit more supragingival calculus deposits,30
Analogy Periodontal effects of smoking are analogous to
and the majority of these studies show a trend toward
other adverse smoking-related general health
decreased clinical signs of inflammation. effects.
The most recent and largest epidemiological study on
smoking and periodontal disease16 is based on data from Experiment Evidence not currently available.
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey * Based on Hill’s criteria for causation8 as reviewed by Gelskey.7
(NHANES) III, which included a nationally representa-
tive sample of 12,329 U.S. adults, 18 years of age or
older. Periodontitis was defined as the presence of one 2.29, whereas the odds ratio for attachment loss ≥3 mm
or more sites with attachment loss and probing depth ≥4 was over 18.21 This suggests that smoking is particularly
mm. Among this sample, approximately one-half of peri- important in the etiology of severe periodontal attachment
odontitis cases were attributable to either current (41.9%) loss. This is substantiated by results from a Swedish data-
or former (10.9%) smoking. The investigators also esti- base that examined the impact of smoking on periodontal
mated that among smokers, approximately 75% of peri- disease as a function of definition and the prevalence of
odontitis cases were due to smoking. After adjusting for probing depths ≥5 mm.22 Using a broad definition of dis-
age, race or ethnicity, income and educational level, cur- ease, such as 1% of probing depths 5 mm or greater,
rent smokers were four times as likely to have peri- the smoking-associated odds ratio was 3. However, a
odontitis as compared to non-smokers.16 Additional more restrictive definition of 15% of probing depths 5
analyses, based on the same data set and a more restric- mm or deeper resulted in a smoking-associated odds
tive definition of periodontitis, found an even higher ratio of 12.1.22 These studies and others12,13,20,31 have
adjusted odds ratio and attributable fraction of attach- shown a strong dose-response relationship between the
ment loss associated with current smoking. Among 20 amount smoked and the severity of periodontal destruc-
to 49 year olds, the adjusted odds ratio for a mean attach- tion, which further supports the role of smoking as a
ment loss of 1 to 1.99 mm among current smokers was risk factor for periodontitis.

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Cigarette Smoking and the Periodontal Patient Volume 75 • Number 2

The most marked difference between smokers and FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE NEGATIVE
non-smokers in probing depths or attachment loss IMPACT OF SMOKING ON THE PERIODONTIUM
occurs in the maxillary lingual area25,32,33 and mandi- Various factors contribute to the deleterious periodon-
bular anterior teeth,25 suggesting a local effect of tal effects of smoking, including alterations in both
smoking. Further evidence of the role of smoking microbial and host response factors (Table 2). Sys-
in periodontal destruction is provided by retrospective temic innate and immune responses are impacted by
and prospective studies which show that the rate of smoking, and tobacco components have toxic effects
periodontal disease progression34-38 and tooth loss39- for local cell populations, and impact local host
44 is greater in current smokers compared to non-
Smoking and Periodontitis in Young Adults Smoking and Microflora
Smoking is more prevalent among young patients (≤35 There are conflicting reports on the effects of smoking
years) with the generalized form of aggressive peri- on the microflora which, in part, is explained by differ-
odontitis compared to those with the localized form or ences in methodology and statistical expression of the
with healthy periodontal tissues.45,46 Several studies data. Some studies report no difference in the preva-
have shown that compared to non-smokers, young lence of subgingival bacteria associated with periodon-
adult smokers aged 19 to 30 years have a higher titis.53-55 However, data from the large Erie County study
prevalence and severity of periodontitis, despite sim- showed that the proportions of subjects positive for Acti-
ilar or lower plaque levels.19,26,47 Haber et al.19 nobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, and T.
reported that the prevalence of periodontitis, defined forsythensis were higher among smokers,56 and there
as having a site with attachment loss ≥2 mm and prob- are other reports of a higher prevalence of certain organ-
ing depths ≥4 mm, was three to four times higher in isms in smokers.57-59 Furthermore, increased counts
young smokers 19 to 30 years of age compared to of exogenous flora (Escherichia coli and Candida albi-
non-smokers. The high “periodontal cost” of smoking cans) have been reported in smokers.60
has been calculated as 27 years of disease progres-
sion; in other words, a 32-year-old smoker has simi- Smoking and the Host Response
lar periodontal attachment loss as a 59-year-old It is widely accepted that smoking impairs various
non-smoker.25 Recent statistics indicate that more than aspects of the innate and immune host responses.61,62
23% of high school students are current smokers,48 Numerous functions of oral or peripheral neutrophil are
which does not bode well for the future health of this negatively affected by smoking or nicotine exposure,
generation. including phagocytosis,63 superoxide and hydrogen
peroxide generation,64,65 integrin expression,66 and pro-
Interaction Between Smoking and Systemic tease inhibitor production.67 The immune response is
Health Status also impaired by smoking. Alterations in gingival crevic-
The combination of smoking with other systemic factors ular fluid68-70 and peripheral blood mononuclear cell71
further enhances the risk of periodontal destruction. In levels of various cytokines in smokers, tipping the bal-
the Erie County study, diabetics were approximately ance in favor of tissue breakdown, have been noted.
twice as likely to exhibit periodontal attachment loss
compared to non-diabetics,12 and the combination of
diabetes and heavy smoking in an individual over the Table 2.
age of 45 years who harbored Porphyromonas gingi-
valis or Tannerella forsythensis (formerly Bacteroides Proposed Mechanisms for the Negative
forsythus) resulted in an odds ratio of attachment loss Periodontal Effects of Smoking
that was 30 times that of a person lacking these risk
factors.12 Smoking also increases the risk of attach- • Vascular alterations
ment and/or bone loss in postmenopausal women49,50
• Altered neutrophil function
and AIDS and HIV-seropositive patients.51 In a retro-
spective private practice study, heavy smoking and • Decreased IgG production
interleukin (IL)-1 genotype individually increased the
• Decreased lymphocyte proliferation
risk of tooth loss over a 14-year period by 2.9 and 2.7,
respectively, but the combination of these two factors • Increased prevalence of periopathogens
increased the risk of tooth loss by 7.7.52 Collectively,
• Altered fibroblast attachment and function
these studies suggest that smoking interacts with var-
ious systemic conditions; the end result is not purely • Difficulty in eliminating pathogens by mechanical therapy
additive, but can be synergistic, resulting in greater dis-
• Negative local effects on cytokine and growth factor production
ease severity than either factor alone.

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J Periodontol • February 2004 Johnson, Hill

Smoking decreases salivary IgA72 and serum IgG,73 following non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy.
and specifically reduces IgG2 to A. actinomycetem- The numerical differences between smokers and non-
comitans.74 The ability of tobacco products to decrease smokers become more pronounced in probing depths
the proliferative capacity of T and B lymphocytes might ≥5 mm, where smokers demonstrated 0.4 mm94 to 0.6
contribute to this diminished production of protective mm97 less improvement in clinical attachment levels
antibodies.61 following scaling and root planing. Following flap
debridement surgery, smokers experienced up to 1 mm
Local Effects of Nicotine less improvement in clinical attachment levels in probing
The oral tissues of smokers are exposed to high nico- depths initially ≥7 mm.101 In terms of dose response, a
tine concentrations that negatively affect local cell pop- trend, albeit not significant at most time points, has
ulations. Gingival crevicular fluid nicotine concentrations been noted for heavy smokers (≥20 cigarettes per day)
can be up to nearly 300 times66 that of nicotine plasma to respond less favorably than light smokers (<20 cig-
concentrations in smokers (20 ng/ml).75 The vaso- arettes per day).100 Additional studies are needed to
constrictive properties of nicotine are hypothesized to further clarify the effects of smoking dose on treatment
impair gingival blood flow; however, studies that have outcomes.
examined the effects of smoking on gingival blood flow
in humans have shown either no change or increased Antimicrobial Therapy in Smokers
flow as measured by laser Doppler flowmetry.76-78 This Because of the diminished treatment response in smok-
may be due to smoking-induced elevation in blood ers, clinicians may recommend adjunctive anti-
pressure, which overcomes any vasoconstrictive effects microbial therapy for smokers. This practice may
of smoking.78 Smoking has been shown to impair be justified by evidence that suggests subgingival
revascularization during soft79 and hard tissue wound pathogens are more difficult to eliminate in smokers
healing,80 which is critical for periodontal plastic, regen- following scaling and root planing.94,95,103 To date,
erative, and implant procedures. only a few studies have specifically addressed anti-
microbial therapeutic outcomes in smokers, and
Nicotine binds to root surface in smokers,81 and in
the majority of these studies show that the clinical
vitro studies show it can alter fibroblast attachment82,83
response in smokers is less favorable regardless
and integrin expression,84 and decrease collagen pro-
of adjunctive systemic or local antimicrobial ther-
duction while increasing collagenase production.85 Root
apy.104-108 Soder et al.106 concluded that there was
surfaces of teeth extracted from smokers show reduced
little adjunctive effect of systemic metronidazole on
periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblast attachment as
non-surgical therapy in smokers. On the other hand,
compared to those from non-smokers.86 Cultured gin-
in studies where adjunctive systemic amoxicillin and
gival keratinocytes87 and fibroblasts88 exposed to nico-
metronidazole109 or locally delivered minocycline
tine produce higher amounts of the proinflammatory
microspheres108 enhanced the results of mechanical
cytokines IL-1 and IL-6, respectively. Furthermore,
therapy, there was a greater difference between the
there is evidence of a synergistic effect on inflamma-
control and experimental treatments within smokers
tory mediator production when bacterial lipopolysac-
as compared to within non-smokers. These enhanced
charide is combined with nicotine.88,89 Taken together,
results might be due to antimicrobial actions, and in the
these factors could contribute to the increased tissue
case of tetracycline derivatives, anticollagenase activ-
destruction observed in smokers. Furthermore, ani-
ity. The fact that gingival fibroblasts show increased
mal studies have shown that local nicotine delivery
collagenase activity when exposed to nicotine in vitro85
negatively impacts bone healing,90 which may be
suggests this is an area to be investigated.
related to inhibited expression of various growth fac-
A recent study reported a positive response to sub-
tors91 and delayed revascularization.80 These findings
antimicrobial doxycycline (anticollagenase) therapy in
might help explain the diminished treatment response
combination with scaling and root planing in a group of
to surgical periodontal procedures, especially those
severe periodontitis patients that included smokers;110
involving tissue regeneration.
however, the comparative effectiveness of this host-
EFFECTS OF SMOKING ON PERIODONTAL modulatory therapy in smokers versus non-smokers
THERAPY has not been reported. Unique regimens that sequence
systemic antimicrobial therapy or combine local antimi-
Non-Surgical and Surgical Therapy
crobial delivery with host-modulatory therapy110 might
Numerous studies have shown that smoking compro-
offer clinicians and patients options that address micro-
mises probing depth and/or attachment gain out-
bial and host response alterations in smokers.
comes following non-surgical or surgical therapy.92-102
Collectively, these studies show that probing depth Soft and Hard Tissue Grafting
reduction and clinical attachment level improvements There are relatively few studies on soft tissue grafting
in smokers are 50% to 75% those of non-smokers that have been designed to specifically address the

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Cigarette Smoking and the Periodontal Patient Volume 75 • Number 2

impact of smoking on root coverage procedures, or of implants placed in smokers failed as compared to
that have included at least five smokers. In Harris’ study 6% in individuals who had never smoked or had quit
of 100 consecutively treated recession sites using a smoking. The majority of implant failures in smokers
connective tissue with partial-thickness pedicle graft, occurred prior to prosthesis delivery;125,126 thereafter,
there was no difference in the percentage of root cov- the differences between smokers and non-smokers
erage achieved between light smokers (97%), heavy tended to disappear.
smokers (99%), or non-smokers (98%).111 Likewise, Several investigators have confirmed that smoking
Amarante et al.112 found no difference in root cover- more negatively impacts implants placed in the max-
age between smokers and non-smokers when recession illary arch than in the mandible.122,126,127 The DICRG
defects were treated with a coronally repositioned flap reported that the percentage of maxillary implant fail-
alone or with a bioabsorbable membrane. On the other ures among smokers (10.9%) was almost twice that
hand, when expanded polytetrafluoroethylene mem- reported for non-smokers or past smokers (6.4%). A
branes were utilized in guided tissue regeneration pro- number of studies show little difference in implant loss
cedures at recession sites, smokers had significantly between smokers and non-smokers in the man-
less root coverage (57%) compared to non-smokers dible.126,127,129,130 It is important to note that even
(78%).113 The superior blood supply afforded by the with an increased number of implant failures in smok-
subepithelial connective tissue graft might be more ers, the percentage of successful implants in most
resistant to the effects of smoking as compared to the studies still ranged from the upper 80s to low 90s.
non-resorbable barrier membrane. Additional controlled However, considering the greater “investments” on the
studies with adequate numbers of subjects are needed part of the patient and doctor, decisions regarding the
to further investigate treatment outcomes for root cov- treatment selection should be carefully made.
erage procedures in smokers. The majority of the existing reports deal with
Smoking is detrimental to regenerative therapy in machined titanium surfaces, and early evidence sug-
interproximal and furcation defects, whether treatment gests that the currently, more popular roughened sur-
includes osseous grafts alone,114 membranes alone,115- faces can partially compensate for the negative healing
119 or membranes in combination with osseous grafts.120 response in smokers.131-133 A meta-analysis132 reported
In these studies, the results have shown less than 50% that light smoking (average of 12 cigarettes per day) did
as much improvement in clinical attachment levels in not affect the success rate of either machined or dual
smokers compared to non-smokers, which amounted acid-etched surface implants. Additional studies using
to differences ranging from 0.35 mm120 to 2.9 mm.117 rough-surfaced implants are needed to delineate inter-
In studies that evaluated osseous changes by sound actions among smoking dose, loading protocols, and
probing or reentry, vertical bone gain in smokers ranged variables that have been reported to have an impact on
from 0.1 to 0.5 mm, whereas non-smokers demon- implant outcomes in smokers, such as periodontal dis-
strated 0.9 to 3.7 mm improvement.115,118 In terms of ease susceptibility and interleukin-1 genotype.134,135
stability of treatment results, Cortellini et al.116 found
that stability was related to patient factors; patients who Implant Placement in Grafted Sites
smoked, were non-compliant with recall, and had dete- Emerging data indicate that the impact of smoking on
riorating oral hygiene lost attachment (2.2 to 2.4 mm) implant therapy is more dramatic in grafted maxillary
following both guided tissue regeneration and scaling sinuses compared to non-grafted sites. Existing data
and root planing treatment modalities. are based on retrospective studies that have limita-
tions including the use of multiple operators, various
Implant Therapy types of recordkeeping, and a variety of implant sys-
Based on a multivariate statistical model adjusted for tems, as well as diverse grafting materials and tech-
age, gender, and jaw position, smoking is significantly niques. Collectively, the percentage of implant failures
associated with implant failure.121 In the studies in grafted sinuses in smokers is 1.4 to 3.9 times greater
reviewed, 0% to 17% of implants placed in smokers than that of non-smokers, with the majority of studies
were reported as failures as compared to 2% to 7% in showing at least 2.5 times the number of failed
non-smokers, with the majority of studies showing at implants in smokers.136-139 The 1996 report of the
least twice as many failed implants in smokers.122-128 Academy of Osseointegration Sinus Graft Consensus
The largest data set on the influence of smoking on Conference stated that the percentage of implant fail-
implant success comes from the Dental Implant Clin- ures in grafted sinuses in smokers was 12.7% com-
ical Research Group (DICRG) of the Department of pared to 4.8% in the non-smoker group.136 In a study
Veterans Affairs (DVA);126 this is an 8-year, random- that included complex grafting procedures with antral
ized, prospective clinical study that includes more than or nasal implant placement in severely resorbed maxil-
2,900 implants in more than 800 patients at 32 clin- lae, the failure rate was as high as 22% in smokers com-
ical centers. The 3-year data demonstrated that 8.9% pared to 13% in non-smokers.

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J Periodontol • February 2004 Johnson, Hill

Limited data are available on the effect of smok- especially in the ongoing long-term maintenance phase
ing on ridge augmentation procedures. Jones and of care. Because of the negative impact of tobacco use
Triplett140 reported that four of five smoking patients on periodontal treatment, an additional motivation for
undergoing simultaneous onlay grafting and implant cessation can be demonstrated over time and used
placement had impaired healing, as defined by loss of effectively to help patients ultimately achieve a tobacco-
bone and/or implants. Another study reported that free life.
defect reduction in guided bone regeneration proce- Due primarily to increased public awareness of the
dures around 36 implants placed in smokers was not negative effects of smoking, the United States has wit-
significantly affected by smoking. In contrast to most nessed a decline in the percentage of adult smokers
other reports, smoking did not impact treatment suc- from 42% in the 1960s to approximately 23.3% in
cess in these patients.141 Additional studies, which 2000.144 The Healthy People 2010 objective is to cut this
include data regarding smoking dose and complica- figure in half through numerous mechanisms, including
tions, are needed to expand these findings regarding increased use of tobacco cessation counseling in the
smoking’s impact on ridge augmentation procedures. dental office.145 Of the 48 million adult smokers in this
country, more than 70% express a desire to quit.144 In
Impact of Smoking Cessation on Periodontal a survey of general dentists, 65% claim to advise most
Status and Treatment Outcomes or all of their patients who smoke to quit, but few pro-
While smoking cessation does not reverse the past vide cessation counseling.146 There are many possible
effects of smoking, there is abundant evidence that approaches to tobacco use intervention in the dental
the rate of bone and attachment loss slows after office, ranging from brief interventions to comprehensive
patients quit smoking, and that their disease severity cessation programs involving the entire office staff. These
is intermediate to that of current and non- services can include determining patient tobacco use
smokers.10,16,25,29,35,37,142 It is encouraging to note status; supporting abstinence; advising users to stop;
that former smokers respond to non-surgical and and preparing users to stop and to remain tobacco free,
surgical therapy in a manner similar to never smok- in addition to offering cessation treatment.147
ers.94,100 In fact, among patients who had quit smok- Nicotine dependence is classified as a chemical
ing 1 year or more prior to scaling and root planing, addiction by the American Psychiatric Association in the
there was no relationship between the number of years Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
since cessation and changes in probing depth or clin- 1994 (DSM-IV).148 It is a combination of physiological
ical attachment levels.94 and psychological factors that must be addressed to
Similarly, implant success rates for past smokers help patients conquer the use of tobacco despite the
are similar to those for never smokers.126 The major- extreme difficulty of the withdrawal process. Although
ity of implant failures occur prior to prosthesis deliv- tobacco use is a learned behavior with social implica-
ery; therefore, smoking cessation during the healing tions and has characteristics of a habit, the main moti-
phase should be beneficial. According to Bain,143 vation behind continued use is relief of withdrawal
if patients quit smoking 1 week before and 8 weeks symptoms. The symptoms can include irritability, anx-
after implant placement, early implant failures were iety, decreased heart rate, increased appetite, food crav-
similar to non-smokers. Due to the highly addictive ings, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating.149 A
nature of nicotine, most patients will not be able to systematic approach that combines behavioral coun-
comply with a “cold-turkey” approach. Therefore, clin- seling with pharmacotherapy has been shown to
ical studies should examine implant success rates in achieve the highest rates of cessation, although each
patients employing other smoking cessation strategies is also effective alone. These types of approaches used
that include behavioral management and pharmaco- together address both the nicotine withdrawal symp-
therapy. toms and the psychological factors that must be faced
to achieve abstinence.
Dentistry has a strong history of commitment to pre- FOR THE DENTAL PRACTICE
ventive education as a routine part of patient treat- Brief Intervention Program
ment. Dentists and dental hygienists have training in There are several barriers that have been identified which
patient education that can be applied easily to tobacco interfere with delivery of tobacco use intervention. A
use intervention methodologies, and dental profes- lack of information about treatment options, time con-
sionals understand the nature of behavioral changes straints, lack of compensation, and unrealistic expec-
as gradual and requiring constant reminders. The prac- tations are common reasons that prevent practitioners
tice of periodontics offers multiple opportunities for from offering these services.150 In offices where time is
interaction with patients: during active treatment and an issue or where practitioners lack confidence in pur-

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Cigarette Smoking and the Periodontal Patient Volume 75 • Number 2

suing more comprehensive programs, a useful model the health questionnaire used in the dental office. Once
for brief intervention that uses a five-step approach is a patient is identified as a tobacco user, additional
recommended by the Agency for Health Care Research information on the patient’s level of addiction is use-
and Quality. The program is known as the five A’s ful. The Fagerström test is easily administered and is
for smoking cessation. It includes: ask – systemati- commonly used to assess nicotine dependence levels.
cally identifying the tobacco use status of all patients; The Fagerström test is scored based on answers to
advise – strongly advising all who use tobacco prod- questions about timing of the first cigarette smoked in
ucts to stop; assess – evaluating the patient’s willing- the day, difficulty in not smoking in forbidden areas,
ness to quit; assist – offering assistance in quitting; and most important cigarette during the day, number of
arrange – following up on the patient’s cessation efforts, cigarettes smoked per day, timing of most intense
especially early in the process.151 The emphasis in this smoking, and smoking when ill. Higher scores indi-
brief intervention is to offer information, encourage- cate more addicted smokers.155
ment, and support to patients, and to provide informa- Advise. All oral health professionals should advise
tion about resources that may help the patient become patients who smoke of the associations between their
tobacco free. All smokers benefit from the advice of a oral disease and smoking, and advise them that smok-
trusted health professional; in up to 10% of cases, the ing cessation would be beneficial. A good time to dis-
simple statement of encouragement to stop smoking cuss this is after the periodontal examination has been
will cause the patient to give up smoking.152 Use of this completed and during a review of the etiologic factors
model does not preclude developing a more compre- involved in periodontal diseases. Facts regarding the
hensive program as the office staff gains experience strength of smoking as a risk factor for disease, its
and knowledge in tobacco intervention. Professional impact on treatment, and the positive impact of cessa-
continuing education is widely available and can range tion are statements that can be included in a manner
from extensive programs that give certification in nico- that is informative and not judgmental. The patient’s
tine dependence counseling to short courses that are responses during this discussion will provide insight into
overviews of the subject. their interest in cessation and level of readiness for ces-
sation. Educational resources for patients are available
Comprehensive Intervention Program from several organizations, including the American
A model for a comprehensive program in the dental Academy of Periodontology, American Dental Associ-
office includes using the five A’s and expanding the ation, American Cancer Society, National Cancer Insti-
scope of intervention. Identification of an office coor- tute, American Lung Association, American Heart
dinator for tobacco cessation activities is the first step Association, and others. There are also numerous sites
in involving the entire office staff. The most ideal per- available on the Internet for information and support
son to implement this program in the dental office is for smokers who are trying to quit.
a dental hygienist. To create an environment of posi- Assess. The next step is to identify the patient’s
tive examples and to enhance the credibility of the interest and readiness to attempt tobacco cessation. A
message that patients are receiving, establishing a transtheoretical model for readiness to change is use-
smoke-free office is also important. Implementing office ful for evaluation of addictive behaviors, and is used
systems to systematically identify tobacco users and frequently for tobacco cessation counseling. It is a five-
to update tobacco use information regularly is a crit- stage model that identifies behavior change as a
ical component of a comprehensive program in the process involving movement through these categories.
dental office. It provides an opportunity to give regu- This model is described as a spiral, and includes pre-
lar reinforcement of the specific harmful effects of contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and
tobacco use. A cessation program tailored to the maintenance.156 The most effective interventions can
patient’s needs should be offered, one that ideally com- occur when the patient is in the preparation or action
bines counseling, pharmacological therapy using both stage, but all patients can benefit from appropriate
nicotine replacement and other medications, and sup- counseling based on their current stage of change. An
portive follow-up.153 intervention should be considered successful if some
movement is made in the stages of change model,
Expanding the Five A’s for Comprehensive even if it does not lead immediately to cessation.
Intervention Patients in the precontemplative or contemplative
Ask. Identification of the patient’s tobacco use status stages are currently unwilling to stop using tobacco,
(current, former, or never) is the first step in all inter- and any intervention should focus on education, reas-
ventions. The addition of tobacco use status to the tra- surance, and motivation to consider cessation. Patients
ditional vital signs has been suggested as a way to in the preparation stage are willing to attempt cessa-
initially assess and update this information,154 and a tion and are ready for behavioral intervention and phar-
question regarding tobacco use should be a part of macological therapy. When patients are in the action

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or maintenance stages, relapse prevention is critical to patients who are attempting cessation. The patches,
continued abstinence.157 Patients may cycle through chewing gum, and lozenges are available as over-the-
these stages multiple times before they achieve suc- counter products; the inhaler and nasal spray require
cess in becoming tobacco free.158 prescriptions. Nicotine replacement products act as
Assist. For any type of counseling that is performed nicotine delivery systems in lieu of tobacco and can
with a nicotine-dependent patient, the most desirable decrease withdrawal symptoms.164-166 One non-nico-
techniques are those that are brief and non-judgmen- tine medication, sustained-release bupropion, is also
tal. A style of behavior change counseling that has approved for tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy. In
grown in popularity is motivational interviewing, a larger doses, bupropion is used as an antidepressant.
method that helps patients explore and resolve ambiva- These medications have been proven safe and effec-
lence about changing behaviors.159 It is well suited for tive, and have been extensively studied alone, in com-
tobacco counseling, both for brief interventions and bination, and as an adjunct to behavioral therapy.165-169
for more intensive counseling. The principles and tech- Barring complications, all patients attempting cessa-
niques are particularly useful for health care practi- tion should be treated with at least one form of phar-
tioners who are not formally trained in counseling.160 macotherapy. In general, the addition of medication to
Motivational interviewing is described as the process of behavioral therapy doubles cessation rates.170 Nicotine
resolving ambivalence, using the patient’s own reasons replacement products and sustained release bupro-
for concern and arguments for change. It involves cre- pion are considered first-line therapies (Table 3). Cloni-
ating a collaborative effort with the patient to overcome dine and nortriptyline are second-line pharmacotherapies
addictive behaviors.161 that have been studied for cessation therapy, but have
There are many other alternatives in behavioral ther- more side effects and are not approved at this time by
apy that have been studied and used successfully in the FDA for use in tobacco cessation.
tobacco use counseling. Some behavioral therapy
attempts to break the association between smoking Indications for Use of Pharmacotherapy
and pleasant events.162 Stimulus control helps the In creating a personalized treatment plan for tobacco
patient develop behaviors to identify cues that trigger cessation, the patient’s health history is important. The
smoking, and then to create strategies to cope with presence of other health problems may influence the
these cues. Another popular technique is hypnosis, approach that is used, and consultation and coopera-
which uses suggestion, focused attention, and the ther- tive treatment in conjunction with the patient’s physi-
apeutic relationship to attempt to alter the patient’s cian are always appropriate. The use of nicotine
behavior. Meta-analysis of hypnosis in smoking ces- replacement products should be related to the patient’s
sation shows a treatment effect but no superiority over current nicotine exposure, and to past experiences with
other behavioral techniques. Overall, the use of behav- cessation. Estimation of the daily amount of nicotine
ioral techniques has been shown to have a 2% to 14% obtained from cigarettes can be calculated with accu-
effectiveness in cessation, defined as tobacco free for rate information about the daily number of cigarettes
at least 6 months.163 The best use of behavioral inter- smoked. There are 3 mg of nicotine available in a sin-
vention might be in combination with pharmacologi- gle cigarette. On average, a smoker gets approximately
cal treatment. 1 mg of nicotine from a cigarette leisurely smoked
Arrange. If the patient made a commitment to over about a 5-minute period. However, smokers who
smoking cessation, follow-up from the office is criti- smoke more rapidly and inhale deeply can get up to
cal. Methods of maintaining contact with the patient 3 mg of nicotine from a cigarette.171 The ability to
can range from appointments for office visits for mon- subconsciously titrate nicotine dosages is one of the
itoring and continued counseling, to letters or tele- reasons that patients who claim they have decreased
phone calls confirming quit dates and encouraging the number of cigarettes smoked per day are still able
follow-through with cessation. The most difficult time to maintain the same blood levels of nicotine with fewer
for patients is usually during the first week of cessa- cigarettes, and successfully prevent withdrawal symp-
tion. Research shows that cessation rates are positively toms.
influenced by follow-up contact.147
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Pharmacotherapy There are a variety of nicotine replacement products
The use of pharmacotherapy in tobacco cessation available, including gum, lozenge, patch, nasal spray,
began in the 1980s, when nicotine replacement ther- and inhaler. The selection of the type of nicotine
apies were introduced. The U.S. Food and Drug replacement should be individualized based on the
Administration (FDA) currently approves nicotine patient’s smoking habits and preferences. For patients
chewing gum, nicotine lozenges, nicotine patches, nico- who smoke a pack (20 cigarettes) or less a day, the
tine nasal sprays, and nicotine inhalers for use in patch is the most popular form of replacement. Nico-

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Cigarette Smoking and the Periodontal Patient Volume 75 • Number 2

tine patches provide a steady delivery of nicotine forms of tobacco. If the patient has not stopped using
throughout the time that the patch is in contact with tobacco products while using nicotine replacement,
the skin. Some patients may experience sleep distur- the therapy should be stopped, and a new treatment
bances if they wear the patch at night, but those effects plan formulated.
often disappear over time. Removing the patch at night
is always an option. Nicotine patches come in several Bupropion
different dosages ranging from 7 to 22 mg. After the Use of sustained-release bupropion has been shown to
patient has been smoke free for at least 4 weeks or assist in cessation attempts, both alone173 and in addi-
longer, tapering to lesser-strength patches at 2-week tion to nicotine replacement products.174 The mecha-
intervals has been recommended.151 nism of action is unknown, but may be related to
enhancement of dopamine and norepinephrine levels.
Nicotine Replacement Combinations Side effects include a lowering of the seizure threshold,
Patients who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day so patients with known seizure disorders are not can-
or who have had unsuccessful cessation attempts didates for use. History of eating disorders, or con-
might benefit from a combination of nicotine replace- comitant use of wellbutrin or monoamine oxidase
ment products to increase the blood levels of nicotine. inhibitors are also contraindications to use of sustained-
Several combinations have been studied, but the usual release bupropion. Although it is considered a first-line
recommendation is using the patch for constant nico- pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation and can be
tine blood levels, and adding one of the other products used alone, it is effective when used in combination
(gum, nasal spray, lozenge, or inhaler) as an addition with nicotine replacement products, and may be par-
for acute needs.172 While the patient is using nicotine ticularly helpful with heavy smokers or smokers who
replacement products, they should not use any other have experienced multiple failed cessation attempts.

Table 3.
First-Line Pharmacotherapies for Smoking Cessation (adapted from Fiore et al.151)

Pharmacotherapy Contra-indications Side Effects Dosage Duration

Bupropion sustained History of seizure Insomnia, 150 mg every morning for 3 days, then 7 to 12 weeks
release History of eating dry mouth 150 mg twice daily (begin treatment maintenance up
disorder 1 to 2 weeks precessation) to 6 months

Nicotine gum Temporo-mandibular Mouth 1 to 24 cigs/day-2 mg gum Up to 12 weeks

disorders soreness, (up to 24 pieces/day)
exacerbated dyspepsia 25+ cigs/day-4 mg gum
by chewing gum (up to 24 pieces/day)

Nicotine inhaler Local irritation 6 to 16 cartridges/day Up to 6 months

of mouth
and throat

Nicotine nasal spray Nasal irritation 8 to 40 doses/day 3 to 6 months

Nicotine patch Local skin 22 mg/24 hours 4 weeks

reaction, 14 mg/24 hours then 2 weeks
insomnia 7 mg/24 hours then 2 weeks
15 mg/16 hours 8 weeks

Nicotine lozenge Heartburn, 2 mg lozenge (if first cigarette is Weeks 1 to 6:

mouth 30 min. or more after awaking) 1 lozenge every
soreness 1 to 2 hours
4 mg lozenge (if first cigarette is Weeks 7 to 9:
30 min. or less after awaking) 1 lozenge every
2 to 4 hours
No more than 20 lozenges per day Weeks 10 to 12:
1 lozenge every
4 to 8 hours

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160. Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. The use of brief inter-
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