MSSK v2 0 Playsheets Hi Res

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Ranged Weapons Shoot Action Modifiers and Tables

Vulcan Guns Low Cal M PB N/A 3 dice 5+ None 0” – 12” 1 10 Shooter’s Condition Modifier
70 - 99mm
low-calibre guns Low C - N/A 3 dice 4+ None 6” – 24” 1 20 Arm Damage Level 1+ Accuracy 5+ for all weapons
100 - 130mm Med C - N/A 2 dice 4+ 6 6” – 24” 2 30 At a higher elevation than target Attacker may reroll a single failed Hit
med-calibre guns
150 - 200mm Outside target’s Sight (Flank attack) Attacker may reroll a single failed Hit
Shotguns Med C Sp, LA N/A 2 dice 4+ 6 0” – 18” 2 20
Target Obstructed -1 Die from Attack Pool
Sniper Rifles P, RQ
Varies C/M Quick 1 die 3+ 6 12” – 48” 2 40
Cannons 70-130mm [Sn] [V]
Sniper Rifles High C/M P, RS Slow 1 die 3+ 5+ 24” – 48” 3 50
Cannons 131-180mm [Sn] [V] Defence Pool Modifiers
P, B,
200mm+ Cannons Exp C/M
RQ [V]
Quick 1 die 3+ 4+ 24” – 48” 5 100 Condition Modifier

Gatling Guns / Defender is Unobstructed. -1 Armour Die
Cannons Low C/M RQ Quick D6 Shots 4+ 6 12” – 36” 1 60

Beam Guns, Beam C P N/A 1 die 3+ 5+ 12” – 36” 3 50

Defender has shooter in Sight and
Beam Rifles uses their Shield Bonus Roll Shield Bonus and add to Defence Pool
Large Beam Rifles, Beam C P Slow 1 die 2+ 4+ 24” – 48” 4 50
Beam Sniper Rifles Shooter has Head Damage Lv. 1 Defender may reroll a single failed Block
Spray/scatter Beam Beam C/M P N/A 1 die 3+ 5+ 0” – 12” 3 40 Target is outside of shooter’s
Funnel/Bit Beams +1 Armour Die
equipped weapon Range.
Gatling Beams Beam C/M P, RS Slow D6 Shots 3+ 5+ 12” – 36” 2 70
Beam Cannons & Beam C/M P, RS Slow 1 die 3+ 5+ 12” – 36” 4 70
Mega Part. Guns Penetration Table
Beam Bazookas Beam C P, B Slow 1 die 2+ 4+ 18” – 48” 6 110
Shield vs Penetrating Roll to Energy Shields All modifiers listed
Beam Launchers Beam C P, B Slow 1 die 2+ 4+ 18” – 48” 8 130
Penetration Hit result Block verses Beam here are cumu-
Sturmfausts Exp C P, D N/A 1 die 3+ 5+ 6” – 18” 4 10
No Shield lative and may
Rockets, Needle Exp C/M B, RQ [V] Quick 3 dice 5+ 6 6” – 24” 2 50 1-3 Bonus 2-3 5+ 4+ cancel each other
Missiles, Missile Pods
Anti-ship Missiles, Exp B, P, Shield out if opposing
M Quick 2 dice 4+ 5+ 12” – 36” 3 70 4-6 4-5 6+ 5+ effects occur
Torpedoes RQ [V] Bonus
B, RS, Cannot simultaneously.
Multi-Launcher Exp M MT [V] Slow 5 dice 5+ 6 6” – 24” 2 90 6 6+
200 - 300mm Exp C P, B, RQ Quick 1 die 3+ 5+ 12” – 36” 4 80
Bazookas & Cannons
300mm+ Bazookas Exp C P, B, RS Slow 1 die 2+ 4+ 12” – 36” 5 90


If a weapon fires more than three shots, each 4th die: +1 to Accuracy (+1 Critical Hit chance)
successive shot (rolled independently after the
5th die: +2 to Accuracy (+2 Critical Hit chance)
third die) has a lower chance of hitting the target
or doing critical damage: 6th die, etc: +3 to Accuracy (No Critical Hit[s])

33% or less of the target 33% to 66% of the target Over 66% of the target
cannot be seen by the cannot be seen by the cannot be seen by the
shooter. -1 Defence Pool. shooter. No modifier. shooter. -1 Attack Pool.
Shoot Action Tables Terrain Modifiers and Effects
Terrain Modifiers & Effects
SHOOT ACTION FLOW CHART Normal No modifier or effect.

Difficult Halves all Movement.

Dangerous Halves all Movement. If a unit ends their Move action

within this terrain type, they lose one Integrity Point.

Mobile Suits using Boost only. Cannot end Boost within this terrain;
Sheer must be crossed from points of a different terrain type.Vehicles cannot enter
this terrain unless Amphibious (Deep Water) or Air Unit (Atmosphere).

Mobile Suit / Armour

Damage Charts Damage Chart
Result Penalty
Other Unit Damage Chart
Leg Damage
Result Penalty Lv 1: Normal terrain is now
1-2 Difficult when this unit
Engine Damage performs Move actions.
Lv 1: Normal terrain is now Lv 2: As Lv. 1, plus Boost is Halved
Difficult when this unit (round down).
1-3 performs Move actions.
Compare the Attack and Lv 2: As Lv. 1, plus Difficult and Arm Damage
Defence dice Pools: Impassable terrain reduces Lv 1: Accuracy 5+ for all weapons,
Movement by 75%. 3-4 plus no Shield Bonus.
Each Block from the Defence Weapons Damage Lv 2: As Lv. 1, plus Quick Reloads
Pool removes one Hit from Lv 1: Accuracy 5+ for all weapons, are now Slow.
the Attack Pool. 4-5 plus no Shield Bonus.
Head Damage
Lv 2: As Lv. 1, plus Quick Reloads Lv 1: Defenders may reroll one
are now Slow.
failed Block caused by this
unit’s actions.
Cockpit Damage
Shield Integrity Table 6* Roll on the Destruction Table. 6*
Torso Damage
Roll on the Destruction Table.
Type Bonus Integrity Description
+1 Defend Die These shields are 1/3 the length of The Destruction Table
Light <6>
2 the mobile suit or smaller.
Roll Injuries Roll Injuries
+2 Defend Dice These shields are about 1/2 to 2/3
Medium <5+> 3 the length of the mobile suit using it. Instant Death Minor Injuries
1 Remove unit from play. 4-5 Reduce Pilot Health by 2 and Pilot
+3 Defend Dice These shields are about the same Remove pilot/crew from campaign. Mind by 2. Remove unit from play.
Heavy <4+> 4 length as the mobile suit using it.
Major Injuries Lucky Escape
+4 Defend Die These shields are larger than the Reduce Pilot Health by 4 and Pilot Phew! Reduce Pilot Mind by 1.
Super-Heavy <3+> 5 2-3 6
mobile suit using it! Mind by 3. Remove unit from play. Remove unit from play.
Sequence of Play Close Combat Chart


The structure of a turn

2. Perform Actions
1. Initial Upkeep The current player selects one unit, and performs
Roll to deploy Ambush units (if any). one Slow or up to two Fast Actions. Repeat,
Tally Command Points and issue Orders. until all their units have acted.
3. Final Upkeep
The current player’s units undergo Drift if Any required tokens or markers are placed or
applicable. removed. Check victory conditions.
It is now the next player’s turn.
Close Combat Weapons Orders List
TYPE TAGS DEX ATTACK ACC CRIT DAM PTS Bring Them Down! Concentrate Fire
Vulcan Guns

PB 0 3 5+ - 1 10 1 Select one of your units. 3 All enemy units count as
Command All its attacks gain Command Flanked when you
Unarmed / MS Fists - 0 1 4+ 6 2 0 Point Points
Penetration <P> for the perform Shoot / Aimed
Claws, Spikes, Nails PS +1 1 3+ 4+ 4 20 rest of your turn. Shot actions this turn.

L ances, Spears, Maces,

Hammers PS 0 1 3+ 5+ 3 20 Correction! Double Time!

Heat Hawks, 3 Restore any one of your 1 Select one of your units.
P +3 2 4+ 6+ 3 30 Command Unit’s Morale to Steady, Command This unit ignores all
Metal Blades
Points regardless of current Point Difficult terrain penalties
Heat Blades, Status. +2 to Mind. until their next turn.
P +2 2 3+ 5+ 3 40
Heat Rods

Beam Blades, Field Repair Get to cover!

P +2 2 3+ 4+ 4 50
Beam Sabers
2 Select one of your units. 3 Any of your units that
Command Restore up to two Integrity Command are Unobstructed count
Close Combat Modifiers Points Damage. (Unit must use Points as In Cover during your
Slow Action to repair.) opponent’s next turn.
Close Combat Modifiers
Condition Modifier Incoming!
10 Choose a Quarter of the battlefield. Roll a D6 for all units (including
Attacker has Arm Damage Level 1+ Accuracy 5+ for all weapons Command
Points yours) in that Quarter. On a roll of 1-4 inflict 6 Integrity Damage.
Defender has Arm Damage Level 1+ or Units that roll 5+ take no damage.
May not use Shield Bonus
no Shield
Attacker has Head Damage Level 1+ Defender may reroll a single failed Block Infiltrate Resupply
Attacker charged Attacker may reroll a single failed Hit. 2 Select one of your units in reserve. 2 Select one of your
Command This unit automatically performs Command units. Each of their
Attacker starts outside Points an Ambush wherever you choose Points weapons is now
+1 Die to Attack Pool
Defender’s Sight (Flank attack) (with normal restrictions). Reloaded.
Entered Close Combat without suitable
Automatically lose Advantage Roll We have reserves
Weapon Equipped
4 Select one of your units worth 200 base points or less that has been
Ambush Table Command destroyed. Place this model within your deployment zone.
Points (Not usable in a campaign game.)
Roll Result
1 The unit fails and must attempt to ambush on another turn. Withdraw

No, not there... X Select one of your units. Remove that unit and it’s pilot from play.
Successful, but opponent may move this unit up to 12” of the intended ambush point. Command The Command Point cost of this order is equivalent to half the base
Points Integrity of that model, rounded up.
4+ Place the unit at its intended location.

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