Action Research

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1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background.............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Reflection on Past Teaching Experience.........................................................................5
1.2 Theory..................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Past Research....................................................................................................................6
1.4 Definition of Terms...........................................................................................................7
2.0 RESEARCH FOCUS..............................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Research Issue.......................................................................................................................8
2.3 Preliminary Investigation and Analysis.......................................................................8
3.0 RESEARCH QUESTIONS..................................................................................................10
3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................10
3.2 Research objective(s).........................................................................................................10
3.3 Research questions.............................................................................................................10
4.0 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT...............................................................................................11
4.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................11
4.2 General Description Of Research Participant...............................................................11
4.2.1 Atika.................................................................................................................................11
4.2.2 Izzah.................................................................................................................................12
4.2.3 Diyana..............................................................................................................................12
5.0 RECOMMENDED INTERVENTION...................................................................................13
5.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................13
5.2 Intervention specification..................................................................................................13
5.2 Implementation Procedure................................................................................................15
6.0 DATA COLLECTION...........................................................................................................16
6.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................16
6.2 Document analysis..............................................................................................................16
6.3 Observation...........................................................................................................................16
6.4 Interview.................................................................................................................................16
7.0 DATA ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................18
7.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................18
7.2 Document Data Analysis....................................................................................................18
7.3 Observation data analysis.................................................................................................18

7.4 Interview data analysis.......................................................................................................18
7.5 Triangulation.........................................................................................................................18
8.0 PLAN OF ACTION...............................................................................................................20
8.1 Budget.....................................................................................................................................21
9.0 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................22
10.0 APPENDICES..........................................................................................................................23




For this section, I will be writing the introduction for my research. The first thing will be

written is the background or challenges faced by the teachers and students in teaching and

learning English for second language. This includes the teacher problem, students’ problem,

the curriculum itself and the teaching environment. The next area to be covered in this

section will be my reflection of the past teaching experiences. I will explain the terms and

important keywords used for this research and the theory included in completing the action

research. The last part of this section will be the past researches that have been done about

the problem. In this last subtopic for this section, the explanations on the past researches,

concepts, theories and model will be included to reflect the degree of relevance between the

research questions with the issue going to be investigated.

1.1 Background

One of the barriers for the teachers to teach English especially in SK Seri Nilam is the

use of English language in the class. Sometime, teachers have difficulties in explaining the

meaning of the word in English. Instead, they can explain better in Bahasa Melayu. This

problem led to the lack of acquisition of the English language among the pupils. When a

child learns a foreign language, such as English, he has no native speakers of English at

hand whom he may imitate – nor does he receive as much social encouragement as

learning L1. There are a lot of studies and researches done for the teaching and learning

English as a second language in Malaysia.

Most of the research are focusing on the ways to enhance pupils’ comprehension

based on the five basic language skills which are listening, speaking, reading, writing and

grammar. Several issues or problems were related with the style and type of teaching

techniques used that help pupils to gain the understanding of the language after several

years of schooling, especially in teaching English as a second language for primary schools.

One of the problems that commonly occurs among the pupils is lack of interest to learn

English. This will eventually lead to a bigger problem, which is being lazy to understand

English even for the simple words. Some other issues that are being highlighted were lack of

exercises on particular topic, reluctance to converse by using English in daily life, and limited

vocabulary that caused them having less confidence to use English.

The use of a second language as a language medium during the early years of

schooling, for whatever reasons, will lead to learning difficulties arising out of language

barrier (Tan & Santhiram R. Raman, 2007). Leki (1992) claimed that ESL students complain

about learning and focusing on the English word order or word forms. According to Adams

and Keene (2000), as cited in Al-Khasawneh, (2010), today English, as the means of

instruction, makes a strong contribution to education and students’ efficiencies in

communication are on top of institutional demands. This reflects that the used of English is

very important in all aspects. In SK Seri Nilam, the using of English language is not being

emphasizes and this cause the pupils to lack of exposure in English language.

In 2011, the government had made a new changes in education system in Malaysia.

Implementation of new curriculum which was Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)

in replacing the previous curriculum of Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) had

totally changed the teaching pedagogy or ways of teaching. The new curriculum suggested a

modular approach while introducing the language to the pupils. Hence, the components of

English are taught modularly. For instance on Sunday, teacher need to focus to teach on

listening and speaking only. Teacher needs to complete the cycles so that the pupils will

acquire the language throughout the language modular cycle. The method of teaching might

be slightly different but attractive and interactive for the pupils who learn under KSSR


In the process of teaching and learning English, mastery vocabulary is important. It is

suitable with the statement of Langan (1992:422) as cited by Aswal Syarifudin, (2014) he

said that a good vocabulary, more than any other factor, was common to people enjoying

successful careers in life. Besides, it is hoped that they will have more vocabulary (because

they are easier to catch new vocabularies) and will help them in studying English in the next

level of school, so that they can use their English in order to communicate to other people

from other countries later. Based on those explanations, it can be concluded that English

vocabulary mastery is important. It is because vocabulary mastery is basic language skill

that appears in every language. Apart from that, words can be said as the currency of

communication. It is used in communication. A robust vocabulary improves all areas of

communication which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary mastery is the

key to the students’ understanding what they hear and read, and to communicate

successfully with other people.

1.1 Reflection on Past Teaching Experience

I had experienced three phase of practicums in three different school where there

were a lot of problems occurred during the teaching and learning session in the classroom.

The first practicum for one month has been done at Sekolah Kebangsaan Serada which is

located in Kuala Terengganu. During the one month practicum, I had been assigned to teach

Year 5 pupils. The problem that was identified faced by the pupils is they did not have

enough vocabularies that has been fixed for them to know. The school has only one class

for each year, thus the class has mixed ability pupils; which are advanced, average, and

below average.

For the second practicum, the practicum was done for two months at Sekolah

Kebangsaan Bukit Losong which located in Kuala Terengganu. I had been assigned to

teach Year 2 Amanah, year 4 Bestari and year 5 Amanah. During the teaching and learning

session, I also identified the same problem face by the pupils which was lack of vocabulary.

This can be seen when I was asked to observe the 5 Amanah class during the TOV

examination. The pupils kept on asking me how to write certain words in English. My third

practicum is in Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Nilam and I will be staying here for three months.

For the practicum, I teach the year 4 Nilam and year 5 Intan.

When I entered the class during the practicum, there were a numbers of action verb

given by me that cannot be understood by the pupils. These verb were mostly the verb that

used to hear every day. I noticed this problem when the pupils spell the action verb wrongly

and did not know the meaning of simple action verb such as watch. They even asked me to

deliver the instruction in Bahasa Melayu. For further information, I went to meet the English

teacher of Year 5 Intan class. The English teacher for the class also told that most of the

pupils were facing this problem. The teacher also told which pupils were very weak in

vocabulary as they did read books that much.

Therefore, it is shown that the pupils are having problems in term of their vocabulary

even they are from different schools. They need a method or a teaching aids to solve the

problem. So, researcher has introduced a method which is using Train Picture to improve

vocabulary in verb.

1.2 Theory

Based on the research tittle that has been chosen, the theories that fit well with this

research is the theory of second language acquisition. The learning of English subject in

Malaysia is mainly to be taught as the second language in every school for example in SK,

SJK (C) and SJK (I). In the theory of second language acquisition, Krashen (1982)

suggested that there are two ways of second language performance. The first one is the

“acquired system” and the second is the “learned system”. According to Krashen, the

acquisition of the language is in the state of subconscious mind and it happens just the same

as the children acquire their first language. Meanwhile, the “learned system” is the process

of learning the language in a conscious way and it happens in a formal situation.

In relation to this research, the using of Train Picture in improving vocabulary on verb

will be taught using the learned system at the first stage. At first, the certain mostly used

vocabulary of verb to the pupils will be introduced through a formal session in recognizing

and pronouncing the vocabulary. Then the process is continued with the next session of

showing the pictures that representing the vocabulary of verb. Once the pupils manage to

get familiarise with the vocabulary, they will go to the next session of drilling the vocabulary.

The other theory that is closely related to this research is the Skinner Behaviourist

theory (1957). Behaviourist theory is the habit formation theory of language teaching and

learning. This remind us to the process of drilling the vocabulary. In this research, after the

researcher introduces the vocabulary, the pupils will go to the next phase where they will be

tested on their memory of vocabulary taught. The researcher will keep on drilling the pupils

until they will be able to answer the questions provided in the Train Picture. Using the train

picture, pupils will mostly be drilled to help them memorise the vocabulary of action verb thus

assist them to improve their vocabulary in verb or action verb.

1.3 Past Research

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient

vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. As Schmitt (2010)

noted, “learners carry around dictionaries and not grammar books. Teaching vocabulary

helps students understand and communicate with others in English”. This proved that

vocabulary is very crucial for a pupil in order to master the English language, they need to

comprehend the vocabulary. This is the main reason I decided to start on focusing the issue

of pupils’ vocabulary.

Himayatus Sholihah (2009) in her research Teaching English Vocabulary Using

Pictures mentioned that vocabulary is one basic component to develop English as a foreign

language at elementary, intermediate, or advance levels. It plays important roles to support

other language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is the

central of language. In order to master all the skill in learning English, the pupils need to be

helped in enhancing and improving the content of vocabulary.

For this research, I decided to use picture as the main material in teaching the pupils

vocabulary. As said by Joyce, M. F. in 2011, she has made a research on the topic of

“Vocabulary Acquisition with Kindergarten Children Using Song Picture Books”. “Music or

pictures in language classroom will inspire more students to become creative and

independent”. Pictures will help pupils to memorise and will trigger their ability to think


Himayatus Sholihah (2009) mentioned in her research that the pictures could

improve the students’ motivation, the pictures could attract the students’ attention, the

pictures help the students to memorize the vocabulary and the pictures make the teaching

and learning activities interesting. Thus, it is prove that using train pictures can improve the

vocabulary of year 5 Intan pupils.

1.4 Definition of Terms

In this research, the tittle that will be used for this action research is Using “Train

Picture’ in improving the vocabulary of verb among year 5 Intan pupils in Sk Seri

Nilam. Under this part, the explanation will be given on the definition of terms used in the

tittle of this research. According to Merriam (2016), the term train can be

defined as a series of parts or elements that together constitute a system for producing a

result and especially for carrying on a process (as of manufacture) automatically. This

means that train is something that are connected to each other. On the other hand, the word

picture in Merriam (2016) means a painting, drawing, or photograph of

someone or something. In other words, picture represent the imagery as it gives idea of how

something will looks like.

The word vocabulary according to Merriam Webster (2016) is the words that make

up a language or all of the words known and used by a person or words that are related to a

particular subject. In simpler words, vocabulary is the central of language and important to all

language learners. The last term used in the tittle for this research is verb. Verb is under the

part of grammar which mean a word (such as jump, think, happen, or exist ) that is

usually one of the main parts of a sentence and that expresses an action, an

occurrence, or a state of being, Merriam Webster (2016).


2.1 Introduction

This research will focus on improving the vocabulary of verb. I would like to identify

the ability of pupils in memorizing vocabulary of verbs or action verbs through the method

used. Besides, this research will also be focusing on the motivation of pupils to learn

vocabulary by using the method introduced. The research will be implemented to the year 5

Intan’s pupils. It was expected at first that the pupils from 5 Intan class has higher

vocabulary that can help them in writing. Some of the pupils of year 5 Intan was chosen

because their level of vocabulary is quite low and they was barely able understand simple

English. Some of the pupils chosen has medium achievement in English language but could

not write very well as lack in vocabulary. Pupils need to improve their vocabulary as will help

them in reading, writing, listening and speaking.

2.2 Research Issue

I performed some written test and oral test to identify the problems faced by pupils in

5 Intan. The test showed that pupils in 5 Intan experienced some difficulties in providing

vocabulary of verb. Based on this situation, the problems arouse a question whether was

that why the pupils do not know the meaning of this word? Do they rarely reading books? Or

was the teacher’s techniques in teaching English was not fun? Thus, I felt obliged to find a

solution to ensure that these pupils would understand the content of the lessons taught by

the researcher.

I also need to make sure that the pupils could write and speak well using the right

vocabulary of verb. Consequently, I came out with an idea to help the pupils to improve their

vocabulary of verb by using Train Picture. Hopefully with the help of pictures and words

cards from the Train Chain, the pupils will be able to master necessary vocabulary of verb. It

is very important for the pupils to have a higher content of vocabulary as will help in

acquiring and learning the English. If the pupils has low vocabulary it will soon affect their

career in the future thus giving them difficulties in mastering English. As the teacher in

school, it is my job to find a way to solve any problems having by my pupils and find a

solution to overcome the problem. The issue is also relevant for my work as a teacher

because the problem stated in this action research is mostly occurs to everyone that are in

the process of learning English.

2.3 Preliminary Investigation and Analysis

In order to complete this action research, I have planned a few stages that must be

done in getting all the information needed for the research. The first thing to do is to get the

pupils’ past examinations result so that I can prepare a test that is suitable for their level of

language’s proficiency. Below is the table of my year 5 Intan pupils in TOV examination:


Atika 30
Izzah 30
Diyana 30
Syafiq 34
Putri 50
Alif 24

Table of Year 5 Intan TOV examination

After that, I will conduct a test regarding this topic to determine which pupils need most

guidance on the issue or topic. Once the participants are detected, I will have an interview

with them to get any information related to my research. Next, I will plan an intervention to

solve the problems having by the participants. The time need to complete all the stages that

have been planned is almost in two months. The phase of intervention might take the most

of the time for this research since it is important to plan the right time to do the phase.

Once the intervention is done, I have to write a report on what I have done in this action

research. Although the time given for this action research to be completed is quite short, the

planning that I has built will guide me in completing the research in a given time. The main

phase that need a most preparation for this action research is for the intervention. The ability

for me to complete this action research is definitely positive as it already on my passion on

continuing this research. As what I have planned, I completely 95 percent believes that I am

able to complete this research as it is my job as a teacher to help the pupils in need whether

in teaching or learning session or outside of the classroom. The only limitation that comes

into the mind in completing the session is the time that moving faster day by day. The time

taken to move from one phase into the next phase is quite long and I need to repair that kind

of problem on my behalf.


3.1 Introduction

In this section, I give more detail on the research objectives and the research questions. The

objectives will focus more on what I want to achieve in conducting this research while the

question research will help to give me idea to improve my intervention.

3.2 Research objective(s)

Based on the research questions stated, the objective of this research are:

i) To improve and help the pupils memorise the vocabulary of action verb using

the train picture.

3.3 Research questions

i) How does train picture can help in improving vocabulary of verbs among


ii) How does train picture can help to memorise the vocabulary taught?


4.1 Introduction

The research involved the pupils from Year 5 Intan in SK Seri Nilam. The pupils were

chosen based on certain criterias. Under this section I will explain more about the

background, the academic performance, personality and attitudes of the chosen pupils.

4.2 General Description Of Research Participant

There are three participants that have been chosen for this action research. They

consist of three girls. The three pupils were chosen in the year 5 Intan from SK Seri Nilam

based from their English proficiency. Based from the exercises and tests that were given to

all the pupils, these 3 pupils have problems in interpreting the Bahasa Melayu vocabulary

into English vocabulary, which means they are lack of vocabulary especially in verb. Their

proficiency of the topic was quite low and it is shown in the test and exercise that were given

for them. I have chosen these three girls as they seem reliable and can give their full

cooperation in helping me completing my research. The participants of this research can be

viewed as follow:


1 Atika Girl 30
2 Izzah Girl 30
3 Diyana Girl 30

Table 4.1 : Marks for TOV in writing of Research Participant

There are three research participants chosen for this research. Their characteristic are

stated as below.

4.2.1 Atika

Atika comes from a family with low incomes. Her father is sick due to some problem

with the heart. Her mother is a kuih maker to support her family income. She is very talkative

and active during my English lesson. She likes to answer when I delivered questions to the

class. For the academic performance, she can speak English only for a little and she always

finishes homework that I gave. However, her handwriting was a messy. Actually, Atika is a

transfer pupil from the first class which is 5 Nilam. However due to some decrement of

marks of certain subject during the examination, she had to transfer to the class she is now. I

can see her passion in English as she did not even afraid to try to speak in English. She is

confident and very helpful in class.

4.2.2 Izzah

Participant 2 is Izzah. She comes from a family that has a quite good socio economic

background. Her father is an electrician while her mother is working as a clerk in SK Seri

Nilam. In the classroom, Izzah sits at the back of the class. In class, she has her own group

and she is sitting with good friends. She is quite passive and do not talk if the need for she to

talk is not there. She could finish the homework given in the estimated time and manage to

submit it on time. She rarely gives opinion when I asked questions related to the topic in

English lesson, but when it comes to participating in activity, she become active. She will

even talk aloud. She has passion in learning English.

4.2.3 Diyana

The last participant is Diyana. By looking at her socio economic background, she

came from a quite wealthy family. Her mother work as teacher while her father work as

supervisor in the level of district education, (Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah). Her writing TOV

test was quite satisfied. She always smile in class. Besides, when I asked her a questions,

she will immediately give answer. During the lesson, she rarely lost focus when I was

teaching. I used to see her work on writing simple sentences and I believe that she need

guidance as to improve the using of right vocabulary in writing. She told me once that she

likes English and required my help to guide her. Diyana is very helpful as she likes to help

carrying my things.


5.1 Introduction

Based on the research focus, I will come out with an intervention on how to

overcome the problem of lack of vocabulary in verb among the pupils of class 5 Intan.

Intervention as stated in Merriam Webster 2016 means that the act or fact of taking

action about something in order to have an effect on its outcome.

5.2 Intervention specification


A4 paper Quantity: 100 ++ Used to print the vocabulary


Used to print the pictures

that show the action of the


Ring Quantity: 12 Used to combine all the

pictures of action of the


Coloured paper Quantity: 60 To be the background of the


Plastic laminate Quantity: 80 Used to laminate the

pictures and protect the


Table 5.2 Materials for the intervention

The intervention that will be used is Train Picture. This teaching kit is one of the ways

to ensure the pupils able to improve their vocabulary. For the intervention, at first, each of

the pupils will get a set of train picture. Then pupils will be introduced to 20 vocabularies of

verb. Teacher will say aloud the first vocabulary and the pupils will repeat after the teacher.

Teacher will ask the pupils to spell the verbs. After three times, the teacher will remove the

vocabulary card from the picture and will also ask the pupils to remove it from their train

picture set. Teacher will ask them to say aloud again the vocabulary just by looking at the

picture. After that, teacher will write a simple sentence on how use the verb. Pupils will write

the sentence at the bottom of the picture. After completing with all the vocabulary, the

teacher will scramble the vocabulary cards and will ask the pupils to match it by sliding the

verbs card under the picture. Lastly, at the back of the train picture, there will be an

exercises which will be used after the first step is done. The exercises will consist of fill in the

blanks with the correct vocabulary and answer. Besides, pictures will also be included to

help the pupils trigger their memory.

He ______the ______ alone.


Simple sentence using the verb

Figure 1 Train Picture and Exercises

5.2 Implementation Procedure

For the lesson, teacher will call the pupils to gather and sit at the required place.

Then, the teacher will tell the pupils what they will be learnt that day. Firstly, teacher will

show the train picture to the pupils. Teacher will distributes the train picture to each of the

pupils. Then teacher will move to the first picture of vocabulary of verb or action verb.

Teacher will say aloud and spell the action verb and the pupils will repeat after her. After

three times, teacher will slide out the verb card from the picture. Then teacher will ask the

pupils to say aloud the action verb again. Before moving to the next picture teacher will show

how to use the verb in simple sentence. Pupils will write the sentence in the box provided

under the picture. The picture of vocabulary of verb will consist of 20 pictures and action

verb cards.

After completing the train picture first phase, teacher will scramble all the action verb

and the pupils need to slide back the action verb card under the picture. Teacher will checks

on the pupils’ progress. When the pupils has matched the action verb with the pictures,

teacher will show her train picture and pupils will say aloud the action verb of the picture. At

the same time, pupils will also checks their train picture either they give the right answer or

not. Next, teacher will proceed to the last phase of train picture which is the exercises. For

this exercises, teacher will allocates 15 minutes for the pupils to fill in the blanks with the

correct answer. Again, teacher will checks their answer by asking the answer from the

pupils. This phase is important to see the pupils’ improvement after the lesson. Lastly, after

completing the lesson, teacher will interview the pupils by asking them how they feel after

the lesson.


6.1 Introduction

In this research, I will choose three types of the instrument for data collection which

were observation, interview, and field notes. All three instruments will be used to answer the

research questions posed by me.

6.2 Document analysis

Document analysis is the analysis on the pupils’ documents. In the pupil’s document,

I had already collect the information needed such as the marks for the pupils TOV result.

The using of pupils’ documents is important in identifying the problem for the research issue

and the area that need to be improved from the teacher and this will be collected later. Other

than that, the data about the pupils’ achievement were also taken from their workbook and

the exercises given. Besides, the preliminary tests and post-test paper will also be collected

to help me in determining the pupils’ knowledge in vocabulary of action verb. All these

documents stated will be analysed precisely so that I will get a better understanding about

the research focus. The data collection schedule will be as follow :

Type of document analysis Date collected Date collected Date collected

TOV examination marks 29/2
Pupils’ writing 29/2 8/3 23/3
Homework 2/3 9/3 22/3

Table 6.2 Data Collection Schedule

6.3 Observation

For the next method in collecting data, I will use the observation method. The data may be

collected by asking my practicum’s mate to be one of my observer where she will complete

the observation checklist during the intervention process. By using observation I will get a

strong analysis about my particular pupils. Besides, under the observation method, I will also

include the field notes instrument. This field notes will be my notes from my observation

about the pupils’ behaviour, their attitude and the pupils’ expression during the intervention.

6.4 Interview

The last method that will be used is the interview. According to

(2016), interview is “a formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications”. For the

interview session, there is the first session of interview that happens between me and the

three participants. Medium of communication that will be used for the interview is up to the

participants. They can choose and language to answer my questions. The first interview

session happened to collect the information needed regarding the participants’ background.

The interview session also will also happen in the future in collecting information from the

teacher that taught the participants last year.


7.1 Introduction

In this section, I explain more on how I will analyse the data that will be collected. The data

gathered from the document analysis, observation and interview will analysed in detail so

that I will get a better understanding about my research focus.

7.2 Document Data Analysis

From the data that will be collected I will know the achievement and progression of my pupils

if the document is analyse. Besides, the analysis of document will provide me the prove

either my intervention is a success or not.

7.3 Observation data analysis

The observations method will occur without the pupils knowing they are being observe. I will

observe the pupils’ face expression, their attitude during the intervention and their

participation during the intervention. The data will be collected and analysed so that I can

make a conclusion about the achievement of the intervention used.

7.4 Interview data analysis

The interview sessions will be held starting from the first session until the last session. At the

end of each session, there will be an interview session with the participants to know their

feeling and opinions on certain things. The data collected from the interview session will tell

me what the pupils think on the session that they have going through.

7.5 Triangulation

Data triangulation is defined as the uses of multiples sources or methods in collecting the

data for the research that are intended to be done, How the Triangulation of Data

Strengthens Your Research,(2015). The triangulation of data can be one medium that really

help the research by the researcher because it will help to increase the validity and credulity

of one’s research. For this research, the data collection will be based on these instruments

which are observation, interview and document analysis by the researcher. All these

instruments will be used in collecting the data starting from the beginning of the research

until the intervention being done. According to Patton, the using of multiples method in a

research can help in facilitate deeper understanding on the issue recommended.


Phase Month Activity

1. Discussion with the teacher on the pupils’ problems on

First March the English subject.

2. Determine research problem and

planning for research focus of language


1. Discussion with the supervisor on the research proposal.

April 2. Focus on pupil’s ability to write sentences using picture of

action given.

3. Preparing a test for the pupils in the describing the

pictures using the right action verb.

4. Selecting participants for the research.

4. Collecting information on the participants’ background.

5. Submission of research

1. Carry out research intervention.

Second July 2. Assess pupils’ understanding and improvements.

3. Document events through observation, interview and


4. Analyze data and derive findings.

1. Finalizing and organizing of research

August and findings.

2. Completing research.

3. Prepare research presentation.

4. Compilation of research.

5. Presentation of research.

These is the schedule for my plan of action in completing my action research. This

schedule must be followed so that I will be able to complete my action research on time. In

the early March, I already had a discussion with the teacher that teach 5 Intan class and she

gave me a few idea to help me with my research. After having a few meetings and classes

with the pupils of year 5 Intan, I managed to come out with one research issue. On the April,

I had proposed my issue and intervention to my respected lecturer and agree with me. Since

I already got the issue, I started to observe the pupils during the teaching and learning

process. From my observation and preliminary test conducted, I was able to identify my

participants from year 5 Intan class. The information gain from the interview help me to write

about the background of the pupils chosen.

In early July, I will carry out my research intervention and collect all data that will be

needed. After that, I will start doing my analysis so that I will be able to come out with a

report of my action research in August.

8.1 Budget

Materials Quantity Budget

A4 paper 100 ++ RM 8.00

Ring 8 RM 4.00

Coloured paper 30 RM 2.50

Laminate plastic 80 RM 28.00

TOTAL RM 42.50

Table 8.1 The budget that will be used for the intervention

The budget is listed based on my visit to the nearest stationary shop. I will be able to produce four

train picture (one for teacher, three for participants). The total after the prices are added is still

under my budget. This is only the planning and I believe that I still can cut the budget by using some

cycle materials. This will help me to consume my money. The most important materials here is the

A4 paper as it will be used to print the pictures and word of action verbs.


Al-Khasawneh, F. M. (2010). Writing For Academic Purposes: Problems Faced By Arab

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Skinner, B.F. (1957). Verbal Behavior. Acton, MA: Copley Publishing Group.

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Field Note

Date : …………………………………………………………………………..
Time : …………………………………………………………………………..
Setting : …………………………………………………………………………..
Name : …………………………………………………………………………..

Change of Behaviour


Observation checklist on pupils attitude towards english (Before

Date : …………………………………………………………………………..
Time : …………………………………………………………………………..
Name : …………………………………………………………………………..

1 = weak 2 = moderate 3 = good 4 = very good


1 Listen and follow teacher’s instruction 1 2 3 4

2 Proficiency in using English Language 1 2 3 4

3 Actively engage with the activity 1 2 3 4

4 Giving good responses 1 2 3 4

5 Motivated and interested to learn 1 2 3 4

6 Able to understand the activity 1 2 3 4

7 Able to participate in the activity 1 2 3 4


Observed by :
Date : …………………………………………………………………………..
Name : …………………………………………………………………………..


INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (before intervention)
Date : …………………………………………………………………………..
Time : …………………………………………………………………………..
Name : …………………………………………………………………………..
1 Do you enjoy to learn in school?
[Adakah awak seronok belajar di sekolah?]

2 What you have learned in the classroom?

[Apa yang telah kamu pelajari dalam kelas?]
3 Do you enjoy the activity in the classroom?
[Adakah kamu seronok dengan aktiviti di
dalam kelas kamu?]
4 Are you looking forward for the next activity?
[Adakah kamu berminat dengan aktiviti
6 Do you like to learn new word a day?
[Adakah kamu suka mempelajari satu
perkataan baru sehari?]
7 Do you think that preposition is difficult to
[Adakah kamu rasa preposition adalah sukar
untuk difahami?]


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