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Innovate (v) introduce: bring something new to an environment

Innovator (n) someone who introduces changes and new ideas
Innovation(n) the use of) a new idea or method
Pioneer (n) a person who is one of the first people to do something
Patent (v) If you don't patent your invention, other people may make all the profit out of it.
Patent(n) the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years
Advent (n) the arrival of an event, invention or person
R&D (n)
Brainwave (n) a sudden clever idea
Blueprint (n) a photographic copy of an early plan for a building or machine
Prototype (n) the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed
Setback (v) something that happens which delays or prevents a process from advancing
Breakthrough (v) an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem
Efficient (adj) working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way
Pointless (adj) Something that is pointless has no purpose and it is a waste of time doing it
Feasible (adj) able to be made, done or achieved
Brilliant (adj) very good
Ridiculous (adj) stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
Viable (adj) able to work as intended or able to succeed
Beneficial (adj) helpful, useful or good
(Un)economical (adju) not using a lot of fuel, money, etc
(Im)practical (adj) able to provide effective solutions to problems
useless of no use; not working or not achieving what is needed /
useful (adj) effective; helping you to do or achieve something
marketable (adj) Marketable products or skills are easy to sell because a lot of people want them
(in)genious (adj)
revolutionary (adj) involved in or relating to a revolution
ground – breaking (adj) If something is ground-breaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type
clever (adj) having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily

invent - develop, introduce, model, build, modify, manufacture


Commercial success - success in buying and selling

Competititve advantage - being better than your competitors
Technical expertise - very good technical knowledge
Established corporation - long existing corporation
Marketing skills - skills in buying and selling, advertising
To carry out the research - to conduct research
To apply for a license - to fill documents for a license
To grant the approval - to give the aproval
To approve the trials -
To test a product - to try how product works
To publish the results - to announce the results

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