Give Me Five Unit 7

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In this unit. l will ...

► name different ways to prepare for a party.

► talk about things l've alreody done and
lhings I haven' t done yet.
► learn about Canada and about the discovery
Hi Jess, of insulin.
Greetings from
Toron101 rm ► talk about things l've just done and that
Jacab. J found others hove just done.
your balloon ► reod and write a publicity leaffet.
lobel yeslerday.
How did it ► work in a group to plan a fundro ising event.
gel here? 11's
amazing! You
asked me a
question: How do you help others?
Well, 1 help my parents a lol at home.
1 walk our dog, Charlie, every doy
and I feed him, loo. Al school, we're
helping organise an anniversary
party for our local hospilal. lf's 100
years old lhis year. Here are sorne
photos of the differenl jobs we hove
lo do.

O Look at Jacob's photos. Answer �

the questions. WholoClo••

1 Hove you ever done ony of these things?

2 When did you do them?
3 Who did you help ond why?

O Copy the chart. Complete it with ��

the things you do to help others. � �


At home At school In other places

wash the car
far my dad

e Look and match. Listen, check

and repeat.

sweep the floor put out the food sell tickets

clean the furniture moke a cake
send invito tions go shopping make posters
blow up balloons decorale the room
choose !he music serve drinks

O Listen and do the vocabulary quiz. 0

CD:S 27

m Vocabulary: preparing far a party

l 111

D Read the rest of Jacob's message. ��

What can he do to help? '¡ �
Here·s o poster osking for volunteers to
help out ot the anniversory porly. 1 wont
to help, bul l've broken my orm! Do you
think there are ony jobs I con do?

Can you
Our school is helping the hospital cclebrate its 100th birtbday.
We're having a party to raise money for new toys and books for
tbe children. We're looking for volunteers. Ca n you help?
A week before the party, we need
people to: sell tickets, moke posters,
cleon the furniture.
he day before the party, we nee
people to: moke cokes, decorate the
room, blow up bolloons.
On the doy, we need people to:
collect tickets ot the door, put out
che food, serve drinks, tidy up!
, write your name on tbe list at tbe

O Agree on three things you can do to help. Discuss what you'II need. ��

What shall we do a
week befare the party?

That's a good idea. We're both

good at Art. What will we need?
we·11 need pens ...

Vocabulary and communication

o Look at the photo. What did Jacob
do to help? How did he do this co•••
- Look and léarn.

with a broken arm? Read and listen

to find out. ••,.....J 1""""'º Grommar;w,alll r:.: "'" ,_,l '··,-

Present perfect simple:

Hi, Jocob. The por1y sounds greot. already & yet - ¡!
ll's wonderful thot your school is
helping the hospital.
.� li
Well, the hospital helps people every already made a cake.
doy, so it's nice to do sornething for He/She/lt has
thern. And we con roise sorne rnoney
ot the sorne time. haven't 1
made a cake yet. 1,
' Hove you done onything to help yet? He/She/lt hasn't 1

Hove I1/you/we/they
Yes. l've olreody rnode I 1 made a cake yet?
Has he/she/it
sorne cupcokes.
Here's o photo. Whot Yes, 1/you/we/they hove.
do you think? No. I/you/we/they haven'I.

Wow! They look ornozing. How did Yes. he/she/it has.'

_¡ No. he/she/ifhasn't .
you rnoke thern with your broke �
My sister helped me. She 1
held the bowl ond I stirred the
mixture with rny good orrn.
j> O Read and think. Choose.

Whot else hove you done? Think: about grammar

l've olreody sold sorne tickets. We use olreody / yet with affirmative
but I hoven't sold oll of thern yet. sentenoes when something has happened
eorly. or eorlier, than we thought.
Well done! l'rn sure you'II roise 2 We use alreody / yet to talk about something
lots of rnoney for the hospital. that·s going to happen. lt means ·up to now·
and it's used in negative sentences ond
1 hope so. Hospitols ore so irnportont. questions.
Did you know thot there wos on
irnportont rnedicol discovery here in
Toronto? 1'11 send you the link.

OK. Thonks!
e Look at the dialogue in Activity l
,again. Find sentences and questions
with already and yet.

e Read the dialogue again �'� C) Look at Jacob's 'to do' 11st. Make ��
sentences with already and yet. ,7
and correct the sentences. �
l Jacob hasn·t made any cupcakes. � Jacob hasn't fed Charlie yet. } ( You're right.

� Jacob has made sorne cupcakes. j My ' to do ' list

make cupcakes ✓ tidy up my room
2 Jacob's brother helped him cook. feed Charlie
do my homework ✓

3 Jacob used his good arm to hold the bowl water the plants
sell ali the tickets

4 Jacob has sold ali of the tickets.

Grammar and communication

Jacab sent me this story about Elizabeth Hughes
and the discovery of insulin.
------ - - ,
O Read and discuss. � �·
w" º"
Hove you heard of diabetes?
Why can it be dangerous?
Do you know anyone who's got qiabetes?

8 Listen and read. 0


Finding a cure This story begins in 1919. Elizabeth Hughes was living with her family in
Washington DC, in the USA. Her father was a famous American politician.

When Elizabeth was 11,

she became ill. The doctor
said she had diabetes.

There·s nó cure.I1 she

eats very little food. ·
she can live longer.

22, Dr Banting disc

hemical and calle
in. Ellzabeth's moth
him to ask fo

Look! She's just walked around

the garden on her own.

é) Go to page 72 in your Activity Book.

• Elizabeth's mother and the scientists didn't lose hope.­
Can you think of a situation where you didn't lose hope?
• Why is it important to be optimistic?

Culture, language consolidation and values

-i.esson 4 �romrnur UI IU r"'IVI IUI lvl\.lllVI 1

O Listen ond reod.Act out. 0

e Reod ond think. Choose.

1hinK about grarnrnar

Jusi goes before / between /ofter
hove + moin verb.

o Reod the story on poge 79 ond the

dialogue in Actívíty 1 ogoin. Find
exomples of the present perfect simple
�ith just.

Jess: Hove you read the story about the

e Listen ond reod.Why ore sorne r.,\
words underlined? Listen ogoin C0333
discovery of insulin? ond repeot.
Callum: Yes, l've jusi read it. What an amazing story!
Jess: l've jusi met the new girl at school, Mary.
She's got diabetes. She has to inject insulin He's been to É!}gland twice.
twice a doy.
2 l've i..!:!g finished my homework.
Callum: Really? What else does Mary
_ hove to do?
Jess: She has to eat healthy food. 3 l've alreody eaten my lunch.
Callum: Well, we ali hove to do that. 4 Hove you bought the ballQQ!ll yet?
Jess: That's true. Look! l've jusi eaten a healthy

8 Look ond leorn. O Look ond soy whot's just � .

"'-,l ··
[, .... .......
""" Grammar wall r e:� .;;' '-''"º' 1, What's just

1 Present perfect si mple: just

He's just broken
the window.
1/You/We/They hove
I jusi eaten an apple.
He/She/lt has 1

Hove 1/you/we/they
1 he/she/it 1
jusi eaten an apple?
Yes.1/you/we/they hove
No, 1/you/we/they haven·t. .
Yes. he/she/it has.
No. he/she/it hasn't.

We use just when the action has token place very

recently. We don't use jusi in negative sentenoes.

Grammar, pronunciation and communication

D Look and match. Listen, check and repeat. 0
CD3 35

twist my ankle scratch my leg cut my finger burn my hand

bruise my arm hurt my knee break my arm

O Listen and look. What were the children in Activity 1 doing when they hurt themselves? 0
C03 36

o Listen again. Write the post participles of the verbs in Activity 1 in your notebook. 0
o •;¡,=·, ·

� Ask and answer to complete the doctor's notes (Activity Book �...
pages 131 and 132).

l've twisted my ankle.

What were you doing?

1 was ploying basketball.

Vocabulary and communication


O Read and discuss. �

Whole Closs
• Where do you see leaftets?
• Whaf kind of information do yau usually find in a leaftet?
• Con you think ol sorne leaflets that you've seen recently?

8 Look at the photos. What's volunteering? What things can we v,olunteer to do in

our community? Read and find out.

Do you want to help in our community?

Join Jump into action today!
Jump into action is a group of volunteers in Wickford. Children and their
families volunteer to work on local projects that help other people. Here's
what sorne children said about their experience of volunteering.

'When I was seven, 1 broke my leg and I had to go 'Many old people can't move around very easily.
to hospital. 1 remember it well. 1 was very scared. They find it-difficult to leave their home to do things.
So now I want to help other children in hospital So my mother and I have started an activity club
who are feeling scared. We've been to Wickford in acare home in Wickford. We bring books and
Hospital many pictures to look at


times and we've We also show them
.'t.± spoken to lots of how to do sorne c·afts.
1 J; ' children. l've loved We've made sorne
every minute of it, pretty picture frames
_,_ , ir, _
,, and I think they've and we've done sorne
enjoyed it, too!' painting, too.'

John, aged 10, and his family Flora, aged 12, and her mother
vo/unteer in a hospital. volunteer in a care home.

Do you and your family want to help?

Here are sorne other ideas:
• You can help animals. Christina helps at the local animal shelter. Please ring for
• You can help homeless people. James collected 20 cid coats from
more deta:ls:
friends and family and gave them to a homeless shelter.
• You can help the environment. Holly helped clean up a lake so people 0976 444555
can swim in it safely.

What do you think? �

• Would you like to volunteer in your community? • Who could you help? • Who1 could you do to help?

� Go to page 75 in your A<;:tivity Book.

Literacy: a text to persuade


O Look at the title and the text on these leattets. What are they about? �

Oxford on foot
Do you eat five portions of fruit Enjoy this historie city with Lear11, to be a lijMau-er
or vegetables every day? sorne fascinating walks. Do you s·,vm we' ore won· •o use
your S<i Is ·o reo otners?

O Read. Where would you find this kind of leattet?

í'. Football for all!

general What people soy
information testimonials

football for all is a special l See what our footballers sai¡ ...
kind of football club. We're
a club for children aged six 'l've learnt a lot from Footba/1
to twelve and we all play for a/1. l've learnt new football skills
together. but l've also helped sorne of the
younger kids. lt's a lot of fun!'
We practise skills and we Liam, aged 11
play mini matches. The older
children help the younger 'When I started, 1 couldn't kick a ball.
children. Now I play really well. l've made lots

IIL.II-- /
of new friends, too.'
-apline We play every Saturday
Why are we a football b
clu morning in Margaret Park Do you want to leam new
with a difference?
at 10am. skills and make new friends? Come
detailed informatior)-
1 and join us! You'll love itl

the final push - words

to create interest

O Read the leattet again.Answer the questions. �


1 Does the strapline make you want toread more? Why? 3 When and where does the club happen?
2 Do the first two poragraphs explain what the club is? 4 Is it importan! to hove testimoniaIs?

Writing skills: Using questions to create interest

Sometimes questions are a good way to keep the reader interested or to make something
sound rnore attractive:
• Why are we a football club with a difference?
• Do you want to learn new skills and make new friends?

O Look at both leattets again, Find examples of questions that create interest.

t) Plan and write a leattet in you_r Activity Book (page 76).

Literacy: writing preparation
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Group discussion ffi Cooperative learning

O Lucy, Jane and Philip want to raise money for their Drama club.
Listen and look at the pictures. What do the children decide to do? co338

e Listen to the rest of the conversation. What will the children need help with? 0
C03 39

You're going to plan a fundraising event for your community. Discuss your ideas. �

let's roise money foro

new school sports field.

Good ideo! What

We need people
help will we need? to sell tickets ond
serve drinks.

� Plan your fundraising event in your Activity Book (page 77).

O � Go to the Song Bank, page 123.
� Reflect on the unit _______

0 Read and think about your learning. What can you do now? e

Hi. Jocob. Thanks far oll I can taik about I can find Ganada
, your rnessages. Canoda
sounds like o great things ¡'ve a/ready on a map and talk
place. l've learnt so rnuch dooe and things about the discovery
frorn you obout helping I haven't done yet. ot insulin.
other people.

(Thofs OK, Jess i )>

� Do the Unit Review in your Activity Book (page 78).

Speaking, self-evaluation and review

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