16 June

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June 16, 2021

MAITREYA BHAKAL, RUSSIA TODAY ....................................................................................................................... 2

SCOTT RITTER, RUSSIA TODAY ............................................................................................................................... 5

ZAHID HUSSAIN, DAWN ......................................................................................................................................... 8

RAFIA ZAKARIA, DAWN........................................................................................................................................ 10

ALI VAEZ, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ................................................................................................................................ 12

JENNIFER HILLMAN, CFR ...................................................................................................................................... 15

HAMNA TARIQ, SOUTH ASIAN VOICES ................................................................................................................. 17

TALAT MASOOD, EXPRESS TRIBUNE .................................................................................................................... 21


Why Beijing loves portraying India as a mere pawn in America’s

Cold War with China

Maitreya Bhakal, Russia Today

eijing is keen to depict Yet, India remains reluctant, The alphabet soup is indicative
India as a White House not willing to fully commit yet. of a broader strategic context:
lackey in the US’ This is in large part due to its the Indian and US militaries are
ongoing anti-China campaign. inertia and legacy of being a now closer than ever before.
By accusing America of traditionally non-aligned For India, the advantages go
instigating disputes between nation, because much of India’s beyond China. The agreements
the two, it denies India any current political elite is will enable information sharing
agency and lets China portray unashamedly pro-West. between the US and India on an
itself as blameless. unprecedented scale, including
Outside the glare of the media,
satellite imagery and geo-
Love is in the air diplomacy has proceeded at
spatial data in border areas.
pace. The much vaunted ‘2+2
Love seems to be in the air in This will help with surveillance
Ministerial Dialogue’ between
Indo-US relations. The two and reconnaissance on its
India and the US took place in
nations now seem to be closer disputed borders, which India
New Delhi in October last year.
than ever before – has no shortage of, with China,
The two nations signed the
geopolitically as well as Pakistan, and Nepal. (Its
Basic Exchange and
militarily. Ever since the West decades-old dispute with
Cooperation Agreement for
started to consider India a Bangladesh only got resolved
Geo-Spatial cooperation
‘rising power’ in the early in 2015, 41 years after
(BECA) – the last foundational
2000s, the political elite and negotiations began).
agreement of the 2+2 dialogue.
media there have loved being
The enemy of my enemy?
praised by the Americans. This was the latest in a series of
agreements signed over the past China is miffed by all this. The
For the US, India serves the key
few years: The General way Beijing sees it, India is just
purpose of hedging against
Security of Military another US stooge, co-opted by
China. Yet, its usefulness to the
Information Agreement the Americans in their anti-
American agenda is often
(GSOMIA) signed in 2002 China campaign. The US is
weighed down by its own
(with its extension the using India against China as a
liabilities – over-promising and
Industrial Security Annex mere mercenary to prevent its
under-performing, in
(ISA) agreed in 2019), the rise – and India is simply too
everything ranging from
Logistics Exchange stupid to realize it. “New Delhi
manufacturing to innovation.
Memorandum of Agreement should avoid being roped into a
The US sees India as little more
(LEMOA) signed in 2016, and geopolitical trap,” roared
than a market for weapons and
the Communications Chinese tabloid Global Times
consumer goods and a key ally
Compatibility and Security in a hawkish article. “India
in its geopolitical crusade
Agreement (COMCASA) in should not be instigated by the
against China, showing it off as
2018. US,” it brayed in another.
a trophy wife at every

Since the ongoing India-China military installations on its side dispute alive so that it can keep
border standoff began in early of the border. After spending ‘nibbling’ territory (something
2020, China’s state media have decades saturating its border China also accuses India of
been consistently pushing this defenses with useful roads and doing). According to former
narrative. While one would infrastructure, China now seeks Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay
have expected the jingoistic to deny India the opportunity to Gokhale, the only rational
Global Times to peddle this do the same on its side. No explanation is that “the nibbling
line, even the more restrained wonder it has been pushing is the other way around. It is the
publications are also pushing it. India for a mutual freeze on Chinese who are nibbling away,
There seems to be a concerted border infrastructure it is we who say ‘Let’s stop this
effort to portray India as a mere development for years, a by clarifying the LAC,’ and the
US agent against China, or at proposal that India has sensibly Chinese don’t want that to
least warning India against rejected. happen, because they want to
becoming one. keep on nibbling away.”
China also refuses to officially
This is hardly surprising. exchange maps and demarcate Another likely reason for
Depicting your enemy as being the Line of Actual Control or China’s portrayal of India as a
directed by a third party against the LAC in Ladakh (the site of pawn revolves around taking
you is a common geopolitical the current standoff). The mere away agency from India and
trope. It’s similar to how India act of LAC demarcation – in avoiding its legitimate
often accuses Nepal of being essence a temporary border like grievances. Depicting India as a
used by China. the LOC (Line Of Control) that US pawn allows Beijing to
India shares with Pakistan – portray its activities not as
The way China sees it, if there
would not prejudice either reactions to China’s actions, but
is a dispute between it and
country’s territorial claims. simply as part of a wider plot
India, it is either India’s fault or
After all, both India and against it. India can then be
the result of American
Pakistan claim territories painted as an irrational actor
provocation. China, obviously,
beyond their side of the LOC. going against its own interests –
can never be to blame.
solely at the behest of the US.
Demarcating a temporary
Two factors help explain this Consequently, China itself can
border will ensure that China
trope’s attraction. The first is then be depicted as blameless in
would not be able to bring up
that it diverts attention away the entire affair.
old claims, such as the Galwan
from your own share of the
valley, which India says it This also has the added
guilt. Secondly, it helps take
hadn’t mentioned in bilateral advantage of exaggerating
away agency from your enemy
discussions since the 1950s. It one’s own importance: that
and portrays it as acting on
will mean that patrols don’t India is simply arrow fodder for
behalf of someone else.
cross over each other, and each the US in the 21stcentury Great
Infrastructure for me, but not side sticks to its side of the line Game between the two powers.
for thee (the current murderous standoff
This denial of agency to India is
was caused by the clashing of
Beijing has repeatedly unwittingly encouraged by
the two sides’ patrols). In other
indicated, via its think tanks Western and Indian pundits too.
words, it will ensure that
and state media and recently via The standard rhetoric has been
standoffs like the current one do
official statements, that that ‘Beijing’s belligerence has
not take place at all.
infrastructure building and driven India into Washington’s
military deployment are the China has offered no concrete arms’, as if India decides
“root cause” of the current explanation for the refusal. But strategic alliances overnight
tensions. Yet, China has itself Indian analysts speculate that based on an incident at the
built numerous roads and Beijing wants to keep the border. Both Chinese and

Indian pundits interpret India’s relations, China exaggerates other and taking advantage of
actions – or lack thereof – for and over-estimates its own their rivalry for its own gain,
their own agenda. importance. Indo-US ties were rather than openly picking one
already on an upward trajectory side and shutting off all options
None of this means that the US
before the Galwan valley clash. with the other.
is a saint. It is a war-mongering,
It's not that the Indian
savage regime, having killed The arc of Indo-US relations
government suddenly woke up
millions upon millions of bends toward closer ties, but
on the night of the clash and
innocent victims globally since it’s unlikely to end in an anti-
decided to jump into US arms.
World War II in every corner of China military alliance. There’s
the planet – the most Its tilt toward the US will little possibility that India will
aggressive, trigger-happy, ensure that China keeps looking become a full-fledged treaty
barbaric military state in the over its shoulder. There’s a ally with US bases on its soil, or
world today. It also doesn’t difference, though, between transform into a permanent US
mean that India’s own share of signing military agreements aircraft carrier like Japan or
the blame in letting the border with the US for one’s own Australia. For now, that will
dispute fester for over 75 years national interest and taking its have to remain America's
should be ignored. side on everything. At a dream – and China's nightmare.
strategic level, India’s interests All the more reason for India to
Yet, perspective matters. By
would be best served by playing keep both guessing.
thinking that Indo-US relations
the two powers against each
are solely tied to India-China

Biden wants NATO to project the strength it doesn’t have

Scott Ritter, Russia Today

J oe Biden travelled to This storm is still raging, and the senior Democrat in the
Brussels riding the wave of despite all the rhetoric and Senate Foreign Relations
his “America is back” flexing being done by the Committee, he helped oversee
mantra. Far from rebuilding the administration of President Joe the post-Cold War physical
US-NATO relationship, he Biden, will continue to do so, expansion of NATO void of
used NATO as a prop to help unabated, for the foreseeable any existential reason for doing
set the stage for his upcoming future. One of the root causes of so. In this way he helped create
meeting with Vladimir Putin. this storm is the disconnect the bloated edifice that exists
between policy and action on today, 30 nations united in
The United States is facing a
the part of the US over the everything except a viable
perfect storm of crises of its
course of the past 30-odd years. military alliance. He also
own making. On the domestic
In 1991, the US had the world’s helped frame the current
front, the American democratic
most powerful economy poisonous situation with
institution is collapsing under
backed by the world’s most Russia, denigrating post-Soviet
the weight of centuries of
powerful military, sustained by Russia by supporting and
unresolved societal inequities
the world’s most vibrant sustaining the political career of
that threaten to divide the
democracy. The deterioration Russian President Boris
country into two irreconcilable
of these three pillars of US Yeltsin, and then expressing
factions. In the Pacific, decades
credibility and strength was resentment when Vladimir
of geopolitical neglect
gradual yet steady, unnoticed Putin took over in the wake of
fundamentally ceded the
by most outside (and internal) Yeltsin’s physical, mental and
strategic advantage to a surging
observers who opted to dig no moral collapse and refused to
China, allowing the momentum
deeper than the gilded façade continue the Yeltsin policy of
of that country’s economic and
offered up by the American lying prostrate before the US
military expansion to challenge
establishment, rather than and Europe.
and, in some areas, surpass
examine the deteriorating
what had previously been a The rise of Putin coincided with
framework that held the
region of uncontested America’s strategic shift from a
American behemoth together.
American influence and Euro-centric power focus to
control. In Europe, the post- Military power inherited and pursuing regional
9/11 focus on the Middle East squandered transformation fantasies in the
and South Asia left a once Middle East and South Asia,
Joe Biden is a veteran
dominant American military seeking to use the US military
American politician who was
posture in ruins, and with it the as a vehicle for nation building
part of the establishment which
influence 300,000 troops once in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and
squandered the inheritance of
forward-deployed on European elsewhere. This 20-year
wealth, prestige and power
soil used to bring. Lacking an experiment has failed, leaving
America had accumulated in
American military spine, the the US fiscally and morally
the aftermath of the Second
NATO alliance withered into bankrupt, and its military in
World War. He is the living
virtual irrelevance, unable to Europe a mere shadow of its
embodiment of American
meaningfully project power or former self in terms of
political hubris, where words
mount a credible defensive capability and reach – where in
speak louder than results. As
deterrence. 1990 we could deploy four

divisions to Europe in 10 days, border with Ukraine, drove cannot, and will not, be fighting
today it takes us four months to home the reality that the US and a ground war in Europe against
deploy one brigade. The its NATO allies were not in any a Russian foe. The 30-battalion
administration of George W. position to confront Russia figure is a goal, not a reality,
Bush initiated this process militarily. Moreover, more one that will be impacted by
(with a substantial assist from sober assessments coming out fiscal realities driven by the
the Clinton administration), and of both Europe and the US held domestic imperatives of 30
the Obama-Biden that the rise of an expansionist separate nations, some more
administration sustained it. China represented a greater committed to the concept than
While tactless and inept in his threat to the geopolitical others. And the 30-day
execution, Donald Trump was positioning of the transatlantic mobilization figure is likewise
realistic regarding the situation partnership than Russia. purely political, given that
he had inherited, seeking to Russian can mobilize many
Projecting weakness
repair relations with Russia times that number in half the
while approaching the issue of The problem confronting Biden time, and that most scenarios
NATO with a more realistic was that the issue of NATO involving Russia-NATO
perspective born of fiscal and expansion had left the alliance combat have the Russians
geopolitical reality. This held hostage by both the anti- prevailing in a period of one
approach incurred the wrath of Russian posturing of its week or less. The 30-battlaion
the American establishment, relatively new Polish and Baltic concept is a political fig leaf
resulting in a single term members and notions of a designed to demonstrate
presidency and the ascension of potential NATO membership resolve without really having to
Joe Biden to his status as on the part of post-Maidan do so.
American commander in chief. Ukraine. One of the goals of the
The same can be said about
recently completed NATO
Biden has shown no real expanding the scope of
summit was to create a
appreciation for the state of NATO’s Article 5 commitment
framework of action which
affairs he has inherited, to self-defense. The old formula
would provide political cover
formulating a foreign policy had NATO automatically
for both issues, while allowing
premised on the mantra of coming to the defense of a
for enough latitude to
“America is back” without member state if it were attacked
realistically apportion the
having an appreciation of what by a hostile power. The purpose
political and economic
“back” means. His rhetoric and of this clause was to confront
resources necessary to pivot to
posturing suggest that he any potential threat – namely
China. This is the heart of the
believes the dominance and the Soviet Union and, later, its
NATO joint statement – a
prestige America enjoyed in Warsaw Pact allies – with the
commitment to a new military
1991 can be replicated today reality that any attack against
posture which seeks to rebuild
simply by willing it to be so. one NATO member would be
NATO’s crumbling military
This is irresponsible fantasy, treated as an attack against all.
component while expanding
something even Biden seems to The deterrence value of this
the reach of NATO’s Article 5
realize in the aftermath of his posture was significantly
defensive umbrella to include
“Putin is a killer” comments to enhanced by the presence of a
space, cyber and so-called
the US media. The reality check combined NATO air-sea-
“hybrid” activities.
that followed Biden’s impolitic ground force possessing unified
chest thumping, manifested in The notion of NATO building a command, communications,
the withdrawal of Russia’s 30-battalion combat force logistics and operational
ambassador and the snap capable of full mobilization in structures, so that any attack
mobilization of 100,000 30 days is an indication of a would be met immediately with
Russian troops on Russia’s reality that NATO knows it the full weight of NATO’s

military capability – there was the perception of a Russian Russia, or repair relations with
no “30-day” period of threat where none exists. Putin. There will be no détente.
mobilization involved. Instead, the goal is to prevent
No détente expected – only
the continued worsening of
By expanding Article 5 more posturing
relations between the two
protection guarantees into the
From the perspective of Joe nations, to create a sense of
fields of space, cyber and
Biden, the NATO Summit was stability and predictability that
“hybrid”, NATO is projecting
not so much about fixing the will maintain the present chill
the sad state of its current
myriad of problems facing in relations without continuing
deterrence posture. The feeling
NATO, but rather creating the to a deep freeze or, worse, a hot
in Brussels is that Russia could
impression that NATO was war. To accomplish this, certain
degrade NATO
united in the face of Russian perceptions must be
communications and
aggression. The perception of maintained, most important of
interoperability capabilities by
strength, from the perspective which is that NATO is ready,
shutting down satellites in
of the Biden administration, is willing, and able to stand up to
space, degrade and disrupt
more important than reality, any military threat posed by
critical infrastructure using
because the long-term focus of Russia. This is the real purpose
cyber-attacks, and exploit
NATO cannot be on Russia if it behind the NATO Summit – to
internal political and ethnic
ever hopes to muster the construct a fiction capable of
unrest through so-called
political and economic bolstering Biden’s posturing
“hybrid” fifth columnists. The
resources necessary to confront during his meeting with Putin.
fact that these concerns are self-
China. Joe Biden simply needs The fact that Russia is fully
created, formed by either
to take this perception of aware of this reality only
mirror-imaging NATO intent
NATO unity and strength with underscores the theatrics of the
onto Russian capability or, in
him to Geneva, where he will entire affair. That, more than
the case of the “hybrid”
use it as a prop in the political anything, defines the current
concerns, manufacturing a
theater that will transpire when situation between the US and
doctrine where no such doctrine
he sits down with Russian Russia – theater posing as
exists, is beside the point.
President Vladimir Putin on reality, to cover for weakness in
Perception creates its own
June 16. order to project strength, all in
reality, and currently NATO is
an effort to avoid a conflict no
in the grips of a panic driven by In Geneva, Joe Biden will not
one wants.
try to reset relations with

Countering ‘Islamophobia’

Zahid Hussain, Dawn

AST week’s incident in terrorism’ are used in right-

hat is described as
Ontario, Canada, in ‘Islamophobia’ has, in fact, wing propaganda literature.
which four members of existed for a very long time in Surely in some cases the state’s
a Muslim family were crushed many Western countries. But policy of cultural
to death in a premeditated anti-Muslim movements have discrimination has also
attack has once again raised seen a marked rise after 9/11 contributed to anti-Muslim
concerns over the rising and have been further sentiments.
incidence of ‘Islamophobia’. It strengthened over the past few
It’s not just in the West; anti-
was perhaps the most gruesome years with the surge of right-
Muslim politics have also
murder of innocent people wing racist ideology. The anti-
gained momentum in other
motivated by anti-Muslim immigrant campaign has
parts. For instance, India is one
hatred in Canada. intensified anti-Muslim
of the few countries where the
sentiments. The rise of
There has been a significant rise government itself is directly
Trumpism in the US and the
in such crimes with the involved in an anti-Muslim
emergence of populist
ascendancy of ultra-right forces campaign. It is not just
nationalist regimes have also
in many Western societies. The discriminatory policies but also
given impetus to hate-based
incidence of attacks on the violence perpetrated by the
Muslims and their places of ruling party that seeks to
worship has become more ‘Islamophobia’ is generally marginalise the Muslim
frequent. It may not be the first defined as “an outlook or population.
time Muslims have been worldview involving an
The rise of violent anti-Muslim
targeted in Canada but it was unfounded dread and dislike of
movements and the hate
certainly the most heinous Muslims, which results in
campaign run by racist groups
attack. practices of exclusion and
on social media have certainly
discrimination”. But it has
It was an act of terrorism driven been a serious challenge for
taken a more violent turn in
by Islamophobia, declared democracy around the world.
recent years with terrorist
Justin Trudeau, the Canadian But such hate campaigns and
attacks targeting the Muslim
prime minister. The 20-year- actions by extremist groups
community and mosques.
old suspect who mowed down must not be equated with
There are political as well as
the Afzal family had reportedly religious and civilisational
economic reasons for the rise of
been motivated by the anti- wars. Individual terrorist
the anti-immigrant movement
Muslim campaign run by racist actions must not be allowed to
particularly in Europe that often
and white supremacist groups strengthen extremist ideology
takes an anti-Muslim turn.
which have become on the other side.
increasingly active over the Some violent actions by
It should also be recognised that
past few years. The tragedy has Muslim individuals influenced
the strongest resistance to this
shaken Canada, which is one of by extremist ideology too have
violent ideology based on anti-
the most culturally and racially been used by racist and ultra-
Muslim prejudice has come
inclusive countries in the world. right groups to whip up anti-
from within Western
The cabinet includes Muslim Muslim sentiments as seen in
democracies themselves. The
ministers. France. Terms, like ‘Islamic
strong public and government

reaction against the 2019 Prime Minister Imran Khan has time when the prime minister
Christchurch mosque killings called for an international effort refused to meet the mourners of
carried out by a supporter of a to counter growing the victims of a Hazara
white supremacist group is a ‘Islamophobia’ and has also massacre in Quetta declaring he
case in point. New Zealand’s raised the issue at various would not be ‘blackmailed’?
Prime Minister Jacinda international forums including
He finally went there to meet
Ardern’s handling of the at the UN General Assembly. In
some members of the victims’
horrific shootings won her a recent interview to a Canadian
family after the funeral had
widespread appreciation by the TV channel, he lamented the
taken place. Such a callous
Muslim community. It was a lack of response to the move for
attitude in the face of tragedy
terrorist attack and didn’t an internationally coordinated
could hardly give him the kind
involve any religiously effort to combat
of moral high ground needed to
motivated group. ‘Islamophobia’.
lead an international campaign
Similarly, the Ontario killing Of course, one cannot agree against ‘Islamophobia’.
has united in grief the widest more with the prime minister Hundreds of Hazaras have been
section of Canadian society that hate literature and anti- killed over the last few years in
across religious and racial Muslim websites should be this country in the name of
divides. Justin Trudeau’s banned but his call would faith.
passionate speech condemning receive a greater response if he
The international community
the incident as an act of too made some efforts to curb
constantly censures Pakistan
terrorism and his government’s the continuing rise of extremist
for victimisation of religious
pledge to take the toughest faith-based ideology in the
minorities. The growing misuse
action against the hate country. A policy of
of blasphemy laws targeting
campaign has certainly appeasement has given greater
both Muslims and non-
reassured the vast Muslim space to the groups openly
Muslims are also cited as a
community in the country. preaching violence in the name
manifestation of the extremist
of faith.
Of course, there is a need for a ideology gaining ground in the
coordinated and concerted While the prime ministers of country. The PTI government’s
effort to counter the anti- Canada and New Zealand stood overdose of religiosity has
Muslim campaign, but it should with the Muslim community in imparted a sense of impunity to
also be linked to the struggle their time of grief and took extremist religious groups. Will
against all other violent decisive actions against the the international community
religious ideologies. Sadly, perpetrators of the crime, our heed the prime minister’s
killing in the name of faith is far leaders are found missing when appeal given this situation at
more prevalent in our country. such tragedies occur in the home?
country. How can we forget the

Modi’s movies

Rafia Zakaria, Dawn

HE world knows India wielding enormous power over similar, if belated, conclusions.
through its movies. For what movies get made, who The television and print media
more than a century, makes it big and what themes in India has already been beaten
most of South Asia has been are emergent in India’s film into submission such that the
humming Bollywood tunes, industry. slang term for it is ‘Godi’ (lap)
mimicking Bollywood actors media’, referring to how cosy
Over the years, since the
and awaiting the next Indian journalists have become
inception of Prime Minister
blockbuster with rapt with Modi’s Hindu supremacist
Modi’s government in 2014,
anticipation. agenda.
and with much greater zeal
The reach of Bollywood since his re-election in 2019, Now Bollywood megastars and
stretches beyond the the BJP has gone head to head mega producers must be
subcontinent; diehard (and against Bollywood. Movies transformed into ‘Godiwood’.
rude) American fans gang up which tell the stories of Muslim It would be led by someone
and troll people who do not conquest and Mughal rule (such other than the Khans and their
agree with their choice of the as Jodhaa Akbar) are not easy ilk and would produce endless
best Bollywood film of all time, to do, and ones such as hours of formulaic movies
and Egyptians, Nigerians and Padmavaat have garnered whose entire purpose would be
millions of others around the tremendous controversy. to extol the virtues of Prime
world have similarly gyrated to Minister Modi and his
Bollywood movie producers
its dance numbers. Obviously, government and re-familiarise
have learned the hard way that
they have also gotten to know, a once-secular Indian audience
the easiest way to get a movie
at least to the extent possible with arcane myths and tales that
past meddling BJP censors is to
through the screen, the country could be connected to the
please the BJP. As a
that exports such rousing Vedas or the BJP agenda. It is
consequence, low-budget films
entertainment to so many. likely that Kangana Ranaut,
regurgitate improbable dramas
who has expressed a desire to
This may all change very soon. in which India dominates over
go to the border and attack
In the weeks and months to Pakistan; the patriotic and
Pakistan, and Priyanka Chopra,
come, operatives of Prime heroic are, all of them, Hindu
who has hugged and giggled
Minister Modi’s Bharatiya and fanatically so.
with Modi at one of 20
Janata Party are increasingly
In recent days, as the Modi wedding-related events, could
throttling India’s multibillion-
government has confronted the star in the ones that were left.
dollar film industry that makes
latest deadly and crushing surge
more movies a year than even It would be funny if it were not
of the coronavirus pandemic,
Hollywood in the United true. When protests broke out
the demand to have helpful
States. Specifically, there are over India’s new citizenship
instruments of propaganda has
two things that the BJP does not laws, the Khans for all their
surged. Like Goebbels, the
quite appreciate about the power were afraid to speak out
Nazi administrator who
movies these days. First is the despite the fact that the new law
presaged the use of
fact that the triumvirate of the primarily snatches citizenship
moviemaking as part of an
Khans — Shahrukh, Aamir and from India’s Muslims.
ideological agenda, Modi
Salman — have ruled the roost, Whatever little they could say
bhakts seem to have reached

was useless in sating the bhakts; and dance spectacles but with a where Hindus control
needless to say, the citizenship pointed goal: the glorification everything), the depredations of
law passed. of the Hindu supremacist state Pakistan, the ignominy of all
that the prime minister has Muslim rulers of the past. If
Modi needs to produce a
almost created. Bollywood was light and
distraction for his long-
entertaining, funny and
suffering and Covid-19 Fascists always seek to control
seductive, Godiwood, designed
traumatised Indian population. cultural production in a country
to please its audience of one,
For weeks, so many have had to in order to realise the complete
promises to be tedious and
endure more tragedy and loss of and centralised control of
banal. You can force creative
life than most people see in a power that permits them to
people to do what you want
lifetime; worse still, from the dominate everything. If one
them to do, you cannot force
BJP perspective, all Indians watches the Godi media, it is
them to love it.
who had happily drunk the difficult not to wonder how so
Modi miracle potion have had a many in the Indian population Ironically, then, while the
bitter dose of reality. The can swallow such obviously independent Bollywood was a
country still has millions of concocted praise songs being fantastic and ubiquitous
poor, the health infrastructure is presented as the day’s news. emblem of India’s cultural
non-existent, there is corruption The time between newscasts is depth and relevance, Godiwood
at every level; these are just taken up by bizarre and will likely be exactly (and
some of the truths they may seemingly endless ‘debates’, in boringly) just the opposite. If
have become reacquainted which nearly everyone screams the former stood for a
with. at each other in their efforts to democratic and endlessly
show just how much in Modi’s fascinating country, the latter is
An entertainment machinery is
godi they are. but a hideous and apologetic
required to distract such a
husk of a project presented to a
stricken population; the answer, Godiwood will be very similar,
duped population and those
Godiwood. With celebrities one assumes; there will more of
who best do their master’s
frightened away by intrusive a focus on religious themes, the
audits, threats of arrests, ills of ‘Hinduphobia’ (which,
censorship, etc., Godiwood by definition, could not exist in
could produce the same song a Hindu-majority country

Iran’s Rigged Election

Ali Vaez, Foreign Affairs

country’s presidential system

ince the Iranian Also barred from running were
presidential election of Vice President Eshagh into a parliamentary one or
1997, when the reformist Jahangiri, who has been a replacing the role of supreme
candidate Mohammad Khatami heartbeat away from the leader with a multiperson
won a surprise victory, presidency for the past eight council. A parliamentary
elections in the Islamic years, and the two-term past system would limit the conflicts
Republic have remained president Mahmoud between the offices of the
relatively competitive. That Ahmadinejad. supreme leader and the
seems set to change, however. president under Iran’s existing
Criticism of the council’s
In the upcoming presidential system, and abolishing the
decision laid bare the Iranian
election, slated for June 18, position of supreme leader
political elite’s hypocrisy.
Iran’s current chief justice, would help his son maintain
Larijani’s brother, Sadeq, a
Ebrahim Raisi, is all but certain backroom influence after
member of the Guardian
to cruise to victory and become Khamenei’s death. Having a
Council, lambasted the
Iran’s eighth president. His win pliant president such as Raisi by
“indefensible” disqualifications
will largely result from his side would mean that
and derided the “security
preelection engineering on the Khamenei would face little
apparatus” for meddling in the
part of the Guardian Council, a internal resistance to what
vetting process. Hassan
12-member body of jurists and would amount to an
Khomeini, the grandson of the
clerics that is closely aligned unprecedented transformation
Islamic Republic’s founder,
with Supreme Leader Ali of the Iranian political system.
condemned the council’s
Khamenei and that vets
undermining of the system’s AN UNLEVELED PLAYING
candidates for office. Of the
republican institutions as FIELD
592 candidates who threw their
“counterrevolutionary” and
hats, turbans, and headscarfs When the council published its
advised the approved
into this month’s race, the final list of approved candidates
candidates to drop out of the
Guardian Council approved on May 25, Iranians flooded
race. Ahmadinejad joined
only seven men, of whom Raisi social media with clips from
millions of Iranians who say
is the most prominent. The Dictator, a movie in which
they are planning to boycott the
Sacha Baron Cohen plays a
The Guardian Council’s elections.
Middle Eastern tyrant. In one
decision to disqualify many
Khamenei initially defended scene, the dictator participates
established political
the Guardian Council’s in a race, which he begins by
heavyweights shocked
choices. Although he later firing his pistol into the air—
Tehran’s political elite. The
claimed that some injustices and then shooting the other
council rejected the candidacy
were committed during the runners. To Iranian observers, it
of Ali Larijani, who served the
vetting process, he stopped served as an allusion to Raisi,
longest term of any Speaker of
short of demanding a reversal. who is notorious for his
the parliament, currently
That is likely because the involvement as a prosecutor in
advises the supreme leader, and
supreme leader may be the execution of thousands of
led the negotiations that
considering structural changes: political prisoners in the late
produced Iran’s recent strategic
namely, converting the 1980s.
partnership deal with China.

None of Raisi’s vetted rivals progressive platform and to his moment. Most observers
pose a serious threat. One, the wife’s active participation in believe rigging the election in
hard-line former national his campaign, which signals a favor of Raisi is a ploy to groom
security adviser and chief relatively progressive approach him to become the supreme
nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, to gender issues by the leader himself, in the same way
supported Raisi in the 2017 standards of Iran’s highly that Khamenei succeeded
presidential election. Polls patriarchal polity. Iran’s first supreme leader,
suggest that the gap between Nevertheless, he is unlikely to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
him and Raisi is dislodge Raisi as the front- in 1989, after serving as
insurmountable. The same runner. president. According to this
applies to another perennial view, if Raisi became supreme
contender, Mohsen Rezaei, the leader, his lack of revolutionary
former commander in chief of The government of the Islamic and religious credentials would
the Islamic Revolutionary Republic has often pointed to force him to rely on
Guard Corps. In his previous high rates of voter turnout to Khamenei’s office—a shadow
three failed bids, Rezaei never buttress its claims to government of sorts in which
gained more than four million legitimacy, even if the Khamenei’s son Mojtaba is a
votes (compared with Raisi’s electorate always has to choose key player.
nearly 16 million in 2017, from a limited spectrum of
Others argue the opposite: that
which was in turn dwarfed by preselected candidates. In
the supreme leader sees Raisi as
the 23.5 million votes for the reality, however, turnout rates
a threat and that by elevating
winning candidate, Hassan have varied widely. And in
him to the presidency,
Rouhani). Two other hard-line recent years, the Guardian
Khamenei is setting him up to
opponents, Amir-Hossein Council’s increasingly
fail. After all, the thinking goes,
Ghazizadeh and Alireza aggressive disqualification
as head of the judiciary, Raisi
Zakani, are current members of practices and the hard-liners’
faces a narrow set of challenges
parliament with little national dogged obstruction of
and is accountable only to
recognition. But they present no meaningful reforms have
Khamenei, but as president, he
challenge since Zakani culminated in widespread
would confront numerous
withdrew on June 16, and political apathy. Recent surveys
socioeconomic crises amid a
Ghazizadeh is likely to do the anticipate a historically low
standoff with the West over
same before voting day. The fig turnout of around 40 percent.
Iran’s nuclear and regional
leaf reformist candidate, The ongoing COVID-19
policies. With Raisi’s
Mohsen Mehralizadeh, former pandemic is likely to further
credibility eroded by the
governor of the province of reduce participation.
burdens of the presidency,
Isfahan, was not backed even
This causes very little alarm for Khamenei could elevate his
by reformist coalitions and also
Iran’s hard-line faction, which preferred heir apparent.
dropped out on June 16, further
is not primarily concerned with
narrowing the field. Neither hypothesis is
shoring up the government’s
particularly convincing. Once
The only person who could popular legitimacy through
in office as supreme leader,
potentially mobilize some competitive elections. Instead,
Raisi would not necessarily
popular support is Abdolnaser Khamenei has decided to
remain dependent on
Hemmati, the technocratic further shrink the circle of
Khamenei’s office or family
former head of Iran’s central insiders and anoint a
and could sideline them in
bank. Many centrists and subservient ally to the
much the same way Khamenei
reformists are starting to presidency to complete the
himself sidelined the Khomeini
consider him the least bad hard-liners’ control over all
and Rafsanjani families that
option owing to his relatively levers of power at a critical
had helped boost him to the

pinnacle of political power. It is footing while ensuring the strengthening the control of the
hard to believe that Khamenei, survival of Khamenei’s family supreme leader.
his family, and his supporters and his vision for the
Abolishing a single-man
would overlook Machiavelli’s revolution. Specifically, the
supreme leadership,
warning: “He who is the cause supreme leader may aim to
meanwhile, would diminish the
of another becoming powerful convert Iran’s presidential
risk that after Khamenei leaves
is ruined.” system to a parliamentary one
office, his successor would
or to replace the supreme
The second hypothesis is even marginalize his family. The
leader’s role with a council that
less likely. There is, after all, a absence of a sole dominant
would take over once he passes
decent chance that the nuclear ruler would also allow
on. He hinted at the former a
deal Iran struck with the United Khamenei’s son Mojtaba to
decade ago, when he publicly
States and other major powers retain a great deal of behind-
announced that “if one day,
might be restored by the time the-scenes influence even after
possibly in the distant future, it
Raisi comes into office. In that his father had passed away.
is felt that a parliamentary
case, he would begin his Having sidelined Khomeini’s
system is more suited for
presidency by reaping the family and imprisoned
electing those responsible for
deal’s economic dividends and Rafsanjani’s children himself,
the executive branch, then there
taking credit for the country’s Khamenei is right to fear a
would be no problems in
recovery from COVID-19 as similar fate for his son, who
making changes to the system.”
well, given the prospects of could ensure that Khamenei’s
A parliamentary system would
greater vaccine availability by legacy is protected and his
reduce the friction between the
then. If Khamenei is trying to strategic agenda outlives him.
offices of the supreme leader
set up a rival to fail, he’s picked
and the president that currently Such significant changes might
an odd time to do it.
exists in Iran’s bifurcated not be Ayatollah Khamenei’s
A more likely explanation for political structure and would ultimate objective. He might
why Khamenei and the make it easier for an amenable just want his new (and probably
Guardian Council put their parliament to remove and last) president to be less
fingers on the scale so replace the chief executive. troublesome than the previous
decisively to assist Raisi is that And thus one of the system’s four, who often caused him
they have reason to believe he key representative headaches. But if he is seeking
would not oppose major institutions—its executive— transformational change, a
structural changes that would could no longer challenge its compliant president would
put the system on a more stable theocratic unelected ones, certainly help.

The Time Is Now for a Trade Deal With Taiwan

Jennifer Hillman, CFR

U .S. Secretary of State

Antony Blinken made
headlines last week
when he signaled during
on everything from climate
change to global health,
importance of improving trade
ties with the United States.
After handily winning
reelection, in August 2020
congressional testimony that development, and President Tsai announced that
the United States would be counterterrorism. she would remove the ban, to
resuming its suspended trade significant domestic political
The United States and Taiwan
dialogue with Taiwan. U.S. backlash. This policy change is
signed a Trade and Investment
Trade Representative Katherine now subject to a nonbinding
Framework Agreement (TIFA)
Tai followed up by meeting referendum that will be held in
in 1994, which provides a
virtually with her Taiwanese August. The Trump
forum for officials from the
counterpart last Thursday, administration, despite all its
Office of the United States
where they agreed to convene talk about the importance of
Trade Representative (USTR)
the Trade and Investment U.S.-Taiwan relations, did not
to meet with their Taiwanese
Framework Agreement (TIFA) initiate trade talks, reportedly
counterparts to discuss and
Council “in the coming weeks.” because it was concerned that
hopefully resolve irritants to
This is a welcome and overdue doing so would prompt China
bilateral trade and investment.
development, but it is still not to walk away from the phase
Since 2007, the trade
enough. Instead, the time is ripe one trade deal.
relationship has not been able to
for the United States to begin
get past Taiwan’s barriers to USTR has identified remaining
negotiations with Taiwan on a
U.S. agricultural exports. The issues that could be addressed
comprehensive bilateral trade
main stumbling block has been during negotiations, namely
Taiwan’s ban on imports of Taiwan’s barriers on
Taiwan is the United States’ U.S. pork and beef because they agricultural products, in
ninth-largest trading partner often contain ractopamine, an particular rice, genetically
and its seventh-largest additive (currently also banned modified foods, ground beef,
destination for agricultural in the European Union and and animal byproducts. USTR
exports, with total trade in China) that promotes leanness. likely also would push Taiwan
goods valued at $90 billion in To signal its displeasure with to lower tariffs on distilled
2020. Trade with Taiwan Taiwan’s stance, USTR spirits, large motorcycles, and
supports over two hundred suspended TIFA talks, soda ash, and create a more
thousand U.S. jobs. Taiwan resuming them from 2013 to level playing field in the
also occupies a central position 2016 (after Taiwan allowed pharmaceutical and medical
in global technology supply some beef imports containing device sectors. There is also
chains, in particular ractopamine), before the Trump scope for Taiwan to more
semiconductors. The United administration suspended them effectively combat copyright
States trades more with Taiwan again in 2017. infringement, especially with
than it does with India, France, respect to online piracy, and to
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-
or Italy. Beyond trade, Taiwan provide greater access to its
wen, a trade negotiator by
is an important partner on cloud computing market.
training, recognized the
regional and global issues, Progress on these issues should
primary hurdle as well as the
working with the United States be attainable.

Despite a general lack of attempt to cause Taiwan’s ability to join in trade

appetite for new free-trade twenty-four million people to liberalization, Taiwan’s
agreements, there appears to be conclude that their only viable economy will fall behind,
a large degree of congressional future is to join China. In the which would add to China’s
support for a deal with Taiwan. economic realm, it has cut leverage over the island. A
In the fall of 2020, a bipartisan tourism to Taiwan, banned U.S.-Taiwan trade deal,
group of fifty senators signed a imports of Taiwanese however, could provide
letter calling on then-U.S. pineapples, and most political cover for other
Trade Representative Robert importantly sought to countries to begin negotiations
Lighthizer to begin working marginalize Taiwan in of their own with Taipei.
toward a comprehensive trade international trade. Although
While resuming TIFA talks is a
agreement with Taiwan. This Taiwan is a member of the
positive step, this dialogue
followed a similar bipartisan World Trade Organization
alone is unlikely to generate
letter signed by 161 members of (WTO) and the Asia-Pacific
enough momentum toward a
the House in 2019 and the Economic Cooperation (APEC)
trade agreement. The time is
passage in 2020 of the Taiwan forum, it is not a member of the
ripe to be more ambitious.
International Protection and two largest regional trade
President Tsai has three years
Enhancement Initiative groupings, the Comprehensive
left in her second term, and
(TAIPEI) Act by unanimous and Progressive Agreement for
because she does not have to
consent, which called on USTR Trans-Pacific Partnership (CP-
stand for reelection she is in a
to further strengthen bilateral TPP) that includes Canada,
position to spend political
trade and economic relations Japan, Mexico, and eight other
capital to finalize a trade deal
with Taiwan. countries and the Regional
with the United States. Her
Comprehensive Economic
This strong bipartisan support successor, regardless of
Partnership (RCEP) that
reflects an appreciation of political party, will be unlikely
includes China, Japan, South
Taiwan’s constructive role on to make the necessary
Korea, Australia, New Zealand
regional and global issues and concessions during a first term.
and the Association of
recognition that Taiwan’s President Tsai, who has focused
Southeast Asian Nations
continued security is critical to on diversifying Taiwan’s
(ASEAN) countries. Taiwan is
regional stability in the Asia- economy away from China
excluded largely because
Pacific. As China’s military (with mixed success), would
members fear Chinese
strength and confidence view a trade agreement with the
retaliation. Taiwan only has
increase, the United States United States as an important
two free trade agreements with
needs to find additional ways to part of her legacy, and can be
countries that do not maintain
continue to deter Chinese expected to negotiate in good
diplomatic relations with the
adventurism. In addition to the faith.
island – deals with Singapore
economic merits of a trade deal,
and New Zealand – and China A U.S.-Taiwan trade agreement
this development would also
has pressured other countries would increase the island’s
send a strong signal to China on
not to conclude trade economic and national security
the importance the United
agreements with Taiwan. This while further opening an
States places in its relationship
despite the fact that China important market for U.S.
with Taiwan and increase
signed an Economic exports. It would signal support
Taiwan’s confidence, allowing
Cooperation Framework for an important partner and
Taipei to approach the
Agreement (ECFA) with underscore the U.S. interest in
mainland from a position of
Taiwan in 2010, which cross-strait stability. The time is
significantly reduced tariffs and right for an ambitious U.S.-
China’s strategy for Taiwan is trade barriers. There is a well- Taiwan trade agenda.
to employ a range of tools in an founded fear that without the
Realizing the U.S.-Pakistan Geoeconomic Pivot

Hamna Tariq, South Asian Voices

I n his recent visit to the

United States, Pakistan’s
Foreign Minister Shah
Mahmood Qureshi met with
Politically Motivated vs. Profit-
Motivated Investment
Before diving into how
Pakistan could improve its
government can, however,
reconsider its narrative of
Pakistan’s security conditions
and CPEC investments and
nudge private investors towards
investment climate for
entrepreneurs in New York to Pakistani projects through
international investors, it is
encourage foreign investment groups such as the U.S.-
essential to differentiate
in Pakistan. Over the past few Pakistan Business Council. Yet
between investments from
months, numerous high-level the onus remains on Pakistan to
China—especially through the
officials in Pakistan’s improve its investment climate
China-Pakistan Economic
government, including and impress profit-motivated
Corridor (CPEC)—and
National Security Advisor investors in the United States.
investments from the United
Moeed Yusuf and Chief of This would require Pakistan
States. First and foremost,
Army Staff General Qamar immediately address domestic
CPEC was a government-to-
Javed Bajwa, have pushed for a barriers, including bureaucratic
government agreement to
recalibration of U.S.-Pakistan inefficiencies, restrictive laws,
develop infrastructure, roads,
relations away from and inconsistency in economic
and energy in Pakistan. State-
geostrategy and geopolitics— policies.
led Chinese investments are not
the influence of geographic
driven exclusively by economic The Uncertain Economy
dynamics on international
motivations. Political and
power dynamics—and towards Pakistan’s post-pandemic
security relations have at least
geoeconomics—the influence economy has shown signs of
as strong an influence.
of global economic trends on recovery, largely due to the
Specifically, in order to bolster
foreign relations. The Pakistani conditions imposed by the
its long-term strategic goals,
state envisioned its International Monetary Fund
China is often willing to accept
geoeconomic turn in the (IMF) program. Pakistan’s
near-term unfavorable
context of decreasing domestic foreign reserves have nearly
investments for long-term
terrorism and the U.S. intention doubled from USD $7.2 billion
to withdraw from Afghanistan. in May 2018 to USD $16
Restructuring U.S.-Pakistan U.S. investments are typically billion in May 2021. The State
relations along economic lines economically (profit) Bank of Pakistan has estimated
could help improve Pakistan’s motivated, and U.S. companies the GDP growth rate to rise to
reputation as a terrorism-ridden independently choose to invest 3.94 percent for fiscal year
security state and enhance in attractive economies. (FY) 21, and the government of
prospects of domestic and Exceptions to this rule are Pakistan set the GDP growth
regional peace and stability. USAID initiatives that have rate target to 4.8 percent for
While Pakistan pushes for an contributed significantly to FY22.
economics-driven foreign economic development but
Although Pakistan’s 28 spot
policy at the diplomatic level, it have been widely criticized for
jump in the World Bank’s
can only realize this vision after internal mismanagement and
Doing Business 2020 report—
undertaking significant lack of sustainability required
from 136 to 108—is
domestic economic reforms for long-term projects. The U.S.
commendable, the country lags
and rebranding itself as an open government cannot itself
behind regional neighbors
international market. directly facilitate private sector
India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
investments. The U.S.
Foreign direct investment

(FDI) inflows have also economy—which further The complicated regulatory

dropped by approximately 35 inhibits growth and ambition. system in Pakistan further
percent in the first three deters foreign investment.
Investors have also identified
quarters of FY 2021. Given the Foreign businesses must
that inconsistent tax regulations
global pandemic, these address often inconsistent laws
from provincial and federal
statistics cannot be entirely and policies from both
authorities and frequent delays
attributed to the Pakistani provincial and federal
due to incompetent
government’s policies. regulatory authorities. A
bureaucratic institutions have
However, spurts of growth judicial system that expects
made it difficult for them to
followed by economic crises foreign investors to file in
gauge the profitability of
remains a troubling pattern for regular courts, instead of fast-
investments. For example,
the country’s economy. track courts for expedited
Special Economic Zones—
Pakistan’s economic strategy conflict resolution, also
areas intended for rapid
must focus on investments that complicates matters. The Reko
economic growth through
are sustainable and upheld with Diq Arbitration Case is a model
foreign investment by offering
consistent economic policies. example of inconsistent
tax and business incentives—
regulatory policy. In 1993 BHP
First, Pakistan needs to address made investors exempted from
Minerals signed an agreement
inconsistencies in its economic all income taxes for ten years.
with the Balochistan
approaches from one However, the Pakistani
government to mine copper and
government to another and government began charging a
gold in the Reko Diq mine of
avoid internal shifts and minimum of 1.5 percent
Balochistan. In 2006, this
frequent reshuffling of turnover tax—an indirect tax on
company was replaced by an
cabinets. Over the course of the estimated value of a good—
Australian joint venture called
Imran Khan’s three-year in lieu of income tax. The
the Tethyan Copper Company
tenure, four different officials Pakistan Business Council has
(TCC), which would acquire
have held the position of described these taxes as
the terms of prior agreements.
finance minister: Asad Umar, “extremely high and
Although the Balochistan High
Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Hammad unrealistic.” It is also difficult
Court validated the agreement
Azhar, and now Shaukat to expect investors to establish
in 2007, the Supreme Court of
Tareen. Frequent finance manufacturing plants when 26
Pakistan declared the
minister overturn illustrates percent of Pakistan does not
agreement void in 2013, and a
how the government’s have access to grid electricity
long-drawn and expensive legal
economic agenda has failed, and load-shedding remains
battle for Pakistan ensued.
hurting investor confidence. commonplace. Electricity
Similarly, when Walter Power
Rapidly fluctuating and shortage is at the core of
International Limited (WPI),
unpredictable policies slash Pakistan’s investment
based in Oklahoma City, sent
investor confidence, making dilemma, as is illustrated by the
power generation equipment to
individuals hesitant to invest damaging delays to the Renault
Pakistan in 2009 to help
large amounts capital and Motors car manufacturing plant
alleviate the country’s power
maintain investments for more in Karachi. Although China’s
shortages, the Supreme Court
than a couple of years. Such investments have helped with
intervened and nullified the
internal inconsistency and some power grid issues,
contract due to widespread
bureaucratic red tape promote Pakistan’s power sector makes
corruption. Even after the
rent-seeking behavior — the highest losses in South
National Accountability
investing for a short period of Asia, and the cost of power is
Bureau in Pakistan settled the
time to gain maximum profit also more expensive than
dispute with WPI, the
without creating long-term regional countries.
government of Pakistan refused
benefits and wealth for the
to re-export the equipment back

to the United States. The Reko remains high for international Pakistani government.
Diq and WPI cases illustrate the investors. Although the former Pakistan
deep-rooted tensions involved Muslim League-N (PML-N)
Setting up a Stronger
in Pakistan’s judicial dealings government explicitly
Investment Environment
with foreign investors. Such prioritized Chinese
public court interventions in Pakistan has the ability and investments, the current
private investment matters capacity to realize its Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf
cannot guarantee security and geoeconomic objectives (PTI) government has
policy certainty for a 20- or 25- through sustainable domestic consistently sought to develop
year long-term investment. reform. This could include trade relations with the United
setting up fast-track courts to States and China and
The Financial Action Task
arbitrate international emphasized that relations with
Force (FATF) is another major
investment cases, establishing a China are not a “zero-sum
barrier to Pakistan’s
central regulatory authority, game.” However, the U.S.
geoeconomic pivot ambitions.
harmonizing tax codes, and government’s China-hesitant
Although Pakistan’s internal
fighting terror-financing and rhetoric has, to an extent,
security situation has improved
money-laundering. The heightened caution amongst
considerably, its place on the
government should invest in U.S. investors from exploring
FATF gray list, signaling the
research and development to the Pakistani market. U.S.
threat of money-laundering and
create an innovative and diplomat and former U.S.
terror-financing, represents an
stimulating investment climate Ambassador to Jordan Alice
additional layer of risk for
through increasing involvement Wells’ strong criticism of
international investors.
of the diaspora in investment- CPEC in 2019 marked a shift in
Although the reputational risks
related policy-making U.S. policy towards implicitly
of the gray list aren’t nearly as
decisions, encouraging including Pakistan as a field for
serious as those of the black list,
creativity beyond the confines its larger economic great power
increased risk perception from
of religious laws, and reducing competition with China. Even
the gray-listing threatens to
licensing fees amongst other recently, U.S. government
keep investors out of the
economic measures to attract officials have criticized the
country. Deloitte’s exit from
payment-transfer facilities, China-Pakistan Economic
Pakistan in November 2020
such as PayPal, support direct Corridor (CPEC) for its lack of
made Pakistan the only country
business-to-business contact. transparency and debt-trap
amongst the top ten most
With help from its diaspora diplomacy features. The U.S.
populated countries in the
community, Pakistan can also business community, nudged
world that does not have all Big
recalibrate its marketing by the U.S. government, is
Four accounting firms—
strategy to capture the likely to view CPEC with
Deloitte, Ernst and Young
imagination of international suspicion. Yet it is in its own
(EY), Pricewaterhouse Coopers
investors. Now that Chinese interest to tap the potential of
(PwC), and KPMG). This
investors are setting up fast-developing CPEC-built
signaled the diminishing of
manufacturing facilities for the Special Economic Zones
Pakistan’s international
production of a variety of (SEZs) and road infrastructure
reputation and increases doubt
products, including beer and in the resource-rich country
about the credibility of
garments, the next step is to with a young workforce and
Pakistan’s investment climate.
build momentum and attract burgeoning middle class.
Whether Deloitte’s exit was
non-Chinese investors. Islamabad, in return, should be
related to Pakistan’s alleged
more transparent with the
terror-financing or not, it The onus of realizing this
Pakistani public about the terms
illustrates how the security risk geoeconomic shift does not
of CPEC loans and widen
only fall exclusively on the
CPEC-related consultations to

involve all stakeholders. bureaucratic practices will be digital economy, suggest a

Stepping away from tough to reform. Pakistan also positive trend in Pakistan’s
exaggerated “China camp” faces geopolitical constraints as investment future. Similar
rhetoric could significantly it competes with faster-growing efforts to cut bureaucratic red
help reform U.S.-Pakistan economies Vietnam and India tape and build economic
relations. for U.S. investment. Yet recent reliability will enable Pakistan
economic policies, including to shift from being a U.S.
Entrenched obstacles including
efforts to temporarily abolish security partner to an economic
the long-standing problem of
withholding tax over usage of investment opportunity.
“elite capture” and rigid
credit cards to promote the

The US-China conflict and where it would lead to

Talat Masood, Express Tribune

he intensification of imposed multiple sanctions and mutual interest. This will not be
rivalry between United blacklisted its very successful easy but Pakistan’s Foreign
States and China has far- companies that were trading Office and military have the
reaching global repercussions. with the US on the basis that experience and ability to
It has been described as a new these were indulging in manage in complex
Cold War and is a reflection of malpractices and stealing environments.
how the new US administration technology. By denying them
This is an age where major
has taken upon itself as the any access it expects to retard
nations realise that military
world’s number one challenge China’s technology and
dominance has to be
or threat to its global manufacturing capabilities. The
accompanied by economic
supremacy. It is mobilising all US administration under
power. President Joe Biden’s
its resources and bringing former president Donald
primary focus and strategy is to
together its European and Asia Trump had blacklisted 31
weaken China economically by
Pacific allies to put up a joint Chinese companies and
raising trade barriers, accusing
front to thwart its rise. There is declared several Chinese firms
it of malpractices and taking
a sense of unease and off-limits to American
multiple measures to put brakes
nervousness and a compelling investors. These include
in China’s economic rise.
urgency in Washington to telecom, construction and
counter China lest its rise may technology firms including The US allegation, generally
gain momentum and become China Mobile. The list has been shared by other European
unstoppable. Indeed, the US further expanded to nearly 60 partners and Japan, is that
assumption is partly true that by the present US Chinese companies do not
China has the making and administration. adhere to agreed international
resolve of a future superpower. norms and practices in doing
China has been compelled to
If in the coming decades business. This may be true in a
take reciprocal steps and
Beijing maintains the steady few cases but this is not
banned several US companies.
course it will challenge US peculiar to China and many
Thus the world economic order
supremacy despite repeated Western and other nations have
that we witnessed over the last
assurances that it has no been accused of similar charges
few decades is undergoing a
intention of doing so. when they tried to dominate the
major change and turbulence.
world market.
But the way Washington’s How the global markets and
reaction borders on paranoia. giant multinationals and IT As China’s economic
Perhaps the reason being that companies will adjust to these capability increases and
the US has remained changes and how it will affect tensions between the US and
unchallenged militarily or smaller economies and China rise, it is likely that
economically ever since the countries like Pakistan is of Beijing that has been satisfied
collapse of the Soviet Union in serious concern. with a modest nuclear
December 26, 1991. capability of anywhere between
Clearly, it will require delicate
250 to 350 weapons may decide
The US, in order to undermine balancing of strategic relations
to upgrade and increase two or
China’s economy and rising with China while cooperating
three times its nuclear arsenal
military capabilities, has with the US in matters of
by the next decade. Obviously,

this is miniscule in comparison At present, in America the deceptive when it claims its rise
with the US and Russian assumption that it will always will be peaceful, changes the
nuclear arsenals, but would remain number one is being entire paradigm which the
reflect a more aggressive trend, challenged. It is an interesting world was taking for granted.
giving a message that it will not debate and serves as a wake-up
be intimidated. call to take China’s rise
seriously at multiple levels. In
Moreover, according to experts
any case, history is full of
China has made rapid progress
examples when nations at the
in build-up of its medium-range
pinnacle have been replaced by
missiles, with multiple
others. The other pertinent
warheads that are now more
question is that just as the US
accurate and lethal. China is
does not want China to engage
also building and modernising
in unfair practices to gain
its sea based and bomber
economic ascendancy so
nuclear forces, but these would
should Washington not pursue
take time. Obviously, all these
policies to thwart China’s rise
developments would present
through unfair political,
organisational as well as
economic and strategic means.
technological challenges and
Mobilising and putting a
take time to fully mature.
common front to protect the
It was expected that as China’s world economic order and
military power increased it practices is perfectly in order
would have been drawn in these but building a wall to prevent
discussions at a certain stage to the rise of China’s economic
ensure strategic stability. power is another.
Apparently, China has been
When Trump threw aside all
reluctant to be a part of any
treaties and conventions and
global strategic consensus
pursued an increasingly
considering that its nuclear
unilateralist path, that gave the
arsenal is very small (about 5%)
US some immediate
in comparison with the two
advantages. But was that
nuclear major powers. It does
ethically right and not a breach
not want to get constrained by
of sorts? This may not be
associating with them at this
analogous to the present
stage. And the US considers its
China’s actions but illustrates
missile defence shield will take
that there are different
care of China’s threat as well
standards of viewing issues.
Unfortunately, former
The fallout of the current
president Trump was very
economic, trade and strategic
dismissive about arms control
confrontation between
and international treaties. Arms
Washington and China will
control received a setback when
have serious consequences for
the US withdrew from the
the world. It will hurt the global
arms-reduction negotiations
economy adversely and
with Russia during Trump’s
political tensions will increase.
The US, by spreading the
narrative that China is being

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