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International Journal of Construction Management

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Impact of project briefing clarity on construction

project performance

Ali Vahabi, Farnad Nasirzadeh & Anthony Mills

To cite this article: Ali Vahabi, Farnad Nasirzadeh & Anthony Mills (2020): Impact of project
briefing clarity on construction project performance, International Journal of Construction
Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2020.1802681

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Impact of project briefing clarity on construction project performance

Ali Vahabi, Farnad Nasirzadeh and Anthony Mills
School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia

Defining a clear project brief at an early stage is critical for the project success. A lack of project brief clar- Briefing; project
ity can cause design and construction changes or errors throughout project delivery, which ultimately performance; system
leads to project time and cost overruns. This research proposes a dynamic simulation model to evaluate dynamics; feedback loops
the overall impact of briefing on cost and time performance of construction projects. The causal feedback
loop model portraying the impact of briefing on project cost and time performance is developed. The
interrelationships that exist among the influencing factors incorporated into the stock and flow model of
the project briefing. Then, the proposed model is applied in a road project to assess its applicability and
The results indicate that a clear project brief aid in reducing brief changes, design changes, and construc-
tion changes throughout project delivery, which can ultimately improve project cost and time perform-
ance. Despite the fact that the clear brief increases required budget and duration for the project briefing,
it still represents good value to the project cost and time performance overall.

Introduction not applicable for managing the consequences of an unclear pro-

ject brief.
One of the most crucial challenges in any construction project is Given the importance of clearly defining the project brief and
defining the project brief clearly, since it affects project perform- its associated challenges, it is of great benefit to evaluate the
ance in terms of cost and time. Project briefing establishes cli- impact of brief clarity on project performance. However, deter-
ent’s needs and expectations, the translation of these needs into mining how to precisely measure the impact of briefing on pro-
design criteria, and the generation of a design concept and pro- ject performance is difficult, as construction projects are very
ject scopes (Ballard and Zabelle 2000). The more defined the complex systems, consisting of many processes and tasks that are
project brief, the more certain the performance of construction performed in parallel, and/or in series, throughout the delivery
projects (Xia et al. 2015). However, defining a clear project brief period. This situation creates multiple interdependencies between
is very challenging in construction projects, as clients need to these tasks and interrelationships between their influencing fac-
have a precise understanding of the project requirements and to tors that change over time.
clearly articulate their end-user needs before communicating There are a number of studies conducted to evaluate the
them to the builder (Xia et al. 2012; 2013). A poorly or inad- effect of briefing on project performance. Fageha and Aibinu
equately defined construction project can cause costly changes in (2013) stated that a poor project brief can negatively influence
project scopes and design that may result in redesign and project performance. This was concluded using a developed
rework, which can then cause time slippage and cost overruns framework by which the project management team could assess
(Mirza et al. 2013). Therefore, improving the clarity of briefing the briefing completeness in construction projects. Xia et al.
at an early stage is a critical task for the success of construc- (2015) discussed that a clear project brief can directly impact
tion projects. project performance. They evaluated the causal relationship
The criticality of clearly defining the project brief led to between briefing and project performance quantitatively. It was
also concluded that a clear project brief causes higher project
extensive studies on establishing different types of guidelines
design quality, which can ultimately improve project perform-
from a general overview of the process to a detailed description
ance. Chritamara et al. (2001) analysed the impact of various
of the task that must be done (Yu et al. 2006; Tang 2011; Yu
level of briefing completeness measured based on the levels of
and Shen 2015). Computer-based tools, such as Brief Maker, project design completion, on project performance. Although
Brief Builder, KMan, and Building Information Modelling, have previous studies have investigated the effects of briefing on pro-
been also designed to facilitate the process of briefing by improv- ject performance, their outcomes did not replicate a real project
ing communication and interaction among project team mem- delivery system, since the complexity arise from multiple interde-
bers (Lee Hansen and Vanegas 2003; Cerulli 2006; van Ree and pendencies between the processes and tasks, are not taken into
van Meel 2007; Poirier et al. 2015; Sackey et al. 2015). Despite account over time (K. Cho et al. 2009; Xia et al. 2015).
the innovative performance of these guidelines and tools, their Additionally, controlling the significant consequences of
application is limited to improve the briefing outcome. If there is design errors and changes, as well as cost and time overruns due
a lack of clarity after defining the project brief, these tools are to poor project briefing means that the mechanism of their

CONTACT Farnad Nasirzadeh

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Figure 1. The procedure of model development.

occurrence throughout the project delivery should be identified. effective feedback can assist clients to successfully define pro-
Identifying such a dynamic mechanism analyses how the clarity ject brief.
of the brief impacts project performance over time. However,
this identification is difficult due to the associated complexities
and dynamism of project systems, and as such, requires a sys- Research methodology
tematic approach. Modelling is a systematic method that can In this research, system dynamics (SD) is used to predict the
portray and measure the overall impact of briefing, with its com- impact of briefing on project cost and time performance. SD
plex and dynamic characteristics, on project performance introduced by Forrester (1961), is an object-oriented simulation
throughout the delivery. methodology to model complex systems where a holistic set of
This research aims to build a dynamic model that measures interrelated components is defined to provide a better under-
the impact of project brief clarity on cost and time performance standing of the system.
of construction projects. To do so, firstly the level of clarity/com- SD is used to measure how systems’ behaviour change over
pleteness of the brief is defined as an indicator to evaluate the time. The focus of this approach throughout modelling is on two
impact of briefing in a construction project. Although clarity and main system characteristics: (1) dynamic behaviour of the sys-
completeness literally refer to different terms, these are insepar- tem, which means tracking changes in the system overtime and
able characteristics in the analysis of the project briefing. So, this (2) tracing feedbacks-transferring and receiving information in
research applied the level of clarity as the main term, which the system (Richardson and Pugh 1981). Coyle (1996) defined
includes these two characteristics. SD as a technique that deals with the time-dependent behaviour
Then, a system dynamics (SD)-based approach is adopted to of managed system with the aim of describing the system
develop the dynamic model of evaluating the impact of briefing through the causal FBL and stock and flow model, understanding
on project performance. The causal feedback loop (FBL) model how information feedback governs its behaviour, designing
portraying this impact on a project cost and time performance, robust information feedback structures, and controlling policies
is developed using the governing causal feedback loops. Then, through simulation and optimization.
the identified interdependencies between factors in the feedback SD models are technically developed based on diagrammatic
loops are formulated and the stock and flow model is con- features to show system structures, including stock and flow dia-
structed. Applying the obtained SD model in a road project, the grams and causal feedback loops. Causal loop diagrams are por-
impact of the brief clarity on cost and duration of this project trayed by factors which are connected by arrows or called causal
is simulated. links. Assigning þ or – signs on each link means how the
Theoretically, the research outcomes contribute to the existing dependent factor varies when the independent factor changes.
body of knowledge through the development of a dynamic The modelling requires an analyst to determine the mathematical
model of the briefing process in construction project systems. relationships between factors and embed the equations in a dia-
The presented dynamic model provides practical feedback on the gram (Sonawane 2004). Two types of causal loops exist, positive
clarity level of defined project brief by portraying its impact on or reinforcing (R) feedback loops and negative or balancing (B)
the cost and time performance of construction projects. This feedback loops. All feedback processes in causal loop diagrams

Figure 2. Initial briefing step.

are defined based on these two types. The reinforcing loop indi- decision and goal and its main parameters, such as overall
cates continuously increasing or decreasing action in the system. budget and program, while project requirements include the cli-
In contrast, the balancing loop attempts to reduce changes and ent, end-user, site, environmental, and regulatory requirements
control stability in the system or seeks a specific goal. (Akintoye and Donnelly 2003). These critical requirements,
which must be defined in the project brief, are also classified
into three categories related to the basis of project decision, basis
Model structure of design, and executive approach in the construction project
As can it be seen in Figure 1, this research is conducted in five (Caldas et al. 2007; Bingham 2010; Bingham and Gibson 2016).
main stages including identification of key processes, tasks, and Evaluating the impact of these critical requirements and their
their influencing factors; creation of a FBL model; development categories revealed that project brief vitally influences the execu-
of the stock and flow model; dynamic simulation of the model; tion of the design and construction processes in the project
and application of the developed model in a project case study. delivery (Othman et al. 2004). This means the briefing, design,
Following Figure 1, first all key factors that determine the and construction are the main processes for evaluating the
impact of briefing on project cost and time performance is iden- impact of the project brief clarity on cost and time performance.
tified. Then, a causal feedback loop (FBL) model that portrays
this impact is created. These established causal relationships Identification of key factors
between factors are quantified by mathematical equations which The three identified processes including briefing, design, and
leads to a stock and flow model. Simulation of the obtained construction aided in detecting the related factors that are influ-
model can determine the impact of briefing on project cost and enced by the clarity of the project brief in construction projects.
time performance. In the end, the validation analysis is under- Identification of these factors was carried out through a critical
taken to evaluate the reliability of the developed model and review of the literature. Finally, 41 key factors were identified
assess the outcome. within the briefing, design, and construction processes that
Implementing the final SD model can aid in assessing the define the system boundary. These factors are mentioned in the
impact of the clarity level of briefing on project cost and time FBL models, as shown in Figures 4–7. Of these, the crucial fac-
performance. tors are: clarity level of project brief, request for information
(RFI), brief clarification, brief change, detailed design change dis-
Dynamic modelling of the impact of briefing on project covery, construction change discovery, initial briefing cost, latent
performance briefing cost, detailed design cost, detailed design duration, con-
struction cost, construction duration, project budget, and pro-
This section informs different stages of developing the system, in ject duration.
which the overall impact of briefing on project performance is
simulated, using the SD approach.
Causal FBL modelling of the impact of briefing on project
Identification of key processes and their influencing factors
This section focuses on modelling the briefing, design, and con-
To evaluate the impact of briefing on project performance, it is struction processes occurring in the project delivery, where each
required to identify the key processes, tasks, and their influenc- of these processes impacts project cost and time performance. By
ing factors that are affected by the brief throughout the project doing so, developing the FBL model is simplified if each process
delivery. To identify these affected processes and tasks, the pro- is explained and diagrammed separately. In the following section,
ject requirements and information, which are included in the these three modelling sectors are provided.
project brief, should be identified.

Model of the briefing process

Identification of main processes Developing the FBL model of the briefing process refers to pre-
An extensive review of the literature established that defining the senting the complex interrelated structure of various influencing
project brief technically consists of identifying the strategic and factors throughout affecting this process. In this research, it is
project requirements. Strategic requirements include the project assumed that the briefing process can be separated into two

Figure 3. Latent briefing step.

main steps of initial briefing and latent briefing. These two steps brief. When part of brief is not clear or not precisely matched
aid in simplifying the modelling process to easily understand the with other parts, clients may change or clarify the brief. This
complex system of the briefing process. iterative brief clarification and brief change procedure continue
until the client responds to all RFIs (Figure 3).
Initial briefing step. In the first step, called ‘initial briefing’, pro- Hence, the latent briefing step shows that unclear brief causes
ject brief is defined by clients at an early stage before involving designers or builders to request more information. The lower the
designers or builders in the detailed design process. This step level of briefing clarity, the higher the number of RFIs that will
includes initially defining the project brief, where the definition be submitted. This indicates that clearly defining the project brief
rate of the project brief per time unit depends on the allocated at an early stage (i.e., initial briefing step) can reduce extra tasks
time and resources provided by the client at the early stage. and activities in the latent briefing step, such as brief clarification
Figure 2 presents a general overview of the initial briefing step, and brief change. Therefore, it is assumed that the clarity level of
which is the first part of the main model of the briefing process. initial brief to be a key indicator in specifying the amount of
submitted RFIs, which could lead to extra brief clarification and
Latent briefing step. The second step, called ‘latent briefing’, brief change activities throughout the latent briefing step. In
involves communication between the client and the designer/ other word, the percentage of work that has been questioned by
builder regarding tasks or scopes defined unclearly. If the client RFIs can be assumed as the clarity level of initial brief at the
detects any errors or lack of clarity in the initial brief throughout early stage of the project. Also, the clarity level of the initial
these communications, extra brief clarification and/or brief brief, as a constant factor in the model, is the initial value of the
changes occur in the latent briefing step. This step theoretically clarity level of project brief, which is determined in initial brief-
addresses to ‘control scope’, as a main process of project scope ing step.
management, which is defined by project management body of Figure 3 shows feedback loops that control the value of the
knowledge (PMBOK) (Project Management Institute 2017). tasks and their variables in the latent briefing step. Of these
The latent briefing step begins with the designer or builder’s loops, the B1 balancing loop and the R2 reinforcing loop, which
questions about unclear brief defined in the project brief docu- are caused by brief change and brief clarification, are critical fac-
ments. Questions are submitted via the official procedure of tors that control the latent briefing step. For simplicity of
request for information (RFI), which is a key factor that aids cli- explaining these feedback loop in the model, only key factors
ents to detect errors or a lack of clarity in the project brief. and causal relationships are shown in Figure 3.
Clients should review, evaluate, and respond to those pieces of The balancing loop, represented by red arrows in Figure 3,
scope that are questioned within a certain time. This evaluation shows that a lack of briefing clarity may cause brief clarification
may lead to the detection of unclear brief or errors in the project in the latent briefing step, through which clarity level of the

Figure 4. The impact of the project brief clarity on the briefing process.

project brief is ultimately improved. This loop includes ‘clarity action’, ‘brief pending for further action’, and ‘brief change’ vari-
level of project brief’, ‘brief release rate’, ‘brief defined’, ‘request ables. In addition, ‘clarity level of initial brief’ impact this loop.
for information (RFI)’, ‘discover brief requiring further action’, After initial defining of the project brief by the client, the
‘brief pending for further action’, ‘brief clarification’, and designer/builder asks questions about the portion of ‘brief
‘increase in brief clarity’ variables. In addition, ‘clarity level of defined’ that is not clear through RFIs. These questions are
initial brief’ impact this loop. posed through RFIs. The portion of the unclear brief is deter-
Increasing the clarity level of project brief positively impacts mined by the ‘clarity level of the project brief’ variable.
the brief release rate. Releasing brief for design reduces the num- Submitted RFIs cause the client to re-evaluate the questioned
ber of defined briefs, which directly decreases the number of brief. This re-evaluation may lead the client to discover errors,
RFIs. The lower the number of submitted RFIs, the lower the which ultimately causes brief changes. This change refers to
amount of brief requiring further action, such as brief clarifica- replacing the scope with a new one, which may be redefined
tion. However, clarifying brief increases brief clarity and with a lack of clarity. Thus, this iterative procedure creates a
improves the clarity level of project brief. Thus, this iterative reinforcing loop, which increases ‘brief change’ in the latent
procedure creates a balancing loop where increasing brief clarifi- briefing step.
cation improves the clarity level of project brief until this level Performing both ‘brief clarification’ and ‘brief change’, occurs
reaches a determined value. in the B1 and R2 feedback loops, and requires cost variables, as
The reinforcing loop, indicated by the blue arrows in Figure shown by black arrows in Figure 4. By doing so, the value of the
3, explains how a lack of briefing clarity leads to brief changes in ‘latent briefing cost’ variable grows, which ultimately increases
the latent briefing step. This loop includes the ‘brief defined’, the ‘project cost’. Clarifying and changing brief also requires
‘request for information (RFI)’, ‘discover brief requiring further time, which reduces the rate of ‘brief released to be designed’

Figure 5. The impact of the project brief clarity on the design process.

and increases latent briefing duration, as represented by the project brief clarity has an extensive impact on design quality. It
black arrows in Figure 4. has been previously confirmed that a low level of design quality
Explaining the initial and latent briefing steps separately aids can cause design changes throughout project delivery (Cho and
in simply presenting a general overview of the FBL model of the Gibson 2001; Gibson and Gebken 2003; Xia et al. 2015).
briefing process. However, there are several interdependencies Figure 5 depicts the impact of the project brief clarity on the
between influencing factors in these two steps that are shown in design process. To simplify understanding the impact of briefing
Figure 4. This means FBL model shown in Figure 2 and 3 are clarity on detailed design process, only key factors are shown for
merged into one FBL briefing process model, which is shown in in this figure. As shown, this model portrays two main behav-
Figure 4. iours of the design process that are influenced by the level of
These interdependencies lead to causal feedback loops in the project brief clarity. The first indicates that increasing the clarity
briefing process model, as shown in Figure 4. The main balanc- level of the project brief can reduce design cost and time by
ing feedback loop, represented by red arrows (B1), shows that a decreasing design changes in the project delivery, which can
lack of clarity in the initial brief may cause brief clarification in ultimately reduce project cost and duration. This means decreas-
the briefing process, through which the clarity level of project ing the clarity level of the project brief, which is caused by the
brief is ultimately improved. Meanwhile, the reinforcing loop, briefing process, adversely impacts design quality throughout the
indicated by the blue arrows (R2), explains how a lack of brief completion of design tasks, as shown by the red arrows in Figure
clarity leads to brief changes in the briefing process. 5. This may cause errors in the completed design tasks that
ultimately lead to design changes after discovering those errors,
as represented by the R3 blue colour loop. However, changing
Modelling the impact of the project brief clarity on the the design through this loop increases the design cost, which
design process ultimately impacts the project cost. Design changes also reduce
Diagramming the design process refers to presenting the com- the completed design tasks and design physical progress. The
plex interrelated structure of various influencing factors affecting black arrows in Figure 5 show the impact of design changes on
this procedure. Evaluating the design process reveals that the design cost and time.

Figure 6. The impact of the project brief clarity on construction process.

However, the second behaviour of the design process indi- the red arrows in Figure 6. This may cause errors in the com-
cates that improving the brief clarity by spending more than the pleted construction tasks that ultimately lead to construction
required time may adversely impact design cost and time if the changes after discovering these errors, as represented by the R4
design duration becomes restricted. Taking too long to define blue colour loop. However, changing the construction tasks
the project brief restricts available design duration, which causes through this loop increases construction cost, and ultimately,
schedule pressure over the design process. This pressure nega- project cost. Construction changes also reduce the completed
tively impacts the design quality, as shown by the green arrows construction tasks and construction physical progress. The black
in Figure 5 and may create errors in the performed design tasks. arrows in Figure 6 show the impact of construction changes on
Rectifying these errors occurs by changing the design, as shown project cost and duration.
by the R3 loop. As previously explained, design changes can The second behaviour of the construction process also indi-
increase design cost and time. cates that improving the clarity level of the brief may reduce the
construction duration by accelerating the construction progress,
which can ultimately lead to delivering project earlier. The green
Modelling the impact of the project brief clarity on the con-
arrows in Figure 6 show that clearly defining the project brief
struction process
can help the designers or builders to propose design solutions
The feedback loop model depicted in Figure 6 shows how the
with more constructability. This increases the construction com-
behaviour of the construction process is influenced by the clarity
level of the project brief. The diagram also clarifies how this pletion rate, which accelerates the construction progress, as
behaviour impacts project cost and time. The construction pro- shown by the black arrows in Figure 6. The faster the physical
cess includes three feedback loops and several causal links progress of the construction, the shorter the construction dur-
between related factors, as shown in Figure 6. To simplify under- ation will be, which may finally reduce the project duration.
standing the impact of briefing clarity on construction process,
only key factors are shown for in this Figure.
This model portrays two main behaviours of the construction Modelling the impact of project brief clarity on project cost
process that are influenced by the clarity level of the project performance
brief. The first indicates that a lower clarity level of the brief can Figure 7 shows the causal loop diagram of the impact of briefing
increase construction cost and time, which can ultimately reduce clarity on project cost performance. It indicates that project cost
project cost and duration. Increasing undiscovered design is the sum of the main process expenditures including: initial
changes over the design process, which is caused by low clarity briefing cost, latent briefing cost, design cost, and construction
levels of the brief, adversely impacts construction quality cost. This diagram also illustrates that project cost performance
throughout the completion of construction tasks, as shown by is evaluated by cost deviation as the difference between project

Figure 7. The impact of briefing clarity on project cost performance.

expenditure and project budget (estimated project cost at the C. Latent briefing cost ¼ INTEG (brief clarification  brief
early stage of the project). clarification unit price, 0) þ INTEG (brief change  brief
The analysis of the system behaviour, considering the inter- change unit price, 0)
action of all causal loop diagrams presented in Figures 4–6, D. Detailed design cost ¼ INTEG (detailed design comple-
reveals that a lack of project brief clarity causes five type of tion  detailed design work unit price, 0)
impacts on project cost performance. Figure 7 shows these E. Construction cost ¼ INTEG (construction comple-
impacts on project cost performance in a simplified diagram, tion  construction work unit price, 0)
where only key factors are kept for demonstrating each impact. The mathematical functions utilized to measure “brief clar-
ification” and “brief change” variables in formula (C) are
shown below:
Stock and flow model of the briefing impact on project F. brief change ¼ brief pending for further action  brief
performance change fraction/Avg time for brief change  IF THEN ELSE
(brief pending for further action > 0,1,0)
Having developed the FBL model of the impact of briefing on
G. brief clarification ¼ brief pending for further action  (1-
project performance, the relationships defined between influenc-
brief change fraction)/Avg time for clarification  IF THEN
ing factors in the model, are quantified using mathematical equa- ELSE (brief pending for further action > 0, 1, 0)
tions. Implementation of these mathematical formulations leads As explained in the latent briefing step, section ‘Model of
to constructing the stock and flow model, by which the influence the briefing process’, the clarity level of initial brief, as a
of the project brief clarity on project performance can constant variable in the model, is the initial value of the
be measured. clarity level of project brief. Through the latent briefing
The mathematical relationships between the influencing fac- step, the value of clarity level of project brief can be
tors can be simply determined by appropriate mathematical increased by brief clarification. Below show the associated
functions where there are evident physical relationships between mathematical functions for measuring the clarity level of
them. However, in other cases where the relationships cannot be project brief.
simply formulated, the extrapolation of historical data is imple- H. Clarity level of project brief ¼ INTEG (increase in brief clar-
mented to assess these relationships. ity, clarity level of initial brief)
For instance, project cost performance, which is counted as I. increase in brief clarity ¼ IF THEN ELSE (clarity level of
project cost overrun, is calculated based on the difference project brief <1, brief clarification/initial project brief, 0)
between the actual project cost and the project budget. The The required data for the other variables, such as Avg time
actual project cost is the summation of initial briefing cost, latent for clarification in function (G) is collected from the historical
briefing cost, detailed design cost, and construction cost. data of a real project.
A. Actual project cost ¼ initial briefing cost (B) þ latent brief- A real road project was selected and studied to obtain
ing cost (C) þ detailed design cost (D) þ construction required historical data for model quantification. Project docu-
cost (E). mentations, project reports, and site visits were all utilized as
B. Initial briefing cost ¼ INTEG (initial briefing  unit price of data collection sources for this road project. Given the difficulty
initial briefing, 0) of determining mathematical functions between factors, a

significant number of relationships were formulated using the difference between these values in Table 2, i.e., detailed design
linear regression feature of the Matlab software. cost when the clarity is 70% compared with 100% clarity, deter-
mines the direct impact of lack of clarity on cost overrun in this
project. It should be stated that the calculated cost overrun indi-
Dynamic simulation of the briefing impact cates the direct impact of the lack of clarity in the initial pro-
Through the development of the proposed stock and flow model, ject brief.
the simulation of the briefing impact can be done in a virtual Figure 8 shows the detailed design cost throughout the project
environment. This simulation can show how project cost and delivery duration. The red line graph portrays the simulated value
duration are influenced by the project brief clarity. of the detailed design cost related to the selected road project with
70% clarity of the initial brief, while the blue line indicates the
detailed design cost estimated in the contract at the early stage with
Model application considering 100% clarity of the initial brief. As can be seen in
Figure 8, the difference between these 2 graphs is increased
The developed model is utilized in a real road project to evaluate throughout the design process, which is due to the occurrence of
its applicability and performance. This project case study design changes caused by the lack of initial brief clarity. This differ-
includes construction of 6 km four lane road with the input fac- ence, which can be considered as the design cost overrun, is pre-
tors, shown in Table 1, used in the simulation model. dicted to be increased up to 12% of the initial estimated design
cost, shown by arrow A, at the end of the detailed design process.
The black and orange line graphs, which portray the simulated
Prediction of the impact of briefing clarity on cost
value of the detailed design cost related to this road project with
90% and 50% clarity of the initial brief, respectively.
The proposed model can aid in the prediction of project cost The construction cost throughout the project delivery is
overrun due to a lack of clarity in the initial brief. Through the shown in Figure 9. The red line graph in Figure 9 shows the
model simulation, the cost overrun is predicted by aggregating simulated value of construction cost where the clarity of the ini-
the impact of lack of initial brief clarity on latent briefing cost, tial project brief is 70%. As shown, lack of clarity in the initial
detailed design cost, and construction cost, which are calcu- project brief increases construction cost by 5.6% compared to
lated separately. the initial estimated construction cost shown by the blue graph.
In Table 2, the simulated values of latent briefing cost, This is due to the occurrence of construction changes through-
detailed design cost, and construction cost are presented in two out the project delivery caused by the low level of the initial brief
different cases including initial brief clarity level of 100%, 90%, clarity. This extra cost can be seen by arrow C in Figure 9. The
70%, and 50%. The 100% clarity for the initial brief refers to the black and orange line graphs, which portray the simulated value
ideal project delivery situation where this road project is com- of the construction cost related to this road project with 90%
pleted in accordance with the planned project cost. In this scen- and 50% clarity of the initial brief, respectively.
ario, all project scopes are clearly defined, which means no extra
brief clarification or brief change is required throughout the pro-
ject delivery. This is the reason for presenting zero value for the Prediction of the impact of briefing clarity on time
latent briefing cost. In this case, the value of detailed design cost performance
and construction cost become the same as the initial cost of the The developed model is capable of predicting the impact of ini-
detailed design and construction estimated in the contract at the tial brief clarity on project duration. Given the sequence of the
early stage. initial briefing, design, and construction process, which are per-
Applying 90%, 70%, and 50% clarity level of the initial brief, formed in series, the completion time of the construction process
which were quantified by the judgment of the project manager is considered as the project completion time. Table 3 represents
of the road project, reveals an increase in the value of latent the simulated value of latent briefing duration, detailed design
briefing cost, detailed design cost, and construction cost. The duration, and construction duration in the cases that the clarity
of the initial project brief is 100%, 90%, 70%, and 50%.
Comparing the simulation results in two cases where clarity is
Table 1. Input factors of the model. 100% 70%, can reveal the impact of initial brief clarity on the
Factors Unit Value extension of each process duration.
Initial project brief metre 5880 For example, in the case the clarity level of initial brief is
Design work unit price $/metre 104 70%, the predicted duration of the detailed design process in this
Construction work unit price $/metre 2138
Initial briefing duration week 8 road project is 21.4 weeks. This duration indicates the possibility
Unit price of initial briefing $/metre 30 of 5 weeks extension of the detailed design, shown by arrow B in
Planned detailed design duration week 16 Figure 8, due to the lack of initial brief clarity compared to the
Planned construction duration week 44 base case where the clarity of initial brief is 100%. Moreover,
By applying the data collected from the road project and running the model, Table 3 shows that 16.4 weeks are predicted to either change or
the simulation results are produced. clarify project based on the RFIs questioned throughout the

Table 2. Simulated value of cost performance influenced by clarity level of initial brief.
Clarity level of initial brief (%) Latent briefing cost ($) Detailed design cost ($) Construction cost ($) Project cost ($)
100 0 611,600 12,571,400 13,359,400
90 14,700 639,700 12,803,600 13,634,400
70 51,678 685,708 13,273,800 14,187,600
50 101,800 724,000 13,672,600 14,674,800

Figure 8. Impact of the clarity level of the initial brief on the detailed design cost.

Figure 9. Impact of the clarity level of the initial brief on the construction cost.

latent briefing process in this project. This brief change or brief the initial brief is 100%. As can be seen in Table 3, the similar
clarification occurs due to the lack of initial brief clarity in the pattern of extension of project duration occurs when clarity level
project, whereas they will not be required if the clarity level of of initial brief is 90% or 50%.

Table 3. Simulated value of time performance influenced by clarity level of initial brief.
Latent briefing Detailed design Construction duration Project
Clarity level of initial brief (%) duration (week) duration (week) time (week) duration (week)
100 0 16 44 69
90 12 18.5 53.5 80
70 16.4 21.4 74.4 103.8
50 24 25 90.5 123.5

Figure 10. Impact of brief clarification during the latent briefing step on the clarity level of the project brief.

Impact of latent briefing process on the clarity level of the Although this clarification increases latent briefing cost and dur-
project brief ation, it can reduce the consequences of lower project brief clar-
ity on the detailed design and construction process. The
Clarification of scope of work for project tasks which are ques-
improvement of the project brief clarity in the latent briefing
tioned by submitting RFIs throughout the latent briefing process,
step can positively impact design quality by reducing design
can resolve the issues that the project team has faced after
changes throughout the detailed design process, which can ultim-
reviewing the initial brief. Moreover, it leads to improving the
ately reduce project cost and duration. As can be seen in Figure
clarity level of the project brief. The simulated value of the clar-
10, similar trend for brief clarification graph and clarity level of
ity level of the project brief and brief clarification in the latent
briefing step is shown in Figure 10. The trend of graphs in project brief graph occur when the initial brief clarity is 90%
Figure 10 confirms that by clarifying the scope of work through and 50%.
the latent briefing step, which is shown by the solid blue graph, The validation of the proposed model has been undertaken to
the clarity level of the project brief can be increased from 70% to ensure the reliability of the simulated outcomes. A range of
85%, which is enlightened by the solid red colour graph. standard validation tests including structural evaluation, bound-
ary assessment, dimensional consistency, parameter controlling,

extreme conditions, and integration error, which has been pro- throughout the design process, compared to the situation in
posed in the literature was used in this research (Sterman 2000). which the clarity of the initial brief is 100%.
 A clear project brief at the early stage can also decrease project
cost and duration by decreasing cost and time of construction
Conclusion and remarks process. As mentioned earlier, clearly defining project brief can
The assessment of the impact of project brief on time and cost reduce design changes. This reduction improves construction
performance of construction projects was undertaken by devel- quality, which limits construction changes throughout the pro-
oping a dynamic simulation model. This model developed by ject delivery. This finding is in accordance with previous
system dynamics approach, determines key principles, by which research indicating construction changes is one of the key ele-
the impacts of the project brief clarity on project cost and time ments leading to cost and time overrun in the projects
performance can be measured. These principles are: (Chritamara et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2005; Parvan et al. 2015). In
 Improving the clarity level of initial brief can enhance pro- the applied case study, 5% extra construction cost is required
ject cost and time performance by positively impacting the for occurred construction changes caused by 70% clarity of the
latent briefing step. This comes from the fact that enhancing initial brief. In the studied project, construction and design
clarity at the early stage reduces brief changes and extra cost increased by 5% and 12%, due to the 70% initial brief
brief clarification required during the latent briefing step, by clarity, respectively. Although the increase percentage of con-
which latent briefing cost and time is decreased. This reduc- struction cost is less than design cost, the magnitude of this
tion can improve project cost and time performance. The impact on construction cost is more significant.
application of the developed model in the road project con- The analysis of these principles reveals the complexity of
firms this principle where an extra cost of $51,678 is pre- assessing the impact of project brief clarity on the project cost
dicted for the latent briefing cost to resolve brief changes and time performance throughout project delivery. On one hand,
and brief clarification caused by 70% clarity level of the ini- clearly defining the project brief at an early stage can enhance
tial brief compared to the ideal 100% clarity. project cost and time performance by reducing brief changes,
 However, enhancing clarity of the project brief at the early design changes, construction changes, or improving design con-
stage, throughout the initial briefing step, may negatively influ- structability throughout project delivery. On the other hand,
ence project cost and time performance by increasing required increasing the clarity level of the project brief raises initial brief
cost and time of the initial briefing step. This is because clients cost and duration due to recruiting more experienced staff, as
may need to recruit more experienced staff and spend more well as allocating more time for initial briefing.
time to clearly define project brief, which is aligned with previ- Given the complexity of the impacts of project brief clarity,
ous studies (Tang 2011; Yu and Shen 2015). the overall evaluation of all these impacts occurring in a con-
 The growth of the initial brief duration may also cause a struction project is very challenging. The SD model proposed in
rise in project time and cost by increasing design cost and this research tried to account for all these complexities and
time. If clients spend too much time to define the project presents an efficient tool to assess the overall impact of project
brief, considering a strict deadline for the project delivery, brief clarity. Although more sample construction projects are
this may limit the remaining time for other project tasks, required to validate the model outcomes, the developed model
such as the project design, and cause schedule pressure for can provide an efficient tool for decision makers to evaluate the
the project design. The more the time pressure on the exe- overall impacts of the brief clarity on project cost and time per-
cution of the design tasks, the less the design quality, which formance throughout delivery.
leads to unavoidable design changes. These changes have Further research can be undertaken to implement this model
been identified as one of the key factors of extra cost and in other types of construction projects, such as buildings and
time for the project design. refurbishments.
 In contrast, clearly defining the project brief at the initial The model can also be applied in the projects delivered in the
brief step may improve project time performance by other locations or regions. The factors considered in the SD
enhancing the design constructability in construction proj- model of briefing are common in different types of projects. It is
ects. This aligns with previous research where state a clear therefore possible to add any other variable (if required) to the
project brief at the early stage can provide designers/builders existing model structure to adjust the model to the other type of
with a concise overview of all project requirements, which
the projects executed in the other locations or regions.
aids in proposing more constructible design solutions
(Molenaar and Songer 1998; Chritamara et al. 2002).
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construction progress, which reduces construction duration,
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