CRC 3 Draft Minutes 15. 03.11-1

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“Developing Charlton Together” CRC Meeting 3 held 15 March, 2011

Minutes prepared by Ken Rowe & Antoinette Danaher (AGD). To be reviewed and adopted at next

Voting Members: Alan Getley, Greg Carmody, Geoff Wright, Matt Donaldson, Russell Amery, Kay
Cossar, John Harley, Bill Clifford, Paul Mercovitch, Susan Harley, Dennis Davis, Jenny Purden

Other Attendees:, Garry Larmour , Brian Heenan , Sue Mclean, Rob McRae, Nola Wright, Richard
Porter, Peter Watts

Apologies: Hamish Sait, Kirsty McKenzie, Brett Schofield, Terry Lane, Brian Patton, Sandra Patton,
Kim Laffin, Debbie Whykes, Camille White (NCCMA), Brett Eastwood (DHS), Naomi Grant (Recovery
Manager) and Cr David Pollard

CRC Advisors / Supporters

Warwick Heine – (Buloke Shire), Cr. Leo Tellefson (Buloke Shire), Cr Stuart McLean (Buloke Shire),
Danny Stone (EWHS), Ken Rowe (Buloke Shire)

Additions to agenda - Nil

Confirmation of Actions from previous Meetings
 Minutes: Minutes of meeting held on February 17th and March 1st adopted with minor
 Terms of Reference: Not confirmed. Held over to the next meeting. Any comments or
amendments to be advised to AGD by 17 March 2011.
 CCRC Values: Values statement adopted as set out in Minutes (Moved: Geoff Wright,
Seconded: Alan Getley and Carried)

 Comrie Inquiry: Members to provide further input on first DRAFT of the submission to John
Harley by close of business 22 March 2011
 Charlton Community Groups: Members to supply any additional listing, including key contact
details, to ADH by 17 March 2011
 Insurance: Members to provide information to AGD on “successful” insurance
 Insurance: Members to provide data to formulate a request for an independent review of the
Charlton insurance situation by the Insurance Ombudsman.

 Advocacy Kit: To gather information, including receipt of suggestions from committee members
for the development of an advocacy kit to be used by the Committee.
 Insurance: To collect data from the CMA, Rotary, etc. and input from members of the
Committee to formulate a request for an independent review of the Charlton situation by the
Insurance Ombudsman.
 Community Event: Contact Divas at Work to gather information on their proposed fundraising

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 Charlton Website: Contact Alan Wetherall to discuss access to and use of the Charlton website
by the CCRC
 Melbourne Cup Tour: Contact Jackie Noonan and report back to the CCRC on the merits of
putting in a proposal for Charlton to tender to participate in 2011 Melbourne Cup Tour -
deadline COB 18/4/11
 Meeting Agenda: Consider modifications to future agendas to maximise member input

Reports on previous business:

CCRC: The committee discussed the Comrie Review and agreed to proceed with a submission.
People Subcommittee
 Met to establish key priorities and nominated their 4 voting CRC members who are: Paul
Mercovitch, Susan Harley, Dennis Davis , Jenny Purden

Economic Subcommittee
 Nominated 4th voting CRC member. Voting members are: Alan Getley, Greg Carmody,
Geoff Wright and Matt Donaldson,

Buloke Shire:
 Forward the TOR onto new members

Kay Cossar:
 Provided a list of Charlton clubs / community organisation list to AGD. A further list was tabled
and members asked to review for currency
 AGD drafted an invitation letter for a meeting with the key stake holders in terms of donated
funds and how they can be put to best service for Charlton.
 Contacted Ivy Goodwin and will advise a suitable account for the CRC to receive the donation
once a decision is made.

 Presentation held over until next meeting

Insurance Council:
 Members were updated on the recent meeting with the ICA, the Financial Ombudsman Service
and Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. Representatives from the three bodies described their roles,
took questions and provided logical answers. Time set aside for one on one consultation with
concerned citizens.
 Further discussion ensued about the reported variations in claims experience across the town. It
was noted that some insurers had offered ex gratia payments, some had accepted claims, others
had rejected claims, sometimes for neighbouring properties. Concern was raised about the level
of ill-feeling that was growing between those perceived to have been able to successfully
conclude their claims, and those who had not. Further concern was expressed that some
individuals may be less able to advocate for themselves than others, and may benefit from
assistance. This gave rise to a proposal to develop an “advocacy kit” for residents’ use.

ACTION: AGD to receive input from members to develop an advocacy kit.

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An additional proposal was accepted to gather all available data & photographs to request an
independent investigation by the Insurance Ombudsman

ACTION: AGD to collect data (CMA, Rotary, other) and receive input from members to inform that

Further investigation is required to ascertain how the CCRC will contact an estimated 25% of the
community who are not currently resident.

Other business:
Divas at Work: Brief discussion was held about a fundraising event offer from Divas at Work to 10
flood affected Councils (10 separate events) CCRC requested further information.
ACTION: AGD to contact Divas at Work to gather information on their proposed Fundraising event

Melbourne Cup Carnival Tour: A brief discussion was held and AGD was asked to gather further
information – Jackie Noonan in Wycheproof was noted as a good source to comment on the same
activity held there in 2010.
ACTION: AGD to contact Jackie Noonan and report back to the CCRC on the merits of putting in a
proposal for Charlton to tender to participate in 2011- deadline COB 18/4/11

Public Relations: Kay Cossar and John Harley confirmed as spokespeople for the CCRC.

Buloke Shire Update:

Warwick Heine provided the following information:
 Council have passed a resolution to take immediate action to restore the levee bank south of the
 A meeting convened with Vic Roads to discuss roads, culverts and table drains was deferred by
VicRoads due to other pressures. A further meeting has been requested.
 Gunyah Flat Road is closed as it is too dangerous. Closure signage has been erected and is
checked daily by Council staff.
 Funding:
o $500M from the Federal Government has been allocated to the Victorian Government
to assist with recovery across all flood affected communities
o Council has received $100K from Victorian Government to assist with clean-up and
waste disposal
o Council has accepted an offer from the Victorian Government of $120K to employ a
Flood Recovery Officer for 12 months, or to back fill an existing position
o Council has been advised an additional $100k is to be made available by the Victorian
Government to assist with the costs of clean-up and recovery
 At the date of this meeting only $100K of these funds had been received – the balances will be
paid as the required documentation/contracts are signed.
 Council was aware that the Premier had announced an allocation of $250K for a flood mitigation
study in Creswick. Buloke has written to the Premier requesting a requested similar amount for
flood mitigation and urban drainage studies in Charlton, Donald, Wycheproof and Culgoa
 Council had written to the Minster for Energy and Resources seeking action to construct flood
protection around the Charlton sub-station
 Assessment of damage to roads in the Shire is still incomplete. Estimates of damage are as high
as $25m.
 Council encouraged the CCRC to lobby politicians for financial assistance with flood mitigation
and recovery activities.

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 CEO offered to provide a briefing to the CCRC at the next meeting on the formal processes
relating to Recovery Planning.

Improving CCRC processes:

 Specify item timing on future agendas
 Start meetings with Shire (and other urgent) updates
 Proceed to Committee work immediately
 Committee Reports
 Other business

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