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Sequence one: Me, universal landmarks and outstanding figures in history, literature and arts

Task one : Find the in the meaning of the following words in the box

Big - construct – prominent -begin - courageous -landmark - occur -

Writer – describe -many - the struggle – design - come back - located -

Portray = ……………………………….. Brave =…………………………………….. The fight=…………………………

Large = ……………………… Plan= …………………………… Several=……………………. Happen =………………

Author=…………………………… Return=………………………………… Monument=………………………………..

Situated=…………………………… Start=…………………Outstanding=…………………………Build=……………

Task two: Find the in the opposites of the following words in the box

Low - distroy - short – and – death – few - ancient – past - attain

- arrival – international – first – much - late - small

Many=/= ………………………Build=/=………………………………. Old=/=………………………………..

Departure=/=……………………………..High=/=………………………… Big =/=………………………..

Little=/=………………………… Birth=/=………………………… International =/=………………………...

Modern=/=……………………………… Achieve=/=…………………………….Last=/=……………………………

Start=/=……………………………..Long=/=………………………….. Early=/=…………………………….

Task three : I fill the gaps with as…… as / not as………….as

1 ) The U.S.A is (9.834 Mkm2) ……………………………………………………………….. Canada (9.985M mk2). ”Big”

2) Eiffel twer is ……………………………………………………El khalifa tower. “modern”

3 )Porshe car is ………………………………………………Bugatti car . “expensive “

4 )Maqam El chahid is ………………………………………………….El Arab tower. “famous”

Task four: I complete the table

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle
To design ………………….. …………………….. To die …………………….. ………………………

To build ……………………… ……………………… To forget …………………… ………………………….

To be …………………….. ………………………. To visit …………………….. ……………………………

To ………………………. To kill ……………………. ………………………..

construct …………………………

Task five: I write the verbs between brackets in passive voice

1 – Nedjma ………………………………………………………….( to write ) by Kateb Yacine.

2- Timgad ……………………………………………………………( to found) by the emperor Tarjan .

3- Big Ben …………………………………………………………..( to name) after an English boxer .

4- Many beautiful pictures ………………………………………….. (to paint )by Van gogh

Task six: I choose the correct answer

The Mughal emperor ( was built/ built)Taj Mahal between 1631 – 1654 . The Taj Mahal
(needed / was needed ) 20.000 men and 100.000 tons of white marbles and precious stones.
The entire construction (took/ was taken ) 22years . It (was constructed/ constructed) for the
love the king had to his wife who ( died/ was died ) giving birth to his son number 14.

Task seven: I fill the blanks with the suitable time sequencers
After that - then - first – finally – next

How to make a cheese sandwich

………………, take two pieces of bread . ………………spread some butter on each slice. …………………..
add some tomato and cheese and a little mayonnaise . …………….serve it with soda.

Task eight : I classify the following word according to their pronunciation

Play - cry – like - sale – take – buy – bright - mine - made fine – sail – brave

/ei/ /ai/

Sequence two “review”: Me, my personality and life experiences 4MS

Task one : I match the adjectives that describe personality word with its corresponding

Adjective Definition

Wealthy telling the truth and never stealing or cheating

Helpful showing good manners and respect to others

Kind having a lot of money

Ambitious rude in a way that causes you feel upset and angry

Honest having or showing a strong desire and determination to


Mature a person without a home, and typically living on the streets.

Polite giving or ready to give help.

Offensive fully developed physically; full-grown.

Homeless caring about others, gentle , friendly and generous

Task two : Complete the table

Adjective The Superlative Adjective The Superlative

Hard …………………………. creative ……………………………

Funny ………………………………. slim …………………………..

Awful …………………………… huge …………………………..

Hot …………………………….. Good …………………………..

Heavy …………………………….. Bad ………………………….

Poor ……………………….. Wealthy ………………………….

Difficult …………………………. Interesting ……………………………….

Task three:I add one of the following prefix to obtain an adjective with the opposite
meaning. “ dis - in – im – il – un – ir “

dis in im il un ir







Task four: I fill the gaps with / unlike - like - whereas

 Samir is quite calm and easygoing ………………. his brother who is always in a fight with
 Suzan lives in a big city ……………………. her best friend lives in the countryside.
 Brad works as a teacher of Biology ……………… his father used to be a dentist.
 I enjoy reading novels …………….. my friend who is always in the library.
 I love meat and fish …………….. my sister is a vegetarian!
 I like tennis ……………………….my brother prefers swimming .
 She is friendly …………………….her sister . Bothe of them are nice.

Task five : Choose the correct option.

 1 I have / has already finished my homework.

 2 My son have / has just started the university.
 3 The Black family have / has gone to the seaside.
 4 Dad haven’t / hasn’t watered the plants.
 5 Have / Has Sam ever been to the USA?
 6 Our English teachers have / has never ridden a horse.
 7 Ann, Frank and Jim have / has bought a new house.
 8 Have / Has you taken the dog for a walk?
 9 The weather have / has been terrible since yesterday.
 10 My little sister have / has just stopped crying.

Task five : : Fill the gaps with suitable time markers ( just/ ever/ never)

1- Have you ……………………… eaten lobster ?

2. I have …………………………… been to France.

3. I think I have ……………………………….. really known you.

4. That’s the smallest car I have ………………………….. driven.

5. The guests have……………………….. arrived. .

6. She is probably the most fascinating woman I have ………………………. met.

7. If you have …………………… felt or known real love, you know it is well worth the wait.

8. The cat has……………………….. caught a bird.

9. You have no right to say what the greatest movie is if you have ……………….. seen
“Citizen Kane.”

10. I have…………………… finished my homework.

Task six : write the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1 I …………………………………… (sit) in the café when you ………………………….(call) me.

2 – Susie ……………………………….( watch) the movie when she …………………………(hear) the

3 – we …………………………………… (play)tennis when John………………………(hurt)his arm.

4 –When his father………………………… (die) , he …………………………….(live)abroad .

5- It ……………………………………(rain) when I ………………………….(leave) the house.

6- My friend ………………………………………(work) in the bank when she ……………………..her


Task seven : I choose the correct answer

1.-Anthony called/was calling while I parked/was parking the car.

2.-Miranda drove/was driving to work when she saw/was seeing the accident.

3.-Thomas didn’t watch/wasn’t watching the film when Sonia arrived home.

4.-Did he lie/was he lying on the sofa at 5,30 yesterday?

5.-When I left/was leaving the office, the phone rang/was ringing.

6.-It snowed/was snowing in the mountains when we got up yesterday.

7.-Barbara was living/lived in Paris when she was 15 years old.

8.-I was writing/wrote my blog on the Internet while you slept/were sleeping.

9.-While David was recovering/recovered in hospital, I decorated the flat.

10.-When I was waking /woke up, I realized that it was getting /got dark.

Task eight : Classify the following words according to their pronunciation

Revised -Kissed –wanted- wished –hugged- decided- pulled- kicked- visited -hugged
laughed- snapped- watched –played- hummed

/t/ /d/ /Id/

Task nine : I fill the gaps with /t/ , /d/ or /id/  

Last weekend I asked /…../ my parents to visit my relatives in Algiers . I travelled

/……./ there by bus .I  arrived /……/there at 10:00.My granny welcomed /……/me and 
cooked /………/ me  pancakes. I stayed /……/ there till 5:00,then decided /……/to return 
back home.   I  enjoyed /  ………/ me week end very much.

Sequence three : “Me, my community and citizenship” ,4Ms

Text :

Umesh Chaudhary : the wisest advice given by my parents?

My father and mother gave many advices and I still follow most of them
by heart. Some pieces of advice I still remember which are… “Marks in
exams will decide your future so plan your day well for studies and
everything else. Save money today to spend it wisely later. Wake up early in
the morning to study and go early to bed. Don't worry, be happy, things will
settle down; it is just a matter of time. Save money equivalent to your three
months salary which will save you in tough financial need. Respect elders;
meet people, friends, and relatives often. Don't lie unless it does something

Task one :

1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following

a) Glad= ……………………………………… b) Identical=………………………………….

b) Wages= ……………………………………. d) difficult=…………………………………….

2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following

a)- few=/=……………………………………… b) young =/=……………………………….

c ) disrespect =/=…………………………………. d) bad=/=……………………………………

Task two: pick out from the text four sentences in the imperative form

1- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2 - ………………………………………………………………………………………..

3- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

4 - ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Task two: Choose the verb from the box to make imperative sentences.

1. Don’t be lazy. ……………………… some exercise.

 open
2. She’s sick. ……………………….. an ambulance.  have
3. ……………………………… your books on page 56.  give
 cal
4. ……………………………. me. I´m speaking.
 answer
5. I’m tired. Please ………………………… me with these bags.  do
6. ……………………………… a piece of cake. It’s delicious.  (not) interrupt
 help
7. I’m thirsty. ………………………….. me a glass of water please.
8. …………………………. the question, Please.

Task three: Turn these sentences into imperative

1- You should stir the milk and eggs in the cake mixture.


2- You need to follow the instructions.


3- You shouldn’t forget to charge your phone before you leave.


4- I want to always you to look both ways before you cross the road.


5- You shouldn’t use my school things.


Task four :

A/ Write the following instructions in the negative form

1- Clean the room . 1- ………………………………………………..

1- Make dinner . 2- ……………………………………………
2- Put on your shoes. 3- …………………………………………….
3- Write a message to your friend. 4- ……………………………………………..

B/Write the following instructions in the positive form

1- Don’t use your father’s computer. 1- …………………………………………….

2- Don’t open the fridge . 2- …………………………………………….
3- Don’t close the window . It’s hot here . 3- ………………………………………………
4- Don’t make noise . The baby is sleeping . 4- …………………………………………….

Task five: write the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. If the weather _____________ (be) fine tomorrow, we _________________ (go) out for a picnic.
2. We ________________ (enjoy) a nice family dinner if my dad _________________
Task seven : (come)
Choose home early
the correct
from work.
3. That dog _________________ (bite) him if he _________________ (not run) any faster.
4. I _________________
Task six :Match the (not walk) home if my car _________________ (break)
halves down.
1. She will I’ll call
stay a taxi.if it rains /
at home
5. If Mary _________________ (work) harder, she _________________ (finish) the
doesn’t rain.reports on time.
1. We _________________
I’ll be (not find)
very disappointed if aa)parking space
she doesn’t if we
leave _________________
now. (take)
2. I’ll use yourthe car.
computer if you mind /
2. If she studies hard, b) you hurry. don’t mind.
3. She will be late if c) I’ll just wear a coat. 3. If you are / aren’t here on time, we
4. I will visit you if d) I will help him. will leave without you.
5. If it’s cold, e) you will understand me. 4. If she leaves / doesn’t leave her bag
6. If I feel tired, f) he will need some there, someone will take it.
money. 5. We’ll feel ill if we eat / don’t eat all
7. If he asks me nicely, g) you don’t pass this test. these pies.
8. If he goes out, h) I arrive early. 6. If she is / isn’t careful, she’ll hurt
9. You will catch the bus if i) I usually go to bed early. herself.
10. If you are smart enough, j) she’ll get an A in the 7. Sam will be happy if you take / don’t
exam. take him to Disney World.
Task eight : write the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1- My mother dislikes ( to get up) ……………………………………..early.

2– I prefer (to eat)…………………………… Pizza with my friends.

3– J.K Rowling loves (to write) ……………………………books from her childhood.

4– The children enjoy ( to play)……………………………video games on the net.

5 - My sister ( to hate) …………………………………cleaning the house.

Task nine: look at pictures and complete the sentences using the following verbs: like ,
hate , prefer ,enjoy

1 - John in the sea. ( swim/ enjoy)

2 - The children to the Zoo. (go/like)

3 - My father at nights. (drive/ hate)

4 – My brother to school ( cycle/ prefer)

Task ten :identify the intruder in each word

Knight - knee - knit – acknowledge

Wrap - wrong – what - wrestle
Would – wild - smile - almond

Fans - Solemn - column - hymn

Task eleven: cross out the silent letter in each sentence

 He learned to wire and plumb the house herself.

 He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. .
 We used to write with chalk on the board .
 You should ask for permission before you leave the work.

Task twelve : Classify the following words according to their pronunciation

boys damages graduates lessons minutes products

cheques earns hates lives paints sandwiches
closes faces hours loves phrases things
cooks girls james’s messages places wants
/s/ /z/ /iz/


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