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The Olfactory Vector Hypothesis of

Neurodegenerative Disease: Is It Viable?
Richard L. Doty, PhD

Environmental agents, including viruses, prions, and toxins, have been implicated in the cause of a number of neurodegenerative
diseases, most notably Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The presence of smell loss and the pathological involvement of the
olfactory pathways in the formative stages of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, together with evidence that xenobiotics, some
epidemiologically linked to these diseases, can readily enter the brain via the olfactory mucosa, have led to the hypothesis that
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases may be caused or catalyzed by agents that enter the brain via this route. Evidence for and
against this concept, the “olfactory vector hypothesis,” is addressed in this review.
Ann Neurol 2008;63:7–15

The causes of Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s dis- ogy in the formative stages of AD and PD, together
eases (PD), the two most common neurodegenerative with evidence that airborne xenobiotics viewed as dis-
disorders, are obscure. Familial concordance, genetic, ease risk factors can enter the brain via the olfactory
and twin studies suggest that, although heritable factors mucosa, has led to the hypothesis that these disorders
play a role, environmental factors are prepotent.1 Thus, may be caused or catalyzed by agents that enter the
despite the fact that numerous genes have been identi- brain via the nose.9 –12 This review assesses the viability
fied for these two diseases, they usually relate to early- of this “olfactory vector hypothesis” as a potential
onset familial forms and account for less than 10% of explanation for the induction of some cases of AD
all cases. Although largely distinct phenotypically and and PD.
pathologically, AD and PD exhibit identical olfactory
dysfunction early in their course,2 are often coex- Evidence That Xenobiotics Can Enter the Brain
pressed,3 share a number of common risk factors (eg, via the Olfactory Mucosa
age, head trauma, the apolipoprotein ε4 gene),1 and The anatomy of the nose is well suited for the transfer
exhibit similar pathologies in brain regions such as the of exogenous agents into the brain. Although some xe-
locus coeruleus.4 nobiotics, notably viruses, can enter the brain via sev-
Among environmental risk factors reported for AD eral cranial nerves, the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)
and PD are viruses, aerosolized metals, and toxins.1 In- is uniquely vulnerable to such penetration (Fig). Thus,
creased expression of ␤-amyloid (␤A) and indicators of the dendritic knobs and protruding cilia of the 6 to 10
brain inflammation have been found in the olfactory million olfactory receptor cells that make up this nerve
bulbs and other olfactory-related brain regions of peo- provide an exposed surface area conservatively esti-
ple and dogs exposed to extreme air pollution, likely mated at 23 cm2.13 These cells are widely distributed
reflecting exposures to airborne particulates and aero- throughout the rostral nasal cavity, embedded in a spe-
solized metals.5 Previous occupational exposure to her- cialized neuroepithelium that lines the region of the
bicides, as well as 20 or more years of occupational cribriform plate, the dorsal septum, and sectors of the
exposure to manganese (Mn), have been associated superior and middle turbinates. Unlike other receptor
with 3- to 10-fold increased risks for development of cells, these cells are also first-order neurons, projecting
PD.6,7 Most cases of Mn-related parkinsonism, how- axons directly to the brain without an intervening syn-
ever, differ from classic PD on pathological and other apse. Although they receive little benefit from the pro-
grounds.8 tection of the blood–brain barrier or the blood–nerve
The presence of smell loss and olfactory bulb pathol- barrier, they are afforded some protection by secretions

From the Smell and Taste Center and Department of Otorhinolar- Address correspondence to Dr Doty, Smell and Taste Center, Uni-
yngology: Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pennsylvania versity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 5 Ravdin Pavilion,
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. 3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Received Nov 6, 2007, and in revised form Nov 28. Accepted for E-mail:
publication Nov 28, 2007.
Published online Jan 30, 2008, in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/ana.21327

© 2008 American Neurological Association 7

Published by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services
glucuronyl transferase, glutathione S-transferase, and
rhodanase.14 Some of these enzymes, for example, the
P450 monooxygenases, are more active within the olfac-
tory mucosa than within the liver, playing a key role in
detoxifying xenobiotics within this vulnerable region.
Other mechanisms that protect the olfactory mucosa
from invasion or chemical damage include intracellular
detoxification factors, ligand-specific binding proteins
that remove agents from the mucosa, immune system
cells, and the ability of the receptor cells to degenerate
and then regenerate from stem cells within the basement
membrane.15 Unfortunately, such protective mecha-
nisms can be overwhelmed, resulting in enhanced levels
of xenobiotics that, in some cases, enter the brain.
The ability of foreign agents to move from the nasal
cavity into the brain was noted as early as the second
century.16 In the early twentieth century, olfactory re-
ceptor cells were identified as a major route of entry of
poliomyelitis virus into the brain, affording an oppor-
tunity for direct neural infection without preliminary
Fig. (A) Sagittal view of the rat brain showing olfactory neu- multiplication in nonneural tissue. By 1912, Flexner
roepithelium (OE) receptor cells and their axonal projections and others had shown that this virus could enter the
to the olfactory glomeruli (G). In the glomerulus, receptor cell monkey central nervous system via the olfactory
axons contact the dendrites of periglomerular (PG) and mitral nerve,17 and by the mid-1930s, it was apparent that
(M) cells. Mitral cells project to the piriform cortex (PC). such entry could be prevented by lesioning the olfac-
Centrifugal afferent innervation comes from the horizontal
tory neuroepithelium, bulbs, or tracts.18,19 The pres-
limb of the diagonal band (HLDB), the substantia nigra
(SN), the dorsal raphe (DR), and the locus ceruleus (LC). (B)
ence of infected olfactory bulbs in children who had
The olfactory mucosa includes an epithelial cell layer (OE) died of the disease implicated the olfactory system in
and the lamina propria (LP) separated by the basal lamina viral transmission,20 because in monkeys only intrana-
(BL). The OE contains sustentacular (S), basal (B), and re- sal, not intracranial, subdural, or intrasciatic, viral in-
ceptor (R) cells. Receptor cells have a dendritic knob (DN) oculation induced such bulbar infection.21 The evi-
from which cilia (C) project into the nasal cavity (NC). Un- dence for olfactory nerve transmission of the polio
like the cilia of the respiratory epithelium (C), these cilia do virus was so strong that, in the late 1930s, Canadian
not beat in unison, but more or less waft in the mucus, lack- public health officials chemically cauterized the olfac-
ing dynein (C) arms to induce motility. Receptor cell axons tory epithelia of large numbers of school children dur-
fasciculate to form the olfactory nerve (ON) that crosses the ing polio epidemics in efforts to prevent the disease.22
cribriform plate (CP) to enter the central nervous system. The
Since these early studies, a range of viruses in addi-
axon and nerve are surrounded by a perineural sheath that
forms the perineural space (PN). The lamina propria contains
tion to poliomyelitis virus have been shown capable of
mucus secreting Bowman’s glands (BG), axons of receptor cells, entering the brain via uptake into the olfactory recep-
and numerous blood vessels (BV). Red and green dots depict tor cells (Table 1). Entrance can also occur by penetra-
possible entry pathways through neurons, glands, and blood tion into associated lymphatic channels and into extra-
vessels. (C) Respiratory neuroepithelium consists of columnar neural spaces within the nerve bundles that make up
ciliated (C), goblet (G), and basal (B) cells, and is highly the cranial nerve I fila.23 In some cases, such as that of
vascular (BV). (D) Hematoxylin-and-eosin (H&E)–stained the arthropod-borne St. Louis encephalitis virus, brain
section illustrating the layers of the OE and LP showing the entry via the olfactory path eventually occurs even
numerous blood vessels in the lamina propria. Olfactory when the virus is instilled intravenously, subdurally, or
marker protein (OMP) immunostained section showing that interperitonieally.24 In addition, lectins, dyes, solvents,
only mature receptor neurons and their axons, not basal or
metals, amino acids, nanoparticles, and numerous mi-
sustentacular cells, contain OMP. (Reproduced from Baker
and Genter,15 by permission.)
crobes have been shown capable of entering the brain
via the olfactory mucosa (for review, see Baker and
Genter15). Examples of metals capable of entering the
from Bowman’s glands and by neighboring supporting olfactory receptor cells are listed in Table 2.
cells, both of which express chemical metabolizing en- Once internalized into the olfactory bulb, some xe-
zymes, including isozymes of cytochrome P450 –depen- nobiotics penetrate into higher brain regions, often
dent monooxygenases, aldehyde dehydrogenase, car- along neurotransmitter-specific lines. For example, her-
boxyesterases, epoxide hydrolases, uridine diphosphate- pes simplex virus type 1, placed intranasally in mice, is

8 Annals of Neurology Vol 63 No 1 January 2008

Table 1. Examples of Major Viruses Capable of Incorporation into Olfactory Receptor Cells from the Nasal Cavity
and, in Some Cases, Transported Transneuronally to Other Brain Regions (Modified from Ref. 15)
Virus Species Method of Receptor Transneuronal Example
Application Cell Transport Reference

Adeno (recombinant) Rat Intranasal Yes Yes 80

Aujeszky’s disease (pseudorabies) Pig Intranasal Yes Yes 81
Borna disease Rat Intranasal Yes Yes 82
Bovine herpes Goat Intranasal Yes Unknown 83
Canine distemper Ferret Intranasal Yes Yes 84
Ectromelia Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 85
Equine herpes Pig Intranasal Yes Yes 86
Hepatitis Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 63
Herpes simplex Rat Intranasal Yes Yes 87
Mouse Corneal Yes Yes 88
Mouse Facial skin Yes Limited 88
Influenza A Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 89
Poliomyelitis Primate Intranasal Yes Yes 17
Rabies Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 90
St. Louis encephalitis Hamster Intraperitoneal Yes Yes 24
Sendai Mouse Intranasal Yes Limited 91
Semliki forest Mouse Intranasal Yes Age dependent 92
Venezuelan equine encephalitis
virus Mouse Subcutaneous Yes Yes 93
Vesicular stomatitis virus Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 94

detected in the olfactory bulbs after several days. This incorporated into olfactory receptor cells, including
virus subsequently infects cholinergic neurons in the dyes and amino acids, not all are transported across the
horizontal limb of the diagonal band, serotonergic neu- synaptic membrane to neighboring cells. For many that
rons in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, and nor- cross the synapse, including a number of viruses, inter-
adrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus.25 Ionized nalization into the cell initially occurs via receptor-
metals (eg, aluminum, cadmium, gold, and Mn) can mediated endocytosis. The xenobiotic is then trans-
be transported to the brain via the olfactory receptor ported within the cell via slow or rapid transport
cell neurons at rates greater than 2mm/hr,26 with systems to the transmost saccule of the Golgi appara-
some, such as Mn, subsequently targeting astrocytes tus, where it is packaged into vesicles bound for axonal
throughout the brain.27 Herbicides, such as the dioxins terminals.33 Usually there is minimal involvement of
and chlorthiamid, are selectively taken up by the olfac- glial cells, implying limited release into the extracellular
tory neuroepithelium even when administered system- space.15 Agents that are not synaptically transported
ically or to the surface of the cornea28,29 and can dam- but yet enter the cell, such as leucine and horseradish
age the olfactory mucosa by causing necrosis of peroxidase, are taken up by bulk endocytosis and pro-
Bowman’s glands.30 The pathological infectious prion cessed into protein components of the cell, not the
protein PrPSc is consistently found in the olfactory Golgi saccule.15
cilia, receptor cells, bulbs, tracts, and primary olfactory
cortices of patients with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, but Early Olfactory Loss and Progression of
not in the retina, optic nerves, or respiratory mucosa.31 Alzheimer’s Disease– and Parkinson’s Disease–
A number of patients with this disease first present to Related Neuropathology
the clinician with anosmia or complaints of taste and A key observation in potential accord with the olfac-
smell loss.31,32 tory vector hypothesis is that approximately 90% of
Although a wide range of xenobiotics can become patients with early-stage AD or PD exhibit olfactory

Doty: Olfactory Vector Hypothesis 9

Table 2. Examples of Metals Shown to Be Capable of Incorporation into Olfactory Receptor Cells from the Nasal
Cavity and, in Some Cases, Transported Transneuronally to Other Brain Regions (Modified from Ref. 15)
Metal Species Method of Receptor Cell Transneuronal Example
Application Incorporation Transport Reference

Aluminum lactate Rabbit Intranasal Yes Indirect 95

Aluminum silicate Rabbit Bedding Yes No 96
Aluminum acetylacetonate Rat Inhalation Yes Yes 97
Cadmium Rat Intranasal Yes No 98
Pike Intranasal Yes No 99
Cadmium chloride Rat Intranasal Yes No 100
Cadmium oxide Rat Aerosol Yes No 101
Cobalt Rat Intranasal Yes Yes 102
Salmon Intranasal Yes Possible 103
Gold Squirrel Intranasal Yes Yes 104
Rabbit Mucosal Yes No 105
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) Mouse Intranasal Yes Yes 106
Manganese Pike Intranasal Yes Yes 107
Rat Intranasal Yes Yes 108
Mercury Rat and pike Intranasal Yes No 109
Nickel Rat and pike Intranasal Yes Yes 110
Zinc Rat and pike Intranasal Yes Yes 111

dysfunction, as measured by psychophysical and elec- all of whom exhibited substantial reduction in trans-
trophysiological tests.4 In well-documented PD, the porter uptake at baseline, had experienced development
dysfunction is unrelated to disease stage or the use of of clinically defined PD, whereas none of the 38 rela-
anti-PD medications (eg, L-dopa, dopamine agonists, tives with test scores in the top 10% did. The remain-
anticholinergic compounds)34 and rivals or exceeds the ing individuals in the bottom 10%, although not yet
prevalence rate of the defining motor signs of the dis- experiencing parkinsonian symptoms, exhibited signif-
order. Longitudinal studies suggest that, in both AD icant declines in transporter uptake across the two
and PD, the olfactory deficit precedes the classic clin- tests, implying PD-related neuropathology was devel-
ical signs by several years, serving as a “preclinical” oping.
marker.4 For example, in a study of 1,604 nonde- Congruent with the early olfactory loss of AD and
mented older adults, women with anosmia who pos- PD is the early pathological involvement of the olfac-
sessed at least 1 apolipoprotein ε4 allele had an odds
tory bulb and anterior olfactory nucleus, where marked
ratio of 9.71 for development of cognitive decline over
cell loss and the presence of disease-related pathology
the ensuing 2 years, compared with an odds ratio of
1.90 for women with no olfactory dysfunction and at (eg, neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, or Lewy
least 1 such allele.35 In another study, 361 asymptom- bodies) are present.37,38 In AD, tau-related pathology
atic relatives of PD patients were administered olfac- within these structures correlates with disease severity,
tory tests. Those with olfactory test scores in the top cortical Lewy body counts, and apolipoprotein 4 car-
and bottom 10% of the group underwent single- rier status.39,40 Superoxide dismutases, enzymes that
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) defend against reactive oxygen species, are abundant in
with 2␤-carboxymethoxy-3␤ (4-iodophenyl)tropane the olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, and neu-
(␤-CIT) labeled with iodine 123, a dopamine trans- roepithelium of patients with AD, where they are over-
porter measure of the health of this motor control expressed relative to control subjects.41 Increases in
brain region.36 At the 2-year follow-up, 4 of the 40 other indices of oxidative damage within the olfactory
relatives with olfactory test scores in the bottom 10%, neuroepithelium of patients with AD have also been

10 Annals of Neurology Vol 63 No 1 January 2008

reported, including heme oxygenase-1, a stress response Evidence against the Olfactory
protein.42 Vector Hypothesis
In PD, Braak and colleagues43 present evidence that Although xenobiotics can enter the brain via the olfac-
the neuropathology, notably Lewy bodies and neurites, tory nerve, evidence that they initiate or cause AD or
begins within the olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nu- PD is circumstantial. Potential opposition to the olfac-
cleus, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve tory vector hypothesis comes from several sources, in-
(dmX) and then advances rostrally through susceptible cluding: (1) the existence of genetic and familial forms
regions of the medulla oblongata, pontine tegmentum, of AD and PD52; (2) the lack of smell dysfunction in
midbrain, and basal forebrain. In part because the an- some AD and PD patients; and (3) a case report of a
terior olfactory structures have fewer connections than 65-year-old anosmic nondemented woman with AD-
the dmX with brain regions that subsequently exhibit related neuropathology, an imperforate cribriform
the next proposed stage of pathology, these authors ini- plate, rudimentary olfactory bulbs/tracts, and sulcal ab-
normalities of the orbitofrontal region.53 In addition,
tially believed that the dmX is the most likely starting
unlike PD, it is less clear whether the pathology of AD
point. According to this concept, an unknown patho-
first appears within the peripheral olfactory system or
gen may enter the central nervous system from the
in more central olfaction-related brain regions. Accord-
stomach via the enteric nerves. However, the dmX in- ing to Braak and colleagues,54 tau-related neurofibril-
volvement could be secondary to olfactory system in- lary tangles occur initially in the transentorhinal region
volvement because connections exist between the olfac- between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex,
tory bulb and this structure via several routes, for not in the olfactory bulb or anterior olfactory nucleus.
example, the amygdala and stria terminalis. Impor- Others suggest the initial pathology may first appear in
tantly, direct connections are present between central peripheral olfactory structures.40,55 The lower density
olfactory structures and the substantia nigra. Thus, of plaques and tangles in the olfactory bulb and tract
horseradish peroxidase injected into the olfactory tu- than in the amygdala and hippocampus has been
bercle results in anterograde labeling of the substantia interpreted as central to peripheral movement of
nigra, ipsilateral ventral tegmental area, pars reticulata, pathology.56
and ventral pallidum, as well as retrograde labeling of For a number of reasons, such observations do not
the ipsilateral olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, disprove the olfactory vector hypothesis. First, this hy-
and other olfactory areas.44 Recently, Hawkes,45 in col- pothesis does not preclude other causes of AD and PD.
laboration with Braak and colleagues, has proposed a Second, the mode of entry of pathogens into the brain
“dual hit” hypothesis in which both the olfactory and need not be viewed as exclusive from genetic or other
vagus nerves become involved simultaneously, perhaps determinants of neurodegenerative disease. One would
from a pathogen that enters the nose and becomes assume that most such putative agents would work in
swallowed with the nasal secretions, passing the stom- concert with genetic substrates. Third, the pattern of
ach wall into Auerbach’s and Meissner’s plexuses. pathology may not show the direction of movement of
If a pathogen related to PD enters the nose and in- a xenobiotic. Thus, some cell types may be more vul-
duces smell loss, one might hypothesize that such a nerable to the pathogen than others, and not all patho-
pathogen, injected into the bloodstream, would be less logical agents that enter the brain via the olfactory sys-
likely to damage the olfactory system. In support of tem need to induce olfactory system damage en
passant.57 In some cases, a pathogen could reactivate
this concept, the parkinsonism induced by the intrave-
latent viruses within central structures,58 potentially
nous injection of a designer drug that inadvertently
producing a central-to-peripheral propagation of dam-
contained the proneurotoxin, 1-methyl 4-phenyl
age. In other cases, the olfactory pathway could incur
1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), is not associated
damage from the disease process initiated by the patho-
with significant olfactory loss.46 The brains of three of gen. Fourth, one cannot rule out, even in familial
these cases who have gone to autopsy lacked Lewy bod- cases, a breakdown in protective processes within the
ies, PD-related structures that are present within the olfactory mucosa at some point before phenotypic dis-
olfactory bulb and anterior olfactory nucleus that are ease expression, opening the door to pathogen inva-
believed to be associated with olfactory dysfunc- sion. It is known, for example, that a mutation in the
tion.47,48 Interestingly, rats administered MPTP intra- P450 cytochrome CYP2D6-debrisoquine hydroxylase
nasally exhibit progressive impairments in olfactory, gene increases the risk for development of PD.59 Fifth,
cognitive and motor function which appear to follow not all familial cases of PD exhibit smell loss, including
the sequence of neuropathological events proposed by some with LRRK2-associated PD.60 Sixth, aside from
Braak et al., although the olfactory deficit reverses itself interactions between environmental factors and genetic
over time.49 Rats are relatively insensitive to the effects determinants, the heterogeneity of smell loss observed
of systemically introduced MPTP.50,51 in AD and PD could reflect the following circumstances:

Doty: Olfactory Vector Hypothesis 11

(1) clinical misdiagnoses (more than 10% of AD and changes including the rewiring of synaptic assemblies
PD patients are misdiagnosed),61,62 (2) individual differ- and rebalancing of neurochemical systems,68,69 a num-
ences in susceptibility of the olfactory pathways to dam- ber of these changes mimic key elements of AD-related
age from a pathogen or from subsequent disease induc- neuropathology. Thus, bulbectomy results in degener-
tion, and (3) differences in the virulence of pathogens to ation within regions of the temporal cortex, hippocam-
induce damage to the olfactory system. Specificity of pus, and raphe nucleus; decreased density of cholin-
damage to central structures from viruses that enter the ergic neurons within basal structures of the forebrain;
olfactory pathway is well documented. For example, and increased levels of ␤A within the hippocampus and
when Barnett and colleagues63 tracked the spread of two other limbic structures.68 –70 The increase in ␤A in-
viruses inoculated into the olfactory bulb, herpes simplex duced by bulbectomy in nontransgenic mice is compa-
virus type 1 and mouse hepatitis virus strain JHM, only rable with the level of ␤A found in the early stage of
herpes simplex type 1 infected the noradrenergic neu- plaque formation of transgenic mice expressing the
rons in the locus ceruleus; however, both infected dopa- mutated human ␤A precursor protein gene.71 Bulbec-
minergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area. Finally, tomy may, in fact, focus trauma-related injury into sus-
aside from the possibility of multiple causes, the olfac- ceptible brain regions in a process analogous to that
tory vector hypothesis is not disproved by a single case observed in diffuse brain injury, where long-term accu-
report of a woman with an imperforate cribriform plate mulation of ␤A and tau occurs within the damaged
who exhibited AD-related pathological lesions. Because axons.72
the foramina of the cribriform plate close off from ap- It is unknown whether damage to the olfactory neu-
positional bone growth in a significant number of peo- roepithelium per se can induce, in either humans or
ple as they age,64 a pathogenic agent could have entered rodents, elements of the complex cascade of brain
the brain via the olfactory fila before such occlusion. changes observed after bulbectomy. Axotomy or
An argument can be made that damage to the affer- ZnSO4 irrigation of the olfactory neuroepithelium does
ent olfactory pathways per se may predispose geneti- lead to a 33 to 75% decrease of bulb weight in rats
cally or otherwise susceptible individuals to AD or PD, after a month,73–75 largely reflecting degenerative
regardless of the cause of the olfactory damage. In changes within the glomerular and external plexiform
other words, it is the damage to the olfactory system, layers of the bulb. In humans, decreased olfactory bulb
rather than a xenobiotic agent that enters the brain, volumes determined using magnetic resonance imaging
that initiates neurodegeneration in susceptible individ- have been reported secondary to age,76 head trauma,77
uals. If this “olfactory damage” hypothesis is correct, upper respiratory infections that induce epithelial dam-
then individuals with smell dysfunction due to any one age,78 and schizophrenia.79 Volume decrements of ap-
or combination of a number of causes (exposure to proximately 23% were reported for both older persons
toxic agents, head trauma, advanced age) would be and those with schizophrenia.76,79 In light of a finding
more likely to acquire AD or PD than individuals of a ⫺0.86 correlation between olfactory threshold sen-
without olfactory system compromise. It may be more sitivity and magnetic resonance imaging–determined
than coincidental that major nongenetic risk factors for olfactory bulb volumes in 22 normal subjects,79 appar-
AD and PD, such as advanced age, head trauma, vi- ently olfactory bulb volume is a strong correlate of ol-
ruses, and exposure to heavy metals or extreme air pol- factory sensitivity. Research is sorely needed to deter-
lution, are themselves directly related to olfactory sys- mine whether the degeneration-produced decrements
tem damage. The smell loss associated with the most in olfactory bulb volume, particularly in individuals at
salient of such risk factors, advanced age, is likely sec- risk for neurodegenerative disease such as the elderly,
ondary to the aforementioned occlusion of the foram- are associated with the induction of altered central neu-
ina of the cribriform plate by appositional bone growth ropathology, transmitter function, and immunity.
and to cumulative damage to the olfactory neuroepi-
thelium from bacteria, viruses, and other xenobiotic Conclusion
agents.65 Despite the intuitive appeal of the olfactory vector hy-
In potential accord with the “olfactory damage” hy- pothesis, it remains to be determined whether it ex-
pothesis for AD is the finding that removal of the ol- plains the cause of any case of AD or PD. To date, the
factory bulbs of both rats and mice leads to decreased evidence for this hypothesis, albeit compelling, is cir-
performance on cognitive tasks not dependent on ol- cumstantial. It is clear that viruses, bacteria, prions,
faction,66 an effect attributed, in part, to degenerative and a range of airborne toxicants directly or indirectly
disruption of interconnections with higher brain re- implicated as risk factors for these diseases can enter
gions, such as those between the olfactory and septo- the brain via the peripheral olfactory system and, in
hippocampal systems.67 Although olfactory bulbectomy some instances, spread to brain regions classically asso-
is a severe insult to a rodent, inducing a wide range of ciated with disease pathology. It is also clear that smell
behavioral, hormonal, neurochemical, and anatomic loss is among the first clinical signs of both AD and

12 Annals of Neurology Vol 63 No 1 January 2008

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