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Day 2 by Section

August 12| 9:00 – 11:00


Welcome, Liceans! Before we start the program, please fill-out the attendance form. The link to the attendance
form is sent in the chat box. Thank you very much!



To formally start the 2nd day of the Virtual Jumpstart 2021, may we invite everyone to invoke the Holy
presence of God and Allah?


Invocation (Video 1 & Video 1.1)


Good morning, Liceans! We welcome you all to our Virtual Jumpstart 2021: Day 2!
How is everyone so far? Still doing good?
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Today, you will be meeting your class advisers and your classmates for the school year 2021-2022.
Your respective advisers will formally introduce you to Liceo de Cagayan University and the Senior High
School operations through a homeroom orientation.
Today will also be an opportunity to get to know your classmates on a more personal level.
So, without further ado, we now hand you over to your respective advisers.

Have fun and enjoy the rest of the day!

(Adviser will have set up a Google Meet link prior a day before or hours prior the Virtual Jumpstart: day 2)
Day 2 by Section
August 12| 1:00-2:00


Voice Over:

Before we proceed to the afternoon session of our Virtual Jumpstart, Day 2, may I request everyone to fill-out
the attendance form. The link to the attendance form is sent in the chat box. Also, I would like to seek your
cooperation for the success of this event by following the Licean netiquettes.



We would like to start the afternoon program with an opening prayer. May I invite everyone to invoke the
presence of God and Allah ?

Invocation (Video 1 & Video 1.1)



Good afternoon, Liceans!

Welcome back to the afternoon session of the Senior High School Virtual Jumpstart 2021.
Earlier this morning, you were oriented about classroom policies, netiquette guidelines, and you were given
time to fill-out school forms and even elect your new set of class officers. More to that, you got along with our
respective advisers and classmates.

We hope that you will have fun learning alongside one another in the near future.

This afternoon, we shall be introduced to the academic policies about the Flexible Learning Experience at
Liceo U as a response to the educational challenge posed by the pandemic.

To give her talk, let’s hear from our respected Academic Chairman, Mrs. Marianne D. Pegalan. A virtual round
of applause, please.


(Liceo U’s Flexible Learning) (Video 2)

Mrs. Marianne D. Pegalan
Academic Chairman
• Grading System
• Exam Schedule & Procedures
• Special Exam
• Grade Release
• E-books
• Computation of Grades for Honors
• Qualifications for Academic Scholarship
• Consultation Hours



Thank you so much, Mrs. Pegalan. That was a comprehensive and informative one coming from our dear
Academic Chairman herself.

At this juncture, to lay down the code of conduct, outlining the rules and responsibilities, proper behavior, and
and how Liceans should model right demeanor, let’s welcome our respected Prefect of Discipline and
Students’ Affairs from the RNP Campus, Mrs. Yenyen E. Alabe. A virtual round of Applause, please.


Code of Conduct (Video 3)

Mrs. Yenyen E. Alabe

Prefect of Discipline and Students’ Affairs (RNP Campus)



Thank you very much, Mrs. Alabe, for the instructive and educative presentation.

Moving forward, here are the Netiquette Guidelines before, during, and after classes. Liceans, please watch.


Video Presentations on:

• Netiquette Guidelines (Video 4)



At this point in time, we are almost through with today’s part of the Virtual Jumpstart 2021. If you have
questions to ask and concerns to raise, please raise your virtual hand so may be accommodated for the Open



If there are no more questions or clarifications, I would like to request everybody to pay respect as we close in


To our beloved students, we do hope you learned something today. This is ( Name of Host). I wish you all a
great day! Thank you and be safe, Liceans.


Facilitator: Adviser

Day 3 by Section
August 13 | 9:00 – 11:00

Play Preliminary Video (any)



Good day, Liceans!

Before we start, kindly make sure to fill-out the attendance form sent in the chat box. Thank you very much.

We will start in a few minutes. Please standby.

(Repeat this spiel until the event starts.)



Welcome, Liceans!

Today marks the last day of our Senior High School Virtual Jumpstart 2021 with the theme: Scaling the Heights
of Flexible Learning Experience. To formally start, let us have our invocation prayers for our Christian and
Muslim brothers and sisters.


Invocation (Video 1 & Video 1.1)



Alright! How is everyone doing so far?

I hope that you are all set for another year of flexible learning experience next week.
With the unprecedented crisis we are facing, we would like to remind you to remain steadfast and faithful as
everything will go well in the near future, and never forget that your Liceo Family will always be here to support
and guide you.

I believe you have learned a couple of things during the last 2 days of our Virtual Jumpstart, and it can be quite
overwhelming, so if you have any clarifications or questions, please do not hesitate to ask your adviser.

Moving forward, please know that we can only provide quality academic excellence with the support not only
from academic but also non-academic services. Today’s talk is all about the student support services offered
by the University. First is the clinic services. Let’s all watch this.


Clinic Services



There you go students, our University clinic services .

The next part is the Guidance and Counseling Services, let's take a look at this.


Guidance and Counselling Services



Indeed, if you happen to know someone or you are currently experiencing problems and you want someone to
talk to, you may refer to our certified guidance counselors.

At this juncture, we present to you the different online payment services that we offer in the University.


Online Payment Services



There you go students. The University ensures that you remain safe by automating the transactions to make it
more convenient for you and your parents.
Now, let us watch the services offered by our University Registrar a


Registrar Services


Those were our registrar services. Please do not forget to comply with the necessary scholastic requirements.
To give you the most useful learning resources, let us have our library services.


Library Services



From physical books, now to e-books - but one thing should remain; that is, we should always cultivate the love
for reading.
Today, we also present to you the Student Discipline Services. Please watch this.


Student Discipline Services


If you may realize, we offer as much as we can to you our dear Liceans.
Now, we are down to the last support service offered by the University. The Educational Technology Center


EdTech Services



Finally, we are now on the last stretch of the Virtual Jumpstart 2021. Let’s take a closer look on Mrs. Roselie
F. Rafols, our Guidance Counselor as she discuss about Stress Management

Stress Management


There you go students, our ever-caring guidance counselor, Mrs. Roselie F. Rafols.
The talk is indeed very timely and relevant as issues on mental health continue to rise. However, please don’t
hesitate to ask for help and address your situation.


So once again students, we encourage you to take an active part in your classes, school activities, and tasks,
as we take you a step closer to your dreams.

Thank you for choosing Liceo de Cagayan University. Adelante, Liceo!

Facilitator: Adviser

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