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tlNcipalities of aNtKi
b9BnucfH 0

by Bruce Heard

Table of Contents
Welcome to Glantri ......... ................................
History of G b t i ..........................................................
Geogmphy of Giantti ....... ...........................................................
The Glantrian Economy ...............................................................................

The Grand Army ofGlantri ............................................................................

Politics and Riraldes in Glantri ......................................................................... 14

Maraudem, Maw, and Masters ......................................................................... 22

Guilds and Bmtherhoods .............................................................................. 32

Glantti City by Night ....................... ..................... ......38

living in Glantri City .................. ................ .49

TheGreatSchooIofMagk ........................................................... :. ......58

Creating Spells and Magical I t a ......................... :. ............ I.. ............................. 64
The Seven secret Crafts of Glantri ..................................................................... .68
The secret of the Radiance ............................................................................. 69
Adventures in G b t n .. ........................................................................ 80
Critters Gom The Cauldmn ....... ...... ................................................ 94
.. -. 95
................ ....... . . ..........
. . ,. ~,.
, , .
Opinions and Views on G b m .......... ...
.,. $ '

CICdit.5: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D arc rcgistcred mdcmatks

owned by TSR.lnc.
Design: Bruce Heard PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATTON and the TSR logoCSI
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ISBN 0-88038-481-9 WI 53147 I~~"c.~".I".DI*Y-- United Kingdom
“Know ye. Beholder of the Late Centuries, me Pni~cipalitiesof charact& classes. However, there is a price fc
this; graduates from the School of Magic u
that all in the dark ages did not grow from (jla~tni fearsome characters and they do inspire ace
Gllntri is a large nation located northwest sometimes fear an
the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (see GA s. Also, beyond Glar
for details). hters and even dwarv<
It is a federation of ten principalities N ting wizards who ai
by a council of wizards. Glantri is a nation rian or Glantrian-trainec
agic-users, for magic-users. Their ating a Glantrian wizard
romote magic and make it the le ng one’s reputation. It
power in theworld. At the hub of their PO
eien nations do n6t clear1
stands the Great School of Mazic where most
understand &e Glantko culture, and so pe
in a great chariot of fi Glantrian mages and countless numbers of ceive it as a;$reat; any Glantrian characte
realm of mortal men. foreign spell-casters come in a pilgrimage to traveling thrwgh distant lands, may be gree
acquire the finest Glantrian techniques in ed with host&y or worse.
magic-use. Though magic-users and elves have a
advantage h&, other character classes may E
roe FiNal played within Glantri. Although they haven
CaMpaiqN future as nobles in this land (only wizards ca
A strange magical power radiates from the be nobles), their activities can still be vel
center of the capital, Glantri City. Although =citing.
most mages believe it to be a legend, a fey. Clerics are considered heretics in Glant
have discovered it to be quite real. This powe and will be executed if discovered. Playing
Ued the Radiance, enhances the powers < clerical underground activist is a dangeror
and, at very high levels. may allow a task, but may provide a fun and excitin
larly gifted mage to attain Immortality game. Pretending to be a fighter may be wir
Sphere of Energy. As the player- for cleric and druid characters.
charauers adventure in Glantri. they should Dwarves are highly prized in Glan;
because they are thought to have natura
magic. Therefore, Ictal
k a m forbidden scien delighted to have a fear
Immortals in the Sphe immortality This should be the conclusion of udy in laboratories. I
abuse of the Laws of I a long series of adventures and of the cam- short: playing dwarves and even halflings ma
had sinned, and it w paigoiitself. turn to he a very unhealthy experience.
TJ.ft second goal of this gazettei o Despite their distrust for fighters an
offtr players and DMs new options on no. thieves, wizards recognize their value. Goo
punished by the objeci :e very to play magic-users. New abilities are avail fighters can reach high ranks in the Glantria
focus of its sin.” able at the Great School of Magic; new rult. d thieves will never be out of a jot
on spell research and magical items are
me Gazetteen , _j - developed in these pages, along with an
Experience Points reward system more
This sourcebook deals with t& Princ.y-LLxs appropriate for wizards.
of Glantri. It is a reference book for the eyes of Finally, the last goal of thii supplement is to
the DM only, describing relevant past, present offer an interesting game background for
and alternate future events affesting the Prio- playing adventures in a land where magic is
cipalities of Glanui. This gazemer is a com- prominent. This background can he used D&DmMast& Set is desirable but not abx
plete campaign setting centertd around the either for occasional incursions into Glantri, lutely necessary Although this product ofte
magic-user and his craft. It $Itake daring or as a permanent campaign setting for PCs
adventurers on a fabulous jsrney, starting residing there. Specitic methods are described
when they are ipprcntices aqdgcontinuing to to allow characters to become dominion rulers
their deeds among the hihwizardry, the in a land ruled by wizards. as well as long-term How to Use -is Gazetteen
nobility of one of the most @rful magocra- strategies to rise among nobility and become This sourcebook is a ‘ourney acmss Glanui-
cies known in the D & d game world, and one of the Wizard Princes of Glantri.
ultimately, to the spheres beyond.
D Snoulb Play ii active play.
qiaNtni - __ In the first chapters, the “History of Glar
Obviously, magic-users and elves are at an tri:’ “Geography of Glantri,” and “The Glar
advantage in this campaign setting; they will trim Economv” are covered These thre
bcndit from arhitrary advantages over other chapters offer much of the information a cha
cter needs to become a dominion ruler. Glantri from the viewpoints of a Karameikan tongue-in-cheek fashion. If you find som
en we have “Politics and Rivalries in innkeeper. a Darokin merchant, a Glantrian pans to he toostrange for yourowncampaigr
ri:’ “The Grand Army of Glantri,” and sorcerer, and an Ylari storyteller. Give some of change them to suit yourself: it’s your Gaze!
arauders, Mages. and Masters,” which these to your players, depending on their teer, your campaign, and yourchoice.
ribe famous (or infamous) personalities, characters’ backgrounds, so that they have
ds and brotherhoods. ready-made information with which to begin
Glantri City by Night” and “Living in AbbneviatioNs Specific to
ntri City,” provide a thorough descrip- Many chapters Stan with boxed material. GlaNtni
ion of Glantri City; a large player’s map of They are designed to be entertaining reading; Several new terms have been created here t
e city appears on the hack of the fold-up however, the DM may use them as inspiration- define new material. Have a look at the fo.
ap representing Glantri. These sections al material for adventures and encounters. lowing glossary hefore going fui
ould be used as starting points for adven- PCs wishing to learn information pertaining
ures and encounters. to these chapters could very well end up in the BC: Before Crowning. A reference to th
“The Great School of Magic,” “Creatin siruations’ described in boxed texts. at the day the fust emperor of Thyatis wi
ells and Magical Items,” “The Seven Secrrr crowned, used to compare various er:
afts of Glantri.” and “The Secret of the
iance” sections aim at developing special;. :. , .
ons for magic-users and providing ne?
I rules for the DM. It should he unde Adventuring is, above all, about enjoying!
that all these rules are optional and that yourself, and sometimes in order to do so it dc: GoldenDucat. The base currency i
Id alter them if he chooses. is necessary to overrule some dice throws. I t G b i , roughly equal to the commo
e end of the Gazetteer is the is your job as a DM to give your players an gP:
in Glantri” section. It is a series exciting and fun time; relying entirely on L

-not just scenarios, but also dice throws is not always the best way to do Crown. A platinum coin iri Glqtri.
so-they are an aid, not a means in them-
u roughly equal to I0:gp when enchant-
laying and staging all the back-
bed earlier. It is followed by a selves. But he discreet-you don’t want ed:,
man bestiary, “Critters of the Caul- your players to get the idea that you are ’ . T .

pulling punches! sv: Silver Sovireign. A.coin of, silver in

Finally, the last two pages of the product are Also, because fun is the whole idea, you’ll Glatri, rnughlpequal .to .I/.-
layers’ handouts. These are descriptions of find many pam of this Gazetteer written in a gp. ,”
A bell in the Great School strikes SIX in the
afternoon, echoing mtermmably in the con murmuring out the corner of his mouth
don. Students enter the study room, chattlr “Where in heaven are we) It’s freezing
and laughing, seating here!”
desks. “Where’s our The pnncess’ voice suddenly e c h w in
“who cares!’’ answers the the students’ minds: “These, dear SN-
causing the others to lau dents, are the trne colonizers of Glantri.
Suddenly, the oppos They were the fmt to reach this land after
twelve elven soldiers en the realm of Blackmoor oerished in the Fi-
boots. cloak, rapier and ery Rain.”
Belcadd What are they The elves suddenly charge the students.
One swmgs a silvery blade toward the eyes tdbes, retwming to daim their lost I
pea a student. News spreads fast, and soon clans of fair el
Between the two rows of so of a student; then the xene fades awav.
and humans from Traladm (now known
voclferom noblewoman steps
DM Notes: Centuries after Blackmoor’s de-
suucuon (see DA1 for detaiils). elves from the
Belcadn, most emineo far south colonize this area. They form several
cil! How Impudent! An larm clans .. then thev dixover a Bladrmoor
I want my duenna! The artifact. For r e m i x &known, the device ex-
plodes, causing catastrophe in the frozen val-
The Captain unctuous1 leys. Billowing clouds form in the skies, and
lady catches her breath. “ the sun disappean for years. Ice storms and
ness. Just one lecture and blizzards rule over the land. A strange &ease
be met! Your duenna is that rots flesh and withers all that grows
spreads throughout the valleys. The elves fmd
shelter in the deepest caves of Glantri, leavmg
greet Don Hippolito!” behind only a few runes engraved in the rock.
Without a word, the Today, elven legends tell of a few tribes that
starts flipping angrily th emerged from caves hundreds of miles south,
the History of Glanm. I‘
past the Broken Lands.

The baffled students now stand in a

spleodd city of bras towers, among a
crowd of copper-colored people At the
her fan and begms utterin sight of the students, they all suddenly
tions The apprentices stare shout, in an old Glantrian dialect, “Qa-
mesmerized luna! Qalima-shan! Infidels!”
The crowd grabs the students and drags
them to the center of the plaza, quickly
chaining them to sacrfiual blocks.
An old man, totally covered with tatoos,
ceremoniously anomts the hapless party
and declares, “May the Great Flame nnw
Silence replaces the sound of the purify this sanctuary from these pale
voice Startled, the apprentices look
find themselves in a mountamom re;
ice and snow The prmces is
In the dmance, a volcan
and white dragons dash
Runnmg behind sleds, el
proach the students
daggers, bows and
“Djamel’ne, dj
asks an older elf, p
The taller student, moving lus hands rn all the Fire in theu dialect. They are a faction of
directions to make himself better under- Alphatians opposed to the old reeime. the fense.
stood, responds, “Uh. hello, We friend.
just visiting, understand, yes?” Then,
Histollp of GIaNtn

elves, the north to the Flaems, and the west to 395 AC: The ~racrliscolonize the la
the human settlers. A council is founded to Radiance is discovered in Glantri.

and takes over the

support of Thyatian settlers.

on to become the Forty Y m

from the eastern mountai

dwarves. who resist the dis come to Glantri; frictin

tlen accuse them of brio
with them. The angry PO
hunts down the dwarves :ives the right to bear the title of Prince. Thl
land; this violent period is

It is during one of
dwarven hunts that a ce
Glantri, a war hero o

Flaemish revolt.
Having imposed a’pehod of peac
Glantri skcessfully found
ognizing the rights of all
city of Braejr is renamed C-1 have learned well, stndents.
’ ’

Alexander’s honor. the details of ow hi

.braq. Those of you 1
329 AC: Lord Glantri founds the Republic
an’s art would do well to
The battle scene fades aw imporrant dates. Do remember
now appear in a large hal
e facts; perhaps you will need to
crowd of nobles. No their is reserved for wizards on
impromptu arrival. know them some day. It is now time for me ers gain the hereditary ti
A knight stands at the c to leave. Guards! Where is my duenna?”
“Never, do you hear?

battlefield determines ou DMs Histonical SgNopsis

give up no pan of our Ian
”My friend,” m e n 3000 BC: The Great Rain of Fire obliterates
wizard, “I’m afraid you do
the facts. The law was v
whelming majority It ’
dispute the will of the of Blackmoor).
Pulling his sword on , 2m Bc:Southern elvcs move into thc frozei
valleys of Glantri.

other. As heavily-armotcd knigha corner

the students, the princess’ voice sounds in
Id !the ‘feeble light In the valleys are small,.,woodedareas whii
young baron flips th the pages of a dusty never cover more than a few hundred yards
tome, struggling to keep his eyes open. T b , a time. Most common arb .cork oaks whii
city beyond the school is asleep and in the intp the Principaliti
tance howls a dog. Watching through ‘y, and. mulberry u e
open window, he nervously taps on his d wn from a nearby cloud. “Well, well. Do
not be frightened!” says the nocturnal ilk worms and [be fa1
with the edge of an ebo
den gust of wind blows a prince. “We ate just having a bit of a flight;
desk. Surprised, the STU classroom are so stuffy! Look, here is the Red
River!” Hills - i I, I
knees to recover the p
when he realizes snmeon The student glanm down again and t u n s
pale green. Closing his eyes, he grabs the The student, flying peacefully for a
of him. Slowly raising his gaze, he mumbles moment, hears the prince mumbling
“Oh,MyLord! Ididn’tknnwyouwerehere... prince’s doak and asks “What about it?”
Morphail goes on. “I often come here obscure words. “‘Oh no,. not again!” he
It is so dark.. .” Bowing before the gloomy visi- whimpers; then chcclonds, the moon and
tor, he rapidly backs up to his desk dropping a when I need peace and quiet. The rocks in
the Kurish Massif give this river the color of the rivers once againstat spinning wildly.
few mote scrolls. The teacher has arrived. Some time later, the student wakes up,
“Good evening!” says blood, until it joins with the Vesubia. Such
a nice touch, isn’t it? Alas, it has only the this time comfortably lying on the prince’s
Boldavian accent. “Indeed cloak, surrounded by high g s s ! After a
sun has long disappeared flavor of mud.. .”
moment, the nocturnal concert olLcrickets
But. YOU are welcome in’?this nocturnal and frogs begins anew.
silence, for tonight we sh Recovering from his experiehce, the SN-
nf our living land. Be at e DM Notes: Most of the rivets flow to Giant?
City and the southern valleys to form th, dent feels a white rose brush hd.cheek. He
will disturb our thoughts. Now, watch me turns to smell the flower, wonderingwhere
closely, and please, no garlic!” Vesubia River. This relatively peaceful rive
turns into tumultuous rapids when i t , the prince has gone. Abruptly, thorns wrap
A dog howls in the night ... around his legs and arms, and the rnse fas-
the Broken Lands. The rivers are navi
hevillageofTrintan inthesouth, toLi tens itself to his cheek. “This can’t be,’!
AN Ovenvifw pn zieni in the southwest, Vyonnes in New Av, says the student, “I must be dreaming
by PRiNce Mon roigue, Leenz and Glenmoorloch in thc again. “Ouch!” A searing pain. on his
of Bolbavia - north. Similarly, the Dol-Anur River in the cheek informs him otherwise and he shouts
Ethengar Khanate is relatively quiet, allowing for help, struggling to tear free of the
normal navigation from Rymskigrad in Bolda- thorns. The white rose slowly NUIS pink.
via, down to the Broken Lands. The strength A black wolf appears between the bush-
of the flow in the remaining riven ai es and growls menacingly. Peculiarly, the
numerous waterfalls prohibits any sort D plants let go and the wolf backs &into the
mercial navigation. The changing bed or tI bushes. Moments later, the prince reap-
Vesubia and Streel rivers in the Broken Lanc the Glantrian Hills!
often causes huge cataracts and deadly whit. As you can see, nothing is as peaceful as it
pools. A metal gate across the river in Trintan seems. You have just discovered one of the
prevents drifting ships from going beyond. most commnn creatures of the hills. the
Most of the riven are bordered on both sides vampire Ipse! There .are many other
with poplars, willows, elms, birches, alders, and marvels here; for -@le, the ...”
. .
a few nut trees. T h v woods are usually well
tended by the l ~ apeople,
l because ofthe extra 1,

source of income they bring. DM Notes: The rolling hillsof Glantri are cox
the eastem frontier borders with &e Ethengarian ered with high grass; hcathers,,thitles, larg
steppes, at the foot of the Colossus Mounts. In ferns, and juniper. Despite. their peach
the sonth lie the Broken Ian& and part nf the V~II~YS
appearance, the h i b amnotorious for causing
Silver Sierras, north o f k The valleys are extensively fanned. There the unaccustomed’ travcler t o h e his wag.
are three major valleys in Glantri, the largest Hundreds of high rolling hills,.d l more or le-

being the Vesuhian Valley extending from the similar. follow each other in random n m e m
Broken Lands up to Glenmoorloch and Vor-
stadt. The Isoile Valley lies to the west of lanuim wim& seek
At the hem ofthe nation, where the greatest Glanui City. In the south is the Red River Val-
rivers join, stands the fa of tt- ‘ ‘ aween the Glantrian Alps and the Silvt
m a g m y , G b t d City is.
..ieir rich soil and milder weather allow fc. the hills. with manv smaller uncommo
Rivens a variety of agriculture. The exception to this plants. These hills ar; the hidden realm (
is the westem plain around Fort Sablestone. such herbals as the legendary mandragor;
Slowly regaining his xflses, the student sud- The Kurish Massif often prevents the clouds belladonna, clovers, lupin, strange varieties <
denly realizes he is floating in midair. Far and the rain from reaching Sablestone, caus- mosses, sootleaves, and fueronts, all commor
ing droughts from time to time. ly used in alchemy.
MouNtaiNs ~
have distinct dressing habits and accents when
speaking the common language.
The highest mountains are the Glanuian Alp I was sick that day and missed class.,," Within the territories that arc not part of a
"Oh please, spare m e the cheap these people mix easily
prince. "Surely you e elves and those o
drag you along for the This is not the case with
rest of the night!" And as he launches into , where the populatioi
the air, he adds, "By the way, I can see a usually identifiis with its ruling family an(
troll coming your way. .. and a nice speci- their original culture and is less tolerant o
men tno!"
Spitting out his incantation without a
second thought, the student rises off the
ground, but upside down, feet above berlain.of the Land
head. "Oh no, 1 stumbled again on that population at 780,001
last word!"
With a sigh, the prince follows him and
begins a new lecture. "There are many
interestine forests in Glantri. like the
lovely bl& pines of Boldavia..."
han one Glantrian in tei
called "mowwees'' by >M Notes: There are few large forests I
D I ~ Staken from the m ;lantri. except near Boldavia and New Ave- z hundred belongs to the Grand Army.
appeared before their roigne. Smaller forests exist near New Alva
documented. and Erendyl io the south valleys. These ars n)€WilOIif€
The Wendarian Ranges : ially grown, under the control of the
older mountains, bearin clans. These are oak forests, well- the prince goes on with his descrip-
Although lllgh in altitude,
, .
ertoget renaed.
. . They . . are. .considered private.~parks Glantri, the student does his best to
tnrougn D ~ 01
W many
Y..-^L I*
=. .""."I I -1 L I c I . .,
closed to vlsltors without a proper permit ttom flying. "They could have told me
is lunatic and his fancy transporta-
n io the moun- es!" he +inks, angrily swatting a

Suddenly, he realizes he is losing altitude;

his spell is running out. Frantically flapping
his arms, he shriek henibly, falling like a
most common trees in the mountains rock, punching interesting silhouettes
Despite their name, the Silver Sierra+ are .dious types of pines, yews and, higher
cI. through the clouds below and ending up in a
reddish in cplor. often turning purple at daw up, the solitary larches. More uncommon a pig-wallow near a farmhouse.
woods in the Silver Sierras. In these I Somewhat shook up, he walks out of the
mountains grow cedars, aspens, and a few ra thick. smelly mud, panting and sweating.
Earthquakes arc common myrtle and balsam trees withiin the most %I'm getting tired of all this. I'll never make
secluded areas. Some stonewood can also be it to graduation..:'
tion avoids these ranges, found-this is an extremely hard wood that is
who mine the area's silver highly prized at the capital.
considers this arca a nation
substances such as sulfur, c PopulatioN
The population is a mosaic of old Flaemish
(easily recognizable with their copper tinted
skin), elvesofErendyl(with their fauskin and
bizarre mushrwms
deepest canyons wh golden hair), southern elves ofBelcadiz (rath-
er small but darker and with black wavy hair),
on men of various complexions. can survive clos
Among the latter, although this is not appar-
ent at first, many different origins exist, such
as the Boldavian people of Karameika"
descent, the men of Aalbm, Caurenzc an
ckbill, of Thyatian or Alphatian origin!
"iw&% Erhrnatiinr (whore families are dangerous with strange vegetable I&
such as archer bushes and large patches of gra
grass that remain concealed within the hig
grass and briars. Fortunately, these becom
dormant during the winter. The hills are oth-
erwise the realm of wild dogs, foxes, hats, and
wolves of all som. Travelers should heware of
h e m in spring. The hills surrounding the
Principality of New Averoigne are also known giants. Ice toads, frost salamanders and white
for wandering lycanthropes of various som. hears are not uncommon for those learned
The hills in the Red River valley, as well as mvclen who know where to search: Themost
these bordering the Ethengar Khanate, are the
realm ofwild hones and mountain felines. Par-
ties of hunters can be eocountered, seeking to
capture and sell horses. Griffons and hippo- which is capable of nesting in the ice cracks
g& are often seen high in the skies, the fom- below the glacier’s surface. Many other
er preying on the horse herds. strange creatures have been observed there,
Marauding orcs and other disgraceful hut the veil of clouds seldom allows a closer
humanoid tribes often raid thex hills, coming look. The glaciers are a treacherous realm, for
from the Broken Lands or the Kurish M a s i f crevices may always crumble open, and ava.
They seek silver and sometimes hunt horses lanches or snow storms strike at the most
for food, often targeting villages in the hills. unpredictable moments.
Mountains are also home to goats, wildcats, The prince walks away in the fog:
and yaks. In the sky reigns the mighty condor, me GIaNmiaN CIirwate momen= later, a bat flaps away over the hills,
sometimes as strong as a small r ~which, nests toward a glwmy tower.
on the steepest and most perilous cliffs. Bats The weather is mild in summer to very cold in
winter, because of the high altitude. Tempera- “Oh, rhis is just great!” says the student,
are known to thrive in the blue pines near angrily luclung a small sone off his path. “I
tures in summer range from fifty to swenry
Boldavia, but these are inoffensive night crca- don’t even know where I an!”
tures. During the day, they remain within degrees at most. In winter. temperatures fall
between sub-zem and the nud twenties. Then, “€’st!” ca!Js a voice fmm the dark. A
caverns. The Kurish Massif is notorious for its hunchbacked servant steps fmm behind a
more infamous inhabitants, such as griffons, snow &eo blocks mountain pasres. stopping all
trade with outside nations; the navigable sec- tree and continues, “You ax in Boldavia.
chimeras, manticores. trolls. dragons of all
tions of the rivers generally freeze.
sorts, tribes of savage humanoids, and ogres.
There is also life on the glaciers, in more The wind in spring and summer blows from
the south or southeast: in winter, from the east
remote areas of the Glantrian Alps qnrl rhe
the magic is dispelled, a crown is only won
gold. gems or alchemical minerals. But its metal value, five ducats. The silver Sovei
gondolas and barges move slowly & the slick don’t even think about the hills! Thcy’re
passenger gondolas spee eign, or “sv,” is a coin worth one tenth of
cnwlin’ with diseases and weird creatures. ____.. Then comes the large copper penn:
modest boats, the gon The last time we established a regional
guild in the hills, most of our guys died or
disappeared in a week. The survivors start-
ed to grow hair and fangs during the full hcbdukes of Glantri are i
moons. It took us months tl these coins. The productio
mess up ...” is under tight contml fror
characters board a slic
DM Notes: Many of the financial activities
in Glantri center around the needs of the wiz- rystal carafe from a small
dola moves ahead. ards. For instance, there is a high demand for
sculpted woods, stones and metals for the wiz- “The citadel is
ards. They say an artistically crafted item set
wuz afraid ya wouldn’t ge with gems and gold retains a magical fst. It’ll be the
The constabulary’s startin’ t dweomer better than a more primitive object.
For the same clients, paper-making artisans e knows when and
for the Guild. Anyway let’s
are common and very often provide the sew-
ness. Did Nickv send ya
ices of Drofessional scribes.
LibGies thrive near the urban centers, as ...‘ 1 of Opening for the vault.”
Pod how do you expect to get the
;h out of the city?” answers Aldo. “I
:ed these gates at the canal entrances.”
90 sweat, I got it covered. The tougb-
est part is to get back to the hideout faster

bned cabin, magically silenced, and

ack as the night ... a beauty! Nobody
can catch us. Once at the hideout, we can
refcpon the goods to rhis place I have in
Shireton brand, the best.” ido nods approvingly “I hope for your
moment of silence, be blows a that this scheme works. or you may
auseating smoke at Louie’s face. k flounder’s eye view of the canals. If
get my drift:’

DM Notes: If players decide to establis

owing information he11
ions’ average populatic

iles around the capital, 1(

Louie turos pale, sickly pale.. . mile, 20 in valleys, five
ountains. The Sablestor

ded areas. Each hex t

miles. Glantrian fan

month, plus 2,240 dc of S
Ihe Council gets 20% of
comes to 762 dc, payable in
Due to the lack of local management, free-
territory families generate half the Resource Going through the tomes. Aldo checks
Income mentimed above, plus the usual I dc the income figures, tax returns, and stacks
’h,and do not provide Standard Income. of receipts, analyzing the wealth of each
The Council collects the Resource Income and prince. Submerged in the paperwork. he
’hin full from these families. Example: aval. reads obscure columns of numbers,
ley hex in Sahlcstone g through a small crystal cube. Once in a
which goes d k t l y to while, results flash in red io the cube; each
Life in free territories time, Aldo grumbles “Why, you cheap lit-
tle crook.,,”

wants a full picture of

aI& Of AalbaN

1,232 sq. miles (22 h c

from under the ben so many gemcutte

out the cabin and sh come: 1,967 crlmonth (

The Aalbanese are specialists at makin

spell-casting. All spell-

have a license to pracuc
in exchange for money,

PrziNcipaIiW of Reicabiz:

Another important in
Chancellor’sBill. When
title, or replaces afamily
of a dominion, he must pay the Chu ~
649 crlmonth (147 cr ca!
PniNcipaIitp of Rolbavia: Net Income 1.411 crlmanth (338 cr cash) regional use or for the children of nobles

Surface. 1.456 sa. mdes (26 hexes)' The elves of Erewan are ereat bowven and P n f N C i V a u l € & la NOUV€II€
~ o p u ~ a r r o n :1 . ~ 8 iinc\&gpar
4 fleichcn. Theu production-s Lmrrcd. bur c AV€ndiGN€: v. .,
Rymskigrad; 6,100 .. c x c e h q d q . T k y produrn rarc woo& . .

Ncr Incumc. 812 orlmorith (213 crcash)

which they rcll sculpied ai thc clicm's rcquen
and hcrbs of all sons. Ercwani an, in all n
1,428 ,q %($
29.340 (including towns)
forms (poctry, sculpting. painting. musi Vyonns: 5 ?nn
Roldavia LI a DUOI cuunrrv locared almosr r r c 1. is rhr finnr in Cilanrn. and Erewan ha Pcrieon:

enrircly in hills i h t a r r s IS ni;rorious for itssalt rtic'highccr lircracy INCI in Glanrri. Man Ximcs:
mrncc worked hy conwits and slavcs. 'There is scribes and translaton Lvc m Ercndyl. wherc
'some iradc of wild horses wirh Erhenganan paper factories thrive. Thc elvcn scholars are .Net Income: :ash)
tribes: rhar husincrs is conducrcd in Bramyra, among thc bcst in land. Thesc clvcc producc
undcr thc cyc of thc army. Fuhmg is also much bccnvax and honey. a largc quantity of Ncw A w n IS famous for its excellen
imponanr. as is thc pruducrion ofgianr salmon which ir sold at thc capital. Thcy arc also wines amjqparKirng bcvcmgts sold all ovcr th
rggs. (This 6 a delirary usually cxponcd to rhc txccllcnr horst rrdintn 'liadirionally, rhc bcsr nauon. l o rpccialry is all food-rdatcd burl
capital and to thc s0uth.j An unusual tradc and fatesr lighr horsrs come from Ercwan. n e s s . Local chcfs boast tlicy can r w k 'my
consisis of grrring icc chunks from thc mom- rhng, from normal ingrcdicnrs 10 monrrc
tarns and transponing lhcm to thc capital P n i N C i P a l ~Of KlaNt9lZ€: mcair. Many fruits. vcgciablcs, m c m . an,
(magic is used IO kcep rhc icc intact in sum- dairy products arc availablc in ihis plcxant
p c r j . Thc icc and salt are also v i d clcmcnu to Surfac ,416 sq. miln (26 hexn) rcgion. T k *bitants arc an tasy-going
,prcrervcfsh and salmon cggs during uanspon. PopuLtu.. . JI.060 (including rowns) xoplc, and arca bomts many famou,
'Boldaviam grow potatocs. mast of whch arc Glcnmoorloch: 3,200 :nrerraiwrs and acrors.
uscd 10 brcw a strong local bcvcragc. Boldavia Lvish: 1,900 Wcavcrs pwducc many clorhcs in variou
also is a largc produccr of gulic, whkh is used siylcs. New Avcmignr is probably rhc largc!
'both fur culinar) prcpamtions and for housc Nc l.l25crimonrh(317cr~ producer d fun.kspccially different typcs c
%ccoration throughout thc rcgion. wolf. Thcx fur coarc can reach high gold valu
A variety of longhaired shecp is raised in at ihc capiral. because of thcir workmanship
PRiNCipalif9 Of &WZ€NZ€: Klanryrc. providing a largc quanriry of wool and bccausc r h q are a mark of class amon
and mc3-t Thr sccond largest busincss herc is the nobks. Bcllldonna is also a locll produc
Surface: 1.232 sq. milcs(22 hc. lumber: Glcnmoorloch is a larye ccnicr for tion.
Popularion: 31.820 (including tow woodwork, c\pccially for ionrtruction of
' Lizzieni: 4.500 houscs and bridges. Thcrc arc many hanks in GlamiaN c:nfasung
Oreggiano: 2 . 4 Glcnmoorloch; rhuir bankcrs and muncy-

Net Income: 1,756 crimonrn CI cash)

c h d n w , arc k m w n tu hc rhe shrcwdcsL in
Glanui. Through Gleomoorloch, alot ofgob' ' raises
r--- .
At lh
. - . . . . .
the timid knock, Aldo
answers "What?"

enters and leaves Glantri with no question

Caurenze is the homeland ofthe most bril- asked. The area grows grain and potatoes made it to the citadel.
liant Glantrian architects. The nooulace auar-
~~ ~~ ~ ~ some of which used for the nroduction of look?" says Louie from
ries stone of all sorts, inclu famous Iwal drink
fme marble. Much of that e door open and Louie
capital, under the army's esc PniNcipaIiTp of KnoNbaOan: e. "Getin here. I'llshow
and precious stone are ano do grabs Louie by the col-
on the bench like a hag
olives are an important cro Surface 1,176 sq. miles (21 hexes)
used to make tine oils and Populauon 26.540 (including towns)
'captured in bordering Braastar 7,500 an accounting log?" snarls
brought back to the capital; the people of tful ofscrolls under Lou-
Caurenze have also developed %e art 1,477 crlmonth (416 crcash) ht you could cheat the
,Louie. We dragged
, and by the Blade.
-but not before I'm
,Caurente is a producer of h d where are the figures
.armor. The best heavy w
are from Caurenze.
last year, the Treasur
ash income of apprnxi
particularly coats, gloves and boots The best er month. Out of thi
Surface: 1,288 sq. miles (23 hexes) saddles of Glantri are thought to be made in impressive amount, 7,110 cr goes to th
Population: 26,920 (including towns) Krondahar The people of this region alss Grand Ar
Erendyl: 4,800 msc a breed of small horses. mainly for
supplies. The princes’ charges cost another
1,160 cr each month. The constabulary gets The gondolier appears at the door, visibly around the block, while the elementals
640 cr in salaries and equipment for consta- nervous. ”Uh, boss? It’s getting dark and roar horribly with the effort.
bles, spies, magistrates, and various anti- curfew time is close. Should we turn A hundred yards away, a large armored
subversion programs. Council and parliament back?” Then he notices Louie lying on the barge blocks the intersection. A constable
officials get 580 cr (ministers, scribes, pro- floor, a large lump on his bead. stands at the bow, manning a large rod on
vosts, reeves, etc). The Council supports the “Come down here, Luigi, and help me a Swivel. In a moment, the rod fires a hall
Great School of Magic and pays another 300 cr tie him up. From now on, I give the orders of fire that barely misses the zig-zagging
to its Grand Master over and above the Urter- here!” declares Aldo. gondola; steam rises from the water.
A moment later, as the two prepare to “Forget it, pal!” shouts the gondolier as
d development and maintenance cost drop a large sack into the filthy water, a he dives into the water. Panicked, Aldo
950 cr (upkeep of roads, forts, towns, beam of light surprises them. pulls out his hand-crossbow and points it
ltural and mining prospection and “Freeze! Glantri Vice!” comes the at the constable-then a huge ball of fire
tation in free-territories. and people shout. A heavily-armored gondola loaded engulfs the boat. In a’matter of seconds.
e in case offamine). Glantri also secretly with constables slowly sways in their direc- the slick black gondola is reduced to a
s around 600 cr each month in covert aid tion. “You are surrounded! Drop your smoldering wreck: quickly sinking into the
of foreign wizard guilds and sects. A lot of this wands and come out with “our hands on ~~~ ~~~
murky canal waters.
goes, for example, to individuals in your mouth!” Wiping meat off his forehead, a consta-
engar and Ylamam. Finally, the Council “Cheese it. the constables! Let’s so!” ble murmurs, “Too bad .about Louie. He
s 359 cr each month for holidays, ban- yells Aldo The gondolier shouts a ,Em. should have warned us earlier. There goes
s at the citadel, or any other unforeseen mand and the water elementals roar up, another good informer. But, by Rad, at
t. The Council Vault presently contains violently pulling the gondola away Nearly least we’ll get the bounty this time!”
12,320 crowns. capsizmg, the boat barelv neeotiates a turn
borders, a few camps, major towns and in the under tht , liction of the Prince of Ne
~ ~~~

capital city, a( follows:" Averoigne (Etienne d'Amhreville)

The Hall of History is in a state of hysteria! CHE WEB O F INCRIGUE I .
The crowd of barons, dukes, and spokesmen I
are up on the benches, raising fsts, snarling HOUSf Of CnOWNGlIaRZi iGlantri is a magncracy, a nation ruled by
and cursing, while some keep a hand on their lcouncil of ten ,wizard-princes. The nation
wands, a dark look in their eyes. The Cbancel- administration is conducted through votes i
lor of the Parliament frantically hammers as the Council of Princes, in Glantri City. Minis
the magistrates try to calm the crowd. ten handle lesser business. Whenever a til
"Silence! Silence, I say, or.t'll have the hall occurs at the Council or less than six prince an
evacuated!" shouts the .Chancellor. The available, the House of Lords assembles at tht
uproar goes on for a moment and finally calms Parliament and votes their decision. Attend
down somewhat. ance of voting sessions is not requirement.
A man'stands in the middle of the hall, Nobles control dominions. hut owe fealty t(
dressed in uniform and high cavalry boots.
"Yes, by Rad! We will get them!" he exhorts. ties which are semi-independent realms. TI
"Hah! Give me five thousand men and 1, laws within principalities, local t s e s and o t h ~
Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels. will scatter Ruler: Prince Brannart McGregor administrative details are up to the princes. hu
these yellow-bellied horsemen like dust in the Siege: Principality of Klantyrc at Crownguard 'they musf obey the general decisions Of thl
wind!" Alignment: Chauvinistic Scots of Chaos ICouncil. Lands that are not part of a domini0
The crowd roars again and a man points a Voting Power: 16 at the Council, 'or a principality are called "free territories:' TI
skeletal finger at the Prince, "And perhaps we the Parliament
33 ~ ~
'Council administen them directly.
shall defend Glantri with only two thousand Family: Sir Duncan, son; Lady Barbara,
men? You are jeopardizing our entire nation! daughter; Sir ~ ~son; Lady~ M ~ ~ , The~ voting iBusiness:~ All decisions, at t

Truly, your ego has overwhelmed your intel- in'^ wife; s ~ ~ M&B brother; ~ ~ ~ , or at the Parliament are made h!
lect, dear Prince!" Lord Alasdair M ~ A I ~ ~ ~ ~ vote. ~ ~The, voting powers of nobles and prince,
Shouts of fury come from the crowd as a huhand; sir Angus, ti^'^ son; sir vary, depending on their titles.
small hall of fire bursts high up in the hall's Sean McAlliter, Alasdair's son.
vault. A noble, up on a higher bench in the Allies: Lady Mira McDuff, Baroness of Uig- Baron 4 Points Viscount 5 Points
hack, yells, "Deal with the threat now! We are muir; Lord Alasdair McAllister, Count of 'Count 6 Points Marquis 7 Points
doomed if we sit still. Death to the Khan!" GlenarKyll; Lord Eachainn McDougall, Duke 8 points Archduke 9 points
The crowd roars again and a lightning bolt Mar~uisof Dunveean. Prince 10 points
dashes across the hall. Amidst the cries of Foes: Houses of Sylai; and Igorov.
anger and the Chancellor's frantic hanging on Princes with several titles and charges hat
his desk, a man and a frail woman sit& a far Origins: The McGregon came ,cumulativepoints. The charges have the fo
corner, still and quiet in the dark. same world as the d'Amhrevillea, f lowing values:
In a low voice, the woman says to the other, similar to medieval Scotland. The
"Don't he alarmed. Every day is like this! You arrived in Glantri whea one o f t Viceroy of a FON 1 point
understand now why we nobles only send pro- the d'Ambrevilles' magical gate (see Treasurer of the Council 2 points
fessional spokesmen." Sylaire for details). Wanted fof wit Chamberlain of the Land 4 points
The other nervously pulls on his heard. their own world, many made the transition to Of the Princes 6 points
" This is what I have to face tomorrow? These
this world, and today's nobles of the House of SuPreme~udge Of the Points
are not wizards-they are more like wild Crowneuard are their descendants. Grand Master of the School 10 points
beasts! I cannot believe that a nation of this Since then, the McC
size is N n this way!" for their clan, most of YLI.LPUCU

Tbc woman smiles. "Well, ALmeim is a by rivals. some ba& of New Averoigne, Grand Master of thi
long way away: this is a humans' realm. But from Bevond to haunt their tOWP.D Al+l.-..nh Schooland vicomte de Sdaire, has a Penona
don't worry, there is no danger while the dogs they all plot to becorn? Prinrp
bark!" they are quick to rally =.5a...I.

The bearded man's hood slides off to reveal Lord Brannart is a lich of the Radiance votes or less; it is accepted with 80 votes o
the pointed ears of an elf. "There is no time to "The Secret of the Radiance" for details). more. Between 5 1 and 79 votes, the Counci
waste. I will need to know whom all these d- kin don't realize thii, although they know must anneal to the Parliament. All votes i
fians are so I can present my request. There is a nfidential, using the systei
great gain for the elves of Altheim if we Crownpard. On the rare occasions wh
succeed-and for YOU as well. mv dear meets visitors, a spokesman acts s,a interme@ Parliament votes are counted by the raisin)
ary, or Brannart conceals his true appeai of hands. Requests scoring two-thirds or mor<
with illusions. of the nobles' votes are accepted. Below th:
Ties to the House ofSvkre: After mo ected. If, at the end of a YO]
substantial number of people, the McGreg at the Parliament, two or more nobles clain
were unable to keep the gate open. This I the result of the vote unsatisfactory, they ma:
provoked the anger of the d' Ambrevilles, settle their dispute in the Dueling Court $
the Great School of Magic. I
olitics aNb Rivalnies iN c j l a N t d
ring Repreh~rativ ... .. also were in process of bringing more p6ople Morphail’s mission is to spread the twin
adventurers) dislike wasting time votine, so over. Since then, the d’Ambrevilles have car- curses of the vampire and the nosferatu. So
they send representatives. 6 can be a f h y ried a grudge against the McGregors. far, all of the prince’s family and the barons
member or a professional from the Guild of Ties to the House of Igornv: Braunm’s forming the House of Igorov have become
Spokesmen (see the “Guilds and Brother- secret is known to the Baron of Igorov. He is undead under Morphail‘s control. They rarely
hoods” section). Both must he legally reg ’ perceived as a rival to the baron. Brannart leave their towers, always using spokesmen,
tercd at the Parliament to thwart imposter knows the m e nature of the Boldavian nobles conducting business at night:
(see below) and considers them lesser beings Ties tn the House of Sylaire: Etienne d’Am-
The Order of Radiance: An old that owe him fealty. breville dislikes Morphail for his morbid we
legend says that a great power radi of necromancy, and for allowing these CUIKS
the capital. It enhanced the power House of IGonov to plague his land. Etienne is sensitive to this,
who knew its secret. It was thought to considering New Avcroigne itself-has under-
strong at the capital and weak at the nation’s Preoccupied, the bearded elf asks gone an epidemic of lycanthropy.
borders. Esmeralda, “Who is this young noble, sit- Ties to the House of Silvemnn: Pdo
It became a custom to award higher ranked ting across from the McGregor envoy? He Volospin is a pure, Alphatian (see module
nobles dominions closer to the capital, while seems to he watching him closely.” Ml). Alphaks almost totally destroyed his
lesser nobility remained far away from the “The pretty one?” answers the elven ancestors. Volospin has sworn the destruction
capital where the magical aura was weak. This lady. “He’s Boris, Prince Morphail’s broth- of Alphaks’ followers (the Boldavian nobles).
is called the Order of Radiance. ?hiis custom er. Despite his appearance, he is a subtle Ties with the House of KIanryre: See House
does not affect Princes who often reside in politician. Every time he needs support, of Klantyre for details. The Gorevitch-
Glantri City, near the Council Palace. unlikely allies show up to defend his cause. Woszlanys act very friendlytoward the McGre-
Thus, baronies are created no closer than He must be using magic. The Boldavians gors (and all other houses) in hopes of
180 miles from the capital, viscounties at no have always been neutral to the elves. They transmitting their noble diseases to their “col-
less than 120 miles, counties at 80 miles, mar. are now in conflict with the House of leagues,’’ thus turning them to their side.
quisates at 50 miles, duchies at 40 miles and Sylaire, which accuses them of abducting a However, the House of Crownguard ignores
archduchies at no less than 30 miles from the d Ambrevilk.” all invitations to Boldavia.
capital. The Council will never allow domin-
.ions within 30 miles of the capital. Ruler: Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany Housf Of L~N&N
Siege: Principality of Boldavia. at Igorov
Becoming a Glant~ianNoble: By law, one Alignmenr: Expansionist chaotic vampires A wizard on the other side of the hal
‘must be a wizard (9th level magic-user) to Voting Power: 15 at the Council, points his fmger at the bearded elf. “How
become noble. The wizard must either per- 35 at the Parliament dare you show up today! At least three her.
form a great deed for the Council or graduate Family: Sir Boris, brother; Lady Etyaua, sis- etics have been caught in your barony!”
from the School of Magic. Then, the wizard ter; Sir Mikhail, brother. The elf starts to jump to his feet whcr
must gain audition at the Council where his Allies: Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Esmeralda holds his arm. “Hold it; He’!
request is either accepted or rejected. Pavlova; Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Bar- not talking to you.”
A newly “elected” noble starts as a baron on of Kutchevski: Lord Yonti Ivanov. Baron A man with a strange copper headgea
with a vacant dominion or, if none is availa- of Palatinsk; Lady Szasza Markovitch, Bar- sits two benches away from the elves. Hc
ble, he must create his own. A baron’s title is oness of Vladimirov: Lord Laszlo Wntyla, stands to answer, “It is not I who trade ille.
tied to his dominion’s name. For example: Baron of Mariksen. gal horses with the Khan!”
Lord Wutyla takes over the old Tower of Foes: Houses of Crownguard. Silverston and “You think he heard us?” wonders thc
Mariksen -he becomes Baron of Mariksen. Sylaire. elf. “It was rather noisy for human ears. I
The baron gets to name his dominion if he wonder how he got so close. Who is he?”
creates it. The chosen name is permanent, in Origins: The Boldavian are a mix of Trala- “He is the Baron of Oxhill, a pawn oi
deference to the noble who founds the barony daran (Karameikan) and Flaemish outcasts. Prince Vanserie. Their sccret sect, the Fol-
and builds its tower. Prince Morphail’s power is due to his ohses- lowers of the Fire. is a joke among elves.
DM Note: This whole system should be u sion with immortality. He managed to gain an The Vlaardoens are our worst enemies,
to enhance role-play whenever a PC seek Immortal’s attention, and promised to serve claiming they discovered and populated
favorable decision. To be granted a favor, a him for as long as he would live in this world, this land before everyone else. Play them
should campaign and negotiate with noble if the Immortal would reveal him the path to against the House of Silverston.”
princes to get the most favorable votes possl-. Immortality. The Immortal was Alphaks (see
hle. Alliances and enmities exist am01 module Ml). a Lord of Entropy. He accepted Ruler: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen XI
nobles; openly meeting one can mean makb Morphail’s kind offer. and gave him a great Siege: Principality of Bergdhoven, at Lindel
sure enemies elsewhere. The nobles’ SKI quest at the end of which Momhail became a Alignment: Vengeful Followers of the Flam
allegiances are given in the Web of Intrigu nosfcratu (see the “Critters o f k e Cauldron” Voting Power: 17 at the Council,
in this chapter. In short, a PC ignoring t l x section). Claiming that he had lived np to his 32 at the Parliament
- . aspect
. of this society should have no word, Alphaks then reminded Morphail he Family: Sir Anton, brother; Lac
success at politics. His chances at using the was bound to serve him as long .as he “lived” Wilhelmine, wife; Lady Juliana, daughte
~ Radiance are thus jeopardized. in Glantri. Allies: Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron <
Politics aNb Rivalnies iN Cjla~tni I
. . __ ..- ,...... . . . ... .... . . .
nwarding Higher Nobility Titles: The
‘common way of obtaining a higher title is
when a noble dies without a wizard heir. In
this case, his family is dispossessed and nobles
,with the next closest title compete to take over
the “vacant” dominion. For example, the
Archduke of Westheath passes on. The Duke
~of Hightower and the Duchess of Fenswick
both compete for the title. If only one gets
sufficient Totes to quallfy for the vacant title,
,either from the Council or.the Parliament, the
title is awarded to the winner. Should both or
neither get the minimum votes, whether at
the Council or at the Parliament. then both
must duel at the Dueling Court-a method of
decision which is most pleasing to the popula-
tion. The winner is awarded both title and
Should Lady Margaret of Hillsbury be the
final winner, she becomes the Archduchess of
Westheath (dropping her former title of
Duchess of Fenswick). She must move to the
new dominion, therefore leaving the Duchy
of Fenswick vacant for other nobles.
Nobles with the next closest title, the Mar-
Oxhill; Lady Rowena Krollnar, Viscountess of Singhabad because Ethengarians were quis, may now compete for the vacant duchy
of Bereen: Jadv Sinaria Verlien. Countess ancestral enemies of the Flaemish at the time (etc.). The process goes on until all vacant
of Hi& Sonde&. the latter colonized +e area. Vanserie believes titles are awarded, usually leaving a barony
Foes: Houses of Sinehabad. Silverston. the an ancestor of Jherek forced the daughter of vacant until a new noble is named.
Clans of Ellerovyn-and Belcadiz. an old Flaemish family to marry him and The award of vacant titles is called the
reveal secrets on the Radiance. They are cam- “Awards Festival:’ It is an entertaining period
Origins: The Vlaardoens are the oldest paigning to have the House of Virayana ban- that draws crowds of visitors. In an attempt to
Flaemish family. Glantri was once the bastion ished to Ethengar and the .ownership of gain more votes, the petitioning nobles usu-
of the Flaemish civilization, but through the Krondahar returned to a Flaemish family. ally spend money and magic in flashy ways in
course of history, their hold over Glantri has order to impress princes and barons alike.
been reduced to one principality. In general, HOU$€of Ritt€nbunc; Some of the most legendary characters of
the Flaemish believe they are the ruling class, Glantrian himoiy have gained a key title. not
since they were the fmt to civilize thii region. The prince in white still stands in the mid- because of the number of their allies or their
Ties to the House of Silverston: The Vlaar- dle of the hall. provoking more uproars reputation as great nobles, but essentially
doens are of Alphatian descent. In another among the nobles. The elf f n d y asks, because of tbe most stunning demonstrations
world, the Flaems were followers of an “But who is this fool?” of new spectacular magic-which all learning
Immortal called Alphaks (see module Ml). “If he is a fool, he is a dangerous one,” mages crave to glimpse. Duels are equally
They were fighting another faction of Alpha- answers Esmeralda. “He is the Prince of spectacular, especially for those who manage
tians, the Followers of Air. Alphaks caused the Aalban. a powerful wizard and a great bat- to buy a seat at the Dueling Court.
downfall of both. Since then, the surviving tldield commander. His strategy is to gain The biggest problem for nobles is moving
Followers of Flame settled in Glantri, while command of the Grand Army and lead a to a new dominion. Guilds of Movers are spe-
the Followers of Air founded the Alphatian crusade against the Khan’s heretics and the cialized in moving wizards, their families,
Empire in the east. Although Alphaks is now Emirates of Ylamam. He is skillfulenough possessions and darkest secrets to anywhere in
their common foe, these two factions are to win, but if he loses, Glantri is doomed. Glantri, for a great sum of gold. Poorer nobles

natc each other.

fierce enemies. Both Houses smeele to elimi- He is a foe of the Ethengarian House of rely on their retainers’ services to move
through the treacherous Glantrian hills. of
Singhabad..Hewill help you if you. as dip-
Ties to the House of korov: The House of lomat of Altheim, support his cause.” course, banditry is common during these
Linden is violenrly opposcd to the Coreviich- moments of confusion.
Woszlanys bccause ofrheir sworn allegiance 10 Ruler: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels Another risk comes with the tower a noble
Alphakr (see above). Siege: Principality of Aalban. at Ritterhurg moves into. It often happens the previous
Tics tn the Elves: Thc Flacmish hold all Alignment: Warmongering Military Techno- occupant was a foe of the tower’s new owner.
elves responsiblc for thc war rhar rcduced the crats Deadly creatures or hidden traps may remain
Flaemish power in Glantii. Voting Power: 16 at the Council, behind; thii isconsideredfair play among the
Ties IO the Hourc of Singhabad: The Houx 32 at the Parliament -1antrian nobles. This is the ultim
of Linden is 50fiercely opporcd 1 0 rhc Khan Le noble is worthy of his newly
~ “ ~ - . ~ ~ * , ~ , ‘ - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~


“$ Politics aNb Rivalnies iN CjlaNtni

... .

..vr-orat ...,
as a practical joke.
.....-,”.,- ... .
Becuming a Ptince: Thc most covctcd goal of
all noblcr is to become a Prince and cain con-

trol over a large territory. The last principality

to be founded began a century ago. The elves
controlled a single large principality, hut
internal rivalries and revolts led to the separa-
tion of the principality into two distinct terri-
tories. The other princes were all too glad to
allow the division of this dominating power.
Thus were created the Principalities of Erewan
and Belcadiz.
Other possibilities are the death of an heir-
less prince or an Act of Enfiefment. To avi
the tint case, princes raise their progeny in I
am of magic. In case of an heirless death, I
current archduke is awarded the principal
His old dominion then becomes-vacant auu
lesser nobles may petition for it.
For an A n of Enfiefment, representatives of
at least 5,000 people living more than 80
miles away from the capital must first request
their enfefment by a noble of their choice.
This enables the Council to create new princes Family: Frau Hildegarde, mother; Frau Ties with Silverston and Sir& These
for economically depressed areas that n Genrud, wife; Frau Helga, sister; Herr two Houses do not recognize the existence of
better administration. New Averoigne is Sigmund, son; Herr Rodrick, son. Rirterburg. because it was created by an alli-
example of an Eniiefment Act in favo Allies: Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adler- ance of Alphatian and Thyatian outcasts. But
Etienne d’hmbrwille. tnrm; Herr Rolf Yon Graustein. Vxount interested parties in the Couocil like the
The Council favors principalities in the F of Blofeld; Lady Mariana Terlagand, Mar- house’sgood military commanders, and en;--
Sahlestone and Bramvra , repions.
” Nobles have chioness of Berrym. having a tough adversary for ,the power
been competing for years in order to gain the Foes: Houses of Sirecchia, Silverston and House of Silverston present.
local noDulation’s SUDDOIL The local chaotic Singhahad. , , ’. .. , .:-*
situatfion has preven&l any success so far. HOUSf Of s i l V € S f O N
Council Charges: Positions such as the Vice- Origins The Yon Drachenfels clan was cre-
royalty of a Fort. the Treasury of the ated hv the union of two rebellious families, Continuing her discussion. Esmerald
Supreme Court of the Council, Gr one Thyauan. the other Alphatian. Violent points to another spokeman. “Watch ou
tery of the School, Chamberlain of family dashes regularly divide Ritterburg. for this one. He is the representative fc
and Chancellery of the Princes are Between quarrels, the voo Drachenfels Prince Volospin Aendyr:’
charges and are awarded only to Princes. became local heroes when they allied their tal- The other elf raises an eyebrow
Competition is fierce to obtain them. Since ents in magic to their skill in combat to defeat “Sounds like m Alphatian name.”
these are not family titles, other princes may fearsome dragons in the Wendarian Ranges. “Bullseye!” answers Esmcralda. “W
compete to gain a new charge, as described for Since then, dragon hunting has become the caught a merchant on his way to Silvei
titles. traditional family business. They are now the ston; he bore interesting papers. The
There are five charges of Viceroy or Vice- main suppliers of spell and alchemy compo- rwealed invisible markings. We haven’
Queen in Glantri, one for each of the five nents from dragon material. yet managed to f i d the key to the code
forts. These charges enable the holder to com- The von Drachenfels are also able a m y but one thing is sure: the Aeodyrs must b
mand the troops in the fort in case of local commanders, appreciated by their officers dealing with Alphatia. Beware of dealin
invasions, raids or revolts. A viceroy is respon- and troops because of their experience in the with them; they arc treacherous.”
sihleforsending patrols up to 48 miles away to field. Jaggar has earned the honorary title of
maintain law and order. A Viceroyalty pays Warden of the Marches, for winning several Ruler: Prince Volospin Aendyi
100 cr per month from the national treasury. decisive victories in the name of Glantri. High Siege: Principality of Blackhill
The Treasurer of the Council’s duty is to morale is common among his soldiers. Alignment: Sneaky Alphatian impe
maintaii a healthy national treasury. This Ties to the House nf Kronclabar: Jaggar is Voting Power: 22 at the Council,
charge enables him to propose new taxes and campaigning at the Council to declare war 41 at the Parliament
enforce them among the population. 1 upon Ethengar, to satisfy his military ambi- Family: Sir Uthar, brother; Lady Serena, wi
Treasurer must also propose a budget for tions and put an end to the eastem peril. This Sir Lathan, son; Lady Thylera, daughte
the other charges at the beginning of has earned him the antipathy of the Prince of Allies: Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess

- - - I
1 Politics aN?J R i v a l n i f s iN G l a ~ t n i

Redstone: Lord Emeth Urbaal. Count of Ruler: PrinceJherek Virayana 1V

Wylon; Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duch- Siege: Principality of Krondahar, Singhabad rer gets 200 CI per month.
ess of Fenswick. Alignment: Lawful Pacifiits of Ethengar The Chamberlain of the Land’s devotion is
Foes: Houses of Sirecchia,Ritterburg, Linden, Voting Power: 25 at the Council, the land, the development and exploitation
and Igorov. 32 at the Parliament all its wealth. the welfare of the population
Family: Lady Lan-Syn, wife; Lady Aleah, w d the construction of roads, bridges, forts
Origins: The Aendyrs came 4 t h the Lady Waira. wife; Sir Ralindi, son; Sir d other vital Structuresfor the nation. Since
Wizard-Prince Halzundrram during the dark Re’ladao, son; Lord Urmahid Krinagar, ation, this has been a traditional charge
years of Glantri. After Halzunthram’s death, -Syn’r brother. : en nobles. The annual pay amounts to
his followers, including the Aendyrs, retreat- . Lord Urmahid Krinagar, Count of r per month.
ed to the area that is now Silverston. ullhorn Pass; and LordJohn Beaumaq;. e Chancellor of the Princes is to speak for
Volospin k, dismdy related to Empress rkroft, Duke of Hightower. e rest of the council when the Princes are
Eriadna of Alpbatia. He keeps in touch in foes:Houses of Linden, Ritterburg. lity is ibe least appreci-
, .
hopes to gain some magical knowledge that because it requires journeys to foreign
would give him an edge over the wizards of Origins: Viray&nas are of Etbengarian ntries, interrupting the wizard‘s magical
Glaniri. Eriadna secretly maintains a perma- descent, but have lived in Krondahar since the dies. On the other hand, he gets to
nent agent in Blackhill. seeking to learn some- d v k years of Glantri. Because they are skillful rase” the various motions during votes at
thing useful about the Radiance. mages, they are tolerated in Glantri. Jhcrck‘s Council which is a critical point consider-
Ties to the House of Simchia: Spies ancestors swore a magical oath that they the way votes function. The pay reaches
pected the relationship of the Aendyrs would never break the Glanuian law against
Alphatia and reported their thoughts ta harboring cleric& sects. The oath extends to he Supreme Judge of the Council is in
Prince of Caurenze. Innocenti, of Thyatian their seventh generation. Its effects are all new laws to the
origins. became Volospin’s most virulent foe. unknown: no Virayvlv broke the oath. Council, and of enforcing them at any level.
The free territory between the two dominions Jherck feels some sympathy for ,.his The Supreme Judge also acts as Constable o
is the site of numerous illegal militaq clashes. Ethengarian compatriots; however, he knows iantti, leaving him in control of all armies
In the same spirit, Volospin is reluctant to let be would be executed by the Great Khan of cd militia stationed in the capital to defend
anyone cross the border to Caurenze. Ethengar if captured. He is considered a trai- e city and maintain law and order. City
Ties to the H o w of Ritterbxug: Volospin tor in Ethengar. Despite this, Jberek main- mps patrol the Isoile and northern Vesubian
does not recognize Ritterburg because their tains contact with his homeland through the lleys up to 48 miles away. The Supreme=
dynasty was founded by the union of Thyatian use .of spies, whom he uses to observe the dge’s pay reaches 180 cr per month.
and Alphatian outcasts. Great Khan’s movements. The Grand Mastery of the School is the!
TiestotheHouse oflinden: Linden was the Ties to the House of Linden: See House of most illustrious charge of all. It allows the:.
first to oppose the Aendyrs’ arrival in Glantri. Linden for details. It is true the first Prince of lsupervisionof all activities at the Great School1
They also happen to be a distant rival faction Virayana married such a Lady, but out of love. \of Magic, and the casting of great spells for the
of Alphatians who once fought the Aendyrs in Jherek‘s position of Supreme Judge of the /benefit of the nation and its citizens. Even
a bloody war. Council has enabled him to easily fend off --ore so than other princes, the Grand Master
Ties to the House nf Igorov: They are these allegations. the fiercest defender of the wizards’ cause.
another foe of Volospin’s because they are Ties to the House of Ritterburg: Jherek dis- administrates all that is related to the edu-
secret followers of Alpbaks, an Immortal likes the yon Drachenfels for their heavy- ion of the people. Because of its endless
being responsible in part for the great war handed attitude an$ blundering foreign e of knowledge, this charge enables the
between the two Alphatian factions. policies. He considers their effoits to start a cr to become the most powerful wizard in!
war against the Great Khan to be insane and antri and perhaps in the world. No salaryi
HOUS€ Of SiNGlJabab hopeless. Jherek knows of Ethengar’s might es with this charge.
and fanaticism and he fears for Glantri. /Political life in Glanm The most popular
“No, my lord! Gondahar does not harbor tivity among nobles seems to be the almost
heretics! You should know the Khan bas Housf of Sh€cclJia :petual campaigning to gain one favor or
put a bounty on Prince Virayanas head- ruother.It is the essence of the internal politi-
bow could this be a gesture of friendship?” lcal activity within a society that is notoriously
says a spokesman with Ethengarian looks. “The man sitting next to the spokesman of k o r ~ p t .If gold opens a few doors, magic
“He has a point:’ mumbles the elf. Krondahar is the representative of Sirec- ,ens even more.. .
“But I do see a man of the steppes here!” chia. The di Malapietm are ancestral ene- Fortunately, a large majority of these nobles
“He does have Ethengarian blood, but mies of the Aendyrs, for good reason: they ;use the services of representatives for all voting
he was probably born in Krondahar, a are of Thyatian descent!’ ibusiness. The administration of their fief is
The other notes, “It is surprising neither , .
dominion of Etbeogarian outcasts who nilarly left to a valuable seneschal or a ttust-
became wizards. As bard as it is to believe, of these nvo Houses called upon the help mhy relative. This allows the nobles to;
they have been faithful to Glantri, so far. of their parent countries!” end their “free” time at personally ncgoti-i
The Virayanas keep a low djplomatic pro- “You are right:’ says Esmeralda, “but it ing with other nobles, plotting obscure
file. so don’t count on them for help.” oves, researching new spells, or secretly,
ckiiig arranc knowledge and rarc ingrcd-;
’ ~ Ui&
Politics a N 0 R i v a l n i f s iN GlaNhti
~ ~~ .~.. ~ .~
.... ~ . ”
Adventuring is ni )mmon am0 House of S y l a i ~ e
nobility, either in hopes of securing a new to remain independent and use their back-
ers to gain influence at the Council. Avoid (LaMaisoN bf S y I a i R e )
magical power, or as frivolous leisure. Wizard.
princes often organize gorgeous balls and ban. them, they are Sylaire’s foes. You’ll do het-
quets in their estates in the capital city. The great hall suddenly becomes quiet as
Business is discreetly conducted there. These the main doors open. A lonely figure
receptions are a most efficient way of meeting Ruler: Prince Innocenti di Malapietra enters and, without a word, sits down on
key charaxters. and certainly entertaining. Siege: Principality of Caurenze, at Sirecchia one of the velvet sears reserved for ruling
Alignment: Poisonous Thyatian Machi&elli- princes. With a gesture. he waves the
Vote Sessions: Each Prince has a spe- anS “debate” to go on. As suddenly as they
ude toward the other members of the Voting Power: 16 at the Council, stopped, the roan of anger again shake the
and lesser nobles. Nobles are usually 35 at the Parliament great hall.
in large factions, called “Houses” or Family: Signor Giovanni, brother; Signora ”Well, well. This is our day of luck!”
ans,” simplifying voting procedures at the Letizia, wife; Signorina Lucrecia, sister: giggles Esmeralda. “The Grand Master
liament. There is one House per Wizard- Signor Agostino. brother; Signor Bartolo. himself!” Then, tuming to the bearded
ince. For example, all the nobles allied to meo, son; Signorina Fiora. daughter. elf: “This is one you want to have on your
e Prince of Klantyre, and his family, form Allies: Signor Grise0 Fnlvina, Viscount of side. He happened to recently ruffle the
e House of Crownguard (from the name nf Verazzano, and Signor Antonio di ’hento, Bekadizan pride-music to our ears! He is
e Prince’stower). Thus, there are ten pani Viscount of Canelbianco; and Lord H d d the most powedul wizard of Glantri but
of Haaskinz, Archduke of West- has many enemies. Apparently, he has had
The Houses ire either in favor of a request, heath. clashes with Igorov and Sirecchia for rea-
‘nst it, or neutral. In the latter case, Foes: Houses of Silverston. Ritterbuig and sons I do not know. He is neutral to the
uses abstain from voting, which speeds up Sylaire. cause of elves in general. I think he can be
he vote count. Only interested factions vote trusted to a certain extent:’
Origins: The di Malapietras were agents of
g powers, allies, families Thyatis scouting the area for coloniiation. Ruler: Prince Etienne d’Ambreville
of each House are detailed This never occurred. and the di Malapiewas Siege: Principality of New Averoigne, Sylaire
trigue.~When running voting decided to settle down. Poison is the family’s Alignment: Mutant Werewolves of Averoigne
all the nobles are present or specialty. They are notorious paranoids. Their Voting Power: 25 at the Council,
e a representative in order to use the sug- history shows that the more paranoid a ruling 45 at the Parliament
prince is, the longer he will live. Family: Dame Camille, mother; Dame
AUegiances: The loyalty of nobles to A secret representative of Thyatis came over Catherine. wife; Sire Jean-Louis, son; Sire
se or another is not always perma- recently to rekindle relations with the agents’ Claude, son; Sire Richard. brother; Dame
mces try their best to retain their vas- descendents. Inoocenti’s intentions are Isidore, Richards wife; Andre-David. Isi-
oyalty, either through negotiation or explained in the boxed text above; he did not dore’s brother; Magdalene, sister; Sire
midation. When a noble gains a new title, send any valuable information ‘on Gkantri’s Charles, brother: Dame Isabelle, Charles’
new dominion may be closer to another magical secrets, on the grounds that mere sol- wife; Sire Simon, brother; Sire Henri,
rincipality. The noble may switch allegiances diers cannot understand, the subtleties of brother; Sire Gaston, cousin; Sire Guil-
e closer prince for security reasons. In this mages such as himself.. . laume, cousin: DameJanette, Gnillaume’s
the former liege becomes a long lasting Ties to the House of Silverston: See House wife; Dame Marie-Helene, Camille’s sis-
f the disloyal noble. Thus, the higher the of Silventon for details. Innwcentisuspectsthe ter. mother of Gaston and Guillaume (see
the more foes a noble is likely to have, Aendyr Princes of maintaining secret relations module X2 for more detail).
ecause of the number of times he switched with Alphatia, though he is cannot prove it. Allies: Sire Malacbie du Marais. Baron de
Ties to the House of Ritterburg: See House Morlay; Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de
Some few nobles never willingly abandon of Ritterburg for details. Jaggar’s scheme to Fausseflammes; Dame Diane de
theu original House or Clan because of com- start a war against the Khan is a direct threat Moriamis, Vicomtesse de Malinhois;
mon origins, racial similarity or strong magical to the Glantrian security. He knows Thyatis Dame Genevievede Sephora, Comtesse de
bounds. The best examples are the Houses of would probably intervene. Touraine.
Igorov, Sylaire, the Clans of Ellerovyn and Ties to the House of Sylaire: Disliking Foes: Houses of Crownguard, Igorov. Sirei
Alhambra. The barons of the House of Igorov Sylaire’s rising power, Innocentimanaged to chia, and Clan of Alhambra.
always ignore chances to gain a higher title convince the Council that Etienne d’Am-
because it would force them to move else- breville should not acquire both the charges of Ongins: The d’Ambrevilles came from
where. Journeys inside a coffin are risky, even Grand Master of the School and Vicer8y of parallel. world similar to medieval France
for vampires. Ylourgne. Innocenti eamed the viceroyalty of where sorcery was forbidden and mage
Ylourgne, wbicb earned him the enmity ,of burned at the stake. The d’Ambrevilles lef
r 0 R f i G N POIiCiW O f the COUNCil the House of Sylaire. Innocenti also sectetly through a magical gate and settled in Glantri
plots to have Etienne replaced as head of the During the darker years of Glantriao histo
Darokin: The most important and vital politi- school. on the grounds that he is now too old ry, the d’Ambrevilles and their estate disap-
cal partner of Glantri is the Republic of Daro- for the job. peared without a trace, only to reappear yeas
‘&in.essentially because the latter controls th, later. as if n d i n g ’ h a d happened. In the
. .
P o l i t i c s aNb R i v a l n i f s iN GlaNtni


meantime, several of his family members dal: “Had mon cher Hippolito been m o r ravan routes leading to Glantri. Glan... .I
betrayed Etienne io hopes of becoming the careful with his fiancee, zis would nor ham rather secluded area, locked between hi
head of the household. Fortunately, a band of happened!” nountains and desert barrens. Little t
adventurers intervened (see module X2) and :comes from the east, and Glantri is paranoid
saved Etienne from oblivion. Etieone’s rela- CIaN Of AIOaMbIla: .about the intentions of the Ethengarian
tives died; in his great generosity, Etienne !Khan.
wished his relatives back to life. He wisely A small, dark-skinned elf stands up from In exchange for a fair trade policy fro=
forced upon them a powerful magical oath to the crowd. “Ha! Now you show up! per. .Darokin, Glantri often offers magical help
ensure they would not act against him again. haps are you afraid to measute yourself and advice, and the exclusivity of their com-
These eccentric relatives never again betrayed against me!” mercial exportation. Both seem satisfied with
him,not knowing what kind of horrible fate The elf waves his rapier under Etienne the agreement. The only friction between
the oath would bring upon them. The whim- d’Ambteville’snose, “Yes! I, Hippolit0 de these two nations has to do with their borders

sical d’Ambrevilles now spend a great deal of Belcadiz, challenge you to a duel. Since ‘along the Silver Sierras. These mountains are
their time embarrassing other nobles. your cowardly brother dares not to defend known for their wealth of minerals and both
In the yean following their return to Glan- himself, then you shall speak for Sylaire!” states are still dixussing the “official” fron-
tri, the d’Ambrevilles managed to assist the Etieooe, calmly sitting, moves his finger tiers in that area.
passage of other spell-casters from their world twice and uttets a short command. The
to this. These people are now nobles faithful southern elf then disaDDears io a ~ u f off Etbeny &Y l a ~ a m (see modules B4,X3),
to Sylaire; they, with many of their servants
and retainers, now form a fair portion of New
smoke, As ifoothing happened, &crowd I Ethengar always represents a risk of invasio’
of nobles goes on bickering and arguing. and raids. Fortunately, the dry, steep hills
Averoigne’s population. Most speak both “Who was this peacock?” asks the elf. , the foot of the Colossus Mounts arc a maj
Common Glantrian and French. They were Esmeralda smiles. “Princess Carnelia’s obstacle for the mounted men of the steppe
quick to call their new domain “La Nouvelle brother. Only fools challenge Etienne! The Ethengarian faith in deities, whet
Averoigne,” and rule it the more to resemble Hippolito occasionally represents Belcadiz good 01 bad. is known to be vivid, and i
their homeland. Alas, they brought with at the Parliament. He is a direct enemy of perceived as a threat to a nation of wiz
them the curse of lycanthropy, spreading it ours. Belcadiz has not forgotten the sepa- Even more so. the princes des
through New Averoigne’s hills. ration of the elves. Needless to add, they fanatic faith of the Emirates of
Ties to the house of Klantyre: See House of are opposed to Sylaire.” G A D for details) and the inso
Klantyre fordetails. The d’Ambrevillesaccuse treat wizards. The heresy of th
the McGregots of losing one of their gates Ruler: Princess Carnelia de Fedorias y Belcadiz is a constant risk to the mages’
through negligence. Siege: Principality of Belcadiz. at Alhambra tri.
Ties to the House nf Sirecchia: See House of Alignment: Proud Elven Swashbucklers The Ethengat Khanate and YlaNam broke
Sirecchiafor details. Etieme is aware of Inno- Voting Power: 18 at the Council, all ties with Glantri since the day the wizards
centi’s plot to have hs illustrious charge taken 29 at the Parliament decided to outlaw all Ethengarian and Ylari
from him. In response, he has sectetly Family: Leontina, mother; Don Hippolito, immigration into Glantri. Constables
“exported” healthy werewolves to Caurenze. brother; Dona Carmina, Hippolito’s eastem borders and within the land ar
Ties to the House of Igornv: See House of fiance; Dona Blanca, Carmina’s win sis- on the lookout for squint-eyed,
Igorov for details. The Boldavian barons are ter; Don Alejandro, Blanca’s husband; skinned humans. Ethengarians and
secret followers of Alphaks, an immortal Victoria, Leontina’s aunt and mother of covered past the border without a leg
opponent to Eticnne. He suspects Alphaks is Blanca and Carmina; Don Diego, brother; are immediately expelled. Those
responsible for corrupting the Radiance. Don Ricardo, brother; Don Miguelito, beyond the Colossus Mounts usually
Ties to the Clan of Alhamhra: During a son; Don Sancho, son; Dona Maria, in the darkest dungeons of the capital,
recent visit of courtesy in Belcadiz, the eccen- daughter; Don Carlo, Maria’s husband; never to be seen again.
tric Sire Henri, Etienne’s younger brother, Dona Yolanda, Leontina’s sister. wife of An exception to this policy is the Princ
had the audacity to romance a pretty elven Fernando; Don Fernando de Casanegra, Krondahar, who is a distant Ethen
lady he knew as Dona Blanca. In fact, it was uncle. descent. He and his family are unpopu
Blanca’s twin sister, Dona C&a, the fian- Allies: Dona Isabella de Montebello, Barone- ures out of their principality, but sinc
cee of Princess Camelia’s brother. Carmina sa del Egorn; Don Fernando de Casanegra, ‘are all mages, the Council tolerates
was pretending to be her twin sister to avoid Marques de Satolas. .They are often and unduly blamed for
her fiance’s suspicion, but Don Hippolito Foes: Clan of Ellerovyn, House of Sylaire. country’s various ills.
soon discovered the details of the affair. He
issued a challenge to Sire Henri, who respond- ALmeim: They are another political pan
Origins: “La Princesa” rules over the south- of Glantri. The elves sympathize with
ed by mocking the elven lord’s small size. Sire ern elves. They came from a far land, beyond jwizard-princes’ philosophy, essentia
Henri then tan off with his lover and both set- the seas of Thanegioth. They are similar to the ’‘ ecause of their interest in magic. Trade
tled in Glantri City, enjoying a rather extrava- elves of Alfneim. although their skin is darker
gant and decadent life. Don Hippolito and iagical knowledge occasionally occur
and their hair is b l d and wavy. They dress ”etween the Council and Alfheim. There
Princess Caroelin feel their entire clan has and act in the fashion of 17th-centurySpanish however. a dissent among some of the wizard
been insulted by the House of Sylaire. Etienne nobles. Vain and arrogant, their honor is a out, Alfhe;;h.influ
to treat ;his affair as a frivolous farce touchy subject.
as not paid much attention to the scan-
Politics aNb R i v a l n i f s iN GlaNtr

politics. Alfheim cy -...,

supports thc
Erendyl, of Alfheim descent, against the
.,._. standards. This, and their hot temper, tend to
provoke sarcasm from taller nobles. This is a An elven spokesman replies, “I protest!
Elven Clan of Fedorias y Belcadiz. The Prim reason why challenges are so frequent within This is a trick! May he with such poor taste
cess of Belcadiz claims Alfheim is meddling and without their principality. undo this ridiculous spell.”
with Glantrian internal affairs. Otherwise, the Ties to the house of Sylaire: See House of At these words, Esmeralda p o i n ~at the
realms are friend1 Sylaire for details. Don Hippolito thinks that speaker. “Oh, yes. And he’s my spokesman.
Sire Henri is a werewolf and that he gave his As you can see, this session was especially
Rockhome: Re1 disease to Carmina; but he has no proof. The futile. It will take a bold attack from the
Rockhome are the worst possible. Since the situation worsens because the eccentric duo Khan to unite these wiratds. It is unlikely to
gold rush incident of 926 AC, when the provokes gossip with their conspicuous antics happen. Jaggar will not have his war:’
dwarves where accused of bringing the pest to in Glantri City.
the realm and hunted down without mercy, Ties to the Clan of Ellerovyn: There used to Ruler: Princess Carlotina Erewan
the clans of Rockhome always had a grudge he one large, powerful elven clan under the Siege: Principality of Erewan, at Eller
against Glantri. Glantri did not bother control of Belcadiz. A fair portion of these Alignment: Tree-Loving Elven Ecolog
improving its relations with Rockhome since it elves were immigrancs from Alfheim, and Voting Power: 21 at the Council,
is a popular belief that dwarves have an they resented being ruled by such a different 32 at the Parliament
unpleasant tendency to resist magic. The rare clan. After violent clashes, Belcadiz was Family: Lady Ekesea, mother; Lady Noreli:
dwarves daring enough to pay a visit to Glan- divided into two separate states. Belcadiz has Eleesea’s sister: Lady Bethys, Eleesca’s so
tri may very well end up in the Great Schoolof never accepted this resolution of the Council ond sister; Sir Qenildor. son: Sir The1
Magic and some of its obscure laboratories... and considersthe elves of Erewan to he traitors d a h , son; Lady Cmeralda, Thendain
For the same reasons, the Five Shires show a to their monarch. wife; Sir Unedyrin, Thendain’s son.
great deal of antipathy to Glanui. The Clan of Alhambra was given the Vice- Allies: -Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount <
royalty of Fort Monteleone. Although Carne- Nathrat, and Lady Aliana Nyravie
Bordering Natinns: To the north of Glanu., lia holds the charge, she appointed her Countesse of Soth-Kabree.
on the other side of the Wendarian ranges lies brother, Don Hippolito, as legal Castellan. Foes: Clan of Alhambra, House of Linden.
a realm N k d by an elven monarch (see mod- Hippolito hampers the commercial trade
ule X11). Relations are sound. but the Wet across the Red River, imposing a “protection Origins: The elves of Erewan are fro,
darian Mountains prevent any relevant trad< tax” for crossing the river. Elven merchants of Alfheim. These elves have parted from Belc;
The western borders of Glantri open on fair complexion are the ones who pay the tax diz and formed their own principality undt
huge desertic area scarcely populated by uibi the most often, which outrages both Altheim the Clan of Ellerovyn.
Df nomads. Absolutely no relation exists wit and the House of Ellerovyn. So far, the Coun- At the time of their separation from th
this undesirable population (see modules Xi cil tolerates this policy because the money is House of Alhambra, Princess Carlotin
X5 and X10). As for the humanoid tribes < spent for the maintenance of the road to the became Chamberlain of the Land. She h;
the Broken Lands, many of their raiding par- capital and Fort Monteleone. shown suitable profiency in that functior
ties and foul monsters have been massacred During a “tax collection,” Don Hippolito however, the most controversial policy far ht
when intercepted in time. This border is heav- discovered magical tomes revealing clues on ministry has been a very strong program t
ily patrolled and guarded by both men and the Radiance. The tomes came from Erewan, grow forests in the Red River valley. Othc
magic. and were being sent to Alfheim; exporting wizard princes have complained at the Cour
such secres to foreign powers could be consid- cil that this only benefits elves of a certai
General Policies: T t ~~ ~ L t u dofe th. ered treachery. T h e Castellan seized the books kind and certainly not the whole Glantria
ard-princes toward other nations than as evidence, but did not report to Carnelia. community. Her answer is that their prograr
e mentioned above is rather neutral. The He kept them secret and hid them at Monte- boosts the timber industry, and that elves ar

constantly worries about the distant leone. Don Hippolito hopes to learn vital naturally best suited for that task.
of Alphatia, Nmored to be utterly clues on the Radiance that will earn him the Ties to the House of Linden: The Clan c
1 in the craft of magic-use (see mod- title of Ruling Prince of Belcadiz. Ellerovyn claims that their ancestors were th
and M2). This is a great concern, as first to colonize this area, and thus, it shoub
for their supremacy over the rest d ClaN of Ellftlovp~ he part of Alfheim. However, the rest of th
population and nobility is not of the sam
A good dozen nobles are now in the mid- opinion. The old Flacmish families, in panic
dle of the hall, still arguing about the ular the House of Linden, claim they were th
Khan’s fate, when someone stands up first worthy civilization here and that the
IS at using rapiers. from the crowd: “Look! The Chancellor!” should rule instead.
The hall suddenly falls quiet as the Ties to the Wan of Alhambra: See Clan o
ies, Carnelia being nobles see the Chancellor desperately Alhambra for details. Some of the “cultura
cadizan nobles are hammering, but making no noise! The exchanges” between Alfheim and Erewan 01
prince in white raises his hands: “Treach- the Radiance were requisitioned by Hippolit,
ery! Someone cast a clerical silence on our de Belcadiz. But apparently, and for reason
hts to the death. Chancellor! Look, heresy is already among unknown to the Princess, the House o
In general, the males of the House of us, in our own Parliament! Let us march Alhambra has not yet mentioned the event t<
lhambra are rather small even by elven against the Khan without delay!” the Council.
1 Ma~auWrts,M a ~ e as ~ Masterts
The characters and the f
A e
s described be- Lawful-Rad, the Empyreal of Energy; or
low are for the DMS eyes only. The PCs should M35,St9, In 18,Wi 16,Dx 13,Cn 12,Ch ii,
meet thesc chvactets and discover infoma- AI. Lawful. in his human form)
tion about them during the course of adven- “kPrince-Magicien” is the ruler of New
turing and role-play. Averoigne, Grand Mastcr of the School ud
The most important characters have some Viscount of Sylaire. What no one knows is
oftheirstatistics given. Ifmore detail bccomes that he is an Empyreal from thc Sphcre of En-
necessary, the DM should add the extra infor- ergy When dealing with m o d , he looks like
mation as the situation dcmands. Bclow, a gruff.rdusivc, ancient man.
class. level and alignments are given as fol-

F = Fighter M = Magic-User
T = Thief E = Elf
C = Cleric AL = Alignment
St = Strength In = Intelligence
Wi = Wisdom Dx = Dexterity
Co = ~ n s t i t u t i o n Ch = Charisma

Glanuian Vampires: Co-existing with vam-

pires in Glantri are the nosferatu, a similar from twelve lashes to forced feebleminded-
form of undead (see the “Critters of the Caul- n e s for up to four weeks. He maintains his
dron” section). All Glantrian vampires and youth and that of his close relatives with
nosferatu have the full range of character abil- s a g e Alphatian magic that requim the
ities; use these whenever they exceed the un- heart of a wolf every full mwu, though it is
dead’s (levels, hit points, spell-casting saidthathumanhevfsareresomctimesused. In
ese NPCs otherwise have all ~ealiry,he is in his seventies.
the vampire or nasferatu. He is trying very hard to get rid of his charge
Wipanls’ Spccillirations: Several NPCs be- so as to avoid lengthy trips to foreign lands.
low are described as belonging to a “circle:’ or He has not mastered the Radiance but knows It is next to impossible to m m him in puson;
as High Masters of an order. Thcse are de- about its existence. He seeks to secretly ab- however, hc may show up at emlxmaskg nm.
scribed in the “Seven Secret C& of Glantri“ duct, interrogate. and dispse of those who mens when an impotrant chaticter is plotting
section. know more about the Radiance. He will not lgainsr him. Pretending arcane sccrcs
hesitate to eliminate disloyal nobles or family in his impmcuabIe qvdlrus at the Gmat school
Acndyr, Sir Uthar: (F9, St 17,In 11, Wi members in his House. He also is thc High of Magic, he actually spnds mcs of his rime
Dx 14,Cn 16, Ch 8,AL Chaotic) Master of the Air Elementalists (see “Thc dealing with all rela+ to the Radiana and the
He is Prince Volospin’s despised older Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri” for details). caw ofmagic in Glant~i.He is the sccm lndcr
brother, an uneducated brute unable to un- ofthe Brothehwd of& Radiance (sc“Guilds
demand the a~ of magic. He is also Constable The Aendyr F d y : The .Aendyr family is and B m t h e r h d ) . His secrct name that is
of Volnay. He spends much time seeking out held together by the strong will of the Prince. Rad. He has no compassionfor those who b r u t
merchants crossing the border to the west. His wife. Sereua (M10,C, Air Elementalist of the law of the Broth-, but is othemk a
Those caught are fmed 500 dc or kept in jail the 3rd W e ) , spends most of her timc vot- kind and impartizl bcing apablc of genausiy
for a month. He enjoys using inmates for tar- ing at Parliament. Shc is most likely ,to suc- and fairness.
get practice; he is notoriously clumsy. Uthar is ceed her husband, and is as cruel as he is in her
afat red-faced man, with long, grey hair and a methods. She is very similar in appearance to d’Ambrrrille,Sire Henri: (M12, St 14, In
scar on the right cheek. the Prince, but has deep purpk eyes. She ap- 16,Wi 10,Dx 14, Cn 13,Ch 17,AL Chaotic)
pears to be in her twenties. The daughtcr; a 6- Sire Hemi is one of EcieMe’s brothers. and
Aendyr, prince Volospin: (M22, St 12, In yeu old named Thylek (M4, C), is the banc is s t i l l his most trcachemus enemy. He spends
17, Wi 15. Dx 14, Co 12. Ch 16, AL ofCasdeSilverston,wheresheenjQyspractic- mostofhistimeatthed‘~breviues’manor
Chaotic-Count of Silverston) ing her magic lessons 011 the prince’s guests or in the capital. Hc is a boisterous. colorful, and
He is fhe ruler of Blackhill and Chancellor retainers. Her brother, Lathan, is 12 years old mischievous character, and spends scandalous
of the Prhces. He is a tall. insensitive, hand- (M5,C), and resides at the Great School of amountsofmoncy upon his concubine, Dona
some, youthful man. As all pure Alphadaos, Magic to study ancient crafts. He loves walk- Carmina de Bel&, the former fmcec of
his skin is pale, with faint blue dots; he weam ing around with his pet, avicious, slimy grem- Don Hippolito de Belcadiz.
his jct-hla& hair neatly ticd in the back. He lin familiar. The little creep gained the He has slyly convinced Dame Marie-Helcne
dresses like a dandy and is very strict about familiar after dark conjurations that involved (see bdow), his aunt, to attempt a coup
manners and etiquette in the presence of no- a pint of his own blwd. against Etienne, to see what the cffccu of
bles. Euenne’s g m are. Not knowing his brothcr’s
Ignoring proper etiquette at his castle can d ’ h b d e , Prince Euenne: (HD36, St true naturc. he hopcs to be able to counter the
be a serious offense, with penalties ranging 59. AL
2 5 , In 72. Wi 65. Dx 35, Co 47, Ch
&ect of the gem once he sees its result on
Dame Marie-Helene.
brother, Father simnn (C35, C), has been
The d ’ h b r e d l e Family: Thls is the larg- banished from New Averoigne. Eeuing for his
est princely family. Most of these people died safety, he became a hermit
decades ago when they attempted to over- lan Alps. Dame Marie-He
throw Eucnne; the powerful pnmce wished mother of Gaston and Guillaume.
them back and now keeps them more or lea in ter of Candle. She thinks she &
line with a powerful geas. Many of these against Etienne’sgeasand plots to
nobles live at Chateau Sylane in New Ave- her nephew and gain the titlefor he
roigne; others keep lavish manors in various lanme. She seeks adventurers to w s i n a t e
p m of the country and at the capital. The Etienne.
d‘hhrevilles are all absolutchy eccentric (see
module XZ, Castle Amber, for mare details), Beaumarys-bfwrkrofi,LordJohn: (Mlb. St
The oldest ofrhem is well over ahundrcd, the 13, In 16, Wi 14, Dx 10, Cn 12, Cb 12. AL
youngest around thirty. There am nachildren Chaotic-Duke of Hightower)
in thrs family. LardJohn IS an ally of the House of Siagha-
The ageless mother, DameCamille (MU, bad bciaurc thc Virayarm arc the only f a d y
N) is rather senile and miscasts her spells he has not ycr betrayed in his poliucal dimb.
(80% chance) causing the most unexpected Hc ts a distant cousin of Lord Mootkmff
and bizarre things to happen nstead. Elvenbanc (see module CM7). Hc IS a staunch
Etienne’s wife, the venerable but y o i d opponent of the elves, bur usually pretends tq
Dame C a t k i n e (M13, C), left Glanui to bc heir friend; when given a chancc, thougb,
hold the charge of Amhassador to Thyatis. he will ancmpt to in elvcn plans without
SireJean- Louis. Btienne’s olslcr son (FlZ, C). drawing suspicion. Lord John IS a skinny.
is “Monsieur IC Constable de krigon.” This weasclly typc. a nervous man who always fcclr
ffi-year-old4oves organizing boxing touma- someone is w a u h q or listening.
menu. The young= Sire Claude (F10, N),
Euenne’s secondson, disappeared some time de Bdadiz y Pcdoriu, Dona Camclia:
ago (he has become a vampire under lady (E10,S t 8 , In 17, WI 15, Dx l 6 . h 11.Ch 13,
Eryana Gorevitch-Woszlany’s control). He AL Neutral-“Marqucra del Alhambra”)
now hides at the Tower of Igorov in Boldavia. Princess C,arndia NICS klcadiz and holds
Euennc’s brother, Sire %chard+(FlO, c), the charge of Vice-Queen of Monrclconc, but
and his w&, Dame Isidore (M11, C), are 10 has transferred the charge IO hcr older brother.
charge of hunting down cases of lycanthropy Don Hippdito. Wbcn her father d i d ! h y uation he cannot handle le
in New Averoigne, although they are suspect- husband was our adventuring io the moun;
ed of actually spreading the disease. Sire rains. Hc ncvcr renun&. &qYthcn,sht has
Andre-David (F9, C), Isidore’s brother, remained the rulcr of the Clan.
spends most of hi8 time f i n g the blunders of
those two. Etienne’s sister. Dame Magdalene
(F8. C), is secretly a werewolf and she con-
stantly tries to seduce Andre-David away for a
moonhght serenade. She can be recognized by
the white streak in her hair in both human
and werewolf form. She hates Charles for
burying her, thioking she was d 4 , when she
was in a cataleptic m c e . Euenne’s second
brother, Sire Charles (M9, C), and his‘wift,
Dame Isabelle (MlZ. C, Alchemist of the 3rd
circle). remain at Parliament, handling the
prince’s paperwork. Charles is a reclusive man
who hates noise. Dame Isabelle is the secret
lover of Don Diego de BeJcadiz (whom she
charmed some time GO).
Etienne’s cousin, Sire Gastm (M9, N), is
the Constable of Vyonnes, but once in a wide
he loses his memory and forgets who he IS.
Etiennc’s second cousin, Sire Gai‘11aume
(M10, C, alchemist of the 3rd circle), and his She is as a small but proud young clvcn lady
wife, Dame Janette (M9.C), are the C u l d of 180 springs, Her long, black. curly hair cas-

~ Manaubens, MaGfS a m Mast€ns

princely family, after the d’Amhrevilles. Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 11, Ch 11, ALChaotic) help kill lawful creatures. and the only pa!
Dona Leontina. the mother (E6, L), has Jakar is a shady alchemist from the Corpo- ment he takes is the creatures’ heads. C
retired to a wizards’ convent since’her hus- ration of Alchemists (see “Guilds and Broth- course, these heads can he found some tin
band passed away, several yeats ago. Don erhoods”). as well as an Akhemist of the 3rd later io Jaggar’s monster gallery, at Castle Ri
Miguelito(E3, N) is Carnelia’s fmt son, srudy- circle. Although he performs his crafts with a terburg. Jaggar is the High Master of Dmoh
ing at the Great School of Magic. He is afflict- legal license, he has a tendency to dupe his gy (star dragon).
ed of a sad curse that prevents him from customen by selling faulty concoctions. He Jaggar often wears high cavalry hoots and
growing normally, keeping him 4 feet high. also works closely with the People’s Spell- white uniform covered with medals an
Don Sancho (El, C) is a 10-year-old brat. Casters Company and the Guild of Thugs, stripes (most of which arc magical trinkets <
Dona Maria (E2, L), the young princess’ whom he provides with various (quite effi- various effects). Some of them have a tender
daughter, recently married Don Carlo and cient) poisons. cy to fall off when he sneezes. He has a strang
lives in New Alvar. Don Carlo (E6, N) is the magical item that dates back from the Blacl
constable of the city and the secret leader of Datdrenka, lady Natacha:’(MlZ, St 18, In moorera(rcemoddeDA3. CityofrheGods
F.A.E.R.Y. (see “Guilds and Brotherhoods” 14, Wi 9, Dx 14, Co 16, Ch 7, AL Chaotic- It is an Lshaped piece of blue metal that cas
for more detail). Baroness of Pavlova) lightning bolrsfor 20d6 points of damage. H
Don Ricardo (E7, N) is the princess’ youn- She is one of the nosferatu pawns under carries the item at his belt and claims
ger brother. He is a fan of hulllighting and can Prince Morphail’s control. This ugly red- belonged,30 a Blackmoociao .ancestor (I
often be found in the arena himself. Dona haired creature used to he a champion pugilist charges left).
Yolanda (EI, N. Witch of the 1st circle) is the which earned her the Barony of Pavlova)
princess’ aunt and the sister of DOM Leon- before embracing her undead destiny; these The von Dnchenfels Family: This famil
tina. She Eves at the Tower of Satolas with her days, she still challenges her toughest-lookin has always been plagued by its divided origir
husband, Don Fernando de Casanegra, “El guest to a bout offisticuffs. (Unfortunately, i Two fleeing clans of Alphatiam and T h y a h
Marques de Satolas.” the clinch, the dear lady tends to try a quic, allied and formed the House of Ritterburg t
Dona Blanca (E3, C) spends her time at bite-highly irregular.) avoid defeat from rivals. However, the tw
Castle Alhamhra, and sometimes secretly factions never got along. Frau Hildegard
trades places with her twin sister, Dona Car- vonDdenfds, PrinzJaggar: (M30. St 16, (El>,N, Earth Elemenulisr of the 5th circle
mina, to get away from her boring husband. In 16, Wi 15. Dx 13, Co 16, Ch 15. AL Jaggar’s 65-year-old mother, is of Thyatia
This husband, Don Alejandro (E8, L), is the Lawful-Count of Ritterburg) descent, and tries her best to isolate Fra
clan’s sage; he hasn’t noticed his wife’s game. He is the ruler of Aalhan, the best Glan- G e m d (Ml2, C. Air Elementalist of the 20
Victoria (E9. L, witch of the 2nd circle)iS the trian commander 00 a battlefield as well as a circle), his wife. Frau Gertrud, of Alphatia
clan’s oldest member, and is Dona Leontina’s crafty spell-caster. Io times ofpeace, he spends descent, often threatens to leave her hushan
aunt and the Treekeeper. She is the mother of most of his time trying to prevent family quar- if his mother does not end up in a wizard:
Blanca and C d a . rels that plague his house convent soon. G e m d was secretly offere
asylum by Lady Serena Aeodyr. Frau Gem
Budulug, MekiterRannigar: (M18, St 12, In is also the secret leader of the Free Anachrom
17, Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 10, Ch 17, AL Society of Aalhan (see “Guilds and Brothel
Chaotic-Guildmaster of Spokesmen) hwds”).
Rannigar managed to take over the Guild Fraulein Helgar (MS. N, Dracologist of th
of Spokesmen (see “Guilds and Brother- 2nd circle-white dragon). the prince’s siste
hoods”) after abducting the previous guild- respects her mother’s position hut is also
master, magically erasing his memory of the close friend of Frau G e m d , so she mediatc
deed, and forging the succession papers. He between the two. Herr Sigmund (M8, N)
then “hired” his victim to represent him. the prince’s older son and the family’s eccer
Ranningar is a skillful extortionist but he will tric inventor. He spends .his time creatin
not endanger the reputation of the guild to incredible machines that ofteo go haywin
satisfy his greed. wreaking havok in the castle. Herr Roderic
(TI, C), the prince’s younger (teenaged) so1
deCaFanegra,DonFernando:(E9, St 11.10 has none of his parents’ magical ab
18, Wi 17, Dx 11, Co 9, Ch 14, ALLawful- Despite intense training from his mothe
“Marques de Satolas”) Roderick’hasnever been able to cast spells. C
He has begun to master the Secret of Radi- course, ‘Frau Hildegarde blames this o
ance, and is now a member of its Brother- Gerttud.
hood. He will never reveal his craft, especially Many other relatives of Thyatian or Alph;
to Don Hippolito de Belcadiz, whom he con- He commonly hires adventurers to see tian descent reside in Leenz and Graez. gel
siders a fraud. He respects the princess of the numerous monsters that dwell ir ting along similarly well.
Belcadiz and will use his craft to help the clan. mountains bordering his principality. Or
After two ceoturies of life in this cruel world, a while, seeking excitement, he will take 00 a Erewan,Princess CarIorina: (E10, St 13, I
Don Fernando has white hair, and many wrin- second identity, that of dragon-hunter Herr 17,Wi16,Dx14,Coll,Ch17,ALLawful-
kles on his face. Urkvarth of Graez, and join a party of adven- Marchioness of Ellerovyn)
Manauwns. Mac;es aNb Mastens

Lady Carlotina is the ruling princess of Ere- never fight openly, although from time to uses them as poliocal and military tools.
wan, and Chamberlain of the Land. She time some may resent Lady Carlotina’s deci- Morphail plans to have these barons increase
became princess of the clan when her husband sions. The mother, Lady Eleesea (E10. N), is theu lands and then abdicate in his favor.
died in battle against raiders from the Broken the Treekeeper of the Clan and the only clan Boldavia will then cover the whole northeast-
Lands. member to actually influence the princess; ern area of Glantri, making him the most
Lady Norelia and Bethys (E10. N), the powerful prince. Naturally, he is the High
Tteekeeper’s sisters, are the clan’s oracles. AU Master of Necromancers.
three are famousseers among the elves (as well Prince Morphail appcars as a civihzed and
as Cryptomancen of the 4th circle), requiring handsome man, always dressed to MI.He has
as a payment the planting of ten uees where very sophisticated manncn and speaks with a
none now grow. The client must care for the charmingBoldavian accent. Fearing an all-out
trees until they grow to twice the sue of the wu with mages if they become aware of his

I client. They know when one does not fulfiil true nature, he conceals his family’s curse and
these ohligations, and then there is no telling enforces a smct law. called the Vampire’sLaw,
what curses and geas may befall the culprit. among his pawns: they may not infect com-
Sire Thendain (E6, L), the princess’ son, moners, nor may they kill when they feed.
has moved to the great School of Magic with Should he he destroyed, all those Boldavian
his wife, Lady Esmeralda (E9, C). The latter undead will become independent. and so no
pretends tn he a neophyte in the arts of magic. wise m a g wdl ever try anythmg against him.
In reality she is quite capable of graduating
from the Great School, hut she plays this role The Gorevitch-Woszlany Family: The
I PRINCESS EREWAN I 1 in the hopes of fmding new information Gorevitch-Woszlanys are all undeads under
the Wizard-Prince’scontrol. The older hroth-
about the Secret of thc Radiance. She intends
to keep that knowledge for herself. She is also er. Sir Boris (M18, C, Necromancer of the 3rd
the secret leader of E.L.F. (see “Guilds and circle), is an elegant but effeminate nosferatu
She has not mastered the Secret of the Radi- Brotherhoods” for more detail) and a Witch who preys on the degenerate and bored young
ance; however, she has managed to find some of the 2nd circle. nobles at the capital. A famous socialite, he
rarehooksonthesubject. Althoughsheisloy- o r g d e s many famous n~cturnalparties at
al to the Council, she feels that the Radiance is Gorevitch-Wmzlany, Prince Morphaik (M his manor. His charming gaze cams him pop-
too powerful a knowledge to hide from her 28, St 17, In 18, Wi 11. Dx 11. Co 14, Ch 16, ularity and support at Parliament, especially
kin in Alfheim. A good-hearted elf, she is AL Chaotic-Baron of Ieorov) the day after such a party.
torn between her loyalties to her nation and to The sister. Lady Ztyana (M12, N), has
the elves of ALmeim. fallen in love with Sire Claude d‘Amhreville.
She has devoted herself to her charge of They are both vampires and reside at the Tow-
Chamberlain of the Land. She truly attempts er of Igorov. Claude. now called N~kolai,sel-
to help the poor, hut has been accused of dom shows himself, fearing to let his family
favoritism toward the fair e l m . She is the know his fate, He remains a bat on lityana’s
High Mistress of the Runes. &odder. lhey both hate vampirism hut can-
not resist Morphad. Sir M i W (T16. C) is
Erewao, Sire Qenildor: (E9, St 16, In 15, rather jealous of his brother’s good fonune at
Wi 14, Lh 13, Co 16, Ch 12, ALLawful) the capital. He wan= Morphad to send him to
Sire Qenildor is Princess C,plot&a’s older the capital to take over thc underworld, desu-
son, and the Captain of Camp Huledain. He ing to have as much success among the world
dreams of leading an expedition into the Bm- of thieves, spies and beggars as h s brother has
ken Lands to destroy the humanoid tribe vnth the princes. Sir Mlkhail is a uuel and
responsible for his father’s death. Since the sadistic vampire. The worst can be expected
father’s body was never retrieved. Qenildor from him when he is not directly under the
still hopes tn find his father alive. prince’s control. He has at times ignored the
Since he obtained the commission for Vampues’ Law; consequently, many “illegiti-
Camp Huledain, Qenildor has had difficulties mate” vampires have died on Boldavian
with Volospin’s 2nd Banner contingent sta- stakes.. .
tiomd there. The officers are particularly Viceroy of Tchernovodsk. he is also the
uncooperative,especially since Qenildor start- absolute mler of sinister Boldavia and all bar- GrnCLnein, Hem Rolf:(M14, St 10, In 17,
ed a series of patrols a little too close to the onies north and east of Rymskigrad. He WI 11, Dx 12. Co 13, Ch 8, AI. Neutral-
border with the Broken Lands. They claim he became a nosferatu circa 720 AC. Since then, Viscount of Blofeld)
ignores the Silver Sierras much too often, and he has had many opportunitiesto “visit” local Herr Rolf is one of Prince Jaggar’s closest
dislike his sophisticatedmilitaq tactics. barons and spread the curse of the undead friends. He is often called Herr Doktor at Cas-
among them; alone among his kind, he can tle Rirrerhurg because he spends most of his
The Erewan Clan:The Erewan Clan is a typ- choose whether his victim will he a vampire or tune in hhraries, learning ancient secrets deal-
ical elven community. The family members a nosferatu. He now controls these nobles and mg with golems and similar animated crea-
MaRaUbfRS, MaGes a N b Mastew

tures, mechanical or living. During his expcri- of Palatinsk) ally wcan a rransluccnr bluc vcil over her face.
ments he tends to wear a long white blouse Lord Youri is another vampire pawn of Shc is a Fire Elcmentalist of rhc 3rd citclc.
and high leather boors. Rolf is a 3rd circle Prince Morphail. In lie,he was a famous vam-
alchemist. pue hunter, until he met up with the Pnnce. hwuuoth, HmEranr (MU, St 15, In 16.
His vampiric nature is not common knowl- WI 13, Dx 12, Co 12, Ch 14, AL Neutd-
W e r , Sire Gill=: (M9, St 12, In 16, Wi edge, and he is still thought to hunt the Baron of Adlermrm)
13, Dx 12, Co 14, Ch 14, AL Neutral- undead. He will gladly join vampire hunting HerrFranzis?d,muscularman. Hispeople
Vicomte de Faussdlammes) expeditions, giving the hunters fake wooden oftcn refer to him as the Lion Master. Fnru
Sire Gillcs came from Old Averoigne with stakes and stale garlic. in order to make them spends his rime at spell d o n all dut de&
the d’Ambrevilles when they opened their believe the vamdre has been destroved. with animals (enhgmg, conuslling, shape-
portal. He is now in his fhies. Sire Gilles is a When the “hunt&” leave, things rem& to change, erc.), or on &g lions and other
sorcerer who specializes in mixing potions,
particularly love potions. He murdered his circle necromancer.
normal and everyone is hamv. Youri is a 3rd fehes Through magic, Frant has a c q d all
the abdities of a werctieer. It is not m to see
wife Sabine in a fit of passion when in Old hun waJking a l q thc &a of kenz or Glantn
Averoiene, and now his wtions are CUB&. Jerbar, Lady Arbana: (M9, St 8, In 18, Wi City with two &e lruns at his sides Hc is a CN-
There% a 50% chance &y of these porions 15, Dx 12, Co 11, Ch 9, AL Chaotic- ptomancer sf thi 3rd d e .
will have a harmful effect, either the reverse of Viscountess of Redstone)
the intended effect or as poison (see module Lady Arbana is a m e Alphatian. This wick- di Malapietra, Prince lnnocenti “Nuo”:
X2,Castle A m b e r for more detail). Although ed old lady came to Glantri twenty years ago (M17, St 11, Im17, Wi 16, Dx 12, Co 16, Ch
he did not attend the Great School of Magic, to live out her old age: but she is actually a spy 12, AL Chaotic-Viscount of Sirecchia)
he has the abilities of a Witch of the 2nd cir- paid by the mighty Alphatian Empire to keep Innocent1is the ruler ofcaurenzc and Vice-
cle. an eye on Prince Volospin Aendyr and seek roy of Ylourgne. He is the most pannoid of all
out the secret of the Radiance. She has already his family, which perhaps explains why he has
Haaskinz,lordHvald(nf):(M25,St14,In been spotted by the Brotherhood of t h c h d i - remamed the prince so long. Prince Innocenti
17,Wi14,Dx10,Co12,Ch11,AI.La~l- ance as a suspicious individual. If given a is a fat oily man m his late thirties. He makes a
Archduke of Westheath) chance, she will have anyone she discovers to great show of hls enjoyment of poetry and
Lord H d d joined the House of Sirexhia be a member of the Brotherhood abducted music; but t h IS~ inst
~ a facade concealing a
hecause Prince Innocenti diMalapicua pm&d and spirited to Silvcrsron for questioning. She ruthless man who will not hesitate at murder
to help him eam a principality in the Sablestone is an Air Elcmcntalist of rhc 2nd circle. or eenocide EO reach his eoals.
area. The Archduke d m not d y rrusf Inno-
centi but needs all the allies he can get. Sir Kchagar, lord Urmahid: (M15, St 12, In
Harald is a maser in the use of the Radiance; 16, Wi 13, Dx 17, Co 12, w1 16, ALLawful-
this is the m n why I ~ ~ e w t an i remain
~rst to Count of Skullhorn Pass)
in his mad ernes. Sir Harald is a gentle and Lord Urmahid is of ancient Ethengarian
kind pt&n, Lut generally avoi&roci& b w descent. His title as Count of Skullhorn Pass is
of a pamful decay& k c that wichcrs lus Idt highly controversial at the Parliament.
arm: Some of his ;Imc guards say that,one because it makes him ccsponsible for securing
tught, they could see thc Archdke glowinganth the pass against Ethenganans. But beraux h i
a pale, mysterious blue aura. He is the High is loyal and bccaurc the Khan would have hun
Master of Water Elemenrals. executed if captured, several princes support
his title. Urmahid also happens to be an occa-
Hillsbury, Lady Margaret (of): (M14, St 16, sional, and masterful. spy for the Council
In 15. Wi 15. Dx 10. Co 14. Ch 9. AI. when missions deep in Ethengar are needed.
Neutral-Duchas of Fenswick) He is an effecuve counter for the Khan’s spies,
Iadv Mareanr is a suone-willed woman who assassins andundercover missionaries. Urma-
rules her d o L o n with an-iron fm.She is qnite hid is also Prince’sJherek’s brother-in-law and
touchy on matten of law and ~ . t i n c.i ~whcn
l c it an Illusionist of the 4th circle.
corn& to hcr subjccis’ behavior and nobles’ atti.
rudaat Parliamcnt. Shcisabsoluvlvlovalrothe Krollnar,LadyRowcna: (M10, St 12,In 17,
system of principalities, the Order bf ;he Radi- Wi 11, Dx 13, Co 12. Ch 17, AL Neutral- He is fond of the monster combats at Circus
anceandthesupranaqofmagic.Shejoinedthe Viscountessof Bereen) h z i e n i . There are large numben of monsters
House of Silverston because the Aendyrs are This young oobkwoman from the House of and humanoid slaves in the city, most brought
masters at makina the best use of their magic in Linden is one of the most beautiful courtcsm from the K u r A Massif. Pnnce Innocenu
all ckmmtances: She also feels that prince in Glantri. Her face beas a scar dating from otganizes gladiatorial games every month at
Volospin (whom she desperately wants to the time she accidentally invoked a creature the arenas, which hclps keep him popular
seduce) is a m e gentleman. She is an Air Ele- from the Abyss. The cteature escaped. with his people. It is not rare to see con-
mentalist of the 3rd d e . Rowena has offered her hand to any hero who demned prisoners (or the Prince’s foes), fieht-
will kill the creature and bting her proof of the ing in th; arenas against unspeakable horrors.
Zvanov, lordYoud: (M10, St 12, In 16, Wi deed. Many men think the scar adds to her Some manace to survive and build a followinr!
14, Dx 12, Co 13, Ch 14, AL Chaotic-Baron beauty. She is a tall. shapely blonde and u 9 ~ - among the spectators. Once in a while, Prince
Marnubens, Ma~esaNb Mastens

Innocenti will grant clemency to a hero of the Glantri, equally white in wolf form. He is also Ch 17, AL Neutral-the ghostly Baroness of
arenas, but the lucky fellow had better leave the leader of the Canine Protection Society Uigmuir)
Caurenze rapidly for his own sake. Innocenti (see “Guilds and Brotherhoods” for details) Years ago, a large orcish tribe from the
is the High Master of the Earth Elementalists. located at Chateau de Morlay, as well as an Wendarian Reaches overran her barony. After
Alchemist of the 3rd circle. the orcish king forced her to marry him and
The di Malapiepa Family: All of the oldest bear his child, he assassinated her. After thc
members of the di Malapietra family passed Markovitch, l a d y Szasza: (MU, St 16, In garrison from Fon Nordling drove the orcs
away (with a horrible look in their eyes and l7,Wi8,Dx13,Co14,Cb18,A.LChaotic- back to the mountains. Myra returned to the
foam on their lips) soon after Innocenti took Baroness of Vladimirov) tower as a ghost and tricked the Viceroy into
the throne of Caurenze. This beautiful and sensual blonde is one of believing she was still alive.
“11 Signor Giovanni” (M9, C. Earth Ele- the nosferatu pawns of Prince Morphail..She Myra still rnns the barony, none .being
mentalist of the 2nd circle), the older brother has the hahit of inviting good-lookingnobles aware she isa ghost. She has the statistics of a
and Condottiere of Lizzieni, is known for his from the capital to’spend some time at the haunr (see thc.,Companion Book Two), ~plns
cruelty toward both the inhabitants and his Tower of Vladimirov. She is a particularly the spell-casting ab es of a loth level
Aalbanese garrison. Fearing the prince’s strong nosferatu and can stay in the sun, magic-user. She hopes to hire adventurea to
changing moods, he constantly plots coups which,helps her fmd potential victims. If &e avenge her and retrieve the ”rightful” heir nf
and revolts against Innocenti. victim is truly handsome, she may let him Uigmuir. Only then will she reveal her true
“La. Signora Letizia” (F10, N) is the prince’s leave Vladimirov unhurt bgt charmed, per- naqre and rest in peace.
wife. Plotting to leave her hushand because the haps with a bat or two to keep an eye on him
constant intemal rivalries of the di Malapierras (she is atrociously jealous). . , MEGregor,,SirAryls:(M12,Stl,In18,Wi
frighten her, she has been promised ptotmion She presently blackmails Lord Laszlo Wuty- 12, Dx 16, Co 8,Cb 12, AL Chaotic)
by lady Juliana vlaardoen, at Linden. Her son, la into revealing to her any new spells he Sir Angus is the ten-year-old grandson of
Banolomco (M7, C) is a twelve-year-oldstudy- might discover, in order to gain the favors of Prince Brannart~and the youngest member
ing at the Great School of Magic. He is aware of Prince Morphail. She hopes one day to ever of the Brotherhood of the Radiance.
her plot to leave his father and hates her for this. become his wife. and the princess of Boldavia. Angus 6 capable of using the lower-level
However, be will not betray her because he fean She is also a Witch of the 3rd circle. spells related to-the Radiance. He knows his
the prince’s two bmthers: a safe haven with his grandfather turned into a lich,becauseof the
mother may be desirable upon his graduation M&tq Lord Alasdair: ( M I 3 3 13, In Radiance, and expects tagioid this unpleas-
from the school. l6,Wil2,Dxll,Col4,Ch6,ALChaotic- ant fate., He eventually hopes to succeed his
Agostino (M9, C) is the prince’s younger Count of Glenargyll) undead father by overpowering him with the
brother. Since he has no hope of gaining the This young noble is Prince McGregor’sson- Radiance. Despite his age, the child has
family title as long as Innocenti and Giovanni in-law, and part of the House of Crownguard, already forgotten the joys of childhood and
are alive, he plots to have both assassinated, as well as the .Brotherhood of the Radiance. acts as an adult. Death may befall those.who
along with Bartolomeo. He has promised Thy- He is as obsessed =.the Prince with hecomiag do not treat Angus as a Brown nobleman. Hc
atian emissaries 1 local consulate if they will immortal. He spends most of his time study- also is a 3rd circle necromancer.
help in the assassination. Recently, though, ing the cffccts of the Radiance, but so far he
the prince named him Castellan of Ylourgne has been unlucky; part of his face., his chest M&gw, PrinceBrarpoart: (M33, St 16, In
to keep him away from the palace. and one arm bear the horrid disease causcd by 17, Wi 13, Dx 11, Co 16, Ch 7, ALChaoUc-
Lucrecia (M10, C, Earth Elemeotalist of the excessive exposure to the Radiance‘, His wife,
third circle) is the prince’s sister. She stays at Lady Barbara, bravely does her
the capital where she represents the di Mala- his pain.
pietm during Parliament votes. She hopes to
build some advantage over her paranoid McDougaU, JmdEachainn:(MU, St.14, In
brother. !f things go wrong, she has been 16,Wi13,Dx12,Co15,Ch 1XALLawh-
thinking of taking Bartolomeo hostage, since Marquis of Dunvegan)
he is nearby, at the Great School. McDnugall, an inventive and easy-going
noble, was chosen to hold the other end of
du M a d , Sire Malachie: (M10, St 16, In Skullham Pass because of his military expertise.
16, Wig, Dx 17, Co 15, Ch 13. ALChaotic- He is a man ahead of his time in thesematten.
Baron de Morlay) He helps rrain his troops with “ w a ~games:’
Sire Malachie is one of the mages who where soldiers fight with dummy weapons and
made it across the magical portal to New Ave- magic. He developed a great tome on w a games
roigne (see The d’Ambreville Family and and magic in mopcration with Jagffat von Dra-
module X2 for details). Sire Malachie is a chenfels, with who he remains on g o d terms.
werewolf who stalks the area of Morlay. He is a DracologiSt of the 3rd circle (gold
Although they both belong to the House of dragon). Eachainn is a d, athletic man with a
Sylaire, he is a fierce enemy of Dame Gene- thick datk beard. His great taste for the.lccal
vieve de Sepbora. who has been stalking him beverage is quite famous at Dunvegan.
since the times of Old Averoigne. Sire Mala-
chie is an albino, perhaps the only one in M a d , Lady Myra: (HD14. In 17, Wi 10, Viceroy of Sablestone. H e attained &e status
ManauWfns. M a w s aNb Mastens

of lichdom years ago when overusing the band‘s madness from the Council. If this were Wi 14, Dx 17, Co 11, Ch 14, AL C
powers of the Radiance; he is also a Necro- to be discovered, Quentin would have i Viscount of Nathrat)
mancer of the4th circle. Brannart hates all liv- tcrurn to Klantyre. a loathesome fate, in tf Ezechiel spends some of his time explori
ing creatures and even r lady’s opinion. The officers at Sables
of all living occupants,
his grandson, whom he Sir Bruce (C28. N), Mary’s brother, is
thy servant, unless of co - Angus’ tutot and the Castellan of Crown-
erful. Brannan knows th guard. What no one except his sister knows
to immortality bu ’ that he is a cleric (utterly illegal in Glantr
pretending to be a fighter. He belongs to th
one of the oldest m Followers of the Claymore and hopes to over-
throw the vile magocracy. He replaces Duncan
McGregor when he is away from Glen-
learn about it, he will atte moorloch. Sir Bruce has escaped trouble so far
Angus. because the Sphere of Time arranged to divert
Prince Etienne’sattentions; Bruce’s own com-
McGregar, Sir Duncan: (F2 mon sense has done the rest. The laird of
Wi 15, Dx 12, Co 15, Ch 1 Crownguard is easily recognizablefor his large
The Prince of Klantyre’s o 1- red mustache, traditional kilt and claymore at
can, hates all that is related his side (although he never uses it as a weap-
on; it is his clerical symbol). In times of
despair, Sir Bruce can he heard playing h
leaving his beloved Sco age-old bagpipe.
Many fathers, uncles and older ancestoi.
roam the area, as ghosts, shadows or spectres
seeking to avenge an untimely death.

de Montebeuo, Dona Isabella: (M10, St 9,

In 16, Wi 14, Dx 11, Co 12, Ch 15, AL
Neutral-“Senora Baronesa del Egorn”
This young and new elven baroness is the
most influential noble in this area of Glantri.
Her great charisma has enabled her to gain five-foot tall man,
became the captain of t followers among the local population (she is a
camp. witch of the 3rd circle). She hopes to qualify
for an Act of Enfefment and found a ne7
The McGregor Clan: elven principality. She is an enemy of the B;u this peculiar talent
from another world, th on of Oxhill, whom she claims has attempter or to squeeze his w
Averoigne (see notes on to frame her for seriouscrimes, thus damaging throug enter the manors of wealth;
her reputation. nbbles can be recognized by his
Boldavian ac,
deMoriamis, DameDiane: (M11,St 9, In
1 7 , Wi 12, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 11, AL
Neutral-Vicomtesse de Malinbois) ,Ch 9, ALChaotic-Thu
dungeons. i “Madame la Vicomtesse” was born in Old
Lady Barbara (F4, L), the pridce’s daughter, Averoigne at the time of the Inq
was lucky enough to leave the tbwerwhen she notes on the House of Sylaire, and module
married the Count of Gle X2). She is an old lady who loves collecting f leaving poisonous
Sean(M5, C, WaterElement ancient jewelty. She usually appeaa in public
cle), a six year old, studies covered with pearls. gems. and other glitter- moving his head or his
of Magic ing trinkets. If she can’t buy them, she might (provided the snake is visible). He is a l s
Sir Quentin (M9, C, Water Bementallst 01 have them stolen, especially if the knows the adept of quiet strangulation. He has
the 3rd circle), the prince’s sduzophrenic jewelry to be magic. Diane is a fat lady in her
younger son, also managed to escape the tow- fhies who unfomnately lost her hair (she
er when the prince named him Castellan ( wears a wig to avoid ridicule). She would pay
Fort Sablestone. Still, Sir Quentin’s sleep dearly for a hair-growing spell. She studies 11, Dx 13, Co h 14. AL Chaoti
often troubled by nightmares and odd mes- alchemy (and is an Alchemist of the 3rd cir- Magistrate)
sages the prince sends him at night. It is cle). Wassam judges petty criminals at the Cou
Quentin’s wife, Lady Mary (F12, N), wh House and works at the City Treasury. He al
actually leads the fort, concealing her hu! N m k , Site Ezechiel: (E9. St 14, In 15. holds a n office at the Constabularyof Glantr
Manaubens, Mages aNb Masten8

where he gains much knowledge on the Antonio gained support from Prince Inno. find if he has any connectinns with Thyatlr
whereabouts and assignments of Inspectors c cenu after he perpetrated several assassma- He sometimes sends his wfe, Rosabianca (a 1
the Utterance (see "The Glantrian Economy tions among the older members of the di HD thug who works freelance, unbeknowst t
for details). On the ' ), on special missions A
for the right money Grlseo and Rosabian
the long red robes dark robes, concealin
ally wear. He also bel cult to tell one from th

Raribus, King 0' the E : (T32, St 14 eth: (MU, St 18, In 16

In 15, Wi 14, Dx 16, Co 14, Ch 10, AL Chaotic-
Lord Ratibus is t h e leaacr is a member of the House o
Court of Beggars (see "Guil is often refered to as Urbaal th
of his thick sdver and blu
His grey greasy hair barely cn ter of magic related to ai
warts over his head and face urse an Air Elementallst D
servant of a prince h IS said to have built a flyinj
magical artifact. He a cloud, and pulled by twl
ture. which caused " is actually a ballooi

this, he is a quick an air ) Emeth has developed

warm for long periods o
court and not possess an
his, be will order his begg
ime. .
son until the victim is equ Piecer: (M11, St 14, In 15
price for entering the Cou 16, Ch 9, AL Chantic-
de Sephora, Dame G e e westernmost barony
In 17, Wi 15, Dx 10 He has secretly beel
Neutral-Comtesse de. ts to force the mayor o
Dame.Genevieve use people to call for an Acto
or. Pieter has assassinate<
seeking to found a princi
ild of Thugs is quite activi
her tower to Etienne in er is a fierce opponent o
ontebello. his most seriou
stone across also a Follower of the Fin
rotherhoods") and a Fir,

.,j >, 3
.-Verfi&tWv Sinaria: (M21, St 12. In 17
, Co 12, Ch 8, AL Chantic-

has been searching for th<

Song-&, theFist of K.____. , iance for many years, but ii
15, Wi 17, Dx 11, Co 14, Ch 16, AI ng the despised Virayanas
Chaotic-Wandering Cleric at Lord Rejladan knew snm
Song-Anh is a cleric from the Radiance She had hin
Fists of Khan (see "Guilds an rapped without h spells on i
for more detail). If, when sp e plane, where an athact
of faith, he stumbles on . Rejladan is condemnec
believe, Song-Anh has the he gives up and reveals hL
a quest upon the iniide been in this five-mile long
preaching aloud until w Sinaria is also a Fol
more followers. of c an eminent member o
priest is long gone by onic Society of Aalbar
changing. He is a master at impersonating see "Guilds and Brotherhoods;'). She is i
&Tarento, Signor Antonio: (M12, St 17, In other nobles, which makes him the master sp) 'ire Elementalist of the 4th circle.
16, Wi 10, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 9. ALChaotic- 'or Princc Innocenii. Hir curreni assignmcnr?
Viscount of Castelhianco) o improunlre Agosrino di Malapicrra an
Matzauoens. Mac;es aNb Mastens

Vimyana n! PrinceJherek: (M27. St 12. In has tried to find his half-bcother but has not Lady Julizna (M9, L, In circle Fire E-
17, Wi 16, Dx 15, Co 10, Ch 16, AL been successful. Actually, Rejladan has been talist) is now an 18-year-old who does well i.
Neutral-Khan of Singhabad) abducted by Lady Sinaria Verlien because of the craft of magic and in the Mastery of Firr
his knowledge an the Radiance. He found an Unlike her parents, she has silver curly haii
old tome, dating from the time of his ances- but with the copper s k i n of the Flaemish: sh
tors, about the Radiance but was abducte? has beautiful, large green eyes, sensual lip:
before he could study the book in detail. md a flirtatious manner. Her mother does oa
Approve of her manner. and a recent law o
VbadoenXI, Prince Vanserie: (M28, St 8, Linden specifies that death will befall an
In 18, Wi 14, Dx 10, Co IO, Ch 12, AL man who touches or speaks to the princess-
Chaotic-Viscount of Linden) fact Juliana ignores.
Prince Vanserie is the ruling wizard of The prince’s brother, Sir Anton (F22, C
Bergdhoven, Viscount of Linden. and Trea- died years ago when he attempted to kill ai
surer of the Council. Vanserie is easily recng- ancient gold dragon. Out of boredom, Rak
nizcd by his flamboyant red hair and beard. naarrhe dragon (HD22, L)po/ymorphedint,
He is one of the more powerful mages in a human, came to the Tower of Linden, an<
Glantri, having discovered some of the SecrefS fmally magicjarredinto Anton’s body. He hi<
of theRadiance and reached the High Mastery his polymorphed body deep in the tower’
of Fire. dungeons. Since then, Raknaar has fallen fo
Juliana’s beauty and remained to protect he1
The old dragon senses that Juliana’s align
ment does not corresponE +h-* -$ L--*.

Jherek Virayana is the fourth ruler of Kron-
dahar, the SupremeJudge of the Council and Wurgla, LordLaszlo: (M9, St 11, In 14, W
Khan of Singhahad. He is a very civilized man 8, Dx 10, Co 18, Ch 7, AL Chaotic-Baroo o
who will not hesitate to spend fortunes when- Mariksen)
ever a noble pays him a visit. His banquets are Sir Laszlo is another nosferatu pawn o
famous for their scrumptious exotic foods- Prince Morphail. He is the most remotel
although theiringredients may be best left to located from the Tower of Igorov. and th
the pests’ imaginations. He takes any oppor- hardest to control. He knows the Boldaviai
tunity to organize wild monstet hunts, for Vampires’ Law (see Morphail Gorevitch
pleasure, in the bordering Colossus Moonu. Woszlany) and so he sometimes leave
Mountain tigers are likely prey: so are unwel- Mariksen for a “raid” into Ethcngar. ?his ha
come visitors. (In the name of sportsmanship, caused the Khan to send more clerics to thi
Prince Jherek always grants clemency to the PRINCE VLAARDOEK border to combat the vampiric threat, causiry
visitor if he survives more than a full day.) greater friction between Ethengar and Glan
Jherek also happens to be the High Master of tri. Laszlo’s biggest fear is of the prince learn
illusionists. ing about his misbchavior. Should someon,
On occasion, Vanserie disappearsfor several (like Lady Szasza Markovitch)happen to lean
The Vicayana Family: The Virayanas are a weeksat atime, searchingouterplanesforsur- of this and blackmail him, he will agree to an
quiet family, united behind their ruler, Prince viving Followers of the Fire, a faction of old terms demanded of him. He is a 2nd circl,
Jherek. The prince has three wives, Lan-Syn Alphatians opposed to those represented by Necromancer.
(M17, C, fourth circle Illusionist), Aleah the Aendyrs. He hopes to.find allies and bring
(T17. C) and W& (F14, C), and a great them over to reconquer Glantri. Vanserie also Zispaghi, Luigi “Eelcanta”:(TS,Sr --, __
number of concubines. The wives do not get is the leader of the Followers of the Fire in 14, Wi 8. Dx 13, Co 10, Ch 17, ALChaotic-
along and each is trying to become the Glantri (see “Guilds and Brotherhoods” for the Singing Gondolier)
prince’s favorite. Succession might become a more details). , . , Lnigi works as a full-time gondolier ii
difficult problem: Ofthe three, Ian-Syn is the Glantri City;and is part of Fellowship of th<
only “legal” heir, since she is a wizard. How- The Vlaardoen Family: The Vlaardoens are Pouch. He is famous for his love songs whil,
ever, she has given him no sons, and Aleah one of the smallest princely families. It is he pushes his gondola. The People’s Spel
and Waira have given him one each. Each wife believed Lacly Wilhelmine (M23, C, fourtb Casters Comphy pays him to abduct variou.
will uy to eliminate the others in order to gain circle Fire Elementalist), the prince’s wife, is people when needed (especially Inspectors of
the throne for her line. sterile, and that LadyJuliana’s birth made her the Utterance). A knob located at the rear of
Sir Rejladan (M9, L. 1st circle Illusionist). so-or, perhaps, that she always was, and that his eondola releases a sleenine eas in the cabin
the younger son, recently disappeared while Juliana was secretly purchased or stolen to be and-locks the door and t i e v%dows.
participating in a wild hunt in the mountains. her child. Wilhelmine is a Follower of the Fire
Jherek thinks Sasquatches did it, but so far all as well as a member of the Free hachronic
attempts to find Rejladan have failed. Ralindi Society of Aalban (the latter is not common
(M9, N, 2nd circle Illusionist), the older son. knowledge in her family).
- -. ,I

"Manautwns,MaGes a m Mastfnc

q F
AMbaSSabOltS the elveo ambassador to Karameikv (see Treasury. This.would weaken Duke Stefan'!
details in GAZl). Galladin is also a new stu- hold over the throne on which Sergei has per
W a d i n , Sue: (E8,St 8. In 17, Wi 10, D dent at the Great School of Magic, now work- sonal ambitions. On occasion Sergei can bi
15. Co12,Ch16,ALN--LordAmbassadorof ing on his first circle of Dracology (jade
Alfheim) dragon - see Masters des),
Galladin is perhaps one of the most honest
ambassadors in Glantri City. He doesn't allow Tomacuu, Sir Sergei: (F4,'St 16, In l?, WI
gratuitous theft of Glantrian knowledge, sin- 14,Dx13,Co12,Ch15,ALChaotic-~rd 16,Dx.l>.Co5,Ch9,ALN-LadyAmbas
cerely beliveing elves are not in need oi'Glan- Ambassador of Karameikos) sadress:of Darokin)
trian wizardry. He has no connection with Sergei is a fat, oily man, with a scar on the Lady Scrutina is a wealthy lady chosen b!
E.L.F. or F.A.E.R.Y. subversives. Galladin is side of his right eye. He eamed this ambassa- Daroliin as representative because &her grea
aware of the Glantrian spies across the street dor position thanks to Boris. a cousin connect- shrewdness in business and things political
and some occasional scrying on the constabu- ed to Karameikan government. He helped Shris mold, skinny one,with grey hair and :
lary's pan, but he fears them not since he hax Boris elimiate a rival family member several quavering voice. Sbe'wears surprisingly com
nothing to bide. Subversives will be rapidly years ago (see GAZl for details). uion gear with very little jewelry for a persor
expelled from the embassy. Galladin is essen- This commission saved him the unpleasant of her rank.
tially interested in the welfare of fair elves in alternative of answering questions about pite Scrutina's political and- busines;
Glantri, and the support of the Glantrian alli- shady activities recently unveiled in Specu- es, she hasthe bad habit of cutting cor
ance to Alfheim. larum. in the name of public opinion and pol- ners on what she thinksis not absolutely vital
Galladin appears as a middle-aged elf. with itics. Sergei allegedly runs a false money ring. Mauy people say she is a terrible scrooge as fa
a slight tan complexion,silver white hair and a It links the People Spell Casting Company as petty cash goes. Banquets at the embass:
neatly trimmed beard. He often wears a pail making illusory gold, to Karameikan extor- are as rare as they are frugal, cheap and dull
green, silken costume and discreet jade jew- tionists. The plot is to generate real money for not quite insulting to her guests but by a n u
elry. He happens to be Shalander's brother, the P.S.C.C., and damage the Karameikan row margin.
b..... !E
.. ...........
. ~ . ~ . L . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ................................
Cjuilbs aNb Bn
Their robes are red and long, covering them
from head to toe, with pointed hoods over
their faces and silken girdles reaching the as representatives o
flwr. Quietly they si
dampness of the du

coldly, "The Tower is d

for sure what dwells he
captives. Hope that '

replies in a low rumbling v

iors in the Science of Law.

tions, or'to avoid possi-

The students fall quiet,
corridor comes to an end. A
the dark, and suddenly Belligerent: Any faction in this category uses
appears amid a flash of violence to enforce the purpose of the fac- "Now that you have the basic facts, we
sparklingin all directions tion. These groups are always secret. shall proceed with more information on
and reveals the master: ':-
A'*hough most are illegal, some princes
and long, covering him y unofficially tolerate their existence.
pointed hood over his face D SIYC: Irl thcsc groups are thoy,v,horeek
reaching the floor. UICCC their mcrcsts again$$ &own or

lNfkl€NCfS aNb

eir members. Somc

iilasophical: The members of these groups

usually pool their resources to impose, in a
organized and efficient way, their philo- 'sts are easily recogniz-
sophical (or religious) ideals upon a larger tatooed on their fore-
share of the population. Self-preservation
is often their motivation..
Poliud: These factions u s u d y seek to gain DMNores: $'his corporation maintains ties
advantagesover other people, or to eliminate with the GuildofThugs, especially when one
another faction's advantage. Their methods of their members is suspected of selling trade
involve the manipulation ofpeople, laws and
voting powers through negotiation.
Scient&: The members pool some of their
,:~ga.A .+qRutq&to increa%,theflow of knowledge
among them, on the condition this knowl-
edge remains among the members. In
doing so, they hope to gain a higher social
statu and m a n i d a t e the ienorant.
SOCi31: Thesc groups usually puul p m of thcit

"The greatest forces in our nation are rm in onlti m rtdkuiburc them to L

the philosophical movements snpponing failing pan of thcu communiry. In so
Wizardry as our nation's purpose. Then doing. mcmbcn hopc IO rcducr unccnain-
r i a in rhcir future.
tivities remain w
re. However, be
Banners are locat

to kill Morphail and free all vampires.

and Dues: 140 dc/S d

R ~ G G ~ MCoum
' filthy creatures who seem to have estab-
lished some form of organized crime in the

I hills north of New Averoigne. They are

v a y elusive brigands,"
an armed facuon of elves whose believed
membets of rhi m i c q per- purpose is to oppose any attempt from the
"The beggars of Glantri C Clan of Belcadiz to rebuild their suprem-
innocent victims of racial

ber the Yean of Infainf d e n

For this rcason. thw will

DMNotes: E.L.F. is also illegal in E m
Th.& plan is to spread lycanthropy t Carlotioaunsuccessfully tries to dmanrle
they can o%iciaUycall for an Act of Eniiefment group because she disapproves of its viol
and mate their own prinupaliq-which is per- and cruel methods.
%yl legal. This scciq has its headquarten at Their m e objective is the separation of Er
3hateau de Morb.8 under Sire Malachie dr
. U d authoriq. Some dwarven families oi
Rockhome d y provide financial support, as
a means of revenge for the Yean of Infamy.
clamone. POIIOW~KSOF tbe
Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent
Status: Illegal; mostly fghtets
Entrance Fee and Dues: Act of bravery/
Entrance Fee and Dues: :
' "This gmup is perhaps ooc of the mmt
- threatening underground movements in
I "Little is known about'these terrorists. I I Glantri. The few members we have had a "The members of this fledgling group are
militant fanners in free territory areas.

are fighters from the parallel-world land of
extremely poor and resent the presence of
wealthy landowners. They are most acuve
in the areas of Sablestooe and Bramyra."
Cjuilbs aNb BnotneKboobs

DMNotes: They usually work closely with the Drachenfels' control. Its members include DM Notes: Should any action he taken
Thugs' Guild, to enforce their ideals over the Serena Aendyr, Wilhelmine Vlaardoen, and against the merchants (like excessive taxes),
local population, or with nobles seeking to build Sinaria Verlien. the consortium can respond by controlling
a new barony. They have regional headqumers ices and the arrival of vital merchandises in
at Bramyra. Estoniarsk, Huledain, and Kern. In F ~ f ARM€b
e E l V f N RfSiStaNt Yo1
Alignment: Political, belligerent ~y p+ ty. Their headquarters are in
case of an invasion (or revolt), they can muster in tiIantr1 CltY.
a day a force of 150 men (Troop Class Fair, BR Status: Illegal; Clan of Belcadiz only
58) armed with pitchforks. EntranceFeeandDues: 150 dc/21 dc MONStfR H a N b l € R S ' S p N b i C a t f
Alignment: Mercantile. dissuasive
Fin€. FOIIOW~RS Of tbc
Alignment: Philosophic.. .
Status: Illegal; old Flaemish nobles
'Ibis elven faction sccrns 10 coosin of
individwdr from Belcadiz Most of thcrr
activities have been the destruction of
~ ~~
I Status: Legal; all creatures' handlers
Entrance Fee and Dues: 31 dc/3 dc
Entrance Fee and Dues, Nonelnone material property in Erewan and the "This government-backed guild trains
abduction of fair elves. Their beadquanen monster handlers to make sure they are
"This faction baffles us. Many constables are believed to be in New Alvar, although properly prepared to deal with each mon-
have studied their alleged covert activities no link was traced to Princess Carnelia." ster's specific powers. Each type of monster
hut cannot recognize any sort of pattern, requires a qualified handler with a license
other than the spreading of chaos and DM Notes: This armed faction of Belcadiz from the union. A dragon handler will
fusion. The Vanserie family is suspectc elves is strongly opposed to the Elven Lihera- only deal with reptile monsters, and a
being involved." tion Front. F.A.E.R.Y's purpose is to seek out iiant handler will only deal with giants.
criminalsfrornE.L.F.andexecute them. Their rhere is nothing illegal here."
DM Notes: This group is made up of old^ other activities include illegal tampering nf
Flaemish nobles who specialize in the use of xing ballots in favor of Belcadiz's affai Notes: The syndicate will always
fire as the hasis of their magic. Most of these hey ultimately seek the reunification 0f.E. OF. ' individuals with known monster pets
nobles have graduated from the Great School wan and Belcadiz, of course s on the grounds that the monsters
of Magic with various degrees nf mastery over control. Thegroup is tolerated inBelcadiz hut union handler for the popula-
fire. They resent the fact that the Council con- illegal in the rest of Glantri . If the individual refuses to com-
trols the nation that was once under their Belcadiz is the secret leader of union's orders. they may legally
supremacy. Their secret activities are to pro- also happens to he the Consta& -c New nster confscated by the local con-
mote wars between the principalities to weak- Alvar. where F.A.E.R.Y. is based.
en them. They are often at the source of ster handler COSTS 10 dc per HD of
frictions between Belcadiz and Erewan, or the MaGiStRatfS, Hall of
Alignment: Scientific, political monste to he handled, per month. The
Aendyr and the di Malapietras. union has headquarters in every major town,
Srarur: Legal; Parliament retai... -.dy
The leader of this fanion is Prince Vanserie
and the members are Pieter Vandehaar, Sin& nce Fee and Dues: 61 dc/3 dc
Vetlien, and Wilhelmine V h d m n . The secret r

headquarten are located at the Tower of Linden. "This

at Parliament. They are masters at c
FRW ANaChRONiC S O C i f W Of AalDar paigning to gain votes, so much so
Alignment: Scientific, belligerent many nobles pay for their advice. They
Status: Semi-legal, underground; ,.ML. intend to make sure this strange political
nlY science remains in their bands."
Entrance Fee and Dues: 340 dc/ 50 dc
DMNotes: Another goal of the group is the
"This faction seems to have a pathological protection of the voting system in Glantri,
fear of anything that does not involve mag- which is the source of the magistrates' wealth. destruction of a monster, but will join a
ic, particularly machinery. They have sabo- The Hall of Magistrates is at the Parliament.
taged new mechanical artifacts in the
capital and in the Town of Leenz. The MfRChaNtS' CONSORtiUM
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive DM Notes: For a fee, a member offers his
destructions seem to be l i n k d to inrlivid- knowledge to hunting parties. The fee
uals in the Aalhan region Status: Legal; all merchants welcome
- ~i?&trme~Fc&mdfie~: 300 dc/lOO dc depends on the type of monster to he hunted.
When the mission is over, the member is to
DMNotes: These people perceive any tech- report to the local headquarters and describe
nological invention as a threat to civilization "The members of this society seek to control any previously unknown abilities the hunted
and t h e craft of magic. Whenever a machine d sgn&cant business in the countiy, espe- monster presented. The information is then
has been created without the use of magic, U y i n p ~ rand
t C X ~ OAll
R .merchanrs earn- compiled and forwarded to the union's
there is a 30% chance a member will attempt numerous headquarters. These are located in
to have it destroyed or secretly oppose its crea- to the consarrium, or he shunned by G h - all major towns.
tor in legal or illegal ways. The headquarters tr?s merchant community:' This group works closely with the Monster
of this society are in Leenz. under Gertrud von Handlers' Union. If a party does not mention
a CaDNre unon its return. it is the member’s do maintain tenuous contacts with the Ten ~~~ Entrance Fec and Dues: Nonel2 dc
respksibilAy to notify the other unio ousand Fists of Kban. a sect described ii
MOVfRS’ GuilO is section. They have provided sanctuary t, “This is a branch of the Fellowship of the
gitivc clerics at times, but nothing more.
Alignment: Merc asive
Status: Legal: all pr movers The Great Saffron Mystic of Glantri has its
Entrance Fee and 00 dcl1046
seat at Lhamsa, in the Colossus Mounts.
P P€Opl€’S sP€ll-caSt€RS COMpaNp and ability and customer preferences.”
Alignment: Mercantile, belligerent
Status: Illegal; unlicensed maaic-users DM Notes: This group’s lobbying activitie
Enuance Fee and Dues: 50 dc/ 12 dc ccessful at all levels of sock
Magistrates at the Parlia
“Many magic-usen from foreign lands or
those who have had their licenses withheld
join this secret sect. They offer magical
ence on how to move services at lower prices than licensed spell.
and magical items acro casters. Members buy information on the
ing abnormal has ever b activities of Inspectors of the Utterance and
activities.” will not hesitate to attack our men: some Alignment: Philosophical, belligere
even practice extortion rackets in their city Status: Underground; all Radiance i
DM Notes: Prices district. Leaks are suspected among corrupt Entrance Fee and Dues: Nonelnom
on how fast and how Magistrates at the Parliament, which helps
move, and the natu these brigands escape the law.“ “Very little is known about this obscure
goods to be transporte group. As its name implies, it seems to be
help of the Monster DM Notes: Stealing spell-books and scrolls related to a mythical force thought to radi-
nother of their specialties,which has mtde ate from the center of our nation. A boun-
enemies of the Fellowship of the Pouch. ty of 100,000 dc has been offered by the
land caravans for the less They are especially active in Glantri City, near City of Glantri’s Constabulary for informa-
at 1,000 dc for not-so-reli the School of Magic.
Pouch, FfllowsOip of the
ry major town but the
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive
obtained in Glantri City DM Notes: This brotherhood is the mos
Ennnnce Fee and Ducs: 50 dc/3 dc
spent on movers i s ofte lsecretive and the smallest in numbers of mem
noble’s social Status.
1 .bcrs: yet it is the most fearsome and powedu
in the nation. Its members are wizards wht
montbly, in exchange for the right to oper- lave learned how to use the Radiance,
ate within the Fellowship’s territory. Non- itrong magical force that radiates from belox
members, when found, are usually dealt the School of Magic.
with in the most brutal manner. Their None of the members know each othe
activities are tolerated in Glantri because because there is no set headquarters or meet
many nobles use their services.” ing place; all members use code-names. Th,
any religious characte
mystics have great kn DM Notes: This group is on good terms
wounds and diseases w with the Guild of Thugs but is usually
quick as clerical cnrati opposed to the Beggars’ Court, which they
feel overlaps on their territory.
The, largest single Fellowship is that of can communicate mentally with each othe
Glantri City. Other semi-autonomous groups without revealing their identities. They n u s
of this nature can be found in all major towns.
Most of them reluctantly pay dues to the Fel- communicate during each equinox and sol
DMNotes: These m stice, at midnight. Etienne allows them t,
alchemists, not clerics, lowship in the capital, although once in while
is limited. They canno one of the sub-groups will try to break free.
organs, raise the dead, This leads to violent tights with the central
associated with the Ra Fellowship.
ease their pain). They heal wounds at a rate o
Piziva know they must obey their leader. whom the
two hplday and can provide the equivalent of
Alig know as “Rad.”
a cure disease spell in a week. They are &in-
terested in politics and money; however, they
Stat,.. ______ _ _ ~ - ~ ___,____

GUilbS aNb l3lzotlJ€lzlJoobs

ensure that the users of the Radiance are all Smibes AssociatioN The employment rates to be paid to the
nobles and that their magical receptacles are Alignment: Scientific. social spokesman vary greatly depending on the tep-
properly located according to the Order of the Status: kgak scribes and interpreters resentative’s abilities. Spokesmen originally
Radiance. Should a

function in the Parliamentary bureaucracy, original investment.

offender to put an end to since all edicts and voting results must be spokesmen who can
once. If the mental order i translated into the various languages spo. s, as well as highly
then contacts one of the Br ken in each principality.
“Scribes are but low class servants who
are often abused by their eccentric wizardly
masters. Any error they make can create
major diplomatic or magical problems;
The brothers can affect the thus, their ttade is a risky one.
“The purpose of their association is to
this section). The current provide the families of unlucky scribes
Fernando de Casanegra, with a temporary fund. Some of the associ-
Haaskinz, Lord Alasdair ation’s fmances are used to provide educa-
Brannan McGregor, Sir tion to the scribes’most talented progeny.”
Prince Etienne d’Ambrevil‘ POk€SM€N’S qui10
saws’ Leawe Alignment: Mercantile, political
Alignment: Scientific, ’ Legal; geascd diplomats on
sophical, belligerent
Sram: Semi-legal; sag ce Fee and Dues: Vaiahle/s pherds of Rad only
Entrance Fee and Due Dues: All wealth
“Thii*organizationis one of the largest in
Glanui, and plays an important rolc with-
in the political system. Because of the wiz. “Respectable citizens go to the Temples on
ards’ need to spend time away from the a regular basis. This ensures a clear mind
political scene. the Spokesmen’s Guild
offersia commercial service of diplomatic
repr&ntation and advice.
guild features magical condition-
comes to kinds of infor Y
d euarantees of its sookesmen.
which were necessary conditions to earn
some national secret the wizards’ trust. The spokesmen have
although the source the reputation of being absolutely loyal to
serious trouble.” their employers. They are capable of run-
ning the finances and politics of a domin-
ion, as well as representing its ruler at the details). Their talismans
Council or at the Parliament. An officially through which Brothers
registered spokesman has all legal powers nd mental visions and
Entrance Fee and Dues: 1 to manage his employers’business, accord-
ing to limits set by the employer. Upon
“Many schools of being hired. a spokesman must register at
the Parliament’s offices to become legal.
Glantri, including
“A spokesman of the guild can easily be
Magic. Anybody wh recognized by the small diamond implant-
may enter the Scholars’ Fr
ed in his forehead.”
is not common knowl-
DM Notes: Removing a spokesman’s dia- overed at GlanUi City’s
main library after several weeks of research.
The Shepherds and believers~,areabso-
lutely faithful to the talismans’ suggestions.
Etienne will punish brothers ahusing this

- w
(juilbs a m Bnotofnooobs


'C€N 'ChOUSaNO Fists Of I<haN set up a local sect somewhere else in Glantri. Half the fee is payable in advance; if the thug
Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent The elusive central headquarters of the sect dies in the attempt, the advance is lost. The
Status: Illegal; clerics only are located in the town of Braastar, in Kranda- chances of success are 5096, minus the victim's
Entrance Fee and Dues: none175 dc har. Prince Jherek is the most virulent foe of level, plus the thug's level. Reduce chances
the sect. Not one year passes in which a new 10% if thevictim is a spell-caster, and another
"This highly illegal sect is an Ethengarian- branch of the sect is not discovered and utter. 10% if the victim is noble. Spy mission are
sponsored movement whose sole purpose destroyed by the constable (Jherek). also possible.
is to spread religion in Glantri and destroy 'Chu~s'Q ~ i l b
The leader of the guild is no less than
the wizards' supremacy. The members of Alignment: Mercantile, belligerent Signor Antonio di Tarento. the wicked Vis-
the sect are usually believers in the cleric's Status: Illegal; thugs only
count of Castelbianco. The guildmaster con-
faith. EntranceFee&Dues:15dc/lZdc
trols the thugs' business indirectly from his
"Once in a while a member is discovered tower, using teleportation spells for his mes-
by the local constable and a wild manhunt sengers, and a crystal ball with ESP
immediately ensues to destroy the cleric "The members of this guild offer their
services for variable fees. They are special- UNiteO ARtists qui10
and his followers. So far, New Averoigne is Alignment: Philosophical, social
ized in eliminating people in the dark of
one of the only principalities almost totally the night. Thugs operate in any sphere of Status: Legal; actors, dancers and acrobats
cleric-free. EntranceFee&Dues: 10dc/2 dc
"A bounty of 5,000 dc will be paid by
society. At various times in Glantrian his-
tory, even some nobles at the capital were
any constable for information leading to
the arrest of a cleric of this sect, plus 100 dc notorious thugs. The guild is, however,
tolerated by the wizards because most of ers, including actors, troubadours,
per other non-clerical member."
them hire their services at some point in dancers, acrobats, buffoons, animal han-
their careers." dlers, poets, painters. sculptors. and so on.
DM Notes: The most difficult task of the Their purpose is solidarity, in case one of
sect is to smueele Ethenearian clerics across DM Notes: The fees to hire a thug usually them meets an untimely end. Their head-
the border ana%rge falsi identity scrolls for quarters are located in Vyonnes."
reach 500 dc per level of the victim, double
them in Krondahar. Then each cleric tries to
that for wizards, triple ifthe is a noble,
The fog is thick and the distant clamor of the Q€ NOCtURNal POiNt Of
city slowly dies out in the night. The reflection
of the golden glow of a magical street lamp on
the oily surface of the ca
View, pneselvtfb by Sin
in business: they mount their vessels on
skates and have them Dulled bv horses.
‘c. The most famous

ly figure slowly pushes gon. Truly, the man

under a street lamp
stair on Manor Row.
Platr eerily rings twic

and so supplied the city

and the passengcn pull their

One of the men sittin

over to his neighbor. “It
a x all here for the same
“So it seems,” answe

was at the Tower of Sighs y

been there?”
“I have,” says the firs
plaredly up and dawn th

continues. “Frankly, I’m cold, and poling

along the canals of this city just to see old
houses does not exact1

“Well, I never leav

panion here,” whisp
the wand that bulges
A voice-smooth,
in sheets of gold and

You are my guests, and

suit of silk set off d in quarters that cor-

a red cloak. Beh al type of inhabitants

manner, but a little discreuon was nccessarg.

And I hope you don’t mind my Ji& rrick
with the pole. Allow me to introduce myself: I
am Sir Boris, representing Prince Morphail
here in Glantri. It is my pleasure 10 euide YOU
through our charming cit!
“The most fabulous district of Glantri
so as well, hut only for amuxrnent Even City, the Citadel Quarter, contains the glo-
m frozen weather, the gondoliers are still rious buildings from whence the nation is
__ -
GlaNtni City by NiGnt

In the center of the plaza is the City Belfry, The prisons are located far below the
ruled. It is usually rsuicted to nobles, gov- actually a mausoleum dedicated to Lord Alex- ground, under the surface of the citadel's
ernment retainers, guards and students. mder Glanrri a hero of Glantrian histom,
1 ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~
canals. Horrible creatures guard the dark
one h a t patrols thb
is a nightwing (from
) under the control of
rince Jherek Vinyana.
IS are located near the tc
,slippew. chute opens ~

_ _ _ _......
ri.17' _.
GlaNtni City by NiGI

pins. Beggars and low class visirors are no ‘amiliar to the locals because of the outra. snce the property of a noble merchant. Hc
LUowed on The Rim and will be harshly deal p u s and decadent parties that regularly takt lied after going bankrupt and selling bi
with by the various nobles’ guards. dace there. It is the house of Sue Heon state. The house now belongs to the Mer.
10. The Gorevitch-Woszlaoy’s Manor: Si YAmbreville and Dona Carmina de Belcadiz bant’s Consortium and can be rented for4IC
Boris, Prince Mophail‘s older brother, lives k h n b l i n g is common here, occasionally end. IC per month, or purchased for 8,000 dc. The
this stylish manor. Receptions and banquet ng with the loser’s body floating down :onsottiurn. which maintains the house,
are commonly offered here. but always a Iuke’s Canal. A dangerous “follow-the. copes ta fmd a suitable occupant. Spies work.
night and before crucial voting sessions at tb< eader” game on the outer walls of the house, ng for the City Constabulary are among t h e
Parliament. Boris’ tactic consists of c h d ) or sport. often entertains the people on Alex. louse’s permanent staff. Their mission is to
guests in order to gain some political advan inder Platz. across from the manor. The eep a watch on the nearby Emba
rage during the next day’s votes. The cellar o ibject of the game is to dare the laws of graviq &eim (see 621, below).
the manor contains a hrge kennel of wolves >yjumping from one ledge to another, with. 15. B e a ~ s - M ~ r k r o f t ’Mansion:
s Inc
Unwanted visitors will certainly N n into thl )ut falling into the murky canal waters. Dona )uke of Hightower lives in thismansion when
wolves in charge of guarding the house in Si Zarmina is a champion at this game and has 1 Glantri City In his absence, servants and
loris’ daily “absenc never yet lost her fwriog is majordomo takc care of the estate.
16.Haaskiuz’s Manorhouse: The Archduke
of Westheath often comes to this classy manor,
especially when dealing with important topics
at the Parliament. He rarely receives visitors.
Once in a while, his black palanquin can be
seen coming in or out, but with cunains
pulled down, concealing passengers.
17. W w y ’ s Ma&: Lady Margaret’s
mansion is quite well known to the locals for
its rather conspicuous ccremonies. The Duch-
ess has a personal company of Klantyre
Guards standing on two gondolar and playing
their bagpipes, whenever she or any high-
status visitor leaves or enters the mansion.
Falling off a gondola in presence of the Duch-
ess can be a serious problem for her guards.
The whole ceremony is colorful indeed, but of
questionable taste when it takes place in the
middle of the night.
18.The Silva Tawer Inn: The high society
of Glantri often meets here for leisurely
luncheons. This classy inn is reserved for
nobles, and seems much like a small palace.
CIIXDEL QUAR-R Dinner may cost from 10 to 100 dc per guest.
The owner boasts he offers the best f w d and
service in Glantri, and that any customer’s
wishes may be fuKied. The night can be
spent in a posh palace suite, for a m i n i u m
310 dc per person per night. Customers of the
Silver Tower Inn immediately gain some re-
11. Haunted House: Thiis rich house was 13. Amberhouse: This is the abode of Cbarles cognition from the local nobles.
once inhabited by a powerful noble, now pre- and Isabelle d’Ambrevillc. the representauves 19. hbasadw of Kuameikos: A perma-
sumed dead. Sevenl months after his disap- of Prince Etienne at the Parliamcnt. They are nent representativefrom the Grand Duchy of
pearance, it became apparent the house was slightly embarrassed by Henri d’Ambrwille’s Karameikos lives here. Once or twice a year.
haunted, or at least occupied by some strange antics at South Manor Row (see above), and the ambassador will organize a reception to
creature. City authorities sent constablcs, and the notoriety of these events ultimately costs maintain good relationship with the Glantr-
adventurers to deal with the unknown, with- them a few votes at Parliament. The couple ian Nobles.
out success. None ever returned. Since then, organizes receptions at thc same time as 20. Ambassador of D a r o k This large
the city declared the house “unsafe“ and Henri’s in an attempt to lessen the number of mansion belongs to the Ambassador of Daro-
sealed all the exits. At night strange noises can people mending Hcnri’s parries. They are kin, a prime aUy of Glantti. Receptions may
be heard from within, but the local citizens quite offeoded by people not showing up at occur but business related meetings are more
have grown accustomed to the house. It has their parties after being formally invited. common. They usually involve the Chamber-
now become an attraction familiar to the Long-time offenders might have to deal with lain of the Land, the Trrasurer of the Council,
locals 1s an interesting monument. the Guild of Thugs later on. the ambassador and a representativefrom the
12. South Manor Row: Tbis house is quite 14.House for Rent: This elegant home was Merchants’ Consortium.
21. Ambassador of Alfheim: The elves of
Altheim maintain a permanent embassy bere.
Although Altheim is an ally of Glantri, the
building is often under watch by the Coostab-
ulary of Glantti. The constables uy to single
out spies or members of the Elven Liberation
Front who might show up. Undercover consta-
bles are located in various neighboring houses
or across Ambassadors’ Canal. Suspicious
characters leaving the embassy might be
secretly abducted to the Tower of Sighs (see
area Y6 above). Innocents are usually not
released; this prevents any sort of diplomatic
incident from occurring.
22. Temples of Rad These are commor
found in Glanrri City and most towns in the
nation. The larger are usually budt of purple
stones, while those in remote arras are simple
log structures. They consist of a main mcdita-
tion hall with several hundred small gongs
(their use is detailed in the “Living in Glantri T
City” section) and one or more smaller N
chapels for private worship. Gulden statues of
the greatest wizards in Glantri’s history sit in
small alcoves all around the main meditation NOBLES QUAR’CEK
hall. Visitors light a candle at one of the
statues and toss a coin into its alcove, as a sign
of good faith.
The upper levels contain the quarters of the
Shepherds of Rad, the spiritual guides of the
temple. These wizards preach respect of the
magocracy upon the people., The temple’s
crypts contain the Shepherds gold as well as an
array of magicdly-tamed monsters. They are
released at the night to keep intruders out and
protect the temple’s statues.

l3.E BUSiN€SS Q U ~ K & K

“Most of the city business is conducted in

the Business Quarter, south of the Parlia-
ment. You shouldn’t miss the Open Mar-
ket, where you can get all materials area after Alexander Plat2 (see Y3 above). It merchants
necessary for the craft as well as petty pur- covers the whole area east and west of the in tents or
chases such as food, clothing and various
services. In the marketplace, you will fmd
tamed monsters, fmely carved woods and
metals to become the receptacles of magi-
cal powers, spell and potion components
by the pound, blank spell books, scrolls
ready to be inscribed, anything you need. tionists, money lenders and changers, or erhoods” for more detail). A lot
All around this place are shops with bizarre
and obscure secrets for d e , even shops
with magically dweomered items, if you
know how to ask. Silk, gold, services, pC0-
ple, information and exotic delights-all
am here to satisfy one’s demands. Truly, Magistrates’ Passage. Safe Conduct or Kash ble! The Ultimate on the market,
this is the busiest site in our city.”
wmorrow only!’’ difficult to reach the tower because of the a square yard of gold wing ,_ ..,.&71
25. Builders’ Conelomerate: This mild ha ‘ieavy gondola &IC to and from area 129 a puff of green gas . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
its headquarters he;. with its mun>ntranc< me tower contains a treasure vault nunorec a iu of black acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 d
o hc as full as that of rhc House of Ministers a doicn unidcncified eggs . . . . . 295 c
31. Spokesmen's Guild This large buildiq (at thc pon) 55 cr
las no evident windows but a heavily a m c c narcd mice) . 10 d
loor on the Open Market sidc. It is the seat o ........,....... I s
he Spokesmen’s Guild (see “Guilds a4 fskin ......... 7 6 d
hotherhoods” For more d a d ) . The build@ a pound (live) . . 420 d
ontains officcs where the representatives M Gbnd, a dnrd tongue . . . . .. . . . , . 12 d
’managed” and the wounriag done. Thc price SQad by thc Monsten Hunter
Thc house has m e l s andchambers below Uniops (aruy60)is preferable as bax valu
unwanted visitors are like canal level. wbcre spokcsman apprentices arc .for lisem&rs. Add 10.30% to fmd Moa
27. Watergates: These
entry to the various city c
c ioocd and trained for thck pmfessiw.
lild guaranrccs the safety and RICW of
slm W k q sales price. Haggling is wcl-
mmc apd d & a b k .
entry by means of thick he conditioning on thc grounds that 00 one
above and below the surfac ias cver contmcd the claim. Thax who wish H,kfsg : This small building ap
metal web is not tight en0 LO become profcssional rcprescotarives c o w pclrs aa a prcstidigitaron, scllin,
of r hc u own fmwill, and lave as spokcuseo m a 4 mcmzaLal tricks and decks of cards t
by thc main door, or as floating debris on impress tbc i g P O ~ t BUI
. rhis is just a fron
Dukes’ Canal (a swdt execution immedistel! or the F‘cwpk‘s Spell-Gncrs Company (x
follows a failed condiciwing-outsidc b n w l ‘Guilds and Bmrhcthwds” for derails). Th
cdgc of thc conditioning is too grcat a risk for informed custnmcr knows some stolen magi
the guild). cal ice% 01 spdl books might be availabl
32. huka Dncks: The traditional way of from rhcshppkcepcr. Thc price of thcsc item

gcning to thc Open Market (area #23) is IO v&cs grc& depending on their powers.
ride a gondok, although romc people make it D M Note: $u“Ckacmg SpcUs and Magb
large bronze plates. They can be raised sepa- a poinr to acmally rclcpon, f7y or dimrnrion Itcms” to Gnd thc o m of the itcms for sale in rh
d w r to impress thc crowd. lhis area of Mer. shop. Q c id@da price should be ar lea
chants’ Waterway and the dock are almost al- double rhc qeatioi ~ m oHaggllng
. is dainblc
ways jammed by the cmwd of gondolas trying at + I -30% o f @ i t d s mpposcd d u e .
ro Lome in and out. Most mcrrhanrs enter
through back doors on Dukes’ Canal, Magls- Wche
crates’ P ~ K orCKash Flow, only usmp. thc
dock. to loaa merchandtsc before sunris;. “For r n y m . 1 find rbc Entertainers’ Quar-
33. Mnnsrer Handlm’ Syndicarc: This ter. in tbe somt, pan of the aty, mud, mom
building is the hcadquartcn for the syndicate intcrcsriog. .- you will cnjoy a n w
and a stom for a fain choke of monsters of from 6 - tavern w the mosf sclm
mall w human s i x They are cithcr alive or inns. spcaaks in the nrccfs involving mu.
types and prices wait
lead. in one undamaged piccc or in various
d x r forms. Onc map find about any sub
apd mo-hpndlcu,
&. as uouc spcU.
cause of the heavy tr SMCC of mnstet origins. For larger spcci- ~ i a ing &-. ~ o s Vt ~ V C I C ~go thcr~
yond this place are u mens, thc syndicacc has P warchoux in che
and many gondoliers ’on Quarter.
each other for a right The list of available merchandise changes
gondolar M a h g it morning and is posrcd at rhc CnIIpIKc. itm is W a n d the room Daid for in Id- I
sorcium’s tower at th

at the intersectton of the Kash Flow and the

Safe Conduct canals. It IS the scat of the Mer-
chants’ Consortium (see “Guilds and Broth-
erhoods” for more detmls). It is usually
Dragon, a fang or claw,any color
a red snout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 cr
a slice of blue tail .
a xoop of white swc
and forth to To-
id specially the in-
h Plow and Princes’
lest of languages may wake
CjlaNtni City by NiGl)t

House (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for

more details).
41. Shurav Orlovski's Tenement: Shurav
the Thief lives in this rundown place. He
spends pan of the day on Actors' Lane, dis-
playing his contortionist's talents for a few
sovereigns, or following wealthy-lookingtrav-
elers to get a hand on their pouches or any-
thing of value.
42. h n Garou's Eries: This small tavern
located at the northern edge of Actors' Lane
offers an incredible variety of exotic foods for
low prices. The exact nature of the food is not
common knowledge and usually hard to iden-
tify because it is always deep fried in batter;
nevertheless, it is of excellent taste.
43. United Artists' Guild: This incredible
house is located on the west side of Safe Con-
duct, next to the Open Market place. The
building is particularly remarkable because it
glows slightly in the dark and shadows can he
seenmovingalongon the walls. Whether they
are an optical illusion or actual creatures still
remains a secret of the guild.
44. Mags' Hostelry: This establishment is
one of the most surprising inns of the city.
Dim magical lights permanently glow inside,
instruments play a fine background music all
by themselves, and the customers are attend-
,"'h ,
i ]& ed to by various invisible forces. The place is
DM Notes" "' tal dome. The tower dominates the rest of this sponsored by the Great School of Magic and
35. Metropolitan Theater: This great huild- quartet, offering a pleasant view of the river serves as laboratory for courses on Useful
ing is one of the mnst ancient in this quarter of flowing south. Rooms go for 20 dc a night per Magic-Use in Common Life, or experimental
the city. The greatest Glantrian actors perform person, and a copious dinner with the finest study grounds for school trainees. Most of the
here, offering a strange mix of conservative New Averoigoe wines and brandies for a rea- inn's effects are permanent until dispelled (an
theater and magic-use. The most popular sonable I dc. Their specialties include Troll offense for which a euest
" can be thrown out of
plays involve a heroic scene in which a monster Steak du Chef and Gelatinous Cubelings the hostel).
(live) is reduced to ashes. Occasionalaccidents Flambe. Invisible stalkers under the innkeeDer's
occur, when the monster does not cooperate as 38. Fireworks Arcane House: This small fac- control, levitation, telekinesis or teleport any
expected, but this is equally interesting. tory has a shop that opens on Princes' Way. item are commonly used is this hostel. Almost
36. Game Lizards, Inc.: This shop is named The owner is a magic-userwho prepares magi- every customer need is met by magic. Once in
for the owner, who is fond of polymorphing cal staves capable of producing noisy but col- a while, a student will make a faux-pas, hut
into a lizard to entertain the crowds. Here you orful explosions in the skies. The magic used is the victims are promptly compensated for any
can buy arcane manuals on monster-hunting perfectly inoffensive. Once a month, during inconvenience. The school will offer to repair
and the acquisition of treasure; you can find warm summer sights, the shopkeeper will any serious wound to customers at the school
various decks of cards. dice games (loaded or organize a grandiose display of these eerie itself (bad publicity is highly undesirable).
not), phony coins with two heads or two tails, effects to advertise his merchandise. A staff
etc. This shop also carries an extensive line of only functions once and costs 30 dc.
"how-to" manuals for organizing entertain- 39. The Golden Imp: This tavern should be
ing receptions with a seasonal theme, so you visited at least once for its shady looks and "Farther west comes the port area. Oh,
will find many nobles wandering here. look- bizarre customers. This is one of the favorite dear, dear... The people here are incredi-
ing for the latest such tome. places for dockers, soldiers and gondolien. It bly mde and not very helpful unless you
37. The Watertnwer Inn: Wealthy people also happens to he the secret meeting place of have some alcohol or money on hand. This
traveling to the city might be better off get- the Followers of the Claymore (see "Guilds area contains mostly warehouses and grain
ting a room at this place. It is a tower located and Brotherhoods" for more detail). Obvious silos, river barges' and gondolas' repair
at the center of Circus Pool, where Princes' spell-casters are usually not welcome here. docks, and so forth. It is very busy during
Way joins with Barons' and Earls' Gates. This 40. Hostelry of the Unicorn: This family the day, and totally deserted at night, save
stylish inn is covered with bronze that turned hostelry looks perfectly quiet and respectable, for the Port Authorities' patrols in charge
green many years ago. The top of the tower is hut only the ignorant believe this. The place of the warehouse security.
a comfortable dinner area protected by a crys- actually belongs to the Sisters of the Private

“People run around with carts of mer-

:handises back and forth from barges to
yondolas and warehouses. The river mer-
hants, farmers and travelers often arrive
through East or West Port from the Isoile
River and unload passengers and goods
on any of the three main docks. The mer-
chandise is then stored in the warehouses,
or ferried toward Back Canal ot directly
onto a freight gondola. Most of the gon-
dola traffic leaves through Boldavian
Channel, Teamsters’ Waterway and Back
“Only passenger gondolas are allowed
on Actors’ Lane after sunrise to avoid caus-
ing more traftic congestion. Port Authori-
ties normally supervise the local activities
and will watch out for visiton; these will he
directed to the Port Authorities to pay the
entrance fee and get information on where I
to go.”

D M Nates
45. Monster Handler’s Warehouses: These
metal buildings belong to the guild. They use
them to store various large items that would
not fit in their office at the Business Quarter.
The buildings have several lower levels with
cages and cells containing the more dangerous
(live) specimens in stock. The foods appropri-
ate to these creatures and various restraining tral authority that control the Glantrian river
tools used to control them are stored here as barges and the city gondolas is located in this “The Middle Class Quarter is the part of
well. These warehouses are simply locked at building. They have a private court of their the city where most of the population
night since no one really dares to enter this own where responsibilities in gondola damage lives. It is located in the north and center
place alone (in some areas, the stench alone are solved and fines issued. To be a gondolier, area of the city. There you will find all the
will kill burglars). one must belong to the River Teamsters. people and talent behind the art of wiz-
46.Warehouses: These large buildings are 50. Ship Yards: This place is used to build ardry, such as sages, alchemists, scribes,
used to store most of the merchandises enter- or repair barges. It is an incredible mess of librarians, p a p a makers, and ink special-
ing or leaving the port. Any warehouse may wooden hulls, masts, oars. ropes, tools, tar or ists. Ttuly, it is the domain of the Glancrian
contain up tn hundreds of golden ducats’ paint buckets and wooden scaffoldings. Intellectual class.
worth of merchandise; however, the place is 51. Boatmen’sTavern: Passengers unloaded “House rents are more acceptable here,
often patrolled by the Port Authorities, on on the western dock may only exit through ranging from 1 dc per month for a small
foot or on gondola. this area. The ground level of the building IS a tenement to 100 dc monthly for a family
47. Grain Silos: These huge tower sttuc- protected gondola port for passengers, and is tower. The area is relatively quiet allowing
tures are used to store grain and vegetables fairly crowded. A Port Authority officer will intekctuak to study. One of the most seri-
that are needed to feed the city.popnlation. be here collecting entrance fees from visitors ous offenses here is disturbing the peace
The silo openings are magically sealed and (see area X68 for more detail). during the night. Fines can go from 10 dc
require a special word to unlock; the Port Stairs go up to the upper-lwel Boatmen’s to a couple of days at the Tower of Sighs.
Authorities have the word. Tavern, a place frequented mostly by port “People not owning shops in this area
48. Port Authorities: This branch of the workers, boatmens, and gondoliers. The lcave during the day to work in other plac-
City Constabulary is in charge of managing crowd is usually rowdy and brawls are fre- es of the city, for instance as Servants nf the
all business activities taking place in the quent, with the various undesirables flying Noble Quarter, retainen of the Citadel
port. They are rcsponsible for collecting out the windows into Teamsters’ Waterway’ Quarter, shop Owners in the Business area,
entrance fees and taxes on merchandises, as below. Gondolas will not stop unless the hap- and so on. Gondolas are extremely busy
well as enforcing the law within the port or less swimmer waves a coin of sufficient value here in the morning or late in the after-
on the rivers. Port Authorities are entitled for the pasag< noon. The rest of the day remains qui
to sign official passes to visitors if they need
1 enter the Citadel Quarter (see area #68

vr details).
DM Notes
52. Sages’ League Headqnaue~:This large
b d d q is the center of the sages’ acthities in
Glanui. Dozens can be see0 coming in and out
during the day,mast ofthem wor!ung for a noble
wizard or another. Some reside in the city;others,
who live in distant principalities, find m m and
board in thisbuddug. T h m are swenl enoanca
00 Main Waterway South and North.
Most of the building is surrounded by a
protected walkway with mooring areas for
gondolas. Sevcral amber gokms, a gift from
the d’Ambreville family, patrol the walkway
night and day. To enter the building, one
must either show proof of membership to the
league (a magical medallion with a secret sym-
bol) or declare a need for sage’s help, lo the
latter case, one of the golems will usher the
visitor to a waiting room.
If no sage shows up, the customer is to leave
the waiting room at nightfall (else one or more
golems will attempt to force the customer
out). If the visitor is lucky, or the person asked
for is readily available, a sage will show up and
deal with the visitor. If 00 specific sage is
requested, the chances one will show up are
10% per day. If a specific one is requested,

busy people).
I~ -
success chances reach 21% Der dav isaees are

53. Scholars’ Fratemitv Headanarters: This

is where scholars, teachers and *specialists in fmwhichoevergaesout. Therearemanybarred (book theftorvandallm in this b u i l h are&-
various domains may be hired. The building windows at vadous other levels; 00 some,, the ous ~Eenses,wonh a .ipto the tow^ of Sighs).
is located at the intersection of Alchemists’ ban heod outward, with badly chamd marks Rather than leaving.many visimts pay library ser-
Duct and Princes’ Way. There is an entrance amuod the rim of the openings. vants toleave thstowu and fetch food oranyoth-
(reserved for the scholars of the fraternity) at The place is well known for its commoo Or needed item. The lib- se~vanfsare “y to
the base of the building’s tower, 00 Prince’s explosions and bizarre, nauseating fumes. mcgnize by their lad and yellow outfts.
Way, and another 00 Rakoaar Carden, west of These mishaps usually don’t affect people At each level of the library tower are small
the building. The top of the tower contains an outside, but once io a while. debris of rooms one can rent to study in peace without
observatory, a very popular place for astrolo- nospeakable origin flies out the windows. being interrupted by other visitors. The
gists (or constable spies who need a closer view Alchemists are prompt to come out and sweep entrance fee to the library costs 5 dc, plus 1 sv
to nearby buildings). these remains into Alchemists’ Duct, The fire per hour of presence. Visiton must register at
Every three months, the fraternity organiz- at the top of the tower is the result of one of the entrance, facing Ink Flow. A ,private
es meetings on Raknaar Garden where they these explosions, which the alchemists have chamber costs ‘10 dc per day, and a servant
conduct free lectures for the people, This is still not managed to put out. Rather than service goes anywhere from 1 sv to 10 dc
part of an educationalprogram to improve the admit ineffectiveness in the matter. the corpo- depending on the difficulty of the task.
general intellectual level of the local citizens. ration claims it found the secret of perpetual At the top of the tower is a laboratory spe-
These are communal courses on reading and fire (they haven’t) and have chosen to let the cialized in deciphering ancient or foreign
counting. The city named the garden after the fire hnrn. The alchemists dedicated the fire to tomes. at a.rate of 1 sv per page. The library
heroic battle Sir Anton Vlaardoen fought the Ever Glowing Light ofKnowledgc. Ncver- does have floors below canal level; they con-
against a dragon called Rakoaar. The place is a theless, the authorities have hanoed the cor- tain older archives and precious tomes. The
pleasant garden where studious scholars walk poration from any dangerous experiments place is dark and dusty, and magic prevents
around or relax while reading ancient tomes. after nightfall, in order to preserve the peace. wafer seepage. Some people have lost their
Students also favor this place of peace. 55. City library: This lonely tower sranding way in this vast maze of bookshelves that go
54. Copration of AI&&’ H o w : This amidsrthegreywatetsofLibmyD~.isthel~g- from floor to ceiling. The place is nunored to
large purple stone tower is located 00 the o o b - est lihmy in Ghm. Others exist in the Ci@d be haunted by the souls of the unfortunate
eastem side of Kreeptoo Aire, a paved a n a and at the &eat School of Magic, but this one visitors who never returned; now few people
almost entirely covered with a mosaic. On the contab the geatest number of volnmq, The willingly enter here.
floor glow tho-& of well-known alchemical building is open all year long, at any hour ofthe 56. Scribes Asuxiation Headquarters: This
formulas, signs and mnes arranged in a decora- day or night. Many visiton enter and do om come huge, decrepit building holds the Association
rive pattern. At the top of the tower is a bright out for days, since the books m o t be taken out offices. as well as the city’s most efficient
parchment and papermaking manufacturer.

d a b l e for hire (see "

'hoods" for more detail)
rklated to books, ink,p
sands, leather works (et
area of the Middle Class
57. Gondnliers' Ian
inner port is the place
leave their boars dudn

rt lie at the end nf

the middle of the ports

city constable in charge

(with passengers aboard)

eondolien. The constable.

some ogre blood.

58. Master Dam
middle-class buildi
ments. One of the
(see "Marauders, Mages
more detail). If the place is
one can see a few shady-loo the dreaded Peopk'~-SpeIl-Casten Cornpan;
ing the building whenJak

coming to buy their usu

from Jakar. The blue light
available for sale.

cal items, and all the nec-

false spell-casters' licens-
Nwet stand under an open window, for staying here more than a
one never knows what may fall out. In the or growing mold because

go underground for some time after the meet-

ing, staying at their secret hideout, area X63). td, between Jkggm' Row, Boldavian Channel,
for more derails). There ax xveral sec~cfexits w
adjacent buildings‘ pasageways.
66.Little Boldavia: Thii colodul area is the
home of immigrants from the Principality of
Boldavia. Several hundred of these people live
here and have redecorated the houses to recre-
ate their beloved homeland. Visiton should
speak Boldavian to get around tbii place.
Many of the local citizens are professional
gondoliers, dockers, and other workers. This
place is also famous for its fortune tellen. The
locals spend free time io their central plaza
dancing around a bonfue, telling tales about
the vampire lords of their land, and drinking
their traditional liquor, until late at night.
67.T h ew End: This large paved area has
this name because it is the westemmast limit of
Glantri Civ It is d y crowded: mast of the
man- are located here because of the
cheap m s and the easy x e s w the city gam
with carts and mounn. Most of the houses here do
so much of this clutters the sides of the streen.
This is a smelly, unattractive asea, but sdll
-ely busy during day time.
Beggars often come up to wealthier pasemby
and beg for a piece of bread or a copper coin.
Many of these are dextrous tbieves, but few dare
to molest them, for one might belong to the
kggars’ Courr (see area X 6 4 for more detail).
68.City Gates: They are usually open during
day hours, but are beady guarded. An e n m e
fee of 5 copper pennies per person must be pajd
w enter, plus one sovereign per mount, if any.
Palanquins are charged 1dc and merchandise is
MIDDLE CLASS QUAR-R taxed I w per can (or pack animal).
Visiton may speak to the local constable if
they need an off~ialpass to enter the Citadel
Quarter. A constable who bas doubts about a
Main, and Teamsten’ Waterways. The windows more derails), a rubles chanaer. The west side of visitor’s intentions may use an ESP spell to
and entrances of these houses on the canal side the area is slowly,-lf inch by inch, year after check him out. If nothing particular is detect-
are all blodred off, leaving only one passage w year, The lower levels are dangemus pkces that ed, the visitor gets a one-day pass. Otbctwisc,
the Beggars’ Court on Boldavian channel. tbfeaten w cave in at any time. the suspicious visitor may be issued his pass
Some of the area still bean evidence that it was 65. Pingo the Dark’s %emat: This decrepit and then followed, or simply refused.
once an elegant quarter. However, half of the building contains a xries of small tenemenm 69.Guyd Posr: Thee dices are located at
houses are now mere rubble, and the majority that can be rented at a very low price (no more vadous places in Glantri City, the suburbs, wwns
have caved-in roofs, crumbling walls, or bwken than one or two sovereigm per month). One of and viuages of the counuy. They consist of a
windows covered with rotting planks. On both the tenants is P q the Dark,a thug of the small, three-storey bgb, swne wwer with a

&of rubble.
sides of the entrance w B e r n ’ court are high - g d d . His quarters harbor many jan and cages.
Pingo keeps his uained snakes in the jars and col-
heavy door and a few barred windows at the
upper levels. A d e n sign hangs above the
This dace is the domain ofsodefis waste: the lects rats and mice in the cages w feed the enuance, the size and shape of a shield. It is
poor, s h , deformed, cursed &d forgotten snakes. The nauseating stench of the place is b l d with a red eye that constantly seems to be
d e s with nowhere else w go. Hun&& of obviow at the front door and wow within. observing the p p l e , no mater where they are
squatten live hcre, in inhumanconditbm, bankg At canal level ofthe building is a small ohrnue in the street. This is only a n optical illusion w
snciety They live off the canal slime, rats, and 0th- pub, a piace for poor workers and (more spcdal- I i m p m the ignorant. The office’s disrrict name
er things they might catcb in the lower levels. The ly) thw ofthe g d d . The ddnks are terrible and (amaincanal,asvmoraneighborhoodinmon
luckiest are those capable of wandering the city guests enter at their own risk. Anything I m h g cases,,or the name of the village) is painted in
streets and canals and beg or steal without bang like a wealthy momer has a fine cbance of inher- gold above the eye. In New Avemigne. the sign
thrown out. Their unchallenged master is Kmg iting adaggerin the back. One ofthe rear r00ms simply says Gens d h e s .
Raubus (see“Marauden,M a g s . and Masters” for con& a secret entrance to area 163 (see above T h e street level is a noisy, busy waiting
room. Shady characters with mffles, unli- The thLd levd is the top of the m e r , and is me areas. the tower may have a well
censed magic-users (tied and gagged), illegal directly underneath a pointed roof. The roof is and an attached stable with half a doze$
monsters, drunkards, and citizenswith a com- Ewered with b m plates. lhislevel contains the horses, sometimes a large wagon with baneq
plaint sit on benches, waiting for their turn. A tower’s weapons: daggen, swords, crmsbows, indows, and a young stable boy.
senior officer sitting behind a large desk is in qumls, barrels of oil. dry wood, and a large
charge of directing people. Constables come cauldron. In case of trouble, b o i oil can be bnsnbles(7-lo):anyclassup tolevel2. A 4
up and down spiral stairs. escorting an indi- pourcd out of the tower’s macbicolarions. The 8 ; hp 4-8; MV 120’ (40’); AT 1 sword,!
vidual. This area commonly has half a dozen trap door leading to this place can he barred crossbow, or staff; D 1-6;Save as per class\
constables on duty. from inside. A cage with a dozen pigeons allows ML 9; AL any; XP 13-30
The second l e d contains a series of offices communication from one post to another. 6cers (2-4) & Chief any class up to level 3,
where fixers handle the various caxs. The Inmates are locked up below street level. A They vaditionally havq a billy dub + 1.9
Chief Constable works here. There is a 10% iwer usually has a couple of small cells, and a 2-1 + savevs.paralysisorbesNnned. AQ
chance the Chief has a mth device, a small uys- &amher large enough for a small crowd. One 8 ; bp 6-12; MY 120’ (40’);Save as pet
tal cube giving him the ability ofESP when look- guard is usually on duty here at any hour of class; ML 10; AL any; XP 30-61. !
ingduoughit.Thmfiicersandthe~~work the day or the night. The door leading to this
I this floor during daylight horn. level usually is wizard locked. 70. Gambling House:This charming three!
storey-high manor is built according to t d i ,
tional Boldavian taste, with small alcovcsj
statues and cupolas decorating the entird
Sttucture. Many visitors of differing soci
ranks come to this h o w to play cards or
WESC SIDE QUARCER ow games for money. The house is owned by,
the Merchants’ Consortium, and appropri-~
atcly licensed for this kind of business. ~

The preferred custnmers (the biggest losers]

are offered mums for the night on the uppeq
levels. The cu&nt manager, Henri d ’ h - i
breville (see “Mages. Marauders and Mas-1
ters”) recently started a d h e e t business in!
the house’s dungeons, patroncd by the Pel-i
lowship of the Pouch. Unlicensed gambling is1
being conducted there at the benefit of the;
manager and his thieves. To enter this place.1
one must be a customer in good standing withi
this establishment.
The game is called b l d a v b Roulette: twoi
players sit oppmite each other at a long table. !
They each have a dozen wands which they
artempt to fur at each other, in sequence. The !
wands are useless, except one that still has a !
charge. The deet may he htal or not to the 0th- ~

er gambler (no one knows what the wands ate). ~

Whde the two d e s fellows push their luck.

ambling fiuiously gos on am-ong the spena-
in.with stakes increasing each round. The sur-
king playa cams f h percent of the loxrs’
m. which often reaches hundreds of ducats.
fter a busy night, dead corpses float down
aldavian Channel, bcanngvery “ange mado

“Well, now, the gondola wdl stop at the

place whence you came. It IS now time for
me to retire. We are having a reception
tomormw night. Please come and visit us:
You will he most welcome!”
The gondola suddenly enters an area of
thick fog and the souod of flapping wings
can be heard ncar the boat. When thc fog
rixs again, no one stands at the bow, and
the pole continues pushing all by itsel

LiviNC; iN C;la~tni

“Oh, it’s been a tough day! Can’t wait t’get that stuff in later classes: it’s no big deal. But school;tbe sweetest dream of all students!Just
out an’ breathe a little fresh air. C‘mon, Ced, wait until you get to the real thing, like the keep busy with your stuff, kiddo. I’ll go check
let’s take a break!” magic missiles. You should see that!” Leaping her out.” Raphael leaves his elven friend and
“You’re sure we should go out, Raphael? offthe gondola, Raphael adds, “C’mon, this walks to Leranda’s table.
We have an awful lot of work for tomorrow,’’ is where we get off.” Shortly after, Humphrey returns to Cedrik‘s
asks Cedrik, a young elven apprentice. Momcnts later, the two are sitting at a cor- table.with the two drinks. “I see your friend
Already halfway down the stairs, the other ner booth in the Mages’ Hostelry. Cedrik is has left for awhile. Is there anything else I may
turns back. “We’ll study later, all right? Hey, I already lost in his xrolls, trying spell-casting do?”
know this great place called the Mages’ Hns- gestures a la Raphael, when a vaguely man- Cedrik, still not comfortable in Hum-
telry. Everyone who’s someone goes there to shaped sheet creature floats to thc table. phrey’s presence, nervously answers, “Oh? Er,
study. It’s quiet, service’sgreat an’ we also get Absently glancing up, Cedrii suddenly jumps yes.Asamaneroffact,I’dliketoknowalittle
a rebate as apprentices. The school owns the to the other end of the table, panidted: “A more on this place, what it’s like to live in a
place. Come on!” ghost! ” big city. 1was raised in the forests, according
The two teenagers scamper down the stain At Cedriks reaction, the sheet creature to elven tradition. Can you help me?”
and race out to the gate. Barely catching their drops its tray. Clutching its apron, it looks all “Why, certainly, my boy!” Straightening
breath, they quickly proceed with the compli- around and asks in an anguished voice his bow tie, Humphrey adds “You’ve found
cated gestures and command words to get past “Where, where?” the right stalker!” Then, leaning toward
the magical portal. Pushing and shoving Raphael bursts out laughing. “That’s Cedrik: “Ahem, by the way, have you a spare
through the crowd, the two jump into a pass- Humphrey! He’s just ascrvant-you know, an crown, my boy? No gold, please, only the
ing gondola, almost causing the gondolier to invisible stalker! Geez. where d’you come glowing s d , or some gems perham?”
fall off the narrow, swaying boat. from?” Then, turning towad the creature:
“Oh, Raph? Did you get that lecture on the “Two mandrake liqueurs, please!” Khe HiGbIiGW Of GIaNtlZ
floating disc?” inquires Cedrik. “I’ve been Once calm is restored, a young lady steps ?JY MiStrn HUMphnfg.
trying to make it work. but all I did was drop into the main room, a good-looking brunette to€ iNVf#in@ HaIk€K -
the master’s reports.” with large blue eyes and a form-fitting robe.
“It’s all in the wrist:’ Raphael replies smug- “Well. look who iust walked in.” says “Coming to Glantti was a good choice, my
ly. “See, always make ample moves, like this.” Raphael. boy! If you have the smarts, your destiny can
Demnnstratine the amrocdate eestures. the “Who’s she?” asks Ceddk. distractedly set- be glorious. In Glantri, you see, only those
older apprentLe almbgt dumps Lother’pas- ting his xrolls aside. with knowledge of magic can hope to become
ger’s hat into the water. “They’ll teach you “She’s Leranda, the new sensauon at the noblemen. This means power, privileges,
you expect to use it. The official in chargr
of licenses is quite paranoid; he may us(
‘ only be granted if a licensed spell-cast&
vouches for the applicant.
nothing else mattered.
“For wery bureaucratic blunder, a pub-
Speaking in Public: Speaking in the pres;

law, felonies are punishable only during the

lic servant has some imaginative way of week following the crime. By the eighth day,
dealing with it. Anything can happen. at sunrise, if the offender has not yet been
Tbey may force citize rehendcd, he ma constabulary is by far the most efticie
he crime-legally all Glantri. The Hall of Magistrates k
enalty for general busy with judgments.
yet paid, while another public servant of one finger (tendril, tentacle, pseudopod or "Also. people in Glantri tend to
requests the samc a m o u q from someone equivalent) per 100 ducats of assessed dam- others as oftemp they change boots.
else who did pay his-mdaey has to come age. If no finger remains, capital punishment price of legal &ion is high. A magistrate
from somewhere. right? They even sent a is applied, Rape is punishable by magical sex- Lasts 10 to 106 dc per appearance at the
baron's inheritance title to some gondolier. change for a year, permanent for repeat court. Tbe loser must reimburse all costs
The fellow bad a good time offenders. Murder is punishable by death by incurred hy the judgment. This includes
so, but then got in real tro green slime. plaintiff and defender's magistrates. the
true heu returned with ap Unlicensed Activities are felonles. Unau- judge, the constables and all the scribes
work. I think he ended up thorized spell-casting is punishable by one to involved with the case. This often amounts
buffoon for perpetuity. twelve month of dispelled magic. Second- to 300 to 400 dc per appearance at the
"The Glant~ianadm time offenders have their tongues tom out. court, plus briberies-which ,.are not
horrid machine that eve Third-time offenders are permanently feeble- uncommon, hut are risky for the cnexperi-
lems dealing with it. Magistrates benefit mindedand banished to the Beggars' Court. enccd.
from d thex innumerablecomplaints: they Other penalties for unlicensed activities impo+nt matters, magic is often
can be expensive, but they are the best way t6 vary from one to twelve months' imprison- D determlne if one lies o i not. All
deal with the administrative maze. They ment at the Tower of Sighs, without bai' -~ * arcaners have."ihe tight to request such
100 ducats fme for minor offenders. examination (ESP), hut you should
remember that in order to address a court
Misdemeanors i of magistrates, you must have a license for
Nocturnal Noise in Urban Areas, Disturb- speaking in public-else they might
magistrates skillfullyuse to maintain order ing Public Order, ObstN&g the Course of charge you fomnother felony! If yon nei-
and keep gold flowing into the treasury." Law or Public Service, Lying to a Magistrate,
to an Anent of the Constable ot to a Noble,
3)Laws Of GlaNl
€ -I
MOCI&, h u l t i n g or Libelling an h n e r are you can't verbally deny accusations! Of
- misdemeanors punishable by course, you can,communicate with written
"Since you'll he here for le I hanging by the thumbs. or fines scrolls. but ; I this case, each must be
need to know ahout our la ant 10 to 100 dc. notarized--thjbtoo can become expensive!
fences for breakiog them:' Wounding or Intending to ,much for Glantri's legal system. I'd
arcaner using a mundane weapon or an SI arize all this by saying, 'Just stay out
Treason and High Treason hand, without the approval of a f trouble!' But don't he frightened. Life
Violation of Allegiance tc Council
of Princes is called High Treason. ne pcnalty
is death by exposure on the Tower of Sigh for
i- +he Tower of
.&1 Glantri offers many advantages, too-
as the wide array of magic-use so com-
mon in everyday life!'

"I'm sure you noticed our street lamps.

Treason. The penalty is up Each consists of a iron pole that is elegandy
Religion is a crime of Hi sculpted, with a continuallight glowing at
the official philosophy the top during night and day. This is the
fitst manifestation of magic you notice in
Glantri City.iThere is much more than
Rights: A mundaner is considered
ilar heresy is punishable of a crime until proved innocent if the the middle-class families
Tax Evasion is Trea i f fis a nobleman. In all other cases, a ble households. licensed
ect is considered innocent until proved spell-casters are commonly hired to pro-
duce magical effects, both for comfort and
social status. Conspicuous display of magic
is the kev to social success, my boy! There
Felonies I ..
#e many examples rcght here. Do you
- - _._.
need. water, n smaIcpermanenrg'drcw
I, -L.
LiviN(; iN C;laNtni City

linked to various pipes and faucets-this

latest in magical technology can be
installed in your own home for a modest 36
“Heat, you say? Have
elemental in the cellar. I
within a magical boiler tbr
water pipes circulate. You can
hot bath in winter or co
this, complete with licenses t
elementals in the city, come
10 crowns, a true bargain!
“Should you desire refreshment-i
equally easy. ?he ice box is located in the
kitchen and filled every day. We order our
ice from the the Vladimirov Brothers,
mages who make a business of
freezing dean water and foods. Th
er directly to your h
dc per iceblock. Wai
‘cioussummer deligh
Griffon Egg Souffle,
“Is there any refuse
Scrape it into the
posal, a personal black pudding “nit. It
disposes of anything and requires no clean-
ing and no maintenance! The whole sys-
tem can be installed in your very own
kitchen for the incredible’sum of 21 cr.
which includes a ten-year warranty!
“Are you looking for designer furni-
ture? Tky this! Perman
that conform to your
shape, and follow you on
sell on the market for n
crowns, 21 with silk or vel
“Do you desire pers
home? Try this: A small
ual light that follows its owner, s m d s in
place or varies in intensity
word. This marvel costs on1
“More? Try the latest in communica-
tions! For quick delivery, have your mes-
sages teleported directly to
destinations by your local Arcane Te
ten and Towersoffice. This wili cost you 14
“Need a multipurpose servant? Here
comes Rent-a-Stalker.For 12 cr, hire yom
own stalker for a specitic
you ask me, most of these
mannered morons.”
“Flying carpets, cream UN
for security and service, wi ‘I for
handling fires and stoi , v,LL ZeId
umbrellas against the rain, magic doors,
magic windows, magical hourglasses that
flip around by themselves and whistle the Radiance must make contact at mid-
Ih. Spring Break-The students from the ..ytdan 5 8 120 1 9 0 26m tybcdy is out.
Great Schoolof Magic go aboutrhe canals hbdam 6 13 20 27 : Army Parade-'he garrisons in each
and riven, blowing up the icc. This is a Soladan 7 141E- 21 28 principality and in Glantri City organize
chance for the stud The original idea for
inning of the late spring scawn a from the Prince of
um--This is the annual wizards' d e in
convcnrion lasting night and day to be a
until the end of the month. Mintcrested WDUla-
magic-usen come to GIantri City and sure they u n d c n d just
share some of their most tmsured secrets e. Later in the afternoon,
JOUSTS are organized between the ruled
knights, as well as magical duels between
magic-using army officcn. The best
rowdy students cause

hcing vapped or ren-

VATERMOI ). Magic-usen are the
but once in a while a
Ldain 00 8c) 15w 22@ the best. Later, during
Gromdai 9 I6 23

Nytdam .8 120
loshdam 6
Soladain 7

17 : Beginrung of the LRTHMONT

A: 1st 'hDay-Ci
Is@ 1 5 0 22
9 16 23
IOA 17 24
11 18 25

13 20 21 e
14 +e21 28

mid-summer sa...

Ludm 1.0 8c)

Gromdain 2 9 16 23 House of Miniisten and the Parliament are sored by thc River Teamsten.
10 17 24 dosed to business. S C N ~usually
~ S spend
11 18 25 A 0 this day deamng the budding while we-
Alvar, where the people prove their braver)
Lunadain 1.0 8 0 11OA22@ by trying to outrun them or removing a lit.
Gromdarn 2 9 lA* 23
Tserdarn 3 IO 24
Moldam 4 11 Moldain 4
Nvtdarn I @I12 c dangerous creatures lurking in the water-
rdShdain 6 ~
ways. At fm, it was the m y ' s responsibili-
Soladain 7 ty to seek out and desuoy them. Then the Saladain 7
southern elves of the capital took the mon-
0: Beginning of the late summ ster hunt into their own hands. Nowadays,
the more courageous urbanites are invited
believe that evil spirits c co board war gondolas and hunt the m a -
Nres using magic or weapons-goad twin-
trophes. The m m n ing for the Great School of Magic's
natural phenomeno students. The Monster Huntets' Union is
often out to purchase some newly captured
+ : Beggars' Hope-The poor wretches of the
Beggars' Court are allowed out of their
city quarter to beg without threat of
fail are unaffected; being chased away. Many middle-clasr
point of Intelligence people and some nobles come to
"'.le Quarter to make donation
1 old clothes and occasionally
ne of the most awful curses.

00 8 0 1>0+22@
what occurs that n 9 16 *'
discoveries. Missing IOA@ 17
a spell-caster to be to 11 18
loses ld8 points of
night, hahhles unin 10 17
laughs insanely, has 14 21 28 11 18 2
and finally loses consc 12 <) 19 0 26 @
ginning of the mid-fall season 1 o u t t i 3 20 "
: 3rd Tax Day-See 1st Tax Day in Vater- S' 7* 14 + 21
mont for more detail.
Great School of Magic us + : Vyonnese Carnival-This is the national
madhouse during these h festival of New Averoigne. The celebrants
go along the streets of their towns, or the
FELMOB canals of Glantri City's residents, waving
scarecrows around, weaiig colorful cos-
Lunadain 1 . 0 8 0 I>O 22@ tumes and masks, laughing, dancing,
Gromdain 2 9 II: '3 hanging on pan lids and making the most
Tserdain 3 10 4 a- atrocious noise possible. Most other peo-
Moldain 4 11 I +%E ple think they do this just to have fun
Nytdain . 5 8 12 c (and many join in these pracessions), but
Loshdain 6 13 the real meaning of the festival is to scare
Soladain 7 evil spirits away and mock the werewolf.
With a closer look, an ohserver can see
0 : Fall Equinox-Beg +t many of the scarecrows wear wolf hmic but obscu
season. The Brother ns or look like ugly wolfmen. The car-
must make contact (a1starts at dusk and lasts until sunrise,
had weather could be expected, with high driving the city constabulary mad,:% it is
winds or violcnt thunderstorms. impossible to stop the massive crowds of return, the grate611 person must
A: Feria de Tomo?hi is the national holiday lawbreakers (disturbing nighttime peace once and stick his tongue out. The cer
for the southem elves of Belcadiz. Irate bulls is a crime in Glanui City.) mony ends with the first Krondaharia


- 1
1 '

slapping the other on the left cheek and

bowing twice. This ceremony can cause
difficulties outside Krondahar, when a

this event is to make sure

city is protected when t
Immense crowds of p radiates magic then and no
nter it. So far the phenome-

colors, decorative sculp

and auras, and so forth
will be offered at the p

, wizards make sure the

time.) This portent is a
ing stars. On occasion,
nadain 1.0 8 @ will fall from the sky and
in Glantri. These celes-
supposed to bring bad
Moldain 4
@ A 12
* 13
age see one of these
: Beginning of the mid- ound, he will imme-
brave men to fmd it
: Necromantia-This is 9
his tower. There is no
in Klantyre, originally
the Prince of Klantyre may be found on the
ere is nothing, but at
who died upon the fie
people go to the graves
to pay homage and to
dirt from the burial si
may start a quest to give
lost relatives. On the n
this event, ghosts and sp
to visit their descend
respect was shown, then

cided by vote, rival

lengths to gain vot-
the undead. The g voting campaigns,
and Boldavia also

feverishly prepares for this festival. The e in a while, two factions run into each
skaters of the country come to the
tal to participate to the nauonal ice
other and fght until the constables inter-
vene. These people also hire supporters, a I 7. A chime playing a child’s tune follows
a nearbv creature until dispelled. Th
lucrative but dangerous business.
“Last year, when I was still wandering
the city free and invisible, I witnessed sup-
porters of a faction bringing d i r t y mun-
:ffect is chosen at ran

the area where the child

the butterflies spread
daners, tied and gagged, into a mansion’s
inner court. 1was hiding at the end of the radius, blinding every-
row The leader, a nobleman wbom 1 do
not personally know, cast a speU upon and all beings within a 30-
them. For a short instant a sensation of DM Notes: Spell-Easring cbd s gare into an outer plane
f t i e u b e s s toward the man overwhelmed sent to the Great School of Mag
me and I felt compelled to help him.But (seven days a we&, eight montbs a year min
soon the effect vamshed. although I think mum). Failing to provide rhis training caus lins dressed as puppets
I was the only one to break free. The other hild and decide to
fellows llstened to the nobleman‘r speech
and left the place, wavmg their posters,
shouting slogans, and ready to do battle!
Ten minutes later, another thirty victims
where brought in and the same happened
again. In a smgle day, rhis man bewitched Whenever a child c a t s a SF
over a hundred people to serve him. I say, chance it will misfire. Roll 4d4, uym
it chdls my spine to think about what these less than the child’s age. (With elves,
people do to achieve their ends! So pop up everywhere
remember, always stay clear of these closely approximates and rolls against that.) radius and grow one
crowds of howling fanatics. The spell works normally if the roll is equal to
“Nobles sometunes come down into the or less than the child’s age. lfthe roll is higher,
streets and cast spectacular new spells to the spell fails and produces an unexpected tri is 16 years old, tbe ag
impress voters The object of this 4 ~1&ow effect Miscast spells do not not affect the cast- is possible without B;
their magic is superior to that of their com- ec ¶%ee& are up to the DM;some exam-
petitors, so therefore they are wonbier of ples are below.
their votes. Of course, many nobles are the Glantrian campaign.
charged by the constables with casting
spells for business reasons without a
license. I say, g o d for the constabulary! 1 ULC a g e t of the spell is
Personally, I have uo sympathy for politi- into a teddy bear ur s
cians; all they do is make promises; few
actually uphold them when they get what 2. The target of the spell turns blu
they want.” yellow dots (no save); any variau
bizarrecolorsarr welcome. It
make bubbles and funny

The tuget of the spell gr

foot per mund. The g

All.beings in a 60-foot
move without leaping
random direction, o
proper age to learn the secrets of mag=.
But in this land, to he a noble one must A 10-foothigh tower mahe ofwooden
a wizard, and sa to insure the conunuitg o ’ consent. If the
his dynasty he must raise his children
the tradition of magic-use. So, some begin small catapnlt.
to learn as early as five years old. A monster of great strength aF Parliament recognize the oldest wizardly
“There is a price to pay for this folly. next to the child It thinks it IS me
Chddren learn fast, often faster than their
elders. The brightest duldreu M capable I child’s mocber and will be danger-
ously protective of the cbdd.
descendant in the family as the
me Official ~ I W a a N “Well, then. it’s getting late! My, where did
Philosoplw Shepherds say the disciples are in uances and your friend go?”
must not be disturbed. Disturbed, ha! I Piling up his homework, Cedrik turns
“You should h o w one important thing think they already were! They’ll tell you the around. looking for Leranda and Raphael.
about living in Glanui. You already know gong’s vibrations on your cranium are good “’re right. The cute human girl is
rellgion is considered heresy here, but this for meditation. But I uied it once and got gone and so is Raph!”
does not mean spidtual ways are ignored. In only invisible bumps and a headache! Laughing softly, Humphrey thc Stalker
fact,Glanm bas its very own philowphy, and “But it does seem ttwt in the long run adds, “1 bet he went out with her. Anothcr
temples where it is raught. The wizards who some p p l e an affected permanently Over conquest in kranda’s bag!”
run the temples are called Shepherdsof Rad. the years. one can inctease his Intelligence A small voice comes from under the table:
People go there when they need an answer to slightly, but Wisdom is then similarly “Hey! What do yon mean, another conquest
a personal problem, or when they scdr the reduced. The dkiples become fanatid fol- for Leranda? When you two are done debat-
l i g h t o f u n i v e d k d g e . Ifyouaskme, I lowea of the wizards’ way of life, absolutely ingthemcaningoflie, willyouplevegetme
think they’re chadatans. All they do is mite opposed to the concept of divine rebgion. out of here!”
bizane mantras over and over and pcrform These men are t o d y loyal to their Shep- Both elf and the stalker stare blankly at each
meaningless ceremonies. The Shepherds herds. The only thing I like about the Em- other and then look under the table. A toad
daim these enhance the intellect and the plesofRadisthenice,ongoingringingofthe sits there, croaking angrily at them. “It’s
memory. gongs that can be heard m the SUMS. It’s a about time vou noticed mc! Will YOU , Ieive me
“For example, one wdl rapidly recite this rrasNdog sign of the people’s goodwill. a hand now?’’
verse: ’Knowledgeislighr,lightin themind, “A g o d citizen goes to the Temples of “YcD, that’s RaDh dl rieht!” says Hum-
I mind the ways 0’ Rad,Rad is the sowe 0’ Rad. Army officers, public servants and phrcy.*‘’I’d recog&e t h c g d u m b ;yes any-
Knowledge!’ after wbich he bangs his fore- constables must attend every morning, where. I forgot to tell him Lcranda just
head on a gongm make sure tbe lesson sinks according to their manuals. You see, my graduated to the class of Sorceress with her
in! Andthisone: ‘MagicisltFcfiisaspiraf,
. boy, if you want to remain on good terms polymorph others spell. Neat. e++ ~i$p,!.;<d
‘P? :,.*, .*:
I s p d to the Nucleus 0’ Rad,Rad is the with your maSfea at the school. make sure , .si 1.. .........
source 0’ Magi!’I saw dixiples repeating you regularly show yourself at the Temple ..... ~ ...... ^. .........
this hundreds of times, until they collapsed of Rad-but don’t overdo it! Leavc t h s to
to the ground. sba!ung and foaming. The the mundanen and the zealots.”

... ..................
.............................. 57
It is early and, low over the mountains, tt P U R P O S Of
~ to€ SCOOOI
sun sets the sky ablaze. The little red CIeaNl
yawns, stretches it . s, Loricks ~ U N S M the
scratchesits horny he
oes in the room b
n't try that yet if I
fee does not include
resemhing spells and
, and this is expensive.
something. boy are you
tage point, the crown of a
looking the main study IO staring at Diaholus' pouch,
the m m ' s vault, among bigger by the minute,
t what if I run out of

dent, poking his fmger at

"How did yon get in her
"Eh? Oh. Greetings,
answers the creature. shaki
dent's hand with its PO'
you've got younself in tro
CO€Gneat Scl)ooJ of Maqic
Agility Training:This allows the magic-user
to roll (d2O) under his Dexterity to be able to
cast spells while moving. This can only he
done at a normal walking pace; riding a
mount or dodging attacks imposes a severe
penalty on the ability check (DM's discretion,
a -1 to -10 to the Dx score. depending on cir-
cumstances). If the attempt fails, the spell is
Conjure Companion: This ability allows a
magic-user to summon a creature that will
become his companion. He can attempt this
only during a full moon, and has a 2 % chance
per level to succeed. The companion is men-
t d y linked to its master and has an Intelli-
gence of 9-18 (dlO+8). The master, by
concentrating, can see and hear what his com-
panion perceives (range is unlimited). It
behaves as a channed creature. A magic-user
can only have one such companion at any
The exact type of creature is up to the
magic-user, but he must have a part of the
type of creature as hasic component for the
conjuration. For example: if he wants a black
cat, he needs hair from a black cat; ifhe wants
a gremlin, he needs a gremlin skull; ctc.
Often, the magic-user must leave on an
adventure to get the component. His chances
of success are reduced -10% per asterisk in the
creature'sstatistics (agremlin. HD l**,would hp and cannot conjure a new companion for a conjuring a magical companion.
penalize anattempt -20%). When anattempt year. Qui& Casdng: This allows a magic-user to
fails, the components are destroyed. The same learningLanguages: The student may learn cast spells more quickly. If. at the beginning
creature or parts coming from the same crea- extra languages (up to the maximum allowed of a round, the magic-user states he has the
ture cannot be used several times as a source of by his Intelligence). Only one language can be components ready for a specific spell, that
components for conjurations. learned at a time. The student must reach the spell goes off fust thing in the next round,
The creature must be of the master's align- next experience level before taking this course before initiative is rolled. If he changes his
ment. It will have a hp equal to the caster's again and learning another language. Vim- mind in between. he must shuffle his compo-
level (consider elves to be two levels higher pel ally any language is available at the school. nents and do nothing else that round.
Attack Rank beyond C-see Companion Mandragora: This allows a magic-user to Spell Combination: This technique allows
Book One, page 30, for more detail on Attack recognize mandragora plants and safely har- the student to mix his spell levels io any com-
Ranks), and have one HD (or level) for every 2 vest them. The roots may be used to make bination, so long as the total spell levels mem-
points the wizard's Intelligence exceeds 10. soporific or hallucinogenic drugs. A victim of orized do not exceed his capacity. For
For example, an 18 Intelligence, level 21 wiz- chhc drug must make a Constitution check example: a level 4 magic-user normally casts
ard may summon a 21 hp (HD 4**) hell- (Id20 against Cn); if be fails, he will fall two 1st level spells, and two 2nd levels (for a
hound, with a 22% chance of succes (44% - asleep for ld6 days, or answet the truth to ld6 total of 6 spell levels). With this technique, he
20% for the **). If the master chooses a char- questions the magic-user asks. At ninth level, can choose to memorize six firsr level spells. or
acter type (a fighter, an elf, a mystic, a thug, a wizard can animate the plant's root to create three second levels, or any other appropriate
etc.) for a companion, it can not he a known a manikin (see "Critters from the Caul- combination.
NPC or a player character. These companions dron").
are called sidekicks. A sidekick is considered a Meditation: This helps the character reach a GaiNiNG EXP€R~€NC€
monster with two asterisks for purposes of higher level of intellectual perception. After
conjuration. The player will give it a personal- an hour of preparation (absolute quiet) the As the imp kctures, he and his charge
ity and a name. A sidekick is utterly loyal and wizard gains a modifier to an Intelligence wander about theschool, visiting laborato-
CaMOt he channed or influenced against his Check ( + 1 up to level I,+ 2 up to level 10, ries, libraries, classrooms, and study quar-
master. etc; and + S at level 36). He must tell the DM ters. Their latest stop (after a shortcut
Once summoned, a companion stays with which problem he wishes to solve before med- through the kitchens) is a gallery filled
its master. He cannot dismiss or dispel it. It itating, The effect lasts until the ability check with stuffed creatures of various sorts. Each
does not gain hp as the master gains levels. If is attempted. Meditation improves chances of has a little plaque explaining its origins.
it dies, the master suffers damage equal to its discovering new spells, enchanting items, or
Gneat Scbool of Magic

Loricks steps into the room. A dozen I out of my ears! Tell me, Diab’, what elr
tables have been overturned, a window is I there to know about living in this plac

of something, Dlab’,” says

t if those two masters realize
asks Diabolns innocently. “I
al the scroll--you did! But I
ink they really care, and they can’t
t anyway. In any case, d the owner
,ts to get’at you, all be can do IS chal-

s, Loricks stares at
Iliabolus and gulps, “Duel, what duel?
d have to fight this guy-I

e , you go to your quarters

“Thanks, that’s all I pponents prepare their spell

sternly. “I’m getting ti^ magical items in separate
n building, the school sets
o ten tiers high around the
Thcn the duel grounds are
areas of hallucinatoy termn,

, and so forth. The duel-

osed within a IO’diame-
‘ofcourse, sstudents who are ut of which the two
opponents are not allowed untll the end of the
duel. The circle IS anti-magical and protmrs
the people outside When the two opponents
are ready, they are blindfolded and brought to
Cne C;neat Scnool of MaGic

he duel grounds, facing outward. At a signal, enturets can greatly prof

hey remove their blmdfold and the duel they may receive, as payment for a task, i
uncommon magical item or strong magic a+
acquire Dowerful friends i

he mercy of the other, or

ase of a ue, a jury o f t
ncluding Prince Euenne (th
he School) decides who w

ng out and commg back later

lor is outside help Once a w
be other must unmediately
gamst him A wizard cann

Ireaking any of these rules

eits the duel

A loud snoring sudde

imp’s speech. “Hmm,
Diab’,” mumbles Loric 1’
Diabolus. “I have to go
wirh your sscroll.”
“Wait!” cries Loricks
me like this! I want to k There r
D&D@ e
Please help, I’ll do anyth approi
“Will you, now? All I
this!” Diaboluspulls asm
pouch and UNO^ it on
Rubbing his eyes, Lo
the scroll. “What’s this?
Handing a quill to tb

this agreement, that’s all. See

ing on bonuses paid by the
time I help someone gradua ong students and teacher$
looks bad on your mas
records. The best masters
more. so...” wox=n-tq*c9
I have a

unpressions, and your own. w

shin your playcrs”mindr the no
here, uythis!”Hequickl orful. memorablt hudgcpodge of hfc in a n
tri City
While rhcy’rc in Glandnrri. select rh; sce
nirio, from thc ‘ Advcnrurer” sccriov whicl ate from the School
the blood, z#fiwaYs sign a con. best suit their temperaments and levels, anc rhey don’t have to leave the School then, d
tract with your own blood!” olav them out: Dlav additional adventure ?.iscussed earlier in the supplement.. . but thI
based on what they pe of education is different, for they nl
nger have teachers.
me Gnfat Scbool of Ma
Some characters will also he considering they’ll have learned, at home, is read magic.)
entering the political arena; of the player- But these new students aren’t adult-
characters’ group. one will probably do so they’re children, aged 12 to 15 (players’
eventually, with the other PCs as his trusted choice). They suffer the effects of the Infant intricate politics of Glan
friends and retainers. Catastrophe Tahle (from “Living in Glanui
Ultimately, these characters will reach high City”). they run around and get into trouble, some consist merely of trying to convice. the
levels of nobility, recognize the presence of the they spy on adults and have the most manrel- condescending gownups that something had
Radiance and investigate it, and deal with the lous adventures because of that, and they really is irideed about to happen.
many problem and adventures caused by ml- grudgingly attend class at the Great School the characters are
ing over men and investigating powerful mag- and have learning forced upon them. reach Wizardhocd,
ic. Perhaps one will eventually achieve the You’ll want to talk to your players first to f ‘children behind
ultimate goal of the Glantrian wizard: fmd out if they want to have a campaign like
Immortality. this. If they do, you have the opportunity to
create a lot of fun.
This sort of campaign should have a very can sneak through corridorswhen they’re sup-
childlike air ahout it: the characters pursue posed to he asleep, practice magics they’re too
children’s goals (getting out of chores, mn- young to perform properly, form their own
Finally, you have the opportunity to conduct a ning around where they’re not supposed to, clnhs and gang
really eccentric sort of campaign at the Great figuring out what the adults are up to, finding bright- hut-stub
School. new places io explore, putting one over 00 student-child in
Begin with an all-new p a q of fmt-level hated grownups);the adventuresall have chil-
magic U S C ~ S (Renemhcr that the first spell dren’s hook sensihiliricsabout them. Evil ene-
! - w

The dream of the Glantrian magic-user is the casu his spells. The quick-mutter, fmger- before attempting spell research, and must g(
research and development of spells and magi- shake method of telepon any object is the on an adventure to acquire the basic spa1
cal items. This is one of his greatest sources of sDeU crafted hv Etienne d'Amhreville: components needed (he must rradt the?
Morphail Gorevit&-Woszlany uses dark words down the hard way for spell research).
In many D&D" game campaigns, details of of command and a dramatic eesture of dis-

spell learning are glossed over: the character missal. Time and M o n q
easily trades spells with his friends. learns
them from scrolls, and he occasionally aeates
So, below we have optional rules for spell
research and magical item creation. They are
- '.
The mazic-uscr must then be Drenared I
spend largc amountsofgold during thccoune
different from the Expert rules. but are more of his research. Thc rotd to bc mcnr comes to
But in a campaign where the main focus is appropriate in Glantri. 1.000 dc times the spell level. Tce DM decides
on magic-users, you should devote more what the spell level should be, according to
attention to this. The Glantrian spell-caster the effects the player describes.
learns a few spells from the school: one per Research takes a week for the initill
experience level from his master, a few low- Necfssaw E I ~ M ~ N ~ S research, plus a day per 1,000 dc. The plilyfr
level ones bought from professional magic- To research a spell, a magic-user must first does not necessarily know how much time
users. The majority of the rest he must have access to a large library such as those that needed. The PC spends 1,000 dc per day ,
learn-invent or re-invent-for himself. exist in major cities, or in the tower of any sin- researcb (not including initial research tim
When a Glantrian spell-caster wants to gle Wizard-Prince. until the DM tells him to make an attemDt ra
learn, say, a feeblemind, he will fmd chat Then, the wizard must fmd components for (a surc sign thc tescarch has come to its end
most wizards guard their spells jealously; and
those that don't still may not have the availa-
the spell. These are up to the players and their
DM to determine; on the avenge, the compo-
If thc wizard runs oui of euld bcforc then. t
may interrupt his research, leave on an e m
ble time it will take to teach the spell. nent should be from a monster with HD at to cam more money, and come back later an
So, our magic-user haunts the libraries. least equal to the spell level, or of similar dEi- spend more time and money to advance h
assembles components, and gradually pieces culty to attain. research.
together the clues that allow him to cast his Examples: Red dragon scales for an explo-
spell. For this reason, every spell can be con- sive cloud, fresh troll blood for a Chances of S u m
sidered different; two magic mbilcs will only reincamauon, fur from a displacer beast for a The chances of success to discover a spell va
be alike if they were taught by the same spell- telepon, etc. Thete are no limits to this but depending on the spell level researched an
the players' and DMs' imaginations. Remem- whether it is a new spell or a common one (01
ber, the researcher must have the components already described in the rules). For a commo
c , ,- . . ...
... .

.2>-,,* .
*,si, . . . . ~ . ...

CneatiNc, Spells aNb MaGical Item


spell, add the magic-user's mtelligence score The cost of recharging items is equal to the ENClJaNtiNG W f a P O N S
to hn experience level, and multiply the result onginal cost of charges (10% of the Initial a N 0 AKMOR
by two. Then subtract 3 per . level being.
. spell Enchantment). Pouons or scrolls arc items
rcscarched. (For a new we'' -..I-----. ' --_ with charges (a charge per d o x or pcr spell); The procdurc for bcsrowing "plusscs" or
spcll lcvcl insrcad of 3 rhcy arc not rechargcablc. Diffcrmt spells on "minuses" to k m s rcquircs a diffcrenr
is an automatic failurc. one scroll arc considered xparare magical mchanrment thvlfor orhcr magical items. 'lo
iwms. Item with charges can't bc recharged fdrhc initial Pnchantrncnr cmr, mulriply
Common Spell. ((hi-LvljxZr,, p l ap.l, bcyond the original numbcr of charges rhcy the itcm's normal pricc (gold) by its cncum-
New Spcll: ((lnt + Lul)x2).(5 per spell Icvcl) had whcn crcarcd. A wizard may dccidc a1 thc brancc (coins). For armor, dividc this rcsulr by
morncnr of creation that an itcm Mrh charges 3; for weapons. mUkiDlV i r bv I instcad
Exampk: A lcvcl I magic-use with a I 5 is non-mhargcable. In this case, rcducc h i - (always m u d L
Inrclligence. researching a common 1st lcvcl rial Emhantmcnt COSTbg 20%.
spell, has a ( ( I > + I)xZj-3 = 37% cbancc of The acrual proccdurc for cnchanring iams Armor Initial Enchanrmcnr Cox:
success. The research would con him 1,000 dc is otherwise similar to mearching spclls. If ium price (gold) x cncumbranc.
and rakc eight days (a week -I..- M C clay for chis is the fitst rime a wizard cnchuus this sort Wclpon Initial Ench,anrmcnt Cost
the 1,000 dc) . -old) x encumbrano
covcnng a new spcll If rhc wizard has SUCCCSS-
E N C h a N t i N r ; M i S C € / l a N € O U S lteM8 fully cncbanicd a sunilar itcm bdurc. chanas Examplc: A sword normally costs 10 dc and
initial enchantment costs
A magic-user must be 9th
to make a magical item.

g to the wizard's choice.

or - " of either
ultiply the initial
total " + '* Of " - " .

e d e of game halance,

100 dc for weapons, or

desired effect.
Once this is done. take
of rhc spclls going inio rhc item and multiply &PIC above for derails) it rhc end of which Addieg E m Powers: Extra magical effects
the rcsult by I.000.Thc result is rhc numbcr thc two rolls arc attcmprcd. Chances of nu. c a n beadded mweapons or armor. Procccd as
of gold ducats ncccssary to makc thc initial ccnfor c/airvoyanccvc 4 1 % . 44% for ESI! If ifcnrhanring a scparaic ircm as dcxribcd for
cnchhanrmcnt. If rhc itcm has charees. add the finr roll fails. rhc wholc ircm isspoiled. If spdl Icvcls. nKcosr and tunc is addcd to rhar
10% of the uutial enchantment ;os only rhc xcond fails. thc wirvd shll has a df making thc magical weapon. Succcss
charge. A permanent enchantment cast crysnl hal/ without FSP h c e s arc mUcd sepmrcly for cach cxtra
equivalent of 50 charges. T i m Limintions: Some ircms mav bc use- rffccr. If rhc dfccts of an cnchanrmcnt arc
st of extra magical effects is
Initial Enchantment:
Cost of Charges: ( 5 grcen dragon slaycr
ment) x number sword, plus 36.000dc
Cost of Permanency: egrace spell effect (6th
ment) x 50
Total Cost: Initial Enchant ts cost is thus reduced 20%.
Charges, or 28.800 dc. The fmal cost IS
Total Cost: Initial Enchaotnimr of work. and the player
Permanency. r the + 5 sword and once

. ai extra bonus is neces-

is permanent, therefore it costs (3 x 1,000) + w - v s . a special opponent, like a + I sword,
(300 x Io) = 18,000 dc. The enchantment + 3 w.dragons, simply add the extra "plus-
takes 25 days (one week plus 1 day per 1,000 ses" to the original enchantment costs, at half
dc). price. Talents are considered spell powen (see
CneatiNG Spells aNb MiiGiCal l t f ~ s

s Items). For complex weapons,

the DM should adjust the guidelines at his
discretion, to cover unexpected cases and safe
guard game balance. osts -
Inteiligent weapons a ated. on """.
purpose. by Immortals Magic It& ndc) Needed
makes a magical sword, per 100 dc of expenditures (or fraction th I n
suoll(3 Charm spch): ,040 9days
been made Intelligent (s of) to find th tomes. Any single h h
Dagger + I : ,010 9days n an abandoned lib
of Companion Bwk Two). found in a t

Porion ofZnvmblliryl:
Learhcr Armor 01Shield + I :
11 days
or for sale on
by a percentage roll.
et costs 10 dc multipl'cd
x i When role-playing with book mer
Sword + 1 : 3,000 lldays
(or book thieves). a wizard should ap
As an option, the DM may mod of LongBow + I : 4,100 12days
success depending on the situat the value of what he is offercd. The
C h i n Mail + 1: 1,340 13days
Appraisal Score (rolled on d100) of a wi
Wand o f F k Balls**: 9,000 16 days
Intemptiom equal to his Intelligence score plus his
Platcmlil + 1 : 10,000 17 days
Each time a wizard inter.-,.. his spell multiplied by two. The DM makes a
Hclm of U-oyance: 18,000 25 days
check and informs the player of the per
research or the course of an enchantment, the War H m m c ~+ ofIFlying: 24,250 32days
DM may penalize his chances of success 5 % . Ring of Tcleportation: 30,000 37days
book value. If the roll was successful, th
Only the number of intem&ions should h c e + 3 of Speed: 41.000 52 days
Talisman of Meteor Swum: 54,000 61 days
&of wizardry**: 156.200 164da
keep up with his research c
hree doses, non-rechargeable
Twenty charges, rechargeable
Using special material e solution for Mongli r r d s
snccess as well. Precious g
retain magical powers bet
or sfones. The lit below s,
fiers for choosing better n dominion, or a nation hires
wizards to perform enchantments, labor must
Marerial: be added to the cost of enchantment. This is
Precious stones (gems, cryst. important in the case of a ruling PC planning
Precious metals (gold, silve to outfit army units with magical items. The
Rare, elaborately carved wc rnst of labor averages 500 dc per level of
Common metal: iagic-user hired for the job, and per month
Common wood: i work needed to accompli the task.
Common stones:
Other mundane rnateri; CneatiNc; a Litmany
(*)Bone, claw, leather, powd uid, Some wizards may need to compile their own
etc. libraries because their tower is located far from
civilized centers (and thus do not have access
Role-Playing to public libraries). The guidelines below
Depending on how we1 explain how to acquire these rare tomes.
played, the DM may want to As the power of spells being researched
his chances of success or e increases, the importance and expense of the
research and enchantment. library increases accordingly. For a library of
and role-play is always more, desirable than oer 100 dc of actual value.
minimum value, 4,000 dc must be invested.
using mathematical rules. This allows research on fust level spells. For
each subsequent spell level to be researched.
another 2,000 dc must be invested.
For example, a library suitable for ninth
level spell would cost 20,000 dc. Every time a
wizard discovers a spell. 10% of the gold
If game balance i at st spent for that effect is added to the library val-
hesitate to intervene and check the wore below.
ue. For every 2,000 dc of library value above * O1-66The book has a velvet (1-4 on 146)
T h e guidelines given above are designed to the minimum required, the wizard's chances
avoid these problems as best as possible. Any or a silk (5-6 on ld6) cover. Roll ld12 pn
to diwover his spell increase 1% .This bonus is column one below to find the fabric colpr.
modification (penalty or bonus) should be
.. . . ... . - .-I
.. i7

Cneatiw Spells aNb Mwical Item

* GI-9J-Use the Wilderness Encounter 7 Pearl Jade Eyes and mourhr triggered after the hook bas been read for
Tables, pages 30-31, in the Expert Rule- 8 Purple Ebony Flames and clouds ldZO hours (1% chance per 100 dc of book
book. Choose the columns corresponding 9 Red Redwood Stus, moons. suns value). Common wards are lightning bolt,
to the terrain type where the book was 10 Silver Ivory Mazes, hourglasses polymorph orher, death spell, cloudkill, dis-
und (or said to be found). The result 11 Whire Lacaucrcd Non-magicalpcntaclcs integrate, feeblemind, curse, energy drain,
ndicates which creature's skin was used for 12 Special C o d . nacre Monstca' features poisonous pages.. . They should be undetect-
able, and non-dispellable.
-This is a stack of scrolls in a small Special: Roll again ignoring scores of 12. The And now, the final touch! Give all tomes
t, a large scroll case, or between two item glows with a continuallightspell. high-sounding titles and author names.
slabs. Roll Id12 on the Material Famous NPC wizards are good authors, and
o umn helow for the nature of the con- All the books come with metal fittings, and this may cause new, exciting intrigues to chal-
a clasp or a lack. Roll Id6 on the Material lenge PCs (an author or his rival trying to
column above to find the metal used. Roll recover a lost secret; the book contains clues
X Color Materill Ornaments Id12 on the Ornaments column for the pres- on NF'Cs; etc.).
1 Bla& Platinum None ence of omaments (printed, painted or
2 Blue Gold Commonmnes carved). The first column can be used for a
3 Brown Silver Alchemical symbols variety of things such as the color of book edg-
4 Gold Brass Knotwork, lattices es, bookmarks, separate bindings, ornaments
I Green Bronze Lightning bolts and writings on the cover.
6 Ochrc Steel Demonic, faces Books may have magical wards which are
size is needed to use
remain w i t h the o
Laying his h d s on th

have assembled.

rmation bili

1 law:'
I' book; that ;der to the &ce. Contact outer
planes and wish can help guide a wizard in his
endeavors. ?hex spells can neither bc F
chased nor stolen. A PC must undertake sev- the receptacle. A Baron can call upon th.-
eral quests to find the information and ingre- After a m of si, the vibrant Radiance when within 24 miles of the capitr
dients he needs to create the spells. This is voice hrea , “We oonshadow, ‘or his receptacle, 48 miles for a Viscount; 7
exactly what the Im there isn’t much more any of us will reveal miles for a Count, 90 miles for a Marquis, 121
from their followers. racter that som tonight. You know all you need tn further for a Duke, 144 forbn Archduke, and 168 fo
how gets around th our cause; you are now one of us. Tomor- a Prince. The Radihce only functions on the
be able to reach the . row yau shall promote the construction of Prime Material Plane.
cry of the spell to reach I a new Temple in your town. Its Shepherds
The exact spells of rhe will be yours to guide. Should you be in
created are described danger, come to your receptacle and calf
chapter. These spells re upon the help of Rad and I shall answer!
ical receptacle. To create it, Farewell, Brethren. We shall assemble
again at the next solstice.”
the caster to store Radianc
Zoe Spells ofroe RaabiaNce -
a temporary receptacle for a fraction of th’
All Radiance-related spellsfunction as normal ce intensity is measured ii
spells. For purposes of research, they cost or rads. Fach spell enable
twice the normal amount and the chances of Id20 rads. This extrapowe
discovery are half the normal rate (see “Creat- control destiny or discharg
ing Spells and Magical Items” for these rates). spclls.
A caster can safely retain a total number D
Call Upon Radiance (Spell Level 5 ) rads equal to his level,. Beyond that, the caste
robe. The wizard picks Range: 30’ radius from receptacle has a 1% chance per excess rad of suffering
Duration: 1 round per level hp of damage per excess rad, and of acquiriq
Mea: increases spell effects the Radiance rotting disease on one part of hi
body. The damage OCNIS when this spell iF
ables the caster to incr- his cast. Whenever the caster retains 12 or more
I one round per level. Thii rads, he glows with an eerie blue aura similat.
rquires the use of the receptacle. When call- to a continuallight! It cannot he dispekd hut
ing upon the Radiance, a baron would cast when the caster reduces
spells as if he were one level higher than his
present level, a viscount two levels higher, a
count three, a marquis four, a duke five, an
archduke six, and a prince seven. Ifthe level of Range: 0 (caster only)
”--*ion: permanent until use?
spell casting does not substantially changc
effect, the caster may instead choose ts : Affects the fate of the ca
increase one of the following factors:
range (except for range 0 spells) This spell alters the result of dice rolls affect
duration (except for permanent or instanta- ing the character. To use this power, the char
neous effect spells) built-up a resefye of rads (se’
area of effect (except for spells affectin, bove) and cast the spell ii
the Radiance, there b a 1 96 only one person or target) haracter must then state
rupt part of his body. This The factor increases 10% per nobility rank of occuts, that its result will ha
ting disease that mortals the caster ( + 10% for Barons, +30% for Vis- ell. If the dice roll fails, htm
part of the wizards body, counts, +70% for Princes). Example: A 36th-
rots permanently, though level wizard-prince could cast a Fire Ball 408’
progressive. The affected away instead of 240’. orcover a 68‘ blast area
an arm, a leg, the chest, instead of 40‘ (damage does not increase since
never cause more than 20d6 of damage
body parts. The affe Companion rules).
I not. If in the exam
used (rot affecting th
to loss of Charisma, Summon Radiance ISDell Level 6) Ion y failed by one point
ness, or speech limi Rang; 23 m i l e per nohiliry rank Id be I rads instead of 1
the whole body is fkmi&n:.~ k w t p c r level spell can affect only one
Effcrr: Using Radiancc away fro can pre-cast any ntlmber
becomes a Iich (if 1
zombie-like creatnre (1 HD per level of the of these spells before leaving on an adventure
victim). Upon casting this spell the wizard can benefit They must be cast within 30’ of the receptacle
from the Radiancewithout having to stay neat If the caster runs out of m .ff.-rr 2 *~nr.-
the spell is expended.

Rolls that can he affected include to-hit h research and advcn
rolls, saving throws, weapon or spell damage, disappeared from this world, leaving rare
and ability checks. The caster cannot spend remains of their science. Among these, a
radsto get a score superi rh.rff

n a t u d y produce.
‘tal. When the spell is cast, the W’
Dischvge (Spell Lcvcl , state of dream and epvisions a
Range: 20 yard per h e , :1 comdor that ends at a goldm.door. His &om the vcry one that en-
Duntion: instantaneous to move toward the door seem progressively travel among the stm.
Effect: Poisonous energy hlas harder. At this point, he has a I % chance per Yes! Oh, Seeker of Lost Legends! This is
level beyond 20 of reaching the door and get- the true nature of the Nudeus.
To use this spell, the cuter mu ting past. “It remained in the dark underworld,
of rads (see retain power). He If he fails, he wakes up at the end of the radiating its formidable aura for centuries.
some or all of his rads in a d spell duration, wracked with pain. It lasts Zd4 Then, disciplcs of the Sphere of Eoctgy
blast followed hy flames. Thp,Y@l can only days, during which time 111spell-castinghas a transformed the artifact, imbuing it with
function outdoors and =qui&$ a w n to cut. 30% chance to fail. Funher, he is unable to magical powers in a plot to swell the ntlks
The blast is like a 20d6 f& hall, causing use the Radiance one day for each percent of their followers. And so. mortals codd
double damage against hard’m rolled above the success score. He must also leam forbidden sciences, thus becoming
or metal), normal against softer save vs. death ray or permanently lose one Immortalsin the Sphere of Energy-a dear
point of Constitution. ahnsr of the Iaws of Immortalitv. E n c m
Ifthe spell succeeds, he gets past the golden was up to Thought,
into the realm of Immortality. On
side, an Empyreal of the Sphere of we did. It was so, that
is waiting, most likely Rad (Etie
dAmbreville). He explains what happened of its sin. Thus it
and The caster is in the
PI0 ice h$rtal but
still of this plane in a t was to enhance its fol-
If he +ns, he has earned the Novice Im- fact’s raw enerm. Indeed, the Nucleusgave
mortal rank. If he loses, his lifeforce is impris- lcamed its mts.
winds but dwipates after ontJu1l.i oned in&e artifact producing is that power came at
(see N&us of the Spheres be : each use of the artifact forever
Tmnscend life Force tempts to flee, cheat, or attack the Empyreal,
Range: 0 (casrer only) the Sphere of Entropy takes possession of his ‘
Duration: 2d12 hours sod: his bodv becomes a red imp under

f NUCWUS Of tl7€ SpherteS -

the Archives in the Sphere wasted. It must remain in the spheres of

e, from Khoronur to an those who truly understand it. There will
spell, a Glanuian mage mus enr outer-worldvisitor: be a time for mankind when magic will
yield to the coming of technology. M o d
member of the Brothe “Know ye, Beholder of the Late Centuries. shall then leam to tame their own nniverse
that all in the dark ages did not grow from by powers that are uuly that of their plane.
savage beliefs, or from the whims of a Magic and Immortality shan’t stand in
primitive shaman. As with life, the spark their way. Such is the Law 0fImmortals.”
of knowledge does not create itself from
emptioess, but is a sentient gift from the DM Notes: The vtifan producing the Ra-
higher spheres of the universe. Those who power source in a luge
wield the Power of the Radiance ignore the o d d e DA3 for details).
true nature of its artifact. We, among Im- It is a series of three nudear reactors of
mortals, call it the Nucleus of the Spheres. advanced design, complete with tons o f h e r s
so. If an Immortal “Eons ago, when Blackmoor still was a of protection, huge pieces of machinery,
send him dreams grcer smpire, visitors came from the s t m wires, pipes, pools ofcoolant, radiation zones,
does. Only at this tnne can a in a great chariot of fue and landed io the etc .
ing this spell. The caster must be obedient to realm of m o d men. Stranded, they soon When Immortals of Energy bestowed their
the philosophy of energy and have gained magic upon it, the artifact gained the ability
control over the Radiance in honorable ways,
, where it becomes
MaGic DmiN er lost ‘mdcannot he
Every time the arrifactk

t until their last flicker of

in presence of @e an+I

described below:

Average # of
Active Brethren
11-20 r round of exposure or be
51 + level healing spell cures a
SPMPtOMS POR DFC; riting can be seen on glow-
EN€IZC;P omputer screens). If a visi.
100 Rad force: Each
chosen at random, ma

500 Rad force: E agle” painted on the

chosen at random, information should
has no other powers.
porarily dispelled durmg
1,000 Rad force: The
pens, and great talent is I
magic; an 18 Intelligence is I
studies. Mages with a lower
abilities and levels, but
levels any further. After a
the number of wizards dec
the world.
2,000Radforcr Magcc rn

thought of as legends

nd rherc arc no more th.m one or two *rra.uu, the norm4 course of hitoty-takes ph.e and
)cr hundrcd mile ndius. The Great Schoul of magic withers away as inescapably as ever!
.Aaglc 1s run by charlaraw the rnagocmcy has
collapsed. Glantri IS ravaged by bandit, bar-
‘ I

“Come on, we haven’t got all night. Eh,

Luigi, get thirpack on thegondola before the
constahles see us.’’ As he gives the order, the
shady-lookingcharacter grabs an old man by
the back of his robes and yanks him aboard Now, where did I p u r that pack?”
thefraigondola. “You come overhereand be longer adventure. feanuin
quiet.” DM Notes; This section provides the DM the Great School of Magi
Meanwhile, Luigi unties the ropes and with a series of adventures plots he may use in eral times, with minor
s t a m pushing the gondola through the thick his campaign. Through the course of the time a PC attempts to
nocturnal fog. “You sure we should take this thieves’ mission, Wilbur will tell ,about his School.
wizard with us? I hope you know what you previous experience as an adventurer. The DM
doin’, Max. He looks old for the job!” may use these stories as starting point for new MWdOlZi€s Of a Liff
Max and the wizard sit in the gondola
cabin. Playing with his knife, Max explains
the situation. “Thisis the deal, old man.All notes. For the DM’s convenience, the notes RakNaRob
weneedyou todoishelp usgetpastthewards -
contain the followine information:
Luigis gondola silently m
at the vault. The Fellowship wanrs the dven
lady’sjewels. Weget them. Then wesplit. You
just follow us there and be quiet. Clear?“
With a quavering voice, the wizard
answets, “I’mnot old, and my name is, uh...
oh yes! Mynameis Wilhur, WdhurRaknarod.
I’m glad you asked for help. It’s been a long
timesincemy last adventure. Ztremindsme of
my fmexpedition, out there in the Broken
Lands. It was sixty-five years ago if1 remem-
her, or perhaps sixty-three, I’m not too sure
Calendar for the

A. To the Peak of Wisdom

“Yes, we were looking for the p a l trees,

up there in the glaci
fue halls fell from
mountain above ou bizarrely. “Here! And away we go!”

e PCs become personal

low faces looking at us!
been rescued by mystics, large ball of fm.

the subversive factions.

couldn’t leavc M o r e
We had been expose
coming from the fue b

“But someone amon

feet down tbc corr2dor. Max suddenly curses, ?”

Good Sprite Day ”Wait! That blvred wizarddidn’tfollow us.” ,:
When rhev r w h tbe librarv
, aI n. . Wilbur
“We bad been hired by the Supreme
Judge’s Secretary to check out some illicit
k, “ h k ! How wonder- !$
e Seekers of the Mavflics! 3
arms dealing in Nyra, south of the capital.
There was an arms dealer there who was
suspected of selling weapons to unknown drops on his knees. holding his h
individuals. The Secretary thought Fol-
lowers of the Claymore to he involved. C. Mafies of the Pair
“We managed to get hired to guard the
depot, The merchant bad been robbed
several times during thc night. He was about this f p o u s spy mission during
our silence on the inciden secretly dealing arms to F.A.E.R.Y. in Arcanium. A k g e number of visiting wiz-
exchange for gold but also because they ards complaiired that their scrolls and
Lhamsa, whenever we w held his brother hostage. The thieves were
no other than agents of E.L.F. also trying to ns in the Halls of Arca-
Adventure Level: 1- get their hands on the weapons.
“After investigating, we were able to
retrieve the missing brother. Discovering Iary, incapahlc of fmding the culprits,
the 10s.F.A.E.R.Y. decided to atwk the ‘aired a group of adventurers to do their
Interesting Featu~es:Fighting under tricky depot the following night and capture the
conditions while struggling against disease weapons. It was a wild fight. As soon as
effects; see “Bells of Fate” in thc Glant~iao
_._?_bl.L ..... !.

me from turning into a dragon. The c h h

instead, the Peoples’ found that all ohis
pany was involved. Th

black dragon. %e funniest part is. when

the alarm was sounded, th; adventurers
and the tower‘ guards ran into the hlqck
dragon’ Thtnkjng it was me, they battled
the Vvrount &d managed to cut his qail
Adventure b e l : 1-3, Bas E Adventure b e l : 1-3, Basic off. So he fledand eventually dBpeUedmy
Topic: Peoples’ Spell-Cas om (see Topic: The Night of the Red Moon (see Calen- enchantment! It took him a couple of days
“Gndds and Brotherh fr uls) dar for detarls) tosucceed, hut when hecame hark. well
and Arcanium (see Caleni Interestins Featules: A rival wizard ~
~ ~
hac ~
..... . the tail>vhstill there for him to use. Nqt
Interesting FOIN&: The disk.. .., victim accused of murder, chiming the vic- had,dt$ after all!”

A combat against a wcax

of spells. tired to, the
nimum damage). , the
zen Tower Guards.
foe of the rival wizard. iscount later hates the

their agreement, and

I’out of his tower at no

ease cakeoneofthcsemasks; P i n -
001. free on his way down and stepped off at an c a ordered a masked ball!”
How I m i s those happy days thing I other floor. Now w e k in trouble. Let’s go akes .&I
ugly rroll mask and joins
left so earl$’ find him hefore itb too late!” the crowd. “Wdt, shan’t you welcome four
On another floor, Wilbur chuckles sofrlly, favorite wandering mnsrer?” asks he. The
D. Murder on the Orient Towe/ ~ “It takes more than ropes to trap good old crowd laughs 4 it kn’t’long before the old
Wilbur. Reminds me of that quest the old wizard, socidiz
buzzard gave those adventurers.” another sroiy ..
who I reallv was: I mess


being among these hum

. . ‘ theNieht
“The Viscount of Nathrat was after a black
dragon’s tail, a component he needed for u-Haul, at the Mov
e got an assignmen

d a title of Viscount an<

ing him while one of the students, my hest move to another fief. We neve
friend then, was madly stabbing him with dealt with him in person, oolv with hi
AbV€NtUR€S iN. C;laNtni


“““-The crowd,answerswith a happy. “Saluh!”~

and Wilbur goes on telling..his stories,
back. between erratic teQuiiz-SDawnedhiccuos and
“His master was a

we’d lost it when the

wearing rags and illu-

med and sidrly. Avoid-

Adventure Level: 4-6, E

Took: The vamDires 0
‘Movers’ Guili (see “Gui
Interesting Features: A v
between the need to
moving hm to an0
drive to feed on them
mindless undead bash
CampaignHook: The

and the Brotherhood of

“Guilds and Brother-

res: Mission in Beggars

device related to the Radi-

down a corridor when

But when I was young

G . Datsa’ My Boat!
let’s see what he
__ The two thieves help the drunken wizard
Carnival hut the CteaNres easily tracked us out ofthemain hall. ’2etkgo down thk way.”
through the crowd. At the Silver Quarrel says Max, reaching a narrow spiral staircase.
we found the owner trading silver-which They reach a cellar and find another d w c
we had paid him-for weapons. His pan- As Max inspects the lock, Luigi snarls a t
ner was a dwarf. How he came to Vyonnes Wilbur, “So, you’re thk one who sank my
“What are ya trying to do? Spoil the mif- still is a mystery. As it turns out, the shop boat! You just wait till we get the gold, and
sion? Follow me!” whispers Max, frowning at owner was a werewolf who delivered the then ...”
Luigik dark, threatening look. weapons to the Canine Protection Society. “Luigi!” says Max. “Be quiet Ad come
“All right, but not before thish lasht one!” Meanwhile, he was selling phony silver here. I think there if someone back there. Dy
giggles Wilbur. blades to his foes; but we brought that to listen at the door.”
trade to a quick end. After a bloody fight, Suddenly. a gushing souod.comes from
I. The Silver Quarrel the other werewolves died from the true behind the two. Lying under a huge barrel
silver weapons we found in the shop. Sev- with his mouth wide open, Wilbur gulps the
“After this mission in Beggars’ Court, we eral days later, we received a scroll of apol- pouring wine. “Averoigne ’4>!One of the
tan short of components and weapons. ogy from the Baron and word that he had besht! Thish really beatsh the s h t d they
There was an opening in Vyonnes for a sherve in Glenmoorloch! What a night that
were-hunt so we went shopping at the Sil- Was. ..” ~

ver Quarrel, a specialty shop for anti-

wcrcwolf devices. .The Taverns of Glenm&rloch ~

“Ourfirst clues led us to the Chateau de ”Guilds and Brotherhoods”).

Morlay. The Bacon graciously invited us to Interesting Feacores: Intrigue at C “After leaving Avetoigne, we spent sohe
stay for the night and offered us the help of Morlay; a good fight against the were- rime in Klantyre, working as Tower Guards
his tower guards to s e d the forest. The wolves during the Carnival ofVyonnesin a at Crownguard. The first day on leave, we
night after, at the camp, his guards turned shop filled with silver weapons. visited all tbe taverns in Glenmoorlh-h.
into werewolves and chased us for several Campaign Hook: The Baron-true master of The next I remember. we woke up in the
nights. None of our weapons harmed them. the werewolves-keeps on sending his sheriff’s jail. He told us we were caught
“We arrived in Vvonnes the nieht of canine followers after the party. roaming the streets and singing religious

to be executed the n& day, unless we
accepted this mission.
ters had to be loaded on barges to reach
market -r Since the school had ardered younglmgs,
they told us to stay in one of the crypts

ous dealer mixed vari-

possible. At the towe 'thout notifying us. A
tigation. It appeared I hatched, including a
to his prince. but rn dragonette. The blue

from the sheriffs accusation ve the heart to leave the dra-

e wizards. Who knows, per-
lowers As?or the sheriff, he~disappe&$d have dissected her. I bid
as soon as he heard about tho&iIedkqi es and left. A dav later. a
against the prmce " at the tavern a n d said h e
missing dragon. He was
Adventure level: 8-10, Exp, r my membership to the
Topic: The Followers of tk : see gistsf1 returned tbecrea-
as great, but I refused
ention from the w12.

on to
CamPaignHook:A find rhr runaway monsters Topic: 'Ihc Circle. of Dracolog~sir(see "The
-unpaign Hook: The more inrelligcnr mon- Srvrn S w s t Crnfw of Glaotri" t u r dcrail,i
>rensec up 3 lur in the wwrrs and raid rhr Inrere$& P c a r w : The pan) m i ) gci awa)
city from rhcrc. with a wtc link aragun. or berome d s u -
p l o ot rhc Cir'le of Dracologists.
"Haasrrrh! Zoh, yoo da ones h w kapioored Campaign Hook. Dcpunding rht PCs'
my frriendz!" roan rhc bugbear "Kill!" <hmc. r k Little dragons grow up 10
piog through cobwebs. "Cack! Wair. wanr k d o r n ? Gold? Grmi? become friends o r fucr of rhe parry, rhc
hairy paw from within .'mod? Mares?" squirms Max; hr pulls our J looking !or hcr rggs and
tallfhk. "Look,g w d brandy!"
The bugbur miff, ilr rhc flask. Wirhour
r,pping Max, it birrs off rhc cork and gulps ipcc a (ear off its hrdeous
nvn Ihc brand!: "Zoh, 3boUr dar gold?" aightrns his srrvanr jarkcr
"WrIl. uh. we'reon our wmyrogrr rheprin-
dcspcmtdy tries to stab it wi ss'gold. y3 kill us, ya gcr nurhiri'; ya help hr! 1.rr i go." rays Max.
monster prcpares to rip Mar's i va m r a ? LYD charr and we &OD va a r thr .EYOI wwk w du hcrr'" All four l a v r thr
Wilbur shows up at his side tbe bugbear's cell
"Oh, a genuine Ursus Showing lis five hairy tingen.. ir anwen. "liere. I told j o u ! Thr rafc is in ihc rcll
shee. I need shome of dish! Duh, rhoiry purzcnt .. an' hm!" pointing You jusi kcep warrh ahilr I hrrik rhe iornbi-
our a f i s h 1 of the creature' rhc drunken wizard. nsrion!" seys Luigi, 3lnady ruhhirrg hi,
The thief and the bugh "That's 3 deal!" sajs L u g , wirh 3 smilc
quiet, staring at the old wiz "Frm iunnv!" add, Wilbur. "Aniwav, I intemhrirtg!" inirwrncs rhc
h ish cxacdy the shame vault
we cracked in zhe Rernple
Glantri CirF T'wash of Rad! We were after
Shchool for the mishing

..." moans Max while

"We led an assortment of monsters from
Glenmoorloch to Glantri City, for the
Annual Fair. Twas a touch iob. The crit-
elivered dragon eggs to the School.
The" were about to hatch but we had no

ideawhat kind of dragons these would be.

II g

. .
. . .,
AbV€NtUn€S iN @&N

M:Dark is the Night

had to sholve.. .” by thebeard. th you fool!‘Ld; realizc thenoise
“We’d had a tiD fmm a friend in the Fel- you’re mding? You’re gonna get us all cap-
lowship of the 6ouch. tured! ” ,^

to be decent treasure i “Wuh? Wah n’?”asks the bugbear.

Rad’s vault. It was thi r. Luigi s c r e w a the
ards still further. oiehunare. I dreamt-of this fellow of Kron- topShaking the ‘?said, be quiet!”
ofhb lungs, 1
“So away we went, cre

running away from hooded men “Wha?” asks the bugbear. i

ing through the garden orches. They were burning his house. Wilbur walks up ro Luigi. “Might be a
hall. We didn’t have ent out for a stroll and learnt it was Rood idea to Dull the raps out of his cars: he
ting down to the vault ht. There was a fire around the migbt like ,;ne
there was a magical w block and hooded men walking away. 1
and, %,we discovered after don’t believe in coincidences! I was able to 0.Dirty nzen
vated a mechanism rcleasin help a Krondaharian merchant. who lLi

claimed the Followers of Fire attempted to “Things we?e getting naity at tne capit@. I
take his life. He would pay a great amount We had offended the Thugs Guild,
of gold if my friends and I put an end to House of Singhabad was suspecting
this barbarity. plotting something, and the Followen f
“It took us a few days to find the secret Fire were more than upset with us k r
place where the Followen of Fire met. We
had some trouble dealing with various fire
tures guarding the area and the disci.
s who discovered us. After the battle,
er, but found out he
ivered the fellow to

ouof gold, we found the

ut. Capturing them was
ey tumed out not to be true

bad, an dlusionlst who desued revenge on 4

the Followers of the Fire We’d been hadl I’ Adventure level: 18, Companion ’
Topic: Sire Qen r Erewan; becornink
High Priest‘s lack of fai Adventure Level: 12-15, Expert noble; voting support at the Parliameq
get hold of the diary or ca Topic: Followers of Fire: House of Singh Interestine Feamfes: A daneerous raid d
(See “Guilds and Brotherhoods”) the S&er Sierras, orcs gaGre. I
Luigi slowly puUs the Interesting Features: Fire elementalists, Campaign Hwk: The old elf wants to r e d m
‘‘Well, I did my job, n creatures. illusionists, and city thugs incognito and reure from politics. His bon
vault!”says Luigi tn Wilb Campaign Hook: The PCs rescue the orders a PC Baron to safeward the old LIf
“lt’sh about time I g e t to
What was.that shpell again?
lowers of the Fire leader, perhaps entering
the secret sect. The nobleman hires more
Other nobles send spies io break into e
PCs’ tower and find out who the oldlelfI“
strange gestures as the thugs to get rid ofwitnesses, i.e. the PCs. really is. Abduction or assassination !are
the stairwell. The buabear
yoodoom’?” The four fellows quietly return upsram.
Luigi’s head appears at the s m ’ cntnnce. doing their best to avoid the crowd ofdrunken
‘‘ Questionskerf’’ hidaleos and busv semants.

bear. 7hc old wi

- -
wonder-how J &d &at one! But there iah in th;process.
nothing in the vault! Knowing theprincesh, Seeing the mom is empty, aU fiour,swsh crous costumes and masks.
sheprobablywearsherjovelsorldt ‘eminher insideandclose whatremainsofthedoor. On “Ay! Look at these costumes! The bug4

is truly terrific!” says an admirer brother of the late baron (msp the dead
“Andthere! Theseburglaroutfinarea true land, and the crops wither. The people cry body and magic jars into it); thc people
success! Bravo?” adds a senorita. and grab Wilbur’sgolden tabard, implor- revolt against the chaotic u
“Behold senores! It seems our old friend ing his return. He accepts this duty and Campaign Hook The necromancer’ssuzerain
Wilburro lost to the tequila! Let’s bring him marches back to the tower, followed by the ,wants the.PCs to swear fealty and enter the
back to the maio hall. Ole! Viva!” . -..
gleeful people. necromancers’ circle, of
The happy crowd pulls the three terrified With a thunderous mll, the tower door them and their barony
felows along with them, while the butler hums open, and the .dark lord steps back
pi& up the dreaming Wilbur. from Wilbur’s might. The duel must be “Dear Rad, I was dreaming I had a homn-
fought. Fire and lightning, wind and ice, dous income tax return!” says Wilbur. The
P. Dreams of Power and Glory trap and death: the duel goes on in the crowd laughrlondly as the wizard recovers
nightmare’s fog. With a fell blow of his from his nightmare.
In slow motion, Wilbur rides his desvier wand, Wilbur wounds the dark lord. The As Wilburkeeps on joking, the three fel-
along with his old adventuring friends. lord stumbles; he falls to his knees: he crawls lows take advantage,of the siturnon to up-toe
They come to a glittering tower, with flags on the floor; at last, he begs forgiveom, away, unseen from the crowd.
of silk fluttering in the wind, and garlands A magisuate in his zed robes appean “Let’s go back to the room,” says Max.
of flower over the windows. next to the dark lord and binds his hands “The jewels must be somewhere in &$re. We
Wilbur steps into the main hall where a with heavy manacles. He reveals the dark don’t qeed the oldman anymore. It’U’beone
throne awaits his arrival. Two lines of lord’s false identity. Then, he pulls ou6 a less share to pay,”
knights in shining armor raise their swords scroll. the Chancellor’s Bill: a formne for Meanwhile, Wilbur continues. with yet
and hail the new lord. A distant relative Wilbur to pay. A sinister laugh echoes in another story. "Biking about tax&, it was f&-
teen year. :.. c_I__
has died, and Wilbur is the last of his l i e . Wilbur’s dream.. . Wilbur suddenly wakes ^^^

A man in black robes suddenly appears up. panting and sweating.

at the throne, takes the crown and orders Q. Reds
Wilbur out. He is a long forgotten brother Adventure Level 18-20, Companion
of the late baron. The knights in shining Topic: The inheritance of a Barony, duels
armor throw the hapless Wilbur out. among wizards, the law and its cost.
Soon, dark clouds gather above the hterestingFeaNres:Anefariousngrdmancer
usurps the identity of a long-forgotcen
, *,
‘Zezy to zay!”mars the bugbear. “Me wPulr Interesting Features:
not easy; the fanners there resisted the new foifrypment! No w e m f in deal!” movements attemp
“You got it!” squeaks Luigi. He opens the
clmet, ready to push both the bugbear and
the dominion mol ,I the werebutler imide, then screams, “The
jewels! The jewels! Ifound the jewels!” ., nrs or earn a
The bugbear heaves the werewolfinto the
closet as Luigi dives out with the jewels, and
Muslams the door. Tats! WhereS thekey?”
The hapless trio does its best to hold the
and flails, and besieged the t m . The door shut while the lycanthrope wildly claws
Guards were h l y able to defend the walls, and bites at the wood. Meanwile, in the main
so my friends and 1went out on a speciai mis- hall, Wilbur starts a new story
sion: to find the leader of the EF.E and dis.
mantle their organization. E. & and Peace
“They used a few horrible monsters they ten to his dumb
rented from the Monsters Handlers’ “After we cleaned his barony of most F.F.F.
Union, but we eventually dealt with these activists, my old friend ran his dominion
and captured the insurgents’ leader, He like a pro. All his old adventuring buddies
joined him and became captains of the
guard, provosts. sheriffs, treasurers or rep-
resentatives. The key positions were held
>y his most loyal friends. The other nobles
acerred to us as the Old Clan.
“It took just a few y m to reacb great
nperity The people were happier ‘that
k e y ever had been. There was a m o r that
rbe Mwn mayor was gathering votes for an
A a of Enfefment in the barony and the

ousy from the rival

d fear. Creation of a
change the political
saw a new period of
ehaos. F.F.F. insurgency flared up again,
with the SUPPON of the Followers of the
Claymore, the Guild of Thugs. all more or
less supported by rival nobles. A bloody
civil war ravaged the barony. In the end,
the good baron prevailed, but the price
was high. Some of his closest friends and levers. the othe
became Followers or the Claymore. others
were assassinated, afew betrayed the baron
for gold, magic, or the promise of a distant on a swivel that cou
barony Those who remained turned fear- d e s in a rapid fire.
ful. The Old Clan was no more.
“When peace was restored, the people
petitioned for an Act of Eniiefment and
the baron got involved in shady intrigues
to gain votes at the Council. He became a
prince, but he had changed tremendously.
It is then I dccided to return to a lifc of
adventure, away from politics and power,
sharing dangers. poverty and hope with
my new companions of fortune.’’

stand who I really am!” The butler, now a Adventure b e l : 26-30. Masters
werewolf roars and leavs uvon the b w b m . To&: Becomioe
power struggles
. a Prince. court intrigues a our wit and brave
AbV€NtUIZ€S iN CjlaNtni

cony when Luigi and the bugbear grab him.

“We brought the wreck back to school “Max, cool down! Stayput!” enough. The place was filled with magical
and declared it worked perfectly well, but “Megonutzifh’n to hotherstory! Arrh, wards and undead horrors. We reached the
they refused to pay us. The wizards were an’ ’ungry too!” whines tbe bugbear. laboratory and discovered a teleporring
furious at the great machine’s destruction. “Ha!Butyou haven’theardthe best!”con- device capable of pinpointing a single area
Fortunately, we received a pension from rinues Wilbur, now standing on the table. He in any tower of the nation. That much we
the Chamberlain, who was delighted at picks a guitar and plays a f& tune as he understood, but i n exact mechanism was
the dragons’ demise and the Great recalls another adventure. still obscure to us. We tried to take parts
School’s consternation!‘I away to have them studied in our labora-
“Unfortunately. one of the meteors hit :Leave and Let Die tory, but then a crowd of undead creatures
the mine entrance. blowing up the ore. broke in. Some we destroyed, others we
The mine owner was ruined and ended up “A couple of years later, I accepted a posi- managed to push into the teleporting
in the gutter. I guess he hated us for the tion as assistant to the Supreme Judge of device. We never found out where they
rest of his life, dragons or not!” the Council. I was in charge of the intelli- went.. . Some runes appeared on the device
gence branch of the General Constabulary. but they were bard to decipher, something
Adventure level: 26-30, Masters It often happened I couldn’t resist doing like Balhamdra, Aldambar. Almandra. We
Topic: Mass dragon slaughter the field work myself, a reason why I was never figured it out.
Interesting Features: A wondrous flying fired some time later. “Anyway, we left the place and blew up
machine loaded with utterly destructive “As months went by, we realized our the laboratory. The baron never knew what
weapons; a dragon battle l i e no man bas branch had been infittated and some of struck him. The fue spread out in the tow-
fought before; a strange ore that attracts our best operatives were being killed. er and caused great damage. We never
dragons Worse, we had no suspect. When I got heard of the spies thereafter, but I was
Campaign Hook: The mine owner is ruined involved, though, I had no difficulty fiod- fired for lack of respect to a noble.”
and later becomes a boss at the Thugs’ ing two tiny holes in the victims’ neck. My
Guild, an enemy of the PCs. first suspect was the Baron of Igorov. How Adventure level: 26-30, Masters
he breached our security was a mystery. Of Topic: Boldavian vampires, the Circles of
“What!Sohe’stheone whoruinedme!I’ll coursc, I joined the Igorov mission. Necromancy.
have his guts for this!” “Sneaking into the tower was tough Interesting Pama: Exploring a deadly nec-
Furious, Max is about to jump off the bal- romancer’s tower; a telcporting device
AbveNtunfs iN GlaNtni I
I owner of the tower the uodeadr
eared in seek rwenge on the
TI. Sample Graduaiion Test

be cbnfronted next arc

dow into the canal.

Pointing at Wilbur, Luigi
you sank my boat!’’ and j
dow after Wilbur.

“Haaaarw!” The werebu

In the utter confusion

e casier for both the play

huge, ancientgolddrag
his edge of thegondola
water; the see-saw effect
lows tbrough the air, b
swimming, screaming e
“Thank you somuch
AbV€NtUR€S iN GlaNtni


windows, thinking, moving and opening 1. The Mirror oflife Trapping

~~ ~
the deadly sphcrc and easily avoid it. A
doors). Numbered-encounters also affect thi gate exists in the center of the room; however.
This dimly lit area is fdled with an eerie veg- itisblocked byamagicalward. A dispelmagic
extra time a student spends in each. etation. Large mushrooms and glowing moss- will break the ward and suck the bladrball
es grow everywhere, leaving three narrow
DM Note: The student is under constant back into another plane.
winding paths leading to the three doors. The lf the student gcrs close enough to the cen-
observation from School officials and his mas- southern door is the only way out. The SN-
ter. They use scrying devices to follow his ter of the room, he can see a small tube float-
dent can only see ten feet away. ing inside the gate. The student can stretch his
progress. Should he be wounded to the point A mirror of lift trapping is bolted to the
of passing out, the PC will be rncued within arm into the gate and get hold of the tube. It
back of the exit door. Letters are painted on contains a wand ofsecret door detection (with
ld4 rounds (an official relepom in, and res- the mirror, in very small characters, saying:
cues the PC with porions ofhefig and magi- 10 charges).
"Knock rhrre times, and the doorshall open. The student can open the door by pushing.
cal help in case a monster was turned loose.) Search the purple flowers." The player must roll ldZO under his Strength
The student may safely read the words by each round until the door gives way.
Encounter Key: Whenever a student tuns casting a wizard eye. He must otherwise make
out of keys, he is either randomly teleporred four saving throws or be drawn into the mir-
to the entrance of a numbered area (roll 3. The Eyes in Disguise
ror. The student can leave the area by casting a
ldlo), if he was in an intersection,.or a one- knodt spell on the mirror, to open the door. This area is a large pit fiuca wirn uurxnng
way door automatically opeus, if the student Among the vegetation are 3d6 purple coal. Depending on which door the student
was in a hallway. flowers. One of them contains a ring of fire came in, a narrow bridge stretches from his
A one-way door can only be used in the direc- resiSrance. The student may locate the ring in alcove to the opposite door. The coal gives off
tion of the amrw (see map): however, it may be ld6 rounds by casting a detecr magic, or a dim reddish light, barely sufficient to see the
knodted open in any direction. Unles noted spend ld4 hours looking for the right flower. narrow bridge.
otherwise. the numbcnd areas are duk. The ceiling above the pit is a dark dome,
Once inside a numbered area, the student 2. with the illusion of dozens of blinking red
must get past the area's obstade to get back eyes watching the student. Whispering and
out into the corridors. All of the numbered This area is totally dark. In the middle of giggling sounds come from the illusion.
areas contain an item that could be useful for the room is a blackball (see Masters DM Book Each round the student walks across the
the student, either in this dungeon or later in page 40). It starts moving toward the student bridge, one of the eyes drops from the ceiling,
his career. The student will retain these items as soon as he enters the area. screaming horribly. If the student believes the
if he graduates. A light spell will allow the student to see
AOVVfNtUlZfS iN CjlaNtl

illusion. he musr r ~ r i u ra~ ucxrrury CIICCK or ~ m so.

r in onr or me passages 1s a wonze ne iower of nnowrenge

points of damage pe
get out by casting m
tion, fly, dimension d ent enters. the entire
, blocking all exits.
ds of books in the library
’ enable the student to
student must search
bridge with a dimension d
In the middle of the
stone, is a cylinder cont
with a charm momer
writings that require a read
item. rstand. It tells which books
The student can ope
pushing hard. The play
under his character’s SI the library is in the dark.
until the door gives way. , 15 feet above the floor, is
+ 2 stuck between the
It sticks out of the stones.
4. Bugging b r

c1ub;D ld6+1;SaveF3
He has apotion ofmirror
belt. The bugbear is a pr
leave the area. He will ask
ring of keys in exchange
student refuses, the bug arry anything he finds in
the bridge and attacks the her way the player can
get hold of the keys. He th are worth 1dlOO dc e
ignores the student.
In the middle of the

area (or being celeported in)

nt to gate into a pocket uni-

student appr6aches m
person .inside. ~ m s
5. Deadly Passage : the student’s. h e -
All the entrances to

are obscured with a continual darkness spell

cast at 30th level.
Above the two entrances is a note engraved
in the rock, “One passage is deadly. The ocher of the bottle, unless he signs a special contract
needed for spell casting and is terribly noisy. A wizard must designate a specific point of
If attacked, the blue imp dimension dwn his laboratory to be the mandragora's spiritual
Armorclass: -I away and comes back later. It will not rest tie (any unmovable item). This Imation can
Hit Dice: 1/2**** (1- until it manages to undo the red imp's charm. never be changed. The creature must remain
Move: 120' (40') Once this is done, the two creatures disappear within 100 feet of this area throughout its life
and never show up again. If cornered, a blue (until destroyed or its creator dies). When
imp summons a small harp producing a time alone, the manikin bides io shadows as a 10th
stop, which it uses to get to safety. If killed, unexpected visiton in
both the blue imp and the harp teleporr hack If discovered, it can
to the Sphere of Matter. e and escape. A mani-
kin's Dexterity is rolled on d4+ 14 (15.18).
.MaNikiN The manikin's creator can read its mind and
memory as dearly as a book. He mentally con-
XPValue: SO0 AmorClass: 6 trols the manikin and often uses it as an assist-
ant wbeo working in his laboratory. When the
wizard is performing a complex experiment,
the manikin automatically senses its crearor's
needs and performs that task. Using the help
back, two little horns
tail, and rubbery skin.
small cloak. to a maximum of
The imp seeks to
befriend it by offering.
theirsouls. It desires to tri roduces the same shriek

form. The 10"-long

If the victim dies anoid shape, with a few leaves
raised by any means the top. If uprooted, it oozes
fmd the imp and d hrieks horribly. To uproot it. one

hief; 1610,2300.3000if
is an undead CreaNre
ept that it does not
's needed to spot the plant (it n k s blood. It has all
ire, but may choose
hack as ooderatu or

well-versed in mandragora science to produce it attained inlife, and (at DM dkretion) may
various compounds,such as soporifics, narcot- continue gaining in experience level as an
ics, anesthetics, hallucinogens. aphrodisiacs uodcad. Very powerful nosferatu can go
or medications that improve conception.Only abroad by day. Fighter and cleric oosferatucan
one compound can be produced from each wear armor, though it does them no good
root and the effect is up to the DM. The root is unless it gives them an AC better than 2. They
also a major component for potions of invul- often use weapons and magic in combat.
bilitB heroism, treasure finding, plant Vampinf Rose (FROM Rg): NA 1-8
cent white robe. rol. and various Dhilrcrs o f l w c . + blood drain; D 1-8;
The blue imp has the s izards familiar &th mandragora science 12; TT Nil: AL C SA
imp, but is lawful. E create a manikin from a root. The victim bit must . spells or allow blood
charms a victim, a blue look like normal white
per level of the vict proot themselves and
opposite side. It will boms do 1-8damage,
victim and attempt to points of damage per
undo that of thered imp. If it fils, it follows no~.writeand has a mere animal intellig&e. tour
the victim everywhere, trying to convince him It bas the ability to blend with wood (ana
to come to his senses, constantly arguing with move within its&bers at a rate of 10' per
the red imp; thii prevents the concentration round) and with stone (5' per round).

A coNv€nsatioN
o v e R f p e a n 0 i N a tavern o f
Sp€CUlaRUM, b € t W € € N a
bWalZV€N iNk€€p€lZ a N 0
ma ve~ens:
“Ha! The scum of the world
they are! They live in a world whe
thing is ruled by magic. There is no
for those lie you and me: no respec d to flee through the great mountains that resistance activitie
no beauty of stone, no pride of steel, ound this land of horror. Archclericies and
drinking a mug of good ale and The wizards have never stopped their would pay dearly
battlefield.. , Only darknevs and eriments on dwarves and halflings. This is mil wizards’ dynas
wizards remain. not a place for an honest man to visit. Isn’t the fine edge of my axe: show me one Glanu-
“Trust me, these are evil barbarians. Liter. even a decent career to be bad in their army. ian wizard, and I, ?hnunb
ace they are, but their h-s are cold. Listen: Wizards are everywhere, controlling every- swear to avenge those who.

Gm’Pappy Shieldkroten, my great grand thing. This is a realm where a man needs a Ian
uncle, went over there some rwo hundred filthy Piece of Parchment to grant h i the
years ago, with his whole family. Rumor had it right to dig a mine or bear and -0- I*’”

fantastic gold mines were discovered in the got to be legal. they say! You need a hen!
mountains.ButthewizardsofGlantriblamcd thk, a license for that: I am amazed ,
some plague on us, the dwatves, and drove us haven’t come UPyet with a license for having
of land l i e cattle. These were the licenses! Yet, their mountains hide many
Years of Infamy. wealths and secrets, just begging for dwarven
“Like many others who refuse hammen to pry them out. There are still tun-
~ ’ ,
~ Shieldkroten p R, the ~
ken nekand~cavesin those~ hills; Gran’”-----
~ used
them during his escape. 01987 TSR,hc.AU Righta Raavcd

AN d V € N M€RC&! :onsideratdly, to rise the taxes on business to But there are days I m not so proud of being an
acceptable levels. Soon, all the merchants elf either. The two ehen princesses ace bitter
s p e a R i N G to a fnr f m . The Belcadiz Ckq~dah they lived in these
gathered and formed their own guild. We had
book S n O p Of DanoH a few difficnlties then, but things got better. lands long More the anival of the humans and
Now all merchants dealing in Glantri, either the elves of Erewan. Erewani are descendan0 of
“Yes, my friend, business is booming. Last local or foreigners, must belong to the guild. Attheim. 1 feel the Belcadiz are a marginal clan
year only, I sold more than ten thousand gold “1 started a new business in Glanui City. My and they should not dictate to major communi-
pieces’ worth of an. 1 own three farms in wife handles all the de&. She is now in the ties what they think is right. Why. no later than
Darokin. The majority of the crop is sent to Monster Hunting business. You would be last month OUI monster shop in Glantri City was
Glantri, via the Broken Lands. The risks are m a e d bv the number and the varietv of crea- blown to piem. The constables said there was
grear. but thc wizard, pay wcll r‘rcs ihr &zar& rird for ihcir expenmnm A cvidcnrr FA.E.R.Y wasgudry. Thcy art a gang
“You should t’y t u go thcrc one day Ir’s a fa^. 101 of them arc wild. dmgcrous monsters trum oScnminaJs paid by thc EklcadU to rprcdd terror
cinarjng nation. If magic came in coins, this &IC torers and the m o u n u k Somc of rhcmarc among the elves of Alfheim. Not that I sympa-
would be the Glanuian currency. Eveiyttung wen capmrrd m outer plann. Glmui Cir). has thize with E.L.F.. the Erewan equivalent to
important works with magic; only wizards have itsown markerforwildrrcanrrcs.Thewizardsdo F.A.E.R.Y., but I decided to join them for pro-
statui. Fortnnately, we elves are welcome there. nor necm’l) UKBJI rhe.uricaNrCsm thrir ldh. tection.
We are free to come and go as we please. ontonc>. Somc also bcromr channcd guards “I’ve gained quite a bit of popularity in
“Of course, you must follow the local tules. ,pel1 romponenu. or pricliral ways of making a Glantri City and business is still good. Per-
The people of Glantri are fond of organila- .I-vice work-I mre saw a firc clcrncnd uxd in haps one day I might be interested in politics.
tions, guilds and other brotherhoods. ,eating dcvice! When I have enough gold saved, I will stan
about every aspect of the trade belong! ”& far 1s busmess is conccmcd, 111 is finr studying at the Great School of Magic. With
guild. Don’t you go cast a spell there without ~WCVCI, rliere are days 1 am conrcmed with the some luck I might become a wizard myself! I
a license! The members must usually pay inial nvalrics of ihc wizards. Humvls arc PIC- heard there were many secrets to be learned
some fee in order to be allowed to practice minanr, and I’m mrc h i s i respondilc for there. At least for the sake of curiosity, I’U take
their professions, In exchange for the fee, the me chaouc slate of thc nation’s plitical af6ajn. a few credits, just to have a feel of what it is
member often earns some sort of protection. With a lidc 1r-I- .. n m k r of ‘1 the like to be a Glantrian wizard.”
“Years ago, business was a little shakier. nauon’s N h g < uld improve i
The wizard-princes of Glantri decided, rather “Our of r m P .brits. woart :h 01987 TSR. h c , AU Ridm R&.
OpiNioNs a N 6 Views ON GlaNtni

A S O R C m € R CnOM the Gneat Aalban who are a suangc half-Alphatuu, half- small UIC, enter tbe bode, and mnjm a m o r

dealhiwith Thyatis. it into his pocket! E&y yew, new wizards G t h e

“Oh. yes. thuyr are fine now. The wizard- “Once you know about the goals of each of vlt and come nut witb some incredible item...
princes’ aubrity is u n a @ . Thm were thae major families, you should havc no W- and the precious diploma!
difficulties at one time witb the Khanate of ry d d n g with than. You may even want m relo- “I am sure you’ll have no difficulty adjusting
Ethcngashutdghtmthereisuofcsrofinva. u@ dw.f@&&p$i&The Great school of to thc life in G h u i City. It is a unique place
sion. Ourtlwps are PerhapD the bst in this area Magic&manymesforthewizardswhocan where water canals replace the meets. During
of thc world and magic will always bc in our favor. afford the teachingfees. Thm aremany yurts m day houn. heavy gondola d i c duttcn the
At last,Glanui has become the beawn of magic- be b e d . Tbere are sc~cfSCCD witbin tbe main canals. It is a cosmopolitan city that offen
uxn.It is anation created bywizdforwizards. school. SCCD who us spcual powen only they many di&ons. Among,thc htghlights are the
“So far+there are ten princes d i n g at the undustand. I tried m join one ofthe seas,but City I i b q , Alexander Plaa where the who’s
Council. Another thirty nobles conuol the they wouldn‘t even consider my request. I tbink who of wizardry enjoys an evening suoll, the
Parliament to handle litigious cases from the they look for people witb more expuience. Entertainm’ Q w e r where all the fun can bc
Council and lesser business. Great rivalries ”You should see the laboratoriesin the school, found, the Monsters Fair in the Merchmts’
divide the nobles, but this isn’t new. Most of and all the facilities at the students’ disposal. Quarter, the Tcmples 0f.W where onc can
them are aligned with one of the princes. Sincein Glantri all the nobles must hold a d i p b meditate and improve one’s intellect, and
“The m a t powerful families are the d’Am- ma ofh& wizardry fmm the Great school of fmally, the impasing Citadel. The latter contains
brevilles of Avemigne, who control the Great Magic, it may be a good idea to study there for city garrison and the Council‘s Tower.
school of Magic, the McGregon of Klantyre and some time and attempt thc gradultion test. I ember never to remain in the Citadel’s
the Gorevitch-Woszlanys of Boldavia who are was told it was a diflicult ordeal and rbat only Quarter at night. A creature ofdarkncss guards
suspmed of necromancy, tbe Vllardoens of the besr manage m get through. the area against inmden. Avoid the Tower of
Bergdhovcn who are of old Flaemish ongins, the “The tbing that i m p d me the most was Sighs, the city’s prison. Visimn are not welcome
Aendyo of B W who may be reiatcd m what my grandtiha found wben he gnduarcd anywhere near his sinister place.’’
Alphatia, the cbes of Belcadiz and & m a n who tifty yean ago. It was a M y laboratory insidea bot-
are long-time f m , the Von Dnchenfek of 01987TSR,Inr.AURightrRsmd.
tle. Hc said he was able m reducehLnsdfm a

is fmished, it is wise to leave to another plke shame; lie without faith is like a rose in the
for some time. Tbe more powerful the wizard, dcscn! I was told they bad some subversive
the more gold there is to e m , but the higher influence over the military cstablishment in
the danger. Thieves in Glantri bad better the capital. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear
know their classic magic uaps and wards or about a militaq coup against wizards one of
else they’d ncver survive long. A wizard’s tow- these days. Things may gct ugly there if it
er is one of the deadliest places to rob; but happens.
“Yes, my children, I was quite rich then. At most anything taken from there is worth a for- “Then, there is the rivalry between nobles.
the time, I was wodring with a fellow T e d tWC. Only wizards can be nobles according to the
Luigi. A fme guy, Luigi. You could always “I took mc a mere five years to establish my law. All of them want to become a prince at
mst him to get you out of the city if you were own branch among the Fellowship of the thc cost of another. One day, I was hiding in a
in trouble. Together we pulled offincredible Pouch. I was responsible for all operations prince’s palace. spying for another wizard.
stings in the streets of Glantri City. within a five block area at the capital. I had Hoping to unveil some secret, I quietly fol-
“I was sixteen when I left Yluuam, being over thirty mcn working for me and paying lowed the man into a crypt. There he spoke to
in trouble witb the law there. I came to Glan- their dues. City life was fme. It wasn’t long a glowing sphere. I could have sworn he was
tri in search of adventure, and adventure did I before I accumulated an incredible hoard. I talking to h d himsclf! Rad is he whom the
fmd! Huge fortuncs constantly change hands spent most of it buying all SONS of magical people of Glanui worship. The prince was
there. In a land where magic is the prime ele- inventions, like heaters, machines that make talking about getting through a golden door
ment of society, lots of gold is needed to fur- pictures and sounds, clean dishes, clothes. or and become immortal. He was a fool. for sure,
ther one’s interests. Wizards abound in this t but a dangerous one!
place, spending formnes to gain secrets, afti- “I was getting too old to be annoying
facts, or books. When gold does not work, “Once in a while I joined adventurous princes. Soon after 1 got ont of there I gath-
then wizards call upon the help of yours tNiy! expeditions to see some of the nation’s wilder- ered my most pmious belongings and flew
A thief in Glantri is never out of work. ness. The most frightening places are the away. That’s how, I came about to retire in this
“Don’t thiik it is an easy life. c e s e wiz- pleasant country and swear never to return to
ards have no honor and theirword isn’t worth that fascinating land:’
much. They dislike witnesses and when a job encountered a cleric who tried to convcrt us.
+ria are renegades over there. What a O1987 TSR. Inc. AU Righrr Bcrmcd.
Thc mosr inrerexing fcarures of thc Grear then begins ro srudy his ncw abilirics. In p r i ~ For example: 60 + l / l v l means 60% chanccs
School of Magic are its secret crafts. These are vate instruction, higher-level disciples teach plus 1% per luvrl. A level 15 wizard would
aicane philosophies ofmagic~usethat have led him rhe crafr in exchange for gold (that will be have a (60 + 15) = 7 5 % chancc (half thar.
ro the creation nf new spent for research). The price and length of rounded down .r ' ~ has
. nor yer gained thc
public is not a w a x of these factions, but any srudiei vary depending on which circle rhe PC required exprr minis).
studrnt curious enough ro ask questions and rcached (as described below).
observe . . at the School can discover the
sccrcr ordcrs' existence.
, --
These seven piilosophics include: Alche-
Le& SUl 4! of Uses
my, Dracology, Elementalism, Illusionism, 60 + 3 a day
Necromancy, Crypromancy, and Witchcraft. 2nd 28 , 1,000 10,OOOxp 7th i o + 1/h1 2 a day
Thesc ordcrs arc active solely within the 3rd 42 1,500 20,OOOxp 10th 40+11lvl 1a day
school: their goal is IO influcnce key people 4th 16 2,000 31(000xp 11th 30+l/lvl 1a week
into supporting their cause, and generate 5th 70 2,100 1 5 , 0 0 0 ~ ~ 20th 20+I/lvl 1 a month
gold, either from their disciples or their allies.
The gold is rhen spcnt ro further rhe order's
magical research; the more rcscarch, the EXplaNatiON Of 'C€fnMS # Uses: This defines t h r numbci of rirncs
greater rhe chancc of unveiling new awesome wirhin a spcrific period rhar a disciple can
abilirics and thu: gain even more influence. Circle: A disciple's rank among his order, or attcmpr 10 usc an ability. A failed arrcrnpr
Also, rhe High Masters of each order h$c 10 the power rank of an ability (similar to "expe- unts as one atrempt.
usc rhcir influenct to become the Grand Mas- rience level").
ter of rhe School. A l l abi!irias of a circlc must be learned
Each sccrct ordcr is divided inio five circles Cycle: The time needed (in days) to srudy before advancing to the next circle. 11 4th Cii-
controlled by a High Masror. The High Mas- &eability of a circle. At the end of a cycle, clc student must frnd rhc way to rclih thc 5rh
ter's identity is ulknown to all, cxccpt disci- the PC gains the studied ability. A student Circle by himself. Costs and cycles on the
ples of the Fourth Circle within their orders. may frcely interNpt his studies, co charr arc guidclincs for pcrsanal resrdrch.
Upon finishing studies 11 each circle. a fol- later and pick up where he left. To eat" an Once he h i s reached rhe last circle. the High
lower gains special magical abiliries. All of ability. hc must roll under hisIntelligence (on Masrer will challcngc his rival io a duel. The
them arc natural abilities of the disciple, not 5th Circle ability IS gained only after the High
d20) or start all over again for this -hi':-.: if hc
related IO normal spell-casting limits. Each fails the roll. Masrer is dcfcarcd. High Masters do not necrs-
ability can be u s d a number of iimcs per day sarily reside at the school. They are likely to be
(as shown in rhc chart below), with variable Cost: khe fecin gold ducats for cach day of found in rheii own rowers. Thcir rruc idcnri-
chances of S ~ C C C S S .Except for alchemists. they srudics The gold is paid to the teacher, each ties are given in thr "Maraudcrs, Magcs and
are all magical abiliries thar ran be dispelled at d: . in advance for the full cycle. Misten" section
an)- rimc. Unlike spclls. they do nor need to The duel is srricrly between the PC and the
be memorized evxy day OI be used. ,nxperienee: The experience points k ~ L U ~ High Masier. They may rravcl grcar disranrcs
To enter a secrei~ordcr. a PC must first find a m t must earn before being capable of using in order to find a deserted area for thr chal-
disciple who wil! sponsor him. Students or. new ability with the best chances of success ge 10 occur. Thc lascr of rhe duel may die
masters never oprnly admit to being disciples (see Succtss, below), He must earn the.indi- rhe winner is Chaotic). 01surrender. If the
of one order or another. Newcomers in an cated Us, using his newly acquired ability, loses, hc rctains his abilities, bur must
order are usually nor welcome because they before starting a new study cycle. When done, lave the order (revealing the ordrr's sccrcrs is
represenr anorhe. source of rompcrition for these XPs are lost and the PC may resume nor- srill a major crime). If the High Master is
the rank of High Masrcr. The PC has to can- mal level advancement. defeated, he loses his 5rh Circle abiliry. Thr
vince rhr disciple ro sponsor him. Charm. COI- naturr of this ability is such that the winncr of
ruprion. decrir, blackmail. and bribcry are all k v e k This is the minimum level at which a the duel gains this abiliry The High Master
legitimate ways to furrhcr a PC's ambitions, disciple may stan studying abilities uf cach will not lose his ability if the challengcr has
bur subtlety is a ,must. Brute intimidarion or circle. Elvenlwelsare treated differently c v c ~ not succcssfully accomplished the last cycle of
violence will gct t >ePC in serious rrouble with ty time a "per level" ability modifier is men- studies. Upon losing his ability. tiir High Mas-
rhe order. A "convinced" disciple then tioned throughout this chaptcr. add 2 levels ICI (if still alive) permanently retires from thc
informs his order of rhr PC's wish to bcromc a er Attack Rank beyond C to the clfs levcl ordrr.
follower: if rhey think hc may bring new.'+ ee Companion Book Two, page 30, for more Norc: Each craft is given on one p q c for
knowledge to furrher their cause, they d l detail on Attack Ranks). Thic bonus docs pliwr convmiencc. Fccl free ro phurocopy rhe
accept him. Upon enrering the order. the PC apply here as well. m c players' personal use.
must swear loyalty (revelling the craft to out-
slders will gcr the PC expelled from the order Success: This in s the percc
and probably hunted by ciry thu chance a disciple has U I uing an ability. L U C
Once a disciplc. rhe PC is ma higher rhc ability, the lower rhc chances he
invisible symbol I O prove his idcntity to other will succeed. If he has nor accumulared the
disciples. Once a month, the brethren garhrr needed Exprrieoce yet. his chances arc halved.
ro plan their activities in the school. The PC
- / Y L

CO€ M ~ S ~ C
S p,ir,on, cure &rase, cum ligbr wounds (Id6 of01 y ~ ~ s a , & ~ d e x p I o s i in&
hp per character. per day), purify food and pointp af dum!age. pa 10 cn of .m,
Alchemists arc magic-usen specialized in I water, e K . The alchemist can make other non- weigh. dcouoyiw*,drclaborarory (n.
use of rare ingredients and compounds, and magical substances. such ar poisons. inflam- 20d6 damage: save forhalf damage)
the alteration of matter, energy or their own mable oil, smoking devices, etc. The DM
bodies. Their abilities axe not spells but exper-
iments requiring a laboratory. Experiments of
the First Circle take ld6 hours to accomplish,
2d6 hours for the Second, up to 5d6 hours for time it is used (the DM secretly roUs
the Fifth. They must be uninterrupted to suc- natural 01 indicates the presence o
ceed (-5 % chance per minor interruption of a components whose effectsare up to
few rounds or less). Only one experiment can
be attempted at a time.
An alchemist's laboratory costs 5,000 dc per
Circle (a High Master needs a 25,000 dc labo-
ratory), complete witb beakers, retorts, bal-
loons, crucibles, components, powders,
liquids, crystals. balms, gases, ores, etc. Cam-
ponent replacement costs 500 dc per month, Radiance, magical. and so forth). A roll of 01 le
indicates a false interpretation.
plus 1,000dc per experiment conducted. In
Glantri City, an alchemist spends about a Magical Preparation (Second Circle):
week per 1,000 dc to search for and pwhase
equipment and components. In other places.
it often takes twice as long.
In "field conditions" (dungeons and wil-
derness) an alchemist can use a "field labora-
mry" consisting of miniature equipment and
a limited supply of basic alchemical substanc-
es. Such equipment costs 3.000 dc per Circle
and is usable up to the Third Circle. It comes whichever is best. P
in a chest a man can easily carry. It can be uscd liquid potions, but
ten times after which the set runs out of com-
ponents. Components cost 500 dc to replacc.
A field laboratory allows the same expcri-
ments as with a full laboratory, but thc cal compounds (effects up to the DM).
chances of success are halved (rounded down).

Find Components (First Circle): This opera- another non-living matter, such as minerals,
tion defines all components within a non crystals, metals, gas, liquid, or dead organic
magical item (specific minerals, metals, hasic matter like wood, hides, fur, bones, claws,
substances, as well as known compounds: gas- etc.
es, liquids, vegetals, flesh, etc). This is ideal
for detecting and identifying poisons. vegeta-
bles, bones, etc. A toll of 01 indicates a false the same weight in minerals, metals. organic
interpretation. substances, etc., or 1 cu. ft. of gases (per
Alchemical Reparation (First Circle): The level), or 1 quart ofliquid (per level). Remain-
alchemist concocts a powder, balm or liquid
solution producing a specific effect. He must
first research the formula in a laboratory
before being able to produce the compound of the same weight, or vice v
(see "Creating SpeUs and Magical Items"). The original material mu
Once the formula is known, it must be writ- For example, one coin or on
ten in the Alchemist's Codex (book of formu- ly be changed but a portion
lae). Alchemical preparations should be used
rapidly because they only last Id4 days. After
this period, the components separate and
decompose, becoming totally useless. The final shape of the transmuted materi
Their effects are not magical, although they up to the alchemist.
can imitate known spells, such as neurralizc Transmuting is dangerous business. A I

me M a s t e w of DRWONS The dragon master can affect dragons .Dragon Bq& (Tbird Cde):, This allows
chosen color as if he were three levcls h the dracologist to use his chosen dragon’s
These magic-users are specialists in dracology A roll of 01 causes the d on,with the appropriate effects
(the study of dragons). Th ahlr of -iraged uadrrhed (based on the magic-user’s hit
protecting themselves fr )ints). If the drqologist is of insufficient
ing their powers, control
becoming true dragons ifneed be.
When starting hi career
Dragon Master (as they call
choose a dragon color co
alignment. Hischoice is secret until he uses an attack ranks for elves) eaual or suDerior to that Draron Mieht (Fourth Circle): The dracolo-
ability in a way that reveals his color4 A lawful of the dragon color he h k chosen, the damage
dragon master could choose a crystal or golden will be that of this specific type of dragon.
dragon; a n e u d may favor a blhe or onyx Example: A white dragon inflicts 2d8 points by simple wnccntration. This
dragon, while a chaotic will prefer a black or a ofdamage. ablackdragonZdl0,andsoforth. ride a dragon without,fear of,
red dragon. They cannot choose the color of If a dracologist is not yet of the appropriate oncentration is broken (he casts
level, he only causes 2d6 points of damage; dragons keep do@g what they
The effect ends after five successful attacks. do. The effect lasts a turn.per
Dragon Eye (Second Circle): Thii power
enables the dracologist to recognize any High Mastery of Dmpm (Fifth Circle):
dragon in polymarphed form. unless the .Lhis allows the High Master actually to turn
large or huge specimen ( aragon has more Hit Dice than the dracologist into his chosen dragon form in ld4 rounds.
from the Basic Set). A has levels. This power includes all forms o@ W n dragon form, he has all statistics and
described below need a ro illusions and tricks dragons use to cwceal. ah of his dragon typ,e. To me spells
Elves are fond of this craft, ts one round heyondthe normal dragon’Faparity, or.magi-
gists may become formid cal items that only funcuon,for humans or
combat. elves, the High Master must revert to his

equal to hi level. If
fully affect a dragon
throw versus magic irBEiifficient level, damage is 1-3 per h Master defeats the dragon in a duel
until the proper level is reached. The
“%s one round per dracologist level.

master can make scala appear on his skin; turn intoaDragonRuier(ordies ifhe wascha-
with him or physically block they give him an Armor Class equal to that of ot
touching him,as long as he his chosen dragon: AC3 for white dragons, c
combat or use his breath weapon against the AC2 for black dragon. etc. If the dracologist is re
dragon master. The dragon can k+t spells if not of sufficient level, the AC gained remains
they do not affect the dragon master in any .. . level
at 4 until he reaches the aDDroDriate ca
way, and he can attack members Qf the dragon (plus arrack ranks, for clvcr) to match his cho. ckout chcatcts and come with his
master’s D ~ V . sen dragon’s Hit Dice This DOWCI lasts one to wrcak havoc in their lands, in
This effect lasts as lo fight to the death. No
*e the form of the Grcat

pelled if the dragon

attempts to steal the drag
hatchlings, attacks him
obviously affect the crea


day. The power lasts one round per level.

me Mastens of toe Elt?MfNts - on clouds or climb smoke up to 90 feet or up magical missiles or carries the master at 360'
to 3 rounds whichever comes first. per round. The master is immune to high
Magic-users of this craft are masters at dealing winds.
with the elemental forces of natu Minor Conjuration (Second Circlt,. lrle Master of Water: The master causes water to
their career, they learn to prorec :lernentalisi may conjure Id4 elementals of bc still or rough as a storm in a radius equal to
from elementals, to conjure and control ele- hi academy by concentrating. Summoned three fect times his experience level. He can
mentals Finally, the High Master gams the elementalshave a number of hit dice equal to breathe water as if it were air. and swim
ability to enter or leave an outer phne an? s r less than that of the elementalist. These qardless of currents or whirlpools.
become an elemental creature. :reatures remain under the elementalist's con Master of Fire: The master extinguishes'a
There are four Academies of the Elcmen trol. He canmt control more Hit Dice of ele ire or causes one to ffl the afea of effect (two-
(Au, Water, Fire and E d ) . which are nval mentals than he has levels. Excess elementals foot radius per experience level). The master
orders. Elementalists must choose an academy are automatically hostile to the conjurer. can build walls of fire or resist to any sort of
to learn their craft There are four High Mas- He can give a series of orders of any level of heat, either magical or natural.
ters of the Elcment, one for each academy. complexity, and the elanental(s) will execute Master of the Earth: The master can shape
Elementalits only deal with theu chosen ele- them to the best of its ab stone or earthen matter at will within a one-
ment; they can speak the language ofelemeu- edge, without trying to distort the intent of f w t radius per experience level. His creations
tals of their academy. Thcir abilities &t ld4 the orders. The elemcntalii does not need to have the statistics of any elemental he could
rounds to take effect concentrate to keep control of the creature. conjure. The master is immune to crushing
Elementalists are taught the following The control over the elemental lasts one day damage from falling stones or lava burns.
spclls at the appropriate levels: Dipcl Magic per l e d of the elementalit. or until dis- roll of 01 causes the affected area to go
Protection fmm Evil 10' radius, and Cnnjut ?elled, or until the mission is accomplished. c d control. Anything inside automatically
Elemend. Depending on theitacadany, the ahictper occurs first. At the end of the con %rers full damage from one attack each
also learn the following spell uol, the elemental returns to its plane. ound until it moves out of the affected area.
~AroUofOlcausesa16HDelementalofthc Anything still inside thc area at the end of the
Fire: Ere ball. wall offirc oppming plane to come instead of the expect- duration is utterly destroyed. The disciple suf-
Water: Water breathing, low1 ed one. It is automatically hostile to the ele- fers great trauma which permanently reduces
Eartb: Wall of sronc, ma mentalist (water is opposed to earth, air is all future elementalit ability checks 10%. ,
Air: FIfi weather control opposed to fire). An elementalist can always
cast a dispel magic or dispel evil to force an Metamorphosis (Fifth Circle): The Higl
These spells are taught only whcn the ele- unfriendly elemental back to its plane. Master can actually become an elemental Q
mentalist has leamed all the a h i academy, with a number of Hit Dio
circle corresponding to h i level. Elves should Major Chjuration (Third Circle): This equivalent to his level. He retains the use o
be allowed to cast these spells despite their allows the elementaliit to conjure and control spells and magical items, and gains all abili
normal level limitation. Use their Attack any creature native to the elemental plane of ties and statistics of his elemental form
Ranks as described in this chapter's intmduc- his academy: a Master of Air could conjure a whichever are the best. In addition, he cat
tions to fmd when qinni, a Master of Fire could conjure x! i e d y enter or leave his elemental plane.
rfreeti, a Master of Eartb a kryst, and a Maste A roll of 01 causes an elemental ruler to see1
Protection from >f Water an undine. The ability is otherwisc &ut the High Master and put an end to his dis-
Thc elcmentalists o iimilar to the minor conjuration. turbing activities. He may leave. but the ele-
tect themselves from the natural element o The origins of monsters from outer planes mental ruler will seek to corner him every time
their academy. The exact effects arc described are explained in the Monster List E2 of the he enters his plane. The High Master may
below, according to each academy. Companion and Master DM rules. With a roll fight; ifdefeated, he dies by being crushed or
Ere:Disciples suffer.onlyhalf damage from of 01, the creature(s) conjured automatically disintegrated. If he wins, the High Master
all fire-related attacks become hostile to the elementali. thengainstheabilityto tumintoa41 HDeIe-
high temperatures, fire mental N k r (but only in the element+
can walk up to 90 fe Full Elemental Control (Fourth Circle): The plane). Each new level he gains adds two HD
disciple controls nou-living matter cones- to his elemental ruler form. Out of the plane.
poudiug to his academy. He can shape and t :h Master only has his normal elemen
from all water-related attacks (waves, water move it for one round per level of experience. t n (not that of the ruler).
elementals, ice blocks or snow). They can wall The animated matter fights as a 12 or 16 H t
up to 90 feet or up to 3 rounds whicheve rlemental, depending on the disciple's lcvcl
comes first over water. as above. By concentrating, he can make thc
Earth: Disciples suffer only half damage matter attack anything within the area of
from falling I&, stone projecdes. and earth effect. He can move at 20' per round maxi-
elementals. They can move up to YO fcet or up mum with the effect following him, or walk
to 3 rounds whichever comes fmt over quick- ted
sand, mud or crumbling stone ledges. more than 30' away
Air: Disciples suffer only half damage from Master of Air: The master causes winds to
air related items (high winds, sand storms, stop or blow as a hurricane witbin a four foot
whirlwinds, or air elementah). They can walk radius per exp. level. The air deflects non- '1987 TSR. Inr. AU R&.

Cbf Mastftls of IIIUS~ONS Nightmares (statistics up to the DM, but no The illusionist can create immobile obje
more than 1 HD per level of experience) (such as walls, doors, stairs, bridges, ctc.) o
Illusionists use unique techniques which haunt the victim's dreams. Conduct "dream" of shadows. Light spells act on these ohstac
influence what people see or think by affect- ombats as per normal combat rules. If the i a dispel magic. Shadows can be normall
ing their minds. These abilities are different 2onster wins, the victim wakes up screaming ispelledonly if they are created by a darkne
from the phantasmal force approach because and temporarily loses a point of Constitution. spell. The area affected covers a yard per Icv
they do not creatr a magical vision or a sensa- All lost points ace recovered after onc full of experience.
tion: they alter a victim's perception all at night of uninterrupted sleep. At 0 points of A roll of 01 sends the illusionist to th
once. using emanations fro imension of Nightmares, where he mus
of Nightmares. nd a way of his own to return to safety.

may identify the.nightmares' nature (the illu- Dreamlands (Frh' Circle): The High M
sionist and his general whereabouts) by cast- ter may enter or leave the Dimension
illusionists' expertise, the two last spells ing a contacr outerplanes spcll. Nightmares once per month. There he
become 3rd level spells to them. If the illusionist fails two attempts in a row, build a stronghold of solid shadow or
he cannot affect this particular victim mer mal matter. Any native creature that
Hypnosis (first Circle): The illusionist can again (and his true face appears in the victim's i n ( 2 5 % chancepetweek)must make
attempt to influence the reasoning of one or dream). On a 01, the disciple himself dream throw or remain under the High Mast
more persons (total HD or levels equivalent to he fights a monster of nightmares (as per this trol. The maximum number of creatures
the disciple's). He needs only to speak casually ability's effects). If defeated, be permanently Ln control in his stronghold equals twice
for five rounds. The DM then rolls a secret loses a point of Constitution. rperience level. They will guard the lai
ability check to see if the attempt succeeds. me best of their abilities and knowledge.
This is not a magical effect and so cannot he Delirium Tremens (Thud Circle): This cr After returning to the Prime Materia
dispelled normally (see below). -tes illusions of any size within a victi Plane, the High Master can gate a number o
If the attempt fails, the victims suddenly mind. It has all the sensations needed to he HD of creatures equal to or less than his level
realize the disciple is making bizarre gestures. plausible (movement, noise, heat, $ouch, once per month, and give them a mission
swinging a medallion, and speaking in a soft, smell,etc.).AdisciplecanaffKt 1HDorlevel The creatutes gate from the High Master'
all-too-suspiciousvoice as small lines spiral in of victi~perlevel,within a 120' radius. This shadow stronghold into his tower. This fea
his eyes. The victim's reactions are up to the effect does not require light (but the illusion- requites the burning of a nightwing's tongu
DM, according to the situation. ist must at least vaguely see his victims). as prime component.
If the attempt succeeds, the victims trust Effects are similar to a phantasmal force The High Master can see and hear all tha
and do whatever the illusionist says, as long as except that all illusory damage bccames actual these creatures perceive, as well as spea
it does not obviously threaten their lives. He hit point damage. The illusionist can-create through them with no range limit. The crea
can cause them to forget things, speak the monsters from the Dimension of Nightmares tures remain until the end of their mission
truth, or accomplish one mission for him. A (statistic; similar to dream alrerarion) in the atter which they return to their dimensio
hypnotic trance lasts until someone slaps the ictims' minds. Fights are conducted as pet (and regain their freedom).
victim in the face (or causes any son of dam- ormal combat N~CS. Any other effect imi- A roll of 01 causes a rupture between th
age), or the mission is accomplished. If a vic- L.xted by the illusion inflicts Id6 points of YO dimensions. releasing his servants all a
tim does not understand the illusionist but damage per level of experience (maximum nce into the High Master's tower. Because
was still hypnotized, he remains immobile 2Od6). Unaffected witnesses will see victims le shock. the cteatutes will be hostile
and stares blankly until the effect is broken. frantically swinging their weapons or casting seek to tear the High Master apart. They will
A roll of 01 causes the illusionist to hypno- spells against invisible foes. come every night thereafter, wherever he is,
tize himself and be the victim of his own com- The spell lasts as long as it takes for the illu- until he or they are all dead.
mand, whatever it was to be. sion to represent the desired event or until the Note: At the end of each day spent in the
victims defeat the monster in their minds. Dimension of Nightmares, visitors make an
Dream Alteration (Second Circle): The illu- On a roll of 01,the disciple dreams he is in Intelligence check ot become permanently
sionist may attempt to affect one intelligent the Dimension of Nightmare?, until he finds insane. The High Master of Illusions is
creature's dreams, up to a mile away per level a way back or someone wakes him up. Dam- immune to this effect. The DM is free to cre-
of experience. False messages ot horrible age suffered is real, as per this ability's normal ate horrible monstem from the Dimension of
nightmares sent during his sleep alter an effect. lightmares, ~- ~ ~ creatures
- e from outer
NPC's reasoning if he fails an Intelligence lanes as a sut :.
check the next morning. PCs will react accord-
ing to the way their players interpret the p k can attempt ro control shadowy or black
dreams (obviously, the DM should role-play weas, for one round per experience level. It
the event and not reveal the source of t h e one
Any successful dream negates one night's non-corporal form chat can only be spotted
rest, and prevents the recovery of spells the with a detect invisible or similar spell. While
next day. In addition, the illusionist can make immaterial be cannot cast spells but he can
one or more monsters from the Dimension of affect shadows (see below). -1987 TR,h c . AU Eights R-ed.
undead under his control, at any time, by dis- Raise Dead ( F o d Cide): A necromancer
missing its soul. However, the creature must of the Fourth Circle gains the ability to recall
The science nf the dead, or necromancy, has souls frnm beyond the grave. This ability is
always been active in WaEfETnistor identical to the clerical spell raise dead tidfy
Although a frightening power. it is still recoj turning ability. It does not require a r A roll of 01 causes the necromancer’s vital
nized as a legitimate form of magic and 15 symbol, but only a few gestures and I I N ~ I powers to be temporarily drained, at the rate
therefore acceptable. Necromancers are noto- words. The necromancer tuns nndead as a nf 1 point of Constitution for each two levels
riously chaotic; rare individuals may be neu- or HD he attempted to affect (rounded
trals less interested in powers of down). If a necromancer’s Constitution is
in their scientific value. The% entirely drained, he turns into.apile of ashes
their magic to cnntrol, create or pr&ct them- of the toughest undcad creature in his pres- and disappcars. He cannot be raised by any
selves from undead creatures. d e n their ence, until one of the undead creatures initi- means; his body and soul have been obliterat-
experience of the world beyondfimproves, ates melee against him or one of his party ed from reality. Surviving necromanqrs recnv-
they gain the ability of recalling spkirs to their members. If the undead present arc all non- er a point of Constitution per night.of full
dead bodies. The most impressi+e power is intelligent, the victim falls into a state of cata- rest.
that of the High Master who knows the secret lepsy for Id8 hours.
nf lichdom, a ghastly form of I iQ. Attain lichdnm (F& Circle): The High
Create Undead ( m d Circle): Upon com- Master of Necromancy become a lich of
Protection from Undead A
._ pletion ofstudies in the Third Circle. a necro- the appropriate level. Tbc nrdedof becoming
magic-user of this order can protect h m e mancer may create undead monsters. He m u z lich takes a day per level of experience. Once
from undead creatures upon completionof h first research the arcane ceremony and compc a lich, the necromancer remains one forever.
studies at the 1st Circle. This abilitv keeDs i enrs needed to create each type of undeao He controls undead as per rules on Lieges and
bay a number of Hit Dice nf undead creLtun ired and write them down in his Book of Pawns (see DM Masters Book, page 22 for
equal to or less than his total levels of exper crology Finding these dark ceremonies is more detail). This power replaces the normal
ence. When encountering groups of undead, similar to spell research (see “Creating Spells necromancer’scontrol wndeadability. The lich
the lower levels are affected first. Ifan undead cal Items”); each two HD ofundead otherwise retains all.other abilities particular
liege is affected, all of its pawns (undead crea- level of spell.research. For example, to,necromancers.
t u r e ~under its control) cease to count towards zombies requires first level spell The Fime components of this power are a
the maximum HD h i t s wraiths require second level pint of venom from a nightcrawler’s tail sting-
The power lasts until ncer or tiftb level for vampires. ninth level er and the skull of a red imp (see “Critters
one of his party members attacks the affected from the Cauldron”).
creanurs. A roll of 01 canses the necromancer any level whatsoever. The DM should pay special attention to
tn fall prey tn his own power (he is incapable players with a PC lich, if such thing is at all
nently under the necrnm acceptable in his campaign. Common people
unless one of the creatur le control undead ability is no are frightened by such horrid monsters. If the
again%him or one nf his p Fne necromancer cannot create mo lair of a lich is publicly known, the population
undead during any one ceremony th may attack the place and seek to destroy the
Control Undead (Second levels of experience. The ceremony monster, with the blessing and support of rival
romancer gains the ability to turns for creatures with no special ”ages. Once a PC has become a lich. he may
asterisk after their HD statistics). any further level advancement. He
the ceremony takes Id6 hours per asterisk. For try to attain true Immortality. but
encouhtering groups of undead, the lower example, a ceremony to create skeletons takes only with the Sphere nf Entropy. There are
levels are affected first. If a powerful undead Id6 turns;creating vampires takes ld6 hours: in the world, but only one at any
liege is affected, all its pawns ( u e e a d crea- ghosts require 4d6 hours. A body is necessary a necromancer lich (the High Mas-
for each corporeal undead (skeletons, zom-
bies, wights, vampires, etc). Only apottinn of A roll of 01 determines the High Master’s
a body is required for immaterial undead te. He immediately becomes a true
The power lasts until the (wraiths, haunts, phantoms and spirits), a screaming demon (see D&D”
ome from a differ- t) under the DM’s control. The
are permanent an(- :reatUte gates to the Sphere of Entropy after
t for skeletons an< :orally wrecking the necromancer’s tower and

A roll of 01 causes the necromancer’s life-

eiwise does not require, concentration; the e partially drained, his attempt fail-
undead follow orders to the best of their ntably. He suffers Id6 p i n t s o
knowlcdgc and capacity damage per HD of undead he attempted ti
io a 24-miles dlsrance create; plus 5 for each asterisk (no save). If the
negated). If need be, a necromancer can necromancer dies, he immediately becomes
always specify which creature(s) he controls an undead ofthe type he attempted to create.
and which he does not. He may destroy any

The Masterts Of th€ RUNW - of reshaping the affected matter w i h a one appropriate to his level). Each rune is equiva-
foot diameter sphere pet level of experience, lent to a seventh level spell for purposes of
Cryptomancers are specialistsof nature and its plus attack ranks for elves. This could be used to research. The spell must be known in order to
profound identity. Their philosophy, called open passageways through stones, mend broken find its Nne.
Cryptomancy, is based on the assumption that irems, calm an area of water, or whatever the The runemaster can write a magical Nne on
all things in life have a truename; knowing a runemaster attempts to do. The reshaping lasts an item. By uttering arcane phrases, he speci-
thing's truename allows one to control that Id4 rounds, after which the change remains per- fies in which condition the effect goes off.
thing, The basic magical language to manipu- manent or rcvem to its original shape, at . ' ~ Example: The runemaster inscribes a rune of
late runes and how to research them is taught +ar<s aoice. ,, . , fire ball on a door so it goes off when the door
at the First Circle. In his career, a runemaster' is opened. The effect will be appropriate to
seeks to discover runes desianarina- animals, Runes of Life (Second GrcleJ: A discide the levelatwhich hewould have cast thespell.
~nsccts.plants. cnrrgy. magir. and f i n i l l y . the can rcscuch runcs idcnrifyingspecifictypcsof When the rune is created, it becomes invisi-
High Master of Runec mdg discuvrr ht rme. non-intclli~ent or animal intelligcntc lifc ble, but it can he detected with a detect
l i a n e oi intclligrnt beings. forms ruch as: a fox, whale, caglc. zombic. magic. Dispel magic removes a rune with thc
The ahilirics or rhe ruiicmastcrs arc not a\ gray U O L C , spidcr. worm, iron statue. rust normal chances of success.
3wc~nmca, rhosu of orhcr crafn. Thcrr iruc monsret. o&, pine, archer bush, and w fonh. Only one rune ran he inscribed on any sin-
strcnpth lics i n the vdrirrv m d frcc chorcc ovcr Each r u n t cquals a third lcvcl spell for rcscarch gle item (except for magic circles-see below),
ahich rune thcv use 1:nlikc spclls, runcs do purposes. but is permanent until removed or triggered.
nor necd c o he memorized every morning. The ruiicmastcr tan affect a numbcr of HD The runemaster can use this ability to create
Each rdue must he rcscarrhcd scparauly as of matures cqual or infcrior to hi, total lcvel, magical circles protecting him from a specific
spells wuulrl. and then be inxribcd in thc or 3 one-foor.diamrrrr phcre pcr lcvcl of magical effect or a type of creature. The rune-
runemastet's Hook of R u m If a PC attempts cxpcriencc whcn HD iuc inappropriate. master needs the rune for the appropriate
15 u x a runc w i t h m i optning hls book, a n lhcre runes givc rhc iryptnmanccr a tcle- creature. He may discover the rune for a type
cmr3 lnrclligenre c h r i n 15 nttcssary. pathic link with thc life form. allowing him ro ofintelligent creature (elemental, demon, elf,
Using runrs IS dnugcrous and affects thc communicatc thoughls or scmations. or know human, etc) but only to protect himself, or
balmcr w'narurt. Ovtrucing them may cauy what it knows. Thc rune effcct ohtwisc i\ restrain the specified creature within the cir-
nztural ,.ziastrr,phrs The DM should norc slmilartoa charmspcll. Thc victim will follow cle. This is not equivalent to a Rune of fife.
~ On d i i irrtmpt roll of 01, a
c x h r u i t ~usc orden to the best of i r A inielligcnce 2nd abili- The runemaster can otherwise inscribe magi-
runcmasrrr Lauiri thc following to occur: tics (3n oak cannot hc ordcrcd t u movc. 3 cal runes on the circle so that a spell effect goes
Ii'rhcrunrm~srcrrlidnorprcviouslyuscany monkey cannot read a xroII, t i c . ) . Thc tom- off whcn someone steps into or out of a circle
rune that diy. .\ hurricanc or a violtnt norm munication is lunitcd by thc C I C . ~ ~ U I C ' Sintcl- (telepons from one circle to another, poly-
hiis thr arc3 on a 24 milc radius. I t l a m Id12 Icct. Thc cffcct lasrs onc rum per Icvcl uf morph others. ttc). Five magical runes placed
hour, durmg which no t r w e l is poniblc. cxpericncc. on the same circle will make it permanent
li rhr runcm~m'ralrr3dr usrd onc Nne until physically destroyed.
r h r d3.v A minor rarrhqulke bhakcs thc 2fca Runes of Power (Third Circle): The runc- Five runes of magic will animate a golem (1
around t l w runcmasrcr, wirhin a 12 milc ndi- mastcr gains thc ability to rcrcarch runcs d o - HD per level). The disciple must spend 5.000
us (bcw3te t>{ avalanchti. filling t m and ignatmg energy forms such as: firc. cold, dc in components per asterisk (and per failed
rocks). clcctri~iry.wind. light. gnviry, et'. Each runc roll) to build his golem. A 01 permanently
If h r alrcddy uscd tm'o runcs carlicr that is cquivalcnt to a fifth lcvel ,pel1 tor purposcr destroys all components.
Jay A vidcnt eanhqu3kr chakes a 36 milc <>f rcscarch
rhdlur .wound rhc runcmLcicr, causing great These rums allow the runemaster IO alter a 'hename (Fifih Circle): The specific runic
~ c ~ u c r u rdamage.
zl rpccfic source of cncrgy. In no CZK can a rune. name of one single intelligent being can be
Ifhc used rhrec UT morc rums carlirr rhar mastcr alter cncrgics to c a u x more rhan 20d6 found. The effect is exactly the same as a Rune
day. Thc xoim and cmhquakc occur. all of damagc. and he is limittd to Id6 pcr lcvel oflife. Each truename is equivalent to a new
nugic a d runtr usc irc lordly inoperauve for of cxperiencc: hc ran reducc damagc in thc ninth level spell for purposes of research
Od., hours, 2nd rhc runc ustd last IS pcrma- samc way. Examplc: A mncmaster artcmprs 10 (research can only be attempted at 21st level,
ncnrlx altcrcd iall runcmatcrs must rtlcam i t . cion a walluffirr: hc may usc a rune uf fire tu but this does not prevent the High Master
~ ~ u j i n~ rgc a ringcr 3m.m~thcir circln). extinguish rhc firc (ifthc wall IS wcakcr than from using truenames acquired from another
rhc runcmasr~r~s ability) or rcducc damage if source).
R u n a o f Marier ( F m i Circle,: ?he rune h e wall iamorcpowcfiul. Asagcned rulc. if In addition, this allows the High Master to
mater n u ) rcjcarch and discover mncs idmti- a affccts an arca, the area is a nnc-foot scan his victim's memorized spells and
f y n g any ~ p c d i cnon.livinp maicrial (gold, diamcter sphcrc pcr Icvel. l h c duration of the attempt to understand them (Intelligence
rtecl. luad. gr3nirc. cand. crystal, water, glass. rune effcct LS no longer rhan 3 round per level check). He must memorize his victim's spells.
Icather, d k , ws,ol. t ~ r ,et(.) She limit of of thc runcmastcr. or until rhc courcc of causing his own to be "erased" from his mem-
runcs i, up to rhc playcr's imagination. encrgy has bccn affected up IO his maximum ory. He can cast these new spells normally, for-
Rc,carchinr d r n of therc runcs is equivdcnt to
I ,
ability. whichevcr cccurs fust getting them in the process. or walk to his
researching common first level spells. tower and write them down in his Spell Book
Once a rune is known, the memaster may Runes of Magic (Fourth CircIe): The rune- to retain their use permanently.
control the matter it refers to, by uttering rim2 master gains thiability to research runes iden-
words and the desircd rune. The control consists tifying magical effects (any spell effect O1987 TSR. Inr. AU Bights Rescned.

l.2~ ~
MiStNfSSfS of Witcipzaft- one of the dolls in the victim's house. Every
night thereafter, wherever the victim may he, control over the witch for an entire day.
Sorceresses, better known by the common fo
as witches. are experienced in the Witches' Curse (Third Circle): This ability
old recipes and home-made Dolls ofpain: Every night, the witch plants is similar to the reversed remove cursc~spCII.
hered from before history. a needle into the second doll, causing great except the witch can affect a number of levels
looked down upon by wizards of the other pain to the victim. Small wounds may appear or HD equal to her level with the same curie.
crafts, hut their magic is as potent as any oth- on the body (Id6 damage per If only one p m n is to be affected, then the
er. A few male wizards are sorcerers in this Dolls of Sickaess: Every n curse will affect the victim's family for a nnm-
order, despite the popular belief that witches dips the second doll into vari ber of generations equal to the witch's level.
are always female. and causes the victim to catch a disease (up to The curse can only be removed with a wish
Among the abilities of the witches are the the DM) which no magic will cure until the spell (or by the meeting of conditions the
making of brews and philters. cursed dolls, first doll is destroyed (no saving throw). witch may choose to impose at the time of the
use of charms and lies. and bestowing curses. Dolls of Insanity: Every night, the witch curse). On a roll of 01, the curse affects the
Each day they can also c a s spells from an open utters words of hate to the second doll, caus- witch instead, and her family members, ifany.
spell hook once per 6 levels of experience, ing the victim to become totally insane. The
without using their memorized spells. Unfor- effects of the insanity are up to the DM and Shapechange (FOUK~ Circle): Witches of
tunately, witches use a form of chaotic magic last until morning (no saving throw). At the this circle have the ability of changing their
affecting Charisma. Upon ending studies at end of the night, the victim must make a sec- physical shape to that of another creature.
each circle, witches lose 2 points of Charisma ond saving throw or temporarily lose a point This ability is similar to.the level 9 magic-user
of Constitution. Every night, the witch keeps spell of the same name, hut the witch can
ng the doll until the victim tuns out of become any creature whose HD d o not exceed
itution-and dies-or the first doll is her total ICVC~.She cannot take the likeness,of
discovered and destroyed. All effects cease a specific character.
avoid being shunned or persecuted by others. when the doll is destroyed. This ability also allows her to become sev-
A witch can affect up to three p eral creatures at Once, as long as the HD limi-
Brews and Philters (First Cirde): This ahili- night. She must make an attempt tation is respected. For example, a 10th level
ty is similar to the alchemist's Magical Prepa- victim. On a 01, her doll is damag witch could turninto 10 separate hlackcats,,or
rations, except the brews must remain in the less), and the witch becomes the two different creatures (no more than 4 HD
form of a potion. They arc tither poisons or minor curse up to the DM. A r per form). One of the forms must be desig-
soporifics with various effects and durations. the witch's curse. nated as the original. All forms are mentally
or charms affecting the imbiber (philters of linked to the original and can cast spells (from
love). Although a witch can join the First Cir- Charm (Second Circle) the original's pool; spells are not duplicated
cle at 5th level, she can still can modify her appearance to avoid sus I. for each form).
despite the fact that other mag The effect is purely phantasmal and ,e If any of these forms is "killed," it immedi-
wait to 9th level before creating magical negated with a dispel magic. This a n w y ately disappears. Upon regaining her human
items. Unlike alchemists,witchesdonot make 'causes affected NPCs to observe the witch shape, the witch suffers damage equal to the
potions at half normal enchantment costs. intensely, almost forgetting what they where lost farm's hp. If the original form is killed,
These potions last Id4 days doing. This improves the witch's Charisma 1 the witch dies and all other forms rum into
witch. paint for every 3 levels of experience, up to 18 ashes. On a 01, she cannot regain her former
A roll of 01 indicates a fl maximum. In any case, her minimum Cha- human body nor recall her other forms. She
nents (a poison would in fact become henefi- risma will be no less than 10, her w ~ ,remains so until another witch dispels the
cial to the imbiber, or a charm would cause hunched hack and other unpleasant features effect.
him to develop a permanent and pathological going unnoticed. The effect lasts 1 turn pet
hatred of the witch). level of the witch and affects anyone observing Ultimate Possession (Fifth Circle): The
the witch within 100 feet. Any harmful act on High Mistress has an ability similar to the
Silver Tongue (First Circle): The her part breaks the charm. On a 01. she Der. magic jar spell, with no saving throw. The vk-
the ability to speak in a very persuasive man- manently loses a point of Charisma. tim must be of lower level (or HD). She can
ner, as long as her arguments remain plausi- uy both her victim's and her own abilities.
ble. This affects NPCs and monsters, who Spellbinding (Third CircIe): At the Thi For example: If she possesses a mystic, she can
must make a saving throw vs. spells or helieve Circle, a witch learns to conjure one or mo '*'use his abilities. and cast her spells. Upon
thewitch. Thewitchmust beableto creatures for total HD or levels equal to or less returning to her body, she does not retain her
victim's language for the effecr to work. A roll victim's abilities or remember his spells. The
of 01 will reveal to the victims that the witch is victim is aware he is being possessed. In case of
lying and cause them ani ncluding gremlins and imps). tclepathj two voices are heard! On a roll'of
This spellbinding allows the witch to see, hear 01, her own body dies and she is forced to
Doll Curse (Second Circle): When a witch and talk through the creatures (if they can remain within her victim's body forever, or
has a personal foe, she makes two dolls that talk). The witch cannot control more HD or until dispelled (at which time she dies).
look like the victim, a process that takes one levels at any single time than this ability
day perlevelofthevictim. Shemust thenhide allows. On a 01,the conjured creatures appear "1987 TSR, hc.. 1111 Rights Rsuvd.
XULLHORN PASS CAMP Scale: I " = 100 yams

2. C U N NE~ ~~ t n a ~ c f
3. MOUNtaiNSibf
4. SkUll~OlZNP a s s
5. Caw Cnail
6. MUDflOW
7. Woobf~ Palissabf
8. RoiliNr, M u b
9. CRatfR

10. MUbflOw R f l f a s f Mfc
I 2. Hfawuantfns 1

Paveb Roab ?oCjlaNtni Citp

W O O ~ GPalissabc

by R ~ U C FHfanb

“It is eanlp. a N b low oven the MouNtaiNs the

SUN sets the sk9 ablaze. Zhe little neb cneatune
g a w ~ sstnftches
, its s M a l 1 batwiNGs. a N b
scnatches its o o n ~ neab.
g Subbe~lp, a GONG
€ChO€S iN to€ ROOM b€lOW. M a R i N G the
cnfatune juMp. AlMOSt falliNG, it Gnabs 0010 of
the 1anGe statue ON which it was sleepiNG.”
DOWNbelow. the stubeNts ane pnepaniw
+‘onthein bailg bannaGf of counses i N
qeo~naphp, ecoNoMics, histony, nopal IiNeaqes,
a N b Massive MaGical iNstnuctioN (iNc1ubiNG
NFW spell neseanch a N b castiw). It is nuMonfb
that each of the SC~IOOI’Siwtnuctons is a
M € M b € R (OR l€ab€R) Of ON€ Of to€ S f V f N
Secnet Cnafts-with stnaNGe, N ~ W abilities.
AIIwho C O M ~to on live i N GlaNtni ane
sfanchiNc, fon a secnft-the Secnet of the
RabiaNce, a Mytt)ical foncf coveniNc, the whole
of the Pniwipalities. Now goun chanactens
caN j o i N the abveNtune, with this Gazetteen’”.
~ e ane~ coMpletee M a p s of the PniNcipalities.
a stneet M a p of the capital, a N b all the
iNFonMatioN g 0 U ’ l l ~ e e tob iNtenact with the
CitizeNs-people nuleb b9 wizanb-pnimfs, NO*
a11 of t o m satisfifb with that situatioN . . .

’I987 CSR. INC. All RiGhtS R f S f R V F b . PRiNtFb iN U S A .

POD 756 Chf Roab
Mill, RathMORf
Lam G e N f v a , CaMbnibGf CD14AD
W1 5 3 1 4 7 U N i t f D I<iNGbOM

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