Naskah PBIS4115 The 1

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SEMESTER: 2020/21.2 (2021.1)

Structure II

No. Soal Skor

1. It would have been around 1993 or 1994. My parents had gone to a neighbour's for dinner, 20
leaving my brother and I to look after ourselves. Jono and I had always had a stormy relationship,
so we retreated to our own bedrooms. Half an hour later, the door opened, and he peered
sheepishly into my room. He asked whether I could lend him my tape player. This was a first,
because he'd never been into music. It turned out that he'd borrowed a cassette from a
classmate. I invited him to take the tape into his room, but we listen to it in mine in the end. Soon,
the sounds of "Dewa 19" were blasting through the house. We got into the spirit of the music and
played the single over and over again.

a. Berdasarkan paragraf diatas, identifikasilah: simple, complex, dan compound sentences dari
tiap kalimat dari paragraf tersebut.
b. Identifikasi dependent clauses dari paragraf diatas? Jelaskan kenapa klausa-klausa itu
merupakan klausa anak (dependent clauses)

2. Jono’s dad always said that he had to study hard. However, he always replied, “ I don’t think that 25
study hard is useful dad.” His dad would then nag Jono that he regretted not studying hard to
pursue his dream to be a doctor. Jono would then answer, “I want to be an entrepreneur dad.”

a. Identifikasi dan jelaskan perbedaan antara kalimat langsung (quoted speech) dan kalimat
tidak langsung (reported speech) menggunakan contoh yang ada dalam paragraf diatas.
b. Ubah kalimat langsung (quoted speech) dari paragraf diatas menjadi kalimat tidak langsung
(reported speech) dan kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) menjadi kalimat langsung
(quoted speech).

3. It would have been around 1993 or 1994. My parents had gone to a neighbour's for dinner, 25
leaving my brother and I to look after ourselves. Jono and I had always had a stormy relationship,
so we retreated to our own bedrooms. Half an hour later, the door opened, and he peered
sheepishly into my room. He asked whether I could lend him my tape player. This was a first,
because he'd never been into music. It turned out that he'd borrowed a cassette from a
classmate. I invited him to take the tape into his room, but we listen to it in mine in the end. Soon,
the sounds of "Dewa 19" were blasting through the house. We got into the spirit of the music and
played the single over and over again.

a. Identifikasilah noun clauses dari paragraf diatas

b. Identifikasilah (1) main clause yang diikuti oleh noun clause, (2)object of preposition, serta (3)
predicate dari noun clauses tersebut.

4. Bacalah paragraf berikut ini dan kerjakan perintah sesuai dengan instruksi yang mengikuti. 30

Andi was assigned for a vaccination yesterday. He went to a Puskesmas in Kayu Putih 1 _____ it
was near his home. 2______ he wasn’t very interested in vaccination, Andi looked forward
to be vaccinated. The rain yesterday was 3______ a crazy pouring _________ Andi had to
order taxi to go to the Puskesmas. Andi ordered online taxi 4_________ he did not have to
wait long. When he arrived, the vaccinator explained the vaccination to Andi. 5_________ the
vaccine for COVID-19 was invented, the country was in heavy lockdown. 6________ there
were human activities, such place of activities would have high risks to be COVID-19 clusters.
As a result, vaccine is necessary. The vaccine could be invented faster 7_______ biotechnology
of the modern world was much advanced than in the past. The bio pharmacies around the
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world had published the results of their vaccines 8_____ they had conducted many trials for
the vaccines. Andi learned many things 9_____ he listened to the vaccinator. 10 Having
been vaccinated_______, Andi still has to maintain his distance, wear mask, and wash his
hands often.

a. Dengan memperhatikan enam adverbial clauses yang sudah anda pelajari, analisislah tipe
adverbial clauses dari klausa yang diberi nomor. Jelaskan secara singkat jawaban anda.
b. Tentukan konjungsi yang sesuai untuk melengkapi setiap nomor dari paragraf diatas
berdasarkan konjungsi dibawah ini.
Before After While
Where Wherever Because
Such .. that So That In Order To
Although Notwithstanding Since

Skor Total 100

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