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~ SHOP MANUAL HONDA. $90 CL9OL C90 CL90 CD90 CT90 FOREWORD This stop monal is a reference end a ide book for the proper servicing of the Honda 90 series motoreyle, The Infomation contained horin i based on the 590 with equal opelicabilly to the CL.90, CLPOLL, clutch ceive plato —> clch ouler—> friction dise —S chitch contr —> primary drive gear —> pinery driven qoor—> trensmission main. shalt — main shaft coor —> eaunter shft geor 3.1. ENGINE ofscuPTON a counter shalt —> dive sprocket —> drive chain — thiven sprocket —> 10 the rear wheel, pro rosivaly in succession. (Fig, 3.2) 3.3. ENGINE REMOVAL $90, CL90, CL 901, CD90 1. Remove the stp bo: 2. Ronove the muffer 3. Remove the loft crorkease rear cover ond un hook the dive chin from tho sprocket, (Fig. 3.3) NOTE: Tie © piece of wie fo both ends of the chain 10 provort tho ends fem being draw nto the Gain cose. This wil foeltore the work ding exgine instaltion. (8 90, €0 90) Fig. 3.3 Hovering he ave ca @ Baie eta, a 2. ENGINE 4, Discomect the clutch cable ) from the elutch lover @. (Fig, 3.4) 5. Discomect tho ir inlet pige at the cylinder had and clko romavo the hig tension cord fe tho spark pl 4. Remove the battery cover ond clsconnect the battery lead from the battery. © Gives esto ¢ 7 Ushook the brake podal spring. Remove: the nuts mounting the engine (3 for $90, CL.90, €LPOL, 2 for CD 90) ond the roar encine under bolt. Pull cut tho two 10-mm hex bolt, ond the ‘ongine can bo separated from the frame, (Fig. 9.5) @ Citeh tovor Fig. 3.5 Enya cuenbiy €99, cT90 Remove front cover (C90), romove mudguard {CT 90}. Remove the main pipe cover (CT 70 model from free No, 000001A) 2. Remove the step bar 3. Remove the let cr move the chain font clip 10 disconnect the dive Note Tie @ piece of wite to both ends of the chain % 10 proven! the ends from being crown into the Fig. 3.6 tonorng the inlet pee chain cose. This will facitote the work ding @Wist pipe @) Fong» mowing bot ‘engi iatliation (C90). 4, Remove the miler 5. Disconnect the cir inlet pipe ot the cylinder hood. (Fig. 3. 6) - 6. Disconnect the eleciical loads ot the con 7. Fenowe the high tenon cord fom the spo coe 8. Utock the broke pada sping. 9. Remave the 2 eng wine urder tolt ond reor engine re moviting nite and then Fig. 3.7 gre cusnbly (C50) 10. The engine con be rencved. (Fig. 3.7) 3.4 ENGINE INSTALLATION Genoraly, the engine instalation is performed in the reverse order of removal 1. Set the engine on 2 black ond lide i under ‘he frome. Route the engine wire hamess up into the bottery box whore the engine ard frome, ord femporarly insert a screwdiver or a tod of ‘expropriate diameter fo suspend the engine. 2. Insert the engine mounting bells from the lft side, ols0 replace the scrowcriver and Iestal ord torque the nuts. Hock the broke arm retun spring on tho lower mounting belt. 3. Conc al electra! laods fo tho wire harness. 4. Comect the battery leads to the battory termina’, pxsh tho wire bundlo up into the top ff the otter box where it will not Interfere with battery. insalation. —Ins'ollbottory ond check '0 make swe that the wires are not being pinched, 5. Route the battery vent hbo though the floor of the battery comperiment ond mie swe that the tube is not pinched or kinked, preventing proper venting. 6. Reconnect the clutch cable to the clutch lover 7. Install the inet pipe on the carburetor and bolt 10 the cylinder toad. Install the high tersicn cable hold down clip under the right inet pipe mounting bot. Mako sire that the © ring is Festollod batwoon the cylinder head and inlet pipe. 8. Install the muffer. 9. Loop the drive chabn over the drive sprocket ‘ond comect the chain, The open end of the choin jolet clip must be lestollad focing in the oppesite direction of the chain movement. (Fig. 3.8) 10, stall the chain cow, the rear crarkcase cover ond the footrest ba. 11, Adust the choin with the chain oxiustor ruts fon both sides of tho roar wheel so that there Js a slock of 1~Zem (0.4~0.8 ini when checked with fingers on the bottom loop ot mid- point betwoon the sprockets. (Fig. 3.9) 3.4 ENGINE INSTAILATION ae =O) Fig 3.8 Sating drecton of chan clip © Direction of rotton © Deve chan © Gn jo © Chain fit sina pote © Chain jin et Fig. 3.9 Adjusting the cain Fig, 3.11 Saath a Fig. 2:12. Ronoveg the neler exendiy 3.12. Benovrg te rior Dtoer @ feter euler ENGINE 3.5. CYLINDER HEAD AL Construction, ‘The cylinder head is made of lgrtwoight cast lurinm clloy for good heat ditipction ond in- corporates the camshaft, com sprocket, valve, valve rocker rns, spatk edvancer ond breaker arserty oveihoc! canshaft is diiven by the cam chain through the cam sprocket, Combustion chamber ls of semi spherical design for better cooling ond Increased combustion effcioncy. (Fig. 9.10) (Squish Arec) This is an ares provided between the piston ond cylinder head to futher compress pert of the fuel (Ok mixture at the end of the compression srcke to create « krbvlence of the mein fuel mixtire The switlng fuel mixtue i dected toword tho spark plag whoro itis ignited. The fame propags- tion is accelerated, allowing the leanet than nema! fuel air ratio or the slowor buming fuel mixture to bun smothy, futher, decrecsing the tendency for rocking. (Fig. 3.11) 8. Disassembly (Cylinder Head Block) |. Remove the point cover ond then the loft cronkcose cover CAUTION: il may flow out when renewing tho left crankcase cover. 2. Remove tha stator ossenbly (D, (Fig. 9.12) 3 Remove the rotor @ using a dynamo roter pallor @ (Tool No. 07011-20001), (Fig. 3.13) CAUTION: When romovieg the rotor, caution not 10 apply excessive force so as to bend the eranicha, 8.5 CYUNDER HEAD 4, Romove tho rocker arm side cover. 5. Remove the contact breckor ossonby D ord disconnect the leod wie ©, (Fig. 3.14) Remove tho spark edvareer by removing the hex belt and renove the 3%5.2 dows pi, Romove tho point base ( by Icking off the tives mounting scrows. (Fig. 3.15) 8. Rotate the crankshaft so thal woodkuff key 's aligned with the 3%5.2 dowel pia hole in the cambalt ond then remove the camshaft by inscrewieg the two boli. (Fig. 3. 16) ‘CAUTION: Pecfor# with the cylinder shud caruhalt dsossonbly and assonély rue tiahvered, 9. Remove the cylinder heod cover ond ti cylinder head. IF the heod is tight, op around the patting sxface of the cylinder head lightly with © soft foco hammer, 0, Disoxomblo the valves ccng o valve liter (Tool Ne. 07031-20011. (Fig. 3.17) Fig 3.14 Samovig te coroct be (© Conic Beaker stony Fla, 3:15 fenoving the poit bose Fig, 3.18 Renova tte combolt @Wooint ter 1 Fie. 2.17 Discaenbtoa the voles (@) teod wo fot ave Dowsl ia Hale ©) Valve thee 2 Fig, 3.18 Checking evince bead warpoge ig. 2.19 Repotieg worpou cre Heod @ Cynder tod @ Sand pons 3.20 Chasing eo ude clneter 1D opiate goes ENGINE Inspection ond Rep: The cylinder head @ is exposed to. tho ich pressure ond temporature resulting from the combus- tion of the fuel mist ; futher, when the eyliner hod is unevenly torqued, It may dovelop cracks or warpage ard will be the casse of defective seating between the tect ond the cylinder ord rest in 965 eck, cir sucking. with consequent drop in com pression, Tro warpage of the eylinder head does not dovelop susdorly ond it may be overlooked, there- fore, coution thould bo exercised during reassembly since the uneven torquing of tho cylinder hood is 0 very commen fault To inspect for werpage of the cylinder hood copply a thin cont of blung or red lead @ on surface plate nd work the maing surface of the erlirder head on the suface ploie ; the warpage can be determined by the transfer of the bluing en to the cylinder heed. (Fig. 3.18) To comect the warpage, kop the cylinder head fon the sufoce plate with a #200 sandpaper, finally finish by using @ $400 sandpaper ond then inspect ‘ogc with the bling. (Fig. 3. 19) 1, Inspect the combustion chonber, inlet and extoust ports for race 2. Cylinder head combustion chamber, aod store re~t8, Ith he spor lag estsieat |] 11.0761. 122 cx 3. Inspect the valve guide ond volve stem. Valve ceroncn| Sted vive | Scnbie vee coi~a03me | O08 wodaoemcctrid | iS00z6in) wo 03~0.05mn | Oi mm o0or2~2.0020 eu | .0082tm) Chock the valve guido dianster ot the top, center ond bottom in both tho X ond Y cxes, ing «precision cylinder gauge ©. Check the voive stom with @ micrometer. (Fig. 3. 20) a 3.5 CYUNDER HEAD 4, Inspect valve guide vee aiwne] lacy wan peneese Soeeen [os i To0850048 eee 10.3762~0.3966 inl Interference Fit SHo-aae - ; soon or fiesta : suemsas_| Be fle De. | gsr |e S28 IF the valve guide inside diameter is. beyond servicesble limits, may be repaired by using @ reane (@ (Tool No, 07008-00101) ond replacing the valve with ove of on oversize, (Fig. 3.21) 5. When raplacement of the valve guide bocoros necessary, remove and replace with on oversize guide, use the valve guide remover (Too! No. (07047-04001) end the valve guide diver (Too! No, 07046-21601) for replacement cparaticn. ‘After instling the valve guide, wsa rearrer to cobtcin the proper valve clearance. (Fig. 3.22) 6 Yoo Seat “Tho concition of the volvo sect plays o ‘prominent roll in dorermining the performance of the engine, further, Ir serves at a means for ssipating the heat from the valves. A valve seot in good condition shoul have full sxface conlact with the valve face Standard valve D—07~1.2 rm (0.028~0.048 in) Senvicecble linii—in excess of 2mm 10.08 i The valve soot contact can be checked by ‘applying a thn coating ‘of buing or rod lead ‘evenly on the entire surlace of the valve face ord rotote the valve while holding It femly against the valve seat. A good valve seating condition sill show @ uniform and continous width of bluing on the valve seat. Roworking of the valve, seat is performed by @ se! of treo cutters @. The 90° cutter is ‘used for facing tho valve contect aro@, ond tho location ond width of the seat contact area is ‘acconplished with the 60° and the SO" cutters. Finally, the valve lopoing opertion is performed by lapping tho ground valve face to the valve seat using. lberal amount of lapping compound on the volve face ond work the valve back and forth ving a svetion cup lapping tool. Wash off the compound congletely befere mcking the test x before cssembly. (Fig. 3.24) Fig, 2.21 @ Yoive gud reome —@) Cyeder teas 22D Valve ido srver Gnd hes Tig 25 voles ot covast aa Valve soot conact wih Fig. 2.24 Revolig the yale sat Valve vor er Fig. 3.25 apecng the va svat earast Fig 3.26 Ertaat ond he vohes @ Leroi @ Stem saneter @ Hood tebe Fig. 3.27 Mecurea valve @ Dial gace @ V wiect ENGINE Inspection of valve sealing Assemble the valve into tha cylinder heod os shown In Fig. 325 90 tha! the valves are wall seated crd fil he cylinder head combustion cham 8.4 i in from the inlet ord exhast ports ond iF ony bubbles should cppeor, it is a indication that the valve coats we ro! conpletely sealed. (Fig. 3. 25) (ol_Exoust volvo (Fig, 3.26, 27) ber withoil, ject a blast of oir 2kg/em? 658-660 | Rea if ure sdoin | ‘esa W577 i fectace free eeloce if wncer Crane ts) ooesin | a's woora; (G1 nlet valve (Fig. 3.26, 27) amis | te eer torcth @| iagaomaasein | “daa tesa Sem dla @) (q.2147—0.2153 ni | 6.495 0.2141 H) 0608 | tepoce i ce rae @| woor—ous2 | “Us WOIzK Concearcny| 00278 | Replace f ovr etvolalacn| —Oa0tziy | Ou3 W0iZ Velve Mechanism Both the inlet and eshaust valves ore incarported inthe combustion chanter. The inlet volvo Is de- signed larger thon the exaust valve to afford groaree volumetric efficiency. The exhaust valve is constantly exposed to extanaly hich terperaixe; therefore, It is made oF speciol high hea! vesistig mexeral to withstand the high tengerature as well asthe weer Tho com chain rovolves at © very high speed Within tho cam chain chamber which is located on the loft sido oF the cylinder, making it necessary YO use a hoot rosstant os wll os a wear resistant twsber on the com chain guido sprocket and com Chain tensioner roller to proven! chain noe. Further. in contrast 10 the conventional puth rod type of mechanism, this system has less roclerocating mov- ing par's to coxse hitting noes, making the operation such sebotter ond qubte Is vary igh spaee to erble the increase In power ou. (Fie, 3.28) 1. Valve: Spring Dual veve singe 0 uted for oda sheng ard to prover? valve fading at High enon (a) Oar vole sping (Fig. 3.29) 3.5 CHNOC HeAD siteble foe 24.942 0.973in 2 Comat In a four ks cycle age, the cot mates cre’ rvaln for avery to revcltlrs cf tho clans. The power to cive te com shaft ie teach the cam chan ckven by tho sprocket The: beating cl is pes it th ight side of tho capil and fore cut of the holes the cam to Licata the com alas, he rocker arnt ord the slopes. The corset 5 rnade of spacil ast tel wih the can and the bocing crea tel precisnly gard cher far teainert. Ippon ot bot en ey the becince i tho cyledar bea. A com sock! fe lntoed on th left ends ofthe corsa wih em bots on Is ver at ore ta conch ‘peed by th tien pocat prosited fo the crorksoft end, though the Ikkt welghe endless dar. (Fg. 8.30, 31) The sero loppatcleaonces macared cold ere .05mm (0.00219) fer beth the let and exh The it tho clearance yeaed when ste rocker ‘1m 1s agpbw tha hee of the eam lobo herder Yo cbloin this concticn, the craft must ba roleed so thatthe "7" tet rat a the dyrom rotor Ie aligned wit th Hing rik on th stair ceri, te ocker am ray been the itng sep of th cam, The coering ard cosing oF the vale ke deter rived by thm ison stroke ord ie td tothe carlo rain. Ding the inet cycle the ret velve is cpunad end closd. Owing the exit yee, the tome opening end closing sean foles lace wilh the esha wala. Tho open ange between th opening an clos ig the camo ce the ielon travel, however. shee i Ib the sane os the cristal roan, fle epresed in tome of angio novels ‘When pciat "3" nth Fig. 2.32 pases beyond the racer erm, th vetical movement ct vale erases, ord ots corti pen whe the com Ibe cones 10 © pea, the novaran’ of the vols owe doyn ond. comos to a batt at gin! "b'™ on tae “he toppet cesanco is eduted when he socher fm is ot the expceed section of the heel oF the cor between porte "e" end "9 2.5 Cuno HAD » 1. Vole fini Fg. 9.99) ea Moe a wn (io 3.34, 35) alee © coe @ berm Feiee fom speecat tol iano facade —> £9.45-~59.385 (7103~2.108 9 Serviesala Unit —> Reploce i ender i a 5300 1207 te is al daa © Cantait @ Msenae @ Slt bo (ci Fie, 287 Tong wamice f onde 4 Rocke rm (Fig. 3.36) (oe 5, feca cam shel ip. 8.971 Sat qp1a-ape D. Reattenbly 1. Apely engine sil oto vale stows before ortly ito te eyes bee, 2, Auomtle reler em or recor orm call fo the cyl: haar ord ial ocr ers ake cover, 3, Into she cylncsr ba (Fh. 3.38) NOTE: Beeche cow Jo mate sth! the che ood gost’, cylnser a gait) and cam choin tle! i hited merely t2 prove ol leas 4 Intl the cylinder ed cove" ond then the ‘ute agora ond wim 10 1S0~200grem (14.5~ 1811-11, nercper eraing nl case ol leok. (Fg. 3.39) woodtt ey © ie on the cylinder carts ord inthe civcton of the eytinde teat Alp the “O Ink © on to cam spac to the redox mak cn the cya food (he seracdat mountig bot 5. Poston te crntthatt 20. thet oles wil be in lne wih the evinsercentene) cad en cornet the exe chin). Fig. 3.40) 6 Sica the coma D ro the cplndee teed Weg the sprocket to pi le toward tho tend cove The volve rd the piston oven the Yop da corto poston of the canorstionshcke. (Fig. 2.41) 7. Asana the post bone (on the camshaft eatersion using an cil sed pide 40! (Tool No 07057-08801. (Fg. 5.42) anege fo tha ol eel rey real if tack is rot wed, weairg in all ck & real te 3x ext otvence, 2% Asie tom contoct brealer anQly ond 10, Atsunbi he A.C. gicerice on ths cal, Perfor tape! coaronce oxhtnert a anh fen tink. 2, alll te pale cover ce the elt crmbenee 2 ayide in ond asa te 3.6 CYLINDER A. Consrstion The cythaor i made of pci cast honk The imide eyidar wal 5 expoved to Fgh temperate cad prose ‘ogether wth the wearing estion cf tha reciprocating piten opsctina ot high speed ace a giect woul alae. Added 10th Tho duct In 15 0 end tha lovee cboct ad tte neta dst ccterinang te oll wil basen the (0 of wear, tele, eugcte comin shuld te geno the eearing of the of Fler ad the ii cionar, (Fg. 3.49) Toe peter reeshee tho conbutin enerzy and vensals the igh recprocairg maton to the cork ‘tal wero econeited tothe rotaband tion Due to the high spoad fiction betwen th ton rd ofeder, the seicton of the moti ond th teleanco of the evieg pails est ba selected with ect caw. 4 cvinves 2:40. Couette en Sn Dvisthe ey "O" nok @) Can edn Gerth Gon aren) @ fobs be Fie 243 Cyne 3 ENGINE ‘Ho pion i ai clurinm casting edo fem select ratoial. (Fig. 3.44) This motel ie ght ax etahle or oh speed, in axon to haves good heot conduc propery to disipae the heat aptly. Turhamor, the co offclont af bea expansion ic nel, ts mninizng the warpage a elowied lorpsrohze end peiizg tal piston to cyledee ceoronca doch The s2cp0 of the piton isn lista oper. The heed GF the piste, composed Io the skit, 1s expoed 19 gtr erporotra or ence the econo got Ih topered amdler toward the fon. The toner ing of th piston dso fads to lesen the plten stop when the thot eighty sagped without! tho roe being loaied. The pisten erploys 0 thea sap ‘ope, The bon pa Eee ce is edo Whicker, theatre ing in ger expansion ot High terperanre. for ‘hs rear the danetr of the pat abit & mae role inthe diecion of the pen pi 30 ha a ‘he igh cperetng terperakza, tha psien wi orcard io 9 tue ceelor supe, Tho at is ‘xray provided with Maiy Yo cise that no chfertion wil real evn from aended con'nscut asia. “he pivon pin is offset {rm 104m fom the pllen cenerta in tha drocton of the Inet edo 10 that when fhe lion appronrhes the tepdox- cantor ofthe compression sete, he £do loa fon the eylior moves from the ah side 10. tho la. Wiha "O° oft, the point wall move 10 ain with tepead-cator of tha comerasion stake, (Fig, 9.45) ‘As own In Fig. 3.45, tho port of axinun conbustion presse occ afer the Lapclad coir, turelere, ti papoie of the Ofte! Yo nove the pot foward tte poit of weaker presare which is befor tepckadcerer, and by 30 dag, capes tte poveru presre revonent ord nck i) polo 10 ininwe te ptr 2p. “The pion seg price 9 Wit! ition of a bho prceer contusion ond Hansson oF the ro ala force ‘he lop ond second tna sore ote sal forthe ‘eitaston charter, the ol cont tng topes to ‘rent oll from the cyiindor wel 12 cartal te cylinder wall Mbzofion Father, thoy era? ‘he hgh temcerenra of the sion 19 the eyledar wall where it fe clitpated cut trough the cylinder cxaing fine. as cyuNoER 2 Fer the reoton @ spec ally of cotter ie tod to provide sroncth, wear restonce, oat ve o_o Tr since, ond gore heat contig properion crt yd furber it ghee pasieieng Yeatnen cr ‘rex ang. ® va top th erpaclly le pred on the over sufoco with had cone ard fhited by wot Te prove’ iter, to Wikre of tho rns 16 rode rerower aed ices. nets mode seller | Se Sy to hen te presse aarst the c/nder wal Father a lop and second rot oe mado at ong Nan TENURE sig taper wae it concts he eyindor weil 50 Ye compen ta Thar the tna regurad for wearin ie lator, oa (Fie. 2.46, 2.47) pe a“ g ats © @ top cmp ng B Sd Cepensn a 1) Song tenon 3. Disosterbly 1. fain he eh section 308-8 dre wih 2. Remove the an esis ® fom the tink sprechot ond rareve the cylinder D tageter With the chon. (Fig. 3.48) on i yaaa Fe: 248 toro te ep © Gira @ Gm den ig 349 meen te pit (Cre ba ee ran le, 3,30 tenoviog be sso, Bion Pac Pen a Cyto ou eS hase |S Meroe 3. The cam chan aide ralor ean be removed from the cylin by rowodng chan 9800 raler ph 4, emave the piston pin clip (ond ask os the psten pis to chan tito fr the comoctng tod. (Fig. 3.49) CATION: ‘When renuing he piston ia cp, core eave bee © tho ht lp dome ret depo S. Fenoie she petor nae) fen the son by weg a sing removing tool tpecil Yoo. no too) Is otal, the enge ay ao bo 10 roved by tend, by spectra the tng ot te ‘opening wih Roth Hn, the ng sal rat be ‘weet. (Fig. 3.50) Inspection 1, Macau the ejleder bor, taper, extol rar ‘wih prechion cyler gnige @. Toke the rrecaromant af th top, mile ond boom in both he X ond Y ones, (Fig. 3.51) The cesonca betwean to patos ca evince will peal ale! te ervine perfomance. Bo. Cait of to ton bole elped, te ceca in convoled vary covey. The clcrrees aa ot te save, however, cty crea fe gretar thon O.lnm 0.0049, the eer sok be Iokoted ord filed wth on eveses piston Ovevtue pare a'e ovale in 0.25, 08, 0.78 ond 1.00 rm 1.0), 0.02, 003 od 0.08 3 Winn emouing cot deco from te piston oe ond ins coves, oo stood be onercsed 228 ot t9 cose aly scothas ce daroges ‘0 the piston 4 Wests tel dhit Weipa perth to he pston pr tow. (Ha 4.32) 5. Meaiie tho pistn rng sido cleormea with 2 ‘Niches ome. (fia, 8 $3) © toe 1 heen sp © Toco ores 6, Paton ona r3oH6 (ima Fon vgs Mecane tho sng ent gop by intra the piston ting Dino tbe eylade 20 that the Sa igh mgs le te Glee ok tha. 3.53) Ning [Ee] ttn | Paar Notes 1. Ovesize pit segs av ovale in for ‘izes, 0.28, 0.59, 075 ond 1.007 100, 0.02, 003° ond 0.04 in. © 8. ENGINE 2. When king pian ing end gop esse rent, ner the ing coe ito te ender to rover scoihes geusee 16 th eye Di Reastorly 1. etl the pls sirgs en the pido in the {ere rereor ei woe removes. Tha berom ol papepeniars Shuts: 149.56 ce met ‘en non stn a Ela «check om sea be ne ce fl feay slr or ‘in the groove, This can be cone by rolling the: fe ice fre! coca. nl pin goo dM 20) The ig tn So aed eo down the wil cnse ot papa. Te opt of he D (rr |S etched at tho ord with the bitist oF the rede’ ne. Ra 3.57) ie othe cn thy oo wi ite inition oper psy in eae. 2. Anes pe to ant ad he cies tr 24/ caKYe pecrs be rensied $9 Iter the nitan pa. Alnave as 267 Pang Inuell new piston pin cs D Now CAUTION: Tha. clon st be sont 30 tht the "nN stomped on the pasion head ie toword tho top tho fe engi isin ho rome. tt (Fig, 3.58) 3. Rsanbie tho con eho oud cam oi guide ral to the syle A ntl thee ‘CAUTION, Te tng gop of the trae piston rings shel fe stogotes 120° opor se of the piston ring conpresor fool (Tool Ns. O7032~03901) for Fataing the cyl Fig, 248 Avenblag te pan wil prevrt danas to the een ing of BUN" mat Tr ll pty he wok Check to mote sw thet te ear cronser 5. Inetal the syindor head br cccondoce with pergh 3:50, 2.7 cm Cat Toone 3.7 CAM CHAIN TENSIONER AL Conattion The cambalt is dhiven of of the sive sociat cn the errkalh tragh the com eh wich 6 Tooele on the lft sce ard teazed win the com chon charter, (Fig. 3.58) @ cm aps @ Cen dete near @ com toh (@ Can ty ps att @ con den © Tove moat (© Gas dat wid rile (ener 0D Tee pd a 2 ENGINE B. Dizcatembly Revove the A.C. generator fn acxdnce wih Frocede described iy encion 3. 58, 2 Rovave tho canal in frocediwe described it secon 3.58, 3. Revove th ean chon frm the tring pocket end thee the con cin tide spoctr by reno rove atlaceg the cx lain emir sting pote @) to fe Senne, (Fig. 2.60) ing the f90 Sm 5. Urcsw the 14am setng io @ tron the rd of the fonder astra! ond serene the srg D od od 8 (Fig. 3.61) Fin, 341 terovtg the lesa aa vo thes sang oe ‘3 Soto (8 Feerw po od Inspection Check the eit ht ne Tene aie sie DL Reasserly B fenton prot B tees ta ‘Asunbla the consonott carts i the vovese @ em ecg ate Frocedie ot dhassenby datcbed section tem stra 378

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