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Spatial Variation in Organic Carbon

Density of Mangrove Soil in Indian


Abhijit Mitra, Kakoli Banerjee & Saurov


National Academy Science Letters

ISSN 0250-541X
Volume 35
Number 3

Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (2012) 35:147-154

DOI 10.1007/s40009-012-0046-6

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Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154
DOI 10.1007/s40009-012-0046-6


Spatial Variation in Organic Carbon Density of Mangrove Soil

in Indian Sundarbans
Abhijit Mitra • Kakoli Banerjee • Saurov Sett

Received: 5 March 2012 / Accepted: 19 May 2012 / Published online: 14 June 2012
Ó The National Academy of Sciences, India 2012

Abstract Soils from intertidal mudflats of mangrove Introduction

dominated Indian Sundarbans were analyzed for soil
organic carbon, bulk density and organic carbon density Human activities have led to considerable emissions of
during 2009 in two different sectors: western and eastern. greenhouse gases [1]. In particular, for the period from 1980
Samplings were carried out at 12 stations in four different to 1989 carbon dioxide emission from fossil-fuel burning
depths (0.01–0.10, 0.10–0.20, 0.20–0.30 and 0.30–0.40 m) and tropical deforestation amounted to 7.1 billion tons of
through three seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post- carbon being released a year (Table 1) [2]. Increase in
monsoon). High organic carbon density is observed in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration can account for
stations of western Indian Sundarbans, which is relatively about half of the carbon dioxide emission for this period [3].
close to the highly urbanized city of Kolkata, Howrah and This has led to study the capacity of carbon sequestration in
the newly emerging Haldia port-cum-industrial complex. forests and other terrestrial and wetland ecosystems. Most
The mangrove forest in the eastern Indian Sundarbans of the studies so far available are related to forest ecosys-
exhibits comparatively lower organic carbon density. tems and crops, and there is not enough information on
Anthropogenic activities are almost negligible in this sector carbon sequestration potential of wetland soil. Wetlands
because of its location almost within the protected forest provide several important ecosystem services, among which
area. The bulk density of the mangrove soil increased with soil carbon sequestration is most crucial particularly in the
depth, while organic carbon and carbon density decreased backdrop of rising carbon dioxide in the present century.
with depth almost in all the stations. We observed signif- Wetlands cover about 5 % of the terrestrial surface and are
icant spatial variations in soil organic carbon and organic important carbon sinks containing 40 % of SOC at global
carbon density in the study area. level [4]. Estuarine wetlands have a capacity of carbon
sequestration per unit area of approximately one order of
Keywords Sundarban mangrove  magnitude greater than other systems of wetlands [5] and
Soil organic carbon (SOC)  Bulk density  store carbon with a minimum emission of greenhouse gases
Organic carbon density (OCD)  Spatial variation due to inhibition of methanogenesis because of sulphate [6].
The reservoirs of SOC, however, can act as sources or sinks
of atmospheric carbon dioxide, depending on land use
practices, climate, texture and topography [7–10].
Vertical patterns of SOC can contribute as an input or
as an independent validation for biogeochemical models
A. Mitra (&)  S. Sett
Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, and thus provide valuable information for examining
35 B.C. Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 019, India the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to global change
e-mail: [11–13]. A large number of biogeochemical models, how-
ever, do not contain explicit algorithms of below-ground
K. Banerjee
School for Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources, ecosystem structure and function [14]. Most of the studies
Central University of Orissa, Landiguda, Koraput 764020, India primarily focused on the topsoil carbon stock, and carbon

Author's personal copy
148 Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154

Table 1 Anthropogenic carbon fluxes; 1980–1989 (IPCC 1994) mangrove swamps [19]. The temperature is moderate due to
its proximity to the Bay of Bengal in the south. Average
annual maximum temperature is around 35 °C. The summer
Carbon dioxide sources (pre-monsoon) extends from the mid of March to mid-June,
Fossil-fuel burning, cement production 5.5 ± 0.5 and the winter (post-monsoon) from mid-November to
Changes in tropical land use 1.6 ± 1.0 February. The monsoon usually sets in around the mid of
Total anthropogenic emission 7.1 ± 1.1 June and lasts up to the mid of October. Rough weather with
Partitioning among reservoirs frequent cyclonic depressions occurs during mid-March to
Storage in the atmosphere 3.2 ± 0.2 mid-September. Average annual rainfall is 1,920 mm.
Oceanic uptake 2.0 ± 0.8 Average humidity is about 82 % and is more or less uniform
Uptake by northern hemisphere forest regrowth 0.5 ± 0.5 throughout the year. This unique ecosystem is also the home
Additional terrestrial sinks: CO2 fertilization, nitrogen 1.4 ± 1.5 ground of Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris). The
fertilization, climatic effects deltaic complex sustains 102 islands, 48 of which are
inhabited. The ecosystem is extremely prone to erosion,
accretion, tidal surges and several natural disasters, which
dynamics in deeper soil layers and driving factors behind directly affect the top soil and the subsequent carbon density.
vertical distributions of soil organic carbon remain poorly The average tidal amplitude is around 3.0 m.
understood [11, 15, 16]. Thus, improved knowledge of dis- We conducted survey at 12 stations in the Indian
tributions and determinants of SOC across different soil Sundarbans region through three seasons viz. pre-monsoon
depth is essential to determine whether carbon in deep soil (May), monsoon (September) and post-monsoon (Decem-
layers will react to global change and accelerate the increase ber) in 2009. Station selection was primarily based on
in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [16, 17]. anthropogenic activities and mangrove floral diversity.
With this background the present study was undertaken to Because of rapid industrialization, urbanization, unplanned
estimate the SOC in four different depths in the mangrove tourism, navigational, pilgrimage and shrimp culture activi-
dominated Indian Sundarbans that sustains some 34 true ties; the western Indian Sundarbans is a stressed zone (Stn.
mangrove species and some 62 mangrove associate species 1–6). On the contrary stations 7–12 (in the eastern sector)
[18]. This deltaic lobe together with Bangladesh Sundarbans are the areas with rich mangrove biodiversity and have been
constitutes the world’s largest brackish water wetland. Hence considered as control zone in this study. The major activi-
it is essential to establish a base line data of soil carbon pool of ties influencing the carbon pool in the selected stations are
this mangrove ecosystem. In this study, we used our unpub- highlighted in (Table 3).
lished data of SOC and bulk density to evaluate the spatial
variations of OCD in the intertidal mudflats of western and Sampling
eastern Indian Sundarbans that are markedly different with
respect to anthropogenic activities and mangrove vegetation. Table 2 and Fig. 1 represent our study site in which sam-
pling plots of 10 9 5 m2 were considered for each station.

Materials and Methods Table 2 Sampling stations in western and eastern Indian Sundarbans
Station Station no. Geographical location
The Study Area
Longitude Latitude
The Sundarban mangrove ecosystem covering about one Kachuberia Stn. 1 0
88°08 04.43 00
21°520 26.5000
million ha in the deltaic complex of the Rivers Ganga, Harinbari Stn. 2 88°040 52.9800 21°470 01.3600
Brahmaputra and Meghna is shared between Bangladesh Chemaguri Stn. 3 0
88°10 07.03 00
21°390 58.1500
(62 %) and India (38 %) and is the world’s largest coastal Sagar south Stn. 4 0
88°03 06.17 00
21°380 54.3700
wetland. Enormous load of sediments carried by the rivers Lothian island Stn. 5 0
88°22 13.99 00
21°390 01.5800
contribute to its expansion and dynamics. Prentice island Stn. 6 0
88°17 10.04 00
21°420 40.9700
The Indian Sundarbans (between 21°130 N and 22°400 N Burirdabri Stn. 7 89°010 43.600 22°040 39.200
latitude and 88°030 E and 89°070 E longitude) is bordered by Sajnekhali Stn. 8 88°460 10.800 22°050 13.400
Bangladesh in the east, the Hooghly River (a continuation of
Amlamethi Stn. 9 88°440 26.700 22°030 54.200
the River Ganga) in the west, the Dampier and Hodges line in 0 00
Dobanki Stn. 10 88°45 20.6 21°590 24.400
the north, and the Bay of Bengal in the south. The important 0 00
Netidhopani Stn. 11 88°44 39.4 21°550 14.900
morphotypes of deltaic Sundarbans include beaches, mud-
Haldibari Stn. 12 88°460 44.900 21°430 01.400
flats, coastal dunes, sand flats, estuaries, creeks, inlets and

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Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154 149

Fig. 1 Map of the study region

showing the sampling stations

Fig. 2 Spatial and seasonal 1.4

pre monsoon
variation of SOC (mean of four
depths each) 1.2 monsoon

post monsoon











89° 01' 43.6"E&

22°04' 39.2"N

88° 46'10.8"E&


88° 45' 20.6"E&


88° 44' 39.4"E&


88° 46' 44.9"E&

21°43' 01.4"N

Care was taken to collect the samples within the same

distance from the estuarine edge, tidal creeks and the same
micro-topography. Under such conditions, spatial vari-
ability of external parameters such as tidal amplitude and
frequency of inundation [20], inputs of material from the
adjacent bay/estuary and soil granulometry and salinity
[21, 22] are minimal.
Ten cores were collected from the selected plots in each
station by inserting PVC core of known volume into the
soil to a maximum depth of 0.40 m during low tide con-
dition. Each core was sliced in 0.10 m layers up to 0.40 m
depth. The uppermost 0.01 m, which frequently includes
debris and freshly fallen litter, was not used in this study. Fig. 3 Shoreline changes of Sagar Island (Stn. 4) during 1955–1989
Each core section was placed in aluminum foil and packed showing erosion of the southern part of the island

Author's personal copy
150 Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154

Table 3 Major activities influencing the SOC in Indian Sundarbans 1

Station Major activity Magnitude 0.8
Kachuberia station 1 Prawn seed collection ?? 0 to 10cm

Mangrove vegetation (5 species) ? 10 to 20cm
Passenger vessel jetties ??? 20 to 30cm
30 to 40cm
Fish landing activities ? 0.3
Market related activities ?? 0.2
Harinbari station 2 Mangrove vegetation (11 ???
Western Eastern
Prawn seed collection ?
Fish landing activities ? Fig. 4 Depth profile of SOC in western and eastern Indian
Chemaguri station 3 Mangrove vegetation (17 ??? Sundarbans (mean of 3 seasons and 6 stations in each sector)
Unorganized fishing activities ??
Market related activities ?? Results and Discussion
Sagar south station 4 Pilgrims ???
Tourism ??? Organic Carbon
Navigational channel ???
Erosion (sea facing) ??? The organic carbon in soil differs significantly between sta-
Mangrove vegetation (11 ??? tions. It is observed that the western Indian Sundarbans (Stn.
species) 1–6) has an average SOC of 0.87 %, whereas in eastern
Lothian island station Biodiversity research and study ? Indian Sundarbans (Stn. 7–12), the value is 0.55 %. These
5 Mangrove vegetation (27 ??? figures are average of three seasons and four depths. The
spatial trend of SOC follows the order Stn. 3 (1.05 %) [ Stn.
Prawn seed collection ?
1 (1.01 %) [ Stn. 5 (0.84 %) [ Stn. 6 (0.81 %) [ Stn. 2
Prentice island station Mangrove vegetation (25 ??? (0.78 %) [ Stn. 4 (0.72 %) [ Stn. 8 (0.61 %) [ Stn. 11
6 species)
(0.60 %) [ Stn. 9 (0.58 %) [ Stn. 10 (0.57 %) [ Stn. 12
Burirdabri station 7 Mangrove vegetation (17 ???
species) (0.50 %) [ Stn. 7 (0.44 %) (Fig. 2). The significant spatial
Sajnekhali station 8 Mangrove vegetation (25 ??? variation of SOC between western and eastern sectors
species) (p = 0.005428) may be attributed to a large extent by man-
Tourism ??? grove diversity, anthropogenic activity, accretion and erosion
Amlamethi station 9 Mangrove vegetation (24 ??? processes (Table 4). Anthropogenic activities like fish land-
species) ing, tourism, urban development and shrimp farms contribute
Dobanki station 10 Mangrove vegetation (24 ??? appreciable amount of organic load in stations like Kachu-
species) beria (Stn. 1) and Chemaguri (Stn. 3). The presence of shrimp
Netidhopani station 11 Mangrove vegetation (25 ??? farms at Chemaguri (Stn. 3) along with 12 years old man-
grove vegetation (17 species) may be attributed to highest
Haldibari station 12 Mangrove vegetation (25 ???
organic carbon level in the soil core. The relatively low SOC
at Sagar South (Stn. 4) is due to its location at sea front where
?, ??, and ??? indicate low, medium and high magnitude wave action and tidal amplitude is maximum (*3.5 m mean
respectively for the major activities in the selected stations
amplitude). This station experiences the freshwater discharge
from the Farakka barrage (located in the upstream zone),
which is about 40,000 cusec/day. This huge quantum of fresh
in ice for transport. In the laboratory, the collected samples
water discharge through the Hooghly channel also causes
were carefully sieved and homogenized to remove roots
erosion of the Sagar Island. Continuous erosion of the
and other plant and animal debris prior to oven-drying to
southern part of this island may be the reason behind mini-
constant weight at 105 °C for bulk density determination
mum retention of organic matter in the intertidal zone
considering the volume of the PVC core. SOC of the col-
(Fig. 3). The variation of SOC in the Indian Sundarbans is
lected samples (n = 10) from each plot was analyzed by
thus regulated through an intricate interaction of biological,
standard method [23] and the mean value was considered
physical and anthropogenic activities (Table 3).
for determination of OCD in (kg/m2) as per the expression:
The factors governing variation of below-ground carbon
OCD ¼ % SOC  bulk density ðBDÞ  soil depth storage in mangrove soils is difficult to pinpoint [24, 25] as

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Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154 151

Fig. 5 Depth wise variation of

bulk density in gm/cc

bulk density in western Indian 1.4
Sundarbans 1.2
0 to 10cm
10 to 20cm
0.6 20 to 30cm
0.4 30 to 40cm






Fig. 6 Depth wise variation of 1.6
Bulk density in gm/cc

bulk density in eastern Indian 1.4

Sundarbans 1.2
0 to 10cm
10 to 20cm
20 to 30cm
0.4 30 to 40cm
22°04' 39.2"N





21°43' 01.4"N
Table 4 ANOVA for spatial variation of SOC and OCD
Source of variation SS df MS Fobs P value Fcrit

Between western and eastern sector 0.302961 1 0.302961 21.91293 0.005428 6.607891
Between stations 0.037367 5 0.007473 0.540547 0.742047 5.050329
Between Western and Eastern sector 0.607181 1 0.607181 18.1139 0.008045 6.607891
Between stations 0.108846 5 0.021769 0.649437 0.676359 5.050329

Fig. 7 Depth profile of OCD in 1.4

Carbon density in kg/sqm

western and eastern Indian

Sundarbans (mean of 3 seasons
and 6 stations in each sector) 1

0.8 western
0.6 eastern



0 to 10cm 10 to 20cm 20 to 30cm 30 to 40cm

it is not a simple function of measured flux rates, but also seasons in western Indian Sundarbans shows a decrease
integrates thousands of years of variable deposition, with depth (Fig. 4). Similar trend is also observed in
transformation, and erosion dynamics associated with eastern Indian Sundarbans (Stn. 7–12) where there is
fluctuating sea levels and episodic disturbances [26]. The almost no anthropogenic impact (Fig. 4). The organic
mean value of SOC considering all the six stations and carbon levels under Rhizophora mangle soil were 2.80,

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152 Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154

carbon density in kg/sqm

Fig. 8 Spatial and seasonal
variation of OCD (mean of 4 2.5
pre monsoon
depths each) 2 monsoon
post monsoon









88° 46'10.8"E&

88°44' 26.7"E&


88°44' 39.4"E&

88°46' 44.9"E&
21°43' 01.4"N
Fig. 9 Comparison of our 7
study with that of others 6.5
Carbon density in kg/sqm


Khan and colaborators (2007)

Howe and colaborators (2009)


Brevik and Homburg (2004)

Bernal and Misch (2008)

Donato et al. (2011)


our study

our study
0 Okinawa, Japan
Rainforest in Ohio,

Western Indian
Estuarine oceanic

southeastern USA

Wetlands at the

Eastern Indian
Mangroves in

Wetlands at the




2.70 and 2.70 % in the 0.01–0.05, 0.05–0.10 and exclusively contributed by mangrove vegetation (through
0.10–0.15 m depth respectively [27]. Similar decrease of litter and detritus). The stations in western Indian
SOC with depth was also observed under Avicennia soil Sundarbans are highly stressed due to intense anthropo-
[27]. Report of decreasing mangrove SOC below 1 m was genic activities. The high values of SOC in stations like
also documented in several mangrove ecosystems [28]. Chemaguri (Stn. 3) and Kachuberia (Stn. 1) are due to
Seasonal variation of SOC (pre-monsoon [ post- organic load contributed from market wastes and decom-
monsoon [ monsoon) in the present study area (Fig. 2) is posed fish wastes. Thus anthropogenic factors act as
attributable to the climatic conditions that influence the additive to increase the SOC level in the deltaic complex of
physical processes like waves, tidal amplitude and current Indian Sundarbans.
pattern. Heavy rainfall in monsoon (80 % during July–
September) coupled with high tidal amplitude (4.8–5.2 m Bulk Density
during spring tide and 2.1–2.8 m during neap tide) erode
the top soil and wash away the deposited organic matter The bulk density of mangrove soil is attributable to the
and mangrove litter to the adjacent aquatic system. relative proportion of sand, silt and clay and more specif-
It is interesting to note that SOC in western Indian ically to the specific gravity of solid organic and inorganic
Sundarbans is 57.21 % higher than the eastern sector. The particles and porosity of the soil. The compactness of
stations in the eastern Indian Sundarbans are within the mangrove soil increases with depth both in western and
Reserve forest area, with almost minimum or no anthro- eastern Indian Sundarbans due to which the bulk density
pogenic activities. The SOC in these stations is almost exhibits higher values with depths in all the stations

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Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (May–June 2012) 35(3):147–154 153

(Figs. 5, 6). Basically the bulk density in the present study longitude (90°–163°E), and including eastern Micronesia
area is regulated by sediment texture and deposition/ (Kosrae); western Micronesia (Yap and Palau); Sulawesi,
erosion which is the effect of current pattern, tidal ampli- Java, Borneo (Indonesia); and the Sundarbans (Ganges–
tude and wind action. Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh) [28]. The study, however,
left out the lower Gangetic region sustaining the Indian
Organic Carbon Density Sundarbans. The present approach is thus an attempt to fill
this gap area and establish a baseline data of SOC and OCD
OCD being a direct function of SOC and bulk density in the mangrove dominated Indian part of Sundarbans.
exhibits almost similar spatial variation to that of SOC.
The OCD differs significantly between stations and sectors. Acknowledgments The financial assistance from the National
Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Govt. of India under the programme
It is observed that the western Indian Sundarbans (Stn. 1–6) ISRO-GBP/NCP/SVF is gratefully acknowledged. The infrastructural
has an average OCD of 1.19 kg/m2, whereas in eastern support from the Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal is duly
Indian Sundarbans (Stn. 7–12), the value is 0.74 kg/m2. acknowledged.
These figures are average of three seasons and all four
depths. The spatial trend of OCD is in the order Stn. 3
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