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Five creative council cycling schemes to get people on their b...

Five creative council cycling schemes to

get people on their bikes
From free cake in Essex to free bikes in Birmingham, local authorities are becoming
more innovative to fuel the UK cycling revolution

Nicola Slawson
Friday 21 August 2015 15.01 BST

hile the UK’s cycling revolution is hitting the headlines with more and
more people buying bicycles or rescuing old ones from the shed, there is
still some way to go. While 44% of people own or have access to a bike,
only 15% of adults cycled at least once a month in 2013 while 9% cycled at
least once a week, according to Department for Transport figures.

There are many benefits to cycling for everyday journeys, such as commuting or
running errands. Alec James, press officer for the transport charity Sustrans, says:
“We have so much to gain from encouraging more people onto their bikes – from
easing congestion on our busy roads to improving public health and reducing air
pollution and our carbon footprint.”

Local authorities will also reap the rewards if more people can be encouraged to
cycle. “Central government and local authorities have started to not only notice the
latent public demand for cycling, but are recognising the substantial benefits to be
gained from investment in innovative cycling projects,” James adds.

Here are some of the most innovative cycling initiatives managed or supported by UK
local authorities:

Hackney parklet, London

The UK’s first street parklet was installed in a redundant parking space on a busy
Hackney street in July 2015.

In partnership with Hackney council, Sustrans commissioned cycle infrastructure

designers Cyclehoop to create a moveable mini-park that can be installed temporarily
on a roadside. It includes parking space for six bicycles as well as seating and plant
pots , and has already brought increased trade to Hackney businesses .

The idea was inspired by seeing how parklets had taken off in New York. Ben Addy,
London communities manager for Sustrans, says: “We hear a lot in London about the
need to become more like Copenhagen or Holland but actually New York is another
world city. It’s very busy like here so we often look to them for examples of things

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Five creative council cycling schemes to get people on their b...

they are trying – and they look to us. A lot of space was reclaimed in Manhattan for
parklets so we were inspired by that.”

Stacey O’Keefe, a co-ordinator at Cyclehoop, says: “We are being inundated with calls
from local authorities as the word about parklets spreads.”

The Cake Escape, Essex

Combining cake, cycling and the countryside, the Cake Escape is a scheme that
encourages Essex residents and visitors to grab their bikes and cycle through some of
the most beautiful places in Essex.

Participants cycle to any of the cafes signed up to the project and earn a reward stamp
at the till after making a purchase. When they collect four stamps, they receive a free
slice of cake.

As well as encouraging cycling, one of the council’s targets is about economic

regeneration. Businesses can join the scheme if they provide free water and
somewhere to lock up bikes as well as having puncture repair and first-aid kits
available. Kris Radley, area manager of Sustrans, Greater Essex, says: “They are little
things that make a difference to cyclists and ensures the cafes are buying into the idea
that cyclists are a good market for them.”

YouTube videos, Westminster, London

In the past year cycling in Westminster has increased by 20%, and is still rising.
Because London’s roads can be a scary prospect for new cyclists, the council created a
series of videos that show real-life scenarios faced by London’s bikers. With
commentary offering practical advice, the videos hopes to teach the practical skills
needed to ride in the borough.

Heather Acton, a local councillor , said: “These videos offer a unique perspective from
the cyclist, showing real situations that happen on our roads and junctions. They are
intended to help increase cycling awareness for all road users.”

Big Birmingham bike giveaway

Birmingham city council went down a different route this summer when they simply
gave away 3,000 bikes to local people. Council staff had the idea when they realised
that although lots of children had bikes, many parents couldn’t afford cycles of their

The bikes, distributed by a lottery system to residents from the city’s most deprived
neighbourhoods, went to people aged 18 to over 70. Each recipient had to promise to
use their bike regularly and were given cycling and maintenance training. The bikes
were fitted with GPS devices so the council and academics could collect anonymised
data on how much they were being used.

Lisa Trickett, cabinet member for sustainability at Birmingham city council, says: “If
you’re working in a really crap job and struggling to get food on the table, going to the
gym is not going to happen – but you could cycle to work. Making exercise part of

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Five creative council cycling schemes to get people on their b...

everyone’s day is really important and it’s a big priority for us to reduce short
journeys made by car.”

Park and pedal, York

Inspired by the popular park and ride scheme, York city council’s transport
programme, iTravel York, introduced park and pedal for those who wish to cycle
instead of use the bus.

Cyclists can drive to a park and ride site, park for free and then cycle the rest of the
journey. It’s ideal for those who live outside the city and can’t cycle the whole way.
Bikes can either be stored in special lockers at the site or brought by car if participants
have a folding bike or a bike rack.

There are currently 55 people using the scheme with more lockers being added due to
demand. Tony Clarke, head of transport at York city council, says: “It’s a great way to
encourage shoppers and commuters to choose more sustainable travel options and
help reduce congestion”

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