ARC 2101 Bauyon Final Exam

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Bauyon, Jayson M.

ARC – 2101

SCI405: Fundamentals of Physics Finals (part 1)

1. Dynamics of Rotation

a. Identify and explain the kinematics in rotational motion. Compare the

kinematics in rotational motion to the equivalent translational motion.

➢ Kinematics is the description of motion. The kinematics of rotational motion

describes the relationships among rotation angle, angular velocity, angular
acceleration, and time. Kinematics for rotational motion is completely
analogous to translational kinematics, first presented in one-dimensional
kinematics. In rotational motion, the angular velocity which is analogous to
the linear velocity in the transitional motion. Kinematics is concerned with
the description of motion regardless of force or mass. Kinematic quantities
in rotational motion like the angular displacement, angular velocity, and
angular acceleration respectively corresponds to kinematic quantities in
linear motion like displacement, velocity and acceleration.
➢ Rotational motion is where an object spins around an internal axis in a
continuous way. Translational motion is motion that involves the sliding of
an object in one or mor e of the three dimensions: x, y or z. but an object
can be still moving even when it’s just sitting at a particular x-, y- and z-
coordinate; it can still spin.

b. Identify and explain the dynamics in rotational motion. Compare the dynamics
in rotational motion to the equivalent translational motion.

➢ Rotational dynamics relates to objects that are rotating or moving in a

curved path and includes quantities such as torque, moment of
inertia/rotational inertia, angular displacement, angular velocity, angular
acceleration and angular momentum. Dynamics in rotational motion is
completely analogous to linear or translational dynamics. Dynamics is
concerned with force and mass and their effects on motion.

c. Consider a balanced seesaw. The balanced seesaw consists of a girl weighing

250 N on the left side of the seesaw and a boy weighing 500 N on the right side
as shown in the Figure below. The girl on the left was given a bag of apples
weighing 50 N by her mother. Where should the girl sit in order to be in balance,
assuming the heavier boy does not move? Aside from calculations, express your
answer through drawings showing a free-body diagram of forces present in the
girl and boy before and after the girl was handed a bag of apples by her mother.
➢ To be balance, suppose that the heavier boy weighing 500 N doesn’t
move, the girl weighing 250 N with a 50 N bag of apples should sit 2.5 m
away the center of the seesaw.

500 N (the boy’s weight) x 1.5 = 750

250 N (the girl’s weight) + 50 N (bag of apples) = 300 N

300 N (the girl’s total weight) x 2.5 = 750

2. Oscillations

a. What is a simple harmonic motion? What are the relevant quantities that
should be considered in simple harmonic motion? Identify and explain these

➢ Simple harmonic motion is a special type of periodic motion where

the restoring force on the moving object is directly proportional to the
object's displacement magnitude and acts towards the object's equilibrium
position. Simple harmonic motion is the repetitive movement back and
forth through an equilibrium, or central, position, so that the maximum
displacement on one side of this position is equal to the maximum
displacement on the other side.

➢ These are the quantities:

(1) Amplitude (x0), the maximum displacement of the object from its
equilibrium point, equalx0;

(2) Period (T), the time taken for the object to undergo a full cycle of SHM,
returning to the same point with the same velocity. Equal to 2π/w; (3)
Frequency (f), the number of cycles per second, equal to w/2π or 1/T;

(4) Speed (v), this is equal to 0 sin (wt + ϴ) and also varies sinusoidally
with time;

(5) Acceleration (a), this varies sinusoidally with time. Note that this is
equal to –w2x; this fits the condition of SHM.

b. What are the conditions that must be met to produce a simple harmonic

➢ Conditions to produce simple harmonic motion include that the net force
must be described by F = -kx, where F is the restoring force, x is the
displacement, and k is the force constant. To come up with simple
harmonic motion, the rate of change of velocity must be proportional to the

c. As you pass a freight truck with a trailer on a highway, you notice that its trailer
is bouncing up and down slowly. It is more likely that the trailer is heavily loaded
or nearly empty. Explain your answer.

➢ If the freight truck with a trailer seems to be bouncing up and down, almost
certainly, the trailer truck is nearly empty. This is because frequency of
oscillation and the mass of the system are inversely proportional given the
relationship, f = (½) km. The trailer is presumably nearly empty and that’s
the reason that it looks like it is oscillating while driving on the highway.

d. Describe and explain a system in which elastic potential energy is stored.

Aside from the explanation, include diagrams/drawings in your answer.

➢ Elastic potential energy is energy stored as a result

of applying a force to deform an elastic object. The
energy is stored until the force is removed and the
object springs back to its original shape, doing work
in the process. The deformation could involve
compressing, stretching or twisting the object. Many
objects are designed specifically to store elastic
potential energy.
SCI405: Fundamentals of Physics Finals (part 2)

1. Rotation

a. What three factors affect the torque created by a force relative to a specific
pivot point?

➢ The magnitude of the applied force

➢ The direction of the applied force
➢ The location of the applied force

b. Four forces are shown in figure at particular locations and orientations with
respect to a given xy-coordinate system. Find the torque due to each force about
the origin, then use your results to find the net torque about the origin.

a. Why can a squirrel jump from a tree branch to the ground and run away
undamaged, while a human can break a bone in such a fall?

➢ The key explanation for this is the Drag Force. The surface area exposed
to the air when a squirrel leaps from the tree is high relative to the size and
weight of the squirrel. It is possible for the squirrel to land easily, with a
strong drag power. Although there is less exposed area for humans in
terms of size and weight, resulting in an almost insignificant drag force.

b. A suspender rod of a suspension bridge is 25.0 m long. If the rod is made of

steel, what must its diameter be so that it does not stretch more than 1.0 cm
when a 2.5 x 104 –kg truck passes by it? Assume that the rod supports all of the
weight of the truck.

3. Simple Pendulum

a. How long does it take a child on a swing to complete one swing if her center of
gravity is 4.00 m below the pivot?

T = 2π
Given l is equals to 4.00 m. So,
T = 2π = 4.01 s

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