On The Enhanced ADRC Design With A Low Observer Bandwidth

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On the Enhanced ADRC Design with a Low Observer Bandwidth

Jason Tatsumi and Zhiqiang Gao

Center for Advanced Control Technologies, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, United States
E-mail: j.tatsumi@csuohio.edu, z.gao@ieee.org

Abstract: In this paper, the extended state observer (ESO) is brought into the frequency domain to show to what degree it forces
the plant to behave like cascaded integrators and what can be done to improve the performance when the ESO is bandwidth
limited. In particular, a root locus technique is used to show how the poles of the modified plant change as the ESO bandwidth
increases. Based on the insight obtained, three correction techniques are explored to improve the system performance for those
applications with a low ESO bandwidth. With these proposed techniques, the closed-loop system bandwidth is no longer as
severely constrained by the ESO bandwidth as in the original ADRC.
Key Words: Active disturbance rejection control, extended state observer, root locus, observer bandwidth, loop-shaping.

1 Introduction could help us design better compensation accordingly, for

A great challenge in the field of automatic control is to the purpose of enhancing system response in ADRC.
make a physical system invariant amid the constant changes We are particularly interested in those applications where
in the environment. Often, these changes are unknown and the observer bandwidth is relatively low compared with the
impossible to measure; other times their effect upon the plant dynamics, which limits the ability of ADRC to
system is too complicated for the control system to adapt in accommodate uncertainties. In such cases, we believe, a
a reasonable amount of time. This challenge has led to the rough model of the plant can be used to enhance the system
invention of observers that can estimate an unknown performance and there are many existing methods that can
disturbance so that it can be mitigated at its inception. The be used for this purpose, as discuss below.
disturbance observer (DOB), unknown input observer It was discovered that PID controllers could be tuned with
(UIO), and perturbation observer (POB) are all designed for the knowledge of the gain and the frequency of oscillation
such purpose, under various assumptions about the plant when the loop is continuously cycling [12]. This leads to the
and disturbance information [1]. relay tuning method where the plant is forced to
In addition, the extended state observer (ESO) is also one continuously oscillate by using a relay controller [13]. By
such observer, estimating the disturbance and states based conducting a series of tests using relay tuning, several forms
on the input and output data from the plant [2]. By of plant models can be discovered with the knowledge of
estimating both the unknown dynamics and external dead time and steady-state gain [14], knowing only
disturbance and cancelling them with the control signal, the steady-state gain [15], and with no a priori information at all
modified plant is reduced approximately into cascaded [16]. The technique was improved to discover plant models
integrators for which the task of control design is greatly using only a single test [17].
simplified. This unique combination of ESO and the use of As alternatives to relay tuning, plant information can be
feedback and observer gains, together with a mechanism of discovered from the frequency response to sinusoidal
generating desired transient trajectory, constitute active excitations of various frequencies [18]. These techniques
disturbance rejection control (ADRC) [3-5], which was are expanded to using other periodic and non-periodic
further simplified and streamlined for industrial use in [6]. A signals [19] and to deal with the presence of noise and
general form of the parameterized ESO was given in both disturbances [20]. Likewise, the frequency response can be
continuous and discrete forms [7] and its limitations due to estimated in real time by an adaptive least-mean-square
sensor noise, sample rate, and stability issues were discussed (LMS) filter that generates coefficients of a high-order,
in [6-8]. finite impulse response (FIR) filter as the plant model [21].
For better understanding and continuous innovations in Based on an approximate model of the plant and the
ADRC, this paper seeks to take advantage of the very classical root locus method, a technique is proposed in this
powerful insight found in classical control theory, such as paper to show where the poles of the modified plant in
Nyquist’s stability criterion, Bode’s frequency response ADRC are within the given range of the ESO bandwidth.
method, and the root locus method [9]. In fact, such work Furthermore, based on the insight obtained, three correction
has already started, beginning with converting the entire techniques are explored to enhance the performance of
ADRC design into a typical two-degree-of-freedom closed ADRC with low ESO bandwidth.
loop system structure where loop gain frequency response is This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the
used to show robustness in the presence of parametric transfer function that approximates cascaded integrators will
uncertainties [10]. be given in the general form. Section 3 demonstrates how
The root locus design technique from classical control poles of the modified plant in ADRC move as observer
[10-11] offers a unique method to observe how the poles of bandwidth increases. Three correction techniques are given
the modified plant in ADRC move as a system parameter in Section 4 for the enhancement of ADRC performance
(bandwidth) varies, providing useful information on the with low ESO bandwidth. Finally, some concluding remarks
dynamics of the modified plant. This information in turn are given in Section 5.

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2 Transfer Function of the Modified Plant
In the framework of ADRC, the internal and external 1 sn
 fˆ ( s ) u (s)  y(s)   
disturbances, collectively denoted as f in (1) where b is the s / Zo  1
n 1
s / Zo  1
n 1

gain, u is the input and y is the output, are estimated and

cancelled in real time.
 y (n) bu  f    Then the modified plant, i.e. the transfer function from u0
to y, can be shown as
fˆ , the estimation of f, approaches the actual value at a rate G p ( s )b0 1
determined by the bandwidth of the ESO. When such G p (s) 
u0 ( s ) G p ( s )b0 1 s n  1  
bandwidth is high, fˆ | f and the control law,  1 n 1
s / Zo  1
u (u  fˆ ) / b , with b | b , reduces the plant to a cascade
0 0 0
Note that the denominator contains a low-pass filter of
integrator of order n, i.e. y ( n ) | u0 . order n+1 with a corner frequency of Ȧo. If this is imagined
In this paper we are concerned with a more delicate case as an ideal filter, where it acts as unity gain at and below the
when the bandwidth of ESO is quite limited, posing the corner frequency but zero gain above it, the frequency
question of what becomes of the modified plant and how do response of (6) can be expressed as (7).
we best compensate for the lack of high bandwidth in the ­ 1
ESO? We approach such problems from the frequency ° n
, Z  Zo
domain, assuming for now that the plant is represented by a G p ( jZ ) | ® jZ   
 °G ( jZ )b 1 , Z !! Z
transfer function Gp(s). And we concentrate on the part of
¯ p 0 o
the ESO in the estimation of f, as shown in Fig. 1, where the
ESO is respectively represented by the transfer functions It can be seen from (7) that the modified plant acts as
perfect integrators of order n within the bandwidth of the
from u to fˆ and y to fˆ (denoted as Fu and Fy, respectively).
observer. At high frequencies, it will instead follow the
For the sake of brevity, we start with n=2 before we give the response of the plant. It can be assumed that if an infinite
general case. bandwidth could be selected in an ideal world without noise
or sampling, then the plant would indeed act as a perfect
integral of order n regardless of Gp. By rearranging (6) as (8),
the transition from the desired integral form at low
frequency to the original plant at the high frequency can be
captured by the transfer function of G p ( s ) in the form of (8),
where a low-pass filter shapes the plant into the integral
form at low frequency and a high-pass filter shapes the plant
at high frequency.
G p (s) n 1
Fig. 1: Single integral plant acting as double integral  ª 1 º ª s / Zo  1  1 º  
sn « n 1 »
 G p 1 ( s )b0 « n 1 »
«¬ s / Zo  1 »¼ «¬ s / Zo  1 »¼
By assigning all eigenvalues of the A matrix to Ȧo,
denoted as the observer bandwidth, the process of selecting
gains in ESO becomes one of simply tuning Ȧo [6]. For n=2, 3 Pole Movements in as Ȧo Increases
the third order parameterized ESO is
As Ȧo is tuned, the poles and zeros, as well as the shape of
ª º ª ºª ºª ºª º 
« xˆ1 » « 3Zo 1 0 » « xˆ1 » «0 3Zo » « u » the frequency response of G p ( s ) , change with it. There are
 «  » « 3Z 2 0 1 » « xˆ » «1 3Z 2 » « y »   2n+1 poles, n of which should be approximately located at
o ¬ ¼
« xˆ2 » « o
»« 2» « »
« xˆ » ¬« o Z 3
0 0 ˆ
¼» ¬« 3 ¼» ¬« 0 Z 3
o ¼
the origin when Ȧo is relatively high. What we want to know,
¬ 3¼ however, is where the poles go when Ȧo is changed from
which can be converted to transfer function form in Fig. 1 as low to high and this can be determined using the traditional
fˆ ( s ) 1 Zo3 root locus method with Ȧo as the design parameter.
ª º sI  A ª º 3
 Let N and D represent the numerator and denominator of
u ( s ) «¬0 0 1»¼ « 0 » s  Zo Gp(s)b0-1 where Gp is a linear, time-invariant (LTI) function
 «1 »  
« » so that (6) can be rewritten as (9). The zeroes of (9) contain
¬«0 ¼» the zeroes of Gp(s) as well as having n+1 zeroes at -Ȧo.
n 1
fˆ ( s ) 1 s 2Zo3 N s / Zo  1
ª º sI  A ª º  G p (s) n 1
y ( s ) ¬«0 0 1¼» « 3Zo » s  Zo
 Ns n  D ª s / Zo  1  1º
   ¬ ¼
«3Z 2 »
« 3o » The movement of the poles of (9) is determined by
«¬ Zo »¼ evaluating the denominator as Ȧo changes. Note that the
For the general case, it can be similarly shown that [(s/Ȧo+1)n+1-1] term will always contain an s term. That is,
G p ( s ) has at least one pole at the origin, plus any poles at the

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origin from the plant Gp(s), since the poles at origin of Gp, paths bend faster toward the negative real axis. This can be
will add to the power of s in D[(s/Ȧo+1)n+1-1]. It can be seen seen in (13) where values of b / b0 less than one will cause
from (9) that as Ȧo approaches infinity, G p ( s ) will have a the positive Ȧo2 term to overcome the negative Ȧo term at
total of n poles at the origin, making it an ideal cascade higher observer bandwidths and cause the square root to
integral plant, while the additional n+1 poles exist but their become real. As the value of b / b0 becomes larger, the
effect on the system response is negligible. On the other imaginary component of s will grow with Ȧo much faster
hand, when Ȧo is zero, the equation in (5) becomes zero than the real component.
which can be simplified to (10).
a a2 § b · 2
 G p ( s ) G p ( s ) / b0    s   Zo r  aZo  ¨1  ¸ Zo   
 2 4 © b0 ¹
The following sections will explore what happens in the
middle, between the two extreme cases.

3.1 First-order System

Consider a simple first-order plant b0/(s+a0) with a
second-order ESO. Then the denominator of (9) becomes
ª 1 § 2 a0 · § 2a0 ·º
s « 2 s2  ¨  2 ¸s ¨  1¸ »   
 ¬« Zo © Zo Zo ¹ © Zo ¹ ¼»
which indicates that one pole will remain at the origin
regardless of the value of Ȧo and two poles will move as the
Ȧo changes, in the manner of
a0 a2
s2,3   Zo r 0  a0Zo   
 2 4
The movements of these poles are shown graphically in Fig. 3: Closed loop poles for the 1st order plant with a varying b0
the root locus plot of Fig. 2, where the observer bandwidth is
3.2 Second-order System
varied between 0 and whatever value that causes one of the
When the plant is second order and the ESO third order,
poles to reach a radius of 10 from the origin. The starting
pole values were marked with an “X”. As seen in Fig. 2, G p ( s ) has a total of five poles. However, the root locus
three poles do begin at -3, 0 and 0, one stays put at 0, two techniques used for the first-order system still apply. At Ȧo =
moves towards each other and meet at -2.25, and then leave 0, we begin with three poles at the origin in addition to the
the real axis while continuously moving left. two poles from the plant. Out of five total poles, two are
either moving toward or remaining at the origin whereas the
other three are moving further to the left. For the plant
transfer function of the type
 G p (s)   
s 2  2]Zn s  Zn2
with Ȧn =1 and 0.25 < ȗ < 1.5 the poles of G p ( s ) are shown
in Fig. 4 as Ȧo increases. As in the first-order example, the
results will scale with Ȧn. The figure shows that two poles
leave the origin and become complex conjugate poles; on
the real axis, one pole stays at the origin, another pole moves
slowly from -3 toward the origin whereas the third pole
Fig. 2: Closed loop poles for the 1st order plant as Ȧ varies started at -3 and moves toward negative infinity.
This pattern is the same for any stable first-order plant. If
Gp is unstable (i.e. a0<0), the poles of G p ( s ) will remain on
the real axis. Solving (12) for s=0, the solution is Ȧo=-2a0,
which is the lower bound of Ȧo for G p ( s ) to be stable. As the
bandwidth increases, both poles move to the left on real
Next, we discuss the case when there is a mismatch in b0.
If an estimated value is chosen that doesn’t match the actual
value of b, the paths of the poles in motion will change.
Using a simple first-order model where Gp is 1/(s+1) and
varying b0 estimation to be different from its actual value of
1, the effects are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4: Closed loop poles for the 2nd order plant as Ȧ varies
As b0 becomes larger than b, the paths bend to the right As b0 varies from b, the paths of the two poles moving
and approach vertical lines. As plant gain decreases, the away from the origin will change as shown in Fig. 5. Using a

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plant model of 1/(s+1)2, and changing the ratio between the 4 Enhanced ADRC Design
actual b and its estimate b0, several plots were generated to Given the insight obtained in the last section, we explore
demonstrate this movement. It tells us that it preferable to different methods of compensation for the modified plant to
make b0 larger than the actual value, because when the make it closer to the ideal integral plant, for low Ȧo.
estimation is lower than the actual gain, the paths of poles
bend towards right half plane. 4.1 Slow Pole Correction
Each of the second-order examples from section 3 show
that one pole remains at the origin while a second one
approaches it. This would indicate that at low Ȧo, the
modified plant has only one integrator instead of two. One
possible remedy would be to add an integrator in the
controller but, as it turns out, this tends to move poles
vertically and make the modified plant oscillatory. A better
solution is a PI type compensator in the form of
 CN ( s)   
b0 s
where its pole adds the needed additional pole at the origin
and its zero cancels out the effect of the slow moving pole in
G p ( s ) . The root locus plot still has four moving poles as
Fig. 5: Closed loop poles for the 2nd order plant with a varying b0
before. However, one of them approaches the added zero at
3.3 Summary of Rules for the Pole Movement –z, negating its effect; three of the poles move leftward,
By monitoring how the poles of the modified plant move, which leave two poles at the origin.
it can be better understood how ADRC forces the plant to As an example, a simple second-order process is chosen
behave like cascaded integrators. The information about the with both natural frequency and damping factor equal to one
imperfection can be used in the control design to better and the slow pole correction of the form of (15) is used. A
accommodate the remaining dynamics beyond the cascaded reference step of amplitude 1 is provided with an input
integrators. disturbance step of 0.1 comes in at t=40 seconds. ADRC is
Using the root locus method from the classical control tuned such that Ȧo DQGȦc are set to 1 rad/s.
theory, a technique is developed here to demonstrate where sz 10
 CN ( s)  G p ( s )   
the poles of the modified plant will be located as the 10 s s 2  2s  1
observer bandwidth is tuned. Examples are shown for first In the ADRC based control system for 2nd order plant, the
order and second order plants. However this technique can control law is given in the form of
be applied to more complex transfer function models as  u0 Zc2 r  z1  2Zc z2   
Several general rules have been identified that are where z1 and z2 are the estimated output and its derivative
applicable for any nth order LTI plant with parameterized provided by the ESO. The output response for the controller
ADRC. Let n be the order of the plant, n+1 the order of the in (16) is shown in Fig. 6 and compared with ADRC without
ESO, and m defined as one plus the number of poles at the the slow pole correction. Selection of z was varied between
origin in the plant, we have the following observations on 0.5 and 4. As expected, the slow pole correction improved
the modified plant: the response markedly at the expense of increased overshoot.
Performance was best when z=2 due to fastest settling time
x Zeros are those of the plant plus n+1 additional zeros
and least amount of overshoot. Further increase in z resulted
at -Ȧo
in significant oscillation.
x Total number of poles is 2n+1
x Number of poles always at origin is m
x Number of poles moving toward origin is n-m
x Number of poles moving away from origin is n+1
x The root locus begins at plant poles and the origin
To improve the system performance, it is shown in the
next section that a compensator, in the PI form, can be
placed between the controller and the modified plant, thus
ensuring that there are always be two poles at the origin. Fig. 6: ADRC Response with the Slow Pole Correction
By monitoring the pole locations of the modified plant, it
can be seen how the change in observer bandwidth affects 4.2 Inverse Correction
its characteristics. There is no doubt that such information In order to compensate for the discrepancy between the
will be beneficial in further improve ADRC design, as modified plant and its ideal form, another correction using
shown in the next section. the inverse of the modified plant is explored. The idea is to
cancel all poles and zeros of the modified plant and replace
its poles with those at the origin. This of course assumed that
the approximate plant transfer function is given. Even when

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the actual plant is different from but close to it, this method Several compensators may be cascaded together to provide
still appears to be useful in improving the system phase lead greater than ʌ IRU VWDELOLW\ LQ KLJKHU RUGHU
performance. After all, this is the remedy for the ADRC systems.
design where Z0 is limited and the performance needs s tan 0.5T  0.25S  Zc
improvements.   H (s)   
s cot 0.5T  0.25S  Zc
From (6), the inverse correction can be formulated as a
proper transfer function of the form The result is subtracted from the reference and multiplied
by the gain correction in (20) to force the response cross
CIC ( s ) G p1 ( s ) ¨ n ¸ unity-gain at Ȧc.
©s ¹
1  cot 2 0.5T  0.25S
 1 1 § 1 ·    C ( s ) Zcn   
 ¨1  ¸ 1  tan 2 0.5T  0.25S
s / Zo  1
n 1
G p s ¨© s / Zo  1 ¸¹
n n 1
As seen in Fig. 8, the loop-shaping controller provides an
 improvement in tracking and disturbance rejection, where
which is in the form of the inverse of G p ( s ) times the loop shaping is combined with slow-pole correction (Loop
shaping 1) and with inverse correction (Loop shaping 2).
desired transfer function of the cascade integrators.
7HVWLQJZDVGRQHZKHUHș ʌ/4 using the same bandwidths
and process model as the previous sections, even though, in
both cases, the closed-loop bandwidth Zc is no longer tied to
the ESO bandwidth as in the original ADRC, as is shown in
the next section.

Fig. 7: ADRC Response with the Inverse correction

The effect of this compensation is shown in Fig. 7. This

example uses the same process model and bandwidths as
used in section 4.1. When using the control law in (17), only
a slight improvement over regular ADRC is observed. Fig. 8: ADRC Response with Loop-Shaping
However, a considerable performance increase can be
obtained when the estimated states z1 and z2 in (17) are 4.4 Comparison
replaced with y and dy/dt respectively. In this section, by comparing the control and output
signals, the degree of improvement to ADRC is assessed for
4.3 Loop-shaping Design the proposed methods described above. With a small
In the previous ADRC design, it is taken for granted that amount of white noise added to the process output
the modified plant approximates the cascade integrators of measurement, all techniques were evaluated in terms of
the corresponding order and it can be controlled adequately performance and noise sensitivity.
by a PD type of control design. The two corrections
suggested above, the slow pole correction and the inverse
correction methods, attempt to stay within this framework
by making the modified plant close to its target, so that the
same controller of the PD type can be used without
But there is another way to go about it: replacing the PD
type of control law with the more powerful loop shaping
design to accommodate, instead of correct, the Fig. 9: Output signal comparison (Ȧc=1)
imperfections in the modified plant. This way, the task of
making the system robust and disturbance rejection First we keep the controller and ESO bandwidth the same
satisfactory is shared between the controller and the ESO. for all methods and compare the performance, as shown in
In order to provide high gain at low frequency and low Fig. 9, where the inverse correction using actual output
gain at high frequency, a loop-shaping controller can be appears to be the best. Unfortunately, this design is very
used in place of the PD as long as there is enough phase lead susceptible to noise encountered in the output signal due to
at the corner frequency to ensure stability. When the the differentiation. Therefore, a better choice may be the
modified process can been corrected to imitate a double combination of loop shaping and inverse correction. It is
integral plant, a lead compensator is necessary. Likewise, a rather reasonable and understandable because this design is
gain correction is needed to shift the corner frequency to a the most complicated one, requiring the inverse of the
desired value. modified plant as well as the phase lead angle in the loop
The necessary phase lead can be generated by feeding the shaping design to be given. The slow-pole correction
actual process output into the lead compensator in (19) technique alone provides a fairly good performance
displacing a phase of ș OHVVWKDQʌ/2) at the frequency Ȧc. improvement while maintaining the simplicity in design.

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Adding the loop-shaping controller to the slow-pole 5 Concluding Remarks
correction method appears to achieve minimal (if any) In this paper, the root locus technique is creatively used to
improvement in performance. Fig. 10 shows the control show the pole movement of the modified plant as the ESO
signals of the original ADRC and inverse method lag behind bandwidth increases. This information stimulated the
and that of the loop shaping with the inverse method development of three correction techniques to enhance the
produces a rather smooth and desirable curve, indicating ADRC performance, operating under low ESO bandwidth.
that overall it seems to be the best solution in both Significant improvements in performance were obtained
performance and the quality of control signal. A more with the proposed approach, providing several solutions to
rigorous performance index can be used to quantify such make the control loop bandwidth in ADRC no longer
assessment in the near future. limited by the ESO bandwidth. The initial simulation studies
show promise but more work lies ahead to continue to
improve the techniques and to validate them in those
applications where the bandwidth is severely limitted.
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