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ID 606286


ID 624299


ID 626798


ID 624574


NRC: 17531





Title of the project The golden goose

Location The golden goose is developed in a forest

in Germany, in a hostel and in the king's
castle, the village

Description of the problem There was a man who had three children,
the youngest was called Dummling, and
was despised, mocked, and set aside on
each occasion.
It turned out one day that the elder wanted
to enter the forest to cut wood, and before
he left, his mother gave him a beautiful
sweet cake and a bottle of wine so that he
did not have to suffer from hunger or thirst.
When he entered the forest he found a
small gray-haired old man who wished him
a good day, and who also told him,
- "Give me a piece of the cake in your
pocket, and give me a sip of your wine; I'm
very hungry and thirsty." -
 But the wise young man replied,
- "If I give you my cake and wine, I won't
have any for me; step aside," -
 And left the little man standing and
continued on his way.
But when he started cutting down a tree, it
was not long before he struck a false blow,
and the ax struck him in the arm, so he had
to go home and have to bandage himself.
And this was done by the little gray-haired
After that, the second son also entered the
forest, and his mother gave him, like the
eldest, a cake and a bottle of wine. The
little old gray-haired man found him
equally, and asked for a piece of cake and a
drink of wine. But the second son, too, said
quite rightly,
- "What I give will not be for me; stay
away!" - and he left the man standing and
continued. His punishment, however, was
not delayed; and as soon as he had struck a
few blows on the tree, he hit his leg, so he
had to return home.
Then Dummling said,
"Father, let me go to cut the wood." -
The father replied,
- "Your brothers have hurt themselves with
it, forget it, you don't understand anything
about it." -
 But Dummling asked so insistently that he
finally said,
- "Go then. It will become wiser by hurting
yourself." -
His mother gave him a cake made only
with water and flour and baked in the
ashes, and with a bottle of acidic beer.
When he arrived in the forest, the little old
gray-haired man found him equally, and
after his greeting he said,
- "Give me a piece of your cake and a drink
from your bottle; I'm so hungry and I'm
very thirsty." -
Dummling replied,
- "I have a cake of only flour baked in ash
and acidic beer; if this pleases you, we will
sit down and eat." -
Then they sat down, and when Dummling
pulled out his flour cake, it was now a very
delicious sweet cake, and the acidic beer
had turned into the finest wine. And they
ate and drank, and then the little man said,
- "Since you have a good heart, and you
agree to share what you have, I will give
you good luck. There you have an old tree,
cut it, and you will find something in the
roots." -
 Then the little man said goodbye to him.
Dummling went and reduced the tree, and
when he fell there was a goose sitting on
the roots with feathers of pure gold. He
picked it up, and took it with him, and went
to an inn where he thought he would stay
the night. Now, the host had three
daughters, who saw the goose and were
curious to know how wonderful a bird it
could be, and they would have also liked to
have one of their golden feathers.
The oldest thought,
- "I will soon find an opportunity to take
out a pen," -
 And as soon as Dummling had come out,
he grabbed the goose by the wing, but his
finger and hand remained tightly stuck in it.
The second came almost immediately,
thinking only of how she could get a pen,
but there was only a touch to her sister
when she was tightly hit. Finally the third
one also came with similar intention, and
the sisters shouted,
- "Stay away; for your sake, stay away!" -
 But she didn't understand why she should
get away.
- "The others are already there," - she
thought, - "I can be there too," -
 And ran to them; but as soon as he had
touched his sister, she also got stuck. And
they had nothing left but to spend the night
with the goose. The next morning
Dummling took the goose under his arm
and left, not worrying about the three girls
hanging from him. They were forced to
continue after him continuously, either on
the left, on the right, or as he decided to go.
In the middle of the fields the priest found
them, and when he saw the procession he
said, "What a shame, you useless girls, why
are you going through the fields behind this
young man? Is that correct?" -
At the same time he grabbed the younger
one by the hand in order to separate her, but
as soon as he touched her, he also hit fast,
and was forced to run back in line. Soon the
sacristan arrived and saw his teacher, the
priest, who was running behind three girls.
He was surprised at that and said,
- "Hello, your reverence, where are you
going so quickly? Do not forget that we
have a baptism today!" -
 And chasing him, he took him by the
sleeve, but he was also immediately stuck.
While the five trotted like this one after the
other, two pawns came with their hoes from
the fields; The priest called them and asked
them to take off him and the sacristan. But
they had barely touched the sexton when
they were also quickly hit, and now there
were seven running behind Dummling and
the goose.
Soon they arrived in a city, where the king
who ruled had a daughter who was so
serious that no one could make her laugh.
By that time he had signed a decree saying
that whoever was able to make her laugh
should marry her. When Dummling heard
about it, it was with his goose and all his
train of followers before the King's
daughter, and as soon as she saw the seven
people run incessantly, one after the other,
from here to there, she began to Laugh
completely out loud, and as if you would
never finish.
With that Dummling asked to have her as
his wife, and the wedding was celebrated.
After the death of the King, Dummling
inherited the kingdom and lived on happily
ever after with his wife.
Goodness, good treatment and sharing with
the needy always bring their good reward.

Key Words Brothers, forest, food, the goose, castle, the

king, cake.

Introduction After the marriage of the princess and

dummling the kings die for a curse,
everyone in the kingdom began to look for
those responsible for what happened a few
days later the family of the new king finds
out what happened and they are going to
look for him to ask for help, the King
dummiling does not refuse to do so since he
is a man full of goodness and nothing
resentful, the princess is possibly pregnant
so the brothers and the father of the prince
begin to mistreat her because they want to
be the owners of everything,

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