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_nvmenical we Awe, P= 4e-oug C demand Fonction) _ Te= 230 3.4@ (Cat fonction) _ chssnate Ox Soles -Bevenve Maxim zellon TR= P¥Q - TR =(40-0.4 aje TR= Goe- o.4art CRevenve Fonction) Desivative of TROT Q ~ : sa aR. d Choa-ouer) FT a) Profs Maximiza%9, como 608 - | m= Ta- Te = Wo 0.8 inal PE I = Pr@ —TC ~ [Pom seven = — =(40-OUQ)&-Zto*-PQ dTR = a { > Yoq-ou4ar~ 280-8Q da a — 2 32g -Guar- 280 [Pafie Fonction’) -agaco _ | Desivative of Nata @ L AS Sounits | dk. d C37a-o.uar- 28 |_Subshivting the velue af @ in demand functien we ges, [da da P= 4o-04%s0 1 at = 32-3 P= R520 — Lda ‘ TRe pm P xa | _ Pow Profit max. _ += 20%S0 3 7 ao = RS 1000 & - | Soksviioiing the veiue of @ Yo ProFit Fonction Su Oar) we Gedy “WL=37nS0'- 04 ¥sot~ 230 [oe Az ko Units Sobstipting the value of @ i demand Panchen, Weged = Rs 320 P= 4o ou _ [Seley -6evnve Maxi mizeiton Sob3ech to PooFia fonsieatn! oF { 2 YO OQKND Bs. 340 C ; | = As-24 Tsao Ean | TRE Pag _ _ | StQ-OYart~2io= 34 R22 Fea Uvonven = thx 40 f, 32Q-04Q™ - 230-340 <0 troy 7S. 940. : finSta~ o4 at -820 <0 ase eae on ; [Saestindyy me vatur of @ in Pxobiy Function OW ary 5ta~ 61820. Tata SLs TR- TC _ | O4a™- 324 620 ee BEHSOS EY = Sad ousuet 220 ~ OBividat z = R860 F - = WPS 7.9395 © 415 iF aniis, 33 arth Scanned with CamScanner casemate Ge=0) [Soustiofiny the _volve of QI demand fonciien we gery P= GO-0.4 ¥47 Stete. _inesfase ave to acenial 89 extent quad do Promo- Pours Peestige £ ProPessional erceiionce Sis hwy, Serosity, Paoer Prorise £ Psofassional ence lence [i _P = 2120 oF Fhe morgen 40 a -gueoten extent alPlectect thorooy the TR= Pa "empatuments ‘that they Becieue inthe fos m OF (unsiowy office, | SETS CamPonys GB, eXPeRSe Account ele. a =BB5E 40 "a Starwy Secovity, Pawers Prerige E Paovessional exceilance ofthe Monagess BW also GeP lected” thro the usese tion thal [they hove i ondestoking ‘invmimets 9 Aneiy Potonad Pavoosile the maxim Model OF Mengeesial Disctehic m0 en) of arpuey Hot Mancarss hove disesesfoy [in achieoing thein 000 Policien Dhtehy menievize thein Ow UF Bther then PBPH marimizotion Which Mens Potty OF Shatehalden Koweves, | Prosects. wAtch fs beyendihe Nosmal oPesation oF ane Mem, GIOFE exer dttote .mona serie. emoluments and Cis Fehon, [inveiment have been aoe d a> Poowy UaBIOb! 4 In oTdem to seolace The non-oPesotiens vortob\ Lke Slots, Secowits, Pawem, Prentige $ pooFessionad’ ence tance y Pookit Ochs oD Congiaatsein{ fothene manaseatal [Bemotoor. dm that, Shaseholders Bequise misimury Prot bo be @ansied Paid vt inthe Poem of dividend other stie Hence, the ofihy Fonetoo of Manager con be Vx PsEne = FG ) i b Secasity oF monagen is endengesed a The OFiti} Panetion of monogen ‘Inctodes SOCh VOTOBID AD Bolen, crauy Sue ty POUCH Powiige & OF ofME : l 82 Slofe. Orpen di tose : IO Monagesial € emoatuments: * 4 = Duiteafinaes Srv oimmis [ Professional excellence .OF these vaploblen, Only saleg), [3S measosobie ‘in leoms oF Money, Dhile Oem Ose non~ “Pecaniong, JE they ave made 1 be oPetationad. Ihey shoo! be connecied «ity Such vontabie ahh Con be evreesrd Tndeams OF money. This ton be attaine d bythe Concens [oF expense Prefemnte which 12 defined a fhe Sofi ~ “Pchten thay the manexos deeiied Fem cestoiny Kind Geake_Beloiions 4DePinations [o Oemong conve 8 a - EIS O8omed trad Ine Pysm hes Knedn downed sloping demand Ccosve af exrendiinats , Exvense peePmence inctudey Soff Lespendiinne, Mmoanareriad emoukamends and dis cee Honey Tovestmend. Xz FCP8, BD Apert aad CO 2 Whese Kz OOP orome S=GIOFF Exdendiuse — = Cte anal Cncisonment a with esas vee SE <0", Stoo 4 a0 a 2 Ge kno Ahad, r E Ts va « @oz Te T-T Ie Jo: T-M-t- 7 Tee [© fatot Pyodection cost CC) o v See Tris Tneweyg Freon oF eos Pak xe mz0 3 it = FOR) hey, 3p = W-O- To-T a t_€e-So ae L Zo = W- Te-T_ @ . fo= Ko _ @ Aeioal Poohit (As Theonbeabiainedl’ by Sebtecciing tela) Poedeciion cast Tond “sioff expendiiose: Ptom sole p venue A). TL =. R-e-8 @ Pwwbin Reposted petit (te)? (2 Te Tythe Paebis sebasied Jotne Jon Wihori ty & coy [be obtained by SobABEcHIN S| Managesiad Emolamenis fter || Aciuad Prod becaune monogesial emoluments One tax | cedocsgble. = wn Poort (The) & 1S defesmined By Cceepioble diosdend Peles by the. ‘Shae Aoide es Te > Not T ~__1@ Divesetionsey Envessmens (Zo) 2 “Si ten be abide minima. POP fox, Tos Ta- Tt, Prony sePosied Profit _ 1@ Discretionag, Paotis (No) z IZ con be absained by Sobsascting thinimuny Paohir P tan: | | From dotued Pao fie re TW? T= Te-T Scanned with CamScanner checnste Gn tre Fy. TS Cosve Gre Aiscretions%a Poo ki a@hirved a2 cesioin level SIF erPe Ape monageniad ‘ndiffesence cor S The mongsess maximize the Of hy @ the fongeny between higher indifference Conve. H-S Conve Mongs Medel OF Monageniad Lotespeise 6 — ih Se mein objective of Monts Model Isto achieve. Lolonced geooth Cote Je, ihe mariemizolion oF Ihe JH0.Hh sale of demend Pecine Paodoct oF ne Fism 4+ the Mexiemtzation OF the gredth sole oF CaPiiad SuPPly. fe morimize s = do= de Ohere G2 deloneed S9oaIh ote So = Gord" Bet eaFthe demand fosthe Pro docs _ Be = $3001 tale of copied Spel Trine Preceas of thorimicigy The bolaneed.ga0a% tote, the Piom has 40 Pere 1100 fonstacinis. Asst, The Skill of monagesiak fam iS HseiF o Constocinl Serena Goneteainia isthe finencial Consiscint Imposed by ine _desise oF the manopas for Job Secosily The _viitidy Function of ihe Manegtas inctodes the big Goch ag S@lasy, Slate ,cdecosi fy Pouce 0 Function OP the Shavehoidens includes — Seth vanigbien Of Pashia, a1re of ofp, dite of marker and Poble image. Hence, the ofits Fonction oF monssas Conbe effectied ay a Omonegas = FC Saleaies,Siatup, Secvdiigt over) — Pde ore | neh tae . 04,02 203. >| | Ch Inad Os >02>04 0} Peinyse’ dePined by 032 ane he Oi ig The ion of The Stoves LxP versed ayy Lae Osreve not =F CPaPit, sire of mos kek Shore £ PO I Tage ys | ecastierey of _0emano_ stout — _ SIE] Etastajy of demang sefess To the deste of oesPongiveness of guaniily @F demanded fo the chenge jne_detesmine [demons 4 oF | Poke a elasieipoF Demand C20) $ Refees leine degsee. oF pesPonsivness oF Quant §y demanded lothe ehonge in Price , Dhite holding diher detewmni nants OF “then demond conslont. Et conbe deFined aa the Salo oF i Peaceniase change in Quonity demomded fo the Pemtentage Price. Symbaiteally Rp = Percentage ehonge in QCIuanh fy demended ) Peweentase Chonge 19 PC Paice) p ~eFoint meinogs Small Change in Perteniene I quonfigemone r= D8 Pada P [Spe .# | Bra ee Scanned with CamScanner (orzo cote mie fee einen oa ai are car OTE meine ey 8 Tee & #0 hie of Five eiviing of demand Tiges of Encore uae Stew Tnome eteiiay Gey =0) Ferfieig Ieee domond (6 S hevteaiy ebasix demeng Ce = so) = felasey elthe deming C&P>U TS Retains Talesic demand Cee-<1) ony 0H Meeeses O08 dy 5 STrieme etsfeny sveiry thon one (Si) i008 59945 > Fneome clasey less nen Z (eyes) D Unive eave demand CO #4) frome euastieiyy oF demand Te vefees Totne deyice oF oesfonsiveness of enh Cemended fothe ehenge i Vocome hile olding Other dekeminenls oF domond Const eoink comeni chen ingame, Spmbs etl, ey, 2 Patten tage Shenge in) Gandy demendha Peverntege Charge 1m Tacere, Te Gn be defined aaine soho oF PCCD Ta quan, demerd tothe. Pracentaye henge Basie 8908 = Begailve invome lesion (eyz0) infever fonds i ss of nome Plasticity 19 Menagebiad Detsion Goitemine the. effect ofthenge tn eronomie Ohi itl = esteling aHOr}) i © design medhe ing steokag “9 elASiF, g00do my aiffoent Calege) I I t | I {reas Clasiieiky of Remand Cee) Dayo, z ‘he demand fer. one Prodses rod, SC 9i€H) 15 RA aan : [By he Pave oF oneiher pooduy-Such effect 1s meosed by By, enor ans cre carci of demand. THnbe eefined aatne seliosP = Pevenite Change In quanilyy demanded efeK (os) the - =, SE Pertentege chenge. in erite OF Y Coa J — a F Scanned with CamScanner Sym bo hicatly, ee } “| Ge = Pencendgye Change Pesconiaye change 1 tastici}y In, » Monggewrad _ Decistons ‘ To esto ish the infer delelensho bet een gooey Classify Indust vie “oesiablish the Intereciehionship beiuieen indestaiy “the Pism . GIS conside sed aS0n efFeetive to Promoie salen hats way, Advestisement ASH) Is ioe us of utesatnn’ ye Also Called —Pomptione] Clasticity. Gl con be ras tes bag [> a ip Botio OF Pewconiage Change quantity demanded fo the _ ce Been f - uf) __[ Percentage chenge in adveriisemens expenditore, = — 7 Sym be Heelly, 7 — —— — en = Peacenstse chonge in quontilg demonded tece has hs ha Pda ) 7 —_ Pescontase Chonge ipvaduntiarinend excenditure [ON eet On | oP) By dOn | | = oa 100s, Hi Gypes OF Cooss- Etasticiy oF Demand (ee) trong testing oF demand leeSso) © Regative CreBS Clashicr OF demend CeeLO) ies oF €0th ofKeD ree SO. ao a — | SE xo, A —__ =: it. — 7 = Ye a ____# a | Toop 19935 of Tansee: |_oPoins Methed “Bere cross Rtassiciig oF demand (Ces 20) TFA $896 ona Inderendent, Ce=0. “TE 10 Good Ae Complements OF €aCh OFWer, & 40. ofa Method eq: 0a fun = da, AsAe ae | DA “Bitar cA Scanned with CamScanner $n 1aQ_Oeeista Teses oF Abvrrdigins Etaaticn ty In “monagesie@ Oeeiserg. _§ TS TF em > 4, then 1818 pecommended shat advetereny | expenditose Should be laceraord > Then 1118 Becommerdod tho Gdvey}isermend Shovid be deeveard TA> Pxe Vive of TR ar. oF ma: ate = qd. (P¥a) as ae g Retation beween Price Eta. neo ane aaa J __ Oy, MRE P c eae i Pda Deesron Role IP ep 4a nerrase the ol devenue increase the | jal sevenuae |__> SE eb: 2s then Price ts Neodvah initt efPeion lela S bY) ma= °C - | Be Venue 127) Cecsease_in Potce wovid lead to [he ay “aet’) | th eee a sthen Tnctease in Price wovid lead bo ae ia in) [ena tf Sone afc oa . nae me 3 Seep men mao oy : Sse ety Tren ADO 10 D> TF fPK1, then MALO 3 [eps _Mermet 1 Gssomed tobe imPeteet|y tomo 6 _ = = at - a ea oo 4 - - — Se Ter=a _ = st Jeet Ss Scanned with CamScanner LPs. P= toca -4q _____—— the demond Por Comooien 8 JS Retaiwwely elaoh Che» Sx —— Soe tn Peice. From R-6000 49 .7000 it nat awise Te pag | Secistey, Grove 3) wovid Ieod 40. devseese in doled etornee =(10000 -We)Q_ - [= toc00g- vat Jomas ame Z sa ee Baninass Posecantny® ont __ arte = 10000- 8@ __ ~ Uns _mojeriig © tot Sood 4 Ineclaed Ty, a higher degree oF Once sk’ ny AS ASSO MonAgers Seldom kaso - lec maki One wt | 2 18) tr000 | the Desous oP thei w deeksion | way _}0 edvce lao. VSD URNS, Vy _V8lue e@in demand [Onesion ___ PF (9000 - 4¥ 19 $0 _ = _Rs-s000 oP the Flam. 086% For tho Foreeashieg. ‘involves the Psedt ction aboot Pointe econamie 4 the assessment of ‘their Probable Imfect onthe 1D _Dhen TR betomey Maximum, MA will beO. Te!MR=0 TF mevcentite Commontcaliog Gag 1@SOCempving ak mee | Pox Poses of Pasecanting § abiceliven’s Yap ~ ot P6000 in demand Mone 6200 = 10000 ~4a |_5) Srost “lee Rronciel_fooeaaifag 6) Pegolas Sopely oF leboor 2) Manenuen) Ot ft ie are __|8) Guide to setoted indusney __|8) Guide te Ihe govesnment tf Q = 1000 Unity _ a = aa sion sony — ldo. — —— —— 2) long-teom fs forecasting — ore _|D_Mon poses Ptenning _ “ Aw) & = etl mL anew ‘e = ea ley | 4) Plonsing aneid Product Fine ex forsion of enisiiny Product Scanned with CamScanner Gleps 19. Demand Forecos ting 6 Statis tte Tech ntque ) Tdeniificalion oF Forecasting ob3echue) 1) Ascestaining the detesminanis oF demand = Aeltable for long-Herm fonemating = Ghisused When historical data ave avatlaye | 5) Deleemination of cetarienship belideen demend Ond tts = Atco know as 'Guontation Kechwique! detesminents G) Collection of SeteGans data Methods’ Ts) Selection of apfaopriote metned a Porrcantipy me Sener Anoyers 6) Poeseniotion oF FeSO in - Becdoble Foam. = Sevivy of dole. Collected Sevtaily onthe bags of given Lime Period - + Bigo Known as “rend Prostorion Method | Techntga Pteeoting § OF Tat Shows the trend of Post. Sales ofa Product, | Tosecatting “eeihuey t t Regress or) Abplysts iste a Technique Slonsticak Teehnigea 2 [Contomensosvey ‘Pinion Pal) oak oxie - [>fomrlete enomensiton [Es peak oP Het Salo be nebresenied by Y ; | Semple Sosvey beSeles fosce. Baromelere Year Boyt) ee 4 od [2 éng Ose Mooket shu Feennigua— toon 16 = aa | exPeaiment To toot 1S = a ~ 200% 20 =30 [A Sevcey [Pon-Shensiead Technique Toots ae = t = APP Ticoble For Shoat tear). PeBecan tiny eee aa ; o8 T =Soitable in Farecenting demand fos new Produk 2006 35. L 0 q = Fito Knee ay wobbective faual Me phea! aeaT ca - pe = Tathe absecce of hisiesicad dala, Sopuey method: ee he Scones Veen W velevont : Regression eqn of Yon K% ponien \ 8 — hee am C 0.41. Substitatig *n@ {= 3091 +2.96x 8 2.96 & mequdsed Arond fre. Scanned with CamScanner for 7008, 4 eM tomy = 80-4 % 7 [ites, 700 *26 _ | trop = go.3iy 56g Por goin we = AS. $4.25 = Rs.468.t49. miltig, | 20092) S593 Re gestern ta TB Nas bEK =) WE Dare a bE _ be 3.93, oo — eo Wchate, Subs? jy Walupok ad brn, 1 te 15 _S3\\ 4 397K 180 eq, beene Nine Scanned with CamScanner took =) aonb . [ant Ket Saley be sePsenenied by 4 - Year 1995 100) | Bavomeimie Tesecosting’ ||dhese Is no Clear Pattesn Vn time Sexien ,Vhe dola ave oF rege me Sele ures The fas) Galue fo Predics tne: fulore IF [Bite Galua for Forerashny: Nn Glieonciive GPPEoch isto [Pind out the Second S849 thal ts corsclated Yhe fest Qoor 2003 or) 2oor “| CoGelaied with the Fest known ag Indleciox of Gecond seeies,| [38 Peechich Changes Inthe inst. the me Seviey hich Is | Hence, by 0 bsevving The changes in Geeond Seiey 1918 fosirble C006 bana L428 Zpe-t Ext Indicator $ 7 | Regsemron Fah of Y on Kis gwen by, {ez ape —O fo_Calewtay Oe have Mllowrng nome erin Peano ond ‘OUGhL OF fap knoiny a9 CO-In¢i dens indices | vena tndicalee of Serieg Te Ane to Stviey hive some time fered Thy En the fg, S019 0 Colne 2) leveing fosicotns a [tir iy 42 FHL 00 WG: Outpuh The teeta C= loboor a GE Whe Pears Gnd. roa -9F Se conta finding. feorg Hire oF €efiey 2 thro teed carrey boos Taent ied, fn the Ap: Sty 2.818 Ioding. indltior oF Series? Ferme porboie of Postosing le Tfech Poh a. melelagict Treciel orethery [Reding incienee O68 5 Res fies bot Pent The Chet 9 Re ae are eam tre upead leigh mateo 56 ee ee op 4 oteog. boreal Hae siapiaig. Potcton, Bboy Bs eatin aie ao f loleoe. Hence, Predsetieg Cure [aay be wewetiey 22 @ fext Cy % a OP Menal Employment of 8 here —epite0()_ Ped __tefess_ tothe net adh neg Fam Ine Fm Plosment af “Fie fines the be wage salle(d). oing_marginal Scanned with CamScanner Assignment Qavsve laste The hoviteniep lebson Sophhy Coaae ts Peoleoiy erate FE giaen wag, RP, SFU an the demand conde Taboon hich te downward Slopring duo to the apP TE cation oF Tea? oF deminishiny 68 tans te een oPhimad mar, = ALL map Sa This Peebiieble fae 1Ne fem To Ine vase Phe | maa = fe ai mane £118 secommendod that IRE QUGnithy of (ebann aloud ba, omplaymens oF lobo0r Whe we. TS eter sory | Posen Seidiny “Tes @e hese, Q: due (ve OP Vimal_emi Then, Scanned with CamScanner [GoW Maringation G.byec to given Cost aes imintesitation Subséet to_fiven oulub || tonsteaing Ce dePined hy Vongency bebdeen AG Trocas 4:Qz %Soqiant, | > Snows re) WER Ave also Biden Z [ar pons Gy, ariowing too on Tons. Cequiaed Low Tope of “is ~The Pei con ie Le Gs mint ation Subieel to Aiden OUP, ofuon = lope of “sores OP the Rem ts %9 minimize the cost assumPVons -) 85 é ie) 4) £ © ave alse §39e5 ag 7 : > = hhese is no change in The Slate of Fech nology: Scanned with CamScanner luctiog 15, Scale GISe Geless Te the Sed Pes Unit Coat of aie FER Unit Cost of duction While Producing the Qiagle Peodua dudip She enfonsion of Scale of Producd 7 Ll the Pim donno} Poe fer COmBinotion C40 ~-_ 5 [becouse Both the Combination Tequire: ‘Nigher ‘Cosy for | Poduciqg the some level oF O1P @. Howrdes, he ™, | Fim - Prefese lowes 'icocess than AB, bar 1 w not E [ § Scanned with CamScanner | / Degree of Ktonomiet of eos — I S = (cA) + ete) ~ CCA) | 2 Cease) = a i [L S = degree of eronomien oF Score CCA)= Cast OF Producryy Paoduar A SeParatel4 CCB)= Cost oF Producing Pro dues B ecparaitiy CCA AG)= Cask ot Producing bath Sointig. _ [Saffiaieny for Producing Gilewe! of 2)p, Hence, The | Yeas Cost Pensibie for : Pooduciny & lewel of IP ts ~ [Biveg by AB Asocact, fhe Producen IS ny equitiberdey | Rouser of Reonomien of Kore e— > bn the bars of Production Fadi tig = On Ane basis oF byproducts. “ “lay Poros B dePined by the fongeng bie hoeen _ TAB isoass PE Asoqusat. A Porny & Fotvowing by jos Sequited for eAuilibeium hove been |__=> Onthe basis of Sian £ 2fRciengy wots Non & a5 Sloe of Boquant = Viore oF ‘socant / e Swist Zarmens Produce $00 Collen Shane 4 260 mes mP 7 - = > _asequend IS HNsex fotten Saekets annual. “he total Cos} wowid be 0s-25000. ef $00 ton Shins $28 Coven d4ekels ave Pood ud |Serasatelg. Then the Cost wooid be f.18000 4 Rd. \1000 Sep Pecviverg . ealculaie ane deg teeok economi ty OF Scope . CCAD + CB) = eCHB) a Cae) Py 1005 191 QH008 4 Acwignment: EST TRE Frode S00 Hon THINS SePeEETRY TT | 5 ieteye re Es eovion Sackets | 9g, RFK ceara)s * *) bow Sovnnlge = (03? AESOP abled 4 eCOx)~ soar aa 2 As.S0 ee " vas . 2 Bu | ¥ Then, .& = B00 37000-28000. Ry? Pewanis 75000 a }__ = = deat 8) OPYen Fie be fi or “ - ) OPYmal_Emplayment OF\Gboor and Copital sequine, Lp S00 Cotton Shins 4 TO Colton Jeeves axe [tes Preduted Jorntig, Ther) Ode rege Cos) decresyy by Verh thon Wey ane “produced Secasalely a m Px _ Te ss r [Ponvtay dewivalive oF @ oat C holding K Constant ~ tre = - ™ _—_— + oe 7 fa Tm eB 100 LEE race | I ae = too KS as OST = 10K OC 4 [mek =O oe ore |e ; = toot oso sours 2 soe | a Kos “89 hom taentiy @ SO Wes Scanned with CamScanner Taaiing Wve Beet OA ae co = = iat ae eta ee ~ tar = woe HY ae =O Samay ota S KIA Prediction Cune Sye0 See Tsk 100 (tO ce 10 } —)Samieny Gee OAD. Ke yar fs suet ig C= ace aK a C= seule suomi = Rite jon “Coss fe) = 1000 Cerrar = Tooo = Sox. 4 40 ( Sut) Seals SCE Tame ovo = goot 12006 7 oe Ue ® —_& to_tath son vas mo Scanned with CamScanner C= foo CF Wea ; “or, 2000 = 2O0L4 2000 1000 = Soxca el ML) er, COCO = SOLE -tgot___ — = q - clisenate (GD of tates ae Neodeaes, » Hence, (eu oF - Quo niy OF Apps ane OMe effec OF OP FTN — | Quo ntay oF Ps are ata oPoston. On Ine Wo athe ets Lame _PrePositon. On the | basis oF cote efFect on rr Feed on ojp 0 oF Fest) Toscie ton | | be Clessified on The Plowing toed Colegerig ‘0 legorien, | 3 theneasing Coleen To Seg st > Decweasing Relusns Yo Scale > Constant Rebusns to Scale 2 Loeseesing Relurn koSca\e 3 AF o1p Chengen mone ProPosiionale Chango Quendizy of “ies tken this Telus LoScole, G1} Mens deol ___[woaid Tead io inesease The op oh ___ foo ansionee, 1F lobo Ecaptial Gee ineweased ba 10%, —foip Ineweases ba 15%. When Vis aoa to be ___Tneseasing setusna fo acai oe ly thon ProPostionsie he case of irescass Y MOTE than double Scanned with CamScanner classmate ce beWoLEH MUN OTe “SOqUanes >be, (oper ABBe) 08 2ab> DC. | son TAeseate INO je Ine] Nong ine sveling _deesecs Taeong FO Ihe Some Pree “ok tips Shourd be Chenged | > gneiss 8 Thee be Certain TALIS WHch OV Production GNI Inceeae o v 2c = — rea in Furl Copacity Aefinaiely Tue lodhe Bepefitlon ef Some Wonk Wain 40g 29 aiy Sess SPeciarized ap Quoury Weege Scole Production, [becoeney Passive I > SPecrari catia! un We fig. ie distance between Successive Moquants along Ane ‘sotting ineteasey Coa By entzeprencon is 0 Fixed faciow Teens mits . GF labor + Copia) ave doobled Ihe dimension | [oF Production incteases by more thor) double { oe Decseasing welusns 40 NCol | fg opp Change less PoPos Konately Yhon Proves Tonale cnangeiq Quod oF VaPs WHEN 94) [deestasing welvens foScale . 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