Evidencia 6 Segmentation Describing Potential Clients

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1. Resuelva en ingles las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:
 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?
I usually buy my cleaning products in supermarkets and sometimes
in my neighbors’ stores.

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

Yes, I really consider myself a very orderly person since I always
keep my spaces, whether they are work or rest, very clean and
without any clutter.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?
Yes, I am very satisfied because they are products of very good
quality and an incredible price, when cleaning with the products
they leave an incredible result and they yield a lot.

 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved?

I would like you to improve the soap to wash the dishes, because
for some people it is very harmful if they do not use gloves and
cause an allergic reaction.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones.

Mr. Musculoso

 Which are most important aspects to be taken into account to

choose a cleaning product brand.
I think the most important aspects to consider choosing a cleaning
product brand is the trajectory, recognition, relation between
quality and price, the quantity that one needs to clean, the
composition and the odor.

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in

ten lines the reasons to convince tour potential clients to buy your
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, excuse me if I interrupt you
in what you are doing but I am here to present you a new cleaning
product called limpiatod, this product is made with the best
components and above all it is made for that type of people who
have allergies to soaps, our product has the supervision of the best
scientists who made the appropriate mixtures to turn it into a
product of excellent quality and above all with an incredible price.
People who have already used our product highly recommend it as
it leaves them cleaner and as new as possible, without the need to
change their kitchen utensils.

2. Describa en ingles el tipo de población a la que se pretende proyectar

el producto o servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

 Our product is intended to be sold in supermarkets or stores located

in Mexico which was our selected country, it is intended to be sold
to elderly people since these products are not suitable for children.

3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta

en inglés para ser aplicada a esta población.
1. Do you know the cleaning products?
Yes ___
No ___

2. How often do you use it?

Every day ___
Never ___
3 times per week ___

3. In which country do you buy it?

Colombia ___
Mexico ___
Chile ___

4. How many units do you buy?

0 – 2 ___
2 – 5 ___
Many? ___

5. Where do you distribute it?

In the country ___
Other countries, which ones? ___

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