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DAY-3 Aptitude 


1. A  machine  depreciates  in  value  each  year  at  the  rate  of  10%  of  its  previous value. However, 
every  second  year  there  is  some  maintenance  work  so  that  in  that  particular  year,  depreciation  is 
only  5%  of  its  previous  value.  If  at  the  end  of  the  fourth  year,  the  value  of  the  machine  stands  at 
`1,46,205, then find the value of the machine at the start of the first year. 
a. 1,90,000 
b. 1,95,000 
c. 2,00,000 
d. 2,10,000 
2. In  the  year  2019,  the  luxury  car  industry  had  two  car  manufacturers—Mercedes  and  Ferrari 
with  market  shares  of  25%  and  75%  respectively.  In  2001,  the  overall  market  for  the  product 
increased  by  50%  and  a  new  player  Aston  Martin  also  entered  the  market  and  captured  15%  of  the 
market  share.  If  we  know  that  the  market  share  of  Mercedes  increased  to  50%  in  the  second  year, 
the share of Ferrari in that year was: 
a. 35 
b. 40 
c. 45 
d. 50 
3. A  dishonest  dealer  marks  up  the  price  of  his  goods  by  20%  and  gives  a  discount  of  10%  to 
the  customer.  He  also  uses  a  900  gram  weight  instead  of  a  1  kilogram  weight.  Find his percentage 
a. 8% 
b. 12% 
c. 16% 
d. 20% 

4.  The  profit  earned  when  an  article  is  sold  for  800  is  20  times  the  loss  incurred  when  it  is  sold for 
275. At what price should the article be sold if it is desired to make a profit of 25%. 

a. 300 
b. 350 
c. 375 
d. 400 


1. 5, 8, 28, 162, ?, 12870 

a. 1288 
b. 1388 
c. 1296 
d. 1396 

2.  In  each  of  the  following  questions  given  below,  a  word  is  given  followed  by four combinations of 
symbols  and  digits  labeled  A,  B,  C  and  D.  You  have  to  find  out  which  of  the  following  four 
combinations  correctly  represents  the  word  based  on  the  alphabet  codes  and  the  conditions  given 
below. If none of the combinations matches, choose ‘None of these’ as your answer. 

Condition 1: 

If first element is a vowel and last element is a number then the codes are to be interchanged. 

Condition 2: 

If  first  element  is  a  consonant  and  last  element  is  a  vowel  then  both  of  them  are  to  be  coded  as 
middle element. 

Condition 3: 

If  first  element  is  an  odd  digit  and  last  element  is  an  even  digit  then  the  code  will  be  written  in 
reversed order. 

Condition 4: 

If any element appears twice in a code then it will be coded as L. 

Note:  If  two  or  more  conditions  are  applicable  in  single  code  then  Condition  1  will  be  given  1st 
priority,  Condition  2  will  be  given  2nd  priority,  Condition  3  will  be  given  3rd  priority  and  Condition  4 
will be given 4th priority. And the position of all elements in the code will be taken from the left end. 

2. What would be the code of ‘I8A6P89’?  

a. QVL<}L? 
b. QYL<}L* 
c. QL<}L?Y 
d. QL<}?LY 

3. What would be the code of J8E735A? 

a. $/Z$#*< 
b. $/Z$#*> 
c. $/Z$#*$ 
d. $/Z$*#$ 

In a certain code language, the code for ‘Let Parcel Arrive’ is 12E20 16A12 1R5 and Charles is 3H19. 

4. Using the same pattern, the code for the word ‘Passenger’? 

a. 16A18 
b. 15A17 
c. 16E17 
d. 17E18 

5.  In  a  certain  code,  POETRY  is  written  as  QONDSQX  and  OVER  is  written  as  PNUDQ.  How  is  CASE 
written in that code language? 



The  543  elected  MPs  will  be  elected  from  single-member  constituencies  using  first-past-the-post 
voting.  The  President  of  India  nominates  an  additional  two  members  from  the  Anglo-Indian 
community if he believes the community is under-represented. 
Eligible  voters  must  be  Indian  citizens,  18  or  older,  an  ordinary  resident  of  the  polling  area  of  the 
constituency  and  possess  a  valid  voter  identification  card  issued  by  the  Election  Commission  of 
India. Some people convicted of electoral or other offences are barred from voting. 
Earlier  there  were  speculations  that  the  Modi  Government  might  advance  the  2019  general election 
to  counter  the  anti-incumbency  factor,  however  learning  from  its  past  blunder of preponing election 
made  by  the  Vajpayee  Government  it  decided  to  go  into  election  as  per  the  normal  schedule  which 
was  announced  by Election Commission of India (ECI) on 10 March 2019, after which Model Code of 
Conduct was applied with immediate effect. 
Q1. Which word or phrase means “disapproval of current political officeholders” in the passage 
a. First-past-the-post 
b. Blunder 
c. Anti-incumbency 
d. Model Code of Conduct 
Q2. Since when was the Model Code of Conduct applied with immediate effect? 
a. 23rd May 2018 
b. 10th March 2019 
c. 10th March 2018 
d. 11th March 2019 
Q3.  When  does  the  President  of  India  nominate  an  additional  two  members  from  the  Anglo-Indian 
a. When there are less than 543 elected MPs 
b. When the Anglo-Indian community fails to send a representative 
c. When the president believes that the Anglo-Indian community is over-represented 
d. When the president believes that the Anglo-Indian community is under-represented 
Q4. What are the mandatory requirements to vote in India? 
i. Must be an Indian citizen 
ii. Must be18 or older 
iii. Must have a valid criminal record 
iv. Must be an ordinary resident of the polling area of the constituency 
v. Must possess a valid voter identification card issued by the Election Commission of India 
Choose the correct options 
a. (i), (ii) (iii) 
b. (ii) (i) (v) (iv) 
c. (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (v) 
d. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 
Q5. What is the apt meaning of “speculations” as per the passage? 
a. Conjectures 
b. Assumptions 
c. Either (a) or (b) 
d. Both (a) and (b) 

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