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Name : Galang Tegar Indrawan

NIM : 131611133106
Class : A3 (2016)
The communication technique that used by nurse and doctor in the video is ISBAR
communication technique. ISBAR technique communication is one of effective communication
technique. This communication technique helps us more easy to communicate with another one.
This communication technique make the communication more effective.In my opinion, the video
show that before the nurse communicate whit the doctor, she has knowen and has done the
identification, situation, background, assessment, recommendation about the patient’s condition
early. So when the nurse communicate whit the doctor, the doctor can understand easily what the
nurse says. Also the nurse responds promptly for questions that asked by the doctor. In the end of
video there is a situation that the nurse doesn’t agree with doctor’s opinion. But the nurse only
silent about it, because she perhaps that the doctor’s opinion is better. In my opinion actually the
nurse should gives her opinion, so it can help the doctor thinking about the better action that he
will give to the patient.

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