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Movement of All Persons Limited to Limited to accessing Limited to accessing

accessing goods goods and services goods and services
and services from from permitted from permitted
permitted establishments, for establishments, for
establishments, for work in such work in such
work in such establishments, or for establishments, or
establishments, or such other activities for such other
for such other allowed (as amended activities allowed
activities allowed by Paragraph C of (as amended by
(as amended by IATF Resolution No. Paragraph C of
Paragraph C of 110, 15 April 2021). IATF Resolution No.
IATF Resolution 110, 15 April 2021).
No. 110, 15 April

Public & Private Hospitals Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full
on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.

Dialysis Centers, Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

Chemotheraphy Centers, on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
HMOs, Health Insurance
Providers, Disaster Risk
Reduction Management
Offices, Public Safety
Offices & the like

Manufacturers of Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

medicines and vitamins, on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
medical supplies, devices,
and equipment, including
suppliers of input,
packaging, and

Industries involved in Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

agriculture (crops, fruits, on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
vegetables, livestock, and
poultry), forestry, fishery,
and such other
components of the food
value chain and their
workers, including farmers
and fisherfolks.

Logistics service providers Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full
(delivery and courier on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
services; cargo handling;
warehousing; trucking;
freight forwarding;
shipping, port and
terminal operators).

Essential and priority Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full
construction projects, on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
whether public or private,
in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the
Department of Public
Works and Highways

Manufacturing related to Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

food and other essential on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
goods such as but not
limited to soap and
detergents, diapers,
personal hygiene
products, toilet paper, and
wet wipes, and


Companies that Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

manufacture, distribute, on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
and/or supply equipment
or products necessary to
perform construction or
maintenance works, such
as cement and steel, or
spare parts.

Essential retail trade and Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full
service establishments on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
such as public markets,
supermarkets, grocery
stores, convenience
stores, pharmacies or
drug stores, hardware,
office supplies, bicycle
shops, laundry shops, and
water-refilling stations.

Food preparation Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

establishments such as on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
kiosks, commissaries,
restaurants, and eateries,
but limited to take-out and

Public and private Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full
financial service providers on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
involved in the distribution
of government grants and
amelioration subsidies.

Business process Allowed with full Allowed with full on- Allowed with full

outsourcing on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
establishments (BPOs),
and export-oriented
businesses, including
mining and quarrying

Public transport providers Allowed. REF: Allowed. REF: Allowed. REF:

and operators. Paragraph B(2) of Paragraph B(2) of Paragraph B(2) of
IATF Resolution IATF Resolution no. IATF Resolution no.
no. 106-A, March 106-A, March 27, 106-A, March 27,
27, 2021. 2021. 2021.

Media establishments and Allowed with a Allowed with a Allowed with a

their total permanent staff maximum of 50% maximum of 50% on- maximum of 100%
complement, inclusive of on-site capacity. site capacity. on-site capacity.
reporters and other field

Dental, rehabilitation, Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

optometry, and other site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
medical clinics for the workforce only. only. 100% on-site
treatment of illness or capacity as
injuries. Provided, that determined by DTI.
there is strict observance
of infection prevention and
control protocols.
Provided, further, that
dental procedures shall be
limited to emergency
cases only and that the
wearing of full Personal
Protective Equipment
(PPEs) by dentists &
attendants shall be
mandatory. Provided,

finally, that home service

therapy for Persons with
Disabilities (PWDs) shall
be allowed.

Veterinary clinics. Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
workforce only. only. 100% on-site
capacity as
determined by DTI.

Banks, money transfer Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

services, including site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
pawnshops only insofar workforce only. only. 100% on-site
as performing money capacity as
transfer functions, determined by DTI.
microfinance institutions,
and credit cooperatives,
including their armored
vehicle services, if any.

Capital markets, including Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

but not limited to the site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
Bangko Sentral ng workforce only. only. 100% on-site
Pilipinas, Securities and capacity as
Exchange Commission, determined by DTI.
Philippine Stock
Exchange, Philippine
Dealing and Exchange
Corporation, Philippine
Securities Settlement
Corporation, and
Philippine Depository and
Trust Corporation.

Water supply and Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

janitorial/sanitation site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
services and facilities, workforce only. only. 100% on-site
including waste disposal capacity as
services, as well as determined by DTI.
property management and
building utility services.

The energy sector (oil, Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

gas, and power site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
companies), their third- workforce only. only. 100% on-site
party contractors and capacity as
service providers, determined by DTI.
including employees
involved in electric
transmission and
distribution, electric power
plant and line
maintenance, electricity
market and retail
suppliers, as well as those
involved in the
exploration, operations,
trading and delivery of
coal, oil, crude or
petroleum and by-
products (gasoline, diesel,
liquefied petroleum gas,
jet oil, kerosene,
lubricants), including
gasoline stations,
refineries, and depots or
any kind of fuel used to
produce electricity.

Telecommunications Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

companies, internet site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
service providers, cable workforce only. only. 100% on-site

television providers, capacity as

including those who determined by DTI.
perform indirect services
such as the technical,
sales, and other support
personnel, as well as the
employees of their third-
party contractors doing
sales, installation,
maintenance, and repair

Airline and aircraft Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

maintenance, pilots and site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
crew, and employees of workforce only. only. 100% on-site
aviation schools for capacity as
purposes of the pilot’s determined by DTI.
recurrent training for flight
proficiency and type rating
using simulator facilities;
and ship captains and
crew, including shipyard
operations & repair.

Funeral and embalming Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

services. site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
workforce only. only. 100% on-site
capacity as
determined by DTI.

Security personnel Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

licensed by the PNP - site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
Supervisory Office for workforce only. only. 100% on-site
Security and Investigation capacity as
Agencies. determined by DTI.

Printing establishments Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

authorized by the Bureau site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
of Internal Revenue workforce only. only. 100% on-site
and other government capacity as
agencies to print determined by DTI.
accountable forms and
security documents.

Establishments engaged Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

in repair and maintenance site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
of machinery and workforce only. only. 100% on-site
equipment, for capacity as
households and essential determined by DTI.
permitted establishments.

Establishments engaged Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

in repair and maintenance site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
of motorized and workforce only. only. 100% on-site
non-motorized vehicles, capacity as
including the sale of spare determined by DTI.

Leasing of real & personal Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

properties. site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
workforce only. only. 100% on-site
capacity as
determined by DTI.

Employment activities that Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

involve the recruitment site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
and placement for workforce only. only. 100% on-site
permitted sectors. capacity as
determined by DTI.

Teachers, professors and Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

other staff for purposes of site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
conducting online/offline, workforce only. only. 100% on-site
and flexible classes, capacity as
completion of grades, and determined by DTI.
processing of student
credentials, requirements
and documents.

Lawyers who will provide Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

legal representation site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
necessary to protect rights workforce only. only. 100% on-site
of persons as well as legal capacity as
services for permitted determined by DTI.

All other establishments, Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

to the extent necessary site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
for the buying and selling workforce only. only. 100% on-site
of consumer goods or capacity as
services via the internet. determined by DTI.

Agencies and Allowed with on- Allowed with on-site Allowed with a

instrumentalities of the site skeleton skeleton workforce maximum of 50%to
government. workforce only. only. 100% on-site
capacity as
determined by DTI.


Bars, Concert Halls,
Theaters, etc.


Internet Cafes, Billiard

Halls, Arcades, etc.


Playgrounds, Kiddie Rides



Lottery (Lotto) NOT ALLOWED Temporarily Allowed Temporarily Allowed

under IATF Resolution under IATF
No. 115 Resolution No. 115

Horse Racing with Off- NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Temporarily Allowed
Track Betting (OTB) under IATF
Stations Resolution No. 114

Outdoor Contact Sports, NOT ALLOWED Individual Outdoor Non-Contact

Games, & Scrimmages Exercises like Sports Allowed
Walking, Jogging,
Running, or Biking
are Allowed within the
General Area of their

Indoor Sports Courts & NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%
Venues capacity

Indoor Tourist Attractions NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%


Venues for Meetings, NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%

Conferences, & capacity

Personal Care Services: NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%

Salons, Parlors, Beauty capacity
Clinics, etc.

Outdoor Tourist NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%

Attractions capacity

Specialized Markets of the NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed

DOT (Staycation/DOT-

Indoor Dining NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50%


Outdoor Dining (Al NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 50% Allowed

Fresco) capacity

Religious Activities, NOT ALLOWED Allowed at 10% Allowed at 30%

Wakes, Weddings, Capacity. LGUs may capacity. LGUs may
Baptism increase up to 30% for increase up to 50%
necrological services,
wakes, inurnment,
funerals -- limited to
immediate family
members only.

Interzonal Travel from NOT ALLOWED. NOT ALLOWED. Allowed subject to

NCR+ Areas Interzonal Travel Interzonal Travel destination LGU
limited to APORs limited to APORs only. restrictions.

Interzonal Travel within Movement is Movement is limited to Movement is limited

NCR+ Areas limited to people people accessing to people accessing
accessing essential essential goods, for essential goods, for
goods, for work in work in permitted work in permitted
permitted establishments, or for establishments, or
establishments, or other activities allowed for other activities
for other activities in MECQ. allowed in GCQ.
allowed in ECQ.

Allowed Age Group 18 to 65 years old 18 to 65 years old 18 to 65 years old.

(only when (only when obtaining Fully vaccinated
obtaining essential essential goods & Senior Citizens may
goods & services; services; for work in go out of their
for work in industries & offices or homes subject to
industries & offices such other activities presentation of duly-
or such other permitted). signed COVID-19
activities vaccination cards.

Who are Considered as APORs?

List of Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs) based on the press briefing
conducted by the Presidential Spokesperson on Tuesday, 03 August 2021:

1. Employers and workers involved in essential Manufacturing,

Establishments, Services, and Industries
1. Employers and workers involved in Manufacturing of the following:
 Basic Food Products, Essential Products, Medicine and Medical
Supplies and the entire value chain (raw materials, inputs, including
packaging) of:
 All Food and Beverages
 Essential and Hygiene Products (soap, detergents, shampoo
and conditioner, diapers, feminine hygiene products, tissue,
wipes, toilet papers and disinfectants)
 Medicines and Vitamins
 Medical Products such as PPEs, Masks, Gloves
 Pet Food
 Feed, Fertilizers, and Pesticides
 Equipment or Products necessary to perform construction works
2. Employers and workers of the following Establishments:
 Retail Establishments (Groceries, Supermarkets, Hypermarkets,
Convenience Stores, Public Markets, Pharmacies or Drug Stores,
Hardware Supplies, Office Supplies, Bicycle Shops, and Water
Refilling Services)
 Food preparation establishments insofar as takeout and delivery
 Media Establishments
 Hotels or Similar Establishments accommodating:
 Distressed Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and stranded
Filipino or foreign nationals
 Repatriated OFWs in compliance with approved quarantine
 Non-OFWs who are required to undergo mandatory facility-
based quarantine
 Healthcare workers and other employees
 Printing establishments authorized by the BIR and other
government agencies
 All other establishments necessary for the buying and selling of
consumer goods or services via Internet
3. Employers and workers involved in the following Services:
 Hospital and Medical Clinics, Dental Clinics, and other Health
 Laundry Shops
 Food Preparation and Water Refilling Stations
 Logistics Service Providers (Cargo Handling, Warehousing,
Trucking, Freight Forwarding, and Shipping Lines)
 Power, Energy, Water, Internet Service Providers, Cable Television
Providers, IT and Telecommunications Supplies and Facilities
including their Third Party Contractors and Service Providers
 Delivery Services whether or not eCommerce platform, in-house or
outsourced, Transporting Food, Water, Medicine, Pet Food,
Hardware Products, Basic Necessities and other Products
 Essential and priority construction projects, whether public or
private, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the DPWH
 Public and private financial services providers involved in the
distribution of government grants and amelioration subsidies
 Water Collection, Treatment and Supply
 Waste Colletction, Treatment and Disposal
 Sewerage (except emptying of septic tanks)
 Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment
 Repair and Maintenance of motorized and non-motorized vehicles,
including the sales of spare parts
 Installation of Machinery and Equipment
 Gasoline Stations
 Electricity and Gas Supply
 Postal and Courier Services
 Real Estate
 Repair of Computers and Personal Household Goods
 Other Delivery, Repair and Maintenance, Housing and Office
 Funeral and Embalming
 Veterinary
 Technical Testing and Analysis
 Security and Investigation
 Rental and Leasing (except for entertainment and mass gathering
 Employment (Manpower Services for Essential Activities)
 Public Transport providers and operators
4. Employers and workers engaged in the following Industries:
 Agriculture
 Fisheries
 Forestry
 Mining and Quarrying
 Electronic Commerce companies
 Export-Oriented Companies
 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies with work-from-
home, on-site or near site accommodation, or point-to-point
 Money Transfers, Banks, and Capital Markets
 Micro-Finance Institutions and Credit Cooperatives
 Shipping
 Airlines
2. Other Authorized Persons Outside Residences

1. Officials and employees of all agencies and instrumentalities of the

government, including GOCCs and LGUs
2. Health and Emergency Frontliners
3. Officials and employees of foreign diplomatic missions and international
4. Outbound and Inbound International Passengers and Driver
5. Delivery Personnel of Cargo Vehicles with or without Load (maximum of
6. Employees of Critical Transporation Facilities
7. Construction Workers accredite by the DPWH to work in quarantine
related facilities and government infrastructure projects
8. Those traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons
9. Pastors, Priests, and Imams or such religious ministers whose movement
shall be related to the conduct of necrology or funeral rites
10. Individuals preferably 21 to 59 years old availing essential goods and
11. Teachers, professors, and other staff
12. Lawyers who will provide legal representation
13. Immediate family members of the deceased who died of causes other
than COVID-19

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