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Instructions: Read each pages on how to do this task.
Submission will be March 1, 2021. If you have some questions you
can message me on my facebook account:
Write a narrative text
about a time in your life
when you experienced an
emotion strongly. Try to
give as much detail as
You are a writer of a travel magazine.
The editor of the magazine asks you to write
a travel article that tells about a beautiful
place where one can spend a vacation. Your
task is to write a five-paragraph descriptive
Specific Definition: You are a
medicine student (choice of your profession). You
would like to write about the definition of a
controversial term in your blog(thru writing).
The criteria in assessing your blog are its appeal
to the readers, accuracy of information, and
adherence to the style of format.
Task: You are a sales manager. A
customer sent you an e-mail asking about the
different types of products you sell.
You need to respond to the e-mail indicating the
classification of your products. Your message
must contain the product's category and specific
Task: Typhoon Yolanda took the lives of over
6,300 Filipinos and displaced
thousands of others. Write a text that explains
why there were so many casualties even when
they were warned of a storm surge beforehand by
the officials. Use the cause and effect pattern of
development in writing.
Task: Write a problem – solution essay.
Topic will be about COVID 19 (you could
choose any topics that is relevant to Covid
19, give a description about the topic and
describe what would be the solutions that
could help to solve Covid 19.
You are an editor of a newspaper. You would like to react
strongly to a new government policy in the editorial section
of the newspaper. Your editorial must contain a well-
supported argumentative thesis, and counter-arguments for
opposing view points. It must also encourage a certain course
of action. The criteria in assessing your editorial are its
appeal to the readers, accuracy of information, and
adherence to the style and format.
FOCUS ------ 30 %
CONVENTION ----- 20 %

TOTAL ----- 100 %

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