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Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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A 18/8/2021

Minimum area of reinforcement required; As_min = 0.0013 × h = 325 mm2/m

Area of reinforcement required; As_req = max(As_des, As_min) = 1849 mm2/m
Provide 16 dia bars @ 100 centres
Area of reinforcement provided; As_prov = π × D2 / (4 × s) = 2011 mm2/m
PASS - Support reinforcement is OK
Internal column C1, C2
Consider one and a half bays of negative moment being resisted over the edge and penultimate column
Width of span; B = 7500 mm
Edge distance; e = 125 mm
Depth of reinforcement; d’ = 206 mm
Support moment; m’ = m × i ×(e + B + B / 2) / ((0.5 × B) + (0.2 × B) + e) = 100.014 kNm/m
Lever arm; K’ = 0.402 × (βb – 0.4) – 0.18 × (βb – 0.4)2 = 0.193
K = m’ / (d’2 × fcu) = 0.067
Compression reinforcement is not required
z = min((0.5 + √(0.25 – (K / 0.9))), 0.95) × d’ = 189.2 mm
Area of reinforcement required; As_des = m’ / (z × fy / γm) = 1216 mm2/m
Minimum area of reinforcement required; As_min = 0.0013 × h = 325 mm2/m
Area of reinforcement required; As_req = max(As_des, As_min) = 1216 mm2/m
Provide 16 dia bars @ 150 centres
Area of reinforcement provided; As_prov = π × D2 / (4 × s) = 1340 mm2/m
PASS - Support reinforcement is OK
Corner column A1
Depth of reinforcement; d’ = 212 mm
Total load on column; S = ((Spanx / 2) + ex) × ((Spany / 2) + ey) × Nult = 225 kN
Area of column head; A = lx × ly1 = 0.100 m2
Support moment; m’ = S × (1 – (Nult × A / S)1/3) / 2 = 91.429 kNm/m
Lever arm; K’ = 0.402 × (βb – 0.4) – 0.18 × (βb – 0.4)2 = 0.193
K = m’ / (d’2 × fcu) = 0.058
Compression reinforcement is not required
z = min((0.5 + √(0.25 – (K / 0.9))), 0.95) × d’ = 197.3 mm
Area of reinforcement required; As_des = m’ / (z × fy / γm) = 1066 mm2/m
Minimum area of reinforcement required; As_min = 0.0013 × h = 325 mm2/m
Area of reinforcement required; As_req = max(As_des, As_min) = 1066 mm2/m
Provide 12 dia bars @ 100 centres
Area of reinforcement provided; As_prov = π × D2 / (4 × s) = 1131 mm2/m
PASS - Support reinforcement is OK
Edge column A2, A3
Depth of reinforcement; d’ = 208 mm
Total load on column; S = Spanx × (Spany / 2 + ey) × Nult = 436 kN
Area of column head; A = lx1 × ly = 0.100 m2
Support moment; m’ = S × (1 – (Nult × A / S)1/3) / 5.14 = 72.009 kNm/m
Lever arm; K’ = 0.402 × (βb – 0.4) – 0.18 × (βb – 0.4)2 = 0.193
K = m’ / (d’2 × fcu) = 0.048
Compression reinforcement is not required
z = min((0.5 + √(0.25 – (K / 0.9))), 0.95) × d’ = 196.4 mm

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