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Accepted: 11 October 2016

DOI: 10.1111/ane.12709


Cognitive function in stroke survivors: A 10-­year

follow-­up study

H. Delavaran1,2 | A.-C. Jönsson2,3 | H. Lövkvist1,4 | S. Iwarsson3 | S. Elmståhl3,5 | 

B. Norrving1,2 | A. Lindgren1,2

Department of Clinical Sciences Lund,
Neurology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Objectives: Post-­stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) has considerable impact on pa-
Department of Neurology and tients and society. However, long-­term studies on PSCI are scarce and may be influ-
Rehabilitation Medicine, Skåne University enced by assessment methods and selection bias. We aimed to (i) assess the prevalence
Hospital, Lund, Sweden
3 of long-­term PSCI; (ii) compare two common cognitive assessment instruments; and (iii)
Department of Health Sciences, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden compare cognitive function of long-­term stroke survivors with non-­stroke persons.
Kliniska Studier Sverige - Forum Methods: Mini-­Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Söder, Skåne University Hospital, Lund,
(MoCA) were administered to 10-­year survivors from a population-­based cohort of
Department of Geriatrics, Skåne University first-­ever stroke patients included in the Lund Stroke Register, Sweden, in 2001-­2002.
Hospital, Malmö, Sweden PSCI was defined as MMSE<27 and/or MoCA<25 and severe cognitive impairment as
Correspondence MMSE<23. Age-­ and sex-­matched non-­stroke control subjects who had performed
H. Delavaran, Department of Neurology, MMSE (but not MoCA) were recruited from the longitudinal population study “Good
Skåne University Hospital, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden. Ageing in Skåne.” The odds of having cognitive impairment for stroke survivors com-
Email: pared to controls were examined with logistic regression analyses adjusting for
Funding information education.
This study was supported by Region Skåne, Results: Of 145 stroke survivors after 10 years, 127 participated. MMSE showed PSCI
Lund University, the Swedish Heart and
Lung Foundation, the Freemasons Lodge of in 46%, whereas MoCA displayed PSCI in 61%. Among the stroke survivors with
Instruction EOS in Lund, King Gustaf V’s and MoCA<25, 35% had MMSE≥27 (P<.001). The odds of having severe cognitive impair-
Queen Victoria’s Foundation, the Swedish
Stroke Association, and the Ribbingska ment defined as MMSE<23 were higher among the stroke survivors compared to 354
Foundation in Lund, Sweden. controls (education-­adjusted; OR=2.5; P=.004).
Conclusions: Post-­stroke cognitive impairment was prevalent among 10-­year stroke
survivors, and the odds of having severe cognitive impairment were higher among the
stroke survivors compared to non-­stroke persons. The burden of long-­term PSCI
might have been underestimated previously, and MoCA may be more suitable than
MMSE to detect long-­term PSCI.

cerebrovascular diseases, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, strokes

1 |  INTRODUCTION patients, their families and healthcare resources. PSCI is likely to be-
come a mounting public healthcare challenge as the global burden of
Post-­stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI), ranging from mild cognitive stroke is huge and still growing.4
impairment (MCI) to severe post-­stroke dementia (PSD), is associated The overall prevalence of dementia in people aged ≥60 years
with increased mortality, disability, dependency, institutionalization ranges between 6% and 8% in most regional estimates around the
and higher costs of care.1-3 Thus, PSCI has a considerable impact on world.5 However, there is substantial variation in the previously

Acta Neurol Scand 2016; 1–8 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.  |  1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       DELAVARAN et al.

reported prevalence rates of PSD, ranging between 7% and 41%.6 2001 and February 28, 2002. LSR is a population-­based stroke
When considering the differences in study designs, assessment meth- study covering the catchment area of Skåne University Hospital
ods and case mix, a systematic review showed that 10% of stroke in Lund, Sweden, comprising eight municipalities with a total of
patients had dementia prestroke, an additional 10% developed de- 234 505 inhabitants (December 31, 2001). Multiple overlapping
mentia shortly after stroke, and more than 30% had dementia after sources were used to detect stroke patients, which have been pre-
6 3,7
recurrent stroke. In addition, MCI is at least as frequent as PSD. viously described in depth.21 Stroke was defined by the established
However, most previous studies on cognitive function after stroke World Health Organization criteria.22 Stroke severity at baseline
are based on short-­term follow-­ups. The prevalence and charac- was assessed using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
teristics of PSCI in population-­based groups in a longer perspective, (NIHSS).23
for example at least 10 years after stroke onset is less studied, and
comparisons with non-­stroke individuals are particularly scarce. Two
2.2 | Ten-­year follow-­up and cognitive assessment
previous community-­based studies reported a twofold increased risk
of dementia in long-­term follow-­up after stroke compared to non-­ Follow-­up of all LSR stroke survivors (n=145) was organized 10 years
stroke persons, but one of these studies was retrospective with base- after stroke onset. The follow-­up procedure, as well as sample flow
line assessments performed during 1960-­1984,8 whereas the other from baseline to follow-­up, has been previously described in detail.24
only addressed PSD and not the whole spectrum of PSCI. A more The modified Rankin Scale (mRS; score 0-­5) was used to assess the
recent population-­based study reported a PSCI prevalence of 18% level of disability after 10 years.25 Vascular risk factors registered at
after 10 years post-­event, but no comparison was made to non-­stroke the 10-­year follow-­up comprised hypertension, atrial fibrillation, dia-
persons.10 Up-­to-­date and reliable data on the prevalence and charac- betes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking (current and previ-
teristics of long-­term PSCI is needed for a better understanding of the ous). Risk factors were defined on the basis of previous diagnosis and/
overall burden of stroke and optimized healthcare planning. or ongoing relevant medication. The occurrence of recurrent stroke
Another concern is that various cognitive assessment methods was also registered.
and diagnostic criteria exist, resulting in a lack of consensus on how A cognitive assessment session using MMSE15 and MoCA16 was
to define cognitive impairment. Brief tests of global cognitive performed for each participating 10-­year stroke survivor. Stroke sur-
function are often used for clinical screening purposes and in research vivors were excluded if they were unwilling to participate; if their gen-
studies. The Mini-­Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most eral health condition precluded testing; or if they during the testing
commonly used cognitive screening test worldwide, but was origi- situation were unable to complete the cognitive testing due to severe
nally developed to detect dementia and has several shortcomings, for dysphasia/aphasia, poor vision, or hearing impairment. The order of
example weaknesses in detecting mild cognitive deficits and specific testing was predetermined similar to previous studies, and each ses-
cognitive problems frequently associated with stroke such as exec- sion started with MMSE followed by MoCA.17 Identical tasks on the
utive dysfunction. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) MMSE and MoCA (serial 7s subtraction and orientation questions)
was more recently developed to also detect MCI.16 Previous studies were only executed once. Test details are presented in Table S1.
have demonstrated a higher sensitivity of MoCA over MMSE for MCI The interpretation of the MMSE and MoCA scores was based
and executive function deficits, which suggests that MoCA could be on recently recommended cutoffs derived from validations in stable
more suitable for cognitive assessment in stroke patients.17-20 As cerebrovascular cohorts.11,18,26 Hence, the MMSE scores were in-
long-­term PSCI (≥10 years after stroke) is scarcely studied, it is un- terpreted according to the following recommended cutoffs, defining
clear whether the reported differences in the relative performance cognitive impairment as follows: severe=0-­22 (indicative of demen-
of MMSE and MoCA also hold true for such long-­term post-­stroke tia), mild=23-­26 (indicative of MCI), or none=27-­30 (indicating nor-
assessment. mal cognitive function).11,18,26 The MoCA scores were interpreted
We therefore examined a population-­based group of 10-­year according to the following recommended cutoffs, categorizing cog-
stroke survivors, aiming to (i) assess the prevalence and characteris- nitive impairment as follows: severe=0-­19 (indicative of dementia),
tics of long-­term PSCI, measured with MMSE and MoCA; (ii) compare mild=20-­24 (indicative of MCI), or none=25-­30 (indicating normal
the results from MMSE vs MoCA in long-­term stroke survivors; and cognitive function).11,18,26
(iii) compare cognitive function, as measured with MMSE, between We especially studied specific items of MMSE and MoCA that
long-­term stroke survivors and an age-­ and sex-­matched sample of involve executive functions, that is, the visuoconstruction subtest
non-­stroke persons after adjustment for education. of MMSE and the visuospatial/executive functions subtest of MoCA
which both assess visuoexecutive functioning20; as well as the verbal
fluency and abstraction tasks of MoCA which contain multiple aspects
of executive functions.16
Education level was registered as number of years of formal
2.1 | Sample
schooling and categorized in accordance with the Swedish educa-
Consecutive first-­ever stroke patients (n=416) were included pro- tion system: ≤9 years (grade school), 10-­12 years (high school), and
spectively in the Lund Stroke Register (LSR) between March 1, >12 years (college and/or university).
DELAVARAN et al. |

Among the 127 included stroke survivors, 111 (87.4%) had isch-
2.3 | Control group
emic stroke at baseline, eight (6.3%) intracerebral hemorrhage, and
Non-­stroke control subjects were recruited from “Good Ageing in eight (6.3%) subarachnoid hemorrhage. Median NIHSS at baseline
Skåne” (GÅS), an ongoing longitudinal population study of aging and was 3 (range 0-­27). In total, 17 (13.4%) stroke survivors had recurrent
care that started in 2001.27 The initial GÅS sample consisted of 2931 stroke within 10 years.
individuals. The participants in GÅS are aged ≥60 years, residents of At the 10-­year follow-­up, 96 (75.6%) stroke survivors had no or
southern Sweden and have been included through random selection only slight disability (mRS=0-­2), 17 (13.4%) had moderate disabil-
from the National Population Register.27 ity (mRS=3), and 14 (11.0%) had severe disability (mRS=4-­5). The
For every stroke survivor aged ≥60 years in this study, three distribution of vascular risk factors after 10 years is also shown in
age-­ and sex-­matched non-­stroke controls were selected from the Table 1.
GÅS database by one of the co-­authors (blinded to other details re-
garding the stroke survivors). All controls had performed the same
3.2 | MMSE and MoCA performance of the 10-­year
MMSE version as the stroke survivors. Education level and vascular
stroke survivors
risk factors, as defined above, were also registered for the controls.
The median MMSE score of the 127 stroke survivors was 27 (range
10-­30). Using MMSE, any cognitive impairment (MMSE<27) was
2.4 | Ethics
observed in 58 (45.7%) stroke survivors. Notably, 51 (40.2%) of the
This study was approved by the Regional Ethical Review Board in stroke survivors failed the MMSE visuoconstruction subtest.
Lund, Sweden. Informed consent was obtained from the study partici- The median MoCA score of the 122 stroke survivors who com-
pants or their relatives. pleted the test was 23 (range 4-­30). According to MoCA, 75 (61.5%)
stroke survivors displayed any cognitive impairment (MoCA<25). With
regard to the MoCA items involving executive functions, no less than
2.5 | Statistical analysis
94 (77.0%) stroke survivors had errors in the visuospatial/executive
We graphically visualized and compared the MMSE vs MoCA scores of functions subtest; 74 (60.7%) failed the verbal fluency task; and 69
the stroke survivors by use of a bubble plot.17 McNemar’s test was used (56.6%) had errors in the abstraction task.
to analyze possible discrepancies between MMSE and MoCA at corre- The overall MMSE and MoCA scores of the study participants are
sponding cutoffs (MMSE<27 vs MoCA<25; MMSE<23 vs MoCA<20). summarized in Table 2. Further details on the MMSE and MoCA sub-
Mann-­Whitney’s two-­sample test and Fisher’s exact test were test scores are presented in Tables S2 and S3, respectively.
used for univariate case-­control analyses. We also prespecified and
used simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression analy-
3.3 | Comparison of MMSE with MoCA
ses, adjusting for the possible confounding effect of number of years
of education,14 to assess the odds of having any cognitive impair- Among the 122 stroke survivors who completed both tests, MMSE
ment (MMSE<27) as well as severe cognitive impairment (MMSE<23) scores were skewed toward higher values (median 27, interquartile
among the stroke survivors compared to the controls. range 25-­29) compared to MoCA (median 23, interquartile range
P-­values <.05 were considered significant. All statistical calcula- 19-­26).
tions were performed using SPSS software (version 22, released 2013; In total, 49 (40.2%) stroke survivors were classified as cognitively
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). impaired by both tests (MMSE<27 and MoCA<25). Of 75 (61.5%)
stroke survivors with MoCA<25, 26 had normal MMSE. Conversely,
only four stroke survivors with normal MoCA scored MMSE<27.
3 | RESULTS These discrepancies reached statistical significance (McNemar’s test,
Of the 145 stroke survivors after 10 years, 127 (87.6%) were included With regard to severe cognitive impairment (MoCA<20;
in this study (Figure 1). All included stroke survivors completed the MMSE<23), 35 (28.7%) stroke survivors scored MoCA<20 of whom
testing with MMSE, and 122 (96.1%) also completed the MoCA (five 16 had MMSE≥23. Only two stroke survivors with MMSE<23 scored
stroke survivors declined the subsequent MoCA testing). A total of MoCA≥20. These discrepancies also reached statistical significance
354 controls were included. (McNemar’s test, P=.001). Figure 2 illustrates the comparison of

3.1 | Demographics and clinical characteristics

3.4 | MMSE performance of the 10-­year stroke
The stroke survivors had a higher educational attainment (median
survivors vs controls
8.5 years, range 5-­20) than the controls (median 7 years, range 4-­20;
Mann-­Whitney’s two-­sample test, P=.015). Details on demographics The odds of having severe cognitive impairment defined as MMSE<23
are presented in Table 1. were higher among stroke survivors as compared to controls (crude
4       DELAVARAN et al.

F I G U R E   1   Patient flowchart

OR=1.75; 95% CI: 1.00-­3.05; P=.048). The odds of having severe Regarding visuoexecutive functioning, univariate analysis showed
cognitive impairment were even higher among the stroke survivors that 50 (42.4%) stroke survivors failed the visuoconstruction subtest
when adjusting for education with multiple logistic regression analysis compared to 57 (16.1%) controls (Fisher’s exact test, P<.001).
(OR=2.48; 95% CI: 1.34-­4.59; P=.004). No such difference was seen
between the stroke survivors and the controls with regard to the odds
of having any cognitive impairment defined as MMSE<27 (education-­ 4 | DISCUSSION
adjusted; OR=1.03; 95% CI: 0.66-­1.60; P=.91). Table 3 displays the
simple and multiple logistic regression analyses, assessing the odds of Our study provides new population-­based data demonstrating a high
having impaired MMSE performance among the stroke survivors as prevalence of PSCI (46% according to MMSE and 61% according
compared to the controls. to MoCA) among 10-­year stroke survivors, and that visuoexecutive
DELAVARAN et al. |

T A B L E   1   Demographics and vascular

Stroke survivors Control subjects
risk factors at 10-­year follow-­up
a b
(n=127) (n=118) (n=354)
Sex, n (%)
Men 73 (57.5) 66 (55.9) 198 (55.9)
Women 54 (42.5) 52 (44.1) 156 (44.1)
Age (years)
Median (range) 77 (27-­93) 78 (60-­93) 78 (60-­93)
Categories, n (%)
<60 9 (7.1) 0 0
60-­69.9 29 (22.8) 29 (24.6) 80 (22.6)
70-­79.9 39 (30.7) 39 (33.1) 116 (32.8)
80-­89.9 43 (33.9) 43 (36.4) 137 (38.7)
≥90 7 (5.5) 7 (5.9) 21 (5.9)
Education (years)
Median (range) 9 (5-­20) 8.5 (5-­20) 7 (4-­20)
Categories, n (%)
≤9 68 (53.5) 67 (56.8) 236 (66.7)
10-­12 20 (15.7) 17 (14.4) 52 (14.7)
>12 33 (26.0) 29 (24.6) 45 (12.7)
Vascular risk factors, n (%)
Hypertension 97 (76.4) 94 (79.7) 34 (9.6)
Atrial fibrillation 30 (23.6) 30 (25.4) 45 (12.7)
Diabetes mellitus 25 (19.7) 23 (19.5) 27 (7.6)
Hypercholesterolemia 76 (59.8) 72 (61.0) 47 (13.3)
Smoking (current and previous) 71 (55.9) 67 (56.8) 169 (47.7)
All 10-­year stroke survivors included.
All 10-­year stroke survivors aged ≥60 years and for whom controls were available.

deficits can be observed among no less than 77% of this group of MoCA. Our data indicate a ceiling effect with MMSE, as a large pro-
stroke survivors. The odds of having severe cognitive impairment de- portion of stroke survivors with normal MMSE were classified as cog-
fined as MMSE<23 were 2.5 times higher among 10-­year stroke sur- nitively impaired by MoCA (Figure 2A). Additionally, MoCA classified
vivors as compared to the controls. higher proportions of stroke survivors across all levels of cognitive
The prevalence of PSCI long-­term after stroke has been scarcely impairment, including severe cognitive impairment (Figure 2B). Also,
studied, and the definitions of which levels of cognitive impairment a larger proportion of stroke survivors displayed impaired visuoexec-
to include vary, and are not always explicit. In a recent population-­ utive functioning with MoCA. It should be acknowledged that in the
based study from the South London Stroke Register, the prevalence absence of a more comprehensive neuropsychological test battery, the
of PSCI (defined as MMSE<24 or Abbreviated Mental Test<8) was es- accuracy of MMSE and MoCA against a gold standard could not be
timated at 18% after 10 years post-­event.10 When applying the same determined in our study. Moreover, we could not determine whether
MMSE cutoff, our results were similar (MMSE<24; 23%). Even though the MoCA results differed more than the MMSE results when com-
MMSE<24 has high specificity and good sensitivity for detecting mod- paring stroke survivors and controls because MoCA had not been
erate/severe cognitive impairment,12 it has low sensitivity for MCI.18 assessed in the latter group. Even so, we could compare MMSE and
In fact, MMSE has relatively low sensitivity for MCI even at higher MoCA results within the group of long-­term stroke survivors and sim-
cutoffs such as MMSE<27. Consequently, many cases with MCI may ilar comparisons among short-­term stroke survivors without inclusion
not have been included in the South London Stroke Register estimate. of control subjects have been reported, as well as studies comparing
In contrast, MoCA<25 detects MCI with high sensitivity and accept- the relative performance of MMSE and MoCA regarding different cog-
able specificity.18 Hence, by including the entire range from MCI to nitive domains, for example, visuoexecutive functioning.11,17,18,20,28
severe PSD, our findings suggest that PSCI among 10-­year stroke sur- The studies reported that the relative performance of MMSE and
vivors may be more prevalent than previously estimated. MoCA depends on the type/degree of cognitive impairment aimed to
Our findings also highlight the differences between two exten- be detected.11,12,18,28 Both tests have been shown to perform simi-
sively used screening tests of global cognition, that is, MMSE and larly in detecting dementia/multidomain MCI, whereas MMSE has a
6       DELAVARAN et al.

T A B L E   2   Cognitive assessment results

Stroke survivors Control subjects
of study participants
Mini-­Mental State Examination (MMSE) (n=127)a (n=118)b (n=354)
Cognitive impairment, n (%)
None (score 27-­30) 69 (54.3) 63 (53.4) 179 (50.6)
Mild (score 23-­26) 34 (26.8) 32 (27.1) 132 (37.3)
Severe (score 0-­22) 24 (18.9) 23 (19.5) 43 (12.1)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) (n=122)c
Cognitive impairment, n (%)
None (score 25-­30) 47 (38.5) –­
Mild (score 20-­24) 40 (32.8) –­
Severe (score 0-­19) 35 (28.7) –­
All 10-­year stroke survivors included.
All 10-­year stroke survivors aged ≥60 years and for whom controls were available.
All 10-­year stroke survivors who completed MoCA.

F I G U R E   2   Bubble plot illustrating the Mini-­Mental State Examination (MMSE) vs the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores among
the 10-­year stroke survivors (n=122). Dark-­shaded bubbles represent stroke survivors with divergent classifications by MMSE and MoCA. (A)
The vertical and horizontal dashed lines illustrate the cutoffs for any cognitive impairment defined by MMSE score <27 and MoCA score <25,
respectively. (B) The vertical and horizontal dashed lines show the cutoffs for severe cognitive impairment defined by MMSE score <23 and
MoCA score <20, respectively

T A B L E   3   Odds for the presence of cognitive impairment as evaluated by Mini-­Mental State Examination (MMSE) among 118 10-­year stroke
survivors compared to 354 non-­stroke control subjects

Any cognitive impairment (MMSE score <27) Severe cognitive impairment (MMSE score <23)

OR 95% CI P-­value OR 95% CI P-­value

Logistic regression model

Simple (stroke only) 0.89 0.59-­1.36 .60 1.75 1.00-­3.05 .048
Multiple (stroke+education) 1.03 0.66-­1.60 .91 2.48  1.34-­4.59  .004 

relatively low sensitivity for single-­domain MCI and a distinct ceiling previously reported differences in the relative performance of MMSE
effect.11,12,18 Furthermore, it has been reported that MoCA is superior and MoCA and suggest that MoCA may be more suitable than MMSE
to MMSE in detection of visuoexecutive abnormalities, which contrib- to assess PSCI long-­term after stroke. However, from a clinical point
utes to more variation in overall MoCA scores compared to MMSE, and of view, the preferred cognitive assessment instrument also depends
higher overall sensitivity for vascular cognitive impairment related to on the purpose of testing, and particularly the level/degree of cogni-
cerebrovascular disease.20,26 Taken together, our findings support the tive impairment aimed to be detected. It should also be emphasized
DELAVARAN et al. |

that both MMSE and MoCA are screening tests of global cognitive and MoCA have shown acceptable accuracy in detecting PSCI and are
function, and scorings on MMSE or MoCA are guidance tools support- widely used.11,12,18,28,33 Nevertheless, the cognitive testing performance
ing the clinician in the decision whether to perform further cognitive may have been confounded by frequent post-­stroke sequelae such as
evaluations, rather than providing a diagnosis. neglect, apraxia, agnosia, or mild-­to-­moderate language impairments,
In our study, the stroke survivors had a higher educational level as these deficits were not assessed.34 In particular, such undetected
than the controls, possibly because of slightly different geographical deficiencies in larger network functions may negatively have impacted
uptake areas. When adjusting for this, the odds of having severe cog- the performance on the visuoexecutive subtests with subsequent lower
nitive impairment defined as MMSE<23 were 2.5 times higher among scoring results. Also, age-­ and education-­corrected MMSE and MoCA
the stroke survivors as compared to the controls. This finding supports cutoffs derived from normative data could have been used instead of
previous reports of an increased risk of dementia long-­term after predefined cutoffs,35,36 but attempts to increase sensitivity with this
stroke compared to non-­stroke persons. We further found that 10-­ method generally decrease specificity and vice versa.14 In addition, the
year stroke survivors performed worse on the MMSE visuoconstruc- order of cognitive testing may have influenced the results as the two
tion subtest compared to controls, suggesting a higher prevalence of tests were not presented in a counterbalanced order across study par-
visuoexecutive deficits. This is consistent with previous studies with ticipants. In particular, as MoCA was always performed after MMSE, fa-
shorter-­term follow-­ups reporting that visuoexecutive abnormalities tigue may have negatively impacted the MoCA scorings even though we
are common among TIA/stroke patients.20 We also noted that the tried to reduce this effect by keeping assessment sessions brief.
MMSE word recall subtest scoring of the controls was surprisingly low We prespecified to deliberately omit vascular risk factors, possibly
(Table S2). There was no clear explanation for this, and we believe this associated with cognitive impairment,6 from our multivariate analy-
probably represents a random finding. Altogether, clinical follow-­ups sis because we did not aim to examine specific predictors of PSCI.
and vigilance for cognitive impairment seem warranted also long-­term Furthermore, previous studies have shown that depression is frequent
after stroke. among long-­term stroke survivors.37,38 Therefore, the fact that we did
not formally screen and subsequently adjust for depression may have
influenced our results, possibly causing an overestimation of PSCI in
4.1 | Methodological aspects
our study. However, a previous study reported that neither depres-
Strengths of this study include the prospective population-­based de- sion nor anxiety, as measured on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
sign, the description of non-­participating stroke survivors, the Scale, were significantly correlated with the overall scores on the
cognitive assessment of stroke survivors with two different instru- MMSE or MoCA short-­term after stroke.28 Finally, as discussed above,
ments, and the comparison to non-­stroke controls. However, some the controls had not performed MoCA, and comparisons in MoCA
methodological aspects merit mentioning. performance between the 10-­year stroke survivors and controls may
As prestroke cognitive function was not assessed, the degree to possibly have yielded other differences in cognitive function between
which the measured PSCI was secondary to stroke vs to pre-­existing these two groups than those found by MMSE.
impairment could not be established. Still, this does not invalidate the In conclusion, PSCI with executive dysfunction is prevalent among
overall PSCI measurement. Besides, patients with prestroke cognitive 10-­year stroke survivors. The odds of having severe cognitive impair-
impairment are less likely to survive 10 years post-­stroke.31 Also, the ment are higher among 10-­years stroke survivors as compared to non-­
cognitive function of the stroke survivors was not assessed at base- stroke control persons. Our findings indicate that the prevalence of
line, and therefore, we could not describe temporal changes of their long-­term PSCI might have been underestimated previously and also
cognitive function during the 10 years after stroke. On the other hand, suggest that MoCA may be more suitable than MMSE to assess PSCI
our comparison with matched non-­stroke individuals indicates that long-­term after stroke.
the prevalence and characteristics of cognitive impairment in 10-­year
stroke survivors differ from a control group. AC KNOW L ED G EM ENTS
Stroke survivors not available for assessment or unable to perform
We thank Björn Hansen for assistance in preparing the figures.
MMSE and MoCA (12%; Figure 1), as well as possible selective attri-
tion due to death before the 10-­year follow-­up, may have caused un-
derestimation of PSCI in our study.30-32 The estimated prevalence of CO NFL I C TS O F I NT ER ES T
PSCI may also have been influenced by recurrent strokes. It has previ-
ously been reported that recurrent stroke is an independent predictor
of PSCI, with prevalence rates of PSD being around three times as high
after recurrent stroke compared with first-­ever stroke.6 However, this
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8       DELAVARAN et al.

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