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Bài tập về nhà về mạo từ trong tiếng Anh

Dạng 1: Điền mạo từ a/an/the hoặc dấu “x” vào ô trống

Câu 1:  _____ sun is shining all over the garden, I feel _____ peace in my soul.

Câu 2: _____ cat is climbing up the tree over there, I think maybe it’s trying to catch _____

Câu 3: Our family decided to hold _____ party at Tolus restaurant because it was
considered as _____ place with landscape and quality service.

Câu 4: If you look through the telescope, you can see millions of stars glittering brightly in
_____ space.

Câu 5: Do not disturb me while I am working in the room. Please contact me after _____

Câu 6: Our family is looking for _____ place where there are many trees, green nature.
Because my wife loves to enjoy _____ freshness of nature.

Câu 7: Very sorry for bothering you but now it is raining heavily, please help me bring
down _____ umbrella to welcome guess.

Câu 8: Did you add some hot pepper to _____ pot? Because I feel it is very spicy compared
to the original tasting.

Câu 9: _____ orange on the table is gone and I don’t think anyone stole it.

Câu 10: _____ year ago, there was a catastrophic bus accident, but fortunately many
passengers survived.

Câu 11: No one realized _____ flaws of this project so they were immediately
implemented. This has led to serious consequences for _____ company.

Câu 12: Every morning my wife would wake up at _____ quarter past six to prepare
breakfast for the whole family.

Câu 13: Although my mother originally planned to buy 1 kilogram of apple for baking, she
later bought only half _____ kilogram of apples and _____ half of strawberry.

Câu 14: Jane and her husband have a honeymoon in _____ Hawaii which is considered the
paradise of creation.
Câu 15: We received _____ SOS signal appearing right here in this city, please connect the
support team there immediately.

Câu 16: Look at the man standing by the window. He is _____ European and the most
successful businessman there.

Câu 17: According to a recent study, fast food is _____ favorite food among young people.
And this causes a health emergency of future generations.

Câu 18: _____ Adam family has moved here since 1 year ago. And according to
information from _____ neighbors, they are very friendly and kind people.

Câu 19: _____ rich often live a luxurious, extravagant lifestyle and they rarely want to give
anyone anything.

Câu 20: Unfortunately, there’s only _____ egg in the fridge so we don’t have enough
ingredients to make a cake.

Câu 21: In _____ 1990s, there were many famous music lines with the famous singers. One
of them is Michael Jackson, who is known as _____ POP legend.

Câu 22: _____ number of employees in our company is up to _____ thousand, so we plan

to move half of the number to our new branch.

Câu 23: There are _____ lot of flowers in the garden, so you can enjoy and choose a
favorite flower as a topic.

Câu 24: _____ woman who is cooking is my older sister. You met her before at my
birthday party last year.

Câu 25: _____ Shark are known as the king of the sea. They scare every living thing in the
water, but sometimes cause accidents to humans.

Câu 26: _____ pair of lovers enjoying a romantic evening on _____ yacht. I think they
must be very rich to be able to enjoy that wonderful feeling.

Câu 27: Our family often has dinner and movies together on _____ weekend. Although I
am very busy at work, I always try to organize everything so I can enjoy time with my

Câu 28: _____ third of my income goes to charity because I always want to help many
poor people in life. It is also the ideal of life that I always strive for.
Câu 29: My boss is on a business trip to Singapore for _____ week and plans to start his
flight tomorrow. So if you need to contact him, tell me right away.

Câu 30: Hurry up! We can catch ______ last train in 10 minutes.

Dạng 2: Điền mạo từ a, an, the thích hợp vào ô trống

Câu 1: The laptop is _____ useful device for business trips far or neat to transport. You
should buy a laptop instead of expensive handbags.

Câu 2: Titanic is _____ excellent film with impressive scenes, romantic storylines, and
lines that go deep into people’s hearts.

Câu 3: Jane has prepared _____ special performance to celebrate _____ new school year.
We are all looking forward to her because she’s the best in the school.

Câu 4: Jack told me that he will conduct _____ market survey tomorrow so everyone
should fully prepare what he needs

Câu 5: _____ umbrella is set in my desk, which I think John has left here just in case it
rains I don’t bring _____ umbrella.

Câu 6: Sally is _____ very familiar customer of our store because she goes shopping 3
times _____ week on average. I have seen her so many times.

Câu 7: Let me remind you once again that everyone please turn off _____ lights, fully air
conditioning before leaving your office.

Câu 8: This is my first time traveling in Paris, please show me how to get to _____ bus

Câu 9: We need _____ table big enough to prepare for the company’s anniversary party, so
please come and measure _____ length needed to design it.

Câu 10: You emailed me too late so please give me _____ hour to complete them. I will
contact you as soon as everything is ready.

Câu 11: Have you ever heard of _____ mermaid story? I have seen a lot of books and
studied them because it is _____ fascinating subject.

Câu 12: _____ earth is getting warmer because humans are destroying it with such
reproachful actions: deforestation, illegal hunting, littering, etc.

Câu 13: Her husband had _____ accident just before _____ engagement ceremony took
place. That’s why even now she’s single and misses him.
Câu 14: Cullen plans to move to London after graduating from university in _____ US.
Because he wishes to live near his parents and take care of them.

Câu 15: There are _____ lot of different style clothes so you can freely choose with each
style for yourself.

Câu 16: Candy loves to eat pizza at _____ French restaurant because its taste is very rich
and feels different than other restaurants.

Câu 17: I bought _____ car two months ago and since then I have often taken my family on
trips and camping in places farther from _____ city.

Câu 18: Would you like to visit _____ place we first dated? Now it’s very different from
before, I think you will be very impressed with that place.

Câu 19: No one knows who that woman is but I’m sure she’s _____ wealthy aristocrat
because her dress is stylish.

Câu 20: Bobby is _____ name of the dog I just adopted. It is _____ Alaskan dog so it has
very smooth fur.

Câu 21: There are many tourists visiting _____ museum today so please enhance _____
security of this area.

Câu 22: I usually go to work at 6 o’clock in _____ morning so my mom always prepares
food to take with me.

Câu 23: Charlie doesn’t like watching movies at home because it’s boring. So usually she
goes to _____ movies with her friends in _____ theater.

Câu 24: The entrance fee for the game site is quite expensive, so we decided to go for
_____ walk instead.

Câu 25: I often have to go on business twice _____ month so I don’t have much time for
my family.

Câu 26: _____ elephant has been injured after _____ bushfire in the tourist area so I
suggest we increase the protection and care of the animals here.

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