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Class 10 Project work 2021-22

English Literature Project 2021-22 Class 10

Topics :

Drama- 500words

1) Discuss how the trial scene reveals a conflict between justice and mercy. Is the conflict
resolved? If so how?
2) Conventional stereo typical women in Shakespeare's society were submissive
and powerless. How do the female characters of 'The Merchant of Venice' defy that
age? Compare and contrast to the women of the 21st century.

Poetry - 500words

1) With Reference to the poem ‘Daffodils’ highlight the themes and discuss how nature is a
blessing and needs to be preserved.
2) Discuss Robert Browning’s ‘The Patriot’ as a dramatic monologue. What is your perspective
about the end of the poem and how can you justify it considering current situations in life

Fiction - 500words

1) Write a review on the story 'The Little match Girl' by Hans Christian Andersen points to be
covered in the review:

2) We all need an angel in our life with reference to the story ‘An Angel in Disguise’ by T. S. Arthur
describe how the story reflects upon selfless love and the role played by Mrs and Mr Thompson.

Instructions :

● Project should be completed till 10th of September

● Name, Class ,Section ,Roll number should be mentioned on the cover page.
● Students will choose anyone topic from each section. ( total three topic. s
● Maximum number of pages 26.
● 500 words per topic
● Caption the relevant photos pasted
● The following order is to be maintained:
#Introduction (overall introduction to be given)

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