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 MySql Installation

Follow the steps mentioned below to install MySql.

Step 1: Go to the official website of MySQL using the link and click on MySQL Community (GPL)
Downloads(in the bottom).

Database Management System DBMS Rooman Technologies

Step 2: Once you click on MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads, this window
pops up. Now select MySQL Installer for Windows.

Step 3: Next, there are two options available to download the setup. Select the
second one and click on download.

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Step 4: Once you select the second option, this window opens up. Click on No
thanks, just start my download.

Step 5: After downloading the setup, open the downloaded file

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Step 6: Once you open the file, this window pops up. click on run

Step 7: Once you click on run, it will give the following screen.

Step 8: In the next step choose the Setup Type. There are several types available,
and you need to choose the appropriate option to install MySQL product and
features. Here, we are going to select the Full option and click on the Next button.

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Step 9: It will now give you an option to change the directory, but here we shall
use the exisiting one, so click on next.

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Step 10: Once we click on the Next button, it may give information about some
features that may fail to install on your system due to a lack of requirements.
We can resolve them by clicking on the Execute button that will install all
requirements automatically or can skip them. Now, click on the Next button.

Step 11: In the next stepwe will see a dialog box that asks for our confirmation
of a few products not getting installed. Here, we have to click on the Yes button.

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Step 12: Once we click on the Yes button, we will see the list of the products
which are going to be installed. So, if we need all products, click on the Execute

Step 13: Once we click on the Execute button, it will download and install all
the products. After completing the installation, click on the Next button.

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Step 14: we need to configure the MySQL Server and Router. Now, click on
the Next button.

Step 15: When you click on the Next button, you can see the screen below.
Here, we have to configure the MySQL Server. Now, choose the Standalone
MySQL Server/Classic MySQL Replication option and click on Next.

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Step 16: In the next screen, the system will ask you to choose the Config Type
and other connectivity options. Here, we are going to select the Config Type as
'Development Machine' and Connectivity as TCP/IP, and Port Number is 3306,
then click on Next.

Step 17: In this step, select the Authentication Method as first option and click
on Next.

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Step 18: Now choose a password for the root account(you can set as root).
Please note the password download and keep it securely as the same password
will be used while establishing connection with server.

Step 19: In this step a window pops up with Windows service details including
Windows Service Name and account type, then click Next button to continue.

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Step 20 : Now click on execute option to configure MySQL database server.

Step 21:In the next screen, you can see that the Product Configuration is
completed. click on the Finish button to complete the MySQL package

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Step 22: In the next window , it will configure the products. Click on the Next

Step 23: In the next window , we can choose to configure the Router. So click
Finish and then click the Next button.

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Step 24: In the next step ,we will see the Connect to Server option. Here, we
have to mention the root password, which we had set in the previous steps 18.
Enter the password and click on check, once connection is succeeded, click on

Step 25: In this window, Click on execute and finish

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Step 26: Click on next

Step 27: Now, the MySQL installation is complete. Click on the Finish button.

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Verify MySQL installation
Once MySQL has been successfully installed, the base tables have been
initialized, and the server has been started, you can verify its working via some
simple tests.

Open your MySQL Command Line Client(Click on windows and search mysql
command line); it should have appeared with a mysql> prompt.
If you have set any password, write your password here(ex:root).
Now, you are connected to the MySQL server, and you can execute all the SQL
command at mysql> prompt as shown below.

You can aslo connect to mysql server via command prompt by using the
command mysql -u username -p.
If you press enter, it will ask you to enter password, enter password.
(we have set username:root and password:root)
Once the connection is established, it will give you a welcome message as
shown below.

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If you are not able to establish connection and get a message as shown below.
then we have to now set the path.

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Steps to set the path:

Step1: Right Click on this pc and select properties, click on Advanced System

Step2: click on Environmemnt variables

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Step 3:Double click on path

Step 4: click on new

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Step 5: Now go to Cdrive>program files and enter into mysql folder

Step 6: Click on mysql server 8.0

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Step 7: Click on bin and copy the path on top(C:\Program
Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin)

Step 8: Now paste that path in this section shown below and click on ok on all

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Step 9: NOW open command prompt and enter the same command
mysql -u username -p. If you press enter, it will ask you to enter password, enter
(we have set username:root and password:root)

After setting the path, you will now be getting the message as shown above
indicating Mysql is susccesfully installed and connection is established

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