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Name Soham vpadhyay Seat no: 3108t

Co4 FYLUB (sem 2 Subject: family L - 1

Questicn Set
1 Ezplain dife rent yper at Coils
Ans: ef1nition and m4a0ing ot will

A oilis dehned b Sectin Ch)' of he adian

Successiom Aet a the egol de claraticn of he
intenthen o a testa tor tah respetto his p perty
hich he daire) be Coied meefkect after
his deata:
In HolsburyLO of Eaglond, a wiil is
defned " the declaation aprescibed
monaêr ofhe nkenHon ef the ersenmang it,
wih aardto motte Cahichhe ishes e taxe
EHect upm r atter his deat
JaTMan deinesawill0 on înshumenb by
twhich persoamaxesa a dirposithon of his proper
to taxeeffectOfler his deceoseand Conich ir m is
oun noure1evooble dung his life

BDiffereot types otwils are 0und

Priviliged ond unpmáliged wius

As per se cion 6S oHe adian. Suste.ssi.on Acs, 192S, -

iiliged wills ore. tose mace by

aSoldiereMpl0jed inan eniediton eT engoged
n. actol warkouve O Y
b) anoirmon empioyed mane«pecdbkn
engaged achual tave or
Cc)an menev.ben Ot Sea
Proided he hos (ompeted
eighteen Jeavs
HL OHmer wills Qre Led un philiged i l S ,
Teuive Hhe rejc6ed formaies to e compteted
Com pi ed ith
HoLdevev, he Section bS above doe not ppl
Hindu Budd hist .Sich eY Jain:
Onenglish Cae a soldier Cvent k his
So icitor and hStnuctedhm e mee a will.
Hewever, befare the i Could be pre pored,He
Soldier Cuos Shot dead. the Court heid 4at
the soldier Cos not engaedmattuatortore
he o s Haerefore not ented p moRe apiih ged
wilt Cdn:the ciestakeot Anderson1I4)..
Thus,a SoldherCohlte. 1n bamcns 0nd an
airman on Aand would net be enhtied more
poviliged. wil The term meher is Os tide epveshm
Whichinclude. a1 Seamen femhe Ceptan e e
Coo,poided he ome QtSea
As Tegcarda unsligedills thereare e
is made by perrens other en Soidierr,Cimen
and manes vefemed above

i)Huncupohve Or Oral Ciu

An ral r nuncupathve will. is Oneohich has

been declaved he person manhgitm he
by pvese n ce
of oitnesses. he ndian Suttession Aet,192s, does n0t
o nde for he marh4 at Such wits
extept m he
Coe of Sb1dievs, Sailorsand airmen Cpmi Kged
which Coe', he
in number of Such Cit nesses hos
been Speci Bed and the other mditi»ns hove beeo laid doun
me burden ot p r o o f oejiablishihg an O
oturally 4ude heovy andSuch aperion
havt e p1oveha ecact Cwordh ot

This îS a will n t e o _ mthe eSte loy S 0wn

îsmcludea m hédeßhiien
handSuch a Ci
w i l unde the At the tè(t
otan unpnv,liged
ht he esto tor ho3 Cwnttenthe wit m his
CDuldalso ga ShotwHhat
O twn hand wnihng
he 0 Auly aware andons Cou of mKih9

Suh aCill
it, however, the w i l isOne wnten
not by the estator, but by egatee whoge
C SubstanialbeneHt n der he , this fect
Mut QDuge Hhe Suspicion
ShouLdbe Agilont and zeal0 of ensuvng Hhet
docuument_does epressthe ue i l o of
e deceased. CGnana soundor V. Chinammmall, (20c0-2)

v) hePA cioww

An inetSdow C is C ii1 Cohio is no1

afechcn n d
mm ceeping- Cuih he tetakor natuai
-mora duty 0y neve eSta (r_be uea ths a u h u

veerty ranger., t e ompek eeclusiom of

hs ik lora husbond), his childfen ond oter
veahves. Such a CL aperkcHy egu will, pvobided
a he otLer requircmens ot a »dl ave fuibned.
o t t e r words, a Wal is not mvolid nly C
he ground thot e t e s t a torhos Showered
his hountyon Sangerse e tal eclus G
of mem bers of hi Cwn fanil
t_hos been held that neitherhe hdian
SuceSsinHet ner thhe indu Sutessien et
ho ut n yeiChan onHe powe o
authorty o atest or e give a legaoy.
persopafessing ony h e r yentgion.Jcm uneb
VSuren dra eumarALR G0S P 174)

U ut oT Reciporal wills

Twa ersens areSaid o MaKe Muuo Cwi

LJhen hey (onter ecigio.cubeneit upo eath
othe Cnder their ui1: ether word a
muta il S ne o teo CwillS Made by
two perSesgivg eaoh 9Her. Simiiarigks m
eaoh Her pnaper.hy 0 When: A bequeaHh
aLL ths pvopertyila 8 and 8 mge owilL
gi all h propery e A .
Nomaiy a wi ixre voxed by the Maioge
o t ihmxerbut m Cose of Mutua 1 i s e
Mamage ot one of hem does net Yevoe e i
othe oher.
e peclianty ot mutual uils isthet the
be come me vo o ble otter te death Of one of Hhem,
f the llothng ondiHorS:0e S«hrhed:
(C) theSusivorshs Yetevedbene o He
deceosed undtr hemuual wilsand
(b) theve was On OgeementbeHweenhe tuwo kst
that they Sha not Vevoke ther Yes pechue Is
lualwils, Sonehs alSo ed e cal Cw i1

aVe diferent from n t ill dejcmbirg o

C he adechve "mutue orreci prea is
Csed to emp hojise and denole the n kattual
Suth a wl rom
elemeat6Which distmmguishes
a ht Cill Ckuppuswomi v. Perumal. AIR
M6 Mad 21)

V Joint will
Ta Halhury's Laws ot faglend. a joint oill is
detmed as a w made by tuo lor meve) tesratovs
(onta nedina Single decum ent duy eKecukd
eachtetatoy and dhsposing o t either therSepera
Properiesor theiront pe pertty The mei
(oMMn etaple tSuch C willisCne
made by a huibond ond h i suife, disposmg
of ther property under onejontiu:
La iL made b y tup ersons i s
not Comsidered be a Single lL Tn effect,
onsH tules touo wis and on the death_ of
ea ch testator it operotes o a Caiu of Such
a testator dsposing of OtonSeperaeproperky
There fove, n de.atth f one teStotovSucha i
Can bedmitted to pobak 0 he wilt ot Such
teStatoY ond On the death of Hhe Suriavor, it
i be Cadmitted to pa bale 0the wi of Such
+estator and On the death of the Suivor,ît w
be acmitted epo bate 0 the dispoSiH on of the
Properkyof he SuvivoHooJever, ajomt iu relahhy
jomt proer Cny Ctn bePveved Cnly CnHhe deoth
of Hhe Suravor.
and cme of
nento persens mae ojamtCwl
Hhem de the Sunaor Conevore his i unie
n e h o toeen Seme benefit under the wilL O
deceed (6-festator (MmaKshi v. Vishtwanetha,

vii (ntin gentar mdihonal wiu

A WLmay be made Comhnget_upm He

happeni Aq of an event So Hhat if Hhe
doe not happern the wi ho no effe ct: Thus,
then a CillCOnteined Hhetollecwng clau
ShouldQngthmg hapen ko me dunhgmPasag.
dales r dung mStay
heidebeaConditomal wil Suoha wiltexe
effett nlyif the genay hopaensiHe.
hnqonoedoesnot happeA, h e i l l _ i s n e t entitied

p prabate Similarly, a i l l my made

Condi-tonal On he 049eAt of hird erren,
and Such awil Cuould be enbtted apvebale
Suoh0ent hosbeen gven.

Uii)Duptiat Cuil:
Adup1i.cate ill S One OLnichtwo b mOve
Copies ore made t Such 0 o p y r Sizmed by the
tes tatoviton operahe 0 the0vima wit: neve
aill.sececuted m dupiicae, one ofcohich the
testato yetains, Cile the then deponikd m the
Cuylody o t @nother the detruhn by Hhe teta kar
of te illOhich a s merta tor pessei, vev Res_
he cwill
Vill byMinordunaHc, c

A Wi x void if ade by amor, a e vSn

of unsaund mndor C deafdumb o blind pevsn
who doe net_ Cwhot he s doing by it

( lett Caused by traud, (o ercion Qte

A Caiilr vid it icreakd byaud-
Coerdonr bySuch impectunity0 4eneS1 Qtay
the eeageny ofthe testator

Gil Oro pvilged will

a f e rmaanga pyviiged (will by uevd

mout he testa to ives ter nôYe Han0ne_mc0 Hh,-

aftertht testater ho ceoJed e 2 idaeted

entitted bmaseIa priligedCiuSuchca
priili9ed i be cOMes Void

(xi) UNcertainCill:

A wiL vsid also i t it is uncertain thot

isnot c.¥e SsiVe OnM definite mtention ot
e tstator.
d Erplain provisicns relchng to 9uordiun.Ship ,Acknotlt dgmtnt
of PatAity and maintnone under Musim Law

Aas:A kîmd of uaviionshlp under MuSlim la

Muio latw ecegnisestou Emdh of 9guardlanShips

Guovdianship in mawi age
GuavdisnShip _ot Hhe personof aminor for uio dy
and e diucation hisanat)
3 u1danship ot the preper of a minor
4 Te)t+aMeAka guOVdian

1 Guovdh anShip in mo mage

A Muson childof eithex Reoc toho ho not
athaimed Hhe ageof puherty is incompetent o
Cenack a maurriage Amamiage ControCHed bya
Mmav isaymaui But a minor laho hos nok cttained
Hhe 99e of puberky an de vatidyconechedin
marageb his er her guarsian.The order of guovdaonshjp.
for thePurpose of marnage is_o fiows
li father
) patemalgrandfether ho highsoever
(ii) bro Hher Ond oher aternal Ne tah ves m Hhe_Same
Cs tov inheritance

Civ) mother
v)other maternal YelaHon thh he pvohibiked
degrees-and tailmg au hese
(Vi) he Covernmeat
The only qudi ans Teco.gnised by the Shia La
are the tather and he paerneGrandfocthev haw highsoever.
Gucdicnsh1p of he pe/sen of a m mov Chi2cm cd)
o mother and her eiatienss
The guordionship ofhe peson or he vigut
t h e C e dyo amaie Calld, uni e compleks

he Seven yeavs Ond ot o female Child

until She attanrpubeyy belongs in the first

place o the mother The Mothev yYig

ut e
Ctto dy
Covntnues eveA after She s_divored-Ckoamul Haque V.
Lbi Tai Munnisa C1ah) A:P
The motherisenti Hed lo he Cuko dy Ofher
temale Child
unKL Jhe ho cttainedpuberty- fai lhg
her it g0es b the o nowingfemalePletier in
toi10nqOrder Motheys mother, how highsotver
tattero mothex howhlghioevey_tull SiSer uterme siSer
conSangune siseY tull Sisters dough ter uenhe RsHrs
doufer comSanqune SicHeY
e mother isenkHed the c edyoEon
illeaimate child. x defultof he maHer the yignt-
to sly de volver upon her relatms
Under Shia leaw he'Motaer entitted Hae

Cus tody O aMale Child unil he Cct-sus the age

of twoyeavs, and ota temote h i l i l She
attans Hhe age 0t Seen yfavs. teMale's ht
CuStodey hen fovfeited. if-
C) She guily ot Mycondact
) She macies aperscn not VeLatd o he child

wHh he vahibilkd de grees O

Ci She neglecs o KeDvnpnper_Core ot he child.
futher and hislotit
defoult of He bove-menticmed iemale veluhn
he rig ht CUAto dy devolves upen (i the tather luy futtevy
ether. ii)tulbrother (t) (nsanguine bothev (U) tlu bo thev s
Smli (nJunguine bvo4therh Sen, (vi) tu bvothev ot he

iathe, (k) unsangukoebther of the faHer (x) s of

tthevs tullb rpther, Son of fathevs bvote:
The father entitedeheCyle dy of hs
a Son over Seven years f ag Gnd C6) an 4n mGv ed
gr ho hos attained pubert

The husband enhted tHheCuso dy 0t
he Cuife Csho had ctta.n edpubert- EfShe
hos not attaned pubertyhe mother entted
h e r Cued

3 Quavdians hip ot minov preper t

The guardions ef the peperty ot a n o r under
yimLa nay beolasifed nto (a)ega GuavdimS
(b) Cerited GuQydiamStht s 9uardioms apponttd
b the couvt nd Cc) De tacko guomdians.
a) Lega Guordian.
The egal guardansot thepopery ot o Musl
Co the father ( ) the Sxecakor cuosi) appoihted by the
father, (i) the fathers fether Cond (ivy the ereubr
ppoin ed byfatners atmer
Tf heve is no tegol 9uardacm 4he Countmay Cppoint
any Her perscn 0 a guordim of Hhe-poperty

6Guovdian appoioked bq the Court C(evhied Guordion)_

The couY+may 9ppeihta guodon ot 4e persem
opan ot a Muslim mnor, if it isforte
minor' welfve that Such o guardon Shold be
appainted: Tn maing Such an apsaiotment the ouY
wille guided. by Cahat apeeaysin he Cirumstenres,
b e best foe te elfoeor te minerA guavsko
anpoinled by Hhe Court may QienateHhe movo ble
1Mnovable pmperty of his sard. However, immova hle
YDper t Canbealienated only Hae. case ot
NeessiyandHe Quarddon mst Qlse oban the
preViAAN permission of he 9u
A uardian Qppeinted by: Hhe 00urt hayye er b
arbitio uheut Hhe perenissicn o HaeUrt, disputes
as to He dstr Bution o immouobiepp0vtes belongng
the estate of mhor fotherbutit àan imegul anty
t he qurdian Ymxes Veièrence ithoAAhe phicn,
adice O rdNech'cu o He (odu Sald -un-n lSsq U.

Augaiya ibi, C93) TLA s3 A SR.

De facte guov dBon

A person issaid to be de feco guordiom hen
he s neither to) de ue quardion guardian umder
h e persenal law 6f he MmorA0r Cb) 9uarkGn
appe inted by he Cou ond yerhe uoluntaily plece
himsef in Charga ot He
mmov peson A
nd pepert
de faco guardian muyalienote the moxzbe poperty of He
mhor m (ase of ecessi k , but ht Conot aliene
his immovo de ponery

4) Testamentan Guardian.
guardian appomted under a villîs Called
t e a Mentavy guraan. Accevding e He-
Muha mmo dan la the Cny pers cns whoOYe
entitted appeit aguardian of Hae proper
Ot a Mner by IL ave his_fathe and ethera
tatherfven he noher bosno Ower Qppomt
byl a quardan. of Hhe pyo pey 0t her miMar
ececulo qpomled h e s l t f Hhe
ather Or tetther'stather becomes he leg
guavdhan o t hepper ty t heu MinosA Muilim_
ather Cor potemal
ondfather) tn Qppemt me
person04 he erecuto ot his dllond a otaly
dfferent persOm he guor daan o Hhe pe.erty

B) AcKnoo ledaa ment ot foktrni

1 hot paktr.nity
Pateynity is the lego velation between ae fether
and his child. a d e r to etoblish the
of o child he child muytbe Chown lo e the
offsprn9 eitherof a vaud o r ot Qnirregula
mayriage between ts pavents. Tf Haere is ne dirett
oot ot Such
MawiageHhe noriaye may bt pwesumed.--
om He ntinued Ghobi teHon, (ombined
absence ot amy ot Hhe
iypedemens. eamomage 0r (
thD the accnocledgemest of leg:tima cy n teuour ot te issue born
ofHhe Mamage
yeumpthon ot eik macy
fhe les o Muhamma don aw 0 Yeguvds pesumphon
otegtimety mo bvie fy Steltd bitows:
(0)A dhild Jovnwthh ks than Six momths ofte
Moriag illehmak
(5) A dhild bornafter six months trom the date ot.
maniage is presumed te be legKmae unless the
putahue Fether dsclaims the Child
( ) A Cchild bovn within t o yeas after te erminah
of a Momage s pre umed b be eghmoeun ex
disctoimed by Hhe ather Cunde Sia los the peed is len

3) whcA is oEnowledgement of Patemiky

where the poemityfaCíld ie its legihms
descent om itc Fethev, not poved b eAtth)iihing
a mawiage beteen tpaents ct the tme of it
Conteph oh or birth Suc a Mamage and iB leg:hmale
descent May " aenouledgement
AsOdserved by se irnv oumci," t h been
decidedim Soveral (o4e et eve yneed neo be
pnof oR on erp ess aCKnOwledgeeAt, but hat m
aCrnowledgenent6f ohilden by a Muh ammodan
as h Sans maybe m eedrom his.howhg oponly
reuhe d them o3 Such.CMuh ammad fA2mat v. Lolti Gejum
1PPI 9 1A 8)
Pattmiy o a chi d s eJto bished if he child
isbovn duh9 heconinuance ot a
oY utwn 180 daya ot iH disso luti , he moHher

remaing unmo med

Aernotwledgo ment of ritimacy oochild is ne
ot he Kinds of thdivc root
the doctihe at leghmac by coKnowledgepept
pocee ds enthYelyupen an Cum picn of egihmaa
and eta biishment ot1egih mocy by thevceof
Such O0KnOwled qome

ondhons of Va1ia atrno ledgemeat ot legAK Ma oy

Nuhammadan lat pres.cbes peuoh Mode ot
tablishih9- Hhee3hnay of a Childblhen a
Mon eitherexpressly aCenowledgesov aH m
aManner tontamaunt aEn0Lledgemest ot another
04 slautul. child t e Patermity a f Hotohild Cl1
be este blished_m he monpDvided taot he biiow.19
mdi HonsY tut l e d
(a fhe aknoledger Mut psSsesstheegal 0 a c
Rntenh mto valid conatt .

) e aonewledaa ment MWt.n0t be mevely et n Ship,.

buto legthnak Sonip
The qge o f t e acnow
ledgerand he a notle dged
mut Je Such a kadmit t e velotion at porentage
H e a0no Liledger Must be a t e 0 t ftrelve _and
half years alder hanHhe perion saotaledged
dte persen o be accnotoledged MUI e not 8e
he otspg ofhrcouse twhich w0uld bapunis h@be
under uha Mno.don la eg adulery mcest. sr ni ta Kon
e ) t e Paventage ot he 4er.fon e be aone led ged Must not
be un Fnown Hhat s_ he Caild o be QLn0C \edgad Mut &
RaOn le be He Childof SoMe other pevsen
A) theaoFne 1e dged per.Son must believehimseit o
herseif to be the aPnowlesgera ckild and e
child MUSt veri ov at least maJt n0trepudialete
acnoledgo ment
9 T l _GCkaoledgerSho wid be on e ho oud heve
tHuly been te hwband of Hhe mether of He chil_
C henit wos begotten fhus Cheve heves dNect
proof that hece Cwo no Mamag2 between he
themeth ot Hhe oaild , Or h a t t teve
Man and
0 ubh a mamiage bettween them,t Cwou ld have_
beenvoid, hen e pxesump-tien o egiinay annot
be rased b aOEAOL ledgement,howe ver SNong S u

pveumph on May e CRasidAhmed m i s a kho tun,

Ci93) 3 Bom LR. 4S 2.C. S T.A.1)

s£ffect of Aeen.aLledgepmept
Aen_ aLL e Gbe ve Dndition Ore Sa shed
he ultwil1 be Hhgtte Legtiaty o He
a CEaO c ledged Cwho nmaybe CMole or k Male )
and e Marta go of hyYheN Mo er with
he aCnot le dger wiil>e. Ctebtished n less ee
maxria9e ir dispovedCSued Hobihuz v o Alhaf, 83
BomR 62b c.). fe QEn0tsleslgerm ent nay th
be teneoadwontag0 of by t e dild or y L e
t w e lL Qetled latw hat an QoLnOLsledlaement
Of leg.imay yOn ce_made Cunnot de revo ed ate on.
CAshyufo od V, Hyder Hossen 1866 LA 94
Aecovdig b ulla, n_erder uatistere sheuld
Je valid acknetdedaement, it Sheuld net kave
been epudtate d by theperson aCEna»ledg ed:
f the persona0caOw le dged hos atained an
age Chen he Can nderStandthe han Sachon_, he
Con repudi ate Ae aCndtulf dge Ment: CA relerenCe may
Made o tabir_Rehman V.AltaE A L 8 Gl: 8S6.)
ferSCns entitHe d to Mcnenon ce Umder 4hemmrekn

M i m Law
t e rghtsot he foLtowh9 thve_classes of
persens Claimmaine nante thePeio d of iddat wiu
mi deved m tHats opie

tept Caildven :and un mgmed doughters

the father s bound oMantam hisons untb6l
*hey attenage ot puberty and hils daughter until
hey are mgied
An unma rded daugnter hoa no absolute vght
o Seperale maMlenace SheConnot claim i unless
and until She Marcsout nece ssarygreunds fer t
C Baya hoi . Ismail 43.Bom. L R: g131
T F efather s_oor and ntivm ov ueaKHhe
iobitity man fain Hhe Ckildren telis upen Hhe
mother he Mothe is fin on Cially Unoble b do So,
i t devobes. apon He fettery kerher ik heir of hund
tinoncial reumSte nces. TE Athtn hos SfRcen+ Means,
he maybt onpe11ed mahtam his legihmoe
0 r legti Mo.te childen Cho Ye tinabhe la MC»nlain
temse ves:) under he Gde ef CnmmaL pmacedare..

Adult Children
Adu lt chil dren Qve_ n0tenti Hed Maunengne,
unlesshey q»em tm oCe0 K. Iiegii mak Children
havre ne ight. of AMtAgne under uha MModan
Law AMhough Muhamma dan la.t no duky
onthe tather main tain hlsliegiimae Chi ldren,.
an are e meat e MamtaiM an illegitima e. Child snot
Verd.Cildren. îm geod ctumstsn cesare boun d ta
maintah Hher Poor Paves .
3) Carcn fovcAts
Fthe gtandpoves are cor the ave b
mahtai ned bytei rand.- Chi ldren

4 wfe
fhe h s band i s bovnd lo manta ih his wik,
a s bng She aitfu e him (unless, of ouse,-
She is too y0umg- fo Mutimonia course)_Cno
beys a hisreajenble Orde rs
Hawever, ahband is not bound. omanfa -
u)i_she vefuses herselt le him r
if_ She sdisobedient
unless the refsal_or disobedience sjushfed b
1on-pay Mest ot prompA do wey
Eyea afher divoe, the ite is ekHed o
manknance dunh nafaq a in NuÍm law. A hubmd
May agee Coilth his trst ife that if he re-mamies,
She may go and ve i t her_avent and that
he Cuould pay her egukY alldance.Suoh On agee.

and on b enferced by e wife.

Dunh Cwidowh00dHe wike 00t entttled o
maintenence even dung iddat The yeao for
i s t a t Shesenited lonheriteae_, and
Mamtenan e an be regarded o3 beng n_Keu ot
h e ght of the wife to mait renre eris în spik
of the fact that he Con mnn u_herseif out o.
her ewn_propery A divorced wie is eh Hed s
mantenante duing he peiod ot rdd at
Under ILS Lotw, are ars ot a n te nGn (C an not
bC by any Clcti ve othew han. :le CStayd
Jafr E- EdrooJ v. Sciyed Mukommod b1-Ecoe! ,38 BL:R. 291)1
Cne-npita l areemen t
twen C u 1
Qnd his pospecsue uik en tered imlo Ch
Objea oE Secunhg e e agmsU- keutrment and
of ensunh her suitableMonke nonse in He rent
ot ill-Areat nenti s A0t voia behg agah+
Pablic peticy. No i s Qn agreemeat between
Mulhm Gnd hr econd wife, al8tmkg her lo live
m herporeat houue and payhg her Aaihtnence,-
ganst blic policy CNizamul tague v Bequm No0r
dekan A.1.R 1966 ( 6S)

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