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Ocimum Basilicum Essential Oil for Biocidal

Activity Against Musca Domestica


Bhrylle Humbert L. Corpuz

John Paul P. Roque
Kyle Adriane A. Timon
Germund David L. Villaester

A Research Paper Submitted to the Mapúa Senior High School Office

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research Project (RES04)

Mapúa University
March 2021

This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the research paper
prepared by Kyle Adriane A. Timon, John Paul P. Roque, Germund David L. Villaester
and Bhrylle Humbert L. Corpuz entitled Ocimum Basilicum Essential Oil For Biocidal
Activity Against Musca Domestica and that the said research paper has been submitted for
final approval by the Oral Examination Committee.

Irah Nathanne D. Tiburcio Kathlia De Castro-Cruz

Thesis Coordinator Thesis Adviser

As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined this
research paper and hereby recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment of the research
requirement for the Senior High School – Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM).

Nanette D. Santos John Angelo Disierto

Panel Member Panel Member

Marilyn A. Miranda
Committee Chairman

This research paper is hereby approved and accepted by the Mapúa Senior High School as
fulfillment of the research requirement for the Senior High School – Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Dr. Lilibeth D. Sabino



First and foremost, we would like to give this thanks to our God, the Father Almighty for the
guidance he has bestowed upon all of us, the endurance, peace, and healthy living to complete
this research.

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our research advisor, Ms. Kathlia De
Castro-Cruz, for the support and advice she has provided us to complete our research paper.

We would also like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation to our research teachers,
Mr. Irah Nathanne D. Tiburcio, and Mr. Ardvin Kester S. Ong, for being with us the whole
time we needed them most and helping us to make this research with the help of the lessons
they taught us.

Our special thanks and gratitude are also extended to Mr. Kris Andrew D. Borero for his
knowledge and oversight, as well as for having the requisite input regarding each statistical
method that is used and for his assistance in completing this study.

Finally, we also like to thank all of our families and friends for the continuous encouragement,
support, and faith they have given to us as we tackled the hardships of completing this research.

For this achievement, I give back all the glory and praises to the omnipotent Father Almighty.










Housefly (Musca domestica) 4

Dangers of Houseflies 4
Insecticide 5
Artificial Insecticide 5
Natural Insecticide 6



Abstract 8
Introduction 8
Methodology 9
Preparation of Solutions 9
Test Organism 9
Mortality Test 10
Attractancy Test 10
Result and Discussion 11
Conclusion 17
References 18

Chapter 4: CONCLUSION 19





TABLE 1.1: Analysis of Variance for the Mortality Rate among

Concentrations for 2-Hour and 4-Hour Trials 15
TABLE 1.2: Independent 𝑡-Test for the Mortality Rate between Local
Vodka and Virgin Coconut Oil for 2-Hour and 4-Hour Trials 16
TABLE 2.1: Mortality Test at different time 24
TABLE 2.1: Attractancy Test at Preference Index 25


Chapter 3

FIGURE 1: Mortality Test Cup 10

FIGURE 2: Olfactometer Attractancy Test 11
FIGURE 3: Mortality test of Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Local Vodka
(EO + Local Vodka) at different time interval 12
FIGURE 4: Mortality test of Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil
(EO + VCO) at different time interval 13
FIGURE 5: Average of Highest mortality (EO + Vodka) at preference index
with respect to honey 14


Musca domestica are insects that are present almost in every unclean environment.
House flies carry germs and bacteria that may cause harm to the human body. To avoid this
kind of scenario a lot of research came, and natural insecticides and repellents were made.
Ocimum basilicum or Basil is one of the natural insecticides that were used centuries ago,
although it is rarely used as a repellent for flies since it has properties that can affect other
insects like the asparagus beetles and the tomato hornworm. To be able to test the efficiency
of the pure basil essential oil against Musca domestica the researchers had tested the
attractancy and the mortality rate of Musca domestica with the pure basil essential oil with two
different solvents, local vodka, and virgin coconut oil. The researchers observed that Ocimum
basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil (EO+VCO) solutions are the most efficient to
kill Musca domestica based on the data gathered; it is 85% effective with a concentration of
10,000 ppm having the highest mortality rate among the other solvents. As for the attractancy,
the Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil (EO+VCO) solution, still showed
the satisfactory result which showed a small significant difference of 3% from kwik , reaching
80% that shows how much the houseflies were attracted to the solution.

Keywords: Musca domestica, Ocimum basilicum, natural insecticide, essential oil

Chapter 1


Musca domestica or house flies are insects that are seen near garbage sites or houses

and people find it pesky since they keep buzzing around the place. In present times, people

have been aware that house flies can carry germs and bacteria since flies have very unique

feeding habitats, people mostly find flies near garbage dumps, trash cans, fecal matter,

unprotected cooked vegetables and meat, and rancid food in general (Soz & Stewart, 2015).

Naturally, when a house fly lands on either one of its feeding sites the fly’s legs have already

been touched by bacteria and germs, provided that flies are seen inside the house when they

land on one of the foods that people eat could also intake those microbes. According to Burton

(2017), suspected that houseflies are transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including

typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, etc. Although the diseases they pass on are not generally

lethal, it is still harmful enough to cause casualties. As time pass by there have been many

solutions on how to get rid of flies, using fly trap, odors, and light to attract flies but logically

speaking, these traps are great and effective, but they come with undeniable disadvantages

such as foul smell and toxic chemicals that not only harms humans but also harms plants and

animals (Fly Killer Guide, 2018).

One of the most popular insect killers is the artificial insecticide which contains both

organic (natural origin) and toxic chemicals are the leading method of eliminating insects. All

insecticides that are submitted for testing by the United States Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) are considered to have minimal risk to the consumer and the environment when

used wisely, the user must follow the direction in the product label before using the insecticide

(Lee, 2020). Centuries ago, before synthetic insecticides were invented, people used natural

insecticides to combat insect pests that affect our health and nutrition. Natural insecticide was

mainly concocted by using plant extracts, plant parts, and minerals. Moreover, natural

insecticide may not contain toxic chemicals there are also risks involved in the early natural

insecticide such as arsenicals and nicotine even if the synthetic insecticides established a new

order in insect control it also brought new sets of risk (Coats, 1994).

Most studies are only focused on the commonly used plants for insecticidal activity yet

according to Chariandy et al. (1999), bug sprays are regularly active against a predetermined

number of species and are frequently biodegradable to nontoxic items. The ocimum basilicum

is rarely made as a fly repellent since its properties can be effective against asparagus beetles

and the tomato hornworm (Iannotti, 2020). Also, no similar research has been made with the

same use of solvents and unlike other studies, this research would compare the results of the

solution to a local product kwik to prove that it would be efficacious and efficient.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Ocimum basilicum

extracts against M. domestica, determined the mortality and attractancy of M. domestica

against basil pure essential oil and evaluated the effects of the different carrier solvents used

(i.e., VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil), 40 % alcohol content (local vodka)).

The output of this study may be beneficial to; future researchers, students, family, farmers

and community as the researchers seek to determine if essential oil from plant that have

insecticidal properties (like basil) that is safe for humans to use. It may also help minimize and

control the spread of houseflies.

This study focused on how efficient natural insecticides will be against Musca domestica.

The scope of the study mainly included natural ingredients found only in the Philippines. The

delimitation of this study was that only one person can conduct the experiment because of the

pandemic, time-management, and budgeting, the test organisms that were used in the

experiments were not reared but caught using traps. Since the houseflies were caught rather

than being reared the age of the house flies was not necessarily important anymore. This study

will last only until the end of the school year.

Chapter 2


Housefly (Musca domestica)

Musca domestica live in both metropolitan and rural areas, where people are present,

particularly. Usually, during the warm seasons they are abundant; however, a few adult flies

may get by through the winter season in mild zones. They are most active and live longest in

temperatures somewhere in the range of 10 and 26.6°C. The essential biological system

function of housefly is decomposition and recycling of natural material. These pests are closely

associated with humans because the high density of human waste and garbage is their food

(Doctor, 2013).

Dangers of Houseflies

According to Dahlem (2009), the housefly is one of the commonly known pests to

humans. They are a nuisance to humans, especially if they are in large numbers. Consequently,

the pathogens that are spread by the house fly usually do not multiply, not like the pathogens

that are responsible for many insect-borne diseases, when a fly picks up the organism from its

food and brings it to the next food that they land on they can carry germs on the food a person

intake. As a result, they are usually the cause of some known bacterial diseases such as typhoid

fever, cholera, dysentery, and infantile diarrhea.

According to Park et al. (2019), contact with a fly may bring microbes through

excretion through its contaminated legs or mouthparts and by regurgitation while feeding. They

can move on average a few hundred meters up to several kilometers in a couple of days, even

when food and oviposition sites are plentiful. Moreover, some microbes that are transiently

associated with the flies can live for days in the mouthparts and crop of the flies. A recent

review identified over 100 pathogenic bacteria, fungi, parasites, and even viruses that have

been found in or on adult house flies and larvae, some of which are potentially antimicrobial-



Gupta et al. (2019) stated insecticides are of chemical and biological origins and are

utilized in agribusiness, agriculture, forestry, gardens, homes, and workplaces. They are

implemented to control vectors, for example, mosquitoes and ticks, which are associated with

spreading human and animal diseases. insecticide comprises an enormous number of chemical

classes and applies poisonousness in animals and humans. In unfocused species, Insecticides

can cause anything from minor pain to severe paralysis and death.

Artificial Insecticide

As explained by Pasay et al. (2009), synthetic pyrethroid insecticides have been used

for fifty years to control agricultural, veterinary and forestry insect pests in the world. Also,

the World Health Organization recommends these insecticides against different public health

pests. Jones (1998) discussed, many insecticides are being used to fight against different pests

like mosquitoes, ticks, mites, and fleas. The Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) is not a pesticide, but it

enhances the properties of the insecticides. According to Khan et al. (2013) the PBO is often

combined with synthetic pyrethroids and is used as a synergistic agent for the pesticides.

Natural Insecticide

According to Lee, Tsao, Peterson, and Coats (1997), 34 natural monoterpenoids were

evaluated against 3 arthropod pest species: Larva of a western corn rootworm (Diabrotica

virgifera LeConte), adult stage of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), and

the adult house fly (Musca domestica L.). The possible larvicide or acaricidal action of each

monoterpenoid was calculated using topical application, leaf dip method, soil bioassay and

greenhouse pot tests. Phytotoxicity was also tested on corn plants. Citronellic acid and Thymol

are the most toxic against house flies, Citronellol and Thujone are the most effective on the

western com rootworm, and most monoterpenoids are lethal to two-spotted spider mites at high

concentrations. Carvomenthenol and Terpinen-4-ol are also effective. A large variety of

monoterpenoids demonstrated some larvicide action against western corn rootworm in the soil

bioassay. Perillaldehyde is the most toxic in soil and was only 1/3 as toxic as carbofuran.

Selected monoterpenoids also protected corn roots from attacks of western corn rootworm

larvae under greenhouse conditions. a-Terpineol was the best monoterpenoid in the greenhouse

pot test. Based on the research, the toxic effect of monoterpenoids was poor compared to

traditional insecticides, few monoterpenoids have been poisonous to corn roots and leaves, l-

Carvone was by far the most phytotoxic, while pulegone was the safest, and the findings with

Thymyl Ethyl Ether, one of the synthetic derivatives of thymol, demonstrated a possibility for

derivatization to mitigate monoterpenoid phytotoxicity.

As mentioned by Kumar et al. (2013), pests and insects greatly affect the growth of

vegetable plants which causes economic loss to farmers. The study showed that herbal

pesticide exhibits good control and damage on pests which gives a positive effect on farmers.

To conduct this study, several field trials on different kinds of vegetables were made. The study

used different vegetable oils in the creation of herbal pesticides including 10% of Neem,

Karanj, and Castor oil, 0.1% of Vitex oil, 1.5% of Hing extract, and 10% of natural emulsifiers.

The first trial was conducted using herbal pesticide on Okra plant which showed a result of

reducing 42% of the grasshopper and 77% of larvae of Helicoverpa armigera and Earias

vitella. In the trial conducted on tomato plants, results showed a reduction in whiteflies. After

conducting trials, the researchers inferred that the herbal pesticide, created and developed in

Sadbhav SRISTI Sanshodhan Laborato, is efficient in pest control.

Basil and citronella oil exhibited similar patterns of insecticidal activity over the insect,

both directly in adult flies and indirectly over the crops (Gonzalez et al., 2019).

Chapter 3




Musca domestica or commonly known as house flies are insects that are present almost
in every unclean environment. House flies carry germs and bacteria that may cause harm to
the human body. To avoid this kind of scenario a lot of research came, and natural insecticides
and repellents were made. Ocimum basilicum or Basil is one of the natural insecticides that
were used centuries ago, although it is rarely used as a repellent for flies since it has properties
that can affect other insects like the asparagus beetles and the tomato hornworm. To be able to
test the efficiency of the pure basil essential oil against Musca domestica the researchers had
tested the attractancy and the mortality rate of Musca domestica with the pure basil essential
oil with two different solvents, local vodka, and virgin coconut oil. The researchers observed
that Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil (EO+VCO) solutions are the most
efficient to kill Musca domestica based on the data gathered; it is 85% effective with a
concentration of 10,000 ppm having the highest mortality rate among the other solvents. As
for the attractancy, the Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil (EO+VCO)
solution, still showed the satisfactory result which showed a small significant difference of 3%
from kwik, reaching 80% that shows how much the houseflies were attracted to the solution.

Keywords: Musca domestica, Ocimum basilicum, natural insecticide, essential oil


Musca domestica or house flies are insects that are seen near garbage sites or houses

and people find it pesky since they keep buzzing around the place. In present times, people

have been aware that house flies can carry germs and bacteria since flies have very unique



Preparation of solutions

Basil solution

Ocimum basilicum pure essential oil was obtained commercially. (EO + Vodka) was

prepared by mixing 5 drops of EO to a 100 ml local Vodka for 2500 ppm concentration, 10

drops of EO for 5000 ppm concentration and 20 drops of EO for 10000 ppm. Same goes for

the Virgin coconut oil solution (EO + VCO).

Positive control / Kwik

Kwik was sprayed in a container approximately 0.100 and dispensed 100 drops of

purely Kwik using a dropper to the cotton which was then place in a 22 oz cup with Musca



The researchers used a dropper to dispensed honey which was approximately 30 drops

which was then placed on the cotton and on the attractant side of the Y-olfactometer.

Test organism

This study used Musca domestica as its test organisms for the mortality and

attractancy test, 15 houseflies were captured in a customized trap which was collected for

several days. Since the group did not complete the entire experiment in one day. After the

research group have caught enough flies, the group proceeded to the experiments while letting

the trap sit again for further test.

Mortality Test

To test the mortality rate of the houseflies the researchers conducted four trials for

each concentration. The experiment needed 22 oz transparent cups with cover to prevent the

flies from escaping, sharp object to puncture a hole on the cup so that the flies don’t die of

suffocation and cotton for the concentration of solution. The researchers dispensed the

solution on the cotton (at the bottom of the cup) and exposed the 15 houseflies for about an

hour from there the researchers transferred the houseflies to an empty cup for observation (2,

4, 8, 12, and 24 hours).

Figure 1. Mortality Test Cup

Attractancy Test

The researchers constructed an olfactometer with specific measurements and from

there lies the solutions and the other side is the attractant (sugar solution/ honey). Inside the

olfactometer, the researchers placed the attractant on the left side of the tube and the solution

on the right side with 15 flies in the middle. The researchers observed the behavior of the

flies for about 15 minutes and calculated the preference index.

Figure 2. Olfactometer Attractancy Test

Statistical Treatment

In this experiment, the researchers utilized two statistical methods and procedures

such as one-way ANOVA to determine if the objectives of the study are significant or not.

Results and Discussion

The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of Ocimum Basilicum essential oil

(EO) against Musca domestica using local vodka (40% alcohol) and virgin coconut oil (VCO)

as solvents. The researchers assessed the efficiency using mortality test and attractancy test

using improvised set-up.

The Figure 3 shows the activity of the polar compounds extracted from the essential

oil. The extract itself showed a significant effect on the mortality rate of the houseflies when

mixed with ethanol.

2h 4h
Percent Mortality





2500 ppm 5000 ppm 10000 ppm Local Vodka Kwik

Figure 3. Mortality test of Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Local Vodka (EO + Local
Vodka) at different time interval

In the first two hours at 2,500 ppm of (EO + Vodka), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 72%. In the fourth hour all the remaining houseflies was

dead. In the first two hours in 5,000 ppm of (EO + Vodka), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 78% much higher than the previous concentration by 6%

and just like the previous concentration all remaining house flies were killed in the fourth hour.

In the first two hours in 10,000 ppm of (EO + Vodka), the average number of Musca domestica

killed in the process was 85% making it the highest mortality rate based on concentration of

(EO + Vodka). In the first two hours in Negative control (Local Vodka alone), the average

number of Musca domestica killed in the process was 73% and in the fourth hour the average

remained at 100%. In the first two hours in Positive control (Kwik), the average number of

Musca domestica killed in the process was 100%. Based on the gathered data the experiment

result shows that there was a significant difference as the concentration increases compared to

the solvent or 2,500 ppm concentration. The highest concentration base mortality rate alone

shows it is almost comparable to the positive control (Kwik) which have 15% difference on

the 10, 000 ppm concentration.

2 hrs 4 hrs


Percent Mortality





2500 ppm 5000 ppm 10000 ppm VCO Kwik

Figure 4. Mortality test of Ocimum basilicum essential oil and Virgin coconut oil (EO +
VCO) at different time interval

In the first two hours at 2,500 ppm of (EO + VCO), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 78%. In the fourth hour all the remaining house flies were

killed. In the first two hours at 5,000 ppm of (EO + VCO), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 82% much higher than the previous concentration by 4%

and just like the previous one all remaining house flies did not survive past the 4 hours’ time

frame. In the first two hours at 10,000 ppm of (EO + VCO), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 95% making it the highest mortality rate based on

concentration of (EO + VCO) which is considerably close to the positive control of the test. In

the first two hours at Negative control (Virgin coconut oil alone), the average number of Musca

domestica killed in the process was 70% and in the fourth hour the average was at 100%. In

the first two hours at Positive control (Kwik), the average number of Musca domestica killed

in the process was 100%. In the fourth hour the average remains at 100%. Based on the data

presented above the essential oil made a significant impact when mixed with virgin coconut

oil with a difference of 5% base on the synthetic insecticide (Kwik).



Percentage by Preference Index




Highest Mortality Local Vodka Highest Mortality Virgin coconut oil Kwik
-20.00% rate (EO + Vodka) rate (EO + VCO)





Figure 5. Average of Highest mortality (EO + Vodka) at preference index with respect to

The researchers moved on to the attractancy experiment which used a customized Y -

olfactometer that determines whether the flies are attracted to the solution or repelled. First, in

the Highest mortality rate (10,000 ppm) of solution (EO + local Vodka) the average reached -

57% which means the flies were repelled to the solution and not solely because of the attractant

(honey). Secondly, the negative control (i.e., local vodka) reached an average of - 60% which

concludes that the flies are being repelled. However, the positive control (Kwik) showed that

the flies are attracted to the substance because it illustrated +83%. Figure 5 illustrates that

average Musca domestica were all attracted to the solutions. Highest mortality rate (10,000

ppm) of solution (EO + VCO) had reached 80% which means that the flies were attracted to

the solution which resulted in a low number of flies at the attractant (honey). Secondly, the

negative control (i.e., virgin coconut oil) reached an average of 40% which resulted in the

number of house flies being drastically affected by the essential oil. However, the positive

control (Kwik) showed that the flies are attracted to the substance because it illustrated +83%

which compared to the solution of (EO + VCO) showed little significant difference to each

other considering that the Kwik is built to kill house flies with toxic chemicals.

Source of
SS df MS F P-value F crit
71.33333333 7 10.19047619 0.95985647 0.47309099 2.249024325
424.6666667 40 10.61666667

Total 496 47
Table 1.1. Analysis of Variance for the Mortality Rate among Concentrations for 2-Hour
and 4-Hour Trials

Table 1.1 presented the comparative analysis among the different concentrations,

namely – 2500, 5000, and 10000 PPM of essential oil and vodka, as well as 2500, 5000, and

1000 PPM of essential oil and virgin coconut oil. These concentrations were included with the

primary aim of determining the mortality rate of musca domestica. In this phase, the

researchers formulated both the null and alternative hypotheses, where the null hypothesis

stated that there was no significant difference among the mortality rates of the specified

concentrations, while the alternative hypothesis claimed otherwise. As can be observed from

the results, the 𝑝-value was calculated at 0.4731, which was obviously greater than the level

of significance at 0.05. Hence, at this rate, the researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis,

claiming the non-existence of any significant difference among the mortality rates for the six

concentrations. This implied that each concentration did not vary with another solution in terms

of its effect on the mortality rate of flies.

Local Vodka Virgin coconut oil

Mean 13 12.75
Variance 4.857142857 6.5
Observations 8 8
Pooled Variance 5.678571429
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 14
t Stat 0.209821727
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.418414785
t Critical one-tail 1.761310136
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.83682957
t Critical two-tail 2.144786688
Table 1.2. Independent 𝑡-Test for the Mortality Rate between Local Vodka and Virgin
Coconut Oil for 2-Hour and 4-Hour Trials

Table 1.2 reflected the comparative analysis between local vodka and virgin coconut

oil so as to determine whether or not the difference between the mortality rates of these two

mentioned groups was statistically significant. Just like any other hypothesis tests, the null and

alternative hypotheses had been formulated. In this statistical treatment, the null hypothesis

stated that there was no significant difference between the mortality rates of local vodka and

virgin coconut oil, while the alternative opposed the claim in its usual state. Since the

alternative hypothesis indicated non-equality, the two-tailed test had to be followed. Turning

the attention to the resulting 𝑝-value, it can be seen that 0.8368 was way greater than the

significance level of 0.05. Hence, at this rate, the researchers had failed to reject the null

hypothesis, which automatically suggested that any significant difference in terms of the

mortality rates between the concentrations was non-existent. The outcome highly implied that

the effect of local vodka on the mortality rate of musca domestica could be considered to be

similar to that of virgin coconut oil.


The researchers had done two (2) experiments for the research. The objective of the

first experiment is to determine the mortality of the flies. The researchers used a cup with holes

and cotton with essential oil. This was observed and recorded every 2 hrs., 4hrs., 8hrs., 12hrs.,

24hrs. The researchers observed that the flies can only survive under 2 hours. The objective of

the second experiment is to test the attractancy of the flies to the essential oil and the repellency

from the Kwik. The researchers used an olfactometer to test the attractancy and repellency of

the flies. Basil oil was used on the olfactometer and was put on the left side of the tube while

the Kwik was put on the right side. The experiment was observed by the researchers for 15

minutes. The researchers observed that the flies can be seen attracted to the (EO + Local

Vodka) solution than the (EO + VCO) solution. Overall, the experiment was made to test the

mortality, attractancy, and repellency of the flies. From the results, we can conclude that the

use of essential oil as an insecticide is effective against house flies.


Burton, B. (2017). Flies carry even more disease than we thought. CNET. Retrieved October
8, 2020 from
least, tuberculosis%2C%20according%20to%20Penn%20State%27s%20Depart

Chariandy CM, Seaforth CE, Phelps RH, Pollard GV, Khambay BPS (1999). Screening of
medicinal plants from Trinidad and Tobago for antimicrobial and insecticidal
properties. J. Ethnopharmacol., 64: 265-270.


Annual Reviews

Fly Killer Guide. (2018). Fly Killer - Choosing The Best Weapon.

Iannotti, M. (2020). 19 Plants That Repel Insects. The Spruce.

Lee (2020), Performance of Commercial Insecticide Formulations Against Different

Developmental Stages of InsecticideResistant Tropical Bed Bugs (Hemiptera:

Soz, S. & Stewart, R. (2015). Musca domestica: a proving of house fly. NEW YORK SCHOOL
OF HOMEOPATHY. Retrieved October 8, 2020 from

Chapter 4


The researchers had done two (2) experiments for the research. The objective of the

first experiment is to determine the mortality of the flies. The researchers used a cup with holes

and cotton with essential oil. This was observed and recorded every 2 hrs., 4hrs., 8hrs., 12hrs.,

24hrs. The researchers observed that the flies can only survive under 2 hours. The objective of

the second experiment is to test the attractancy of the flies to the essential oil and the repellency

from the Kwik. The researchers used an olfactometer to test the attractancy and repellency of

the flies. Basil oil was used on the olfactometer and was put on the left side of the tube while

the Kwik was put on the right side. The experiment was observed by the researchers for 15

minutes. The researchers observed that the flies can be seen attracted to the (EO + Local

Vodka) solution than the (EO + VCO) solution. Overall, the experiment was made to test the

mortality, attractancy, and repellency of the flies. From the results, we can conclude that the

use of essential oil as an insecticide is effective against house flies.

Chapter 5


Based on the research findings, the researchers recommended that the experiment

should be done quickly because of the time constraint this research takes. Rearing the flies is

also recommended because of its efficiency and time management it would most likely produce

better result. Catching flies should be done in places that have an abundant number of flies,

such as garbage dumps, markets, and chicken coop. Additionally, setting the flies to a more

controlled environment free of unpredictable variables such as sunlight, oxygen, food source,

and number of flies for the experiment. Also, use shorter interval times for the data in order to

get a better result and the exact differences of data, instead of 2 hour intervals of time, use 30

minute intervals.


Bisseleua, H., Gbewonyo, S. & Obeng-Ofori, D. (2008). Toxicity, growth regulatory and
repellent activities of medicinal plant extracts on Musca domestica L. (Diptera:
Muscidea). African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(24), 4635-4642. Retrieved from

Burton, B. (2017). Flies carry even more disease than we thought. CNET. Retrieved October
8, 2020 from
houseflies- blowflies/#:

Chariandy CM, Seaforth CE, Phelps RH, Pollard GV, Khambay BPS (1999). Screening of
medicinal plants from Trinidad and Tobago for antimicrobial and insecticidal
properties. J. Ethnopharmacol., 64: 265-270.


Annual Reviews

Dahlem, G. A. (2009). Musca Domestica. Retrieved September 26, 2020, from

Doctor, J. (2013). University of Michigan MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY: Musca Domestica.

Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from

Fly Killer Guide. (2018). Fly Killer - Choosing The Best Weapon. killer/#:
~:text=Flies%20are%20only%20good%20at%20carrying%20diseases%20and, pr
operty. %20Flies%20can%20be%20both%20dangerous%20and%20annoying.

Glynne-Jones, D., 1998. Piperonyl butoxide-The insecticide synergist. Academic Press, ISBN:
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Raw data
Table 2.1 Mortality Test at different time
Extracts Mortality rate per time in hour
2 4 8 12 24
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

2,500 9 11 13 10 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
5,000 11 13 12 11 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
10,000 13 14 12 12 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
2,500 10 12 11 14 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
5,000 12 13 13 11 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
10,000 14 15 13 15 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EO +
Local 10 11 12 11 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

VCO 11 10 12 9 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Kwik 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2.2 Attractancy Test at Preference Index
Extracts 1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial 4th Trial
mortality -0.73 -0.467 -0.73 -0.6
(EO +
mortality 0.867 0.867 0.73 0.73
(EO + VCO)
Local Vodka -0.467 -0.467 -0.73 -0.73
VCO 0.467 0.2 0.467 0.467
Kwik 0.73 0.867 0.867 0.867


Mortality Test


Attractancy Test


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