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| v8€ Rinchtar State & Centre Level Competition Exams —_ aie ia aeoet GATE AIR- 15,LEEDGA fo Near Goshale, Shyopur Road, ratep Nager Jaipur # n: €3025 20202 777554468 W: * mail: RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC la Building Materials & Construction Topicd: Cement Cement is a material which has cohesive and adhesive properties in presence of water. Cement is a product obtained by pulverizing clinker formed by calcinating raw materials. Portland cement: burning slurry in rotary kiln at 1400-1500°C, resembles with Portland sand stone in England Ingredients of cement are: 1) lime (Cao) ~ 60-67% (63%) maximum 2) Silica (Sioz) - 17 to 25% (20%) 3) Alumina (Alo) ~ 3 to 8% (6%) 4) Iron oxide (Fe0s) - 0.5 to 6 % (3%) 5) Magnesia (MgO) - 0.1 % to 4% (2%) 6) Sulphur trioxide - 1 to 2 % (1.5%) 7) Soda(Na2O) & potash(K20) ~ (alkali) ~ 0.5 % to 1.0% (1%) minimum > Lime in excess, causes the cement to expand and disintegrate > Silica in cement causes the cement to set slowly » Alumina in excess reduces the strength of the cement > Excess of alkalies causes efflorescence in cement When these raw materials are put in kiln then it fuses and following four major compounds are formed and they are known as bogus compounds. Compounds formed on fusion 1) Tricalcium silicate (C;S)[best cementing material] 3Cao.Sio2(25-50%) 40 % in OPC > It enables clinker easy to grind and increases resistance to freezing and thawing. > Hydrolysis of CsS mainly responsible for 7 days strength and hardness. 2) Dicalcium silicate (C:S) 2Ca0.Si0,(25-40%) 32 % > It hydrates and hardens slowly and takes long time to add the strength (after a year or more). Hence it is responsible for ultimate strength > It imparts resistance to chemical attack 3) Tricalcium Aluminate (CsA) 3Ca0.Al,03(5-11%)10.5 % > It rapidly reacts with water and is responsible for flash set (premature hardening) ‘Gypsum (2-3%) is some times used to prevent this flash set. Note: Plaster of paris can be obtained from the calcination of Gypsum. > It is responsible for the initial set, high heat of hydration and has greater tendency to volume change causing cracking. 215M RINCHTAR CLASSES 4) Tetra calcium alumino ferrite (C:AF) 4Ca0.AlaFe,02(8-14%) 9.0 % > It is responsible for flash set but generates less heat » It has poorest cementing value When water is added to cement, a chemical reaction between water and cement takes place which is known as hydration of cement. Heat of hydration: CsA (865 /gm) > CS (500 J/gm) > CuAF (420 3/gm) > C:S (260 3/gm) Rate of hydration: CsAF > CsA > CsS > CS Important points: 2S and CaS = strength contribution CA decreases initial setting time (all undesirable properties) as = Hydrates quickly (Early strength) os later contribution in strength Note: final contribution in strength of CoS & C:S are same CAF not active CA = hydrates quickly (more heat generates) (initial setting) If cement has less CA ———> higher ultimate strength and less heat generation and less cracking Pozzolana Cement: (Fly ash, burnt clay, shale) ~ 10 to 25% by weight (less heat) Absence of Lime——» high resistance to chemical and sea water Pozzolana cement is used for dams, massive foundations and abutments. Testing of cement: Fineness: degree of fineness of cement means the measurement of the mean size of the grain in it. There are three methods of fineness check 1) Sieve method: using 90 (9 no.) sieve : it measures grain size. OPC when tested for fineness should not leave any residue (on IS sieve no. 9) by more than 10% 2) Nurse and Blane’s air permeability method is used to calculate specific surface area 3) Sedimentation method ~ wanger turbidimeter method ~ measures specific surface area Ties | ps TT CEREFETERESTINT! RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC 13 Specific surface area Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) < 2250 em?/gm or 225 m?/kg Rapid hardening cement (RHC) < 3250 cm?/gm. Low heat cement (LHC) « 3250 em?/gm, used for mass concreting Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) ~< 3000 cm?/gm High alumina cement (HAC) < 2250 cm?/gm Super sulphate cement (SSC) < 4000 em?/gm Consistency: this test is to estimate the quantity of mixing water to form a paste of normal consistency. % of water required for normal consistency is 20 to 30 %. Normal consistency is defined as that % of water requirement of the cement paste, the viscosity of which will be such that the vicat’s plunger penetrates upto a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the mould. » ‘The water required for various tests depends on the normal consistency of the cement. > Vicat's apparatus (assembly weight =300 gms), mould is 40 mm deep and 80 mm dia. » 10 mm dia and 40 mm to 50 mm length movable plunger is used. Example: if 1500 gm of cement is required to have 2 cement paste of 1875 gm of normal consistency then what is the % water mixed, (25%) Setting time: (checked by vicat’s apparatus) When water is added to the cement and mixed properly. The chemical reaction starts soon and the cement paste remains plastic for a short period. During this period it is possible to remix the paste and this period is called initial setting time. It is assumed that no hardening starts in this period. When it becomes hard the corresponding time is final setting time. > The cement weighing 300 gm is taken and make a paste of consistency 0.85 P. > The paste is filled in vicat’s mould. > Needle should penetrate upto 5 mm to 7 mm from bottom Note: For initial setting time square needle(1 mm x 1 mm) is used, plunger of 10 mm dia is used for consistency test and needle with annular collar (5 mm dia) is used for final setting time Initial setting time < 30 min (opc) & for Low heat «60 min Final setting time 10 hrs = 600 minutes [collar fails to make impression] ‘Soundness: test is performed to check the change in volume after setting Soundness of cement can be ensured by limiting the quantities of free lime and magnesia which slakes slowly causing the change in volume of cement. > Cement paste is prepared with 100 gm of cement + Water added is 0.78 P alemc RINCHTAR CLASSES Le-chatlier’s method » A mould of 30 mm dia and height 30 mm is placed on the glass plate and it is filled with cement paste. >» Now mould is covered with glass sheet and a small weight is placed on the covering glass sheet. > Mould is then submerged in the water at a temperature of 27-32°C. after 24 hours mould is taken out and distance separating the indicator point is measured » Mould is again submerged in water in such a way that boiling point of water is reached in 25 to 30 minutes and now water is boiled for 3 hours. » Mould is then removed from water and is cooled down. The distance between the indicator points is measured again. ference between the two readings represent the unsoundness of cement. » Le chatelier’s method (it measures the expansion due to lime > 10 mm for OPC/RHC/LHC/PPC & » 5 mm for HAC & SSC) Autoclave method This test is sensitive to both free lime and magnesia. > Test specimen size 25 mm x 25 mm x 282 mm. » The difference in length of the test specimen before and after autoclaving is calculated to the nearest 0.01 % of the effective length > For sound cement the expansion should not be more than 0.8 % Mortar cube of area 50 cm? (side ~ 7 cm) Cment : sand (ennore) = 1:3 Water = © +3 % of combined weight of cement & sand For grade 33 3 days (+ 1 hr) strength £16 N/mm? (16 MPa) 7 days (+2 hr) strength «22 N/mm? 28 days (44 hr) strength «33 N/mm? Note: Rapid hardening cement is finer than ordinary Portland cement containing more C3S and less C:S and 3 days strength is same as 7 days strength of OPC RHC: 16 MPa (1 day strength); 27.5 MPa (3 days) RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC IS Tensi strength: (briquettes of 6.45 cm? area is tested) Cement : Sand = 1:3 ; Water = £+2.5 % of combined weight of cement & sand = % of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency. Mixed is filled in the briquette moulds. Now they are leaved for 24 hours at a temperature of 27 + 2°C having 90 % atmospheric humidity. This test was formerly used to have an indirect indication of compressive strength Tensile strength = 10 to 15% of compressive strength Tensile strength at the end of 3 days « 20 kg/cm? (2 MPa) and at the end of 7 days < 25 kg/cm? Heat of Hydration: «65 cal/gm (7 days) 75 cal/gm (28 days) Water requirement for the hydration proce: About 23 % (24 % for CS & 21 % for C2S) by weight of cement is called bound water Plus 15 % extra is required to fill the gel pores Total 38 % min water/cement to make concrete Note: W/C required to complete the hydration process is 0.35 to 0.45 and W/C required to complete the chemical process in hydration is 0.25. Acid resisting cement: additive is NazSiFs (accelerate hardening) > Sulphate resisting cement: C3A is restricted (finer than OPC) > White cement: Fe20; is limited to 1 % (grey color of cement is due to Fe:03) > For extra rapid hardening cement: 2 % CaCl: is mixed with RHC (Rapid hardening cement) High alumina cement: the raw material (very different than OPC) used for manufacturing consists of bauxite (40 % which is a clay with high alumina content > 32 %), lime or chalk (40%), 15 % iron oxide and a little part of ferric oxide and silica, magnesia etc, ground finely at a very high temperature. > Since C:A is not present hence it has high resistance against sulphate attack hence it is suitable for sea and under water construction. > AlOs. CaO is the major compound formed, > Fineness > 225 m?/kg. Expansion < 5 mm. ‘Sulphate resisting Portland cement (SRPC) > It is similar to ordinary Portland cement except that it contains very low CsA content. > Expansion of cement is limited to 10 mm and 0.8 % when tested by Le-chatelier method and autoclave test respectively. Blau RINCHTAR CLASSES Portland slag cement ¥ It is made by intergrading Portland cement clinker (35%) and granulated blast furnace slag (which is a waste product in the manufacturing of pig iron having 45 % CaO & 35 % silica) and gypsum. > With higher slag content, it has high sulphate resistance rendering it suitable for use in the environment exposed to sulphate (in the soil or in ground water) y It can be used at all places where OPC is used but due to its low heat of hydration it can also be used for mass concreting for ex. Dams and foundation, ‘Super sulphated Portland cement > It is manufactured by grinding together a mixture of 80 to 85 % of granulated slag with 10 % to 15 % of calcium sulphate and about 5 % Portland cement clinker to extreme fineness. CsA < 3.5 % (which is susceptible to sulphate) It should be used in places where temperature is below 40°C This cement should not be used in construction exposed to frequent freezing and thawing or moistening and drying conditions. It is also resistant to chemical primarily sulphate and also acid resistant. Fineness = 400 m?/kg. Expansion < 5 mm. vvy vy Low heat Portland cement > Lower contents of C2A and C:S and more CS > Desirable in mass concreting of gravity dams. > Fineness > 3200 cm?/g. Expansion < 10 mm. Portland pozzolana cement > Manufactured by grinding Portland cement clinker and pozzolana (usually fly ash 10 to 30 % by mass of OPC) > Pozzolana has no cementing property but with lime it produces a stable lime - pozzolana compound having cementations property. > Free lime present is removed by pozzolana hence it has better resistance to chemical attack. Hence more suitable for marine works. RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC I7 Discuss the manufacture of cement The following stages are involved 1. mixing 2. Burning 3. Grinding Mixing: in the dry process of mixing (mostly used), the calcareous materials (ex. Limestone) and argillaceous materials (ex. Clay) are crushed and fine grinded separately and then mixed in definite proportion. > the mixed material is then pre heated from 65 to 850°C in stages > the preheated material is then fed to the rotary kiln for further burning Burning: burning is carried out in a rotary kiln of tubular shape with dia varying from 2.5 m to 3 m and length varies from 90 m to 120 m > At the upper end of the kiln water gets evaporated (if any) and nodules get formed. These nodules reach the lower end where the temperature is 1400-1500°C > In the burning zone of kin (lower end) a calcined product of hard dark greenish blue colour formed which is called clinker. > These clinker are very hot when comes out from the kiln > These clinkers are then allowed to cool down to a temperature of 90-95°C Grinding: the clinkers obtained from the kiln are ground very fine n ball and tube mills. > In this process small amount of gypsum is also added to control the initial setting time > The finely grounded cement is then stored in silos for packing > Cement is packed in a bag of 50 kg capacity (35 litres). % 35 liter forma used for measuring aggregate is 27 cm length x breadth 27 cm & height 48 cm. In warehouses > Floor area occupied by one cement bag is 0.3 m? > Height of the cement bag = 18 cm Ex. maximum height of the piles permitted = 2.7 m and plan area = 54 m?, Find the no, of cement bags can be stored = 54/0.3*2.7/0.18 = 2700 RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic2: Lime Lime is produced from the calcination of its ore calcium carbonate Calcination is the process in which, calcium carbonate is heated upto redness resulting in loss of moisture & CO» from it and leading to the formation of lime Caco, = Cad +0, > Lime which is produced from relatively pure lime stone is termed as quick lime > Quick lime has very high affinity to water hence reacts with it vigorously, resulting in the formation of slake lime or hydrated lime Slacking of lime (hydrated lime) a0 + HzO > Ca(OH): > On the basis of % purity of lime may be further divided into three types i) Fat lime / white lime / pure lime / high calcium lime (90 to 95 % pure) ‘+ This lime sets very slow and poses high plasticity. Hence in general not used in the works where strength is required ‘+ This lime posses pure white colour. Hence it is generally used for finishing works, like plastering & white washing etc. ii) Hydraulic lime / water lime : it is obtained from relatively impure lime stone ‘+ This lime is capable of setting under water or in damped condition where there is 1o free circulation of air, this property of lime is known as hydraulicity + This lime takes comparatively lesser time for its setting and posses higher strength. Hence it is used for masonry works iil) Poor lime / impure lime / lean lime : it is the type of lime that is produced from the lime stone having high % of impurity in it (less than 70 %) * This lime does not slakes, sets very slowly, posses poor binding property. Some important points to remember > For construction of structure under water hydraulic lime is used > Plaster of paris is obtained by calcining gypsum > The quick lime as it comes from kiln is known as lump lime > For lime concrete + Slump is 50 to 75 mm + Flexural strength at 90 days is 0.2 N/mm? + Compressive strength at 90 days is 1.5 N/mm? Ties | ps TT CEREFETERESTINT! RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic 3: Bleeding of concrete: excess water comes up Segregation: course materi BMC 19 CEMENT CONCRETE | separate out from finer materials resulting in large voids, less durability & less strength, maximum height of placing concrete is 1450 mm (IS 456-2000). Workability of concrete: it defines the ease with which concrete can be mixed transported, placed and compacted. 1) Slump test (Dimensions top 10cm, Bottom 20cm & Height 30cm) Slump test mm diamter ‘tamping rod Measured oe Stumped concrete sample — Lifting handles Foot rest 60 cm long & 16 Rule Tamping red inverted slump cone ~ Metal plate > Each layer of concrete is compacted for 25 no. of times Recommended slump: Beam & slabs Normal RCC work Mass concrete Strip footing Road construction = 20to 40 mm 50 to 100 mm. 80 to 150 mm 25 to 50 mm. 25 to 75 mm Trench fil 100 to 150 mm Slump value | 25-50 50-100 100-150 3150 Workability | Low Medium, High Very high For Example: slump of 60 mm means workability is medium > When slump is less than 15 mm it is called non plastic concrete > When slump is more than 230 mm it is called non cohesive concrete ao} smc RINCHTAR CLASSES 2) Compaction factor test: 50 ym Upper Hopper] 275 mm Lower Hopper Cylinder 4150 mm dia 300 mm height Mass of patially compacted concrete ‘Mass of Fully compacted concrete Compaction factor = 0.95 high workability (flowing concrete) 0.92 Medium workability (plastic concrete) =0.85 low workability (stiff plastic concrete) 0.75 Very low workability (stiff concrete) Compaction factor and slump values comparison CF 0.8 [0.85 | 0.90 [0.92 | 0.95 Slump values|25 [50 [75 [100 [150 > Heavily reinforced section needs medium workability hence 0.85 to 0.92 compaction factor is required. Note: Slump test can measure workability of concrete mix with low water cement ratio. Compaction factor test measures workability with high water cement ratio that can not be measured by slump test. 3) Vee Bee test: (vibration table with slump cone) 10 to 5 seconds medium workability 10 to 15 seconds low workability 10 to 18 seconds very low workability > Result of Vee-bee test is expressed in seconds » The test most suitable for very low workability is Vee- bee test. RINCHTAR CLASSES Mc [an Ex. 1) In 1:2:4 nominal mix, find sand volume required for 1 m? concrete Nominal mi ‘Age factor: Concrete grade Nominal mix M75 1:4:8 Mio 1:3:6 Months 1 3 6 12 Mis 12:4 Age 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 M20 4:1.5:3 factor M25 asd: M refers to mix and no. refers to characteristic strength of concrete in N/mm? IS code allows the nominal mix upto M20; that means 1:1:2 proportion is not in confirmat arbitrary method of proportioning. A to Abram’s water cement ratio law: this says that for any given condition of test the strength of workable concrete mix depends only on the water cement ratio. Crushing strength after 7 days curing= Pr 7 days and x is w/c by volume) (where P7 is the cylindrical crushing strength after, Crushing strength after 28 days = Pos = “* Water required for making harsh mix Weight of water = (30 % weight of FA + 5 % weight of CA)* water cement ratio For example: 50 kg of FA is mixed with 100 kg of CA & W/C = 0.6 Water required for harsh mix = (30/100*50 + 5/100*100)*0. = 12kg Maturity of concrete sample = Y(Time « Temperature) Ex. The concrete sample is cured at 15° celsius for 28 days. If the origin temperature is taken as -11 degree Celsius, what is the maturity (degree Celsius days) of concrete sample? Solution: 8*(15-(-11)) = 728 Datum temperature: The temperature below which strength development ceases. The traditional value for the datum temperature is -10 °C. Poisson's ratio of cement concrete is 0.15. Aggregate size: In RCC work max size of course aggregate Is 20 to 25 mm. Course aggregate (> 4.75 mm); Fine aggregate (< 4.75 mm) isc RINCHTAR CLASSES Fineness Modulu: ‘average size of the particles « Index no.) Coarse aggregates = 6 to 8.5 (6.93) Fine sand ~ 2.2 to 2.6 Fine aggregates = 2 to 3.5 (3.05) Medium sand ~ 2.6 to 2.9 Mixed aggregates = 4.7 to 7.0 Coarse sand ~ 2.9 to 3.2 Note: > Inthe case of hand mixing, 10 % extra cement must be added Snowcem, snowerete are the coloured cement > Shuttering as per IS: 456-2000 y + Vertical form work for the column, walls, beams 16 to 24 hors + Soffit formwork to slabs 3 days (props to be refixed immediately after removal of formwork) ‘+ Soffit formwork to beams 6 days (props to be refixed immediately after removal of formwork) + Props to the slabs i) Spanning upto 4.5 m 7 days ii) Spanning over 4.5 m 14 days ‘+ Props to the beams i) Spanning upto 6 m 14 days ii) Spanning over 6 m 21 days > Based on techniques of discharging mixed concrete, 3 type of mixers are i) Tilting type ii) non tilting type iii) pan type mixture List the properties of the cement concrete in plastic and hardened stage [SSC-200788] Properties in plastic state Mix ability: homogenous mix should be produced Segregation Bleeding Workability Finishability: should give smooth surface finish without honey combing vvyvyy Properties in hardened state > Compressive strength Flexural strength > Modulus of elasticity Poisson's ratio > Creep v Ca TT 0 IT GATE 2018,2017 100% | GATE 2016 93.47% | SSC JEN 76.83% VSD 3b a ee SED SE 2 RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC 43. cuss in detail “ placing of concrete in cold and hot weather” [SSC JE - 2009] Concreting in cold weather: any concreting operation done below 5°C is called cold weather concreting. Low temperature makes the concrete to develop its strength very slowly. Following are the effects of cold weather concreting: > Lower temperature leads to delayed setting of concrete, this increases the time for removal of formwork hence cost may increase » Plastic concrete when exposed to low temperatures undergoes permanent damage like reduction in strength Concreting in hot weather: any concreting operation done above 40°C is called hot weather concreting. Following are the effects of hot weather concreting: > High temperature leads to accelerated setting due to rapid hydration of cement. Workability of concrete decreases. This creates more demand for water in hot weather. > Hydration of cement takes place due to water present in the capillary pores which gets evaporated due to hot weather conditions. Thus more water is needed > Increased cracking results due to hot weather concreting > At high temperature, it is more difficult to control the air content and so it badly affects the workability of concrete Ties | ps TT m0 FETEEEFIEIN] aaj amc RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic 4: Bricks Composition of good brick earth: ica = 50 to 60 %, it provides strength » It prevents cracking, shrinking and warping of raw bricks > It imparts durability and uniform shape of bricks » Excess of SiO; - destroy the cohesion and bricks become brittle Alumina = 20 to 30 % (it comes from clay) » It absorb water and imparts plasticity to the earth such that it can be moulded > If alumina is in excess, raw bricks shrink and wrap during drying and burning Note: clay bricks are made of earth having 35-70 % silica and 10 - 20 % alumina. Lime (it prevents shrinkage on drying) = 10 %: it is used for the following purposes 1) Sand is itself infusible but in presence of lime it fuses at kiln temperature 2) If Excess lime Is presents it melts so the shape Is lost Alkalies < 10 % Oxides of iron: ferric oxide (<7%) ~ > imparts red color (all the ingredients fuses in its presence) > It improves impermeability and durability If excess iron oxide is present, it will impart blue or blackish color to brick (5 to 6 % desirable) Magnesia (< 1%) - yellow color of brick (it also decreases shrinkage) Manufacturing of bricks Q. discuss the operation involved in the manufacturing of bricks Following are the operations involved in bricks manufacturing Preparation of clay a) Unsoiling - the top most soil 20 - 30 cm is taken out and discarded since it is full of impurities. b) Digging: clay is then dug out from the ground. This clay is then spread out on ground ©) Cleaning (vegetables/stones): clay obtained from the dug hole is cleaned of stones, pebbles, vegetable matter etc. d) Weathering: the clay is then left in atmosphere for mellowing. This period of exposure varies from few weeks to full season e) Blending (ingredients added): after weathering the ingredients are added to clay and blending brings about a homogeneous mix. RINCHTAR CLASSES Mc [45 f) Tempering: water is added in clay and kneaded. Tempering is done thoroughly to have ‘a homogenous mass. It is done in pug mill 2. Moulding: the clay so obtained in above process is then moulded. Moulding can be done by hand or by machine. During moulding a central depression of about 10 mm to 20 mm is made which is known as frog. Frog is provided to provide name/brand of manufacturer Also provides the key to mortar 3. Drying: damp bricks when burnt show cracking and their shape get distorted. Thus bricks are dried before burning (moisture content brought down to 3 %) ‘The period of drying varies from 3 to 10 days. 4. Burning ~ Imparts hardness and strength - bricks should neither be under burnt nor over burnt. Bricks are burnt in Hoffmann kiln at about 100°C. Overburnt (Jhama bricks) bricks are brittle. Under burnt bricks are soft brick Test for bricks 1) Water absorption test - dry bricks are kept in oven (105-110°C) till it attain constant mass [SSC 2008] > After cooling to room temperature ts weight is reported as Ws » Now bricks are immersed in water at a temperature of 27 + 2°C for 24 hours > Bricks are then taken out from water and wiped with a damp cloth and weighted as Wz > Water absorption in % = ("= « 100% > 20 % for first class bricks 22.5 % for II" class bricks and 25 % for III" class bricks. » Water absorption for the good brick should not be more than 15 % of dry unit weight. vy 2) Compressive strength - [SSC 2008] > Minimum strength for common building bricks / 3° class bricks = 35 kg/cm* or 3.5 N/mm? > Minimum strength for 2" class bricks = 7.5 N/mm? Minimum strength for 1* class bricks = 10.5 N/mm? > Average compressive strength of common burnt clay bricks are as given in table y Class 350 [300 |250 [200 [175 ]1s0 ]125 |100 |75 |50 [35 sesignation Average [350 300 |250 | 200 |175 |i50 [125 |100 |75 |50 [35 (kg/cm?) > Bricks are immersed in water for 24 hours > Frog of the brick is filled flush with 1:3 mortar and the brick is stored under damp gunny bag (jute) for 24 hours followed by immersion in clean water for 3 days. a6) Buc RINCHTAR CLASSES > Bricks are then placed on compression testing machine and load is applied at a uniform rate of 14 N/mm? and maximum load at which bricks fails is recorded > Compressive strength = maximum load at failure / loading area of brick 3) Presence of soluble salts ~ efflorescence: ends of the brick are kept in 150 mm diameter glass dish containing 25 mm depth of water at room temperature (20-30°C) till the entrie water is absorbed or evaporated. > Water is again filled to 25 mm depth in the dish and allowed to be absorbed by the brick or evaporated. » Bricks are examined after second evaporation and area of white patches is measured on the brick. > Presence of efflorescence is classified as Nil - nothing deposited Slight ~ does not cover more than 10 % of the exposed area of the brick Moderate ~ 10 to 50 % of the area Heavy - more than 50 % area Serious ~ deposits are heavy 4) Soundness ~ two bricks when struck together, it should not break and clear ringing sound should come 5) Size and weight of the brick: dimensions of brick is tested by stacking 20 bricks together Length: 368 cm to 392 cm; Width: 174 cm to 186 cm; Height: 174 cm to 186 cm Standard size of modular brick - 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm Nominal size of modular brick - 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm (with mortar) Traditional bricks - 23 x 11.4 x 7.6 cm Conventional bricks - 1m? brick weights 1800 kg. Weight of each bricks is in the range of 3 to 3.5 kg Properties of good brick fe and shape: brick should have uniform size and plane, rectangular surfaces with parallel sides and sharp straight edges 2. Colour: brick should have a uniform deep red or cherry colour as indicative of uniformity in chemical composition. 3. Texture and compactness: surface should not be too smooth to cause slipping of mortar. The brick should have precompact and uniform texture. 4. Hardness: brick should be so hard that when scratched by a finger nail, no impression is made Soundness: when two bricks are struck together, a metallic sound should be produced Water absorpt Crushing strength: Brick earth should be free from stones, grits, organic matter etc 5. 6. 7. 8. RINCHTAR CLASSES aMc a7, Not chuffs. Bloating of bricks is spongy swollen mass over the surface of burned bricks. Presence of excess carbonaceous matter and Sulphur. shape of the brick is gets deformed due to rain water falling on the hot brick is known as Soiling: a layer of dry bricks are put below the foundation concrete, in the case of soft soil Ca TT 0 IT amc RINCHTAR CLASSES 5, There are two main types of Bricks. 1. Unburnt Bricks: h makes the brick earth unsuitable jebbles in brick earth does not allow uniform mixing of clay thereby leading to weak and porous bricks Iron pyrites: this causes the brick to disintegrate on burning because of oxidation of iron Alkalies: (soda and potash): it acts like a flux in the kiln and they causes bricks to fuse. Also alkali absorb water from bricks masonry. This moisture on evaporation leaves behind the white Patches on the surface of brick masonry. Vegetation: presence of vegetation and other organic matter in the brick earth aids in burning. However such matter if remains partially burnt then bricks will become porous due to evolution of gases on burning Lime: excess of lime makes the brick to lose its shape These bricks are dried through sun light. It is also called Sun-dried Bricks. They have very low strength as compared to other types of bricks. 2. Burnt Bricks: ‘The bricks which are used commonly in today’s age are burnt bricks. They are prepared and burnt ina kiln. They have high strength as compared to unburnt bricks. They are further classified into the following categories. I. First Class Bricks: > These are 19 x 9 x 9 cm in size. They are made from good earth, free from saline deposits, They should be thoroughly burnt. > They should be of good color. They should be of regular shape with square edges and parallel faces. > These bricks are free from flaws, cracks, chips, stones, etc. They should give a ringing sound when two bricks are struck together. > Its compressive strength shall not be less than 10.5 N/mm®, And they shall not absorb more than 20% of water when immersed in water for 24 hours. > These are excellent for all types of construction in the exterior walls. They are also suitable for flooring li, Second Class Bricks: Second class bricks are also fully burnt and give a clear ringing sound when struck together. Slightly irregularities in shape, size or color are accepted > Its compressive strength shall not be less than 70 kg/cm2, and absorption value should not be greater than 22.5 percent when soaked for 24 hours in water. > Slight difference in the structure on fractured surfaces Is admissible. » Used for exterior work when plastering is to be done. And can also be used for interior works but they may not be used for flooring RINCHTAR CLASSES aMc 149 Third Class Bricks: > These are not burnt so fully as in previous two cases but are generally of uniform reddish yellow color. > Defects in uniformity or shape are tolerated. On striking together, they produce a dull sound. > Its compressive strength lies between 35 - 70 kg/cm2 and absorption between 22.5 - 25 %, > Use: They are used mostly in the ordinary type of construction and in dry situations. . Fourth Class Bricks: > These types of bricks are irregular in shape and dark in color which is due to over burning. > They are quite strong in compressive strength, generally above 150 kg/cm2 and low in Porosity and absorption. > Use: Despite their high strength, these types of bricks are unfit for use in bullding construction. This is because of their distorted shape and irregular size. > They are, however, very commonly used in a broken form, in road construction, foundations and floors as a coarse aggregate material. Ties | ps TT CEREFETERESTINT! 20 8MC RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic 5: Brick masonry Brick masonry: is made up of 1. bricks 2. Mortar Not ‘or making 4 m? of brick masonry 500 bricks and 0.30 m? of dry mortar are required MORTAR: mortar is defined as a mixture containing binding agent (ex. cement) + water + aggregates (sand); In lime mortar cement is replaced by lime) Bulking of sand: volume of sand increases in the presence of limited moisture due to capillary action. For moisture content (5 to 8%) increase in volume may be upto 20 to 40 % Finer material ——» more bulking (bulking of fine sand is more than coarser sand) Presence of sand in mortar prevent the excessive shrinkage also reduces the quantity of cement used Ex. for making 1:2:4 concrete mix, what will be actual sand volume required per unit volume of cement if there is 20 % buckling. [2*1.2 = 2.4 m3] Mortars are classified on the basis of following 1. Bulk density: heavy mortar (215 kN/m?), light weighted mortar (< 15 kN/m?) 2. Kind of binding material: i, Lime mortar: in. this type of mortar lime is used as binding material Fat lime: it has high calcium oxide content. It is unsuitable for water logged areas or in damp situation Hydrated lime: it posses more strength and can be used in damp conditions >» — Slaked fat lime is used to prepare mortar for plastering » Hydraulic lime is used for masonry works ii, Surkhi mortar: surkhi is pozzolonic material and it should be grinded such that all of it passes through a 4.75 mm IS sieve and 0 ~ 15 % through 150 micron sieve, iil. Cement mortar: cement is used as binder Mix proportion of cement mortar are given as per below table (cement 1 part) Type of | Masonry | Interior Exterior Pointing | Reinforced | Foundation work plastering _| plastering brick work Sand 4-5 4 5-6 133 a4 amount lv. Gauged mortar / lime -cement mortar: to improve the quality of lime mortar and to achieve early strength, the cement is some times added to it and this process is known as gauging. Cement to lime usual proportion is 1:6 to 1: RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC jan Grout: cement mortar of fluid consistency used to fill the voids and joint in the masonry and to repair the crack is known as grout. > Itis also used to increase the bearing capacity of soil by injections. > Useful to fill the cracks in dam concrete Guniting: application of mortar or concrete under pneumatic pressure through a cement gun is known as guniting concrete becomes extremely strong and a high bond is achieved > Guniting is done in layer of 40-50 mm > A good well compacted guinite cured for 28 days gives a compressive strength as N/mm?. > Average unit weight of gunite is 2300 kg/m? > Curing is done for 7 days Q. what are the properties of good mortar Solution: It should be capable of developing good adhesion with the building units such as bricks, stones etc It should be capable of developing the required strength It should be capable of resisting penetration of rain water. It should be durable, workable and cheap It should not affect the durability of materials with which it comes in contact It should set quickly so that speed in construction may be achieved. The joints formed by mortar should not crack Nowsun Header Bond: header is a shorter face of the brick as seen in the elevation. In the standard brick it is 9 cm x 9 cm face. The three-quarter brickbats are utilized in alternative courses as quoins. This bond is mainly used for the construction of one brick thick walls. oat Sonex Hevation 1.8.8 .Cousee Header bond fae miemc RINCHTAR CLASSES Stretcher Bond (Running bond): stretcher is a long face of the brick as seen in the elevation. In the standard brick 19 cm x 9 cm face is the stretcher. In stretcher bond masonry all the bricks are arranged in stretcher coarse. = Je Joye t Lt Sevan a 1.86 cames stretcher bond an English bond: One of the most commonly utilized variations of brick bonds in masonry works. This bond essentially comprises of alternating courses of headers and stretchers. Headers are laid centred over the stretchers in the course below and each alternate row is vertically aligned. To break the continuousness of vertical joints, a quoin closer is used at the start and end of a wall after the first header. A quoin close is a brick that is cut lengthwise into 2 halves and used in the corners in brick walls. This type of bond is mainly used to construct strong one brick thickness walls. English bond Flemish bond: For this type of bond, each course is made up of alternate headers and stretchers. Each header is centered on a stretcher above and below and every alternate course begins with a header in the corner. For breaking the vertical joints in the successive courses, quoin closers are introduced in alternate courses next to the header. This bond can be significantly sub- divided into two diverse types: + Single Flemish Bond - A combination of English bond and Flemish Bond. The front exposed surface of the wall is composed of Flemish bong and the back surface is composed of English bond in every single course + Double Flemish Bond - This bond takes a similar appearance both in the front and the back elevations. RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC 123 Walls with Flemish Bond are complex to erect and demand greater skills Tiss Hes 15 brick wall Front 12 brick wall Front Even courses Odd courses Double flemish bond 15- brick wall in Back iE Back 1 2 brick wall Front 4 brick wall Front Single flemish bond ‘Stack Bond: In a stack bond, all the bricks are plainly loaded on top of each other and held with mortar where all bonds are perfectly aligned. Because of its weak masonry structure and less strength, Stack bonds are perfect for decorative purposes. This bond is a non-structural bond, hence not suitable for walls which require to transfer loads. Dutch Bond: A modified form of the English cross bond which consists of alternate courses of headers and stretchers. In this arrangement of the brick bond, every single stretching course begins at a quoin with a 3-quarter bat. Every alternate stretching course has a header set next to the 3-quarter bat brick provided at the quoin. This bond is perfect to construct strong corners along the wall which are subjected to excess loads. alaue RINCHTAR CLASSES Facing Bond: This bond is primarily adopted for thick walls, where the facing and backing are chosen to be constructed with bricks of diverse thickness. Typically, this bond consists of heading and stretching courses arranged in a manner that one heading course comes after quite a lot of stretching courses. The load distribution of walls using this bond is not uniform because of the difference between the facing and the total number of joints in the backing. This can also lead to unequal settlement of the 2 thickness of the wall Note: Quoins are masonry blocks at the corner of a wall. And the bricks forming quoins are called quoin bricks. Ex. quoin header or quoin stretcher. Perpends: the vertical joints of the brick are called perpends. Closer: closer is the portion of the brick with the cut made longitudinally and is used to close up bond at the end of the course. > It helps in preventing the joints of successive sources to come in vertical line > Closer may be of various types Halfor Bat Three-quarter closure Quarter Closure King dosure Queen closure Spit Queen closurs equal parts he portion of the standard brick made by cutting it across the length into two Bevelled closure: the portion of a standard brick by cutting off the triangular piece between the corner of one header face and the opposite corner of the stretcher face. Half bat portion of brick cut half across the width Bevelled closure RINCHTAR CLASSES BMC 125 ‘Squint bricks: are used for making corners other than 90? Note for walls thicker than 1! brick, English bonds are stronger than Flemish bond and Flemish bond are more economical as more no. of bats are used and appearance is also better than English bond, Not > Thickness of half brick wall = 10 cm = 100 mm > Thickness of 1 brick wall = 20 em > Thickness of 1! brick wall = 30 em » Thickness of 2 brick wall = 40 cm 26 8MC RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic 6: Stone/rocks Q. Describe the classification of rocks Rocks are classified as follows 1. Igneous rocks: these rocks are formed due to solidification of molten magma of earth’s crust. Igneous rocks are further classified as plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks. Plutonic rocks are formed due to rising up of hot magma from the earth’s crust and which gets cooled and solidified before it reaches the earth's surface. Volcanic rock is formed due to arrival of hot magma (or lava) on the earth's surface before it gets cooled. Example: Granite, basalt etc 2. Sedimentary rocks: these are formed due to deposition of material on earth's surface. This deposited material is usually the product of weathering and erosion. Consolidation of these deposited material forms sedimentary rocks. Example: lime stone, gypsum and sandstone etc 3. Metamorphic rocks: these rocks are formed due to metamorphism i.e. the igneous and sedimentary rocks when subjected to high temperatures, high pressure or chemical action undergo major change in their mineralogical character. The resulting rock is referred as metamorphic rock. Example: Mica, Gneiss, Schis! calcite ete Q. Write down the different types of stones used in different works Solution: S.No. | Stone Classification Uses 1 Basalt Tgneous Road works, random rubble masonry, foundation works 2 Kanker Sedimentary Road works, manufacturing of hydraulic lime 3 Granite Igneous Insills, steps, facade, ballast, columns & piers 4 Marble Metamorphic Flooring, facade, column, ornamental works etc 5 Murum Metamorphic Garden walls, paths etc é ‘Sand stone _| Sedimentary Flooring, steps, facade, ornamental work ete 7 Slate Metamorphic. Roofing, sills, damp proof course etc 8 Quartzite | Metamorphic Retaining walls, concrete aggregate, pitching, rubble masonry facade ete 9 Laterite Metamorphic Road work, rough stone masonry, building stones etc 10 | Chalk Sedimentary Putty manufacture, colouring material in PPC ete 11 | Lime stone | Sedimentary Flooring, steps, walls, road work, lime manufacture etc RINCHTAR CLASSES aMc 127 Some important points to remember vvvy vvvwy v Sand stone is a sedimentary rock which is converted into quartzite by heating & pressure. Hence quartzite is metamorphic rock. Rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents are called argill The most suitable building stone for piers is granite (strongest) Granite is a rock that is by nature is plutonic Granite - igneous rock ~ (coarse grained) ~ strongest stone for use [crushing strength 70, to 130 MPa] used for pier and abutments. Fine grinded granite is used for making very high strength concrete. Under heat and pressure granite can transfer into gn Basalt stone by nature Is volcanic (igneous rock) Slate - metamorphic rock - is suitable for damp proofing Gypsum - chemically precipitate - sedimentary rock (mineral) Sand stones — sedimentary rocks (Quartz + feldspar). Used for ashlar masonry and architectural works. Lime stone - sedimentary rock (CaCos) Shale - sedimentary rock Marble - chemically it is calcareous (calcium carbonated) but it is metamorphic rock geologically. Used in ornamental works The process of producing the natural stone is known as quarrying. Stone is rejected if it absorbs more than 10 % water Crushing strength of @ good building stone is 1000 kg/cm? (100 MPa), water absorption < 3% and sp. Gravity > 2.7 The process of providing smooth face and regular face to stone is known as dressing Oxalic acid is used for polishing mosaic floors Terracotta refers to a fired mixture of clay and water that can be used for ornamental works in bulldings Spalling hammer - rough dressing of stones Trowel- used for lifting & spreading mortar Ties | ps TT CEREFETERESTINT! 2B 8c RINCHTAR CLASSES Topic 7: Timber Timber: it denotes the wood which is suitable for building or carpentry or various other engineering purposes Classi ation of tree 1) Exogenous > These tree grow outwards » ‘These trees are used for making structural elements » They are further divided as conifers and deciduous a) Conifers are evergreen trees having pointed needle like leaves Examples are deodar, chir, fir, kail, pine and larch. They shows distinct annular rings these are soft woods with pine as an exception, light in colur and light weighted b) Deciduous trees have flat broad leaves Example are teak, shisham, poplar and maple. Dark in colour and heavy weighted and are hard woods. 2) Endogenous > These tree grow inwards > Timber from these trees has very limited engineering application > Example are bamboo, cane, palm Some times trees are also classified on the basis of modulus of elasticity and durability Elasticity basis Group A: modulus of elasticity in bending is above 12.5 kN/mm? Group B: modulus of elasticity in bending is above 9.8 KN/mm? and below 12.5 kN/mm? Group C: modulus of elasticity in bending is above 5.6 KN/mm? and below 9.8 kN/mm? Durability basis High durability: average life of 120 months or more Moderate durability: average life of less than 120 months but more than 60 months Low durability: average life of less than 60 months

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