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Isabell Tenorio


October 14, 2020

Final Social Media Project

Brand: Decades Hair Dye (fictional)


Development: For this week’s video, we are going to upload a video that includes one of our

customers Daniella as she dyes her hair with our product for the first time. She is going to say a

quick introduction in which she will tell her name, age, her job title, other information she wants

to share, if she has dyed her hair before or not, and what made her want to start dyeing it/use our

product. It will also be filmed inside her home and there will only be the film crew, no

hairstylists to help.

Inspired by the Beauty Secrets videos by Vogue in which celebrities show us their everyday

makeup and hair routine, this video takes that concept and makes it more relatable as people will

see someone like them using the product and is best for YouTube as it is not restricted to a

certain time limit unlike what other social media platforms allow. By using a regular customer

and filming it in her house without any professional help will show everyone wanting to use the

product that they don’t need fancy products or set up to have cool hair color or even be a certain

age to dye hair, and this video will be the start of a yearlong series titled “Through the Decades:

At Home with (customer name here)” with each video scheduled for every Thursday at noon.


Development: For a Tweet, Decades will post the following: “Starting your dyeing journey and

have no idea where to start? Or maybe you have been dyeing for a while but feel like you might
be doing something wrong? Tweet us your questions with #DyeOfTheDecade and on

Wednesdays from 10 am to 4 pm CDT our color experts will answer away!” with a picture of

someone holding a dye brush in one hand and one of our products in the other with a question

mark over their head and a confused look on their face. The text is just enough for the 280

character limit.

This post will gain the attention of a customer who has questions but isn’t sure who to ask while

also showing the audience that Decades cares about its customers enough to want to help out,

and this post is specific to Twitter and it will be an organized way to respond to customers under

one tag instead of asking on Instagram stories, as some people may want to only read answers

instead of listening. The objective is to connect customers with people on the Decades team who

have more experience or knowledge that googling might not answer, and like in the tweet they

will answer any question that is appropriate from 10 am to 4 pm so there is a chance for

followers to ask their question along with them getting answered.


Development: For the Instagram post, it will be a video of a model styled for the 1800s both

clothing and hairstyle. Because the dye colors are named after famous people during different

decades, the model will have the “Jane Austen” color in their hair (which will be a light brown).

The video will start with the model sitting down and a stylist dying thier hair with the color, then

after the color is set the stylist will style the hair and clothes that were popular during the 1800s.

During the video there will be text that will say facts about hair care that applied to that time


Inspired by the 100 Years of Beauty videos by Cut in which they show the different fashion

trends for different groups of people throughout the years, this takes that concept but is changed
to fit the brand better, and is best for Instagram as it takes advantage of the IGTV feature by

making the IGTV section on the Instagram page dedicated to only these videos. This will target

those who like watching styling videos while also getting people interested in buying the product

as they will see how nice the color will come out, and this will be the start of a series that will

have 22 videos in total (starting with the 1800s and ending in the 2010s), with videos posted

every Monday at 10 am.


Development: For this week’s Facebook post, Decades will say the following: “Here at Decades,

we encourage everyone at any age to dye their hair. Because we believe that having an awesome

hair color should not be age restricted. To make sure our customers feel the same, we are starting

a group called ‘Through the Decades’, where people in their 30s and up can join and find others

who are continuing to rock the cool color look. All that we ask of everyone who wants to join is

to have a nice attitude. Can’t wait to see everyone!” No picture will be attached, and there will be

a link to the group page.

The creation of the group will be a place for customers to ask questions, find a community of

others around their age, and share their hair dyeing journey that group private messaging can’t do

as well while also appealing to the older demographic that mostly uses Facebook. The main

mantra for Decades is we want our product to be used with the older demographic and this group

will help those who are wanting to continue dyeing their hair past the “normal” age range, and

the post will be made a month after the company launched and will be open for as long as the

company is around.

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