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CCUB 3621 (SECTION 210)



This video talks about the life of ease. It has been told that a long time ago, the
Prophet also was not exempted to go through hardship in his life. He was tested with a lot of
difficulties but eventually Allah granted him peace in every difficulty. This video shares the
importance of Surah Al- Inshirah. Based on this surah, Allah stated that greater ease comes
with difficulty. It means that difficulty is the way of Allah showing his love to human beings.
Allah tests the human being with difficulty and He will see through what they are going
through and give them ease at the end of the test.
Difficulty can be in any form such as financial difficulty, health difficulty,
psychological difficulty and many others. It is undeniable that each and everyone of us will
definitely face difficulty in our life. In terms of difficulty , we know exactly what the problem
is. The only that remains invisible are the solutions to our difficulties. We do not have the
capability to predict the future and solve our problem in the meantime. But Allah has
promised to us that the ease is definitely much bigger than the difficulty. The ease can come
in many ways whether we recognise it or not. For instance, ease can be the solution to our
problem. We are bound to believe that there is always an invisible ease coming through our
way regardless if we are in difficulty or not. The only thing that we have to do is remain
patient in going through the hardship and have faith with Allah.
More often than not, we probably think that our current problem is very bad and we
sometimes have doubts in finding the solution. At this point, we need to restore in our heart
that every problem must have a solution and Allah will never leave us with difficulty. In this
world, Allah has designated for us which in every difficulty comes with an ease. It is just a
matter of time and how we perceive the problem in our own way. For instance, we need to
work hard to get a promotion. Hence, there is no ease without difficulty.
The other important part is we need to exhaust ourselves when we have free time.
When we suffer any hardship, we tend to give up and lose our inner self. At this moment, we
need to stand and strive for the solution because Allah is always there to help us. Every
second given is very precious for us to spend the time for the things which benefited us. If we
make use of our time in a good manner, there is no difficulty as regards to time management.
From this video, I learn that the hardest problem that we have is in the inside of our
chest based on what we feel. First of all, we need to purify our heart because the only ease
CCUB 3621 (SECTION 210)

that matters is only calmness. In every difficulty, we need to be calm and patient in order to
solve the problem. Other than that, it also mentioned that there is an ease after the hardship. I
believe that as a student, we are struggling with assignments, presentations, exams and
whatnot. But it is rest assured that at the end of all this struggle, we surely gain benefit from it
as a form of ibadah and also the perpetual knowledge. We need to be patient and have faith in
Allah that He will help us to go through these difficulties because it is said that Allah will not
burden a soul more than it can bear. Besides, this video talks about time management. As a
student, we need to use our time in the best way so that we can balance the life of study and
ibadah. It is undeniable that sometimes we are attracted to wasting our time on social media,
games and stuff. However, we need to take a break and reflect on whether our actions give
benefit to us and start improving ourselves to become someone better in the future.

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