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Topic: Welcoming Ramadan

- In reaching the month of Ramadan, we need to prepare ourselves mentally and

- Ramadan can be regarded as a charging time for Muslims to maximise ibadah.
- Ramadan is a perfect month for our body to rest so we need to adjust our sleeping
schedule and balance our eating portion in order to regain our lost energy.
- During Ramadan, we need to take a good care of our health so that we can easily
perform extra ibadah.
- We also need to refrain ourselves from doing unnecessary activities that are not
beneficial for us such as slandering others, backbiting and playing games.
- In Ramadan, we should reduce our screen time on gadgets and try to avoid social
media as it can distract our time.
- Other than that, we need to train ourselves to go to the mosque regularly.
- Next, as a Muslims, we need to be reminded that whatever we do on earth will be
questioned in the akhirat.Reminding ourselves that what we do now will be
questioned in akhirat.
- Also in Ramadan, we have to read a lot of dua to get blessings from Allah.
- To conclude, Ramadan is a special month for Muslims to focus more on their ibadah
and doing good things.

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