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Name :

Class : Year 1

Subject : Science

Date : 29th April 2021 (Thursday)

Teacher : Norazimah binti Gani

Topic : Inquiry in Science/Scientific Skills

Content Standard : 1.1 Science Process Skills

Learning Standard :
1.1.2 Communicate
Learning outcomes : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to:
1. State what is communicating.
2. State at least two out of three communicating methods
Note Communicating: Accepting, choosing, arranging, and presenting information or

1. Writing

2. Figures/
7. Drawing

6. Charts 3. Tables

5. Graph 4. Model
Instruction 1. Read and observe the note given and your text book page 4.
Baca dan perhatikan nota yang diberikan dan dalam buku teks muka surat 4.

2. You can also refer to this video
Kamu juga boleh merujuk kepada video ini untuk pemahaman yang lebih

3. Refer text book page 5.

Rujuk buku teks muka surat 5.
i. Observe the picture of a sheep.
Perhatikan gambar biri-biri.
ii. Construct a model of a sheep using the material showed.
Bina model biri-biri menggunakan bahan yang ditunjukkan.
iii. Take a picture and share your model in the Whatsapp group. You
also can talk about the model you have contruct.
Ambil gambar dan kongsikan model biri-biri kamu dalam Whatsapp.
Kamu juga boleh ceritakan tentang model yang kamu bina.

4. Complete the exercise in activity book page 5-6.

Selesaikan latihan dalam buku aktiviti muka surat 5-6.

Page 5: Colour the picture of Alia’s Family. Count the number of male and
females in the picture.
Muka surat 5: Warnakan gambar Keluarga Alia. Kirakan bilangan orang lelaki
dan perempuan di dalam gambar.

Page 6: Colour the picture. Write about the transport.

Muka surat 6: Warnakan gambar. Ceritakan tentang kenderaan tersebut.

5. Submit your exercise.

Hantar latihan kamu.

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