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Topic: Life After Death

- We need to believe that life after death is real because it has been stated in the
Al-Quran and Hadith.
- The Hereafter is longer than the life we had in this current world.
- The person who passed away cannot go back to live in the world because there is
another life that they need to enter.
- In the grave, Munkar and Nakir will ask us questions to determine which place that
we belong to in the Hereafter.
- Allah has created heaven as a reward for the people who obey Him and do good in
their life.
- Allah also created hell as a punishment to the people who choose to disobey Him and
go astray from the right path of their own religion.
- Both heaven and hell are the places that we earned by our deed during our lives in the
world that we regard it as a test in which we shall be rewarded or punished.
- Have faith and believe in the Hereafter is one of the six fundamental beliefs in Islam.
- As a Muslim, we should believe that Allah has created us for a reason in which we
need to try our best to achieve the goal of entering heaven throughout our lives.
- To conclude, we need to live our life very well and be careful with what we do
because each action we take will be judged by Allah in the Hereafter.

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