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Topic: Akhirah

- Allah has set up a guideline for human beings in the Al- Quran therefore all humans
will be responsible for their deeds in the Hereafter.
- Barzakh is a place which separates the living from the Hereafter and only our soul
will reach there.
- Example: when we sleep, our soul will go out from our body and enter the barzakh
- However, after death, barzakh will be the place based on our deeds. If we do good in
our life, it will be like a paradise and if we do bad, it will taste like hellfire to us.
- Life is a preparation for humans to collect deeds that will be questioned in akhirah to
determine their places either in paradise or hell.
- Paradise- the best place which was described as a garden (Jannah), there is no pain &
unhappiness, able to live with our loved one, able to eat various foods and can enter
any of 8 gates depending on our deeds in the world.
- Hell- the worst place called Jahannam, place of fire and torment as a punishment, the
person will enter any of 7 gates of different levels of fire, existence of poisonous fruit
that boils the body who eats it.
- Allah gives the view of paradise and hell to motivate Muslims to do good and obey
with the right Islamic teaching.
- There are many activities that we can do to enter Jannah which includes praying,
reading al-quran, seeking knowledge, helping people in need and many other good
- To conclude, as a Muslims, we need to remember that life is a test to ensure our place
in the akhirah therefore we need to do nothing but the good things only throughout
our life in this world.

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