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MASTER COPY PSerUs molecules and beyond | HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION | Doc. No. PLUBR/001 DEPARTMENT. Rev. No. a : : Supersedes PLLIR/001 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | jifei 010722009 Issue Date 20.06.2015 ‘i Effective Date 01.07.2015 7 TITLE | SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT | econ pare SaneaDTE Page No. Page lof 3 1.0 20 3.0 40 5.0 6.0 61 6.1.1 6.12 OBJECTIVE ‘To ensure that the manpower requirements of the organization are met in terms of required competencies and number of people as per the business plan of the organization, SCOPE ‘This procedure covers the details like identification of manpower requirements, calling out applications, selection process and recruitment of personnel RESPONSIBILITY Identification of Manpower Requirements— Respective HOD Approval of Manpower~ Unit Head Selection of the candidates — Respective HOD / HOD - HRD ‘Approval of the candidate above chemist level — Approval of the candidate at chemist level and below — Director — Business Development. ACCOUNTABILITY Incharge-HR DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS HRD — Human Resources Development PROCEDURE Identification of Manpower Requirement The manpower plan is prepared by Unit Head and reviewed with MD for approval. The manpower planning is carried as part of the business plan, which includes identification of number of personnel in each department at each level and also the required competency levels. ‘As and when manpower requirement arises for various reasons like expansion, replacement to persons leaving the organization etc., respective HODs raise Manpower Requisition and forward the same for Unit Head approval. Prepared by K. Basu Asst Manager - HR gl | felis Name Designation Signature | Date Reviewed by 'Y.Hanuma Reddy | Manager -QA Hocmgeeh 8/6 [is Approvedby | ASIR.C. Murthy | General Manager CQA& CQC Aca Ligh he MASTER COPY Per US” IIUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION No. PLLR/001 DEPARTMENT. No. o 5 =e ‘Supersedes PLLAR(001 _STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | yefed (REIN Issue Date 20.06.2015 waite | SELECH Effective Date _ | 01.07.2015 TITLE | SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT [Review bate 30.06.2018 Page No. Page 2 of 3 61. 61 62. 62. 62. 62 62. 63 63. 63 .3. In case the manpower required is st chemist level or below, then the Director — Business Development shall approve the same. 4 In case the manpower required is above chemist’s level, then respective Unit Head shall forward the same to MD for approval of the same Selection and Recruitment of operators and other contract workers 1 The contract workers are used for helping the operators/ chemists and for material handling as such no competency requirements are laid down for contract workers. These contract workers are employed based on the reference of the existing personnel and on a temporary basis. .2 For the operators/ chemists, the minimum education and experience is laid down as part of Manpower Plan. 3 Whenever operators are required, the personnel are identified through references of the existing personnel. 4 The candidates referred are called for interviews and are interviewed by the respective HOD and HOD (HRD) and the results are recorded in Operator Interview Assessment Form. 5 The assessment results of the candidates interviewed are reviewed and the best suitable candidates shall be approved for recruitment. 6 Based on the approval obtained fiom respective Head-SBU, the candidate is informed and recruited in the required role. 7 On the day of reporting, the candidate reeruited is introduced to respective HOD. Respective HOD ensures that the candidate is explained about his role and also the elements of QMS as applicable 10 his role. Selection and recruitment of personnel at chemist and ahove 1 For the personnel at level of supervisors and above, the competency requirements in terms of ‘minimum education, experience and skills are laid down as part of Manpower Plan. .2 Whenever such personnel ate required, the personnel are identified through various sources like placement agencies, newspaper advertisements, references of the existing personne! and known people ete. Name | Designation Signature | Date Prepared by K Basu AsstManager-HR [Rey 14[06 Ir Reviewedby | ¥iHanuma Reddy _| Menager-QA ise Approvedby [| ASRC. Murthy | General Manager-CQA& CQC ree | salehy MASTER COPY Pers molecules and beyond UMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION | Doc. No. PLLAR/001 DEPARTMENT. Rev. No. a : : cre [Supersedes PLLER001 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | 5/1 anaes Issue Date 20.06.2015 “rion Effective Date 01.07.2015 TITLE | SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT Heview Date Sree Page No. Page 3 of 3 633 634 63.5 6.3.6 637 6.3.8 ‘The applications or resumes received are sereened and candidates are short-listed based on their suitability For supervisors and executives, the respective HODs/ Head-SBU interview the candidates referred and the results are recorded in Staff Interview Assessment Form. ‘The results along with the recommendations of the respective HODs/ Unit Head are forwarded to MD for his approval. For Section In-charges and HODs, Unit Head and MD shall interview the candidates referred and the results are recorded in Managers/ Executives Interview Assessment, MD shall finalize the candidate to be recruited. Rrased on the approval obtained from MD, the candidate is informed and terms and conditions of employment are explained along with the role. Based on their acceptance, a letter of offer is issued. Anacknowledgement and date of joining are obtained on the duplicate copy of the letter of ofter. Once the candidate reports on the day of joining, the HOD (HR& Admin.) arranges for the induction training as described in Procedure for Training and Skill Upgrading, 63.9 Then HOD (HR & Admin.) and Head-SBU ensure that a detailed appointment letter is issued to the candidate. 64 Reporting 64.1 During the management review meetings, HOD (HR & Admin.) presents the data on the time taken for recruitment of personnel against the required date. 7.0 FORMATS : Format 1 ~ Manpower Requisition Form PII /HR/M01/F-01/R-00 Format2 Interview Assessment Sheet PLL/HIR/O0 /F-02/8-00 80 ANNEXURE: Nil 9.0 RECORDS : Nil 10.0. REFERENCES :Nil Name Designation Signature Date | Prepared by K. Basu ‘AsstManager- HR | GAL (2/ob ls Reviewed by __| Y.Hanuma Reddy _ | Manager- QA. + Hawa Approvedby | AS.RC.Murthy | General Manager-CQA& CQC | Ayr. eho | HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT MASTER COPY Pe molecules and beyond (US Format No. | PLL/MR001/K.02 | RevNo. | 00 Effective Date | 01.07.2015 ‘TITLE : INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT SHEET For Position Namie of the Cancidate: Total Fxperience Qualification (2) Present Oxgonitation Present Salary =: expected Salary Af selected, Notice period: 1 ae 7 Eo ‘Appearanee, General boaring end manner Poor Avera Good Very Good Excellent 2. Acad T 34 26 2s 9 10 Goed record of studies and advancement, Average Good _Very Good _Excellent 7B Experience: {© 24 Ss 6 7 8 oD ‘Nery good record on the relevant work advancement shown. _| Poor Average ___ Good _Very Good _Exeellent 4. Ability to perform the Kole: 7 2 24 os 6 7 8 9% 10 Menial alertness Intelligent-quick on the uptake Poor Avera Good Very Good Excellent Dependability: T2304 Gn, Foe, 0 C-operative and dependable, willing, and help. Poor Average Good _Very Good _ Excellent 6. Communication Skill 12 3 4¢ Sf 6 7 8 10 Communicates with lucidity, coulé answer with sulficient | Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent clarity ness i x ee , resourceful and original. Has confidence 1 make] Poor AVerege Good Very Good Excellent ve decisions in thought and action, is io2 34 to 78 9,0 Expertise levels in his domain, covering all the spears Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent D-Aptitude: T2 34 5 6 78 9 © ‘Aplitude for the position, motivated to measure upto the | Poor Average. -—-Good-Very Good Exeellent ‘demands of the job. 16. Leadership_ (for Asst. Manager & above positions) i? 34 3,8 (to 9 a0 ‘Capable and inspiring teader, good at handling others. Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Interview observations SUITABLE POSTING AT unr 1 NoTsuITABLe : (Miay give reasons) Tnterviewed by Head of the Dept Head~HR Name: Dae: Head — IR Recommendations Expected Date of Joining: Recommended to appoint as: at ~ with Designation Level CTC, tpa (INR) ‘Approved for the appointment Date: MANAGING DIRECTOR/CE.O. ee HUMAN. JURCES DEPART NT MASTER COPY Petrus rrolectles ard beyond Format No. | PLL/HR/O01/F-O1 Rev No. 00 Effective Date | 01.07.2015 TITLE : MANPOWER REQUISITION FORM ‘Name of the HOD, making requisition: Deparment & Designation New Position category: (PI . tick relevant box) | Replacement C1 | Name of the candidate being replaced: Date of Request: Position Title/ Designation required: Department : No. of Positions Required: Job Location, Suggested Qualifications: HR Notes: Suggested Experience Band Mie ie __ve a Proposed Salary band forthe position | From Rs. LPA tO Rs, LPA 1. Job Description of the Position Ee: (PI. write 5 job deliverables) 4 4. L Special Skills, ifany required 2 3 1 Preferred Companies to Recruit: A 3 Timeline jo fill the Position | Other information if any: Requisitioning HOD Signature: Date: | MD /CEO Approval Date of Approval: Received by HR Date of receipt: Proposed Date af Closure: ge

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