Chapter Four - Agpalo Statcon

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CHAPTER FOUR  A decent regard to the legislative will

should inhibit the court from engaging in

LITERAL INTERPRETATION judicial legislation to change what it thinks
are unrealistic statutes that do not conform
4.01 – Literal meaning or plain-meaning with ordinary experience or practice
 If there is a need to change the law, amend
 General rule: if statute is clear, plain and or repeal it, remedy may be done through a
free from ambiguity, it must be given its legislative process, not by judicial decree
literal meaning and applied without  Where the law is clear, appeals to justice
attempted interpretation and equity as justification to construe it
o Verba legis differently are unavailing – Philippines is
o Index animi sermo – speech is the governed by CIVIL LAW or POSITIVE LAW,
index of Intention not common law
o Words employed by the legislature  Equity is available only in the absence of
in a statute correctly express its law and not its replacement
intent or will  Aequitas nunquam contravenit legis –
o Verba legis non est recedendum – equity never acts in contravention of the
from the words of a statute there law
should be no departure
o Thus, what is not clearly provided in DEPARTURE FROM LITERAL INTERPRETATION
the law cannot be extended to those
matters outside its scope 4.03 - Statute must be capable of
 Judicial legislation – an encroachment upon interpretation, otherwise inoperative
legislative prerogative to define the
wisdom of the law  If no judicial certainty can be had as to its
 Courts must administer the law as they find meaning, the court is not at liberty to
it without regard to consequences supply nor to make one , judicial modesty
 Maledicta est exposition quae corrumpit  The statute is necessarily inoperative
textum – dangerous construction which is
against the text 4.04 – What is within the spirit is within the
4.02 – Dura Lex Sed Lex
 Don’t literally construe the law if it will
 Dura lex sed lex – the law may be harsh but render it meaningless, lead to ambiguity,
it is still the law injustice or contradiction
 Absoluta sentential expositore non indigent  The spirit of the law controls its letter
– when the language of the law is clear, no  Ratio legis – interpretation according to the
explanation of it is required spirit or reason of the law
 When the law is clear, it is not susceptible  Spirit or intention of a statute prevails over
of interpretation. It must be applied the letter
regardless of who may be affected, even if it  A law should accordingly be so construed
may be harsh or onerous. as to be in accordance with, and not
repugnant to, the spirit of the law
 Hoc quidem perquam durum est, sed ital ex  Presumption: undesirable consequences
scripta est – it is exceedingly hard but so were never intended by a legislative
the law is written measure.

4.05 – Literal import must yield to intent

 Verba intentioni, non e contra, debent  Issue: how to compute for backwages to
inservire – words ought to be more which an illegally dismissed employee
subservient to the intent and not the intent would be entitled until his actual
to the words reinstatement
 Guide in ascertaining intent – conscience 3 ways:
and equity  1st – before Labor Code – to be deducted
 So it is possible that a statute may be from the amount of backwages is the
extended to cases not within the literal earnings elsewhere during the period of
meaning of its terms, so long as they come illegal dismissal
within its spirit or intent  2nd – Labor Code Art. 279 – the amount of
backwages is fixed without deductions or
4.06 – Intent of a statute is the law qualifications but limited to not more than
3 years
4.07 – Limitation of Rule  3rd – amended Art. 279 – full backwages or
 Construe (intent over letter) only if there is without deductions from the time the
ambiguity laborer’s compensation was withheld until
his actual reinstatement
4.08 – Construction to accomplish purpose  The clear legislative intent of the
amendment in RA 6715 (Labor Code) is to
 PURPOSE or REASON which induced the give more benefits to workers than was
enactment of the statute – key to open the previously given them under the Mercury
brain of the legislature/ legislative intent! Drug rule or the 1st way
 Statutes should be construed in the light of
the object to be achieved and the evil or 4.10 - When reason of law ceases, law itself
mischief to be suppressed ceases
 As between two statutory interpretations,
that which better serves the purpose of the  The reason which induced the legislature
law should prevail to enact a law is the heart of the law
Sarcos v. Castillo  Cessante ratione legis, cessat et ipsa lex –
-This case explains why legislative purpose to when the reason of the law ceases, the law
determine legislative intent itself ceases
 Ratio legis est anima – reason of the law is
Frankfurter its soul
 Legislative words are not inert but derived
vitality from the obvious purposes at which Vasquez v. Giap
they are aimed
 Where the mischief sought to be remedied
 Legislation – working instrument of
by a statute has already been removed in a
government and not merely as a collection
given situation, the statute may no longer
of English words
apply in such case
Benjamin Natham Cardozo
 The law bans aliens from acquiring and
 Legislation is more than a composition
owning lands, the purpose is to preserve
 It is an active instrument of government
the nation’s lands for future generations of
which means that laws have ends to be
 A sale of land in favor of an alien, in
violation of the said law, no longer be
4.09 – Illustration of Rule
questioned after the alien becomes a
Bustamante v. NLRC Filipino citizen
4.11 – Supplying legislative omission misprints; otherwise, is to rewrite the law
 xxx if it is clearly ascertainable from the and invade the domain of the legislature, it
CONTEXT! that there were words omitted is judicial legislation in the guise of
CLEARLY that should have been in the law interpretation
 Courts may supply legislative omission to
make the statute conform to obvious intent 4.15 - Construction to avoid absurdity
of the legislature or to prevent the act from
being absurd  Reason: it is always presumed that the
 Note: differentiate from judicial legislation legislature intended exceptions to its
(WHAT IT THINKS) language which would avoid consequences
of this character
4.12 – Correcting Clerical Errors - SPIRIT  Thus, statutes may be extended to cover
 Courts to carry out intent may correct cases not within the literal meaning of the
errors as to give effect to the law terms if their exact and literal import
 As long as the meaning intended is would lead to absurd or mischievous
apparent on the face of the whole results
enactment and no specific provision is  Interpretation talis in ambiguis simper
abrogated fienda est ut evitetur inconveniens et
 This is not judicial legislation absurdum – where there is ambiguity, such
o Merely rectifying a clerical error in interpretation as will avoid inconvenience
the law to carry out intent and absurdity is to be adopted
 Courts test the law by its results – if law
4.13 – Illustration of rule appears to be arbitrary, courts are not
Rufino Lopez & Sons, Inc. v. CTA bound to apply it in slavish disobedience to
its language
 Court change the phrase “collector of  Courts should construe a statute to
customs” to “commissioner of customs” to effectuate, and not to defeat, its provisions;
correct an obvious mistake in law nor render compliance with its provisions
 Sec 7 – “commissioner of customs” – grants impossible to perform
the CTA jurisdiction to review decisions of Peo v. Duque
the Commissioner of Customs
 Sec 11 – “collector of customs” – refers to  Surplusage!!!
the decision of the Collector of Customs  Sec. 2 of Act No. 3326 – prescription of
that may be appealed to the tax court offenses
 “Commissioner” prevails – Commissioner  Prescription shall begin to run from
of Customs has supervision and control o The day of the commission of the
over Collectors of Customs and the violation
decisions of the latter are reviewable by the o From the time of discovery AND
Commissioner of Customs institution of judicial proceedings
for investigation and punishment
Lamp v. Phipps  But the prevailing rule is that prescriptive
 “Ordinary COURTS of law” to “Ordinary period is tolled upon the institution of
COURSE of law” judicial proceedings – an act of grace by the
4.14 - Qualification of rule (of correcting State
clerical errors)  Court held that the phrase “institution of
judicial proceedings for its investigation
 Only those which are clearly clerical and punishment” may be either
errors or obvious mistakes, omissions, and disregarded as surplusage or should be
deemed preceded by the word “until”
 Art. 10 CC: In case of doubt in the
4.16 –Construction to avoid injustice interpretation or application of laws, it is
 Presumption – legislature did not intend to presumed that the law-making body
work a hardship or an oppressive result, a intended right and justice to prevail
possible abuse of authority or act of  Art. 9 CC: The fact that a statute is silent,
oppression, arming one person with a weapon obscure, or insufficient with respect to a
to impose hardship on the other question before the court will not justify
 Ea est accipienda interpretation quae vitio the latter from declining to render
caret – that interpretation is to be adopted judgment thereon .
which is free from evil or injustice  In balancing conflicting solutions, that one
is perceived to tip the scales which the
Ursua vs CA court believes will best promote the public
 Issue: whether or not the isolated use, at welfare is its probable operation as a
one instance, of a name other than a general rule or principle
person’s true name to secure a copy of a
document from a government agency, 4.19 – Surplusage and superfluity disregard
constitutes violation of CA 142 – Anti-alias  Where a word, phrase or clause in a statute
Law is devoid statute, or where it suggests a
 Held: NO meaning that nullifies the statute or
 The purpose of the Anti-alias Law is to renders it without sense, the word, phrase
prevent confusion and fraud in business or clause may be rejected as surplusage
transactions and entirely ignored.
 Such isolated use of a different name is not  Surplusagium non noceat – surplusage
prohibited by the law; otherwise, injustice, does not vitiate a statute
absurdity and contradiction will result  Utile per inutile non vitiatur – nor is the
useful vitiated by the non-useful
4.17 - Construction to avoid danger to public 4.20 – Redundant words may be rejected
4.21 - Obscure or missing word or false
 Not intent of legislators to promote undue
description may not preclude construction
 lingual imperfection shouldn't hinder
Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh
“processes” in the proclamation that “all laws  Falsa demonstration non nocet, cum de
regulations and processes” of the so-called RP corpore constat – false description does
during the Japanese occupation of the country not preclude construction nor vitiate the
“are null and void and without legal effect” MAY meaning of the statute which is otherwise
NOT be construed to embrace JUDICIAL clear
PROCESSES as this would lead to great 4.22 – exemption from rigid application of law
inconvenience and public hardship and public
interest would be endangered  Ibi quid generaliter conceditur – every rule
is not without an exception
 Criminals freed  Inest haec exception, si non aliquid sit
 Vested right, impaired contras jus basque – where anything is
granted generally, this exception is implied
4.18 – Construction to favor of right and justice
 Compelling reasons may justify reading an  So-called gaps in the law develop as the law
exception to a rule even where the latter is enforced
does not provide any; otherwise the rigor  StatCon rule: to fill in the gap is the
of the law would become the highest doctrine of necessary implication
injustice – summum jus, summa injuria  Doctrine states that what is implied in a
statute is as much a part thereof as that
4.23 - Law does not require the impossible which is expressed
• Nemo tenetur ad impossible – the law  Ex necessitate legis – from the necessity of
obliges no one to perform an impossibility the law
• Impossibilium nulla obligation est – no
obligation to do an impossible thing  Every statutory grant of power, right or
• Impossible compliance versus Substantial privilege is deemed to include all incidental
compliance (as required by law) power, right or privilege
 In eo quod plus sit, simper inest et minus –
Lim co Chui v Posadas greater includes the lesser
 Publication in the Official Gazette weekly,  Necessity –o includes such inferences as
for three times and consecutively, to may be logically
acquire jurisdiction over naturalization o drawn from the purpose or object of
case the statute, from what the
 It was an impossibility to fulfill such legislature must be presumed to
requirement as the OG was not, at the time, have intended, and from the
published weekly necessity of making the statute
 Thus, Court held that compliance with the effective and operative
other 2 requirements would be deemed o excludes what is merely plausible,
sufficient to acquire jurisdiction over the beneficial, or desirable
naturalization case  consistent with the Constitution or to
4.24 - Number and gender of words existing laws
 an implication which is violative of the law
 When the context of a statute so indicates, is unjustified or unwarranted
words in plural include the singular, and
vice versa. 4.26 - Remedy implied from a right
 A plural word in a statute may thus apply  Ubi jus, ibi remedium - where there is a
to a singular person or thing, just as a right, there is a remedy for violation
singular word may embrace two or more thereof
persons or things  Right -> Obligation -> Remedy
 Art. 996 CC – (law on succession) such  The fact that the statute is silent as to the
article also applies to a situation where remedy does not preclude him from
there is only one child because “children” vindicating his right, for such remedy is
includes “child” implied from such right
 Election Code – “candidate” comprehends  Once a right is established, the way must be
“some candidates” or “all candidates” cleared for its enforcement, and
 On gender – the masculine, but not the technicalities in procedure, judicial as well
feminine, includes all genders, unless the as administrative, must give way
context in which the word is used in the  Where there is “wrong,” (deprivation or
statute indicates otherwise violation of a right) there is a remedy
 If there’s no right, principle does not apply
4.25 - Doctrine of necessary implication 4. 27 – Grant of Jurisdiction
 Conferred only by the Constitution or by Power to establish an office includes authority to
statute abolish it, unless xx
 Cannot be conferred by the Rules of Court
 Cannot be implied from the language of a Power to deport includes the power to arrest
statute, in the absence of clear legislative undesirable aliens after investigation
intent to that effect
4.30 – Grant of power excludes greater power
4.28 – What may be implied from grant of  The principle that the grant of power
jurisdiction includes all incidental powers necessary to
make the exercise thereof effective implies
 The grant of jurisdiction to try actions the exclusion of those which are greater
carries with it all necessary and incidental than that conferred
powers to employ all writs, processes and  Power of supervision DOES NOT INCLUDE
other means essential to make its power to suspend or removal
jurisdiction effective  Power to reorganize DOES NOT INCLUDE
 Where a court has jurisdiction over the the authority to deprive the courts certain
main cause of action, it can grant reliefs jurisdiction and to transfer it to a quasi-
incidental thereto, even if they would judicial tribunal
otherwise be outside its jurisdiction  Power to regulate business DOES NOT
 E.g. forcible entry and detainer is INCLUDE power to prohibit
cognizable in MTC... MTC can order
payment of rentals even though the amount 4.31 – What is implied should not be against
exceeds the jurisdictional amount the law
cognizable by them, the same merely
incidental to the principal action  Power to appoint includes power to
suspend or remove
 Statutes conferring jurisdiction to an  Constitutional restriction of CIVIL SERVICE
administrative agency must be liberally  EMPLOYEES, that it must be a cause
construed to enable the agency to provided for by law precludes such
discharge its assigned duties in accordance implication (unless the appointment was
with the legislative purpose made outside the civil service law
 E.g. the power granted the NHA to hear and  Power to appoint a public officer by the
decide claims involving refund and any President includes power to remove
other claims filed xxx, include attorney’s  Provided that such removal is made with
fees and other damages just cause
 Except is such statute provides that term of
4.29 – Grant of power includes incidental office to be at the pleasure of the
power appointing officer, power to appoint carries
 Where a general power is conferred or with it power to remove anytime
duty enjoined, every particular power
necessary for the exercise of one or the 4.32 – Authority to charge against public funds
performance of the other is also conferred may not be implied
 It is well-settled that unless a statute
 The incidental powers are those which are expressly so authorizes, no claim against
necessarily included in, and are therefore public funds may be allowed
of lesser degree than the power granted  Statute grants leave privileges to
APPOINTIVE officials, this cannot be
Examples: construed to include ELECTIVE officials
 “employer” to pay 13th month pay, does 4.36 – There should be no penalty for
not imply that it includes “government compliance with law.
 A person who complies with what a statute
4.33 – Illegality of act implied from prohibition requires cannot, by implication, be
 In pari delicto potior est conditio penalized thereby
defendentis - where a statute prohibits the  For “simple logic and fairness and reason
doing of an act, the act done in violation cannot countenance an exaction or a
thereof is by implication null and void penalty for an act faithfully done in
 Prohibited act cannot serve as foundation compliance with the law”
of a cause of action for relief
 Ex dolo malo non oritur actio – no man can
be allowed to found a claim upon his own
wrongdoing or inequity
 Nullus coomodum capere potest de injuria
sua propria – no man should be allowed to
take advantage of his own wrong
 Public policy requires that parties to an act
prohibited by statute be left where they
are, to make the statute effective and to
accomplish its object
 Party to an illegal contract cannot come to
court of law and ask that his illegal object
be carried out
 A citizen who sold his land to an alien in
violation of the constitutional restriction
cannot annul the same and recover the
land, for both seller and buyer are guilty of
having violated the Constitution

4.34 – Exceptions to the rule

(1) Pari delicto doctrine will not apply when its
enforcement or application will violate an avowed
fundamental policy or public interest

(2) The transaction is not illegal per se but

merely prohibited and the prohibition by law is
designed for protection of one party, the court
may grant relief in favor of the latter

4.35 – What cannot be done directly cannot be

done indirectly
 Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo,
prohibetur et per obliquum – what cannot,
by law, be done directly cannot be done

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