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Group Topics ALM 2104

ALM 2104

Presenter 1 Group 5 Canlas and Company

Documentation, Information and Technology transfer Bureau

Management information Services and EDP Bureau

Administrative, Financial and Human Resource Development Service Bureau. Special Technical and
Scientific Assistance

Seal of Office

Publication of Laws and Regulations

IPO Gazette

Disqualifications of Officers and Employees of the Office

Guide Questions:

A. List down the procedures to protect one’s patent and trademark.

B. Locate the offices for possible actions.
C. C.Discuss the assistance that the intellectual property office can extend to inventors and owners
of trademarks.

Presentation 2 Group 4 Villa and Company

The Law on Patents


Patentable Inventions

Non-Patentable Inventions


Prior Art

Non-prejudicial Disclosure

Industrial Applicability

Guide Questions:

A. Define patentability.
B. Explain the procedures in patenting inventions.
C. C.List down the requirements in patenting inventions.
Presentation 3 Group 3 Baello and Company

Right to a Patent

First to File Rule

Inventions Created Pursuant to a Commission

Right to Priority

Patent Application

Appointment of Agent or Representative

The request

Disclosure and Description of the Invention


The Claims

The Abstract

Unity of invention

Information Concerning Corresponding Foreign Application for patents

Guide Questions:

A. Explain the rights of an owner of a patent.

B. List down the requirements for its application.
C. Explain each requirement.

Presentation 4 Group 2 Antonio and Company

Procedure for Grant of Patent

Filing date Requirements

According a filing date

Formality Examination

Classification and Search

Publication of Patent Application

Confidentiality Before Publication

Rights Conferred by a patent Application After Publication

Observation by Third parties

Request for Substantive Examination

Amendment of Application

Grant of Patent

Publication Upon grant of Patent

Contents of Patent

Terms of Patent

Annual Fees

Surrender of Patent

Cancellation of Patents

Remedies of a person With a Right to Patent

Guide Questions:

A. Enumerate the procedures in the grant of patent.

B. Discuss the formality examination.
C. Explain why publication is required before the grant of patent.

Presenter 5 Group 1 Buenaventura and Company

Registration of Utility models

Applications for utility Models

Industrial designs and Lay-out

Substantive Conditions for Protection

Contents of Application

Several industrial Designs in One Application


Law on Trademarks, Service and Trademarks Requirement of Application

Guide Questions:

A. Define utility model.

B. Give examples of utility model.
C. Value the registration of utility model.
D. Define patent, service marks and trademarks.
E. Discuss the importance of their registration.
F. Explain the effects of registration the said application.

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