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Between a rock and a hard place


In difficulty, faced with a choice between two unsatisfactory options.

Big fish in a small pond


People who are important but only within their limited circle of influence.

Be afraid, be very afraid


Ostensibly, a warning that something dangerous is imminent. In reality, this is usually said with
comic intent. The thing being warned of is more likely to be mildly unwelcome than actually
dangerous. For example, "That fierce librarian was asking about your overdue books - be afraid,
be very afraid."


Christians who affirm their renewed and strengthened commitment to their religion are called
'born again'. To be born again is to be 'born of the spirit'; the first birth being the physical birth of
the flesh.


The state addicts are in when withdrawing from drug addiction. Also, predominantly in the
U.S.A., plain speaking.

Fly off the handle


Lose self control.

Fifteen minutes of fame


This is a well-known as a quotation from Andy Warhol. It does derive

from Warhol but his actual line was somewhat different - "In the future everybody will be world
famous for fifteen minutes.".

Hold your horses


Hold on; be patient.

No dice

A refusal to accept a proposition - equivalent to 'nothing doing'.

Play by ear

Initially, this referred to the playing of music without reference to printed notation. More
recently it is also used figuratively to mean 'handle a situation in an impromptu manner', i.e.
without reference to pre-determined rules or guidelines.

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