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Name : Firnawati Maspeke

Nim : 711490121015
Prodi : Ners Lanjutan

Story about my daily life during pandemic:

My daily life during pandemic has changed a lot, starting with myself, my family and the
people around me. including about health to maintain body stamina, starting from getting up in
the morning, I am praying and grateful, and immediately drinking 1 glass of water, then I have to
always be at home to keep my distance from each other, so I rarely meet close friends but I can
spend quality time with my family, I and my family always learn to apply health protocols well,
keep the house clean, go out to shop for things that are needed, always wear masks and use hand
sanitizer, take vitamins or herbs, then we also apply to eat healthy and nutritious meals, by
replacing fried foods or fast food with boiled food and vegetables as well as fruits.

sometimes I feel bored at home, so I will watch youtube or sing a favorite song, and learn
to make something new like cooking, because previously I worked as a nurse in a hospital so
sometimes I can put time to learn to cook, and with the pandemic too I can taking time to rest
and me time for myself, it can calm the mind when we are too active in activities or work. I think
it is very important to use quality time to be able to fill it with positive things starting from
always thinking positive so that we can keep our immune system fit, because the mind, mental
and physical are interrelated. so we must always keep our physical and mental health.

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