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Mathematical Modelling

Dr. Siva Rama Krishna Vanjari

September 28, 2020

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Objectives of this topic

Modeling - Motivation/Types
Key aspects of modeling
Modeiing of Electrical Systems
Modeling of Mechanical Systems
Inter-relation between the models

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Elemental Mathematical abstraction of physical

Trade offs - Accurate, time consuming, non intuitive Vs Relatively
accurate, simple, intuitive
Analysis of input - output relationships
Dynamics of the systems
Evolution of system variables as a function of time
Transient Response
Steady State Response
Frequency Response

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Mathematical Modeling-Types

Differential equation model

captures the dynamics of the system in terms of differential
Referred to as Time domain representation
Getting an explicit relationship between input and output is a
difficult task
Time consuming
d2 c(t) dc(t) d2 r(t) dr(t)
a2 2
+ a 1 + a0 c(t) = b2 2
+ a1 + b0 c(t)
dt dt dt dt
Is it possible to find g(t) = r(t) ?

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Mathematical Modeling-Types
Transfer function models
Laplace transform representation of differential equation
There is a direct relationship between the input and output
Transfer function is the ratio of output to the input
The behavior of the system as a function of frequency can analyzed
Laplace transform of previous equation with no initial conditions

(a2 s2 + a1 s + a0 )C(s) = (b2 s2 + b1 s + b0 )R(s)

Transfer function G(s)

C(s) (b2 s2 + b1 s + b0 )
G(s) = =
R(s) (a2 s2 + a1 s + a0 )

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Mathematical Modeling-Types

State Space Representation

Unified method for modeling, analyzing and designing a wide range
of systems
Converts an nth order differential equation into ’n’ first order
differential equations
Can be used to represent, Non-linear systems, time varying
systems, MIMO systems
Non Intuitive - Time consuming
Time consuming
State Space equations

ẋ = Ax + Bu

y = Cx + Du

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State Space Nomenclature

x - State vector
ẋ - Derivative of the state vector with respect to time
y - Output vector
u - Input vector
A - System matrix
B - Input matrix
C - Output matrix
D - Feedforward matrix

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State Space Definitions

State vector - A vector whose elements are state variables

State Space -The n-dimensional space whose axes are the state
State Equations - A simultaneous set of n first order differential
equations with ’n’ state variables
Output Equation - The algebraic equation the expresses the
output variables of the system as a linear combination of the state
variables and the inputs.

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R i(t) L

+ v(t) C

Consider a simple RLC circuit

The loop equation can be written as
di(t) 1
Ri(t) + L + i(t)dt = v(t)
dt C
Expressing as purely differential equation
dq (t) dq(t) q(t)
L 2
+ R + = v(t)
dt dt C
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State Space Representation

Step -1: Identify the number of state variables

For a second order system, there should be two state variables
Step -2: Identify the state variables

= i

di q R 1
= − − i + v(t)
dt LC L L
q, i becomes the state variables as their derivative can be
expressed as sum of state variables and input
The above two equations are state equations

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State Space Representation

Step -3: Represent all the network variables in terms of state

vR = 0.q Ri + 0.v(t)
vL (t) = − − Ri + v(t)
vC (t) = − − 0i + 0.v(t)
The above equations are output equations
They are linear combination of state variables and the input

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State Space Representation

Step -4: Represent the state equations in matrix form

State Variables x  
x =
Derivative State Variables ẋ
 dq 
ẋ =  

System Matrix A  
0 L
A =  
1 1
− LC L

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State Space Representation

Step -4: Represent the state equations in matrix form

Input Matrix B  
B = 1

Output matrix for one output vL (t)

C = − C1

Feedforward Matrix D 1

D = L

Input Matrix u  
u = v(t)

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State Space Representation

Step -4: Represent the state equations in matrix form

 
0 L  
ẋ =   x + 01 u
1 1 L
− LC L

− C1 −R x + − L1 u
y =

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Steps involved in mathematical modeling

Purpose of the model : Model should be based on the intended

Define Boundaries of the system
Limits of system
Categorize into subsystem
Limits of each subsystem
Postulate a structure
Identification of basic elements
Modeling of basic elements
Interconnection of elements to form the system
Select variables of interest
Mathematical Descripton of elements in terms of variables
Apply relevant physical laws
Final model and validation
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Modeling of Electrical Systems

Voltage Sourced Systems Current Sourced Systems

Basic System Elements Basic System Elements
Resistor (R) Resistor (R)
Inductor (L) Inductor (L)
Capacitor C Capacitor C
Basic System Elements Basic System Elements
Voltage (V) Current (I)
Charge (Q) Flux (φ)

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Modeling Electrical Systems- Contd
N ode1
iR iL

Writing KCL at Node 1

i = iR + iL + iC
v 1 dv
i = + vdt + C
R L dt

Substituting v = dt

d2 φ 1 dφ φ
i = C 2
+ +
dt R dt L
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Modeling Electrical Systems- Contd
+ vR − + vL −
+ v(t) vC C

Writing KVL at Node 1

v = vR + vL + vC
di 1
v = Ri + L + idt
dt C
Substituting i = dt

d2 q dq q
i = L 2
+ R +
dt dt C
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