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Prepared by:
Dimayuga, Hazel Anne M.
Inclusion of
Person with
Social Inclusion of Person with Disability
: Adao, Neil Christian M.

Caringal, Jericho E.

Caringal, John Aeron M.

Cruzat, Glaidel A

Dimayuga, Hazel Anne M.

Generoso, Joanna Marie C.

Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

By: Adao, Neil Christian M.

Caringal, Jericho E.

Caringal, John Aeron M.

Cruzat, Glaidel A

Dimayuga, Hazel Anne M.

Generoso, Joanna Marie C.


Disability inclusion means understanding the relationship between the way people

function and how they participate in society, and making sure everybody has the same

opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires.

The prerequisite for achieving social inclusion is the involvement of inputs from people

with disabilities along with disability-focused and independent organizations and government

agencies in the program or structural design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

People with intellectual and other disabilities need the same opportunities to participate in

recreation activities that are available to all citizens. For some people, however, opportunities are

still limited to separate activities designed specifically for people with disabilities. This limits

people’s opportunities to experience real social inclusion and its many benefits.
Disability Inclusion allows accessibility so that everyone can fully participate in society

without barriers to achieve their goals, desires to thrive in life. Rates of disability vary by sex,

suggesting that a gender lens is important in the study of disability.

According to Liana Giorgi (2017), people with disabilities is a vulnerable group with

more needs in some areas, for instance health care. At the same time, they are often constrained

in their capacity to access social services or participate in the labor market, either because of

their disability or as a result of discrimination. The social inclusion paradigm can help identify

where problems are likely to occur and tailor appropriate policy responses.

The PWD have a wide variety of experiences regarding discrimination, almost every day

of their lives. Some individuals may experience few incidences of prejudice while others may

experience only prejudice. We live in a society that places high values on traditional and

physical attractiveness. In our culture the way one looks makes a difference in the responses one

gets. A person who is ‘ugly’ is devalued and set apart. If one happens to look different, one is

likely to receive differential treatment and in turn to begin to feel different. To be disfigured is

an object of staring, curiosity, pity, rejection, ridicule, remarks and discrimination. These

reactions and attitudes are frequently more damaging to the individual’s self-image than the

reflection in the mirror. Such persons find it an ordeal to move about in public.

Disabled people are large minority groups, starved of services and mostly ignored by

society, live in isolation, segregation, poverty, charity and even pity. Disability includes

blindness, low vision, leprosy-cured, hearing impairment, loco motor disability, mental

retardation and mental illness. Due to discrimination, they do not go to public places and not
free to get those rights which a non-disabled person gets. They are deprived of education and


Persons with disabilities is continue to face barriers that prevent them from enjoying their

full civil, political, economic, social, cultural and developmental rights. This is largely due to

lack of awareness, ignorance and prejudice in our society. It is also because some legislation fails

to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

Mainstreaming and universal access for persons with disabilities are the ultimate goals of

the disability movement. This means the removal of all cultural, physical, social and other

barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from equally accessing opportunities and

participating fully in all aspects of life. Persons with disabilities lack access to employment

opportunities and even if they are able to get employment, they face problems such as reasonable

accommodation at work, accessible public transportation to get them to work and back and

discrimination and ignorance about their potential at work.

A disability advocate can mean several different things, depending on what type of

advocacy you’re referring to. There are two main types of disability advocacy: legal and social.

Legal disability advocates are lawyers, or other trained professionals, who litigate for disability

rights on behalf of a client, government or organization. Social advocates are people who work

toward furthering disability rights through social change and public policy. Within these two

categories, you’ll likely encounter specific types of advocacy and advocates. Citizen advocacy –

This is the most common advocacy that you’ve likely encountered before. Citizen advocates are

community volunteers who advocate for a disability-related cause; this often involves a specific

person with a disability or particular disability itself. The common goals include community
awareness, fundraising and long-term care of an individual who can’t support themselves. Group

advocacy – Group advocacy is typically composed of various different types of advocates and

involves advocating for a group of people with the same disability or disability rights goal.

Individual advocacy – An individual-advocate is somebody who advocates for a person with

disabilities through a one-on-one approach. Typically, individual advocates are there to prevent

or address any unfair treatment or abuse a person with disabilities may face. Social security

advocates also fall under this category. Legal advocacy, it is what it sounds like, and a lawyer

provides legal representation on behalf of their client and gives advice to people with disabilities

about discrimination and human rights issues. The lawyer may also be involved with legislative

litigation, where they pursue positive changes to the judicial system. Self-advocacy, this happens

when someone with a disability represents themselves to achieve legal, social or public policy

goals. If you’re interested in self-advocacy, then visit this resource page at the Arizona Center

for Disability Law. The Center offers dozens of free self-advocacy guides and presentations that

cover disability-related legal topics. And the systemic advocacy is the disability rights movement

falls under systemic advocacy. Systemic advocacy involves working toward long-term social

changes that validate the collective rights and interests of people with disabilities. The common

targets for this advocacy are legislation, policies and practices.

Laws in the Philippines support access by persons with disabilities (PWDs) to many of

the elements necessary to succeed in life, including employment, education, infrastructure, and

rights in court. Although these laws are well intentioned, the Philippines lack the government

budget to create and staff regulatory agencies that make sure they are effectively implemented.

Here is where self-help groups, NGOs and MFIs have room to address the unmet needs of

PWDs. In looking into the financial products available to PWDs, I discovered that MFIs in the
Philippines market their products to the poor, but they don’t target them to the needs specific to

PWDs nor do they offer multiple products exclusively for PWDs, reflecting the diversity of

disabilities and needs. It would seem that MFIs view PWDs as a subset of the poor: they

wouldn’t explicitly reject a PWD loan application but neither would it specifically market its

products to PWD.

Key Concept

Social Participation – Social participation is defined as a person's involvement in

activities that provide interaction with others in the society or the community and

expresses interpersonal interactions outside the home.

Social Inclusion – Social inclusion is the process of improving the terms on which

individuals and groups take part in society

Person with Disabilities – The term persons with disabilities is used to apply to all

persons with disabilities including those who have long term physical, mental,

intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various attitudinal and

environmental barriers, hinders their full and effective participation in society on an


Disabilities – A disability is only condition of the body or mind (Impairment) that makes

it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (Activity

limitation) and interact with the world around them participation restrictions.

Relationship The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel

and behave towards each other.

Disability Inclusion– Disability inclusion means understanding the relationship between

the way people function and how they participate in society, and making sure everybody

has the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities

and desires.

Equality – Equality is when things are the same (equal) in some particular way.


This concept paper has the following objectives:

1. To inform and raise awareness about the discrimination experienced by person with


2. To advocate the rights, freedoms and interests of persons with disabilities.


In order to attain the needed information and to make this concept paper realistic and

successful, the researchers will gather data that’s necessary. The information was gathered from

resources that are convenient. Furthermore, these information are acquired through observing the

environment of students amidst online class relevant to the topic by collecting outputs from

different areas in line with the concept paper itself.


Activities to be accomplished First Quarter Second Quarter

W1 W2-3 W4 W5 W1-2 W3-4 W65

-Accomplishment of LAS

Introduction and Development


-Understanding of the guide

given for portfolio creation

-Decision on the concept paper


-Drafting/Writing the concept

paper based on the format given.

-Reviewing a concept paper.

-Creation of page/site discussing

info, cause, effects and solutions.

-Revision and finalization of

concept paper.

-Preparation/Creation of

attachments/evidence for leaning


-Writing insights and reflection.

-Finalization and submission of


-Final Assessment and





Formulate plan Pictures

that will
demonstrate the
key principles,
and processes of
humanities and
social sciences.

Write a concept Essa

anchored on a
prepare plan. y

Generate Reflectio
comments, feed n
backs and
observations on
the feasibility,
and relevance of

Synthesize Narrati
insights from the ve
comments and Report
of peers and/or

Examine the Poster

preparedness and
completeness of
the output based
on the key
principles and
processes of
humanities and
social sciences

Showcase their Haiku

understanding of
the key concept,
principles and
processes of
humanities and
social sciences
through an


Advocacy and Inclusion for People with Disability Project. (2019-2021). ACT. Retrieved April

30, 2021, from



N' Shine. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from


Nika Tu mao. (2012). Serving Persons with Disabilities in the Philippines. Accion International.

Retrieved 30 2021, April , from


What You Need to Know About Disability Rights Advocates. (2017). Vantage Mobility.

Retrieved April 30, 2021, from

Formulate plan that will demonstrate the

key principles, and processes of

humanities and social sciences


Planning and decision-making for our group concept.

Insight for learning competency 1


 Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a

desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. As we all know it

involves the creation and maintenance of a plan. We are in one group, we have different

opinions hence we always remind ourselves that collaboration within a group can help solve

difficult problems as a group. Another factor is that, when work is divvied up among

members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently.

Your team will develop a sense of comradery as you work toward a common goal.

Teamwork builds morale. You'll feel that your work is valued when you contribute to

something that produces results. That is the reason why we work as one. With this, it helps

to enhance my personality, boost my confidence in contributing ideas to a project,

listen to others and take their ideas on board. And as a group leader, it is my

task to be responsible enough to lead the group.

Write a concept anchored

on a prepare plan.
Insight for learning competency 2


An essay about Person with Disability in line with the concept of Social Inclusion

of Person with Disability.

As we are tasked to write a concept anchored on a prepare plan, our group

decided to write an essay in line with the concept of Social Inclusion of Person with

Disability. The written essay, as an evidence, we make sure that it is clear, connected, and

related to the said topic. Writing an essay made me realize something. That in writing

essay we can express our thoughts and feelings especially the ones that is related to our

topic to help each and every one to gain and have additional knowledge about social

inclusions of person with disabilities. I have learned that in writing essay, it should be

detailed and reliable for readers to understand it clearly. And with this essay, not only the

readers get some knowledge but also I and my group mates who compose this essay.
Generate comments, feed backs and

observations on the feasibility,

appropriateness and relevance of concept.


Insight for learning competency 3


We all know that Reflective writing gives you the chance think about what you

are doing more deeply and to learn from your experience. Writing your thoughts down

makes it easier for you to think about them and make connections between what you

are thinking, what you are being taught and what you are doing. So, right after we

accomplish the activity, I and my group mates wrote a reflection about our chosen

topic. We share everyone’s idea, learnings, knowledge, and realization to each and

every one for us to be more enlightened to our topic. This also helps me in, boosting

my confidence in contributing ideas to a project, listen to others and take

their ideas on board

Reflection about Person with Disability in Trends, Network and Critical thinking 21st

Century Culture subject to know what are the learning that we gained in the topic, in

line with the concept of Social Inclusions of Person with Disability

Synthesize insights from the observations,

comments and recommendations of peers

and/or teachers.
A narrative report done by the group showing and discussing the

flow of the whole activity that we do in our concept paper.

Insight for learning competency 4

As for our fourth learning competency, our group decided to write a narrative report

showing and discussing the flow of the whole activity. We all know that the main

purpose of narrative report writing is to provide a clear and factual depiction of certain

events that occurred. Therefore, the paramount element of any narrative report should be

attention to detail. In addition to that, a narrative report leaves aside a discussion that puts

the events of the text into the context of what the text is about. This is a narrative report

about our journey in making this concept paper in line with Social Inclusion of Person

with Disabilities. Moreover, I learned that in writing a narrative report it should be

factual, clear, and detailed. That it helps each and everyone to clarify their thinking, and

Examine the preparedness

teach us to expose it in writing in an organized way.

completeness of the output bad on the key

concepts, principles and processes of

humanities and social sciences

Insight for learning competency 5


On our fifth learning competency which is the “Examine the preparedness and

completeness of the output based on the key concepts, principles and processes of

humanities and social sciences.” as a group, we decided to have a poster which is in

line to our topic. This is the work of my groupmate and he told me that he make it

simple yet understandable. We use this to empower and raise awareness to each and

everyone and as an evidence in our concept paper. With this, it made me appreciate

every little things that others do.

Showcase their understanding of the key

concept, principles and processes of

humanities and social sciences through an


A haiku that contains empowerment in line with social inclusion of person

with disability.
Insight for learning competency 6


The evidence that we used for our last learning competency is a haiku. We

chose this as we all know that Haiku is a Japanese poem consisting of three short

lines that do not rhyme. A haiku is considered to be more type of poem; it is a way

of looking to a physical world and seeing something deeper, like the very nature of


Another factor is that, it should leave the reader with a strong feeling or

impression. We decided to compose a haiku that is connected to our topic to

empower every person with disabilities. With this, it made me realized that it does

not matter if you are having a disability, it won’t stop you from being you.



We all know that studying Humanities and Social Sciences will develop the ability to

question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to

change. I, As a Grade 12 HUMSS student, for me studying Humanities and Social Sciences is

essential to each and everyone as Humanities expand our knowledge of Human Cultures and

helps us to understand what binds us together and what differentiates us from one another. In

addition to these high levels insights, however, they also provide practical application that can

enhance your professional skillset and give you a competitive edge.

Through studying Humanities and Social Sciences it helps me a lot to understand things

including different languages, cultures, and histories of various traditions. This helps me to

understand how different policies are made by the government and how one can improve society.

The HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing, and one of the

benefit of this is our speaking skills will be enhance and it will be a great help for us to boost our

confidence. The importance of studying Humanities and social sciences is that it will help us to

open our eyes and be aware on different social issues that is happening in our society.

With my learnings in studying Humanities and Social Sciences, I am going to use this as to

make development and changes in my everyday life. My learnings will help me to be a better

citizen in today’s society. I will be more positive for me to influence other to be a positive
thinker and doer. I will view everything in a positive way to prevent and reduce problems and

negativities in life. Knowing that being a positive person will benefit me as well as other people.

Moreover, though my learnings I can be a good role model to each and every one. And now,

I can say that I can influence them to showcase the better version of themselves. By applying my

learnings in my real life experiences it will help me to change my perspectives in life. My

learnings in studying Humanities and Social Sciences will lead me to become a good and

responsible citizen in today’s society. With the help of my gained knowledge I will grow and

build myself more as a better version of myself and a as well as a better citizen of a society.

Through studying Humanities and Social Science I can say that it affect the whole me in a way

that it helps me to be a better person, it enhances my skills, and it helps me to boost my self-

confidence. My learnings made me more sensitive in everything. Whereas every little things

make me curious, and it made me search of it to gain more knowledge about it, in politics, news,

and many more. Through Humanities and Social Sciences, this will lead me to my future self and

to my dreams particularly in my dream career. It makes an improvement in my life. Another

factor is that, it makes me a better person and it enlighten me up in everything. Those learnings

made me realize something, including the fact that nothing is permanent in this world. Being a

HUMSS learner, it helps me to enhance my personality, improve my confidence, and to gain

additional knowledge. I also learned that being a friendly person will help you to be open to

everyone and socializing to other people will help you reduce your shyness and will improve

your social skills. And I cans now say that this makes me grow as a person and this helps me
improve myself as a friend, student, citizen, sibling, daughter, and as a whole who will be a

youth leader in the near future.

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