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Hearing Loss in Children With

Asymptomatic Congenital
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Tatiana M. Lanzieri, MD, MPH,a Winnie Chung, AuD,b Marily Flores, MS,c Peggy Blum, AuD,d A. Chantal
Caviness, MD, MPH, PhD,c Stephanie R. Bialek, MD, MPH,a Scott D. Grosse, PhD,b Jerry A. Miller, PhD,c,e
Gail Demmler-Harrison, MD,c,d Congenital Cytomegalovirus Longitudinal Study Group

OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence, characteristics, and risk of sensorineural hearing loss abstract
(SNHL) in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection identified through hospital-
based newborn screening who were asymptomatic at birth compared with uninfected
METHODS: We included 92 case-patients and 51 controls assessed by using auditory brainstem
response and behavioral audiometry. We used Kaplan–Meier survival analysis to estimate
the prevalence of SNHL, defined as ≥25 dB hearing level at any frequency and Cox
proportional hazards regression analyses to compare SNHL risk between groups.
RESULTS: At age 18 years, SNHL prevalence was 25% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17%–
36%) among case-patients and 8% (95% CI: 3%–22%) in controls (hazard ratio [HR]: 4.0;
95% CI: 1.2–14.5; P = .02). Among children without SNHL by age 5 years, the risk of delayed-
onset SNHL was not significantly greater for case-patients than for controls (HR: 1.6; 95%
CI: 0.4–6.1; P = .5). Among case-patients, the risk of delayed-onset SNHL was significantly
greater among those with unilateral congenital/early-onset hearing loss than those without
(HR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.5–19.1; P < .01). The prevalence of severe to profound bilateral SNHL
among case-patients was 2% (95% CI: 1%–9%).
CONCLUSIONS: Delayed-onset and progression of SNHL among children with asymptomatic
congenital cytomegalovirus infection continued to occur throughout adolescence. However,
the risk of developing SNHL after age 5 years among case-patients was not different than in
uninfected children. Overall, 2% of case-patients developed SNHL that was severe enough
for them to be candidates for cochlear implantation.

Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, and bNational Center on Birth Defects and
Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; cDepartment of which children with congenital cytomegalovirus
Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; dTexas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas; and eP3S infection who are asymptomatic at birth remain at
Corporation, San Antonio, Texas risk for delayed-onset and progressive sensorineural
hearing loss throughout childhood is not well
Dr Lanzieri conceptualized and conducted the analysis contained in this report, interpreted the
data, and led the writing of the initial manuscript and revised versions; Dr Chung conceptualized established.
the analysis contained in this report, reviewed and interpreted individual audiological data, and WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: An estimated 2% of children
critically revised the manuscript; Ms Flores and Dr Miller assisted with data management and with asymptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus
quality control for the Longitudinal Congenital CMV Study and critically revised the manuscript;
infection develop severe enough sensorineural
Dr Blum conceptualized and provided audiological follow-up in the Longitudinal Congenital CMV
hearing loss to meet cochlear implantation candidacy,
Study and critically revised the manuscript; Dr Caviness was the co-principal investigator for
the Longitudinal Congenital CMV Study and critically revised the manuscript; Drs Bialek and but their risk of developing hearing loss after age
Grosse conceptualized the analysis contained in this report, interpreted the data, and critically 5 years is not significantly increased compared to
revised the manuscript; Dr Demmler-Harrison was the principal investigator for the Longitudinal uninfected children.

To cite: Lanzieri TM, Chung W, Flores M, et al. Hearing Loss in Children With
Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Pediatrics. 2017;139(3):

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PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 3, March 2017:e20162610 ARTICLE
Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) birth [purpura/petechiae, jaundice, with normal hearing. We classified
infection causes a spectrum of hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly, SNHL as unilateral if it was present
impairments, including sensorineural elevated liver enzymes, in 1 ear, or bilateral if it was present
hearing loss (SNHL), vision loss, and bilirubinemia, hemolytic anemia in both ears. We defined SNHL as
developmental delays. In the United or thrombocytopenia]). Fifty-one progressive when a change to worse
States, an estimated 20 000 (0.5%) uninfected newborns whose parents hearing occurred between the first
children are born with congenital agreed to participate in the study detection of SNHL and the last
CMV infection annually.1,2 Although were enrolled as controls, 42 (82%) assessment, or stable when there
the majority (85%–90%) appear were among CMV-negative newborns was no change between these 2
asymptomatic at birth, SNHL may be randomly preselected within 6 days assessments. We defined fluctuations
present at birth, progress in severity, of birth of a CMV-positive newborn as changes to a worse or better HL
or develop later.3 (n = 298), and 9 (18%) were siblings between consecutive assessments: an
of referred CMV-positive infants absolute difference of ≥20 dB in ≥1
The burden of SNHL in children
or born to women diagnosed with frequencies, ≥10 dB across any 2 or
with asymptomatic congenital
CMV infection during pregnancy. 3 adjacent frequencies, ≥10 dB in the
CMV infection at birth remains
We analyzed data from serial average of the pure-tone thresholds
incompletely characterized, and
audiological assessments from birth at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz (4-frequency
the extent to which these children
to 18 years of age. The Institutional average), or a change from “hearing”
remain at risk for SNHL throughout
Review Board for Human Subject to “no response” or vice versa at 3
childhood and adolescence is not
Research for Baylor College of adjacent frequencies.13
well described. Previous studies have
Medicine and Affiliated Hospitals
documented delayed-onset SNHL
approved the study protocol. We categorized SNHL severity for
among children with asymptomatic
each ear using the ABR click result or
congenital CMV infection up to age Audiologic assessments were
the 4-frequency average, as follows:
15 years.4–7 However, data from conducted by audiologists who
slight (16–25 dB HL), mild (26–
controlled studies with follow-up were unaware of each subject’s
40 dB HL), moderate (41–55 dB HL),
through adolescence are lacking. CMV status and included auditory
moderately severe (56–70 dB HL),
Studies that also included uninfected brainstem response (ABR),
severe (71–90 dB HL) and profound
children had follow-up until 5 to behavioral audiometry (0.25–8 kHz),
(≥91 dB HL) hearing loss.14 We
7 years of age and did not attempt and tympanometry.10 ABR testing
classified children with ≥25 dB HL in
to compare the risk of delayed- included click and frequency-specific
any frequency without affecting the
onset SNHL between children with tone-burst stimuli. We combined
4-frequency average as having SNHL
asymptomatic congenital CMV the latter with frequency-specific
at isolated frequencies. We described
infection and uninfected children.4–6,8,9 pure-tone air conduction results
SNHL severity in the poorer- and
In this study, we assessed the obtained by behavioral audiometry
better-hearing ears. For example,
prevalence, characteristics, and after subtracting 10 dB for 0.5, 1, and
a child with unilateral SNHL could
risk of SNHL through age 18 years 8 kHz, and 0 dB for 2 and 4 kHz from
be categorized as having profound
in children with congenital CMV the tone-burst levels.12 We defined
hearing loss in the poorer-hearing
infection identified through hospital- SNHL as ≥25 dB hearing level (HL)
ear but normal hearing in the better-
based newborn screening who were for the ABR click or at any frequency
hearing ear. Characterization by
asymptomatic at birth compared for the corrected tone-burst or
poorer-hearing ear provides a more
with uninfected children. pure-tone air conduction results.
complete description of SNHL burden
Because middle ear disorder can
because it includes children with
cause transient conductive hearing
unilateral loss. However, eligibility
METHODS loss, we excluded assessments with
criteria for health insurance coverage
tympanometry type B.
From 1982 to 1992, 32 543 newborns for audiologic services may require
delivered at Women’s Hospital of We analyzed SNHL by age at onset, bilateral loss,15 which is described
Texas (Houston TX) were screened laterality, and progression. We by better-hearing ear assessment.
for congenital CMV infection via urine categorized SNHL among case- To estimate the need for audiologic
culture collected within 3 days of life, patients for each ear as congenital/ services, we assumed hearing aids
as described previously.10,11 Of 135 early-onset when detected in the would be recommended for children
(0.4%) CMV-positive newborns, 92 first ABR assessment at age ≤12 with unilateral or bilateral SNHL
(68%) were enrolled in a longitudinal months and confirmed in subsequent ≥40 db HL, and cochlear implants
study as asymptomatic case-patients assessments, or as delayed-onset for those with bilateral SNHL ≥70 db
(eg, they had no CMV-related signs at when detected after ≥1 assessments HL.15

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2 LANZIERI et al
TABLE 1 SNHL Among Children With Asymptomatic Congenital CMV Infection and Controls
Age Children With Asymptomatic Congenital CMV Infection (n = 92) Proportion of Controls
Total With SNHL, n (%) Total With Unilateral Loss, Total With Bilateral Loss, Proportion With Any SNHL, With Any SNHL, (n = 51) %
n (%) n (%) % (95% CI) (95% CI)

3 mo 6 (30) 6 (100) 0 (0) 7 (3–14) 0

12 mo 9 (45) 7 (78) 2 (22) 10 (5–19) 0
24 mo 11 (55) 9 (82) 2 (18) 13 (7–22) 0
5y 12 (60) 9 (75) 3 (25) 14 (8–23) 0
10 y 15 (75) 8 (53) 7 (47) 17 (11–27) 5 (1–18)
14 y 19 (95) 12 (63) 7 (37) 23 (15–34) 8 (3–22)
18 y 20 (100) 10 (50) 10 (50) 25 (17–36) 8 (3–22)

We compared demographic and birth

characteristics among case-patients
and controls using the χ2 or exact
test. To deal with loss to follow-up at
varying ages, we used Kaplan–Meier
survival analysis to estimate the
proportion of children with SNHL
by age. We calculated hazard ratios
(HR) using Cox proportional hazards
regression analyses to compare SNHL
risk between groups. We considered
results with a P value <.05 to be
statistically significant. For analyses,
we used SAS version 9.3 (SAS
Institute, Inc, Cary, NC). FIGURE 1
SNHL among children with asymptomatic congenital CMV infection and controls.

RESULTS of 8 assessments, with the last 1 at (HR: 4.0; 95% confidence interval
a median age of 17 years (range: 9 [CI]: 1.2–14.5; P = .02). The SNHL
The majority of the 92 case-patients months to 18 years), 3 (3%) at 0 to risk from age 3 months to 18 years
and 51 controls were boys (58% vs 3 years, 5 (6%) at 6 to 9 years, and was threefold greater among case-
67%) and were born at ≥37 weeks’ 78 (91%) at 12 to 18 years. Among the patients compared with controls
gestation (88% vs 98%) to mothers 51 controls, the median number of (HR: 3.0; 95% CI: 0.9–10.5; P = .08),
who were <30 years of age (63% vs audiologic assessments was 3 (range: but was not statistically significant.
53%), non-Hispanic white (82% vs 1–8), and the median age at the first The SNHL risk from 6 to 18 years of
86%), married (95% vs 100%), and assessment was 3 years (range: age was 1.6-fold greater among case-
multipara (78% vs 70%), with no 1 month to 14 years) of age. Among patients compared with controls, but
statistically significant differences the 41 controls with ≥2 assessments, was not statistically significant (HR:
between the 2 groups (P > .05 for the median age at the last assessment 1.6; 95% CI: 0.4–6.1; P = .5) (Fig 1).
all). A higher proportion of the case- was 17 (range: 1–18) years; 1 (2%)
patients’ mothers had ≥1 living child Among case-patients, 9 (10%) were
at 1 year, 2 (4%) at 6 to 9 years, and
at the time of birth than mothers of ultimately classified with congenital/
38 (93%) at 12 to 18 years of age.
those in the control group (68% vs early-onset SNHL. Although 23
49%; P < .05). Using survival analysis, we estimated (25%) of the 92 case-patients had
that the proportion of children with ≥25 dB HL detected at the first ABR
Among the 92 case-patients, the SNHL increased from 7% at age 3 (screening) assessment, 14 (61%)
median number of audiologic months to 14% at age 5 years and had normal hearing in both ears
assessments was 7 (range: 1–17), 25% at age 18 years among case- in subsequent assessments. Most
and the median age at the first ABR patients, and from 0% at age 5 (8/9) case-patients with confirmed
evaluation was 2.4 months (range: years to 8% at age 18 years among congenital/early-onset SNHL
4 days to 11.5 months), after which controls (Table 1). The SNHL risk presented with unilateral loss, but
6 (6%) case-patients without SNHL from birth through age 18 years the majority (6/8) subsequently
were lost to follow-up. The remaining was fourfold greater among case- developed delayed-onset SNHL in
86 (94%) case-patients had a median patients compared with controls the contralateral ear. In contrast,

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PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 3, March 2017 3
in the better-hearing ear (Fig 3).
SNHL severity was greater among
the 9 case-patients with congenital/
early-onset SNHL, of whom 8
(89%) had profound hearing loss
in the poorer-hearing ear at the last
assessment. The 8 case-patients
and 3 controls diagnosed with
delayed-onset SNHL after age 5 years
all had mild or a lesser degree of
hearing loss in the poorer-hearing
ear, among whom 3 (38%) and 1
FIGURE 2 (33%), respectively, had audiograms
Delayed-onset SNHL among children with asymptomatic congenital CMV infection with and without suggestive of noise-induced loss.
unilateral congenital/early-onset hearing loss.
We estimated that the proportion
only 11 (14%) of 77 case-patients 5 (25%) had stable loss, and 2 (10%) of case-patients who would require
without congenital/early-onset were indeterminate. Among hearing aids increased from 10%
SNHL who had ≥2 assessments 10 case-patients with bilateral SNHL, at age 12 months to 14% at age
had delayed-onset SNHL (Fig 2). 4 (40%) had progressive loss in 18 years (Supplemental Table 2).
Among case-patients, the risk of the better-hearing ear, 3 (15%) The proportion of case-patients
delayed-onset SNHL was significantly had stable loss without fluctuations, who would meet current candidacy
greater among those with unilateral and 3 (15%) were indeterminate. criteria for cochlear implants
congenital/early-onset loss than Among 10 case-patients with SNHL increased from 1% at age 25 months
those without (HR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.5– who had fluctuations, progression to 2% at age 5 years and remained
19.1). Overall, the proportion of occurred in all but 1. In all case- unchanged after that age. In
case-patients with SNHL that had patients with SNHL, the initially considering more expansive criteria
bilateral loss increased from 22% poorer-hearing ears remained for cochlear implantation, 5% of
at age 12 months to 50% at the last the more severely affected ear case-patients had SNHL ≥70 dB HL
assessment (Table 1). The median throughout follow-up. in the poorer-hearing ear by age 12
interval from unilateral to bilateral months, increasing to 13% at age
SNHL severity increased with age. 18 years.
SNHL was 4 years (range: 4 months
At the last assessment, 12 (60%) of
to 18 years).
the 20 case-patients with SNHL had
Worsening of SNHL in affected ears moderate or worse hearing loss in
was common; among 20 case-patients the poorer-hearing ear, and 4 of the
with SNHL, 13 (65%) had progressive 10 case-patients with bilateral SNHL In this study of children with
loss in the poorer-hearing ear, had moderate or worse hearing loss congenital CMV infection identified

Cumulative number of children with asymptomatic congenital CMV infection with SNHL (n = 20) by age and SNHL severity in the poorer- (A) and better-
hearing (B) ears.

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4 LANZIERI et al
through hospital-based newborn ototoxicity monitoring studies13 for complicated by heterogeneity in
screening who were asymptomatic categorizing SNHL as progressive, case ascertainment methods and
at birth, the prevalence and the proportion with progressive duration of follow-up.22 Currently,
severity of SNHL increased SNHL in our study was higher than an estimated one-third of all
throughout childhood. Children the 20% estimated in a recent children with bilateral SNHL ≥40 dB
with asymptomatic congenital meta-analysis.17 Referral bias in HL by age 4 years are not identified
CMV infection who had unilateral the studies included in the meta- by newborn hearing screening.23
congenital/early-onset SNHL were at analysis likely contributed to this The ongoing CMV and Hearing
a greater risk of subsequent delayed- difference. Some studies were based Multicenter Screening Study will
onset loss in the normal-hearing ear on cohorts of children identified provide population-based estimates
compared with those without any with asymptomatic congenital CMV of the prevalence of congenital CMV
SNHL in the first year of life. Many infection due to a diagnosis of SNHL infection and CMV-related SNHL
children with unilateral loss present at birth or primary maternal CMV through age 4 years in the United
with bilateral loss later and/or infection during pregnancy.7,18–20 States.24 These data will be useful
experience progressive hearing loss Thus, some children were likely at to inform the potential benefit of
(eg, from mild/moderate to severe a greater risk of more severe SNHL newborn screening for congenital
or profound hearing loss). Therefore, at onset than the entire population CMV infection in identifying children
ongoing audiological monitoring is of infants with asymptomatic at risk for delayed-onset SNHL who
critical so that these children can congenital CMV infection. In the are missed by newborn hearing
receive appropriate interventions in same meta-analysis,17 screening.
a timely manner. a higher proportion of children
with asymptomatic congenital CMV Identifying the etiology of hearing
From age 3 months to 5 years, the
infection and SNHL have bilateral loss may affect clinical management
prevalence of SNHL doubled among
severe to profound hearing loss and can provide reassurance
case-patients from 7% to 14%, but
compared with our study (42% to families.23 The diagnosis of
remained at 0% among controls.
vs 16% by age 5 years). Studies CMV-related SNHL depends on
From 6 years to 18 years of age,
in which a larger proportion of the diagnosis of congenital CMV
the changes in SNHL prevalence
children presented with profound infection, which requires laboratory
were similar between the case-
hearing loss when SNHL was testing on a specimen collected
patients and controls: 11% and
detected would have relatively within the first 3 weeks of life.
8%, respectively. This finding is
fewer children who could experience However, full audiologic evaluation
consistent with the 13% prevalence
SNHL progression. to confirm or rule out hearing
rate reported nationally among
loss may not be conducted until
children 6 to 19 years of age in
CMV-related SNHL in children later in infancy when laboratory
the United States.16 Therefore, it
with congenital CMV infection testing can no longer confirm
appears that the risk of delayed-
who passed hearing screening congenital infection. Thus, targeted
onset SNHL among school-aged
tests in the first month of life CMV testing among newborns
case-patients was not appreciably
has been detected at as early who fail hearing screening tests
higher than in the comparison
as 3 months of age.21 Newborn has been explored.25–28 In the
group. Larger controlled studies
hearing screening programs will United Kingdom, this approach
will be important to confirm
not detect all infants with CMV- was found to be feasible and
these findings and inform future
related hearing loss. In our study, acceptable within the newborn
guidance on the optimal duration of
at least 25% of case-patients with hearing screening program, and did
audiologic monitoring for children
SNHL by age 5 years would not not appear to result in increased
with asymptomatic congenital
have been identified by newborn parental anxiety.28 In Utah, which
CMV infection. The possibility that
hearing screening. This proportion implemented a policy in 2013
routine monitoring for SNHL may
is lower than the 50% found in mandating CMV testing for all
not be necessary beyond 5 years of
a large hospital-based newborn infants who fail newborn hearing
age for children with congenital CMV
screening study with follow-up screening,26 an improvement in
infection who have normal hearing
through age 6 years,21 albeit higher follow-up rates of all infants who
is of clinical importance.
than the 9% estimated in a recent fail the hearing screening was
We observed that 65% of our meta-analysis.17 Comparisons of reported. This testing strategy
case-patients with SNHL had delayed-onset SNHL among children has the potential to increase
progressive hearing loss. Although with asymptomatic congenital identification of newborns with
we used strict criteria based on CMV infection across studies are SNHL with symptomatic congenital

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PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 3, March 2017 5
CMV infection who would be limited the power of the study to Additional investigation into the
eligible for antiviral treatment and detect some statistically significant age of onset and risk factors for
who might otherwise have gone differences, the control group SNHL in children with asymptomatic
unrecognized as well as infants appears to have been appropriately congenital CMV infection are needed
with asymptomatic infection.29,30 valid for comparisons. We were to inform the evaluation of the
However, the efficacy of antiviral unable to precisely determine if potential costs and benefits of CMV
treatment in preventing hearing SNHL was congenital or delayed- screening.
deterioration among children with onset because not all case-patients
asymptomatic infection has not been had hearing evaluations in the first ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
systematically studied. Therefore, month of life. In addition, some
We thank all the children who
antiviral treatment is not currently infants only had click-evoked ABR
participated in the study as well as
recommended for routine use in without frequency-specific tone
their families and physicians for their
this population.29 More data on the burst stimuli, which can result in
lifetime of dedication and support for
feasibility and benefits of targeted false-negative results. Other than
this study.
CMV testing are likely to become ruling out the administration of
available as this approach is more gentamicin to premature case- The Congenital CMV Longitudinal
widely adopted. patients, we were unable to fully Study Group through the years has
investigate other etiologies of SNHL. included: Shahzad Ahmed, Hanna
Our study has limitations. Our Data on genetic testing and noise Baer, MD, Amit R. Bhatt, MD, Peggy
sample size was too small to detect exposure were not available, and Blum, AuD, and Texas Children's
statistically significant differences the audiologic assessments did not Hospital Audiology, Frank Brown,
in SNHL risk after age 3 months. We consistently include testing at MD, Francis Catlin, MD, Alison C.
may have underestimated SNHL risk 3 and 6 kHz, which could have aided Caviness, MD, PhD, MPH, David K.
among case-patients and controls in the evaluation of noise-induced Coats, MD, Jane C. Edmonds, MD,
because of loss to follow-up, SNHL. Marily Flores, MS, Daniel Franklin,
particularly among children with MD, Cindy Gandaria, Jewel Greer,
only a single assessment at a Carol Griesser, RN, Mohamed A.
CONCLUSIONS Hussein, MD, Isabella Iovino, PhD,
younger age. Not all CMV-positive
newborns identified through The burden of CMV-related SNHL is Allison Istas, MPH, Haoxing (Douglas)
screening were enrolled. However, substantial considering the potential Jin, Mary K. Kelinske, OD, Joseph
universal newborn hearing impact of SNHL on children’s T. Klingen, Antone Laurente, PhD,
screening was not routinely done development and academic Thomas Littman, PhD, Mary Murphy,
from 1982 to 1992, and thus, it is achievement and their need for MS, Jerry Miller, PhD, Christopher
unlikely that there were systematic ongoing audiologic monitoring and Nelson, MD, Daniel Noyola, MD,
biases in the enrollment of interventions. We estimate that Evelyn A. Paysse, MD, Alan Percy,
participants by hearing status that ∼5% of children with asymptomatic MD, Sara Reis, RN, Ann Reynolds, MD,
would have affected our estimates. congenital CMV infection, about Judith Rozelle, MS, O’Brien Smith,
Although our control group had 900 children annually, have SNHL PhD, Paul Steinkuller, MD, Marie
fewer audiological assessments ≥70 dB HL in at least 1 ear by age Turcich, MS, Sherry Sellers Vinson,
and the first assessment occurred 12 months, and half of these MD, Robert G. Voigt, MD, Bethann
at an older age compared with children meet current candidacy Walmus, Jill Williams, MA, Daniel
case-patients, it does not affect criteria for cochlear implantation. Williamson, MD, Kimberly G. Yen,
our estimates of delayed-onset As cochlear implant technologies MD, Martha D. Yow, MD, and Gail J.
SNHL because the age at the last and indications for their use Demmler-Harrison, MD.
assessment was similar for both continue to evolve, the number
groups. Our control group included of children with asymptomatic
a small number of children selected congenital CMV infection and SNHL ABBREVIATIONS
among uninfected siblings of who might be considered candidates ABR: auditory brainstem
referred CMV-positive infants. for cochlear implants could increase. response
Analyses including the control Newborn screening for congenital CI: confidence interval
group consisting only of those CMV infection has the potential CMV: cytomegalovirus
selected among CMV-negative to identify children at risk for HL: hearing level
screened newborns resulted in CMV-related SNHL who currently HR: hazard ratio
similar findings. Thus, although the go unrecognized and who might SNHL: sensorineural hearing loss
small number of controls may have benefit from earlier intervention.31

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6 LANZIERI et al
Congenital CMV Study, provided patient follow-up, conceptualized the analysis contained in this report, interpreted the data, and critically revised the manuscript;
and all authors approved the final version.
The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-2610
Accepted for publication Dec 20, 2016
Address correspondence to Tatiana M. Lanzieri, MD, MPH, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Rd NE, Mail Stop A-34, Atlanta, GA 30333. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: This study was supported in part by the CMV Research Fund Donors at Baylor College of Medicine; the Woman’s Hospital of Texas Research Foundation;
the Office of Research Resources and the General Clinical Research Center for Children at Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine (NIH 5M0I
RR00188-33); the Mental Retardation Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine (NIH-CHHD 5 P30 HD24064P); the Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc (New
York, NY); the Deafness Foundation (Houston, TX); the Vale Ashe Foundation (Houston, TX); the Maddie’s Mission Foundation (Katy, TX); the Naymola Foundation
(Beaumont, TX); the American Pediatric Society–Society for Pediatric Research Summer Student Research Program (NIH-CHHD); and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (cooperative agreement FOA IP 10-006). Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Demmler-Harrison’s institution has received funding from Merck Sharpe & Dohme Corporation since July 2016 to assist
with salary support for additional analysis on the long-term outcomes of congenital cytomegalovirus infection not included in this report. The other authors have
indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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8 LANZIERI et al
Hearing Loss in Children With Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus
Tatiana M. Lanzieri, Winnie Chung, Marily Flores, Peggy Blum, A. Chantal Caviness,
Stephanie R. Bialek, Scott D. Grosse, Jerry A. Miller, Gail Demmler-Harrison and
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Longitudinal Study Group
Pediatrics 2017;139;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-2610 originally published online February 16, 2017;

Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
References This article cites 27 articles, 6 of which you can access for free at:
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Hearing Loss in Children With Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus
Tatiana M. Lanzieri, Winnie Chung, Marily Flores, Peggy Blum, A. Chantal Caviness,
Stephanie R. Bialek, Scott D. Grosse, Jerry A. Miller, Gail Demmler-Harrison and
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Longitudinal Study Group
Pediatrics 2017;139;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-2610 originally published online February 16, 2017;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Data Supplement at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2017
by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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