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6 73 Quirino Highway Novaliches, Quezon City


A Project Presented to the

Faculty of Information Technology Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Systems Analysis and Design

Presented by
Group 2
Arriola, Carlo M.
Baldon, Jay Mark S.
Bautista, Aldrin King B.
Lamberte, Rolando Jr. C.
Limpiado, Sherwin C.
Maninang, Cathy M.
Mendoza, Bianca Lou C.

February 2021


First and foremost, the proponents would like to give the utmost
gratitude to the professor of SBIT-2G’s subject, Systems Analysis and Design,
Prof. Lalaine Josefa Carrao who has done her very best to guide and help the
proponents throughout the system development and document making. Prof.
Carrao have been very passionate in giving a helping hand whenever the
proponents struggle through a problem that seems like it can’t be solved in
time. She has given nothing but genuine support to every group in the class
and her presence has given the class motivation.

The proponents would also like to express thanks towards the whole
class who has been very helpful to each other whenever a drawback happens
to the system that each group is responsible to.

Besides the adviser and the class, the proponents would like to thank
each other for withstanding such hard tasks that have been overcome with
such difficulty. Each work was crucial for the system and document and with
the teamwork, cooperation, and unity shown, everything has been quite
successful with minor problems.

Last and definitely not the least, the proponents would like to give
respect and acknowledge their family and loved ones who have given them
support and inspiration needed by everyone to push through the tasks.
They’ve been very considerate with the proponents the whole time the system
and paper were being done.

The proponents are very thankful for the support and guide that these
people have given. Thank you for believing.


The proponents would like to genuinely and humbly dedicate the

system and paper entitled “Student Attendance Monitoring System Using
QR Code” to the adviser in charge who never failed to give motivational
pushes in the right direction.

The families and loved ones who have given the proponents such
benevolence and understanding the whole time the project was being made.


(This part contains summary of your study, every Chapter’s contents. Create
this at the end of your project development.)


Title Page……………………………………………………………................... i

Acknowledgment…………………….…………………………………………... ii

Dedication……………………………….……………………………………….. iii




Background of the Project 1

Statement of Objectives 2

Main Objective 2

Specific Objectives 2

Scope and Delimitations of the Project 2

Scope 2

Delimitations 3

Methodology 3

Significance of the Project 4

Definition of Terms 5


Foreign Literature, Studies and Systems 6

Local Literature, Studies and Systems 7

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature, Studies and Systems 9



Form Specifications 11

Report Specifications


Technical Feasibility

Operational Feasibility

Economic Feasibility

Cost - Benefit Analysis of the Existing System

Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System



Joseph, A. et al. (2019, April 24). Smart Student Attendance System Using
QR Code.

Talip, B. and Zulkifli M. (2019, September 6). Mobile Attendance System

Using QR Codes Technology.

Galgo , J. J. . (2020). Efficacy of Scan Attendance Manager Application Using

Quick Response Code in Dagohoy National High School, Bohol,
Philippines. International Journal of English Language Studies, 2(4), 1-12.

Molina, C. (2018, June 29). Techy teacher tracks students class attendance
via QR codes. Inquiret.Net

Anawar, S. (2018, November 9). Location-aware Event Attendance System

using QR Code and GPS Technology.

Galib, N. (2019, December 5). Smart Attendance System Using QR


Barlin, R. et al. (2019, August). QR Code Attendance Checker in

Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila Senior High School

Lun Y. (2019, April). Smart Attendance System Using QR Code.

Appendix Title

A Gantt Chart

B Context Diagram

C Data Flow Diagram

D Entity – Relationship Diagram

E Data Dictionary

F Network Design

G Program Flowchart

H Screenshots with Description

I Curriculum Vitae

Number Title Page

1 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System (Personnel Monthly Salary)

2 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System (Personnel Annual Salary)
3 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System (Stationaries and Supplies)
4 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System (Expenses)
5 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System (Summary Operational Cost)
6 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Personnel Monthly Cost)
7 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Personnel Annual Cost)
8 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Hardware)
9 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Software)
10 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Stationaries and Supplies)
11 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Expenses)
12 Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System (Summary Operational Cost)

Number Title Page

A Gantt Chart

B Context Diagram

C Data Flow Diagram

D Entity – Relationship Diagram

E Data Dictionary

F Network Design

G Screenshots with Description

H Curriculum Vitae


The word attendance have been very known to everyone, may it be to
students or employee. Attendance is what we know as keeping record to a
person’s participation or presence being available at a specific time and place.
A perfect example of attendance is what every student and teacher has to go
through in school. It is very mandatory for their availability to be recorded.
Attendance is also referred to as “present at work” or “presenteeism” which
literally means being present while “absenteeism” is defined as an unexcused
or unreported absence from job responsibilities.

With technology being improved basically everyday, why not combine it

with attendance recording for a change. Attendance can be upgraded with the
help of the QR (Quick Response) Code. QR Code is a type of matrix barcode
that can be scannable by machines. It concsists of multiple blocks of black
square, all with different sizes. The overall image of a QR Code is unique from
one another, exactly like how a barcode is.

Recently, the QR Code system has become popular outside the

automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity
compared to standard UPC (Universal Product Code) barcodes. The code
consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white
background. The information encoded may be made up of four standardized
types ("modes") of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or,
through supported extensions, virtually any type of data.

Until then, this research paper and project aims to build and produce an
attendance management with the help of the QR Code to monitor the arrival
and departure of each student. The scanning/reading device will be able to
read and send the data into the computer where the attendance resides to
record and save the arrival of a specific person and the same goes for the
departure time. It will also be able to record the absence of the person. This
system will be able to give a sense of accuracy regarding the attendance of
every student in the class.

Background of the Project

As said above, there are schools that are very behind when it comes to
technology and its advantages and to lift that weight, Attendance Monitoring
System Using QR Code is being made and produced. This project aims to
utilize the usage of a particular system regarding the attendance of the
students with the help of the QR Code to identify the person for an added
efficiency. This will also tackle the different aspects and uses of the faculty
attendance system.
The proponents have chosen this study/project to improve the attendance
management of the school (Quezon City University). The proponents have
also thought of this as a way to upgrade the efficiency of the attendance
monitoring. For this reason, research has to be done that will aid a certain
institution to develop and be revolutionize. Students and Faculty in Quezon
City University (QCU) is one of the schools that in need of this kind of
development. As students of QCU, the proponents decided to come up with
the idea of creating a system that will benefit the whole community, the
Attendance Monitoring System.

Statement of Objectives
General Objective
The main objective is to provide a system where efficiency and
accuracy are maintained when recording an attendance of the students and at
the same time to avoid an errors or misunderstandings. The said system will
also be accompanied with a webcam while the students will be given a QR
Code that differs from others to help with the efficiency.

Specific Objectives
1. To develop an Attendance Monitoring System Using QR Code to
improve the manual attendance recording with the students in
Quezon City University (QCU)
2. To design a system that can help with the the attendance taking.
3. To develop a system that will record the student’s time in and time
out within the class.
4. To develop a system which can be more efficient and less time
consuming not just for the students but also for the teachers.
5. To design a system that can show the record of each attendance per
day and the whole log history.
6. To design a system that will produce a data time sheet.
7. To evaluate the proposed system in terms of security, usability and

Scope and Delimitations of the Project

1. The system only focuses on getting and recording the attendance of
the students that are studying in Quezon City University (QCU).
2. Every student has a unique QR Code corresponding to their record.
3. A student who has forgotten their respective QR Code can log in the
attendance manually until they’ve found or has been given a new
4. The admin can add, edit, and delete records.

5. The system will be used for the benefit of both the students and

1. The system is not web based and is solely focused on the students
of the Quezon City University (QCU).
2. A person who is not part of a specific class won’t be able to log in.
3. The system is not secured enough because of the reason that it
uses a web cam for the QR Code to be scanned which may result to a few
limitations like the QR Code itself can be easily imitated.


Figure 1.1

The events that happened in the planning phase was a
brainstorming within the proponents as to what kind of system is
needed at the time to improve at least a daily routine of a person.
Along with the system, the proponents also took time to think and
ponder about different strategies and techniques that they can use to
acquire the necessary data to support the system.

With the research team, there are multiple articles that are
examined to prove what was needed and more efficient in a student’s
life and one factor was attendance. Even though manual attendance
takes little time, every second saved by the use of the device will add
up to more time of lecture and education.

The design of the system is based on an employee’s attendance
system in a high level place, the only difference is that this is now for

the students to use. The QR Code to be scanned will be given to a
specific student to use as a way to login.

The system is being developed by the proponents with the
Visual Basic in order for the design to be made easier. The hardware
used will be a fully working computer which the students will use to
login and record their attendance for each subject. A webcam is also
equipped which will be used as a scanner of the QR Code being shown
in front.

As the system is an Attendance System Using QR Code, the
proponents have to make sure that it does what is need to be done
which is for it to scan each of the students QR Code.

The proponents plan on deploying the 100% finished system to
Quezon City University (QCU) as a token of dedication and
appreciation. It is also so the students will be at ease when their
attendance is being recorded.

Operations and Maintenance

To maintain the system, the proponents will be checking every
three weeks to assure that no problem will occur during the use and if
there will be an instance that an alteration has to be done while
checking for maintenance, it will be taken care of immediately. This
phase will be responsible for rising problems which the proponents will
take care of by retracting through the phases mentioned above.

Significance of the Project

The proponents wish that the final product of this research and system
will be of help and a benefit to Quezon City University (QCU). As the school
that the proponents attend think that it would be wise and quite helpful if an
Attendance Monitoring System Using QR Code will be introduced and
normalized for the sake of not just the students themselves but also for the

It is also for the greater good if the school would take account of how
much easier the process of attendance taking would be less time consuming
for both parties since technology has been proven to be of great help in every
aspect of everyone’s daily lives.

Definition of Terms

Absenteeism. The practice of going or staying away from an event without

any good or valid reason.
Attendance. The number of people present at a particular, place, event,
function, or meeting.
Barcode. A method of presenting data in a form where it can be readable by
a machine.
Binary. A number expressed in the base-2 numeral system or binary numeral
Byte. A unit of digital information that most commonly consists of 8 bits.
Kanji. The adopted logographic Chinese characters that are used in the
Japanese writing system.
Presenteeism. The physical presence of a person.
QR Code. A type of matrix barcode first designed in 1994 for the automotive
industry in Japan. It is a machine scannable image or material that can
instantly be read using even a Smartphone camera.
Technology. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It
is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in production of
goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific
Web-based. Relating to or done in the web. Are applications that are a
particular type of software that allows users to interact with a remote server
through a web browser interface.



Foreign Literature, Studies and Systems


QR Code has a wide range of applications in this evolving technology

world. It is very much used to store the information needed in a smaller space.
Tight and secure authentication, is achieved by using data-hiding algorithms
with the embedded QR Code. When student scan this QR code, automatically
attendance will be marked according to the user id. It also discusses how the
system verifies student identity to eliminate false registrations. (Joseph et al.,

According to Talip and Zulkifli (2019), Quick Response (QR) codes

technology has widely been used by many industries. QR codes technology
has been selected in determining the best approach of taking students
attendance compared to RFID because of the development cost is cheaper
and easy to use. Mobile attendance system using QR codes technology has
enhanced academic management system as it allows the users to automate
the attendance process.


Attendance process in a university’s event is time consuming and

tracking the attendance can be harder. A smart event attendance system for a
university using QR code and GPS technology is proposed with the objective
to speed up the process of taking students’ attendance and tracking full
attendance. The method of developing the system is based on two views;
user view which is the mobile application used by the students, and admin
view which is the web administration system used by the event organizer.
Students’ attendance can be traced from the GPS location combine with QR
code. The results indicate that full attendance increases as the system
validates attendance through users’ identification, location and timestamp
during user login and logout. This kind of system contributes to high
satisfaction among the users that claim that the mobile application helps to
speed up the event registration process. (Anawar et al., 2018)
“Smart Attendance System with QR Code” is an android based project.
In every classroom the teacher need to know how many students are
attending on his/her class. Attendance system is a process which helps the
teacher to know which student is regular and which are not. But if we take too
much time in this system then it kills the valuable time of a class. Here teacher
will generate QR code and display it with a projector and all the students can
scan it at a time. This way the teacher don’t need to call everyone by name.
This modern way will help all the teachers and students to save their time.
Every Educational institute can use it and save their time. After completing all
the process, the system is tested and it performs perfectly. (Galib et al., 2019)


Based on Lun, the popularity of smartphone has increases over the

year. This could change and speed up the attendance taking process in
universities. The current attendance system is time consuming and required
manual workload. Lecturers will let the students to sign on attendance list.
Then, he or she will key in to the university’s portal to record the attendance,
each for every class. This will consume lecturers valuable time. Also, it will
introduce human errors during the transferring from paper attendance to
digitalised attendance records. Besides, students can easily cheat on
attendance by asking flavours from their friends, to sign on the attendance
sheet on their behalf. This is hard to avoid when the attendance sheets were
given to students. The proposed solution is based on QR code to record
students' attendance. The system will able to verify students' identity and
prevent false registration. (2019)

Local Literature, Studies and Systems


According to Galgo, it was concluded that the Scan Attendance

Manager is a reliable application wherein teachers could conveniently use to
monitor class attendance by simply scanning the QR code embedded to each
student's ID. As expected, this application provides efficient data output from
detecting absent students to generating reports; thus, it is advisable to use.
As all teacher-respondents strongly agree, there is nothing to worry about
generating the reports since the data produced by the SAM application is
definitely accurate. It was also concluded that the Scan Attendance Manager
app is not only useful for classroom attendance; it can also be used to
different kind of activities considering that there will be attendance to monitor.

On 2018, Maleriado claimed that it was much more easier to use the
QR Code when taking attendances and it all came down to him when their
printer broke down and had to use other means of taking the attendance and
that’s where he figured it out. He also detailed the step-by-step process of
using the application, saying that it can be installed for free while information
in it can be easily exported through the Microsoft excel. Maleriado said his
pioneering concept transpired from an apparent “accident” until he eventually
realized the idea works and proves beneficial, as it is something “cool,
different, and eco-friendly.”. Maleriado, who teaches contact center services
under the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject, further noted
that using QR codes are not only time–saving and easier for data access
since it is done digitally, it is also cost-effective since it is a green initiative that
involves minimal use of paper.


It has been said and proven that QR Code are gaining notability and
popularity worldwide as they are easy to use and versatile. A lot of teachers
and schools are adopting this code as their means of strategy in checking the
students’ attendance. Moreover, this type of code can also attract students
even the parents because of the advancement of checking the attendance.
The primary advantage of this QR Code is its versatility, since QR Code scan
possibly use for anything and everything. QR Codes are also beneficial for the
teacher and student. For the teachers they can track down and monitor
students’ daily time in and timeout; as for the teachers the paper works will be
lessen as they don’t always need to create and print the attendance sheet,
students will only be needed to bring their QR Code during daily log in. (Barlin,

The study was conducted by Maleriado (2019) to determine the

features and acceptability of Quick Response (QR) Code innovative platform
as an attendance monitoring system. With the combined evaluations of the
teachers-user and students, data revealed that QR Code as attendance
monitoring system was generally very highly acceptable in terms of reliability,
efficiency, accuracy, usability, while highly acceptable in terms of security and
confidentiality. The views of the participants imply that QR code as
attendance checker was environment-friendly, cost-effective, user-friendly,
innovative, very fast and readable codes.


It was concluded that the Scan Attendance Manager is a reliable

application wherein teachers could conveniently use to monitor class
attendance by simply scanning the QR code embedded to each student's ID.
There is a significant difference between the weighted average class
attendance percentage of the months before and after using the SAM app. It
further signifies that the attendance of the class after the teachers have
utilized the SAM application had evidently shown significant improvement;
thus the Scan Attendance Manager Application using Quick Response Code
is useful not just by providing convenience to teachers, but importantly it
virtually eliminates absences. (Galgo, 2020)

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature, Studies and Systems

QR codes technology has been selected in determining the best

approach of taking students attendance compared to RFID because of the
development cost is cheaper and easy to use according to Talip and Zulkifli
(2019) hence the proponents decision to go with the system. Based on Galib,
this modern way will help all the teachers and students to save their time. It
has also been said that attendance process in a university’s event is time
consuming and tracking the attendance can be harder. A smart event
attendance system for a university using QR code and GPS technology is
proposed with the objective to speed up the process of taking students’
attendance and tracking full attendance. All in all, QR Code will be a great
assistant in a university regarding the students’ attendance.



The existing system has the manual attendance system which is where
the teacher calls on to the student’s last name and record it either on a log
book, index card, or attendance sheet. It has been running for almost since
the school was ever built and has continued until now. Even with technology
evolving literally and figuratively around the world, the said school have been
sticking on the manual way of recording the attendance of present and absent
students in each class. It would be much more efficient and less time
consuming if the school would adopt a technology-based attendance,
specifically the Student Attendance Monitoring System with QR Code since it
will only take at least a few seconds for the system to scan the presented QR
Code owned by each student and record their presence.

The proposed system will be much help to the existing system in the
school not just for the students but to the whole school itself it will not be time
consuming like before and education, which is the main priority, will be taught
at at least a few more minutes which may make a much more significant

The manual taking of attendance has been proven to take so much

average time that it has been said all of the minutes taken by recording the
attendance has added up enough for it to last at least a whole day. There are
also possible errors that might occur such as miscalculation on a student’s
presence which will sometimes lead to him/her getting a lower grade than
before. There’s also the inaccuracy in the records since it is handwritten and a
student’s data might get mixed up in another data of a student which will
cause misunderstanding.

The existing system has given and served their purpose but there is no
guarantee that it will be precise because of the natural human error that
everyone goes through in their everyday lives. The data written down might
suffer from misinterpretation as well.

Everything that the existing system has given proper service but with a
more advanced way of recording, it will be able to convey precise data of
every students’ presence inside the classroom and in each subject that is to
be taught in the day.


This chapter will be responsible in showing the different forms that the
proposed system has along with the summary report it will generate.

Form Specifications

Figure 4.1

Admin Log in Form

This form will be responsible for the admin’s logging in to the system
whether to check a specific student’s record or the whole class for that matter.
Only specific people can be able to log in and be able to monitor the class’
attendance. The people that would be able to log in will be the school admin
and the professors in charge which will allow them to scan the class they are
Figure 4.2

Scanning Form

This form will be the window where students will be able to scan their
respective QR Code. Once the student was able to get their QR Code
scanned, the information will be displayed on the screen as validation and
confirmation that they are indeed the person who owned the QR Code.

Report Specifications

(Include screenshots of the Reports and their Descriptions)



Technical Feasibility

The proposed system will be consisting of a working unit that is

equipped with a webcam which will be used to scan the QR Code of each
student that is to be presented when they have to take their attendance. The
QR Code will be given to the student once they have put down their
information (Full name, student number, and section). Once they have been
given unique QR Code each, that will be the instrument that is to be scanned
by the system. Windows 10 was the operating system currently used when
developing the system but it will work well with versions not lower than
Windows 8. The database to be used is MySQL which will give assistance to
the system to record the students time of arrival and departure in each subject
they are supposed to be in. The proponents will be dropping in every month
for the system’s maintenance and to assure that no problem will arise. It is
expected for the system to only work at least 3 years before a new batch of
system has to be made. It is to avoid severe complications.

Operational Feasibility

The system that is being proposed is equipped with a QR Code which

will help in making the attendance recording much more easier and faster
since the only process that the students have to do is to show their respective
QR Codes to the webcam and when it has given the sign that the student has
been recorded, by showing the student’s name, student number, and section,
it will automatically be sent to the database. QR (Quick Response) Code has
been proven to be more efficient and user friendly regarding their purpose and
usage through many and different aspects.

QR Code is the same as the barcode but at the same time different
because of the way it is being visually presented. Barcodes only have vertical
lines while the QR Code has vertical and horizontal lines and is made up of
many layers unlike barcode that only has one layer. The labels of the QR
Code can be read both vertically and horizontally.
Economic Feasibility

Quezon City University is a school that has been running for almost 27
years and has served the students such quality education. With the school
being informative regarding technology, since they teach the course along
with exceptional professors, it will be no problem to maintain the system in a
manner where it can even last longer than it can. The students are also well
informed and can be informed more with the education needed if they have
more time and because of the manual attendance recording, a few minutes
that adds up to hours and so on, it takes up so much time in average. With the
Student Attendance Monitoring System with QR Code, it will be less time
consuming and will benefit both the students and the professors.
Cost – Benefit Analysis

An Analysis and Design of Quezon City University

Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System

Personnel Monthly Salary

No. of
Personnel Number Working Hrs. / Day Rate / Day Salary

Professors 20 20 8 hrs. PHP 700.00 PHP14,000.00 PHP280,000.0

Admin 4 20 8 hrs. PHP700.50 PHP14,010.00 PHP56,040.0

5 20 8 hrs. PHP800.00 PHP16,000.00 PHP80,000.0

Personnel Annual Salary

Personnel Number Salary Monthly Annual Amount

Professor 20 PHP14,000.00 PHP280,000.00 PHP3,360,000.00
Admin 4 PHP14,010.00 PHP56,040.00 PHP672,480
Course Head 5 PHP16,000.00 PHP80,000.00 PHP960,000
PHP416,040.00 PHP4,992,480.00
Stationaries and Supplies
Quantity Particular Price Total Price
10 Logbook PHP68.00 PHP680.00
10 Index Card PHP51.00 PHP510.00
10 Ballpen Set PHP69.00 PHP690.00
10 reams Bondpaper PHP139.00 PHP1,390.00

Particular Amount
Stationeries and Supplies PHP3,270.00
Total PHP3,270.00

Summary Operational Cost

Particular Cost Amount
Personnel PHP4,992,480.00
Expenses PHP3,270.00
Total PHP4,995,750.00
Cost – Benefit Analysis

An Analysis and Design of Quezon City University

Cost - Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System

Personnel Monthly Salary

No. of
Hrs. /
Personnel Number Working Rate / Day Salary Monthly Amount

Professors 20 20 8 hrs. PHP 700.00 PHP14,000.00 PHP280,000.00

Admin 4 20 8 hrs. PHP700.50 PHP14,010.00 PHP56,040.00

5 20 8 hrs. PHP800.00 PHP16,000.00 PHP80,000.00

Personnel Annual Salary

Personnel Number Salary Monthly Annual Amount

Professor 20 PHP14,000.00 PHP280,000.00 PHP3,360,000.00
Admin 4 PHP14,010.00 PHP56,040.00 PHP672,480
Course Head 5 PHP16,000.00 PHP80,000.00 PHP960,000
PHP416,040.00 PHP4,992,480.00
Quantity Particular Price Total Price

10 Intel Core i5
PHP35,700.00 PHP375,000.00
(PC Set)

Quantity Particular Price Total Price
10 Windows 10 PHP6,800.00 PHP68,000.00
10 MS Office 2010 PHP8,000.00 PHP80,000.00
5 Visual Basic.Net PHP13,000.00 PHP65,000.00

Furniture and Fixture

Quantity Particular Price Total Price
10 Computer Stand PHP1200.00 PHP12,000.00

Stationeries and Supplies

Quantity Particular Price Total Price
10 reams Bondpaper PHP139.00 PHP1,390.00
10 Colored ink PHP200.00 PHP2,000.00
10 Black ink PHP150.00 PHP1,500.00
Particular Amount
Hardware PHP375,000.00
Software PHP213,000.00
Furniture and Fixture PHP12,000.00
Stationeries and Supplies PHP5,890.00
Total PHP605,890.00

Summary Operational Cost

Particular Cost Amount
Personnel PHP4,992,480.00
Expenses PHP605,890.00
Total PHP5,598,370.00

1. The proponents think that it’s best if there is a specific station or
place that the system can be placed on in each classroom to avoid it
being physically damaged by being carried or assembled every time a
class occurs.

2. It is also wise if the professor in charge would take charge and look
after the system in question.
Online Sources
Joseph, A. et al. (2019, April 24). Smart Student Attendance System Using
QR Code.

Talip, B. and Zulkifli M. (2019, September 6). Mobile Attendance System

Using QR Codes Technology.

Galgo , J. J. . (2020). Efficacy of Scan Attendance Manager Application Using

Quick Response Code in Dagohoy National High School, Bohol,
Philippines. International Journal of English Language Studies, 2(4), 1-12.

Molina, C. (2018, June 29). Techy teacher tracks students class attendance
via QR codes. Inquiret.Net

Anawar, S. (2018, November 9). Location-aware Event Attendance System

using QR Code and GPS Technology.

Galib, N. (2019, December 5). Smart Attendance System Using QR


Barlin, R. et al. (2019, August). QR Code Attendance Checker in

Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila Senior High School

Lun Y. (2019, April). Smart Attendance System Using QR Code.

Gantt Chart

Context Diagram

Data Flow Diagram


Entity Relationship Diagram


Data Dictionary

To further understand the data being saved in the data base, the data
dictionary will help to show the field of the tables.

Table Student

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in

Student ID of
Student ID Student_ID Int 6
Primary Key

First name of
the student
First Name FN Varchar 30

Middle name
of the student
Middle Name MN Varchar 30

Last name of
the student
Last Name LN Varchar 30

Gender of the
Gender Student_Gender Varchar 6

Address of
the student
Address Student_Address Varchar 50

Section of the
Section SEC Varchar 20

Username of
the student
Username Username Varchar 15

Password of
the student
Password Password Varchar 8
ID of the
Admin ID Admin_ID Int 9

Table 1: Database Table of Student

Table Class

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in

Class code
for the class
Class Code Class_Code Varchar 8 meeting

Day of the
class meeting
Days Days Varchar 15

Start time of
the class
Start Time Start_Time Time 6 meeting

End time of
the class
End Time End_Time Time 6 meeting

Table 2: Database Table of Class

Table Professor

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in

Student ID of
Professor ID Professor_ID Int 6
Primary Key

First name of
the professor
First Name FN Varchar 30
Middle name
Middle Name MN Varchar 30 theprofessor

Last name of
the professor
Last Name LN Varchar 30

Username of
the professor
Username Username Varchar 15

Password of
the professor
Password Password Varchar 8

ID of the
Admin ID Admin_ID Int 9

Table 3: Database Table of Professor

Table Attendance

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in

Student ID of
Student ID Student_ID Int 6
Primary Key

Student ID of
Professor ID Professor_ID Int 6
Primary Key

Class code
for the class
Class Code Class_Code Varchar 8 meeting

Table 4: Database Table of Attendance

Table Admin

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in

Student ID of
Admin ID Admin_ID Int 6
Primary Key

First name of
the admin
First Name FN Varchar 30

Middle name
of the admin
Middle Name MN Varchar 30

Last name of
the admin
Last Name LN Varchar 30

Username of
the admin
Username Username Varchar 15
Password of
the admin
Password Password Varchar 8

Table 5: Database Table of Admin


Network Design

Program Flowchart

Screenshots with Description

Admin Log in Form

This form will be responsible for the admin’s logging in to the system whether to
check a specific student’s record or the whole class for that matter. Only specific people
can be able to log in and be able to monitor the class’ attendance. The people that
would be able to log in will be the school admin and the professors in charge which will
allow them to scan the class they are holding.

Scanning Form

This form will be the window where students will be able to scan their respective
QR Code. Once the student was able to get their QR Code scanned, the information will
be displayed on the screen as validation and confirmation that they are indeed the
person who owned the QR Code.

Curriculum Vitae
Your photo here

87 San Andres Comp., Gen. Luis St., Brgy. Nagkaisaing Nayon,

Novaliches, Quezon City




Date of Birth: September 10, 2001

Place of Birth: Agutay, Magdiwang, Romblon

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Drawing, basketball, online games, listening to music and painting.



Primary: Nagkaisang Nayon Elementary School

Secondary: Dona Rosario High School (JHS)

Quezon City Polytechnic University (SHS)

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Hard Worker

 Responsible

 Can work under pressure

 Creative

 Positive Thinker

#6 Gen. Luis st. Nagkaisang Nayon

Novaliches, Quezon City




Date of Birth: July 19, 2001

Place of Birth: Quezon City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Swimming, Basketball, Movies



Primary: Paa Elementary School

Secondary: The Sisters of Mary School

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Listener

 Honest

 Sociable

 Cooperative

 Open minded

0009-B Sta. Veronica St. Brgy. Gulod, Quezon City

0905 520 8467



Date of Birth: April 12, 2001

Place of Birth: Quezon City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Travelling, Movies, Reading, Sports



Primary: Our Lord’s Angel School

Secondary: STI College of Novaliches

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Fast Learner

 Analytical

 Willingness to learn

 Time Management

 Hard Working

 Creative

146 Alley 2 Howmart Rd.,

Baesa, Quezon City




Date of Birth: September 14, 1999

Place of Birth: Zamboanga Sibugay

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Dramas, Movies,



Primary: Labuan Central School

Secondary: Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Optimistic

 Hard working

 Organized
Your photo here

#6 Ilang ilang St, Ramirez Comp, Nova Proper

Novaliches, Quezon City

0951 194 3403



Date of Birth: September 4, 2000

Place of Birth: Caloocan

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Basketball,Anime



Primary: Lawang Bato Elementary School

Secondary: Llano High School

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Listener

 Sociable

 Cooperative

 Open minded

6 Sinforosa St. Brgy. Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City




Date of Birth: August 3, 2001

Place of Birth: Tarlac

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Writing, Reading Traveling, Movies



Primary: Aranguren Integrated School

Secondary: St. Peter College of Technology

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Honest

 Hard working

 Fast Learner

 Creative

 Time Management

 Respectful

3307 Francesca Royale, Old Sauyo Rd.,

Novaliches, Quezon City




Date of Birth: August 15, 2000

Place of Birth: Makati

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Music, Traveling, Movies, Writing, Sports, Language



Primary: Sto. Cristo Elementary School

Secondary: Quezon City Polytechnic University

Tertiary: Quezon City University

Bachelor: Quezon City University (Information Technology)



 Optimistic

 Hard working

 Great communication skills

 Initiative

 Organized

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